ATRA's Powertrain Expo,: San Antonio Convention Center
ATRA's Powertrain Expo,: San Antonio Convention Center
ATRA's Powertrain Expo,: San Antonio Convention Center
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advice or other expert assistance, is required, the services of a competent profes-
sional person should be sought— from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted
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Gears also welcomes articles submitted by members of the industry. Gears 2 FROM THE CEO: …Start with Your Associations
considers all articles for publication that contribute positively to the welfare of the
transmission industry, and reserves the right to edit all articles it publishes. If you — by Dennis Madden
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Presented in San Antonio for 2010!
Issue #148 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright ATRA 2010
with by Dennis Madden
T here is no question that the past
few years have been tenuous, to
say the least. In spite of all the
challenges each of us our facing these
days, many are defying the will of the
time that I’m not the only one – I see
people I know hoping to pick up a new
idea or make a new contact, even at
events outside our industry. And these
are the types of business owners that
Associating with thriving and cre-
ative shop owners is one of the most
sure-fire ways to pull yourself out of
a slump, and that is the goal of the
economy and prospering throughout are seeing success. To ensure this Expo brings shop
the country – yes, even shop owners. Yes, the first factor that so quickly owners the inspiration they need to
Wherever we look, there are shops differentiates successful shop owners turn business around, we have added
in real trouble and owners wondering from struggling shop owners is their a special element this year: a panel of
what will happen to their business. attitude – whether they still enjoy the past Expo attendees who applied what
However, in that very same town you business and are excited about their they learned from past What’s Working
can find shop owners making it work work. They associate with others who programs and achieved breakthroughs
and seeing success. What is causing the also approach their business with a with their businesses.
difference? positive attitude, and the fastest way These are the people you have
Last year, ATRA studied shop to find people like that are at business been reading about in GEARS: Mario
demographics to see if regional issues events. Jauregui; the Vess brothers, Gary and
or years in business were defining And nowhere will you find a great- Gerald; and Zach Evans. They have
conditions for success. We discovered er concentration of the most success- been where a lot of shop owners are
that neither factor had any measurable ful people in the transmission repair right now – their businesses were doing
effect on business. industry than at ATRA’s Powertrain okay but not performing to potential.
Yet all too often shop owners point Industry Expo. The shop owners and We will examine their methods and
to these kinds of outside influences to operators who come to the Expo every combine them with other ideas to help
explain their business slowdown. The year are experiencing the same difficult you build a plan that will work for you
city has had a lot of layoffs, or nobody economy you are, but they refuse to let and your shop.
in this town as any money, or the low- it get the better of them. Attending the The key to finding business suc-
baller down the street is getting all the Expo is the first step to turning your cess is not looking for outside forces
work. If you look for it, you can find a business around – who better to talk to blame. Positive thinking and aggres-
lot of outside causes to poor business. to than shop owners in the exact same sive action are the first steps to getting
Of course, these problems do exist situation you are? your shop back on track, and the ATRA
and do affect business, but they are not This is your opportunity to rub Powertrain Industry Expo is the place
the whole story. We have found shops elbows with the best of the best, to meet with industry professionals and
that are staying busy and even expand- and find out how these shop owners set yourself on a path to prosperity.
ing under the exact same conditions. remain optimistic and profitable. One Discover how Mario, Gary, Gerald
This begs the question: How do they of the biggest obstacles to success is and Zach applied what they learned
do it? a poor attitude, and if you surround from What’s Working and turned their
I make an effort to attend as many yourself by negative thinkers, they businesses around. They made it work;
business events as I can, whether or not will only reinforce your bleak business now it’s your turn. Reserve your spot at
they are directly related to transmission outlook. the expo today!
repair. And I discover each and every
Figure 4
lubrication and cooler circuits assure using a scan tool to verify actual trans- 2. Add this initial quantity of Mopar®
ample pressure for normal transmission mission temperature (figure 2). ATF +4 to the transmission:
operation even if the cooler is obstruct- To avoid overfilling the transmis- a. If you only changed the fluid
ed or the fluid flow is restricted due to sion, always follow this procedure for and filter, add 5 quarts of ATF
extremely low temperatures. checking the fluid level: +4 to transmission.
The hydraulic control system design 1. Remove dipstick and insert a clean b. If you rebuilt the transmis-
(without electronic assist) provides the funnel in transmission fill tube. sion and replaced or drained
transmission with park, reverse, neu-
tral, and fourth gears, based solely on
driver shift lever selection. This design
allows the vehicle to be driven in
limp-in mode in case of an electronic
control system failure, or a situation the
Transmission Control Module (TCM)
considers potentially damaging to the
The 68RFE has a design change
that allows for fulltime 6-speed and
increased torque ratios (figure 1). The
4C on the 45/545RFE held the annulus
as the planet was driven by the sun
gear. On the 68RFE the 4C holds the
sun gear, causing the planetary to drive
the annulus.
* When output speed is greater
than 150 rpm the L/R clutch is released
and the ORC is the holding element
before the 1-2 shift.
** Failsafe is 3rd gear on the
45/545RFE and 4th gear on the 68RFE.
Vehicles that have Electronic Range
Select (ERS) won’t have a manual low
2nd gear while in failsafe.
Fluid Level
The fluid level for this unit depends
on fluid temperature. Proper fill requires Figure 5
the torque converter, add 12 dition with the oil pan removed). If the scan tool reading doesn’t match
quarts of ATF +4 to transmis- • Check the shift cable adjustment. the desired line pressure, look for a
sion. • Raise the vehicle, and install the pressure control problem (Figure 7) (oil
The only recommended fluid for pressure gauge and adapter. level, filter, pump regulator valve, PCS
the 68RFE is MOPAR +4 oil. Using • Install a tachometer to monitor solenoid, etc.).
any other blend may cause shift prob- engine RPM. Actual line pressure while in gear
lems that can only be fixed by using the • Check line pressure with the engine will vary, based on minimum learned
proper oil (figure 3). at 1500 RPM, while shifting the line pressure. Minimum line pressure
transmission into park, reverse and starts at 40 PSI and “learns up” to the
Pressure Tests drive. minimum pressure to hold the clutches
To pressure test this transmission, Compare the scan tool line pres- in an applied state.
you must have an accurate tachometer sure reading with the desired line pres- That’s all for now; look for more
and pressure gauge. Test gauges must sure and gauge reading. All three read- as the 68RFE becomes a more common
have a 300 PSI maximum range wher- ings should agree. sight in the transmission bays.
ever pressures exceed 100 PSI. If the gauge reading doesn’t match
The torque converter clutch apply the scan tool reading, you’re dealing
and release ports are located on the with a line pressure sensor problem.
right side of the transmission case.
There are two methods of test-
ing line pressure. The first method
requires using a scan tool and adapter
that allows you to monitor perceived
pressure (scan data) vs actual pressure
(pressure gauge).
The second method (not available
on all applications because of mount-
ing issues) requires a special adapter
oil pan that allows you to tap into each
clutch pressure port located on the
valve body (figure 4).
The scan tool can be used to read
line pressure from the line pressure
sensor. The second method is to install
Line Pressure Adapter 8259 into the
transmission case and then install the
pressure gauge and the original sensor
into the adapter.
This will allow you to compare the
Figure 6
scan tool and gauge readings to deter-
mine the accuracy of the line
pressure sensor. The scan tool
line pressure reading should be
within 10 PSI of the gauge read-
Another method of testing
hydraulic line pressure involves
removing the valve body pres-
sure test ports and installing the
parts of the valve body pres-
sure tap adapter and one or
more 300 PSI pressure gauges
(Miller Special Tool #8258-A
and #C-3293SP) (figure 5 and
With methods 1 or 2, here’s
how to test the pressure:
• Check the transmission
fluid level and condition
(you can only test the con- Figure 7
Flashed or Not Flashed,
That’s the Question
by Mike Souza
Figure 1
711 Tech Drive, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 • Toll Free: 800-729-7763 • Fax: 765-364-4573 • Email: [email protected]
Flashed or Not Flashed, That’s the Question
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 7
technicians by phone, fax, email, Internet and
live chat! Plus, ATRA Members receive a discount
off the cost of all bookstore sales.
Learn the industry’s trends and business success
through the ATRA’s on-going What’s Working
ATRA’s Golden Rule Warranty is an inter-shop
warranty plan that ATRA Rebuilder Members may to join
offer the motoring public. Build trust with your
customers by providing a nationwide warranty.
Consumers sent to your shop through the ATRA
Shop Finder search page online. ATRA’s shop
finder receives more than 5,000 consumer
searches every month.
Have questions about tech? Business
operations? Want to network with successful
industry leaders? ATRA’s forums are available for
discussion topics about management, tech and
industry news.
ATRA members receive substantial discounts for
ATRA Technical seminars and conferences.
ATRA encourages technical competency and a
high standard of professionalism with it’s own
certification program, FREE to all members.
ATRA partners with a selective group of
respected companies, like Citibank and FedEx to
expand the value of your membership with
valuable discounts on products and services you
already use.
The Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association is your resource for tech support, business support, education,
networking, and more. Join today by logging on at and get connected with your industry!
Call the Membership Department at 805.604.2000 or email [email protected], if you have any questions. I 805.604.2000 | 805.604.2000
28 ATRA’s Powertrain Expo
September 9 - 12, 2010 29
he NV233 four-wheel drive • Wait 2½ minutes, then reinstall light system is to ground TCCM termi-
systems are found on Blazer, the fuse. nals C11, C12 and C13 one at a time,
S-10 trucks, and Tahoe appli- • Cycle the ignition 5 times. and see if each 4WD light turns on.
cations. A common unit with an all- The codes should be cleared from If the 4WD lights turn on when
too-common problem: the scan tool the TCCM. you ground the circuit, the circuits are
won’t provide data or allow for code intact. If the TCCM won’t operate the
retrieval. But it is possible to retrieve Checking the 4WD Lights light, suspect a TCCM problem.
codes manually. Refer to the TCCM connector While it’s nice to be able to bypass
views to determine the correct terminal the scan tool and grab codes, not having
Manual Code Retrieval locations for performing these tests. scan data can make it difficult to col-
To retrieve codes manually: When attempting to retrieve codes lect the information you need to repair
• Locate the data link connector from the NVG233 transfer case system, the unit. So let’s take a look at some
(DLC) near the right side of the you may find 4WD lights that aren’t of the more common problems on this
steering column. working. If the 4WD lights won’t light, system.
• Install a jumper wire between the check the 10-amp gauges fuse (fuse 4) IMPORTANT: Before replacing
diagnostic pigtail (orange wire at located in the instrument panel fuse the TCCM, always check the power
DLC terminal 13) and ground. block. If the 10-amp gauges fuse is and ground circuits, and always make
• Key On, Engine Off. good, inspect the 20-amp 4WD fuse sure you don’t have any shorts in the
• Watch the 4WD selector switch (fuse 19), also located in the instrument control circuits. Take care of any of
status lights. panel fuse block. If either fuse is blown, these problems before replacing any
After about 3 seconds, if there’s repair the circuit as needed. control module.
a code in the Transfer Case Control Next, check the TCCM power feed
Module (TCCM) system, the 4WD circuits at terminals C6, C8, D14 and Code 1: TCCM Internal
selector switch lights will start to flash. D15 for 12 volts with the key on, and Fault
The NV233 transfer case only has the ground circuits at terminals C10, Attempt to clear code 1. If the code
four possible codes, and all are single D10, D12 and D13 for a good path to resets:
digit: ground. The ground path should have • Key on, engine off.
Code 1: TCCM Internal Fault less than 0.05 volts. • Check for battery voltage on cir-
Code 2: Encoder Circuit Fault After verifying good power and cuit 1640 (orange wire) at TCCM
Code 3: Motor Circuit Fault ground circuits to the TCCM, turn the terminals D14 and D15. If there’s
Code 4: TCCM RAM/ROM Fault key on, engine off, check for power on no voltage, check and repair circuit
To clear the codes: TCCM terminals C11, C12 and C13. 1640 as needed.
• T series — Remove T/L CTSY (20 You should have 12 volts on these cir- • If you have battery voltage at
amp) fuse cuits if the indicator circuits are intact. TCCM terminals D14 and D15,
• K series — Remove T-CASE fuse A quick and easy test for the 4WD check the TCCM ground circuits
Figure 1
150 (black wire) at terminals C9, cuit 1554 (black/yellow wire) from nate from positive to nega-
C10, D10, D12 and D13. Check TCCM terminal C9 to the encoder/ tive, check the motor control
and repair the ground circuits if motor connector terminal 3. circuits going back to the
needed. o If the resistance is less than 2 TCCM.
• If the TCCM has good power and ohms, replace the TCCM. o If the motor control circuits are
ground, replace the TCCM and o If resistance is 2 ohms or more, good, suspect a faulty TCCM.
recheck 4WD system operation. repair circuit 1554 as needed
(figures 1 and 2). Code 4: TCCM RAM/ROM
Code 2: Encoder Circuit Fault: Fault
Attempt to clear code 2. If the code Code 3: Motor Circuit Fault Attempt to clear code 4. If the code
resets: Attempt to clear Code 3. If the resets:
• Disconnect the transfer case har- code resets: • Key on, engine off.
ness connector. • Check the 20 amp 4WD fuse (fuse • Check for 12 volts at TCCM termi-
• Key on, engine off. 19), located in the instrument panel nals C6, C8, D14 and D15.
• Check for 5 volts at transfer case fuse block. • Check the TCCM ground circuits
harness connector terminals 1, 2, o If the 4WD fuse is blown, at terminals C10, D10, D12 and
4, and 8 (encoder circuits A, B, C repair the circuit as needed. D13.
and D). o If the 4WD fuse is okay: • If the TCCM power and ground cir-
o If there’s no voltage, suspect a • Key on, engine off. cuits are okay, replace the TCCM.
faulty TCCM. • Move the 4WD selector switch The vehicle used for this exam-
o If the TCCM is providing 5 between 4HI and 4LOW positions, ple was a 1996 Chevrolet Blazer 4.3L
volts to the encoder circuits, and measure the voltage at encod- equipped with a 4L60E transmission
measure the resistance of the er/motor connector terminals 6 and and a NVG233 transfer case system.
internal encoder circuits to the 7. The voltage should alternate Refer to the four-wheel drive system
transfer case ground. from positive 12 volts to negative connector terminal identification chart
• If the resistance to case ground 12 volts each time you move the and specific wiring schematics for your
is less than 5 ohms on any of the selector switch between 4HI and particular vehicle.
internal encoder circuits, replace 4LOW. Some scan tools just can’t under-
the encoder/motor assembly. o If voltage alternates from pos- stand what the TCCM is saying. But
• If the resistance on the internal itive to negative, replace the there are still ways to hear what it’s say-
encoder circuits is greater than 5 encoder/motor assembly. ing… if you know how to listen.
ohms, check the resistance of cir- o If voltage doesn’t alter-
Encoder Motor
Figure 2 Figure 3
Plant tour: Friday, May 21 Seminar fee:
CVC Converter, Kettering, Ohio Includes bus to CVC, lunch Friday, breaks and a
sit down, served steak lunch on Saturday. There
Seminar: Saturday, May 22 will be a cash cocktail reception on Saturday:
The Saturday, May 22 class room format seminar
will feature presentations by industry experts, Tuition / Fee:
vendor representatives and technical organization Members – first attendee: $225
speakers. A sit-down steak luncheon and coffee Members – subsequent attendees: $175
breaks will be included in the fee, as will a Non-members – first attendee: $275
reception at the hotel following the seminar. Non-members – subsequent attendees: $250
Gold Sponsors:
is proud to host the
13th AnnuAl
Torque Converter Rebuilders Association
Figure 1
is its ability to pro-
tarting in 2009, Ford Escape, • A fill tube with a dipstick. vide lubrication when flat towed behind
Mercury Mariner, and Mazda • No access to the filter unless the another vehicle. When the differential
Tribute will be equipped with a case is split. rotates, the chain picks up fluid and
new 6F35 6-speed transaxle. Externally • A fluid drain plug located at the allows some of the fluid to fall into a
it looks like a cross between a CD4E bottom of the case. trough at the upper part of the case.
and an AF21B. Internally it looks like a There’s a pass-through electrical With the engine off and being flat
little Allison LCT 1000 with three sets connector on the side pan. It has a towed, fluid in the trough can flow past
of planets and five sets of clutches. But line tap, and additional taps for check- the lube checkball and lubricate the rear
the clutches operate the geartrain differ- ing lube pressure, compensator feed, planet assembly (figure 2). If you see
ently than an Allison. 3-5-reverse clutch, and 4-5-6 clutch one of these with a planetary failure,
This unit may be a preproduction (figure 1). make sure the lube checkball is present
or a test unit, since there were no exter- Behind the side pan is a valve body and not stuck.
nal tags or labels to identify it. But each with seven solenoids and electrical con- Inside, the unit looked very clean
internal part was carefully scribed with nectors for the Transmission Range and straightforward. It looks like the
a part number. sensor (TR) and Turbine Speed Sensor only tricky part to assemble would
Some of the general features of this (TSS). After disconnecting the connec- be the Belleville spring under the 2-6
unit include: tors and removing several bolts, the clutch span ring. Other than that, it
A nnouncing SOLPRO, a
development of new products
to fill the needs of shops looking for
the real FIX in linear solenoids.
• SOLPRO, is the first
company dedicated to quality
remanufactured valve body
• SOLPRO solenoids are re-
engineered from the inside out.
• Each solenoid is completely
stripped, remanufactured and SOLPRO solenoids are NOW available for:
tested before it becomes a proven
SOLPRO solenoid. • AW55-50SN
• Behind each SOLPRO solenoid • 09G/TF60-SN
are months of research and
testing which have resulted in • 09D/TR60-SN
designs and parts that have been • AF21/TF-81SC
engineered to exceed OEM
quality. • TF80-SC
• SOLPRO solenoids give you Solenoids are available individually or as master sets.
more options in serving your
customer and your own in-house Depending on supply, solenoids are available on
needs. exchange or R & R bases.
Figure 3
solenoids which are a Bosch design and require an oversized valve or a new compensator valves. I’d also suspect
known to be fairly reliable. pump assembly. both the 2-6 clutch regulator and 3-5-R
The engineers really put some At the moment it’s hard to predict clutch regulator valves to wear, since
thought into simplifying the job of which bushings or hard parts are going each valve has to stoke eight times
troubleshooting this valve body. In this to be weak links inside this unit. I’d shifting up to sixth gear and then back
design, there’s one solenoid and one expect the pump assembly to cause down to first (figure 6).
regulator valve that control each of the pressure and lockup problems. During a rebuild, watch out for
four shifting clutches. Keep in mind that As for the valve body, look for the Teflon seal at the back of the stator
each shift is accomplished by releas- worn Actuator Feed Limit (AFL) and shaft. If it’s cut or nicked, you could
ing one clutch and applying have a converter circuit
another. The one shift that leak.
isn’t a clutch-to-clutch shift Use extra care with
is the downshift from 2nd to the Belleville spring and
1st, because the low sprag is snap ring for the 2-6
holding. clutch at the bottom of
In diagnosing a transmis- the case. Someone could
sion for general slips, flares easily damage the snap
or bangs, you’ll probably be ring seat and ruin the
dealing with an overall pres- case.
sure or computer strategy But in general, it
problem. If you’re dealing looks like a fairly easy
with a shift problem that only transmission to deal
affects one clutch, all you with: So until football
need to focus on is one sole- season starts up again,
noid, one regulator valve, or don’t be afraid to tackle
one clutch. a 6F35.
There is an exception to
this: A compensator piston
is mounted inside the clutch
housing on the 3-5-reverse
and 4-5-6 clutch pistons
(figure 5). The compensator
is there to assist the return
springs of both clutches dur- Figure 4
ing release. So if the compen-
sator piston or circuit fails, the
transmission might develop a
slower or faster clutch action
during some situations.
There’s one on-off shift
solenoid. Its job is to apply the
low-reverse clutch and block
the TCC apply circuit. So if
lockup comes on in low or
reverse and kills the motor,
the problem is most likely
a crossleak in the pump, a
stuck TCC control valve, or a
restricted cooler. Clutch Housing
Hydraulically, we see Including
potential for problems in the Compensator
pump assembly and valve
body. Any wear in the pump
pocket will have a big effect
on pressure, due to the small
size of the pump gears. And
the pressure regulator valve
doesn’t have a wear sleeve,
so any wear in this bore will Figure 5
Input Shaft
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7 480 690 895 429 897
271 770 • Bearings 781
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everse Gear
sing 761
• TeckPak Conversion Kits
M304317B 926
Case • Superior Shift Correction Packages
Ext. Housing 352 379
5-3 995
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• Transgo Reprogramming Kits
347 740
5-1 370 352
438 370 Case 010
wl Assy. 436 • Transgo Shift Kits
846 300
013 540
746 740 765 371
he transmission repair busi- What are the major strengths of the and more but is needed less and less.
ness has historically been franchised concept? The silent partner is often hard to find
divided between two camps: 1. National name recognition because he doesn’t need to visit a busi-
Franchised versus Independent. In the means immediate customer ness that’s doing well on its own.
last two editions of GEARS we com- contact upon opening a new What big name can an aspiring
pared and contrasted these two business shop. independent shop select to instill con-
models. We showed that successful 2. Established business model sumer confidence from day one? Here’s
shops, whether franchised or not, will with initial and ongoing coun- how many general repair shops are
only excel if there are two foundational sel from a visiting operations doing it: The trade name NAPA now
elements in place: representative. appears on high quality general repair
1. Development and manage- 3. Effective sales training. shops everywhere in North America.
ment of the business model 4. Intercenter warranties. NAPA is a big name. The NAPA
2. Technical competence 5. Pooled, professional media Auto Care program qualifies certain
advertising. shops and regulates procedures like
We also showed that independent out-of-town warranty claims. General
shops usually start with aspirations of a What are the major strengths of the repair shops are honored to fly the
talented transmission tech. Franchised independent concept? NAPA flag and gladly pay the asso-
shops usually start with a businessper- 1. Reputation based on technical ciation fees. The NAPA logo acts like a
son buying a business model. talent; the owner is a magnet to increase car counts.
The businessperson soon learns that respected professional in the ATRA needs to become a magnetic
he can’t be completely ignorant about community. name, too. If ATRA remains as a tiny
transmissions if he’s going to direct his 2. The owner chooses target window decal, or if the ATRA logo is
new business, which is immersed in market and range of products one of an assembly of endorsements
technology. Similarly, the transmission and services. like AAA or BBB in the Yellow Pages
tech quickly learns that fixing transmis- 3. Profits accrue only to the ad, it won’t draw customers.
sions is easy compared to the new task owner. The value of ATRA affiliation will
of running a business. 4. The owner can sell business to only blossom when the positive image
anyone he chooses. of a Member shop is linked to that affil-
Is it Either/Or, or 5. Freedom to change or iation. If 2000 Member shops advertise
Both/And? develop the business without their commitment to professionalism,
This article offers an idea I’ve been permission. ethics, and warranty, it enhances each
thinking about for years. You’ve heard shop’s image. Those ads need to link
the expression, “it’s not one or the What’s in a Name? the shops to the “striving for excel-
other, it’s both and.” I’d like to advance Everything! lence” attitude that their ATRA affilia-
a proposal that would be a third way to The national big name of a major tion stands for.
initiate and develop a successful trans- franchisor brings immediate business
mission (or powertrain) repair shop. to the door of a new franchisee. But it Taking Care of
The issue here is that there are comes with a price tag. The franchisee Business
decidedly good characteristics inherent has a silent partner who takes fees Franchisor item 2 is a proven,
in both franchised and non-franchised (often 7-8% of sales), whether the shop workable system for the novice busi-
shops. So how could the best of each be is making money… or not. nessman. Then the franchisor follows
employed in the development of a high As the new franchisee develops his up with shop visits and a critical analy-
class, profitable business? business, the silent partner takes more sis of operational results.
Bridging the Great Divide
here is a normal procrastination sideline us for the rest of our lives while franchised shops to write their own
influence that runs through our our loved ones maintain us. None of the Operations Manual – the franchisor
busy lives. I’m talking about above hurries us to purchase insurance; provides one as part of the franchise
putting off the things that we know we we believe that we have lots of time agreement. The goodwill of a fran-
should do because there are things that before death or tragedy visits us. chised shop is perceived to be a func-
we must do. The age-old title for this is Last year I wrote a series about tion of the franchisor’s “good name”.
“The Tyranny of the Urgent”. writing your own shop’s Operations A potential purchaser of an existing
As I write this I feel a need to climb Manual. Such a guide would be invalu- franchisee’s shop is not counting on the
into the confessional box and give a able if: business acumen of the local franchisee
personal story. I am well aware of the 1. You were sidelined by acci- – he is placing his trust in the business
need to have in place a “legal will” dent or sickness and someone plan of the franchisor.
that could be executed by preselected else had to take over your No, it’s the rest of us – the
“executors” in the event of my death responsibilities, or Independents who need to have an
and/or the death of my wife. There is 2. You wanted to sell your busi- Operations Manual in place to explain
in fact a will in place that Ruth and I ness and a potential purchaser “how I run my business”. The ATRA
prepared early in our marriage about the wanted to buy not just a pile “What’s Working/What’s Not” survey
time we started a family. It dictated who of stuff, but wanted a written has shown that successful shops are
would provide for our little children if document to show how you ones that “plan” and ones that “pull the
we were both killed. That will is still in convert that stuff into a strong trigger”. So,
effect even though our “kids” are now cash flow, or
married and have families of their own! 3. You died suddenly and left 1. “Plan”: includes a written
I know we need a new will; I also know your wife with a business to description of how you run
we both will die. What is keeping me run or dispose of, or your shop which will enable
from getting it done? 4. You wanted to back off the your successor to take over
The role of a life insurance sales- daily responsibilities at the from you.
man is to help people to get ready to shop, train someone else, and 2. “Pull the trigger”: means get-
die. Property insurance is preparation focus on something else. ting it done, not putting it off.
for disaster from fire and explosion.
Disability insurance prepares us for the As I pointed out in the Operations Steve and Marj Croyle have worked
most horrid eventualities that might Manual series, it’s not necessary for 25 years together developing Lake City
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control module detects a problem in the the SH-AWD fault has been corrected. the SH-AWD control module to dis-
system, it turns the SH-AWD indica- The SH-AWD control module uses tribute torque to each wheel based on
tor lamp on and disables the SH-AWD two types of programs to control the the driver’s inputs. It distributes torque
differential. The vehicle defaults to AWD system: to the front and rear wheels based on
front wheel drive only and the PCM 1. Driving Force Control: The the throttle opening and the available
reduces available engine torque until driving force control program allows engine torque. When turning, torque is
12-2 ON Lateral/Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor Malfunction 46-1 ON SH-AWD Control Unit Internal Power Supply (open/short)
12-3 ON Lateral/Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor Malfunction 52-3 ON Left Clutch Electromagnetic Coil Current Malfunction
14-1 ON Lateral/Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor Neutral Position 53-1 ON Left Clutch Electromagnetic Coil (open)
14-2 ON Lateral/Longitudinal Acceleration Sensor Neutral Position 53-2 ON Left Clutch Electromagnetic Coil (short)
16-1 ON Steering Angle Sensor Signal 53-3 ON Left Clutch Electromagnetic Coil (open)
19-1 ON Steering Angle Sensor Circuit (open) 53-4 ON Left Clutch Electromagnetic Coil (short)
19-2 ON Steering Angle Sensor Circuit (short) 56-3 ON Right Clutch Electromagnetic Coil Current Malfunction
19-3 ON Steering Angle sensor Malfunction 57-1 ON Right Clutch Electromagnetic Coil (open)
19-4 ON Steering Angle Sensor Circuit 57-2 ON Right Clutch Electromagnetic Coil (short)
27-1 ON Hypoid Gear Speed Sensor (open or short) 57-3 ON Right Clutch Electromagnetic Coil (open)
27-2 ON Hypoid Gear Speed Sensor Malfunction 57-4 ON Right Clutch Electromagnetic Coil (short)
33-1 ON YAW Rate Sensor Malfunction 59-1 ON SH-AWD Control Unit Power Supply Monitor Circuit
33-2 ON YAW Rate Sensor Malfunction 61-1 ON Shift solenoid Valve (open)
33-3 ON YAW Rate Sensor Malfunction 61-2 ON Shift Solenoid valve (short)
35-4 ON YAW Rate Sensor Neutral Position 74-1 ON One Way Clutch Malfunction
35-2 ON YAW Rate Sensor Neutral Position 75-1 ON Acceleration Device Malfunction (stuck off)
41-1 ON Loss of Communication with PCM 75-2 ON Acceleration Device Malfunction (stuck on)
41-2 ON Loss of Communication with VSA Control Unit 76-1 ON Rear Differential Fluid Overheats
41-3 ON Loss of Communication with Gauge Assembly 77-1 ON Functional Abnormalities in Emission or Auto Trans Sys.
42-1 ON Differential Oil Temperature Sensor (open) 77-2 ON Functional Abnormalities in VSA System
42-2 ON Differential Oil Temperature Sensor (short) 77-3 ON Functional Abnormalities in Gauge Assembly
43-1 ON Differential Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit 78-XX ON SH-AWD Control Unit Self Diagnostic Malfunction
44-11 ON SH-AWD Control Unit 81-1 ON Left Search Coil Sensor Malfunction
44-12 ON SH-AWD Relay Stuck On 81-2 ON Left Search Coil Sensor (open or short)
44-21 ON SH-AWD Control Unit 81-3 ON Left Search Coil Sensor Magnetic Flux
44-31 ON SH-AWD Relay Stuck Off 82-1 ON Right Search Coil Sensor Malfunction
44-32 ON SH-AWD Control Unit Power Supply Stuck On 82-2 ON Right Search Coil Sensor (open or short)
44-41 ON Power Supply Stuck Off 82-3 ON Right Search Coil Sensor Magnetic Flux
until you turn the ignition key off; no for codes in the PCM, Antilock Brake • Turn the Key on, Engine Off.
DTCs will set for these conditions. System and the VSA system. Codes in • Follow the prompts on the scan
any of these systems must be repaired tool display to access the SH-AWD
Checking for before attempting to diagnose the Control Module.
Diagnostic Codes SH-AWD system. Codes set in these
When the SH-AWD Control systems will interfere with SH-AWD Once you’ve gained access to the
Module detects a problem, the SH-AWD system operation. SH-AWD control module, record and
control module will light the SH-AWD To access the SH-AWD control clear the codes listed, test drive the
indicator light. The MIL (malfunction module: vehicle several times in AWD mode,
indicator lamp), the D5 indicator lamp, • Connect your HDS (Honda Scan and recheck for codes. If an AWD sys-
and the ABS lamp may also light. Tool) or compatible scan tool to tem code resets, diagnose and repair the
Before accessing the SH-AWD the DLC behind the driver’s lower code or codes as needed.
control module to retrieve codes, check dash panel. If no codes return, there may be
an intermittent problem in the AWD steering angle sensor circuit. fluid is overheating.
circuits. Be sure to check all connec- • 27 indicate a problem in the hypoid • 77 indicate a functional error from
tions within the SH-AWD system. After gear speed sensor circuit. the PCM, ABS or VSA systems.
making any repairs it’s always a good • 33 or 35 indicate a problem in the • 78 indicate a control module self-
idea to update the SH-AWD control yaw rate sensor circuit. test failure.
module with the latest programming. • 41 indicate a loss of communica- • 81 indicate a left search coil circuit
After replacing the differential tion with another module. problem.
clutch sets, steering angle sensor, or • 42 or 43 indicate a differential oil • 82 indicate a right search coil cir-
yaw rate sensor, you’ll need to perform temperature sensor circuit prob- cuit problem.
a memorization procedure for each of lem.
these sensors before the SH-AWD sys- • 44 indicate a problem with a power Diagnosing SH-AWD system codes
tem will function properly. or ground circuit to the control is usually pretty straightforward: check
If you replace the SH-AWD con- module. the wiring, connections, and the specif-
trol module, you’ll need to initialize • 46 indicate an internal power source ic component for failure. Once you’ve
the new control module with an HDS failure in the control module. repaired the problem, you’ll have to
or compatible scan tool. • 52 or 53 indicate a left clutch elec- clear the codes from the SH-AWD
tromagnetic coil circuit problem. system with an HDS or compatible
Types of Codes • 56 or 57 indicate a right clutch scan tool.
SH-AWD Control Module codes electromagnetic coil circuit prob- Well, there you have it: an inside
are usually three- or four-digit codes. lem. look at Acura’s Super Handling All-
The SH-AWD control module codes • 59 indicate a control unit power Wheel Drive (SH-AWD) system. With
are broken up into 19 different catego- supply monitor circuit problem. a better understanding of how AWD
ries (Refer to figure 4 for a complete • 61 indicate a solenoid valve circuit systems operates, you should have no
code list). problem. problem keeping those trannies and
Codes beginning with: • 74 indicate a one-way clutch prob- AWD systems rolling.
• 12 or 14 indicate a problem in the lem.
lateral/longitudinal acceleration • 75 indicate an accelerator device
sensor circuit. problem.
• 16 or 19 indicate a problem in the • 76 indicate the rear differential
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continuity of the PCI circuits between
hrysler can use two com- wilderness of computer system diagno- the TCM, PCM and other modules.
munication formats, often in sis, instead of a compass we need a scan We didn’t find any opens or shorts to
the same vehicle. The format tool; instead of a map we need wiring ground.
we’ve become used to seeing since diagrams and system knowledge. Any module on the PCI bus can
1989, Chrysler Collision Detection Like most shops, we use aftermar- bring the system down, so which
(CCD), is a 2-wire system; the sys- ket equipment and information, which one? How would we know what we
tem introduced almost a decade ago is good. But these pose challenges were looking for? ATRA has access
is PCI, which is a single-wire system. when communication is an issue. Some to Chrysler OEM information and we
Of course, we now have the OBD-II of the best diagnostic tools for a 41TE pored over numerous pages to find out.
required CAN BUS. transmission are a TCM/PCM, a sole- What we needed to look for at the
As Randall Schroeder, ATRA noid block, and a battery charger. These Diagnostic Junction Port was “activity
Senior Technician, mentioned in a past three “tools” can help you diagnose the of about 7.5 volts” on the module PCI
ATRA Tech seminar, “It took one com- unit much faster than your scan tool wire (figure 2). For example, when we
puter to put a man on the moon; it takes when you’re faced with no communica- looked at the HVAC module, the scope
three to get a Caravan to shift down the tion. Although the Chrysler DBR scan would be flatlined (0 volts) until we
road.” We need the PCM, TCM and tool would be the best choice, it isn’t pushed a button on the heat control to
BCM to make this system work. always an option. cause the module to do something; then
Here’s a real situation that I recent- We began by substituting a we observed activity. The body module
ly faced in my shop: A 2002 Dodge known-good TCM (from a prior model was active all the time, so you have to
Caravan had the check engine light on Caravan), which wasn’t particularly keep activity in mind while observ-
(code P1698; no TCM communication), helpful: Same code, symptoms and the ing the PCI wire for each respective
no backup lights, and the gear selector Caravan worked fine otherwise. The module.
display was lit up. The vehicle worked transmission and engine both worked One significant obstacle: the Front
fine otherwise. Simple enough. great. How can that be if the control Control Module (FCM), ABS and
What I quickly realized is just how modules aren’t communicating? TCM are tied together in the Intelligent
much I didn’t know and how little good Our scan tool looks at Programm- Control Module (ICM). When we were
information there was to guide me. To able Communication Interface (PCI) checking PCI activity at the Diagnostic
survive in the wilderness we needed a communication through the OBD-II Junction Port, what were we looking
compass and a map. To survive in the connector. The TCM and PCM are at? Chrysler’s DRB-III scan tool can
Diagnosing Chrysler PCI Communications
Zach’s Transmission
and 4X4 LLC, by Rodger Bland
here are basically two ways
that people start out in the
transmission repair business:
either they take on a shop as a busi-
ness opportunity, or they start out on
the bench, turning wrenches. Of the
two, the second path is the far more
Zach Evans was one such busi-
ness owner. Zach started out in much
the same way as a lot of technicians.
He loved fixing things, so he took auto
repair courses at a tech school near his
home in Durango, Colorado. After he
graduated, the school helped find Zach
a position at a local shop.
Zach started out at the bottom as
an R&R tech and worked his way up.
And, like most technicians, he moved
around a bit. At one point he worked
for ATRA President Jim Rodd. After 17
years, he’d risen through every posi-
tion available in a transmission repair
shop and was working as a rebuilder/
diagnostician. And he was very well
respected in that capacity.
That’s when he had “the moment.”
Those of you who followed a similar
path know “the moment”: That’s when
you find yourself asking, “Why am
I spending all my time making my
bosses rich? I should open my own
shop and make it for myself!” [Stop
snickering — you know you had “the
moment” too!] So he took the plunge.
Zach started small, working out
of his home garage, doing a few jobs
while still bringing home a paycheck
from his regular gig. Finally he decided
he was ready, so he rented a shop in
Longmont — a small town just north
of Denver — and opened the doors of Zach Evans, Owner
The People
Currently Zach’s Transmission and
4X4 is mostly about Zach. He’s the pri-
mary diagnostician, rebuilder and shop
manager. But he’s beginning to grow: According to
Zach has two fulltime R&R techni- Zach, “he was poi-
cians working for him, plus a general soning the shop.” The
technician who steps in to handle most technician knew his
ancillary repairs when necessary. He’s way around a trans-
now starting to train his people to move mission, but his atti-
up through the ranks, and is hoping tude wasn’t right for
to have at least one of the R&R techs the business he was
move into a swing position before building. When the
long. technician wouldn’t
He also recently hired a shop ser- accept Zach’s new
vice writer: Risa Vandenbos, who also vision, he had to let
doubles as his girlfriend (a job she had him go.
first!) Risa attended Expo this past year, When asked
and Zach sent her to Maylon Newton’s about working at
service writer’s school to learn the Zach’s, one of the
trade. technicians, Del Zach with his servicewriter, Risa Vandenbos at the service counter.
The addition of Risa has provided a great boost in the businesses
Having someone else to answer Trantham, had this
bottom line.
the phone and handle the front desk to say: “I’ve worked
frees up Zach to keep working on the other shops where it But instead of a billboard, Zach
bench, which is just what he prefers to seemed like it was ‘us against [the puts his name out there by sponsoring
be doing. And it enables him turn out customer].’ I like the attitude of serv- local teams. His banners appear on the
more rebuild work every day. ing the customer a lot more. It’s a nicer sports fields every season.
environment to work in.” He also has T-shirts and market-
5 Recurring Traits 4. Processes and Systems — ing specialty items on hand, which he
Throughout the What’s Working Most of Zach’s business is centered on gives freely to customers. And he’s big
program, the one thing that’s remained him. And he’s quick to acknowledge on attending car shows, where he hands
constant has been the 5 Recurring that, without clear processes and sys- out his marketing gifts. “They may not
Traits of the most successful shop own- tems in place, it always will be. For need me today,” he says, “but they’ll
ers. And Zach is a prime example of him to grow beyond his present situa- remember me when they do.”
those traits: tion, he has to institute clear processes. And, like most shops, he does have
1. Attitude — Zach loves what Bringing in a service writer was one of a small ad in a few local Yellow Pages
he’s doing, and he’s happy to let every- his first steps toward that goal. books.
one know it. He’s content with where 5. Pull the Trigger — Zach knew Zach is quick to acknowledge the
he is in his life, and he’s thrilled to be where he wanted to be and he knew role that ATRA played in his success.
able to make a living doing what he how he wanted to get there. As he dis- He knows that his view of business was
loves. covered at Expo, he was the one who’d skewed; that the things he learned by
2. Vision, Plan and Goals — have to make it happen. And that’s attending Expo made the difference in
After attending Expo, Zach knew that exactly what he did. his business strategy and its outcome.
he needed to set goals for himself. Success comes in many forms. For
He chose to build his business around Marketing Zach’s some it’s about money; for others it’s
wholesale work, and he went out and Just because Zach has built up a about being happy with what you do,
made it happen. reputation as the go-to transmission each and every day. In the case of Zach
3. People — Before attending guy doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to Evans, it’s about both, because he’s
Expo, Zach had a fellow working for keep himself out in front of the com- discovered how to be profitable doing
him who was a competent and talented munity. what he loves. It’s hard to find fault
technician. Shortly after returning from with that.
Expo, Zach fired him.
It’s in Your
Hands by Dennis Madden
Figure 5
were virtually identical (figure 6).
Your first reaction to these findings
might be, “So what, it doesn’t tell me how
to improve my business.” But in a way it
does. What it tells us is that the conditions
that many shop owners cite as the reason
for their business difficulties, things that are
outside their control, really don’t have as
much of an impact as they think. In every
instance there are successful shop owners
in a demographic where others are failing,
or just getting by.
Once you accept this, you’re ready to
work on those things you have control over:
the activities that really will have a positive
impact in your business.
That’s the basis of this year’s manage-
ment track at Expo; finding ways to make
significant improvements in your business.
And this year we’ll have a panel of shop
Figure 6
owners who used what they learned from
previous Expos, applied it to their business
and realized major improvements in their
business success. ATRA’s 2009 Consumer and Business Report contains
You can be successful in transmission more information about this subject and it includes
repair, even in today’s economy. Take the the results from the study of one thousand consumers.
plunge… pull the trigger… and find your
way to this year’s Expo. Maybe you’ll be To find it, go to
the next big success story highlighted in the and type “2009 Report” in the search field.
pages of GEARS.
Consumer Website!
Figure 2
Figure 1
Figure 3
he long-anticipated ATRA con- by stripping the consumer information course is the Shop Finder tool (figure
sumer web site launched April from the site it made it a bit easier to 2). The consumer types in their loca-
30th. Last summer it became navigate. tion and it reports back the addresses
clear that ATRA needed to focus more The consumer site is also specifi- of ATRA members within a specified
on reaching consumers and driving cally targeted to one audience; consum- distance. It also includes a map of the
them into ATRA members’ shops. The ers. You won’t find industry informa- members from the query (figure 3).
goal was also to serve as an advocate tion or pages related to membership As with most of the features there are
for consumers; a safe place to get infor- services other than pages used to refer multiple links to get to key features;
mation about their car and repairs they consumers to ATRA member shops and in this case there are four. This assures
may be faced with. This meant we’d an industry/member site link that takes that consumers won’t have to fumble
have to split the ATRA into two sites; you to the member site. This new con- around to find it. It works very similar
one for the industry and one for con- sumer site resides at and to the original Shop Finder, however
sumers (figure 1). takes the place of the former combined this one actually tracks the number of
Last February was phase of the site. It also contains many features of impressions each member shop receives
project; launching the new industry/ the old site as well as new feature and so we can track its effectiveness.
member site. It contains only informa- some enhanced feature. A new feature is where consum-
tion pertaining to members and industry Let’s take a look at some of its ers can contact ATRA for information
professionals. One side benefit was that features: One of the main features, of about their transmission or other auto-
Figure 5
Figure 6
50 GEARS May/June
GEARS 2010
July 2009
DMC Transmissions in Ventura, California
DMC Transmissions
New Solenoid Line announce that David Skora has joined Arizona Transmission
from Valve Body PRO its staff in the position of technical direc- Machine Receives
tor. David brings with him a wealth of Innovation Award
knowledge and experience in the trans-
mission industry, including 15 years as
a technical specialist for ATRA.
Bob Sanghera, CEO of Valve Body
PRO, sees a bright future for individu-
als and companies in the transmission
industry willing to take advantage of
the challenges that are taking place.
Adding David to the staff will give
Valve Body PRO now offers indi- Valve Body PRO the means to meet
vidual or master sets of popular Aisin those challenges.
Warner solenoids through its new divi- Visit Valve Body PRO on line at Arizona Transmission Machine
sion, SOLPRO. “These solenoids are received an Innovation Award at the 12th
reengineered from the inside out,” said Annual Hotrod and Restoration Trade
David Skora, technical director for Sonnax 4R70W/4R75W Show in Indianapolis, Indiana on March
Valve Body PRO. Valve Body Retainer 11-13, 2010.
SOLPRO has researched the sole- Plate The category was for shop tools and
noid issues that affect the shifting char- equipment and the EZ-DRIVER claimed
acteristics of the valve body and trans- the top prize. Travis Weeks presented the
mission, and determined there’s a better award at the opening breakfast to Mike
way to fix them. Tilley, president of Arizona Transmission
One of the problem areas involves Machine.
excessive friction between the armature For more information about the award
shaft and the bushing. Even after a good or the EZ-DRIVER kit, visit Arizona
cleaning, it can still cause problems. Transmission Machine on line at www.ez-
The other issue happens when the plas-, or you can call Mike directly
tic terminals break, causing loose con- at 1-602-992-2961.
nections. A SOLPRO solenoid solves
both these problems. Raybestos Unveils
Currently SOLPRO is remanufac- From 2001 on, 4R70W and 4R75W Superior Friction Plate
turing solenoids for the AW55-50SN valve bodies no longer had the small for Honda Transmissions
and the whole family of 09G, 09D, round retainer plate installed on the
TF-80SC, and AF21/81 transmissions. lower corner of the valve body.
For more information, visit www. Without the reinforcement that was or call toll free provided by the plate on earlier units, oil
1-877-611-7767. pressure could push the separator plate
away from the valve body casting, com-
David Skora New monly results in crossleaks and plate
Technical Director cracking. The crossleaks allow forward
for Valve Body PRO and direct oil to drag clutches, causing
forward and direct clutch failures.
Sonnax Valve Body Retainer Plate Raybestos Powertrain has announced
76507F-01K easily bolts into place, the release of its new GPX Friction Plate
clamping the separator plate and gasket for Honda transmissions. The “Global
securely, preventing future leaks. This Performance Extra” is superior to any
kit installs in minutes without any spe- other friction plate for Honda.
cial tools, salvages valve bodies, and “The shifting performance of this
allows you to reuse cracked plates. new Raybestos GPX Friction Plate match-
For more information, visit Sonnax es Honda perfectly,” said Raybestos Vice
at President, Sales and Marketing Al Avila.
Valve Body PRO is pleased to “The GPX is engineered and qualified
Bonded Valve Body
Separator Plate Gaskets
Backwoods Goop
yet durable answer to another perplexing steerinG knuckle luBe
problem: Be ready for the next 42RLE to
hit your bench.
For more information, visit them on
line at steerinG knuckle luBe
TransTec Introduces Kit
for Ford FNR5 and Mazda The proper lubricant for the enclosed knuckle differential.
The FNR5 is found in the 2006-up as director of business development, and Reply to [email protected]
Ford Fusion and Mercury Milan. New Product shortly thereafter assumed responsibility ers, and older domestic 4x4’s. This is the proper
The FS5A-EL is in 2006-up Mazda Announcement
3 for the Cleveland sales team in addition lubricant
for the
and Mazda 6 models, the 2008-up Mazda to his business development role.
5, and several other MazdaFS5A-EL models found “In 2007, Neil was promoted to vice
Ford FNR5/Mazda knuckle
internationally. president of corporate development and differ-
We are pleased to announce the availability of TransTec overhaul kit
DP2547. Kit DP2547 covers the five speed front drive TransTec
Ford FNR5 ® andwas instrumental in leading the successful ential.
FS5A-EL transmissions. The FNR5 is found in the 2006-up Ford
Fusion and Mercury Milan. The FS5A-EL is in 2006-up Number Mazda 3 and
integration of Transtar and Axiom,” said It’s not
Duraprene® Pan Gasket
found internationally. B11559 The proper lubricant for the enclosed knuckle differential.
Mazda 6 models, the 2008-up Mazda 5 and several other Mazda modelsGreg Gyllstrom, president and CEO of
any new
Featured Components
Transtar Holding Company. “Following informa-
Duraprene® Side Cover Gasket ®
Steering knuckle
B11558 lube for Toyota
the integration, Neil was pickups with to
promoted tion or product, it’s what the manufacturers origi-
Number a straight axle and Land Cruisers, Range Rov- nally used since the 1940’s. Putting regular wheel
Front Seal B29629 group vice president for the Domestic
Duraprene pan gasket B11559
ers, and older domestic Group.4x4’s. This is the proper bearing grease in your enclosed knuckle differen-
New, Global Edition Two New Kits François Augnet, CEO of TRW
Transmission Guide from RatioTek Aftermarket Europe
Simplifies Trans ID First kit, number RT-A750E. This
kit fits Toyota & Lexus A761E Augnet receives the award for his and the
2003-2008, 5 Speed Rear Wheel Drive. company's outstanding record within the
This kit provides quick clean shifts and field of automotive remanufacturing.
15% more converter clutch holding "François Augnet has, over a long
power. period, been a dedicated promotor of
automotive remanufacturing and, togeth-
er with his team, made the company's two
main brake reman facilities in Frytlant
in the Czech Republic and Wrexham in
the UK into admirable examples of qual-
ity and innovation in remanufacturing",
said William Schwarck, Editor-in-Chief,
ReMaTecNews, and Chairman of the
Award jury.
TRW Automotive Aftermarket, a
Second kit, number RT-A750E-HD. member of the world-wide TRW group,
This kit fits Toyota & Lexus A761E is a leading provider of high-quality
2003-2008, 5 Speed Rear Wheel Drive. replacement parts, service and technical
This kit provides firm quick shifts support for both Independent Aftermarket
and 35% more converter clutch holding (IAM) and Vehicle Manufacturers Service
power. Also great for TRD blowers and (VMS).
Transmission professionals can iden- NOS. Instituted in 2005, the Remanufacturer
tify automatic transmissions in virtually of the Year award honours an individual
any vehicle in the world with a new, or business that has served the automotive
global edition Transmission Guide now remanufacturing industry with distinc-
available from Corteco, the supplier of tion.
TransTec® brand kits. “As the industry is increasingly
Developed specifically to eliminate focusing on quality and, in many respects,
confusion over look-alike transmissions, innovation, the award is designed to rec-
the spiral-bound reference identifies ognize those who have put in a spe-
transmissions by vehicle make, model, cial effort to promote the concept and
year, and engine. You can select Ford, image of reman”, said William Schwarck,
for example, to determine that a 2008 Editor-in-Chief, ReMaTecNews. “We see
Ford Explorer with V6 4.0L engine has a For distributor or more info 626- it as the magazine’s contribution to rais-
5R55E, 5-speed, rear wheel drive trans- 968-2754. ing quality levels within the industry and
mission. promoting a better understanding of the
The 70-page transmission guide has Remanufacturer of the benefits and values of reman outside it.”
been expanded for global coverage of Year 2010 ReMaTecNews is published by
import and domestic applications through ReMaTecNews, the international RAI Langfords B.V. in association with
the 2011 model year, so you can also news magazine for the automotive reman- Amsterdam RAI, APRA, Automotive
determine that a 2003 Citroen Saxo with ufacturing industry, has announced the Parts Remanufacturers Association,
L4 1.4L engine has a 3-speed front wheel winner of its Remanufacturer of the Year and FIRM, International Association of
drive transmission (model MB3). “We’re Award for 2010: François Augnet, CEO Engine Rebuilders and Remanufacturers.
very proud to offer the first and only of TRW Aftermarket Europe. François
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GEARS May/June 2010 85
GEARS classified advertising cost $95.00 for up to 50 words for a one time insertion. ATRA members are eligible to receive up to three (3) FREE classified
advertisements in GEARS annually (per 9 issues). Members wishing to place ads once their three FREE ads have 9234
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do so layout 2/25/08
cost listed above. 2:38 PM
Ads exceeding the maximum word count will cost $1.50 for each additional word (not including phone number and address).
19 8
USED & REBUILT PARTS Supply automatics, standards, transfer
cases, torque converters, & hard parts
We offer a complete machine shop for all years, makes, and models,
for ALL of your rebuilding needs! foreign and domestic
Heavy Duty applications for towing or industrial use
Nationwide warranty; Lifetime/extended available
• FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC All factory updates incorporated into our transmissions
• RETAIL AND WHOLESALE Toll-free Technical Support
• ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! Ship nationwide & international
tics & general repair, call Al at Al’s Transmis- fornia is seeking experienced transmission
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Located in Lan- sions in Turlock, CA (209) 634-5229 or fax R&R technician for all makes and models.
caster, California – Transmission and Auto resume to (209) 634-5257 today. All work Knowledge of Honda/Acura Automobiles
Repair Shop with a 6200 sq. ft. storage, and areas are inside with modern equipment and diagnostic experience preferred. Medi-
1.75 acres of land. All located on a main av- and all rebuilding tools plus upgraded scan- cal, Dental and 401K benefits offered.
enue. Plenty of room to work on vehicles, ners for diagnostic. You could be looking at Submit resume to [email protected] or
contains 7 car lifts (9,000lbs capacity) plus long term employment in a very clean work fax (909) 941-9460 attention: Rory. (Drug
a 18,000lbs truck lift. Heated and air con- environment with a guarantee of 32 hours Screen Required) ATRA Mbr
ditioned office and waiting room. $975,000 per week if willing to do odd jobs during slow
OBO, call Miguel at (661) 350-0171 or email: times. Hours 8:00 to 5:00, Monday through
[email protected]. ATRA Mbr Friday. For more in-
formation visit our
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Largest Transmis- website at: www.
sion and General Repair Center in sunny alstransmissions.
Saint Petersburg, Florida – 9700 sq. ft. build- com. ATRA Mbr
ing, 14 bays, 10 lifts, (9 -7000lbs, 2-9000lbs,
1- 25000lbs). Three air condition offices HELP WANTED:
and air condition building room completely DFW Metroplex, TX
equipped. Located on Route 19 main high- – High quality, well
way address 1201-34 Street South. Same established honest
location, same owner and ATRA member shop looking for a
for 30 years. Low cost transmission only transmission tech-
195K, long term lease or building available. nician and service
Contact George Douglas, (727) 420-8558 or manager. Tech must
[email protected]. Owner retiring due to be experienced and
health. ATRA Mbr have strong diag-
nostic and electri-
BUSINESS FOR SALE: Florida’s West cal skills. Manager
Coast. 38 year established ATRA member must be honest and
business with two buildings plus a half acre have good people
Real Estate in popular Beach area. Well skills. Contact:
known & highly respected shop. Can ex- North Texas Trans-
pand or rent 1 unit for income. Extensive mission, Inc. at
equipment with 11 lifts plus a 30,000lbs (817) 265-0921.
Truck & RV lift. Owner retiring. Business and Resume can be
property priced right at $795,000 for com- faxed to (817) 277-
plete Turnkey operation ready to start mak- 0049 or emailed
ing money!! Call Pam Edgington, Prudential to Richard@
Florida Realty (941) 812-6324. E-Mail pa- northtexastrans-
[email protected] Website: www.go- . ATRA Mbr
HELP WANTED: California – If you are a Repair facility lo-
technician with 2 to 3 years of experience cated in Rancho
in rebuilding transmissions, doing diagnos- Cucamonga, Cali-