Financial Management: Topic: Risk & Return
Financial Management: Topic: Risk & Return
Financial Management: Topic: Risk & Return
Total Risk = Unsystematic Risk +
Topic: Risk & Return Systematic Risk
1. Naive Diversification
Simply invests in a number of
stocks or assets type and hopes
that the variance of the expected
return on the portfolio is lowered.
2. Markowitz Diversification
Concerned with degree of
covariance between asset return
in a portfolio
Combine assets with returns that
are less than perfectly positively
correlated in an effort to lower
Portfolio Risk & Capital Asset Pricing Model portfolio risk without sacrificing
Most financial assets are no held in
isolation; rather, they are held as Other Ways to Minimize Risk
parts of PORTFOLIOS.
Therefore, risk-return analysis Sensitivity analysis
should not be confined to single Range determination
assets only. Insurance
Forward covers & contracts systematic risk)
Derivatives Management *Note: Beta (β) is a measure of the
security’s volatility/ instability/
Capital Asset Pricing Model unpredictability relative to that of an average
Security consists of two components
This equation shows that the
o Diversifiable
required (expected) rate of return on
o Non-diversifiable
a given security is equal to the return
Diversifiable (Controllable or required for securities that have no
Unsystematic Risk) risk plus a risk premium required by
o internal and can be investors for assuming a given level
controlled through of risk.
diversification Relates the risk measured by BETA
o the type of risk is unique to a to the level of expected or required
given security rate of return on a security.
o Example: Business Liquidity, HIGHER Beta, HIGHER risk,
death of CEO HIGHER return
Non-Diversifiable (Non-controllable Focuses on Non-diversifiable Risk
or Systematic Risk) (Uncontrollable or Systematic Risk)
o Results from forces outside because it is unpredictable.
of a firm’s control
o Not unique to a given
o Example: Purchasing Power,
interest rate
o Assessed relative to the risk
of a diversified portfolio of
securities or the MARKET
o Measure by BETA coefficient
This model is also called as the
Security Market Line
rj = rf + [β(rm – rf)]