New Systemic Treatment For Poultry Red Mite Infestation in Layers
New Systemic Treatment For Poultry Red Mite Infestation in Layers
New Systemic Treatment For Poultry Red Mite Infestation in Layers
Table 1. Reduction of mite populations after initiation of treatment with Mite colonies on equipment beneath the hens (enriched cages).
Exzolt. Exzolt was used on days zero and seven.
100 of the farms. The efficacy was main- This study demonstrated that sys-
** tained above 90% until the end of temic treatment with Exzolt
95 the egg production cycle (three to resulted in safe and non-stressful
eight months) in three farms and for control of poultry red mite, and
four months in two farms (Fig. 1). positively impacted layers’ welfare
75 In all the farms, the control of performance indicators. The results
mite populations was associated indicate that this novel treatment
50 with numerically higher laying rates has the potential to be the corner-
(0.9-5.7%) (Fig. 2) and with lower stone of an integrated approach to
25 mortalities (-0.01 to -0.15%). reducing or eliminating the welfare
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
The proportion of downgraded and productivity costs of this
Weeks after treatment initiation *
eggs, measured in two farms, was increasingly threatening pest. n
numerically lower by -1.1% and -3.4%
Fig. 1. Reduction of mite populations after initiation of treatment with in the treated houses. No treatment
Exzolt. *treatment administered on day zero and seven. **end of related adverse effects were References are available
production cycle (farms 1 and 3). observed. from the author on request
Continued from page 25 two farms), were recorded weekly Fig. 2. The impact of Exzolt treatment on laying rates between treated
fare reasons. The control house was before and after treatment. and controlled housing.
left untreated. Exzolt was adminis-
tered via drinking water, using a
dosing pump, at 0.5mg fluralaner/kg Results n Pre-treatment n Post-treatment
bodyweight, twice seven days apart. 6
The reduction in mite counts in In all farms, the reduction of the 5 4.70
Difference (%)
the treated house versus control mite population started quickly 3.20
was calculated using the after treatment initiation; it 3
Henderson-Tilton formula for the exceeded 95% based on mite 2 1.45
mean mite counts (mobile stages) counts in traps placed in the houses 1
per trap, at regular post-treatment three days after treatment initia- 0 0.08
time points. tion. Two days after the second -1 -0.40 -0.58
Production parameter indicators Exzolt administration, the reduction -2 -1.30
of well-being, which included laying of mite population ranged from Farm 1 Farm 2 Farm 3 Farm 4 Farm 5
+0.9% +1.9% +1.1% +2.0% +5.7%
rate, mortality, and proportion of 99.6-100% (Table 1).
downgraded eggs (data available in The reduction in mite counts