User - Manual Gw-Dlms-485-Emh - 2.092 - En9

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with RS485


Edition 2.0

Tel.: +390458204747
Email: [email protected]
Via della Metallurgia 11
37139 – Verona (VR)
Revision Sheet

Revision Sheet
Release Date Revision Description
Rev. 0 10/05/14 User’s Manual Template and Checklist
Rev. 1 10/06/16 Conversion to new format
Rev. 2 20/02/17 New HomeDLMS page
Rev. 3 20/05/18 New hardware configuration pages
Rev. 4 03/06/19 New user access. Obis added.

User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-EMH Page i


Page #

1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION..........................................................................................................1

1.1 System Overview ........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Features .......................................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Connections ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Digital Input connection ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.2.3 Serial port connections ........................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 CONFIGURATION AND MODBUS MAP ...................................................................................4
2.1 Web Visualization ......................................................................................................................4
2.2 Communication with energy meter ..........................................................................................5
2.3 Gateway Settings ........................................................................................................................5
2.4 Modbus Mapping Area ..............................................................................................................7
3.0 COMMUNICATION ERRORS ....................................................................................................12
3.1 Type of error.............................................................................................................................12
4.0 MECHANICAL FEATURES .......................................................................................................13

User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-EMH Page ii

1.0 General Information


1.1 System Overview

DLMS (Device Language Message Specification) Protocol is used in meters field and specifically in
electric Energy meter to readout consumption and other values. The reference standard is EC 62056.
This standard defines services which permit to read objects, OBIS defined. Inside these objects are
mapped running meter values using standard profiles.
By Gateway DLMS-MODBUS is possible to read DLMS energy meter’s data using MODBUS RTU or
MODBUS TCP protocol. The gateway is completely transparent to DLMS protocol, so user must know
only Modbus protocol.
This Gateway version reads data from counters through the RS485 port and provides value to two
RS232 port MODBUS RTU slave and on an Ethernet port Modbus TCP Server (up to 3 client

User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-EMH Page 1

1.0 General Information

1.2 Features

1.2.1 Connections

Gateway has following communication ports:

• 2 x Serial RS232 port to read energy meter’s data by master Modbus RTU
• 1 x Serial RS485 port to connect to energy meters
• 1 x Ethernet port to read Energy meter’s data by client Modbus TCP
• 1 screw connector to supply gateway 10-30 VDC (min. 2 W)
• Front Signal LED for communication diagnostic
• 2 x Digital Input (*)
• 2 x Digital Output (*)

(*) Their status is mapped in Modbus registers.

1.2.2 Digital Input connection

The schema of two digital input/output connection is:

User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-EMH Page 2

1.0 General Information

1.2.3 Serial port connections

The schema of serial port connections is:

User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-EMH Page 3

2.0 Configuration and Modbus map


2.1 Web Visualization

To view the web pages containing the data read from the counter you need to connect to the network
using the Ethernet RJ45 port available on the gateway. By a web browser, just type the default address
In case of connection failure ensure that you have on your network card address on a subnet
This brings us to the main screen of the Gateway with the values common to all Meter

User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-EMH Page 4

2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

From this page, through the links at the top of the page, you can browse web pages that contain the
data for the single Meter or go on the configuration pages of the Gateway (Home PLC).

2.2 Communication with energy meter

In order to activate communication with energy meter user must insert in proper field Serial coder Meter
x the serial numbers of connected meters.

It’s possible to change baudrate of the port connected to meter from Serial port baudrate selection in
case meter works with speed different from 9600 that usually is standard.
Time between readouts can be set from 10 to 3600 seconds.
String debug is useful to understand the communication with meters.
With GATEWAY REBOOT button you can force the gateway to reboot.
The confirmation of the changes is recorded using the Submit button.

2.3 Gateway Settings

To change the gateway settings, such as IP address, you need access to the configuration pages
through the link HomePLC in the header of web pages that contain the data read from the counters.

The Home page summarizes the main information concerning the gateway as the serial and with the
navigation bar on the left you can move between the pages.

Credentials to login and modify parameters are: Username = User, Password = UserDlms.

Changes in gateway settings are applied to the gateway after a power reboot.

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

To change the parameters of the serial connections (baudrate, parity) and ethernet, such as the IP
address, just go to the Devices page and, by clicking on the gear icon for the selected port, a popup will
open with the settings.

The two RS232 ports are COM0 and COM1 while the RS485 port is COM2.
Modifications to the COM2 port are not necessary as the parameters are forced by the software.

User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-EMH Page 6

2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

To change the modbus node of the RTU or TCP server, open the Protocols page and modify the
parameters of the desired interface.

2.4 Modbus Mapping Area

The data read from the meters are placed in the Holding Register area.
A copy of the values is also present in the 4x20000 holding register area.
In case of obis not found in the message from meter you will find -1 value.

Refresh time of the values is approximately: Time between readouts * N, where N is the number of
energy meters connected to gateway and configured with a serial number different from zero in

Modbus addresses in the table are base 1; depending on used Modbus master, sometimes is required
to swap words to read data correctly.


- 4x40000 UINT - DI 00
- 4x40001 UINT - DI 01
- 4x40002 UINT - DO 00
- 4x40003 UINT - DO 01
- 4x40004 4x40006 4x40008 ULONG - Serial code of meters connected to COMs
- 4x40012 FLOAT - Index currently reading meter

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

- 4x40014 FLOAT - Error number

0 4x40016 4x40316 4x40616 FLOAT F.F Error Code
1 4x40018 4x40318 4x40618 FLOAT 0.0.0 Address
2 4x40020 4x40320 4x40620 FLOAT 0.1.0 Billing period counter
3 4x40022 4x40322 4x40622 FLOAT 0.2.2 Tariff Programming Software Version
4 4x40024 4x40324 4x40624 FLOAT 0.9.1 Time
5 4x40026 4x40326 4x40626 FLOAT 0.9.2 Date
6 4x40028 4x40328 4x40628 FLOAT 1.2.1 Max Cumulative Active Power - Import - Tariff 1 (kW)
7 4x40030 4x40330 4x40630 FLOAT 1.2.2 Max Cumulative Active Power - Import - Tariff 2 (kW)
8 4x40032 4x40332 4x40632 FLOAT 1.2.3 Max Cumulative Active Power - Import - Tariff 3 (kW)
9 4x40034 4x40334 4x40634 FLOAT 1.4.1 Average Active Power - Import - Tariff 1 (kW)
10 4x40036 4x40336 4x40636 FLOAT 1.4.2 Average Active Power - Import - Tariff 2 (kW)
11 4x40038 4x40338 4x40638 FLOAT 1.4.3 Average Active Power - Import - Tariff 3 (kW)
12 4x40040 4x40340 4x40640 FLOAT 1.6.1 Max Active Power - Import - Tariff 1 (kW)
13 4x40042 4x40342 4x40642 FLOAT 1.6.1* Max Active Power - Import - Tariff 1 (kW) - previous period
14 4x40044 4x40344 4x40644 FLOAT 1.6.2 Max Active Power - Import - Tariff 2 (kW)
15 4x40046 4x40346 4x40646 FLOAT 1.6.2* Max Active Power - Import - Tariff 2 (kW) - previous period
16 4x40048 4x40348 4x40648 FLOAT 1.6.3 Max Active Power - Import - Tariff 3 (kW)
17 4x40050 4x40350 4x40650 FLOAT 1.6.3* Max Active Power - Import - Tariff 3 (kW) - previous period
18 4x40052 4x40352 4x40652 FLOAT 1.8.0 Active Energy - Import - Total (kWh)
19 4x40054 4x40354 4x40654 FLOAT 1.8.0* Active Energy - Import - Total (kWh) - previous period
20 4x40056 4x40356 4x40656 FLOAT 1.8.1 Active Energy - Import - Tariff 1 (kWh)
21 4x40058 4x40358 4x40658 FLOAT 1.8.1* Active Energy - Import - Tariff 1 (kWh) - previous period
22 4x40060 4x40360 4x40660 FLOAT 1.8.2 Active Energy - Import - Tariff 2 (kWh)
23 4x40062 4x40362 4x40662 FLOAT 1.8.2* Active Energy - Import - Tariff 2 (kWh) - previous period
24 4x40064 4x40364 4x40664 FLOAT 1.8.3 Active Energy - Import - Tariff 3 (kWh)
25 4x40066 4x40366 4x40666 FLOAT 1.8.3* Active Energy - Import - Tariff 3 (kWh) - previous period
26 4x40068 4x40368 4x40668 FLOAT 2.2.1 Max Cumulative Active Power - Export - Tariff 1 (kW)
27 4x40070 4x40370 4x40670 FLOAT 2.2.2 Max Cumulative Active Power - Export - Tariff 2 (kW)
28 4x40072 4x40372 4x40672 FLOAT 2.2.3 Max Cumulative Active Power - Export - Tariff 3 (kW)
29 4x40074 4x40374 4x40674 FLOAT 2.4.1 Average Active Power - Export - Tariff 1 (kW)
30 4x40076 4x40376 4x40676 FLOAT 2.4.2 Average Active Power - Export - Tariff 2 (kW)
31 4x40078 4x40378 4x40678 FLOAT 2.4.3 Average Active Power - Export - Tariff 3 (kW)
32 4x40080 4x40380 4x40680 FLOAT 2.6.1 Max Active Power - Export - Tariff 1 (kW)
33 4x40082 4x40382 4x40682 FLOAT 2.6.1* Max Active Power - Export - Tariff 1 (kW) - previous period
34 4x40084 4x40384 4x40684 FLOAT 2.6.2 Max Active Power - Export - Tariff 2 (kW)
35 4x40086 4x40386 4x40686 FLOAT 2.6.2* Max Active Power - Export - Tariff 2 (kW) - previous period
36 4x40088 4x40388 4x40688 FLOAT 2.6.3 Max Active Power - Export - Tariff 3 (kW)
37 4x40090 4x40390 4x40690 FLOAT 2.6.3* Max Active Power - Export - Tariff 3 (kW) - previous period
38 4x40092 4x40392 4x40692 FLOAT 2.8.0 Active Energy - Export - Total (kWh)
39 4x40094 4x40394 4x40694 FLOAT 2.8.0* Active Energy - Export - Total (kWh) - previous period

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

40 4x40096 4x40396 4x40696 FLOAT 2.8.1 Active Energy - Export - Tariff 1 (kWh)
41 4x40098 4x40398 4x40698 FLOAT 2.8.1* Active Energy - Export - Tariff 1 (kWh) - previous period
42 4x40100 4x40400 4x40700 FLOAT 2.8.2 Active Energy - Export - Tariff 2 (kWh)
43 4x40102 4x40402 4x40702 FLOAT 2.8.2* Active Energy - Export - Tariff 2 (kWh) - previous period
44 4x40104 4x40404 4x40704 FLOAT 2.8.3 Active Energy - Export - Tariff 3 (kWh)
45 4x40106 4x40406 4x40706 FLOAT 2.8.3* Active Energy - Export - Tariff 3 (kWh) - previous period
46 4x40108 4x40408 4x40708 FLOAT 3.8.0 Reactive Energy - Import - Total (kvarh)
47 4x40110 4x40410 4x40710 FLOAT 3.8.0* Reactive Energy - Import - Total (kvarh) - previous period
48 4x40112 4x40412 4x40712 FLOAT 3.8.1 Reactive Energy - Import - Tariff 1 (kvarh)
49 4x40114 4x40414 4x40714 FLOAT 3.8.1* Reactive Energy - Import - Tariff 1 (kvarh) - previous period
50 4x40116 4x40416 4x40716 FLOAT 3.8.2 Reactive Energy - Import - Tariff 2 (kvarh)
51 4x40118 4x40418 4x40718 FLOAT 3.8.2* Reactive Energy - Import - Tariff 2 (kvarh) - previous period
52 4x40120 4x40420 4x40720 FLOAT 3.8.3 Reactive Energy - Import - Tariff 3 (kvarh)
53 4x40122 4x40422 4x40722 FLOAT 3.8.3* Reactive Energy - Import - Tariff 3 (kvarh) - previous period
54 4x40124 4x40424 4x40724 FLOAT 4.8.0 Reactive Energy - Export - Total (kvarh)
55 4x40126 4x40426 4x40726 FLOAT 4.8.0* Reactive Energy - Export - Total (kvarh)
56 4x40128 4x40428 4x40728 FLOAT 4.8.1 Reactive Energy - Export - Tariff 1 (kvarh)
57 4x40130 4x40430 4x40730 FLOAT 4.8.1* Reactive Energy - Export - Tariff 1 (kvarh) - previous period
58 4x40132 4x40432 4x40732 FLOAT 4.8.2 Reactive Energy - Export - Tariff 2 (kvarh)
59 4x40134 4x40434 4x40734 FLOAT 4.8.2* Reactive Energy - Export - Tariff 2 (kvarh) - previous period
60 4x40136 4x40436 4x40736 FLOAT 4.8.3 Reactive Energy - Export - Tariff 3 (kvarh)
61 4x40138 4x40438 4x40738 FLOAT 4.8.3* Reactive Energy - Export - Tariff 3 (kvarh) - previous period
62 4x40140 4x40440 4x40740 FLOAT 5.2.1 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
63 4x40142 4x40442 4x40742 FLOAT 5.2.2 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
64 4x40144 4x40444 4x40744 FLOAT 5.2.3 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
65 4x40146 4x40446 4x40746 FLOAT 5.4.1 Average Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
66 4x40148 4x40448 4x40748 FLOAT 5.4.2 Average Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
67 4x40150 4x40450 4x40750 FLOAT 5.4.3 Average Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
68 4x40152 4x40452 4x40752 FLOAT 5.6.1 Max Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
69 4x40154 4x40454 4x40754 FLOAT 5.6.1* Max Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 1 (kvar) - previous period
70 4x40156 4x40456 4x40756 FLOAT 5.6.2 Max Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
71 4x40158 4x40458 4x40758 FLOAT 5.6.2* Max Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 2 (kvar) - previous period
72 4x40160 4x40460 4x40760 FLOAT 5.6.3 Max Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
73 4x40162 4x40462 4x40762 FLOAT 5.6.3* Max Reactive Power Q1 - Tariff 3 (kvar) - previous period
74 4x40164 4x40464 4x40764 FLOAT 5.8.0 Reactive Energy Q1 - Total (kvarh)
75 4x40166 4x40466 4x40766 FLOAT 5.8.0* Reactive Energy Q1 - Total (kvarh) - previous period
76 4x40168 4x40468 4x40768 FLOAT 5.8.1 Reactive Energy Q1 - Tariff 1 (kvarh)
77 4x40170 4x40470 4x40770 FLOAT 5.8.1* Reactive Energy Q1 - Tariff 1 (kvarh) - previous period
78 4x40172 4x40472 4x40772 FLOAT 5.8.2 Reactive Energy Q1 - Tariff 2 (kvarh)
79 4x40174 4x40474 4x40774 FLOAT 5.8.2* Reactive Energy Q1 - Tariff 2 (kvarh) - previous period
80 4x40176 4x40476 4x40776 FLOAT 5.8.3 Reactive Energy Q1 - Tariff 3 (kvarh)

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

81 4x40178 4x40478 4x40778 FLOAT 5.8.3* Reactive Energy Q1 - Tariff 3 (kvarh) - previous period
82 4x40180 4x40480 4x40780 FLOAT 6.2.1 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
83 4x40182 4x40482 4x40782 FLOAT 6.2.2 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
84 4x40184 4x40484 4x40784 FLOAT 6.2.3 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
85 4x40186 4x40486 4x40786 FLOAT 6.4.1 Average Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
86 4x40188 4x40488 4x40788 FLOAT 6.4.2 Average Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
87 4x40190 4x40490 4x40790 FLOAT 6.4.3 Average Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
88 4x40192 4x40492 4x40792 FLOAT 6.6.1 Max Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
89 4x40194 4x40494 4x40794 FLOAT 6.6.1* Max Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 1 (kvar) - previous period
90 4x40196 4x40496 4x40796 FLOAT 6.6.2 Max Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
91 4x40198 4x40498 4x40798 FLOAT 6.6.2* Max Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 2 (kvar) - previous period
92 4x40200 4x40500 4x40800 FLOAT 6.6.3 Max Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
93 4x40202 4x40502 4x40802 FLOAT 6.6.3* Max Reactive Power Q2 - Tariff 3 (kvar) - previous period
94 4x40204 4x40504 4x40804 FLOAT 6.8.0 Reactive Energy Q2 - Total (kvarh)
95 4x40206 4x40506 4x40806 FLOAT 6.8.0* Reactive Energy Q2 - Total (kvarh) - previous period
96 4x40208 4x40508 4x40808 FLOAT 6.8.1 Reactive Energy Q2 - Tariff 1 (kvarh)
97 4x40210 4x40510 4x40810 FLOAT 6.8.1* Reactive Energy Q2 - Tariff 1 (kvarh) - previous period
98 4x40212 4x40512 4x40812 FLOAT 6.8.2 Reactive Energy Q2 - Tariff 2 (kvarh)
99 4x40214 4x40514 4x40814 FLOAT 6.8.2* Reactive Energy Q2 - Tariff 2 (kvarh) - previous period
100 4x40216 4x40516 4x40816 FLOAT 6.8.3 Reactive Energy Q2 - Tariff 3 (kvarh)
101 4x40218 4x40518 4x40818 FLOAT 6.8.3* Reactive Energy Q2 - Tariff 3 (kvarh) - previous period
102 4x40220 4x40520 4x40820 FLOAT 7.2.1 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
103 4x40222 4x40522 4x40822 FLOAT 7.2.2 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
104 4x40224 4x40524 4x40824 FLOAT 7.2.3 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
105 4x40226 4x40526 4x40826 FLOAT 7.4.1 Average Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
106 4x40228 4x40528 4x40828 FLOAT 7.4.2 Average Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
107 4x40230 4x40530 4x40830 FLOAT 7.4.3 Average Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
108 4x40232 4x40532 4x40832 FLOAT 7.6.1 Max Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
109 4x40234 4x40534 4x40834 FLOAT 7.6.1* Max Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 1 (kvar) - previous period
110 4x40236 4x40536 4x40836 FLOAT 7.6.2 Max Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
111 4x40238 4x40538 4x40838 FLOAT 7.6.2* Max Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 2 (kvar) - previous period
112 4x40240 4x40540 4x40840 FLOAT 7.6.3 Max Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
113 4x40242 4x40542 4x40842 FLOAT 7.6.3* Max Reactive Power Q3 - Tariff 3 (kvar) - previous period
114 4x40244 4x40544 4x40844 FLOAT 7.8.0 Reactive Energy Q3 - Total (kvarh)
115 4x40246 4x40546 4x40846 FLOAT 7.8.0* Reactive Energy Q3 - Total (kvarh) - previous period
116 4x40248 4x40548 4x40848 FLOAT 7.8.1 Reactive Energy Q3 - Tariff 1 (kvarh)
117 4x40250 4x40550 4x40850 FLOAT 7.8.1* Reactive Energy Q3 - Tariff 1 (kvarh) - previous period
118 4x40252 4x40552 4x40852 FLOAT 7.8.2 Reactive Energy Q3 - Tariff 2 (kvarh)
119 4x40254 4x40554 4x40854 FLOAT 7.8.2* Reactive Energy Q3 - Tariff 2 (kvarh) - previous period
120 4x40256 4x40556 4x40856 FLOAT 7.8.3 Reactive Energy Q3 - Tariff 3 (kvarh)
121 4x40258 4x40558 4x40858 FLOAT 7.8.3* Reactive Energy Q3 - Tariff 3 (kvarh) - previous period

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

122 4x40260 4x40560 4x40860 FLOAT 8.2.1 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
123 4x40262 4x40562 4x40862 FLOAT 8.2.2 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
124 4x40264 4x40564 4x40864 FLOAT 8.2.3 Max Cumulative Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
125 4x40266 4x40566 4x40866 FLOAT 8.4.1 Average Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
126 4x40268 4x40568 4x40868 FLOAT 8.4.2 Average Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
127 4x40270 4x40570 4x40870 FLOAT 8.4.3 Average Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
128 4x40272 4x40572 4x40872 FLOAT 8.6.1 Max Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 1 (kvar)
129 4x40274 4x40574 4x40874 FLOAT 8.6.1* Max Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 1 (kvar) - previous period
130 4x40276 4x40576 4x40876 FLOAT 8.6.2 Max Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 2 (kvar)
131 4x40278 4x40578 4x40878 FLOAT 8.6.2* Max Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 2 (kvar) - previous period
132 4x40280 4x40580 4x40880 FLOAT 8.6.3 Max Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 3 (kvar)
133 4x40282 4x40582 4x40882 FLOAT 8.6.3* Max Reactive Power Q4 - Tariff 3 (kvar) - previous period
134 4x40284 4x40584 4x40884 FLOAT 8.8.0 Reactive Energy Q4 - Total (kvarh)
135 4x40286 4x40586 4x40886 FLOAT 8.8.0* Reactive Energy Q4 - Total (kvarh) - previous period
136 4x40288 4x40588 4x40888 FLOAT 8.8.1 Reactive Energy Q4 - Tariff 1 (kvarh)
137 4x40290 4x40590 4x40890 FLOAT 8.8.1* Reactive Energy Q4 - Tariff 1 (kvarh) - previous period
138 4x40292 4x40592 4x40892 FLOAT 8.8.2 Reactive Energy Q4 - Tariff 2 (kvarh)
139 4x40294 4x40594 4x40894 FLOAT 8.8.2* Reactive Energy Q4 - Tariff 2 (kvarh) - previous period
140 4x40296 4x40596 4x40896 FLOAT 8.8.3 Reactive Energy Q4 - Tariff 3 (kvarh)
141 4x40298 4x40598 4x40898 FLOAT 8.8.3* Reactive Energy Q4 - Tariff 3 (kvarh) - previous period
142 4x40300 4x40600 4x40900 FLOAT C.7.0 Total number of voltage interruptions
143 4x40302 4x40602 4x40902 FLOAT C.7.1 Total number of voltage interruptions phase L1
144 4x40304 4x40604 4x40904 FLOAT C.7.2 Total number of voltage interruptions phase L2
145 4x40306 4x40606 4x40906 FLOAT C.7.3 Total number of voltage interruptions phase L3
146 4x40308 4x40608 4x40908 FLOAT C.6.3
147 4x40310 4x40610 4x40910 FLOAT 1.25 Instant active power
148 4x40312 4x40612 4x40912 FLOAT 3.25 Instant reactive power

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3.0 Communication errros


3.1 Type of error

Errors in modbus address 4x40014 are formed by 2 digits: AB.

• A : this indicates which energy meter is reported
• B : this indicates the type of error
 1 : serial port is not correctly opened
 2 : communication timeout error
 3 : energy meter doesn’t answer to gateway -> please check cable connection and if
energy meter’s serial number is correct and written in the right modbus address
 4 : error in extracting ID code from meter’s message -> please check cable connection
 5 : message from energy meter is too big for gateway’s buffer; this error does not
compromise gateway’s normal functionality, but last part of obis list will be lost
 8 : message from energy meter is empty -> please check cable connection

There are also :

• 888 : global timeout error (this happens if there aren’t meter’s serial number in modbus area)
• 999 : hardware/software authenticity error

User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-EMH Page 12

7.0 Mechanical features


The size of the gateway are the following:

User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-EMH Page 13

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