Holive-Sanlier-Pastoret-Post-it - 26032020
Holive-Sanlier-Pastoret-Post-it - 26032020
Holive-Sanlier-Pastoret-Post-it - 26032020
Hannah Holive
Benjamin Sanlier
Lucile Pastoret
1. Scenario ...........................................Page 1
2. Justification.....................................Page 2
4. Scenario in French.........................Page 6
5. Type of Logo....................................Page 7
A young woman passionate of drawing dream about integrate an
art school. But she's confused, she does not have any self-
confidence and does not dare apply to the school. Every evening
by habit she goes and sit down on a bench right in front the school
art where she draws hours and hours hoping she will become
enought brave to apply to the school one day. But she ignored that
an art professor will spott her drawing.One night, when the
teacher finished later, he saw a post-it on the bench forgotten by
the young woman already gone. He was sujugated by the fabulous
drawing he saw on this tiny paper.The next evening the professor
decided to finish earlier and wait for the young woman on the
bench. When she arrived the professor ask her if she did this
fantastic drawing on the post it , and she said yes. He
complimented her about her work and told her she was talented.
Then he invited her to join his class.
Page 1
Advertising appeals to emotion by causing its audience to think
that post-it notes allow the creativity of individuals to be freely
expressed, to convey ideas and also to share emotions between
people. Overall, the post-it brings humans together appart from
the fact to simply listing the shopping list. Advertising fulfills a
cognitive objective by attesting to the functional aspect of the
product: people can write and draw on it . In addition, the
advertisement fulfills an emotional objective by playing on the
touching aspect of the young woman whose dream at the
beginning of the video is not attainable and becomes achievable
with the post it .
Page 2
Story Board
Scene 1, Camera shot 1, Long shot:
a student draws on a bench.
Page 3
Story Board
Scene 4, camera shot 1,close shot:
Repetition of this camera shot.
Scene 6, camera shot 3, close shot: This close shot allows to zoom
on the professor’s expression,to show how he appreciates the
student’s work. He looks impressed.
Page 4
Story Board
Scene7, camera shot 1, american shot:
The student draws again on the bench.We can see a silhouette
arriving in the background.It’s the professor who challenges the
Last scene :
the shot come closer and closer , we can see te post-it on the bench
where it's writted 'write' 'love it' and 'post it' , the logo will com up
,on the same time the post il will deseaper
Page 5
Scenario in French
Une jeune femme passionnée par le dessin a pour rêve de faire des
études artistiques. Elle hésite pourtant, n’a pas confiance en elle et
n’ose pas postuler. Après son travail, elle a pour habitude de se
rendre sur un banc situé en face d’une école d’art. Elle dessine sur
ses post-it en espérant, un jour, avoir le courage d'y postuler. Un soir,
en quittant cette école d'art, un professeur aperçoit sur le banc un
post-it oublié. Le dessin qui y est inscrit attire sa curiosité.
Le lendemain, le professeur décide de finir plus tôt en espérant
retrouver son auteur. Il voit la jeune femme s’asseoir et commencer
à dessiner. Il l'interpelle et elle lui confirme qu'elle est bien à l'origine
du dessin. Il se présente et lui propose d'intégrer de lui-même l’école
Page 6
Type of logo
Page 7