MM300 Motor Management System: Communications Guide
MM300 Motor Management System: Communications Guide
MM300 Motor Management System: Communications Guide
GE Digital Energy
Motor Management System
Communications Guide
GE Multilin
215 Anderson Avenue, Markham, Ontario T
GE Multilin's Quality
Management System is
Table of contents
Communications interfaces 1
RS485 interface (Modbus RTU) 2
Modbus Protocol 2
Electrical Interface 2
Data Frame Format and Data Rate 2
Data Packet Format 2
Error Checking 3
CRC-16 Algorithm 3
Timing 4
MM300 supported functions 4
Modbus Functions 4
Function Code 03H 4
Function Code 04H 5
Function Code 05H 6
Function Code 06H 7
Function Code 07H 8
Function Code 08H 8
Function Code 10H 9
Error Responses 10
Modbus memory map 11
Format codes 39
Performing Commands Using Function Code 10H 57
Using the User Definable Memory Map 57
Ethernet interface 59
Fieldbus interface 60
Profibus protocol (DP V0) 60
Profibus power supply configuration 61
Profibus DP-parameterization 61
Profibus DP-configuration 61
Profibus Input Data 64
Profibus Output Data 65
Profibus DP-Diagnostics 66
DeviceNet protocol 71
DeviceNet Communications 72
Poll data 72
Identity Object (Class Code 01H) 73
Message Router (Class Code 02H) 73
DeviceNet Object (Class Code 03H) 73
DeviceNet Connection Object (Class Code 05H) 74
DeviceNet Motor Data - Explicit Object (Class Code A0H) 75
DeviceNet - Explicit Motor Analog Data Object, Class Code B0H, Services 77
DeviceNet - Explicit Motor Object, Class Code B1H 79
Change notes 81
Revision history 81
Communications Guide
Communications Guide
1. Communications interfaces
The MM300 has three communications interfaces. These can be used simultaneously:
• RS485
• 10/100Base-T Ethernet
• Fieldbus
Setpoint changes related to DeviceNet, Profibus, and Ethernet, require a power cycle to be
External power must be present on the Fieldbus port at power-up, in order to correctly
For full details, please refer to the MM300 Communications Guide, to be found on the GE
2.1.6 Timing
Data packet synchronization is maintained by timing constraints. The receiving device
must measure the time between the reception of characters. If 3.5 character times elapse
without a new character or completion of the packet, then the communication link must
be reset (i.e. all slaves start listening for a new transmission from the master). Thus at 9600
baud a delay of greater than 3.5 x 1 / 9600 x 10 x = x 3.65 x ms will cause the
communication link to be reset.
Address Data
006B 022B
006C 0000
006D 0064
The slave response to this function code is the slave address, function code, a count of the
data bytes to follow, the data itself and the CRC. Each data item is sent as a two byte
number with the high order byte sent first.
For example, request slave 17 to respond with 1 register starting at address 0008. For this
example the value in this register (0008) is 0000.
SLAVE ADDRESS 1 11 message for slave
FUNCTION CODE 1 04 read registers
DATA STARTING ADDRESS 2 00 08 data starting at
NUMBER OF ACTUAL VALUES 2 00 01 1 register = 2 bytes
CRC 2 B2 98 CRC error code
The commands that can be performed by the MM300 using function code 05 can also be
initiated by using function code 10.
This function is used to test the integrity of the communication link. The MM300 will echo
the request.
For example, consider a loopback test from slave 17:
SLAVE ADDRESS 1 11 message for slave
FUNCTION CODE 1 08 loopback test
DIAG CODE 2 00 00 must be 00 00
DATA 2 00 00 must be 00 00
CRC 2 E0 0B CRC error code
Address Data
04 5C 00 02
04 5D 01 F4
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30001 0000 Product Device Code --- --- --- --- F22 N/A 1
30002 0001 Hardware Revision --- --- --- --- F15 N/A 1
30003 0002 Firmware Version --- --- --- --- F3 N/A 1
30004 0003 Display Software Version --- --- --- --- F3 N/A 1
30005 0004 Modification Number --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30006 0005 Boot Version --- --- --- --- F3 N/A 1
30007 0006 Boot Modification # --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30008 0007 Serial Number --- --- --- --- F22 N/A 6
30014 000D Order Code --- --- --- --- F22 N/A 16
30030 001D MAC Address --- --- --- --- F22 N/A 6
30036 0023 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30037 0024 Build Date --- --- --- --- F22 N/A 6
30043 002A Build Time --- --- --- --- F22 N/A 4
30047 002E Original Calibration Date --- --- --- --- F18 N/A 2
30049 0030 Last Calibration Date --- --- --- --- F18 N/A 2
30051 0032 Communications Build Date --- --- --- --- F22 N/A 6
30057 0038 Communications Build Time --- --- --- --- F22 N/A 4
30061 003C Communications Revision --- --- --- --- F3 N/A 1
30062 003D Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30185 00B8 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30186 00B9 Cause of Last Trip --- --- --- --- FC134 N/A 1
30187 00BA Time of Last Trip 2 words --- --- --- --- F19 N/A 2
30189 00BC Date of Last Trip 2 words --- --- --- --- F18 N/A 2
30191 00BE Motor Speed During Trip --- --- --- --- FC135 N/A 1
30192 00BF Pre Trip Ia --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30194 00C1 Pre Trip Ib --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30196 00C3 Pre Trip Ic --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30198 00C5 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30199 00C6 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30200 00C7 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30201 00C8 Pre Trip Motor Load --- --- --- A F3 N/A 1
30202 00C9 Pre Trip Current Unbalance --- --- --- % F1 N/A 1
30203 00CA Pre Trip Ig --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30205 00CC Pre Trip Vab --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30206 00CD Pre Trip Vbc --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30207 00CE Pre Trip Vca --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30208 00CF Pre Trip Van --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30209 00D0 Pre Trip Vbn --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30210 00D1 Pre Trip Vcn --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30211 00D2 Pre Trip System Frequency --- --- --- Hz F3 N/A 1
30212 00D3 Pre Trip Real Power --- --- --- kW F13 N/A 2
30214 00D5 Pre Trip Reactive Power --- --- --- kvar F13 N/A 2
30216 00D7 Pre Trip Apparent Power --- --- --- kVA F2 N/A 1
30217 00D8 Pre Trip Power Factor --- --- --- --- F21 N/A 1
30218 00D9 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30222 00DD Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30223 00DE Weekday --- --- --- --- FC171 N/A 1
30224 00DF Date Read Only --- --- --- --- F18 N/A 2
30226 00E1 Time Read Only --- --- --- --- F19 N/A 2
30228 00E3 Daylight Savings Active --- --- --- --- FC126 N/A 1
30229 00E4 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30230 00E5 Total Number of Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30231 00E6 Incomplete Sequence Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30232 00E7 Overload Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30233 00E8 Mechanical Jam Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30234 00E9 Undercurrent Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30235 00EA Current Unbalance Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30236 00EB Ground Fault Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30237 00EC Motor Acceleration Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30238 00ED Undervoltage Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30239 00EE Overvoltage Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30240 00EF Voltage Phase Reversal Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30241 00F0 Voltage Freq Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30242 00F1 Underpower Trips --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30243 00F2 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30256 00FF Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30257 0100 Number of Motor Starts --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30258 0101 Number of UV Restarts --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30259 0102 Motor Running Hours --- --- --- hrs F9 N/A 2
30261 0104 UVR Timer --- --- --- s F1 N/A 1
30262 0105 Start Timer 1 --- --- --- s F1 N/A 1
30263 0106 Start Timer 2 --- --- --- s F1 N/A 1
30264 0107 Start Timer 3 --- --- --- s F1 N/A 1
30265 0108 Start Timer 4 --- --- --- s F1 N/A 1
30266 0109 Start Timer 5 --- --- --- s F1 N/A 1
30267 010A TransferTimer --- --- --- s F1 N/A 1
30268 010B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30269 010C Motor Stopped Hours --- --- --- hrs F1 N/A 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30270 010D Overload Lockout --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30271 010E Starts/Hour Block --- --- --- s F1 N/A 1
30272 010F Time Between Starts --- --- --- s F11 N/A 1
30273 0110 Restart Block --- --- --- s F1 N/A 1
30274 0111 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30275 0112 Pre-Contactor Timer --- --- --- s F1 N/A 1
30276 0113 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 2
" " " " " " " " " "
30282 0119 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30283 011A Contact Input 64-33 (Bit Field) --- --- --- --- FC168 N/A 2
30285 011C Contact Input 32-1 (Bit Field) --- --- --- --- FC167 N/A 2
30287 011E Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30288 011F Virtual Input 32-1 (Bit Field) --- --- --- --- FC167 N/A 2
30290 0121 Virtual Output 32-1 (Bit Field) --- --- --- --- FC167 N/A 2
30292 0123 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 2
" " " " " " " " " "
30297 0128 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30298 0129 Contact Output 32-1 (Bit Field) --- --- --- --- FC167 N/A 2
30300 012B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30301 012C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30302 012D Current Security Access Level --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30303 012E Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30304 012F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30305 0130 Motor Status --- --- --- --- FC129 N/A 1
30306 0131 Extended Status --- --- --- --- FC178 N/A 1
30307 0132 Thermal Cap Used --- --- --- % F1 N/A 1
30308 0133 Time to Overload Trip --- --- --- s F20 N/A 2
30310 0135 Drive Status --- --- --- --- FC143 N/A 1
30311 0136 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30312 0137 Command Status --- --- --- --- FC128 N/A 1
30313 0138 Time To Reset --- --- --- min F1 N/A 1
30314 0139 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30327 0146 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30328 0147 Ia --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30330 0149 Ib --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30332 014B Ic --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30334 014D Iavg --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30336 014F Motor Load --- --- --- % F1 N/A 1
30337 0150 Current Unbalance --- --- --- %Ub F1 N/A 1
30338 0151 Ig --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30340 0153 Va1 Angle --- --- --- ° F1 N/A 1
30341 0154 Vb1 Angle --- --- --- ° F1 N/A 1
30342 0155 Vc1 Angle --- --- --- ° F1 N/A 1
30343 0156 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30344 0157 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30357 0164 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30358 0165 Vab --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30359 0166 Vbc --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30360 0167 Vca --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30361 0168 Average Line Voltage --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30362 0169 Van --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30363 016A Vbn --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30364 016B Vcn --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30365 016C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30366 016D Freq --- --- --- Hz F3 N/A 1
30367 016E Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30375 0176 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30376 0177 VAux --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30377 0178 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30383 017E Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30384 017F Power Factor --- --- --- --- F21 N/A 1
30385 0180 Real Power --- --- --- kW F13 N/A 2
30387 0182 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30388 0183 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30389 0184 Reactive Power --- --- --- kvar F13 N/A 2
30391 0186 Apparent Power --- --- --- kVA F2 N/A 1
30392 0187 MWh Consumption --- --- --- MWh F17 N/A 2
30394 0189 Mvarh Consumption --- --- --- Mvarh F17 N/A 2
30396 018B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 2
30398 018D Apparent Power --- --- --- kVA F10 N/A 2
30400 018F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30427 01A9 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30427 01AA Hottest Stator RTD --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30428 01AB Hottest Stator RTD --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30429 01AC RTD 1 Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30430 01AD RTD 2 Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30431 01AE RTD 3 Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30432 01AF RTD 4 Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30433 01B0 RTD 5 Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30434 01B1 RTD 6 Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30435 01B2 Thermistor --- --- --- ohms F1 N/A 1
30436 01B3 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30466 01D1 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30467 01D2 Learned Acceleration Time --- --- --- s F2 N/A 1
30468 01D3 Learned Starting Current --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30470 01D5 Learned Starting Capacity --- --- --- % F1 N/A 1
30471 01D6 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30483 01E2 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30484 01E3 Average Motor Load Learned --- --- --- %FLA F3 N/A 1
30485 01E4 RTD 1 MAX Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30486 01E5 RTD 2 MAX. Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30487 01E6 RTD 3 MAX. Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30488 01E7 RTD 4 MAX. Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30489 01E8 RTD 5 MAX. Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30490 01E9 RTD 6 MAX. Temp --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30491 01EA Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30504 01F7 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30505 01F8 LED Status --- --- --- --- FC144 N/A 2
30507 01FA LED Flash --- --- --- --- FC130 N/A 1
30508 01FB Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30509 01FC LCD Test Color --- --- --- --- FC212 N/A 1
30510 01FD Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30523 020A Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30524 020B User Map Value 1 --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30525 020C User Map Value 2 --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30526 020D User Map Value 3 --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30527 020E User Map Value 4 --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30645 0284 User Map Value 122 --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30646 0285 User Map Value 123 --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30647 0286 User Map Value 124 --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30648 0287 User Map Value 125 --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30649 0288 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30656 028F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30657 0290 Internal Fault Cause --- --- --- --- FC188 N/A 2
30659 0292 Event Recorder Last Reset 2 --- --- --- --- F18 N/A 2
30661 0294 Total Number of Events Since --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
Last Clear
30662 0295 Cause --- --- --- --- FC134 N/A 1
30663 0296 Contactor --- --- --- --- FC136 N/A 1
30664 0297 Time --- --- --- --- F19 N/A 2
30666 0299 Date --- --- --- --- F18 N/A 2
30668 029B Ia --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30670 029D Ib --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30672 029F Ic --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30674 02A1 Motor Load --- --- --- x FLA F3 N/A 1
30675 02A2 Iunb --- --- --- % F1 N/A 1
30676 02A3 Ig --- --- --- A F10 N/A 2
30678 02A5 Vab --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30679 02A6 Vbc --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30680 02A7 Vca --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30681 02A8 Van --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30682 02A9 Vbn --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30683 02AA Vcn --- --- --- V F1 N/A 1
30684 02AB Freq --- --- --- Hz F3 N/A 1
30685 02AC Power Factor --- --- --- --- F21 N/A 1
30686 02AD Real Power --- --- --- kW F13 N/A 2
30688 02AF Reactive Power --- --- --- kvar F13 N/A 2
30690 02B1 Apparent Power --- --- --- kVA F2 N/A 1
30691 02B2 Hottest Stator RTD --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
30692 02B3 Hottest Stator RTD --- --- --- °C F4 N/A 1
30693 02B4 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
30709 2C4 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30710 2C5 Trace Memory Trigger Date 0 0XDC1F082E 0 N/A F18 0 2
30712 2C7 Trace Memory Trigger Time 0 0XDC1F082E 0 N/A F19 0 2
30714 2C9 Trace Memory Trigger Cause 0 119 0 N/A FC134 0 1
30715 2CA Trace Memory Trigger 20 120 1 N/A F3 0 1
30716 2CB Total Trace Memory Triggers 0 1 1 N/A F1 0 1
30717 2CC Buffer Organization 0 3 1 N/A F1 0 1
30718 2CD Trigger Position 0 100 1 N/A F1 0 1
30719 2CE Trace Memory Start Index 0 2047 1 N/A F1 0 1
30720 2CF Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30721 2D0 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30722 2D1 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30723 2D2 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30724 2D3 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30725 2D4 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30726 2D5 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30727 2D6 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30728 2D7 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30729 2D8 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30730 2D9 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30731 2DA Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30732 2DB Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30733 2DC Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30734 2DD Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30735 2DE Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30736 2DF Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30737 2E0 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30738 2E1 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30739 2E2 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30740 2E3 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30741 2E4 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30742 2E5 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30743 2E6 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30744 2E7 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30745 2E8 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30746 2E9 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30747 2EA Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30748 2EB Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30749 2EC Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30750 2ED Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30751 2EE Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30752 2EF Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30753 2F0 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30754 2F1 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30755 2F2 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30756 2F3 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30757 2F4 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30758 2F5 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30759 2F6 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30760 2F7 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30761 2F8 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30762 2F9 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30763 2FA Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30764 2FB Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30765 2FC Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30766 2FD Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30767 2FE Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30768 2FF Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30769 300 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30770 301 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30771 302 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30772 303 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30773 304 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30774 305 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30775 306 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30776 307 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30777 308 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30778 309 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30779 30A Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30780 30B Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30781 30C Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30782 30D Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30783 30E Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30784 30F Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30785 310 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30786 311 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30787 312 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30788 313 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30789 314 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30790 315 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30791 316 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30792 317 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30793 318 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30794 319 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30795 31A Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30796 31B Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30797 31C Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30798 31D Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30799 31E Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30800 31F Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30801 320 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30802 321 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30803 322 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30804 323 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30805 324 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30806 325 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30807 326 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30808 327 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30809 328 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30810 329 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30811 32A Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30812 32B Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30813 32C Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30814 32D Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30815 32E Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30816 32F Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30817 330 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30818 331 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30819 332 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30820 333 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30821 334 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30822 335 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30823 336 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30824 337 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30825 338 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30826 339 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30827 33A Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30828 33B Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30829 33C Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30830 33D Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30831 33E Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30832 33F Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30833 340 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30834 341 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
30835 342 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30836 343 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30837 344 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30838 345 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30839 346 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30840 347 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30841 348 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30842 349 Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30843 34A Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30844 34B Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30845 34C Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30846 34D Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30847 34E Sample Index + Trace Memory -32767 32767 1 N/A F4 0 1
30951 03B6 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30952 03B7 Alarm Status 4 --- --- --- --- FC182 N/A 2
30954 03B9 Alarm Status 3 --- --- --- --- FC181 N/A 2
30956 03BB Alarm Status 2 --- --- --- --- FC180 N/A 2
30958 03BD Alarm Status 1 --- --- --- --- FC179 N/A 2
30960 03BF Trip Status 4 --- --- --- --- FC186 N/A 2
30962 03C1 Trip Status 3 --- --- --- --- FC185 N/A 2
30964 03C3 Trip Status 2 --- --- --- --- FC184 N/A 2
30966 03C5 Trip Status 1 --- --- --- --- FC183 N/A 2
30968 03C7 Message Status 4 --- --- --- --- FC190 N/A 2
30970 03C9 Message Status 3 --- --- --- --- FC189 N/A 2
30972 03CB Message Status 2 --- --- --- --- FC188 N/A 2
30974 03CD Message Status 1 --- --- --- --- FC187 N/A 2
30976 03CF Ctrl Element Status 4 --- --- --- --- FC194 N/A 2
30978 03D1 Ctrl Element Status 3 --- --- --- --- FC193 N/A 2
30980 03D3 Ctrl Element Status 2 --- --- --- --- FC192 N/A 2
30982 03D5 Ctrl Element Status 1 --- --- --- --- FC191 N/A 2
30984 03D7 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30985 03D8 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30986 03D9 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
30987 03DA Element Flag --- --- --- --- FC145 N/A 384
31371 055A Program Status --- --- --- --- FC109 N/A 1
31372 055B Flex Lines Used --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
31373 055C Error Line --- --- --- --- F1 N/A 1
31374 055D Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
31375 055E Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
31376 055F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
31377 0560 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
31378 0561 Serial Status --- --- --- --- FC112 N/A 1
31379 0562 Ethernet Status --- --- --- --- FC112 N/A 1
31380 0563 Profibus Status --- --- --- --- FC112 N/A 1
31381 0564 DeviceNet Status --- --- --- --- FC112 N/A 1
31382 0565 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
32272 08DF Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40001 0000 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40128 007F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40129 0080 Command address 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40130 0081 Command Function 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40131 0082 Command Data 1 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40132 0083 Command Data 2 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40133 0084 Command Data 3 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40134 0085 Command Data 4 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40135 0086 Command Data 5 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40136 0087 Command Data 6 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40137 0088 Command Data 7 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40138 0089 Command Data 8 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40139 008A Command Data 9 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40140 008B Command Data 10 0 65535 0 --- F1 0 1
40141 008C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40171 00AA Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40172 00AB Slave Address 1 254 1 --- F1 254 1
40173 00AC RS485 Baud Rate 0 4 1 --- FC101 4 1
40174 00AD Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40175 00AE Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40176 00AF Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40177 00B0 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40178 00B1 DeviceNet MAC ID 0 63 1 --- F1 63 1
40179 00B2 DeviceNet Baud Rate 0 2 1 --- FC156 0 1
40180 00B3 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40181 00B4 NTP IP Address 0 0xFFFFFFFF 1 --- FC150 0 2
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
40183 00B6 Ethernet IP address 0 0xFFFFFFFF 1 --- FC150 0 2
40185 00B8 Ethernet subnet mask 0 0xFFFFFFFF 1 --- FC150 0xFFFFFC00 2
40187 00BA Ethernet gateway address 0 0xFFFFFFFF 1 --- FC150 0 2
40189 00BC Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40190 00BD Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40191 00BE Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40192 00BF Profibus address 1 125 1 --- F1 125 1
40193 00C0 Profibus Baud Rate 1 2018 1 --- FC155 2018 1
40194 00C1 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40227 00E2 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40228 00E3 Set Date 0 0x0C1F082E 0 --- F18 0 2
40230 00E5 Set Time 0 0x173B3B63 0 --- F19 0 2
40232 00E7 Time Offset From UTC -2400 2400 25 hrs F6 0 1
40233 00E8 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40234 00E9 Daylight Savings 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40235 00EA DST Start Month 0 12 1 --- FC169 0 1
40236 00EB DST Start Week 0 5 1 --- FC170 0 1
40237 00EC DST Start Weekday 0 7 1 --- FC171 0 1
40238 00ED DST End Month 0 12 1 --- FC169 0 1
40239 00EE DST End Week 0 5 1 --- FC170 0 1
40240 00EF DST End Weekday 0 7 1 --- FC171 0 1
40241 00F0 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40261 0104 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40262 0105 Virtual Input 32-1 (Bit Field) 0 0xFFFFFFFF 1 --- FC167 0 2
40264 0107 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40265 0108 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40266 0109 Phase CT Type 0 3 1 --- FC105 0 1
40267 010A CT Primary 5 1000 1 A F1 5 1
40268 010B Ground CT Type 0 2 1 --- FC104 2 1
40269 010C High Speed CT Primary 5 1000 1 A F1 5 1
40270 010D Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40275 0112 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40276 0113 3 Phase Voltage Connection 0 1 1 --- FC106 0 1
40277 0114 Aux VT Connection 0 8 1 --- FC176 0 1
40278 0115 Aux VT Primary 110 690 1 V F1 415 1
40279 0116 Aux VT Secondary 110 300 1 V F1 110 1
40280 0117 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40281 0118 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40282 0119 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
40283 011A Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40284 011B Supply Frequency 0 1 1 Hz FC107 0 1
40285 011C Motor Name 0 10 0 --- F22 3 10
40295 0126 Starter Type 0 7 1 --- FC139 0 1
40296 0127 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40297 0128 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40298 0129 Motor FLA 5 10001 1 A F2* 10001 1
40299 012A High Speed FLA 5 10001 1 A F2* 10001 1
40300 012B Motor Nameplate Voltage 100 690 1 V F1 690 1
40301 012C Change Over Current 10 51 1 x FLA F2* 15 1
40302 012D Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40303 012E Transfer Time 0 125 1 s F1 1 1
40304 012F High Speed Start Block 0 1 1 --- FC126 1 1
40305 0130 Ramp Up Time 0 125 1 s F1 1 1
40306 0131 Ramp Down Time 0 125 1 s F1 1 1
40307 0132 Pre-contactor Time 0 60 1 s F1 0 1
40308 0133 Motor Rating 3 11001 1 kW F2* 11001 1
40309 0134 High Speed Motor Rating 3 11001 1 kW F2* 11001 1
40310 0135 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40316 013B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40317 013C IL Ignore In Test 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40318 013D IL A Name 0 10 1 --- F22 4 10
40328 0147 IL A Function 0 3 1 --- FC140 0 1
40329 0148 IL A Inst Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40330 0149 IL A Startup Override 0 3600 1 s F1 0 1
40331 014A IL A Running Override 0 3601 1 s F1* 0 1
40332 014B IL A Healthy State 0 1 1 --- FC116 1 1
40333 014C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40337 0150 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40338 0151 IL B Name 0 10 1 --- F22 5 10
40348 015B IL B Function 0 3 1 --- FC140 0 1
40349 015C IL B Inst Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40350 015D IL B Startup Override 0 3600 1 s F1 0 1
40351 015E IL B Running Override 0 3601 1 s F1* 0 1
40352 015F IL B Healthy State 0 1 1 --- FC116 1 1
40353 0160 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40357 0164 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40358 0165 IL C Name 0 10 1 --- F22 6 10
40368 016F IL C Function 0 3 1 --- FC140 0 1
40369 0170 IL C Inst Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40370 0171 IL C Startup Override 0 3600 1 s F1 0 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
40371 0172 IL C Running Override 0 3601 1 s F1* 0 1
40372 0173 IL C Healthy State 0 1 1 --- FC116 1 1
40373 0174 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40377 0178 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40378 0179 IL D Name 0 10 1 --- F22 7 10
40388 0183 IL D Function 0 3 1 --- FC140 0 1
40389 0184 IL D Inst Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40390 0185 IL D Startup Override 0 3600 1 s F1 0 1
40391 0186 IL D Running Override 0 3601 1 s F1* 0 1
40392 0187 IL D Healthy State 0 1 1 --- FC116 1 1
40393 0188 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40397 018C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40398 018D IL E Name 0 10 1 --- F22 8 10
40408 0197 IL E Function 0 3 1 --- FC140 0 1
40409 0198 IL E Inst Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40410 0199 IL E Startup Override 0 3600 1 s F1 0 1
40411 019A IL E Running Override 0 3601 1 s F1* 0 1
40412 019B IL E Healthy State 0 1 1 --- FC116 1 1
40413 019C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40417 01A0 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40418 01A1 IL F Name 0 10 1 --- F22 9 10
40428 01AB IL F Function 0 3 1 --- FC140 0 1
40429 01AC IL F Inst Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40430 01AD IL F Startup Override 0 3600 1 s F1 0 1
40431 01AE IL F Running Override 0 3601 1 s F1* 0 1
40432 01AF IL F Healthy State 0 1 1 --- FC116 1 1
40433 01B0 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40437 01B4 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40438 01B5 IL G Name 0 10 1 --- F22 10 10
40448 01BF IL G Function 0 3 1 --- FC140 0 1
40449 01C0 IL G Inst Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40450 01C1 IL G Startup Override 0 3600 1 s F1 0 1
40451 01C2 IL G Running Override 0 3601 1 s F1* 0 1
40452 01C3 IL G Healthy State 0 1 1 --- FC116 1 1
40453 01C4 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40457 01C8 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40458 01C9 IL H Name 0 10 1 --- F22 11 10
40468 01D3 IL H Function 0 3 1 --- FC140 0 1
40469 01D4 IL H Inst Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40470 01D5 IL H Startup Override 0 3600 1 s F1 0 1
40471 01D6 IL H Running Override 0 3601 1 s F1* 0 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
40472 01D7 IL H Healthy State 0 1 1 --- FC116 1 1
40473 01D8 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40477 01DC Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40478 01DD IL I Name 0 10 1 --- F22 12 10
40488 01E7 IL I Function 0 3 1 --- FC140 0 1
40489 01E8 IL I Inst Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40490 01E9 IL I Startup Override 0 3600 1 s F1 0 1
40491 01EA IL I Running Override 0 3601 1 s F1* 0 1
40492 01EB IL I Healthy State 0 1 1 --- FC116 1 1
40493 01EC Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40497 01F0 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40498 01F1 IL J Name 0 10 1 --- F22 13 10
40508 01FB IL J Function 0 3 1 --- FC140 0 1
40509 01FC IL J Inst Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40510 01FD IL J Startup Override 0 3600 1 s F1 0 1
40511 01FE IL J Running Override 0 3601 1 s F1* 0 1
40512 01FF IL J Healthy State 0 1 1 --- FC116 1 1
40513 0200 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40514 0201 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40515 0202 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40516 0203 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40517 0204 Comms OK Evaluation 0 64 1 --- FC131 1 1
40518 0205 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40519 0206 Comm Failure Trip 5 30 5 s F1* 30 1
40520 0207 Comm Failure Alarm 5 30 5 s F1* 30 1
40521 0208 Open Ctrl Circuit Trip 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40522 0209 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40523 020A Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40524 020B User Map Address 1 30001 43763 1 --- F1 30001 1
40525 020C User Map Address 2 30001 43763 1 --- F1 30001 1
40526 020D User Map Address 3 30001 43763 1 --- F1 30001 1
40527 020E User Map Address 4 30001 43763 1 --- F1 30001 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40645 0284 User Map Address 122 30001 43763 1 --- F1 30001 1
40646 0285 User Map Address 123 30001 43763 1 --- F1 30001 1
40647 0286 User Map Address 124 30001 43763 1 --- F1 30001 1
40648 0287 User Map Address 125 30001 43763 1 --- F1 30001 1
40649 0288 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40658 0291 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
40659 0292 Event Recorder Function 0 1 1 --- FC126 1 1
40660 0293 Recording of Trip Events 0 1 1 --- FC126 1 1
40661 0294 Recording of Alarm Events 0 1 1 --- FC126 1 1
40662 0295 Recording of Control Events 0 1 1 --- FC126 1 1
40663 0296 Recording of Logic Input 0 1 1 --- FC126 1 1
40664 0297 Recording of Level Events 0 1 1 --- FC126 1 1
40665 0298 Recording of Dropout Events 0 1 1 --- FC126 1 1
40666 0299 Recording of Set Time/Date 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40667 029A Event Record Selector 1 65535 1 --- F1 1 1
40668 029B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40700 02BB Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40701 02BC Reset Lockout Using Reset Key 0 1 0 --- FC126 0 1
40702 02BD Overload Pickup Level 101 125 1 x FLA F3 101 1
40703 02BE Unbalance K Factor 0 19 1 --- F1 0 1
40704 02BF Cool Time Constant Running 1 1000 1 min F1 15 1
40705 02C0 Cool Time Constant Stopped 1 1000 1 min F1 30 1
40706 02C1 Hot/Cold Safe Stall Ratio 1 100 1 % F1 75 1
40707 02C2 Thermal Capacity Alarm Level 10 101 1 % F1* 101 1
40708 02C3 Standard Overload Curve 1 15 1 --- F1 4 1
40709 02C4 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40710 02C5 RTD Bias - Minimum T 0 251 1 °C F1* 251 1
40711 02C6 RTD Bias - Center T 0 251 1 °C F1* 251 1
40712 02C7 RTD Bias - Maximum T 0 251 1 °C F1* 251 1
40713 02C8 Minimize Reset Time 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40714 02C9 Overload Reset Mode 0 1 1 --- FC160 1 1
40715 02CA Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40716 02CB Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40717 02CC Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40718 02CD Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40719 02CE Mechanical Jam Level 101 451 1 x FLA F3* 451 1
40720 02CF Mechanical Jam Delay 1 300 1 s F2 1 1
40721 02D0 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40728 02D7 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40729 02D8 RTD Open/Short Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40730 02D9 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
40734 02DD Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
40735 02DE RTD 1 Application 0 4 1 --- FC121 0 1
40736 02DF RTD 1 Name 0 10 1 --- F22 14 10
40746 02E9 RTD 1 Alarm Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40747 02EA RTD 1 Trip Voting 0 6 1 --- FC122 0 1
40748 02EB RTD 1 Trip Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40749 02EC RTD 2 Application 0 4 1 --- FC121 0 1
40750 02ED RTD 2 Name 0 10 1 --- F22 15 10
40760 02F7 RTD 2 Alarm Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40761 02F8 RTD 2 Trip Voting 0 6 1 --- FC122 0 1
40762 02F9 RTD 2 Trip Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40763 02FA RTD 3 Application 0 4 1 --- FC121 0 1
40764 02FB RTD 3 Name 0 10 1 --- F22 16 10
40774 0305 RTD 3 Alarm Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40775 0306 RTD 3 Trip Voting 0 6 1 --- FC122 0 1
40776 0307 RTD 3 Trip Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40777 0308 RTD 4 Application 0 4 1 --- FC121 0 1
40778 0309 RTD 4 Name 0 10 1 --- F22 17 10
40788 0313 RTD 4 Alarm Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40789 0314 RTD 4 Trip Voting 0 6 1 --- FC122 0 1
40790 0315 RTD 4 Trip Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40791 0316 RTD 5 Application 0 4 1 --- FC121 0 1
40792 0317 RTD 5 Name 0 10 1 --- F22 18 10
40802 0321 RTD 5 Alarm Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40803 0322 RTD 5 Trip Voting 0 6 1 --- FC122 0 1
40804 0323 RTD 5 Trip Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40805 0324 RTD 6 Application 0 4 1 --- FC121 0 1
40806 0325 RTD 6 Name 0 10 1 --- F22 19 10
40816 032F RTD 6 Alarm Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40817 0330 RTD 6 Trip Voting 0 6 1 --- FC122 0 1
40818 0331 RTD 6 Trip Temp -50 251 1 °C F4* 251 1
40819 0332 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40824 0337 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40825 0338 Cold Resistance 1 300 1 k ohms F2 1 1
40826 0339 Hot Resistance 1 300 1 k ohms F2 50 1
40827 033A Thermistor Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40828 033B Thermistor Trip 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40829 033C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
40833 0340 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40834 0341 Undercurrent Alarm Level 1 101 1 %FLA F1* 101 1
40835 0342 Undercurrent Alarm Delay 1 60 1 s F1 1 1
40836 0343 Undercurrent Trip Level 1 101 1 %FLA F1* 101 1
40837 0344 Undercurrent Trip Delay 1 60 1 s F1 1 1
40838 0345 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40839 0346 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40840 0347 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40841 0348 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40842 0349 Underpower Alarm Level 1 101 1 %MNR F1* 101 1
40843 034A Underpower Alarm Delay 1 60 1 s F1 1 1
40844 034B Underpower Trip Level 1 101 1 %MNR F1* 101 1
40845 034C Underpower Trip Delay 1 60 1 s F1 1 1
40846 034D Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40850 0351 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40851 0352 Acceleration Alarm Timer 5 2501 1 s F2* 2501 1
40852 0353 Acceleration Trip Timer 5 2501 1 s F2* 2501 1
40853 0354 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40854 0355 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40855 0356 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40856 0357 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40857 0358 Current Unbalance Alarm Level 4 41 1 % F1* 15 1
40858 0359 Current Unbalance Alarm 1 60 1 s F1 1 1
40859 035A Current Unbalance Trip Level 4 41 1 % F1* 30 1
40860 035B Current Unbalance Trip Delay 1 60 1 s F1 1 1
40861 035C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40862 035D Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40863 035E Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40864 035F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40865 0360 Ground Alarm Level 10 101 1 %FLA F1* 101 1
40866 0361 CBCT Ground Alarm Level 5 151 1 A F2* 151 1
40867 0362 Ground Alarm Delay On Start 0 60 1 s F1 10 1
40868 0363 Ground Trip Level 10 101 1 %FLA F1* 101 1
40869 0364 CBCT Ground Trip Level 5 151 1 A F2* 151 1
40870 0365 Ground Trip Delay On Start 0 100 1 s F2 0 1
40871 0366 Ground Alarm Delay On Run 0 60 1 s F1 10 1
40872 0367 Ground Trip Delay On Run 0 50 1 s F2 0 1
40873 0368 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40874 0369 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
40875 036A Load Increase Alarm Level 50 151 1 %FLA F1* 151 1
40876 036B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40877 036C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40878 036D Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40879 036E Undervoltage Alarm Level 60 100 1 %MNV F1* 100 1
40880 036F Undervoltage Alarm Delay 1 60 1 s F1 30 1
40881 0370 Undervoltage Trip Level 60 100 1 %MNV F1* 100 1
40882 0371 Undervoltage Trip Delay 1 60 1 s F1 30 1
40883 0372 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
40887 0376 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40888 0377 Aux U/V Alarm 60 91 1 %NCV F1* 91 1
40889 0378 Aux U/V Alarm Delay 1 60 1 s F1 5 1
40890 0379 Aux UV Trip 60 91 1 %NCV F1* 91 1
40891 037A Aux UV Trip Delay 1 60 1 s F1 5 1
40892 037B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40893 037C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40894 037D Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40895 037E Overvoltage Alarm Level 101 121 1 %MNV F1* 121 1
40896 037F Overvoltage Alarm Delay 1 60 1 s F1 30 1
40897 0380 Overvoltage Trip Level 101 121 1 %MNV F1* 121 1
40898 0381 Overvoltage Trip Delay 1 60 1 s F1 30 1
40899 0382 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40900 0383 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40901 0384 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40902 0385 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40903 0386 Voltage Phase Reversal 0 2 1 --- FC140 1 1
40904 0387 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40905 0388 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40906 0389 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40907 038A Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40908 038B VT Fuse Fail 0 2 1 --- FC140 0 1
40909 038C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40910 038D Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40911 038E Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40912 038F Drive Greasing Interval 100 50100 100 hrs F1* 50100 1
40913 0390 Contactor Inspection Interval 100 65000 100 ops F1* 65000 1
40914 0391 Max Motor Stopped Time 10 10010 10 hrs F1* 10010 1
40915 0392 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
40916 0393 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40917 0394 Start Inhibit Margin 0 11 1 % F1* 11 1
40918 0395 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40919 0396 Starts/Hour Limit 1 6 1 --- F1* 6 1
40920 0397 Time Between Starts 1 3601 1 s F1* 3601 1
40921 0398 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40922 0399 Change Mode on Comm Alarm 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40923 039A Change Mode when running 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
40924 039B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40925 039C Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
40926 039D Restart Block Time 1 50001 1 s F1* 50001 1
40927 039E Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41039 040E Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41040 040F Calibration Date 0 203360302 1 --- F18 0 2
41042 0411 Calibration Time 0 389757795 1 --- F19 0 2
41044 0413 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41105 0450 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41106 0451 Passcode Level 1 11111 55556 1 --- F1* 11111 1
41107 0452 Passcode Level 2 11111 55556 1 --- F1* 22222 1
41108 0453 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41109 0454 Access Switch Level 1 3 1 --- F1 1 1
41110 0455 Comms Security 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
41111 0456 MCC Setpoint Access 0 1 1 --- FC126 1 1
41112 0457 Passcode Entry 0 55555 1 --- F1 0 1
41113 0458 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41114 0459 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41115 045A Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41116 045B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41117 045C Timer 1 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41118 045D Timer 1 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41119 045E Timer 1 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41120 045F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41124 0463 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41125 0464 Timer 2 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41126 0465 Timer 2 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41127 0466 Timer 2 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41128 0467 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
" " " " " " " " " "
41132 046B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41133 046C Timer 3 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41134 046D Timer 3 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41135 046E Timer 3 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41136 046F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41140 0473 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41141 0474 Timer 4 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41142 0475 Timer 4 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41143 0476 Timer 4 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41144 0477 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41148 047B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41149 047C Timer 5 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41150 047D Timer 5 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41151 047E Timer 5 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41152 047F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41156 0483 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41157 0484 Timer 6 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41158 0485 Timer 6 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41159 0486 Timer 6 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41160 0487 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41164 048B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41165 048C Timer 7 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41166 048D Timer 7 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41167 048E Timer 7 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41168 048F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41172 0493 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41173 0494 Timer 8 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41174 0495 Timer 8 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41175 0496 Timer 8 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41176 0497 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41180 049B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41181 049C Timer 9 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41182 049D Timer 9 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41183 049E Timer 9 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41184 049F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41188 04A3 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41189 04A4 Timer 10 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41190 04A5 Timer 10 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
41191 04A6 Timer 10 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41192 04A7 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41196 04AB Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41197 04AC Timer 11 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41198 04AD Timer 11 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41199 04AE Timer 11 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41200 04AF Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41204 04B3 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41205 04B4 Timer 12 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41206 04B5 Timer 12 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41207 04B6 Timer 12 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41208 04B7 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41212 04BB Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41213 04BC Timer 13 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41214 04BD Timer 13 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41215 04BE Timer 13 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41216 04BF Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41220 04C3 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41221 04C4 Timer 14 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41222 04C5 Timer 14 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41223 04C6 Timer 14 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41224 04C7 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41228 04CB Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41229 04CC Timer 15 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41230 04CD Timer 15 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41231 04CE Timer 15 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41232 04CF Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41236 04D3 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41237 04D4 Timer 16 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41238 04D5 Timer 16 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41239 04D6 Timer 16 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41240 04D7 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41244 04DB Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41245 04DC Timer 17 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41246 04DD Timer 17 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41247 04DE Timer 17 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41248 04DF Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41252 04E3 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
41253 04E4 Timer 18 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41254 04E5 Timer 18 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41255 04E6 Timer 18 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41256 04E7 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41260 04EB Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41261 04EC Timer 19 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41262 04ED Timer 19 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41263 04EE Timer 19 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41264 04EF Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41268 04F3 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41269 04F4 Timer 20 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41270 04F5 Timer 20 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41271 04F6 Timer 20 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41272 04F7 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41276 04FB Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41277 04FC Timer 21 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41278 04FD Timer 21 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41279 04FE Timer 21 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41280 04FF Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41284 0503 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41285 0504 Timer 22 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41286 0505 Timer 22 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41287 0506 Timer 22 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41288 0507 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41292 050B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41293 050C Timer 23 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41294 050D Timer 23 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41295 050E Timer 23 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41296 050F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41300 0513 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41301 0514 Timer 24 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41302 0515 Timer 24 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41303 0516 Timer 24 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41304 0517 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41308 051B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41309 051C Timer 25 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41310 051D Timer 25 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41311 051E Timer 25 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41312 051F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
" " " " " " " " " "
41316 0523 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41317 0524 Timer 26 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41318 0525 Timer 26 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41319 0526 Timer 26 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41320 0527 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41324 052B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41325 052C Timer 27 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41326 052D Timer 27 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41327 052E Timer 27 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41328 052F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41332 0533 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41333 0534 Timer 28 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41334 0535 Timer 28 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41335 0536 Timer 28 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41336 0537 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41340 053B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41341 053C Timer 29 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41342 053D Timer 29 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41343 053E Timer 29 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41344 053F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41348 0543 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41349 0544 Timer 30 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41350 0545 Timer 30 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41351 0546 Timer 30 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41352 0547 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41356 054B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41357 054C Timer 31 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41358 054D Timer 31 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41359 054E Timer 31 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41360 054F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41364 0553 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41365 0554 Timer 32 Type 0 2 1 --- FC141 0 1
41366 0555 Timer 32 Pickup Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41367 0556 Timer 32 Dropout Delay 0 1000 1 --- F1 1 1
41368 0557 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41372 055B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41373 055C U/V Restart Inhibit 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
41374 055D Lockout Reset 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41375 055E Access Switch 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41376 055F Field Permissive 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41377 0560 Comms Permissive 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41378 0561 Forward Limit 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41379 0562 Reverse Limit 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41380 0563 Remote Reset 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41381 0564 MCC Permissive 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41382 0565 Hard Wired Start A 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41383 0566 Hard Wired Start B 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41384 0567 Hard Wired Stop 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41385 0568 Hard Wired Permissive 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41386 0569 Field Start A 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41387 056A Field Start B 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41388 056B Field Stop 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41389 056C Contactor Status A 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41390 056D Contactor Status B 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41391 056E Auto/Manual Switch 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41392 056F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41393 0570 Test Switch 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41394 0571 Process Interlock A 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41395 0572 Process Interlock B 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41396 0573 Process Interlock C 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41397 0574 Process Interlock D 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41398 0575 Process Interlock E 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41399 0576 Process Interlock F 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41400 0577 Process Interlock G 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41401 0578 Process Interlock H 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41402 0579 Process Interlock I 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41403 057A Process Interlock J 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41404 057B Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41470 05BD Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41471 05BE Self Test Action 0 1 1 --- FC111 0 1
41472 05BF Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41473 05C0 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41474 05C1 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41475 05C2 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41476 05C3 Orange LED Intensity 0 15 1 --- FC147 0 1
41477 05C4 Green LED Intensity 0 15 1 --- FC147 0 1
41478 05C5 Red LED Intensity 0 15 1 --- FC147 0 1
41479 05C6 LED colour invert 0 1 1 --- FC177 0 1
41480 05C7 Tripped LED Flasher 0 1 1 --- FC103 0 1
41481 05C8 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
" " " " " " " " " "
41494 05D5 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41495 05D6 USER1 LED Assignment 0 57344 1 --- FC142 0 1
41496 05D7 USER1 LED Colour 0 3 1 --- FC157 1 1
41497 05D8 USER2 LED Assignment 0 57344 1 --- FC142 0 1
41498 05D9 USER2 LED Colour 0 3 1 --- FC157 1 1
41499 05DA USER3 LED Assignment 0 57344 1 --- FC142 0 1
41500 05DB USER3 LED Colour 0 3 1 --- FC157 1 1
41501 05DC Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41514 05E9 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41515 05EA Contact Output 1 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41516 05EB Contact Output 2 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41517 05EC Contact Output 3 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41518 05ED Contact Output 4 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41543 0606 Contact Output 29 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41544 0607 Contact Output 30 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41545 0608 Contact Output 31 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41546 0609 Contact Output 32 0 57344 0 --- FC142 0 1
41547 060A Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41552 060F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41553 0610 Under Voltage Restart 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
41554 0611 UVR Short Dip Time 100 510 10 ms F1* 200 1
41555 0612 UVR Med Dip Time 1 100 1 s F2 20 1
41556 0613 UVR Long Dip Time 5 605 5 min F2* 605 1
41557 0614 UVR Med Dip Delay 2 600 2 s F2 20 1
41558 0615 UVR Long Dip Delay 10 12000 10 s F2 100 1
41559 0616 UVR Dropout Level 60 100 1 % F1 65 1
41560 0617 UVR Pickup Level 60 100 1 % F1 90 1
41561 0618 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
41571 0622 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41572 0623 Comms Start Ctrl 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
41573 0624 Comms Stop Mode 0 1 1 --- FC172 0 1
41574 0625 Hard Wired Start Ctrl 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
41575 0626 Hard Wired Stop Mode 0 1 1 --- FC172 0 1
41576 0627 Hard Wired Stop Actn 0 1 1 --- FC174 0 1
41577 0628 Hard Wired 2W/3W 0 1 1 --- FC173 1 1
41578 0629 Field Start Ctrl 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
41579 062A Field Stop Mode 0 1 1 --- FC172 0 1
41580 062B Field Stop Action 0 1 1 --- FC174 0 1
Modbus Hex Description Min Max Step Units Format Default Size in
41581 062C Field 2W/3W 0 1 1 --- FC173 1 1
41582 062D MCC Start Ctrl 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
41583 062E MCC Stop Mode 0 1 1 --- FC172 0 1
41584 062F MCC Stop Action 0 1 1 --- FC174 0 1
41585 0630 Test Auto Mode 0 2 1 --- FC175 1 1
41586 0631 Test Manual Mode 0 2 1 --- FC175 0 1
41587 0632 External Stop Action 0 1 1 --- FC174 0 1
41588 0633 Auto/Manual Key 0 1 1 --- FC126 0 1
41589 0634 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 7
" " " " " " " " " "
41696 069F Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
41697 06A0 Flex Equation 0 65535 1 --- FC142 1024 512
42209 08A0 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 1
" " " " " " " " " "
43763 0EB2 Reserved --- --- --- --- --- --- 2
1.Maximum setpoint values represent OFF.
For example, if the values of MOTOR LOAD (register address 014FH; modbus address
30336) and DRIVE STATUS (register address 0135H; modbus address 30310) are required to
be read from a MM300, their addresses may be re-mapped as follows:
1. Write 30336 to address 020BH (40524) (User Definable Register Index 0000) using
function code 06 or 16.
2. Write 30310 to address 020CH (40525) (User Definable Register Index 0001) using
function code 06 or 16.
The MM300PC software can be used to write these locations to the User Definable Register
Index using the Setpoints > Modbus Memory Map > User Map screen.
It is now possible to read these two data registers with one read, at addresses 020BH,
020CH. Address 020BH will contain MOTOR LOAD. Address 020CH will contain DRIVE
3. Ethernet interface
The 10/100Base-T Ethernet interface is configured as a Modbus RTU slave. The Ethernet
port has the following characteristics.
• Configuration: setup using IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address.
• Supported Modbus function codes: 3, 4, 5, 6, and 16.
• Supports time/date synchronization via the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
• Ethernet port 502.
• Supports a maximum of 5 virtual connections.
The Ethernet interface has the same memory map layout as the serial Modbus RTU
Network Time Protocol is enabled if the NTP address is non-zero and the source is
Once connected to the source, the clock is updated every 30 seconds.
If the IP address of the relay is changed for any reason, the relay must be powered down
4. Fieldbus interface
The Fieldbus interface is configurable as either Profibus DPV0 or DeviceNet. Both Fieldbus
interfaces support control and status – refer to the MM300 Communications Guide for
map details.
Note that external power, 5 to 24 VDC, is required for this interface to operate. (Ensure that
switches 7 and 8 of the DIPswitch on the communication card, are ON.)
The Modbus status (MS) and network status (NS) LEDs indicate the status of the Fieldbus
Table 11: Profibus LED indications
LED Color Description
MS Green Processor OK
Off Processor FAIL
NS Green Communications to master OK
Red Communications to master FAIL
When used for Profibus, the Fieldbus port has the following characteristics.
• Baud rate: 9600, 19200, 31250, 45450, 93750, 187500, 500000, and 1.5M bps (auto-
detect) *
• Address: 1 to 126
• Vendor ID: 4D20 (hex)
• Data table size: inputs = 174 bytes, outputs = 2 bytes
• To be actioned, output bit must be 1 for a minimum time of 100 ms.
* Profibus communications will operate only in 1.5Mbps or auto-detect with the present
implementation. Auto-detect includes all listed baud rates.
The Profibus DP Master must read the GSE (Device Master Data) file of the MM300 for the
purposes of configuration and parameterization. The GSE file for the MM300 is named
Figure 1: Comms board power supply configuration
ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
If the "87 Words In, 1 Word Out" module is not selected and a lower number of Input Data
bytes is desired, modules with varying sizes of Input data are also provided in the GSE file.
Adding modules in your Master configuration increases the size of the total block of data
(starting from address zero) that the Master will read, allowing customization of the Input
data size up to the maximum of 87 words.
The following diagram shows a possible DP Master configuration menu. In this example,
the full set of available MM300 input and output polled data ("87 Words In, 1 Word Out")
has been selected from the available modules in the GSE file. As the maximum has been
selected, no additional modules can be chosen:
Figure 2: Profibus configuration menu
The diagram below shows the input and output data read from the MM300 with the
configuration above
The following DP Master configuration menu shows how a smaller set of I/O poll data can
be chosen from the available modules in the GSE file. In this example, a total of 3 words of
input and 1 word of output polled data has been selected:
Figure 4: Profibus configuration menu
The diagram below shows the input and output data read from the MM300 with the
configuration above. When a size of input data smaller than the maximum is configured,
the data read from the MM300 by the master will start at address 0 of the Profibus Input
Data table (refer to section 4.1.4) and provide data in the order shown in that table, up to
the size configured. In this example, the data read via Input polling will consist of "Motor
Status", "Extended Status", and Thermal Cap. Used".
The extended diagnosis for the relay is composed of 49 bytes (bytes 7 to 55) and contains
diagnostic information according to the following table, with bit descriptions listed in the
following pages.
The following diagram shows an example of the extended diagnostic data sent to the
Profibus master by the MM300. The extended diagnostic data is only provided when one of
the states listed in the above extended diagnostic table has become true. In this example,
the extended diagnostic data has been sent because the "External Start A Alarm" is active.
Such a case would occur when the motor status is running, but no Start A control was
issued by the MM300.
Figure 6: Profibus - extended diagnostic data
The diagram below shows an example of the standard diagnostic data, which is sent once
to the Profibus master after all Extended Diagnostic conditions become false (when
previously true), or if the master specifically issues a diagnostic data request.
Figure 7: Profibus - no extended diagnostic data
The Modbus status (MS) and network status (NS) LEDs indicate the status of the Fieldbus
Table 14: DeviceNet LED indications
LED LED operation Description
MS Green on, red on, green on Device self-test
Flashing green Device in standby state
Green on Device operational
Flashing red Recoverable fault
Red on Unrecoverable fault
NS Flashing green Online, not connected
Green on Online, connected
Flashing red Connection timeout
Red on Critical link failure
Red and green Network access detected
When used for DeviceNet, the fieldbus port has the following characteristics.
• Baud rate: 125, 250, and 500 kbps
• MAC ID: 0 to 63
• Vendor ID: 928
• Product Code: 0x4D42
• Message types: poll, and explicit messaging
The ODVA cable assembly length (0.4 meter) must be considered in calculating the network
01H Identify
02H Message Router
03H DeviceNet
05H Connection
A0H Generic Data - Polling/Explicit
B1H Explicit Control Writes
B0H Analog Data - Explicit
communication is used with the device the user must ensure that the 'Comm Failure Trip'
feature is configured. Refer to the MM300 Instruction manual, page 90 - Communications
Setpoints, under the Home > Setpnts > Cfg > Comms HMI page, for more information.
Figure 8: DeviceNet polled I/O data
Table 18: Identity Object, Class Code 01h, Instance 01h, Attributes:
01h Get Vendor ID UINT 928
02h Get Device Type UINT 12
03h Get Product Code UINT 0x4D42
04h Get Revision (Major, Minor) USINT 1.1
Table 21: Identity Object, Class Code 03h, Instance 01h, Attributes:
01h Get MAC ID USINT 0 to 63
02h Get Baud Rate USINT 0 = 125 kbps
1 = 250 kbps
2 = 500 kbps
05h Get Allocation Choice BYTE Bit 0: Explicit Messaging
Bit 1: polled I/O
Bit 6: acknowledge suppression
Master’s MAC ID USINT 0 to 63: address; 255 = unallocated
Table 23: Connection Object, Class Code 05h, Instance 01h (Explicit Message Connec-
01h Get State BYTE 0x03
02h Get Instance type BYTE 0x00
03h Get Export class trigger BYTE 0x83
04h Get Produced connection ID UINT 10xxxxxx011,
xxxxxx - MAC ID
05h Get Consumed connection ID UINT 10xxxxxx100,
xxxxxx - MAC ID
06h Get Initial comm. characteristics USINT 0x21
07h Get Produced connection size UINT 0x00EF
08h Get Consumed connection size UINT 0x00EF
09h Get/Set Expected package rate UINT 0x0000
0Ch Get/Set Watchdog timeout action USINT 0 = transition to
1 = auto delete
2 = auto reset
3 = deferred delete
0Dh Get Produced path length UINT 0x0000
0Eh Get Produced path BYTE [6] <null>
0Fh Get Consumed path length UINT 0x0000
10h Get Consumed path BYTE [6] <null>
Table 24: Connection Object, Class Code 05h, Instance 02h (Polled Input/Output Con-
01h Get State BYTE 0x03
02h Get Instance type BYTE 0x01
03h Get Export class trigger BYTE 0x82
04h Get Produced connection ID UINT MAC ID
05h Get Consumed connection ID UINT MAC ID
06h Get Initial comm. characteristics USINT 0x01
07h Get Produced connection size UINT 0x0026
08h Get Consumed connection size UINT 0x0001
09h Get/Set Expected package rate UINT 0x0000
0Ch Get/Set Watchdog timeout action USINT 0x00
0Dh Get Produced path length UINT 0x0006
0Eh Get Produced path BYTE [6] variable
0Fh Get Consumed path length UINT 0x0006
10h Get Consumed path BYTE [6] variable
Table 27: Motor Data Object, Class Code A0h, Instance 01h, Attributes, Get Access:
01H Motor Data 38 See below
02H Digital Data 9 See below
03H Summary of Motor Data 7 See below
04H Reserved NA NA
05H Motor status 1 FC129 (low byte only)
06H Motor load (%) 2 F1
07H Cause of last trip 2 FC134
08H Thermal capacity used (%) 2 F1
09H Current metering 8 See below
0AH Average Line Voltage (V) 2 F1
0BH Power metering 6 See below
0CH Contact Input Status 8 BIT per input
0DH Contact Output Status 4 BIT per output
0EH RTD metering 3 See below
4.2.8 DeviceNet - Explicit Motor Analog Data Object, Class Code B0H, Services
Table 28: Explicit Motor Analog Data Object, Class Code B0h, Services:
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Returns the contents of the given attribute
Table 29: Explicit Motor Analog Data Object, Class Code B0h, Attributes:
01H Currents Currents 20
02H Reserved 6
03H Motor load 4
04H Line voltages 8
05H Phase voltages 8
06H Phase voltage angles 6
07H Frequency 2
08H Power 14
09H Energy 12
0AH Local hottest stator RTD and temperature 3
0BH Local RTD temperatures 12
0CH Learned data 10
0DH Motor statistics 8
0EH Cause of trip 2
0FH Last trip date and time 8
10H Currents Last pre-trip currents 16
11H Last pre-trip motor load 4
12H Last pre-trip line voltages 6
13H Last pre-trip phase voltages 6
14H Last pre-trip frequency 2
15H Last pre-trip power 12
16H Trip diagnostic data 12
17H Alarm diagnostic data 12
18H Start block status data 18
19H All actual values 211
Table 32: Explicit Motor Control Object, Class Code B1h, Attributes:
01H Set Control Command BYTE See below
Change notes
Revision history
Table A–1: Revision History