The Classical Language Issue
The Classical Language Issue
The Classical Language Issue
We need to remind ourselves that “ language”, the Yiddish linguist The long-standing intellectual rivalry
classical language status is not a Max Weinreich is said to have between Tamil and Sanskrit was recon
observed, “is a dialect with an figured during the colonial encounter. The
matter for the State to decide. It is
army and a navy”. To extend this cynical formulations of William Jones and the
best left to scholars, even though definition, a classical language would be Calcutta school of Orientalism which argued
they are not immune from any Indian language that is so notified by that all Indian languages were offshoots of
politics, to identify what is a weak-kneed central government in a Sanskrit was challenged within a generation
fractured polity. With the recent notifica- by scholars based at the College of Fort St
classical and what is not. Further
tion of Kannada and Telugu as classical George, led by Francis Whyte Ellis (which is
the assignation of such a status languages by the United Progressive Alli- the subject of Thomas Trautmann’s brilliant
based on accepted scholarly ance (UPA)-led government of India, the monograph Languages and Nations: The
standards to any language should floodgates for similar demands for other Dravidian Proof in Colonial Madras (2006)).
languages have been opened. Demands This theory of a distinct family of south
not also mean the “inferiorisation”
for Malayalam as a classical language too Indian or Dravidian family of languages
of other languages. have now joined the chorus. was intellectually fleshed out by Robert
We know that Orientalism, born out of Caldwell, with all its political implications,
the colonial encounter, profoundly mutated in his magisterial A Comparative Grammar
our attitude to language(s). Out of this, for of the Dravidian Family of Languages (1856).
instance, was born the notion of the Both linguistics and politics have not
“mother tongue” which concretised a new been the same since. The “Aryan” and the
affective relationship to one’s own language “Dravidian” came to be defined antitheti-
and has led to large-scale social move- cally, and linguistic difference came to
ments. Similar to this is the category of heavily influence political mobilisation.
“classical languages” – the word for this The rediscovery of Tamil sangam classics
term in Indian languages, much like for and their canonisation fuelled this process.
“the mother tongue”, is a neologism. In the The demand for recognising Tamil as a
Middle Ages, the recognition of Greek and classical language was made quite early –
Latin as classical languages paralleled the even at the turn of the 20th century – by
growth of various, now recognised as scholars such as V G Suryanarayana Sastri,
modern, European languages which came professor of Tamil at Madras Christian
to be designated as vernaculars. College, in his work on the history of the
The Orientalist discovery of the Indo- Tamil language (1903). This demand was
European family of languages greatly altered reiterated continually at many academic
the status of Sanskrit which, given its and intellectual forums. In the post-second
newly-discovered linkages to Greek and world war context when area studies
Latin, soon came to be recognised as clas- began to replace indology, Tamil counter-
sical. So much so that Sanskrit’s putative vailed against Sanskrit in many American
position as the fountainhead of Indian universities. Tamil was seen to offer a
civilisation now seems to be taken for view of India that was different to the one
granted in the popular mind. The colonial seen through the lens of Sanskrit. Even
government officially sanctioned this though the world of scholarship had
recognition by granting titles to scholars recognised Tamil as a classical language,
as part of its annual “new year” honours. a persistent demand from Tamil Nadu was
Invariably such titles were cornered by made to the Indian State to give this an
Sanskrit scholars even though Pali, Arabic official status. The clamour for being
and Persian were not exempt. Rare indeed classical is most certainly a colonial
was a Tamil scholar (the exceptions were hangover, marked by an anxiety to be
A R Venkatachalapathy ([email protected]) U V Swaminatha Iyer and M Kathiresan recognised by the world (read, the west).
is with the Madras Institute of Development
Chettiar) who got the mahamahopadhyaya This popular and political demand for
Studies, Chennai.
title for her/his linguistic achievements. what was really an academic fait accompli
Economic & Political Weekly EPW January 10, 2009 13
can be understood only in the context of Tamil even if for all practical purposes has been a casualty. For example, the
politics in post-independence Tamil Nadu. Sanskrit always enjoyed preferential state renowned epigraphist, Iravatham Maha
treatment. More disturbingly, the nature devan, arguably the world’s leading expert
Language and Identity Politics of the notification patently lent itself to on the Indus and the Brahmi scripts has
Over the last century, as Tamil identity pol- manipulation. The perception that norms pointed out how his comments have been
itics grew even as political parties simulta- had been diluted to accommodate future distorted by Andhra Pradesh in putting
neously accommodated themselves within claims, which emerged from even a forward Telugu’s claim to classical lan-
strong union governments, the demand for simple reading of the notification, was guage status. The government of Karna-
official classical language status to Tamil not without substance. While the widely taka has also openly accused Tamil Nadu
became strident. The issue of “status” took accepted scholarly criterion for antiquity of trying to sabotage the government of
the place of “substance”. This was espe- was the existence of early texts of 2,000 India’s move to confer the status.
cially so after 1989 when regional parties – years, the 2004 notification had watered The classical language issue has long
especially the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam it down to only a 1,000 years. Only after the crossed the portals of the scholarly world.
(DMK) and All India Anna Dravida Munne- intervention of the chief minister of Tamil A suit is pending in the Madras High Court
tra Kazhagam (AIADMK) – began to have a Nadu, M Karunanidhi, it is said that this against granting classical status to Kannada
big say in the formation of governments at was revised to 1,500-2,000 years. Clearly and Telugu. The UPA government, in keep-
the centre. In the wake of the unprece- the government of India was preparing to ing with its consistent policy of appeasing
dented electoral sweep of the DMK-led alli- undermine the question, much like the way every vociferous group, has now gone
ance in the 2004 parliamentary elections the Mandal Commission issue and reserva- ahead and notified Kannada and Telugu.
in Tamil Nadu, the classical language sta- tion have been handled in the recent past. The response of the Kerala government has
tus was one of the more easily conceded been interesting. V S Achuthanandan, the
demands made by an assertive DMK. It was A Pandora’s Box chief minister of Kerala, while stating that
quickly granted by a Ministry of Human The MHRD’s notification with whittled-down Malayalis did not grudge this status being
Resources Development (MHRD) notifica- criteria has to be seen in context. In recent given to Sanskrit and Tamil, demanded that
tion dated 12 October 2004. years, largely as a reaction to Tamil claims, Malayalam not be left out were Kannada
Notwithstanding the genuine claim of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have and Telugu to be notified. Interestingly,
Tamil for the recognition of such a status, been demanding the status of classical The Hindu, which had largely kept silent on
that this move was political was never in language for Kannada and Telugu. Unfor- this matter, published an edit-page article
doubt. While the DMK went overboard in tunately, Karnataka’s response to Tamil by M A Baby, Kerala’s education minister,
claiming credit, the AIADMK, then heading Nadu matters seems to be largely coloured putting forward Malayalam’s case.
the government in the state, was tight- by the Cauvery river dispute. Karnataka’s At this rate it might not be long before
lipped. The subsequent developments only positions remind one of the biblical story every scheduled and unscheduled lan-
reinforced the political character of this of the contested child in Solomon’s court. guage becomes classical provided the
concession. The constitution and composi- In such a politically-charged situation, truth respective linguistically organised-state can
tion of the various expert committees for
classical Tamil bears this out. To give just one V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA
instance, a member of one of the committees Course on Research Methods in Labour Economics
resigned when she was denied the DMK ticket (March 2-20, 2009)
to contest the 2006 Lok Sabha elections.
V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA invites applications from young teachers and
This apart, many interesting facts emer researchers from universities/colleges/research Institutions and professionals in government
ged during the process leading up to the organisations who intend to pursue their interests in labour research and policy concerned
with labour issues for participating in the Course on Research Methods in Labour Economics,
MHRD notification and after. This was the during 2-20 March, 2009. The objectives of the course are to: (a) understand various concepts
first time in history that a language had been and theories related to labour; (b) provide an overview of the labour scenario of the world
designated a classical language by the writ in general and India in particular; (c) obtain deeper understanding of the emerging issues in
employment and labour in the context of globalisation; (d) understand and apply various
of the State. Despite repeated assertions that research methods and techniques relevant to labour studies; (e) acquire knowledge about
the United Nations Educational, Scientific different sources of data on labour; and (f) sharpen the knowledge and skills on computer
applications in labour research. The course content includes: theoretical perspectives on
and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) had labour; emerging nature and characteristics of labour markets; methods in labour research;
clearly laid out the criteria – of antiquity, sources of data on labour; and computer applications in labour research. Each of the selected
participants would be required to make a brief presentation of a proposal/research paper or
serenity, idealism, universality, humanism, a case study, related to their current theme of research interest, during the training period.
etc – for identifying classical languages it No programme fee will be charged and VVGNLI will provide to and fro sleeper class fare
became clear that no such document existed. and free boarding and lodging in the Institute’s Campus. Application along with the bio-data
and a brief statement of the participant’s research interests in labour studies may be sent to
Further, no earlier order of the government Dr. Babu P. Remesh & Mr. Anoop K. Satpathy, Associate Fellows, V. V. Giri National Labour
of India which recognised Sanskrit, Pali, Institute, Sector-24, NOIDA-201301, (0120-2411533-35; Ext: 205/238 Fax: 0120- 2411469,
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]). Applications must be accompanied
Arabic and Persian was found. In fact, in a by no objection certificates/recommendations of employers/research supervisors.
strange inversion, Sanskrit was officially
Last date for receiving the applications: 2 February 2009
notified as a classical language only after
14 january 10, 2009 EPW Economic & Political Weekly
sufficiently threaten the central government itself into substantial funds and awards. intervention in this debate Sheldon Pollock,
in providing that status. The solution to vexed claims and counter- the distinguished American Sanskritist,
claims for classical language status may has pointed out how certain linguistic
Scholars’ Domain therefore rest to an extent in the govern- scholarly traditions are dying in this coun-
We need to remind ourselves that classical ment of India giving up its partisan try. One can only extend this worrying
language status is not a matter for the patronage of Sanskrit and Hindi, and pro- diagnosis. How many scholars are there,
State to decide. It is best left to scholars, viding such wherewithal to all languages. say, who are proficient in both Sanskrit
even though they are not immune from Similarly, respective state governments and Tamil, or in more than one Dravidian
politics, to identify what is classical and can easily fund any amount of language and language? Is it possible now for a scholar
what is not. Further the assignation of cultural development without depending in one Indian language to negotiate
such a status based on accepted scholarly on central government funds. Surely through another Indian language with-
standards to any language should not also revamping our universities and research out the mediation of English? Do we
mean the “inferiorisation” of other lan- institutions is more important than chas- have a new generation of epigraphists to
guages. This should be kept in mind in a ing the chimera of the “classical”. A case continue the task of deciphering inscrip-
context when the world is speaking of the in point here is that the academic struc- tions being discovered everyday? Surely
death of languages, India is in a peculiar tures in Tamil Nadu have not been able these are signs of a serious epistemo
situation where many “tribal” languages to absorb the sudden influx of central logical crisis.
are experiencing a new wave literacy and government largesse. Unfortunately the Ultimately, languages, classical or not,
writing, and are in a sense being reborn. classical language claims have only are the storehouses of human knowledge,
Apart from its symbolism, on the served to sidestep the real issues plaguing and constitute the heritage and patrimony
ground, classical language status translates linguistic scholarship in India. In a recent of the entire humanity.
Perhaps, if, instead of “ he natives are restless tonight”, start of the colonial period, and sepoys
implementing a new generation was a stock phrase used in colo- once considered loyal and competent
nial adventure yarns to signify were regularly hanged, shot, or blown
of Rowlatt Acts, the government
an impending revolt. The sahibs loaded from the mouths of cannon, from the
had tried providing education, their guns and awaited the night times of Yusuf Khan, the first and only
public health, jobs, development attack. T he noise outside the compound commandant of all the sepoys, who was
and fair play to all the different could have been a mysterious religious treacherously hanged by the British in
ceremony or just fun, they did not care, 1761. Any show of resentment by the
poor minority communities over
they knew little about the people they sepoys against abuse or ill-treatment by
which it exercises power, there ruled, and were scared, and so took callow or junior British officers, any hint
might have been little violence preemptive action. or rumour of words spoken and not
to tackle, and those communities From legend this fear of unknown and understood could lead to such grotesque
unknowable native peoples reached into punishment. In turn, such cruelty pro-
participating democratically
life. In the aftermath of the Rowlatt Act, duced the Vellore Mutiny of 1806 and the
might have fully cooperated with Earl Russell enquired mildly in the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857.
the law and order machinery in House of Lords on 6 August 1919 whether
Harkissen Lal, a barrister-at-law of the Rowlatt Act
identifying and handing over
Middle Temple, really deserved transpor- After that massacre of sepoys, the British
any miscreants.
tation for life, with forfeiture of property, rulers started to fear all of the Indian popu-
just for asking shopkeepers in Lahore to lation, and one unnecessary draconian law
draw down their shutters, and whether followed another culminating in the Row-
the sentence was not “a mere exhibition latt Act of 1919, which inevitably led to the
Vithal Rajan ([email protected]) is of autocratic power”. He was hastily tragic Jallianwala Bagh massacre of well
with the Confederation of Voluntary
assured by his noble colleagues that over a 1,000 unarmed men, women and
Associations, Hyderabad.
the accused had certainly intended to children gathered in Amritsar for Baisakhi
Economic & Political Weekly EPW January 10, 2009 15