Budget Tel 311

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Budget Shopping List for Sarah Quintero

Needs of the Classroom

Peer Suggestions
Supplies for Classroom (PBL specific)
These are supplies that are allotted for students to use while completing the problem-
based project. The items most often are specific to the content area.
❏ Lab equipment
❏ Books
❏ Tables
❏ Computers/Apps
❏ Calculators
o ❏ Computers/ Chromebooks
❏ Paper
❏ Pencils/Pens
pi ❏ Individual white boards
n ❏ White Board markers
g ❏ Highlighters
❏ Binder or flash drive to keep work in one place

Extensions following Project Impact

These items are slated for innovative use and project extension
Examples of these types of items relate specifically to:
❏ Clubs that meet to extend the project’s aims
❏ Further analysis/participation of project with greater community involvement
❏ N/A

Daily Supplies and Consumables

These items are used on a daily basis and can also be utilized within the greater curriculum of many
content areas.
❏ Ex: pencils
❏ crayons
❏ white board markers

h ❏ Pencils
o ❏ Binders
p ❏ Highlighters
pi ❏ Paper

From these items listed above, all of them are essential in the duration of the project. As
my lessons are very minor in terms of elements required for the creation of the
assignments, my list is actually quite small. I have started with basics such as pens, pencils,
highlighters, and paper. Although to most, this may seem unnecessary to add in a supply
list as it may be a given, it is still important to include with the expenses as it is notable to
assume not all students may have access to such supplies. These items will be needed for
the common usage of note taking, ticket out the doors, general assignments asked, etc.
Moving along into items including that of dry erase markers, for lectures and open
discussions it will be important for me, as the teacher, to have access to such so that I may
incorporate ideas thrown on the white board. This will help with note taking and overall
understanding of my students. The markers would also be readily available to students
when necessary. To add on, I would also like to include the individual white boards so that
groups may utilize this tool without wasting paper on a one day assignment done in class.
This would be useful for keeping ideas together in discussions at the end of class. Along
with the markers and white boards, erasers for such would also be deemed wanted. Other
things that I would like to include for the project is binders and/or flash drives, just so that
their work will remain together, either electronically (as we will be doing a lot of computer
work) or on paper (for the creation of the final assignment, a poem). As for the least
common item for a classroom, a laptop or computers. I would like this technological tool to
be available in my classroom for my students as they will be performing a lot of research
activities and an online presentation for their classmates. This being said, having this readily
available would optimize the time in class given and help to further their understanding of
the subject/topics at hand. When it comes to an extension of the projects impact, I don’t
feel this project would align greatly for community involvement and therefore I have left
that portion blank.

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