01 - Function Inverses PDF

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Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Name___________________________________

Function Inverses Date________________ Period____

State if the given functions are inverses.

1) g( x)x  
2) h(n) n
f ( x)x  

f (n) n

  
3) g(n) 4) g( x) x
n  
 
f (n)   f ( x) x
n 

Find the inverse of each function.

  
5) h( x) 6) f ( x) x
x  

 8) h( x)x
7) f ( x)  

  
9) f ( x) x 10) f ( x)  
  x

-1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©b S2C0c1T6U hKVuStXac rSxoOf^tlwga]rSe^ aLeLaCr.c t gA[lTlv brzingPhZt]sc `r[eDs]eQrUvAeBdp.g f rM]addoeL mwZi]tAhU pIDnBfPirnmi[tVeg JParIeFcoaglOcRutlhubsd.
Find the inverse of each function. Then graph the function and its inverse.

11) f ( x) x 
12) f ( x)  

 y

            x 
             x

x 14) g(n)n 

13) g( x)


 
 
 
 
 
             x
            x
 
 
 
 
 

Critical thinking questions:

15) Give an example of a function that doesn't 16) Find the inverse of f ( x) x
have an inverse.

-2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©j h2U0H1v6P SKquUtkaB XSporf_tbwBaXr]eU ALWLMCu.u R OAClBlw Irqivg[hMtis_ hrme^sPeVrcvjeDdC.P E uMdaAd_eN lwgiDtvhC eIbncfOiLnei\tlep ^PNrCehcKa]lbcQu^luu\sL.
Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Name___________________________________

Function Inverses Date________________ Period____

State if the given functions are inverses.

1) g( x)x  
2) h(n) n
f ( x)x  

No f (n) n


  
3) g(n) 4) g( x) x
n  
 
f (n)   f ( x) x
n 
Yes No

Find the inverse of each function.

  
5) h( x) 6) f ( x) x
x  

( x)    f
( x)  x
x 

 8) h( x)x
7) f ( x)  
h ( x)  x 

   
f ( x)  

  
9) f ( x) x 10) f ( x)  
  x

( x)  x f
( x) 
 x

-1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©g i2I0t1c6k EKaumtfae XSTogfptSwPavrPeQ OLYLaC`.W \ LAilslS drxicgJhNtcsZ Qr[ezsEeMrxvAeHdy.^ S uMCaldXew HwJizthhv OIKnSfvihnQittJeS IPPrVeccDatlBcIu]lHuJsp.
Find the inverse of each function. Then graph the function and its inverse.

11) f ( x) x 
12) f ( x)  
( x)( x)  x
  
f ( x)
 y x

            x 
             x

x 14) g(n)n 

13) g( x)

g (n)  n

x y 
g ( x) 
y  

 
 
 
 
             x
            x
 
 
 
 
 

Critical thinking questions:

15) Give an example of a function that doesn't 16) Find the inverse of f ( x) x
have an inverse.  
f ( x)x for x
f ( x)x 

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-2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

©q a2v0Q1Z6A UKUuetYaw pSYonfLt[wuabrzeB CLmLRCq.r G jAZlTlC `rviigNhytAsJ UrjeUsFeyrmvTepdb.X ^ dMdaFdzeU ywFiNtah] PILndfriSnfihtmep KPvrMefcBaCl`cAuJlIu[sf.

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