Human Flourishing Reduced
Human Flourishing Reduced
Human Flourishing Reduced
SCIENCE AND This also led to the furtherance of technology based on how it is
viewed and understood. But there is more to that.
• Aristotle, was born 304 B.C. an ancient Greek philosophy
scientist and one of the most significant thinkers and who
contributed so much to science,technology,political theory,and
aesthetics world;followed that knowledge of the world begins by
looking and examining that which exists. To understand the
human person flourishing in terms of science and technology, it
is good to first examine technology in its essence.
• The agent that has caused for the silver chalice to come about: the
• The four causes are all deemed responsible for the bringing forth of the REVEALING
silver chalice. This bringing forth of something is termed as poiesis and this is
characterized by an external force. It is bringing something concealed to • Heidegger believed that the genuine substance or the real
uncealment which then makes technology as not only means to an end but essence of technology is found in enframing. This is the
also a mode of revealing. continuous bringing forth into unconcealment that which is
• The silver chalice was bought forth by the silver, by its form, for its concealed. This is a non-stop revealing. Heidegger saw
purpose,by the silversmith. External factors have caused for the silver chalice technology as a way of revealing and continues to demand
to be brought forth. On the other hand, something that came about without for something to be bought out into the open. This bringing
any external forced, like a flower blooming in the field or a tree bearing its
fruit is termed physics. The flower blossomed and the tree bore fruit even
forth into the open is a two-way relationship: the concealed
without external help. is calling out for someone to set upon it and bring it to
unconcealment and the one who receives the call sets upon
and acts upon to unconceal the concealed.
• Unlock and expose. It carries the idea that nature will not reveal
THE MODE OF REVEALING IN MODERN itself unless challenge is set upon it. This is true with the
TECHNOLOGY hydroelectric plant set upon the Rhine River which unlocked the
electricity concealed in it.
• Heidegger explained that technology as a mode of
• Stock piles for future use. As technology is a means to an end, it
revealing doest not stop and continues to be seen in aims to meet future demands, the electricity produced by the
modern technology but not in the bringing-forth hydroelectric plant set upon the Rhine River is being stored for
sense. This is a nonstop revealing. Modern technology future use in the community. Modern technology are now able to
is revealed by challenging nature, instead of bringing get more from nature bynchellenging it. As Heidegger (1997) said,
forth, it is setting upon challenges or demands on " Such challenging happens in that energy concealed in nature in
nature in order to: unblocked is transformed, what is transformed is stored up, what
is stored up is distributed , and what is distributed is switched
about ever a new"
• Another danger is when man falls into a THE SOCIETY IN THE FACE OF SCIENCE AND
misinterpretation of that which is presented to him. TECHNOLOGY
That is when he sees himself in the object before him
rather than seeing the object itself. There is also the • When one looks around him now, he will see that man tends to
tendency for man to be fully engrossed with the find his happiness in the works of modern technology. Smart
enframing that he fails to weigh the results and phones,tablets, laptops that come in different shapes and sizes
consequences of his setting upon an object which may with distinct features seem to be the measure of man's value.
be distructive not only to himself but even to the Social media has also affected the life on many. Face to face social
surroundings and other people. This happens when he interactions are being lessened and people keep working hard to
starts to believe that everything in the human update their gadgets. There seems to be no contentment as every
condition can be answered by technology and that time a new product is released, man finds another need that can
even man's happiness is dependent on the continuous only be answered by a new product. These new products also tend
modernization of technology. to replace man in the society as the demand for manual labor is
becoming less and less because of the availability of machineries.