Diastolic Heart Failure Diagnosis and Therapy.12
Diastolic Heart Failure Diagnosis and Therapy.12
Diastolic Heart Failure Diagnosis and Therapy.12
OPINION Diastolic heart failure: diagnosis and therapy
Alina Nicoara and Mandisa Jones-Haywood
Purpose of review
This article focuses on the recent findings in the diagnosis and treatment of diastolic heart failure (DHF) or
heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
Recent findings
DHF has become the most common form of heart failure in the population. Although diastolic dysfunction
still plays a central role, it is now understood that DHF is a very complex clinical entity with heterogeneous
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had some degree of RV dysfunction by tricuspid enrolled in the Treatment of Preserved Cardiac
annulus systolic plane excursion. Compared with Function Heart Failure with an Aldosterone
patients with normal RV function, patients with any Antagonist (TOPCAT) trial before initiation of
RV dysfunction (mild and moderate to severe com- randomized therapy found that 14% had normal
bined) were more likely to have atrial fibrillation, LV geometry, 34% concentric remodeling, 43% con-
permanent pacing, and treatment with diuretics centric hypertrophy, and 9% eccentric hypertrophy
[18]. RV dysfunction was associated with clinical [20]. The echocardiographic substudy of the Irbe-
and echocardiographic evidence of more advanced sartan for Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection
heart failure and with poorer outcome [18]. More Fraction (I-PRESERVE) trial found that 46% of the
recently, it has been recognized that some patients patients enrolled had normal LV geometry [21].
develop RV dysfunction out of proportion to the These findings also have prognostic significance.
degree of pulmonary hypertension and additional The I-PRESERVE trial found LV mass and LV hyper-
etiological factors may be involved [19] such as atrial trophy to be predictive of morbidity and mortality
fibrillation, moderate to severe tricuspid regurgita- in patients with DHF [21]. The newer modalities of
tion, and RV pacing. analyzing myocardial mechanics have challenged
the concept of normal LV systolic function in
patients with DHF. In a study assessing LV systolic
DIAGNOSIS function by speckle tracking analysis, Kraigher-
The diagnosis of DHF is based on the presence of Krainer et al. found that compared with both normal
heart failure symptoms, absence of LV systolic dys- controls and hypertensive heart disease patients,
function, and the exclusion of other cardiac or non- patients with DHF demonstrated significantly lower
cardiac conditions which may be the cause of the longitudinal and circumferential strain. Reduced
clinical presentation. History and physical examin- strain was associated with acute hospitalization
ation are instrumental in determining the presence and higher N-terminal pro-BNP levels [22]. In a
of symptoms and signs of heart failure. However, the similar fashion, mechanical dyssynchrony was
clinical presentation is similar in both systolic heart assessed in patients with DHF enrolled in the Pro-
failure (SHF) and DHF, and therefore it is not helpful spective comparison of ARNI with ARB on Manage-
in discriminating the type of heart failure. The ment Of heart failUre with preserved ejectioN
electrocardiogram may reveal LV hypertrophy and fraction Trial (PARAMOUNT). The investigators
left atrial enlargement in patients with DHF, but the found that patients with DHF had greater LV dys-
absence of these findings does not exclude the diag- synchrony compared with healthy controls and that
nosis. Chest radiography can exclude other cardiac dyssynchrony was present even in patients with
or pulmonary pathology responsible for the present- LVEF 55% and narrow QRS. Worse LV dyssyn-
ing signs and symptoms. Brain natriuretic peptide chrony was associated with a wider QRS interval,
(BNP) and pro-BNP levels tend to be lower in lower mitral annular relaxation velocity, and higher
patients with DHF when compared with patients LV mass [23].
with SHF and may be within normal limits [5 ]. An
algorithm of the diagnosis of DHF is presented in
Fig. 1. Left ventricle diastolic function
Echocardiography is a versatile tool in the diag- Assessment of diastolic function plays a key role in
nosis of DHF, and it is recommended as the primary the diagnosis of DHF. Several review articles describe
noninvasive test in patients with new onset heart the echocardiographic modalities used to evaluate
failure. Echocardiography is unique in its ability to diastolic function, and it is not in the scope of this
provide information on LV systolic and diastolic study to detail technical aspects of each technique
function, volumes, RV function, hemodynamics, [24]. One of the challenges in evaluating diastolic
and valvular lesions. function is that patients with DHF are most often
asymptomatic at rest but symptomatic with exer-
cise, and therefore in some patients the indices of
Left ventricle structure and systolic function diastolic function may be within normal limits at
Patients with DHF have a high prevalence of struc- rest. Several clinical trials have found that up to one-
tural heart disease such as concentric LV remodeling third of the patients enrolled had normal patterns of
and concentric hypertrophy. However, the presence diastolic function as assessed at rest (TOPCAT –
of normal LV geometry does not exclude the diag- 34%, I-PRESERVE – 31%, PARAMOUNT – 8%)
nosis of DHF. Existing data from several clinical [20,21,23]. These findings emphasize the fact that
trials show significant heterogeneity in patients normal diastolic function at rest does not exclude
with DHF. Echocardiograms obtained in patients the diagnosis of DHF. In selected patients, diastolic
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EF> 50%
NT-proBNP≤ 220 pg/ml or BNP≤ 200 pg/ml Extra-cardiac cause
and pulmonary disease or anemia
or deconditioning or other extra-cardiac disease
EF< 50%
Systolic heart failure
NT-proBNP> 220 pg/ml or BNP> 200 pg/ml
Exercise echocardiography
RVSP > 50 mmHg
If mPCWP< 18 mmHg and E/E’> 15
Exercuse invasive hemodynamic
Exercise invasive hemodynamic measurements
measurements mPCWP> 25 mmHg
mPCWP> 25 mmHg
FIGURE 1. Proposed diagnostic algorithm for diastolic heart failure. B, constant of left ventricular chamber stiffness; BNP, B-
type natriuretic peptide; E’, mitral annulus early diastolic velocity as evaluated by tissue Doppler; E, transmitral early diastolic
velocity; EF, ejection fraction; LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure; LVEDVI, left ventricular end-diastolic volume index;
mPCWP, mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; RVSP, right
ventricle systolic pressure. This figure is adapted with permission from [30] and from Wachter R, Edelman F. Diagnosis of
heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Heart Failure Clinics 2014; 10:399-406.
dysfunction can be unmasked by acquisition of for patients with DHF [27]. Among the many ques-
echocardiographic data during or after provocative tions still unanswered regarding DHF is whether
&& &&
tests (exercise or dobutamine) [5 ,25 ]. Exercise the current existing stages of diastolic function
stress echocardiography and cardiopulmonary exer- are optimal for clinical use, since some patients
cise testing appear to be useful tests in this dynamic are difficult to categorize using the recommended
assessment of DHF. In a recent study, 87 patients algorithm for grading diastolic function [25 ]. A
with hypertension, exertional dyspnea, and normal large observational study reported that patients fre-
resting LV systolic and diastolic function underwent quently (17% of patients examined at a clinical
exercise stress echocardiography and cardiopulmo- echocardiography laboratory) had intermediate
nary exercise testing. Increase of E/e0 > 15 occurred features between grades 1 and 2 (E/A ratio 0.75,
in 8/87 patients (9.2%) during maximal workload. deceleration time >140 ms, and E/e0 ratio 10) and
These patients had lower peak oxygen consumption had a worse prognosis than those with classic grade
(VO2), lower VO2 at anaerobic threshold, lower 1 dysfunction (differing in that E/e0 ratio 8) [28].
workload, lower peak partial pressure end tidal
carbon dioxide, and higher minute ventilation-
carbon dioxide production ratio (VE/VCO2) slope Left atrium size and function
[26]. Detailed guidelines regarding performance of Left atrial size and function assessment add incre-
cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients with mental predictive information in the diagnosis of
heart failure have been described but are not specific patients with DHF. Left atrial enlargement is present
in a majority of patients with DHF; 53% of patients extracardiac conditions [10 ]. Several drugs have
enrolled in the TOPCAT trial and 66% of patients been studied for the treatment of DHF: angiotensin
enrolled in the I-PRESERVE trial had some degree of II receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme
left atrial enlargement [20,21]. Recently, left atrial inhibitors, aldosterone antagonists, b-blockers,
reservoir, conduit, and pump function have been digoxin, and sildenafil (Fig. 2).
studied in a subset of patients enrolled in the PARA- Mineralocorticoid antagonists have been inves-
MOUNT trial using 2-dimensional volume indices tigated for the treatment of DHF based on the
and speckle tracking analysis and compared with participation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone
healthy controls of similar age and sex. Compared system in the pathogenesis of DHF. In the recent
with controls, DHF patients had worse left atrial TOPCAT trial, the effects of spironolactone have
reservoir, conduit, and pump function. Among been studied in patients with DHF. The primary
DHF patients, lower systolic left atrial strain was outcome was a composite of death from cardiovas-
associated with higher prevalence of prior heart cular causes, aborted cardiac arrest, or hospitaliz-
failure hospitalization and history of atrial fibrilla- ation for management of heart failure. The results
tion, as well as worse LV systolic function, higher LV showed that spironolactone did not reduce the inci-
mass, and left atrial volume [29]. dence of the primary composite endpoint [31]. It has
also been hypothesized that a reduction in heart rate
and therefore prolongation in diastolic filling time
THERAPY would result in more favorable LV filling and better
There has been little to no progress made in iden- coronary perfusion and would therefore mitigate
tifying evidence-based, effective, and specific treat- DHF symptoms. The effect of heart rate reduction
ments for patients with DHF. Drug classes, which on exercise capacity has been studied in patients
have been shown to improve outcomes in patients with DHF. Ivabradine, an If inhibitor of the sinoa-
with SHF, have proved ineffective in reducing trial pacemaker, devoid of effects on cardiac con-
mortality in DHF [30]. This may be because of the tractility has been compared with placebo in a
pathophysiological heterogeneity underlying DHF, recent randomized, crossover study. When com-
incomplete understanding of DHF, heterogeneity of pared with placebo, ivabradine significantly wors-
patients included in clinical trials with variable ened the change in peak VO2 in the DHF cohort and
inclusion criteria, or contribution to DHF by significantly reduced submaximal exercise capacity
FIGURE 2. Therapeutic approach to diastolic heart failure. Heart rate control is paramount in patients with atrial fibrillation.
ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme. Adapted with permission from [5 ]. &&
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as determined by the oxygen uptake efficiency slope calcium handling has shown promising results in
[32]. Exercise training has been shown to improve patients with SHF [36] and may have a role in the
cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with SHF. In a future treatment of DHF.
recent meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
that evaluated the efficacy of exercise training in Acknowledgements
patients with DHF, exercise training in patients with None.
DHF was associated with an improvement in cardi-
orespiratory fitness and quality of life even if there Financial support and sponsorship
were no significant changes in LV systolic or dias- Internal funding.
tolic function [33]. A prospective randomized, mul-
ticenter study is underway with the objective of Conflicts of interest
optimizing exercise training in prevention and
There are no conflicts of interest.
treatment of DHF study (OptimEx-CLIN) and defin-
ing the optimal dose of exercise training the DHF
[34]. A promising approach is targeting the treat- REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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