System Requirements: About The Share Pictures Function

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About the Share Pictures function

With this function, you can send a picture and view a received picture, even if you do not use the RS-MS1A.
This instruction document shows how to use this function.
LLThe instructions are based on using the IC-9700.

System requirements

The following system is required to use this function. About the free download software
 (As of May 2020) With the ST-4001W (for Windows), ST-4001A (for
Android™), or ST-4001I (for iOS™), you can add
Compatible Transceiver Required item text and cut pictures down to size to send from the
IC-9700 with firmware version transceiver. The edited picture can be transferred
An SD card
1.20 or later to the transceiver through a LAN.
IC-705 A microSD card LLBefore using, read each manual, and use these
software according to the instructions.
LLInformation LLIn this manual, ST-4001W, ST-4001A, and ST-4001I
•• You cannot use this function while operating in the are described as “Picture Utility software.”
Access Point mode or Satellite mode.
•• To use this function, first format your SD card or microSD To transfer a picture to the transceiver
card using the transceiver. To transfer a picture to the transceiver through a
•• Throughout the rest of this document, the SD cards and LAN, connect your PC or mobile device and your
microSD cards are simply called the SD card or the card. transceiver to the same LAN.

NOTE: Android device

•• Even if no SD card is inserted into the transceiver, iOS device
a picture can be received, but the picture is not
saved in RX Picture History.
LLA picture received before inserting an SD card
is deleted when you insert an SD card into the
•• DO NOT remove the SD card from the transceiver
while using the Share Picture function. Otherwise,
Router Transceiver
the card data may be corrupted or deleted.

About a picture file to use

•• File type*1: JPEG (The file extension is “jpg.”)
•• Picture size*2: 640 x 480, 320 x 240, or 160 x 120 (px)
•• File size: 200 KB or less
•• File name: up to 23 characters
(except a filename extension)
*1 The transceiver cannot read a file that extension is
“jpeg,” or a file in the Progressive JPEG format.
*2 The transceiver cannot read a picture that is other
than the specified size, even if its aspect ratio is 4:3.
LLThe transceiver can display up to 500 pictures.

Icom, Icom Inc. and the Icom logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom,
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Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Android and Google Play are registered trademarks or trademarks of Google LLC, and Google is registered trademark or trademark of Google, LLC.
IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.
All other products or brands are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.

The Share Pictures function

With this function, you can send a picture that is saved on an SD card, and view a received picture.
The RX PICTURE screen
DDUsing the PICTURE screen
Current time
zz Display the PICTURE screen.

LLTo close the PICTURE screen, push EXIT .

Picture Size
Picture Quality

TX block marker
Received time
Received band Received band
Touch to display the RX PICTURE
HISTORY screen. (p. 6)

The TX PICTURE screen

RX Picture zone*2 TX Picture zone

Touch to display the Touch to display the
RX PICTURE screen. TX PICTURE screen.
Picture Size
TX block marker
*1 Displayed when using the transceiver with Dualwatch function. Picture Quality
*2 When using the transceiver with Dualwatch function, signals that
Touch to display
contain picture data are received on the MAIN and SUB bands
at the same time, both pictures are saved on an SD card, but a
SET screen.
picture is displayed on only the MAIN band.
(p. 5)
Key Action
Turn the share pictures function Touch to display the TX PICTURE Touch to display
ON or OFF. HISTORY screen. (p. 6) the TX PICTURE
Touch L
LWhen the Share Pictures function BLOCK SELECT
is ON, the picture is sent while
PICT TX screen. (p. 5)
transmitting. After the sending is
completed, this function is turned OFF.
Touch for is displayed and the picture is
1 second repeatedly sent.
TX ALL Sends the picture using the DV Fast Data function.
Touch for 1 second to move the TX block
marker back to 1st block.
Displays the transceiver’s IP address and

Network Name.

TIP: Transceiver’s IP address and Network Name

If you transfer a picture through a LAN, the PC and mobile You can change the transceiver’s IP address and Network
device access the transceiver using the transceiver’s IP Name in the Set mode.
address or Network Name*. LLSee the transceiver’s instruction manual for the Set
* An Android device and iOS device cannot access the mode details.
transceiver using its Network Name. LLYou cannot change the IP address if the DHCP setting
LLAn IP address is a numerical label that is assigned to devices is ON.
participating on a LAN. When the transceiver’s DHCP setting
is set to ON, the DHCP server assigns a dynamic IP address
to your transceiver. Therefore, the device has to match the IP
address each time you transfer the picture to the transceiver.
We recommend that you let your PC access the
transceiver using its Network Name.

When a received signal contains picture data

When the received signal contains picture data, the RX Picture icon is displayed.
LLIf you touch the RX Picture icon, the PICTURE screen is
LLYou can turn OFF the RX Picture icon.
RX Picture icon
MENU » SET > Display > RX Picture Indicator

Preparing a TX picture

There are 2 ways to prepare a TX picture.

•• Transfer from the PC or mobile device through a LAN using the Picture Utility software.
•• Save on the SD card using the PC or mobile device.
DDTransfer from the PC or mobile device DDSave on the SD card using the PC or
through a LAN mobile device
1. Connect the transceiver to the router. 1. Turn OFF the transceiver, then remove the SD
LLConnect the PC or mobile device to the same router. card from the transceiver.
2. Insert the SD card into the transceiver’s slot, and 2. Insert it into the SD card drive or a memory card
then turn ON the transceiver. reader* on your PC or mobile device.
3. In the PC or mobile device, open the Picture *User supplied.
Utility software. 3. Copy a picture file, and paste it in the “Picture”
4. Open a picture to transfer using the Picture Utility folder on the SD card.
software. 4. Remove the SD card from your device, and insert
5. Click (Touch) the Transfer ( ) button. it into the transceiver’s slot.
LLIf the Transfer Settings screen is displayed, enter the
transceiver’s IP address or Network Name. NOTE: Before you remove the SD card, be sure to
To confirm its IP address and Network Name, touch electrically unmount it. Otherwise, the data may be
[�] on the transceiver’s PICTURE screen. corrupted or deleted.
6. The confirmation dialog is displayed on the
transceiver, and then touch [YES]. When sending a received picture
Save a received picture in the “Picture” folder on the SD
card. (p. 6)

•• Starts transferring, and the transferred picture is

saved on the SD card.
LLThe file name is automatically set in the following
format: yyyymmdd_hhmmss (yyyy: Year, mm: month,
dd: day, hh: hour, mm: minute, ss: second).

If you cannot transfer the picture, check the following:

On the transceiver
•• The transceiver is turned ON.
LLYou cannot transfer the picture if the transceiver is in
the Standby mode.
•• The transceiver and the device are connected to the
same LAN.
•• The transceiver’s firmware is the latest version.
•• An SD card is inserted into the transceiver.
•• The transceiver is in a normal operating mode.
LLThe transceiver cannot receive the picture in special
modes, such as the firmware update mode, clone
mode, setting save mode, import or export mode,
and touch screen calibration mode.
•• Operate the transceiver following the displayed dialog.

On the device
•• The transceiver’s correct IP address or Network Name
is entered in Transfer Settings.

Sending the picture

Step 1. Selecting a picture to send Step 2. Sending the picture

LLYou can retransmit the picture in the TX PICTURE 1. Touch [PICT TX].
HISTORY screen. (p. 6)
LLWhen you transfer the picture through a LAN, it is set to
“TX Picture.” If it is not necessary to change, go to Step
2. Sending the picture.

1. Open the PICTURE screen.


2. Touch the TX Picture zone.

Displays while
“PICT TX” is ON.

3. Touch [TX SET].

2. Push TRANSMIT , or hold down the microphone’s

[PTT] to transmit.
LLThe picture is sent while transmitting.

4. Touch [TX Picture]. Sending a picture using the DV Fast Data function
Touch [TX ALL] to send a picture using the DV Fast Data

LLDO NOT use [TX ALL] when you send a picture to

other transceivers that can receive only slow speed
5. Rotate MAIN DIAL to select a picture. data.
LLYou cannot view a picture if it is not in a supported LLWhile transmitting voice audio by holding down [PTT]
format (p. 1), or it is corrupted. on the microphone, the transceiver automatically
6. Touch [SET]. changes to the Slow Speed Data mode.
When using the IC-9700, set “PTT Port Function”
to “PTT Input” if you want to transmit voice audio
by holding down [PTT] on the microphone while
transmitting a picture in the DV Fast Data mode.
MENU » SET > Connectors > PTT Port Function

7. Set “Picture Size,” “Picture Quality,” and “Receiver.”

LLSee page 5 about each setting item.
8. To close the TX PICTURE SET screen, push
EXIT several times.

Sending the picture

DDMoving the TX block marker DDTX PICTURE SET

You can select the block to start sending. This screen is used to set a Picture, size, quality, and
LLWhile sending a picture, you cannot move the TX block its intended destination to send.
marker. LLWhile sending a picture, you cannot change the settings.

1. Touch the TX Picture zone. 1. Touch the TX Picture zone.

2. Touch [BLOCK]. 2. Touch [TX SET].

3. Touch to select the item to set.

(Example: “Picture Size”)

3. Touch the block or rotate MAIN DIAL to move the

TX block marker. 4. Touch to select or to set the option.
LLTo move the TX block marker back to 1st block, 5. To close the TX PICTURE SET screen, push
touch [BACK TO 1ST]. EXIT several times.
4. Touch [SET].
TIP: You can set each item to its default by touching the
item for 1 second, and then touching “Default” on the

TX Picture
Select the picture to send, saved in the “Picture” folder on
the SD card.
LLWhen you set the TX Picture in the TX PICTURE HISTORY
screen, displayed “(RE TX)” before the file name.
5. To close the TX PICTURE screen, push EXIT .

Picture Size (Default: 320 x 240)

Set the desired size of a picture to send to “160 x 120,”
“320 x 240,” or “640 x 480.”
LLYou cannot select a size larger than the size of the picture.

Picture Quality (Default: Standard (50%))

Set the quality of a picture to send to “Low (25%),”
“Standard (50%),” or “High (75%).”

Receiver (Default: -----)

Enter the receiver’s call sign to let all stations that receive
the picture know the picture’s intended destination.

NOTE: All stations that receive the signal can see the
picture, even if they are not set as the receiver.

Viewing the pictures

DDViewing the RX Picture History DDViewing the TX Picture History

When you receive a DV call that has picture data, a When you send a picture, the picture log is saved. Up
received picture log is saved. Up to 50 history data to 50 history data can be saved. When you send the
can be saved. When you receive the 51st picture, the 51st picture, the oldest history data is deleted.
oldest history data is deleted.

NOTE: Confirm an SD card is in the card slot. NOTE: Confirm an SD card is in the card slot.

1. Open the PICTURE screen. 1. Open the PICTURE screen.


2. Touch the RX Picture zone. 2. Touch the TX Picture zone.

3. Touch [HISTORY]. 3. Touch [HISTORY].

•• The RX PICTURE HISTORY screen is displayed. •• The TX PICTURE HISTORY screen is displayed.
4. Rotate MAIN DIAL to select an RX picture history 4. Rotate MAIN DIAL to select a TX picture history
data. data.
•• The RX picture history number, the caller’s call sign, •• The TX picture history number, the caller’s call sign,
receiver set by the caller, picture size, picture quality, receiver, picture size, picture quality, and TX date
and RX date and time are displayed. and time are displayed.
•• In the Quick Menu, you can select the following options. •• In the Quick Menu, you can select the following options.
Delete: Deletes the selected RX picture history data. Delete: Deletes the selected TX picture history data.
Delete All: Deletes all RX picture history data. Delete All: Deletes all TX picture history data.
LLYou cannot delete when the selected TX picture
history data is set to “TX Picture” (RE TX).
Current Time Current Time

Touch to change to Touch to change to

enlarged display. enlarged display.

Touch to save the Touch to set the

picture on the SD card. picture to “TX Picture.”
Picture Size Picture Size
Received time Picture Quality Transmitted time Picture Quality

LLTo save the selected picture in the “Picture” folder on the LLYou cannot set the picture to “TX Picture” while
SD card, touch [SAVE]. transmitting a picture.
The file name is automatically set in the following format:
Picyyyymmdd_callsign_xx (yyyy: Year, mm: month, dd:
day, callsign: the caller’s call sign, xx: serial number).

Viewing the pictures

DDViewing the pictures in the “Picture”

You can view the pictures saved in the “Picture” folder TIP: To delete all picture files
on the SD card. On the TX/RX PICTURE VIEW (step 1), push QUICK ,
LLYou cannot view the pictures while sending a picture. then touch “Delete All.”
LLTo save the received picture on the SD card, touch LLYou cannot delete all picture files when viewing a
[SAVE] on the RX PICTURE HISTORY screen. (p. 6) picture.
Otherwise, the received picture is not saved in the
“Picture” folder on the SD card.

1. Open the TX/RX PICTURE VIEW screen.


2. Touch a picture to view.

File name

LLYou cannot view a picture if it is not in a supported

format (p. 1) or it is corrupted.
•• In the Quick Menu, you can select the following
File Information:
Displays the file name, size, and saved date.
Delete: Deletes the selected picture.
3. To close the TX/RX PICTURE VIEW screen,
push EXIT several times.


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