Comperhensive Nursing L4
Comperhensive Nursing L4
Comperhensive Nursing L4
Ministry of Education
June 2011
The Ethiopia Occupational Standards (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian
National TVET-Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National
TVET-Qualification Framework (NTQF). They are national Ethiopian standards,
which define the occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a
specific occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.
This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the
Ethiopia Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.
Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor in determining
whether the candidate is competent.
HLT CON4 01 0611 HLT CON4 02 0611 HLT CON4 03 0611
Provide Maternal and Provide Care in the Implement and Monitor
Pre/Post and Intra Nursing Care for Clients
child health care with Acute Health
Operative Nursing Problem
Variables Range
Occupational You ensure that your own health and hygiene does not pose
Health Safety a threat to others.
(OHS): Wear correct personal protective clothing appropriate to
Mother and Child Care activities.
Use correct manipulations and handling techniques of
assessing a pregnant women
Store equipment and materials appropriately.
Deal with spillages and disposal of waste according to
standards and guide lines.
Tools and Vital singe measuring equipments,
Equipment Antiseptic solutions,
Examination couch,
Delivery coach
Table and seats,
Recording and reporting formats (e.g. parthograph)
Loge books,
Foetal assessment and monitoring equipments,
Weighing scale and height scale
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Lab requests.
Measuring tape
Delivery set
Suction machine
Adult and pediatric bed
Types and Sources Focused ANC guide line ,
of Information Posters and diagrams ,
Teaching curriculum
New world Health Organization antenatal care model,
International confederation Midwives web site
Terminology Gestation Embryo
associated with Gravid Placenta
pregnancy may Parity Fetus
include Still born Trimesters
Termination Signs of pregnancy
Viability Confirmation of pregnancy
Common myths Birthing
and superstitions Breast feeding
may relate to, for Circumcision.
Terms commonly Signs of approaching birth Fundable
associated True versus false labor Perineum
with birth include: Contractions Agar score
Rupture of membranes Fontanel
Stages of lab our Meconium
Episiotomy Premature
Types of delivery (e.g. Conation
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Critical aspects of assessment must include:
Competence Provide care for a mother and her baby
Interpret the impact of sexual and reproductive health on a
client and/or their family
Practice in evaluating the outcomes of planned care
Underpinning At this level the learner must demonstrate understanding of
Knowledge and abroad knowledge base incorporating some theoretical
Attitudes concepts that includes:.
Anatomy and physiology and associated terminology related
to pregnancy, birth and care of the newborn
Compliance with current infection control practices and
Workplace health and safety
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Activities of daily living
Members of health care team and their roles
Impact of cultural practices and beliefs in relation to birthing
Confidentiality and privacy
Documentation principles
Availability of community resources
Organization policy and procedure
Underpinning Skills Essential skills required includes:
Basic Delivery skill
Counseling skill
History taking
Physical assessment skills
Communication skill/therapeutic relationship
Basic physical physiological nursing skill
Resource The learner and trainer should have access to appropriate
Implications documentation and resources normally used in the workplace
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competences relevant to the job function.
Variables Range
Occupational You ensure that your own health and hygiene does not pose
Health Safety a threat to others.
(OHS) Wear correct personal protective clothing appropriate to
administration and monitoring of medication.
Use correct handling techniques of assessing administration
and monitoring of medication.
Store equipment and materials appropriately.
Deal with spillages and disposal of waste according to
standards and guide lines.
Tools and Vital sign measuring equipments, antiseptic solutions,
Equipment examination couch, table and seats, recording and reporting
format and log books, weighting scale, measuring tape, lab
request materials
Types and Sources Focused on surgical/ operative guide line, teaching curriculum,
of Information using web site.
Clients may Inpatients
include: Outpatients ranging from neonates to the frail aged client
Health care setting Preoperative
may include: Hospital setting
Free standing Day Surgery/Ambulatory Care facility
Intravenous therapy
Multidisciplinary Nurses
health care team Surgeons
members may Anesthetists
include: Support Staff including, SSD Technical Aids, Wards men,
Porters, Stockroom Assistants,
Allied health staff including, radiographers and
Client assessment Performance of activities of daily living
may include: Loss of physical function
Perceptions of pain
Accompanying trauma or injury
Self image and body image concerns
Impact on family or significant others
Expectations of surgical procedure
Expectations of post operative procedures
Levels of mobility
Presence of co-morbidities and previous medical history
Skin integrity
Previous surgical intervention
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Observation of performance in a work context is essential for
Competence assessment of this unit
Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over
the required range of workplace situations and should occur
on more than one occasion and be assessed by a registered
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge on:
Knowledge and Relevant medical/medication terminology and approved
Attitudes medication abbreviations
Organization policies and procedures, guidelines and
protocols, including workplace health and safety policies to
ensure safe practice eg management of sharps
Ethical guidelines including confidentiality, duty of care and
public safety
Application of guidelines to individual needs of clients(ie.
therapeutic interventions, hygiene, dignity, esteem, physical,
cultural and cognitive restrictions)
Relevant path physiology
Factors influencing medication actions
Major medication groups
Documentation associated with medication administration
Systems of medication delivery and medication
administration devices (e.g. pumps and syringe drivers)
within the scope of own role
State/territory legislative requirements relating to medication
Legal requirements for practice parameters of enrolled nurse
relating to the administration of medications, including legal
requirements of each route of administration
Methods of storage, handling and usage of medications
Role of the health care team in the administration of
An awareness of the role of complementary therapies
Substance incompatibilities, including:
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anaphylactic reactions
adverse reactions
side effects
An understanding of the pharmacology of medications
Own role in medical emergency
Principles of peripheral intravenous therapy.
People’s perception of pain and principles and strategies to
alleviate pain
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills on:
History taking
Physical assessment skills
Communication skill/therapeutic relationships
Basic physical physiological nursing skill
Advanced therapeutic skills
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with
necessary tools and equipment as well as consumable
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competences relevant to the job function.
Occupational Standard: Comprehensive Nursing Level IV
Unit Title Implement and Monitor Nursing Care for Clients with Acute
Health Problem
Unit Code HLT CON4 03 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge
required to contribute to the care of the person with an acute
health problem by performing nursing interventions that support
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their health care needs and assist them to regain optimal
function and lifestyle.
Variables Range
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Health care
settings may
Residential aged care facilities
Respite centers
Short/long stay centers
Community setting
Rural and remote settings
Legal ,ethical and National/state Acts of Parliament with impact on nursing
regulatory practice e.g. Nurses Acts, Mental Health Act, Drugs and
frameworks which Poisons Act/s.
may include: Privacy legislation
Equal employment legislation
Occupational health and safety Act/Regulations
Statutory nurse regulatory authorities regulations
Freedom of information Act
Disability Services Act
Antidiscrimination legislation
Criminal Acts
Foresee ability
Breach of duty of care
Regulatory bodies Ethiopian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ENMC)
may include: State or territory nurse regulatory authority
Management of Legal documentation
client information Computerized records
includes: Freedom of Information legislation
Privacy Act
Plans of care Nursing care plans Client notes
could include: Clinical pathways Manual and electronic storage
Treatment plans systems
Medical notes Resident classification records
Acute health Acute renal disorders Fractures
problems include Acute gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
the following: disorders Deep Vein thrombosis
Acute neurological Elective cosmetic surgery
disorder Head injury
Acute pain Myocardial infarction
Acute respiratory Plastic/reconstructive surgery
disorders Renal calculi
Unconscious state Sepsis
Angina Shock
Burns Tropical diseases
Cellulites Wounds
Dehydration Poisoning
Acute clinical Achievement of activities of daily living
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be
Competence able to provide evidence of:
The individual being assessed must provide evidence of
specified essential knowledge as well as skills
Observation of performance in a work context is essential for
assessment of this unit
Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over
the required range of workplace situations and should occur
on more than one occasion and be assessed by a registered
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge on:
Knowledge and Knowledge and application of legislation to enrolled nurse
Attitudes practice
Knowledge of law – sources, types, court system, common
law, statute law, civil law, precedent
Knowledge of law of torts – negligence, trespass, assault and
battery, types of consent, valid consent, legal and intellectual
capacity, false imprisonment and defamation
Knowledge of the coroner, including - functions of the
coroner, coronial inquests and giving evidence to the coroner
Knowledge of contemporary ethical issues – autonomy, non-
malfeasance, beneficence, justice, rights
A moral decision making model
Principles of confidentiality and privacy responsibilities
Application of ethical principles to Enrolled Nurse practice
definitions of ethics, bioethics and nursing ethics
theoretical concepts informing ethical conduct
Models of documentation
Members of health care team
Underpinning Demonstrate skills to:
Skills Apply problem solving skills, including use of tools and
techniques to solve problems,
Analyze information and make decisions that require
discretion and confidentiality
Apply professional standards of practice:
ENA code of conduct
ENA code of ethics
State/territory Nurse Regulatory Nurses Act
State/territory Nursing and Midwifery Regulatory
Authority standards of practice
Scope of nursing practice decision making framework
Participate as a member of a health care team
Perform acute clinical nursing interventions/procedures
Variables Range
Subjective data The feelings expressed by the patient
Objective data Data that can be observed and measured
Actual and potential Altered breath
problems Ineffective air way clearance
may include: Altered fluid and Electrolyte balance
hing pattern
Altered state of consciousness
Decreased cardiac out put
Allergy/impaired skin integrity
Alteration of nervous system
Alteration of gastroenteritis
Fluid volume excess
Fluid volume deficit
Altered Cerebral perfusion
Vessel occlusion
Pacemaker lead displacement:
Altered elimination pattern
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Impaired physical mobility
Altered body temperature
Altered nutrition less than body requirement
Holistic approaches Spiritual
include: Physical
Socio-economic factors
Environmental factors
NANDA North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Critical aspects of the competence must include
Competence Perform nursing assessment
Develop nursing diagnosis
Develop nursing plan
Implement nursing plan
Perform nursing evaluation
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge and attitudes on:
Knowledge And Relevant organizational policy and guideline development
Attitudes components and principles.
Techniques in developing plan of action.
Client networking, financing, cost estimation and planning
Organizational policies and guidelines
Commonwealth State/Territory Government policies and
Local Government policies
Local client Health Plans
Funding guidelines
NANDA guidelines
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills on:
History taking
Physical assessment skills
Communication skill/therapeutic relationships
Basic physical physiological nursing skill
Advanced therapeutic skills
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Requirements Workplace or fully equipped assessment location with
necessary tools and equipment as well as consumable
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Variables Range
Health Residential aged care facility
environments may Community settings
include: Hospitals
Short and long stay centers
Clients home
Potential risks may Client identification
include but is Allergic reactions
not limited to: Immunization status
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to
Competence demonstrate this competency unit include:
Observation of performance in a work context is essential for
assessment of this unit
Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over
the required range of workplace situations and should occur
on more than one occasion and be assessed by a registered
Underpinning Essential knowledge includes:
Knowledge and Relevant medical/medication terminology and approved
Attitudes medication abbreviations
Organization policies and procedures, guidelines and
protocols, including workplace health and safety policies to
ensure safe practice e.g. management of sharps
Ethical guidelines including confidentiality, duty of care and
public safety
Application of guidelines to individual needs of clients(i.e.
therapeutic interventions, hygiene, dignity, esteem, physical,
cultural and cognitive restrictions)
Relevant path physiology
Factors influencing medication actions
Major medication groups
Documentation associated with medication administration
Systems of medication delivery and medication
administration devices (e.g. pumps and syringe drivers)
within the scope of own role
State/territory legislative requirements relating to medication
Legal requirements for practice parameters of enrolled nurse
relating to the administration of medications, including legal
requirements of each route of administration
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Role of the health care team in the administration of
Methods of storage, handling and usage of medications
An awareness of the role of complementary therapies
An awareness of traditional medicine in the context of health
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Substance incompatibilities, including:
Anaphylactic reactions
Adverse reactions
Side effects
An understanding of the pharmacology of medications
Own role in medical emergency
Principles of peripheral intravenous therapy.
People’s perception of pain and principles and strategies to
alleviate pain
Underpinning Skills Essential skills required to demonstrate includes the ability to:
Use language, literacy and numeracy competence required
Drug calculation, administration and documentation
SI abbreviations
Comparison of metric measurements
Apply infection control principles – hand washing, handling
of medications, universal precautions
Use formulae for drug calculation for:
Adult clients
Older clients
Pediatric clients
Intravenous therapy
Calculate volumes for administration of medications
Demonstrate preparation, administration and recording of
medication/s via all routes as per State and Territory
Explain and demonstrate emergency management for a
client experiencing an adverse medication reaction
Observe and monitor peripheral intravenous therapy
Variables Range
Advanced Thoracinthesis
procedures may Paracinthesis
include Gastric lavage
Cut down
Wound Wound debridement
management Wound specimen collection
techniques Interpreting laboratory results
include: Doppler assessment
Compression therapy
Wound cleansing techniques
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Wound measurement
Clinical photography
Wound tracing
Selection of wound Range of products
products Primary dressing products
include: Secondary dressing products
Wound cleansing products
Wound Wound management principles
management Moist wound healing
strategies Holistic assessment
include: Individualized wound management plan of care
Problem solving framework
Skin assessment
Risk assessment
Pressure support and relieving devices
Prevention programs
Members of health care team
Wound characteristics
Selection of wound products
Complex or Acute wounds
challenging wounds Surgical wounds
could include: Septic wounds
Acute and/or Surgical wounds
chronic wounds Pressure ulcers
include: Venous ulcers
Arterial ulcers
Mixed ulcers
Discharging wound
Malignant wounds
Neuropathic ulceration wounds
Infected wounds
Fistulas and sinuses
Wound healing Phases of wound healing
include: Modes of wound healing
Factors influencing wound healing
Moist wound healing
Role of exudates
Principles of Nosocomial infections
infection control: Causative organisms
Principles of asepsis
Hand washing
Wounds caused by Staphylococcus aureus – boils, wound infections
microorganisms Clostridium – tetanus, gas gangrene, botulism
include: Proteus – wound infections
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Common fungal Tinea pedis (athlete's foot)
infections Tinea capitus / corporis (ringworm)
Common viral Herpes simplex I (cold sores)
diseases may Herpes simplex II (genital herpes)
include: Herpes zoster
Commonly seen Diabetic ulcers
wounds as a Burns
result of Pressure (decubitus) ulcers
acute/chronic Tropical ulcers
conditions may Post surgical
include: Trauma
Harmful effects of Skin – pimples, carbuncles, furuncles
microflora Mouth – gum disease, caries Ears and eyes – otitis extern,
include: conjunctivitis, trachoma
Components of the Infective agent Reservoir
chain of Portal of entry Susceptible host
infection: Portal of exit Mode of transmission
Wound Nurses Microbiologists
management team Medical practitioners Pharmacists
may function in a Occupational therapists Careers
variety of health
care contexts and
may include:
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of The individual being assessed must provide evidence of
Competence specified essential knowledge as well as skills
Observation of performance in a work context is essential for
assessment of this unit
Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over
the required range of workplace situations and should occur
on more than one occasion and be assessed by authorized
health care provider
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge on:
Knowledge and Anatomy and physiology
Attitudes wound healing process
Activities of daily living
Chain of infection - transmission of infection, defenses and
immunity, host factors
Community resources
Compliance with current infection control practices and
Confidentiality and privacy
Documentation principles
Variables Range
Need for referral Client in need of ongoing support or counseling
may include: Client with a counseling need beyond the practitioner’s own
level of skill
Practitioner establishes a supervisory, social or sexual
relationship with client
Practitioner identifies with client transference or counter-
Referral to a senior health professional for initial or follow up
Referral to senior health professional/health services
because of a/or suspicion of notifiable disease
Other health care Complementary health therapists
professionals/servic Dieticians
es may Doctors
include but are not Nurses
limited to: Health care givers
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Law officers
Professional counselors or psychologists
Social or health workers
Laboratory technologists
Complementary Acupuncturists
health care Chiropractors
practitioners may Herbalists
include: Massage therapists
More experienced homoeopaths with or without a specialty
Support services Domestic violence telephone service
may include: Life line
Local child care centre
Local church groups
Local welfare centre
Referral may be by: Verbal communication
Written communication
Client records may A copy of the whole care record
include: A synopsis of the case record
Homoeopathic specific information via e.g. Standard Case
Recoding forms, symptom descriptor forms, treatment
evaluation and progress sheets
Briefing may Conventional written letter
include: Electronic communication e.g. email
Verbal communication e.g. telephone or face to face
Evidence Guide
Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competency Consistency of performance should be demonstrated over
the required range of situations relevant to the workplace
Assessment of sole practitioners must include a range of
clinical situations and different client groups covering at
minimum, age, culture and gender
Assessment of sole practitioners must consider their unique
workplace context, including:
Interaction with others in the broader professional
community as part of the sole practitioner’s workplace
Scope of practice as detailed in the qualification and
component competency units
Holistic/integrated assessment including:
Working within the practice framework
Performing a health assessment
Assessing the client
Variables Range
Occupational Insure that your own health and hygiene does not pose a
Health and Safety threat to others.
(OHS) Wear correct personal protective clothing appropriate to basic
nursing care.
Use correct handling techniques of assessing basic nursing
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Store equipment and materials appropriately.
Deal with spillages and disposal of waste according to
standards and guide
Tools and Table and seats, recording and reporting formats and loge
Equipment books
Types and Sources Basic nursing care guide line, posters and diagrams, teaching
of Information curriculum, use web site.
Clients may Child
include: Adolescent
Older adult
Professional colleagues
Health practice Medical clinic
settings may Acute hospitals
include but is not Private hospitals
limited to: Public hospitals
Rural/remote settings
Legal and National/state Acts of Parliament with impact on nursing
regulatory practice e.g. Nurses Acts, Mental Health Act, Drugs and
frameworks which Poisons Act/s.
may include Privacy legislation
Equal employment legislation
Occupational health and safety Act/Regulations
Statutory nurse regulatory authorities regulations
Freedom of information Act
Disability Services Act
Antidiscrimination legislation
Criminal Acts
Regulatory bodies Ethiopian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ENMC)
may include: State or territory nurse regulatory authority
Professional ENMC code of conduct
standards of ENMC code of ethics
practice include: ENMC national enrolled nurse competency standards
State/territory Nurse Regulatory Nurses Act
State/territory Nursing and Midwifery Regulatory Authority
standards of practice
Scope of nursing practice decision making Framework
Management of Legal documentation
client information Computerized records
includes: Freedom of Information legislation
Privacy Act
Common legal Common law Assault and battery
terms associated Statute law Defendant
with nursing
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practice must Civil law Plaintiff
include: Negligence Doctrine of precedent
Duty of care Legislation
Vicarious liability Regulation
Consent Harassment
Restraint Expert witness
Negligence and Damages Acts
duty of care Foresee ability Reasonable
must include: Breach of duty of care Standard
Issues of life and Refusal and withdrawal of treatment
death may Power of attorney
Include: Guardianship
Living wills and advanced directives
Not for resuscitation orders
Clients rights in Access to healthcare
health care may Confidentiality
include: Dignity
Discussion of Abortion
ethical issues may Tissue transplantation
include but not be Reproductive technology
limited to: Organ donation
Euthanasia and assisted suicide
Open disclosure
Mandatory reporting
Quality of life
Conscientious objection
Child abuse
Artificially prolonging life
Refusal of treatment
Stem cell research
“Not for resuscitation” orders
Cultural and religious issues
Documentation and Legible/date/time and sign (print name)
report Written in black or blue ink
writing Approved abbreviations
requirements may Concise, accurate, relevant, contemporary
include: Correct spelling and chronological
Errors — line through not erased, write error and initial
No spaces between entries
Objective data not subjective data
1. Establish and 1.1 Appropriate participative processes with employees and their
maintain representative are established and maintained in
participative accordance with the relevant OHS legislation, regulations
arrangements and relevant industry standards in consistent with the
for the enterprise’s procedures.
management of 1.2 Issues rose through participation and consultation are dealt
OHS promptly and effectively; and resolved in accordance with
the procedures for issues resolution.
1.3 Information is provided to employees about the outcomes of
participation and consultation in a manner accessible to
2. Establish and 2.1 Workplace procedures are developed for hazard
maintain identification, assessment and control of risks as well as
procedures for dealing with hazardous events.
identifying 2.2 Identification of all hazards at the planning, design and
hazards, evaluation stages of any changes in the workplace are
assessing and addressed to ensure that new hazards are not created by
controlling risk the proposed changes.
2.3 Procedures are developed and maintained for selection and
implementation of risk control measures in accordance with
the hierarchy of control.
2.4 Inadequacies in the existing risk control measures are
identified in accordance with the hierarchy of control and
provide promptly resources enabling the implementation of
new measures.
3. Establish and 3.1 Training needs are identified.
maintain an OHS 3.2 OHS induction and training program are developed and
induction and maintained to identify and fulfill employee’s OHS training
training programs needs as part of the enterprise general training program.
Variables Range
Legislative The legislative requirements for OHS vary across different
arrangements may states and the requirements of the particular state should be
be: reflected in the training and assessment process.
The particular differences related to OHS consultation and
participation and for incident reporting are particularly
relevant to this competency.
Hazard is define A ‘hazard’ is something with the potential to:
as: Cause injury or disease to people,
Damage to property
Disruption to productivity.
Hazards arise from:
Workplace environment;
Use of equipment;
Poor work design;
Inappropriate systems, procedures and/or human
Sources of energy such as electricity, hazardous substances,
hot objects and moving equipment are all hazards.
Relevant Hazard management policies and procedures (these may be
organizational integrated with quality, care or other documents or be
procedures for separated as OHS policies and procedures). Hazard
managing risks management documents include:
include: Policies and procedures on specific hazards
Hazard and incident reporting and investigation,
Workplace inspections,
Maintenance, etc.
Communication, consultation and issue resolution procedures
Human resources management procedures such as
grievance procedures, induction programs, team meetings,
management of performance levels
Job procedures and work instructions
Post incident/injury management such as first aid, critical
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incident debriefing, compensation and return to work
Other related procedures including waste management,
Work instructions Verbal
may be: Written
In English
In a community language
Provided visually, e.g. video, OHS signs, symbols and other
pictorial presentation, etc.
Designated Employer
personnel for OHS Supervisor
referrals may be: Chairperson of OHS committee
OHS nominee
Elected OHS representative/employee representative
Other personnel with OHS responsibilities
Examples of OHS Hazards identified
issues which may Problems encountered in managing risks associated with
be raised by hazard
workers with Clarification on understanding of OHS policies and
the designated procedures
personnel may Communication and consultation processes
include: Follow up to reports and feedback
Effectiveness of risk controls in place
Training needs
Examples of Listening to the ideas and opinions of others in the team
contributions may Sharing opinions, views, knowledge and skills
include: Identifying and reporting risks and hazards
Using equipment according to guidelines and operating
Behavior that contributes to a safe working environment
which includes following OHS procedures
Examples of Regular information sessions (using clear and
participative understandable language) on existing or new OHS issues
arrangements may Formal and informal OHS meetings
include: Meetings called by OHS representatives
Health and safety committees
Other committees such as consultative planning and
Other means and processes for raising requests and
concerns as well as contributing suggestions and reports to
Documented issue resolution processes
Easy access to relevant written workplace information
Controlling risks in Application of the hierarchy of control, namely:
the work Eliminate the risk
area may include: Reduce/minimize the risk through
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Engineering controls
Administrative controls including training
Personal protective equipment
OHS information Relevant State/Regional OHS acts and legislation, codes of
that may need practices and industry standards
to be explained to Enterprise OHS policies and procedures
co-workers include:
Other related General duty of care requirements
Commonwealth, Privacy Act in relation to requirements for:
State and Territory The maintenance and confidentiality of records of
legislation occupational injury and disease,
and requirements Provision of information, etc
may include Relevant requirements of Environmental Protection Authority
Identifying hazards Hazard and incident reports
and Workplace inspection in area of responsibility
assessing risk may Consulting work team members
occur Housekeeping
through: Workplace inspections
Daily informal team consultation and regular formal team
Internal and external audits
Industry information such as journal, newsletters and
Organizational Audit and inspection reports
health and Agendas and minutes of meetings of OHS Committees, work
safety records may group and management meetings
include: Training records
Manufacturer's or supplier's information
Hazardous substances registers
Plant and equipment maintenance and testing reports
Workers compensation and rehabilitation records
First aid/medical records
Workplace environmental monitoring records
Reports identifying Face to face
workplace Phone messages
hazards may be Notes
verbal or Memos
written and may Specially designed report forms
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Critical aspects of assessment must include:
Competence Ability to communicate and consult with work group
Ability to develop, implement and maintain the organizational
OHS policies and procedures
Ability to manage a systems approach to OHS
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Underpinning Knowledge and understanding is required of the workplace OHS
Knowledge and system sufficient to establish and maintain a system that has
Attitudes been designed by others. Competence includes sufficient
literacy skills and the ability to:
Accurately understand and interpret relevant Commonwealth/
State/Territory act and legislation
Work with risk assessment and/or other technical specialists
in a team environment
Understand relevant legislation and acts that affect the
Knowledge of risk control strategies as applied to
Collect and analyze data from the workplace
Convey and discuss analysis with relevant personnel and
conduct needs analysis
Design and convey organizational instructions, procedures
and systems
Communicate and report verbally and/or in writing with an
aim to encourage continuous improvements
Coach and mentor
Solve problems
Underpinning Competence must be demonstrated:
Skills In recognizing potential situations that require action and then
In implementing appropriate corrective action as much as
possible to eliminate risk.
Consistent performance should be demonstrated. In particular
look for evidence of:
Awareness of all relevant workplace procedures including:
Hazard management policies and procedures
Workplace consultation
Job procedures and work instruction
Procedures for the use of personal protective clothing,
equipment and/or duress alarms.
Emergency, fire and incident procedures
Recognition and reporting of workplace hazards
Implementation of work processes and practices to prevent or
minimize risk
Application of safe work practices
Correct use of equipment according to organizational
Awareness that OHS issues are regulated by State/Territory
acts, regulations, codes of practice and industry standards
Communication skills - language competence required to
fulfill job roles in a safe manner and as specified by the
organization/ service.
Service/organization may require competence in English or
community language, depending on client group
The ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural
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and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
Resources Assessment will require access to:
Implication Broad guidance from top management
Workplace health and safety policies and procedures
Other related policies and procedures
Relevant legislation and acts
Duties statements and/or job descriptions
Appropriate equipment, etc.
Over an extended period of time, or a suitable method of
gathering evidence of knowledge and understanding over a
range of situations. A bank of scenarios/case studies/what ifs
will be required as well as a bank of questions which will be
used to check the reasoning behind the observable actions
Within the limitations of employee, client and public safety,
considerations must be given to workers whose literacy skills
are limited and/or who are physically and/or intellectually
disabled in certain sectors of the industry
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks through
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competences relevant to the job function.
Variables Range
Legislation, codes Award and enterprise agreements and relevant industrial
and national instruments
standards relevant Relevant legislation from all levels of government that
to the workplace affects business operation, especially in regard to OHS and
which may include: environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations
and anti-discrimination
Relevant industry codes of practice
Customers’ needs Advice or general information
and expectations Specific information
may relate to:
Further information
Making an appointment
Purchasing organization’s products and services
Returning organization’s products and services
Accuracy of information
Appropriate Using appropriate body language
interpersonal skills Summarizing and paraphrasing to check understanding of
may include: customer’s message
Providing an opportunity for the customer to confirm their
Seeking feedback from the customer to confirm
understanding of needs
Questioning to clarify and confirm the customer’s needs
Listening actively to what the customer is communicating
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Critical aspects of assessment must include:
Competence Identifying needs and priorities of customers
Distinguishing between different levels of customer
Treating customers with courtesy and respect
Identifying and complying with organizational requirements
Responding to and reporting on customer feedback
Underpinning At this level the learner must demonstrate some relevant
Knowledge and theoretical knowledge such as:
Attitudes The relevant legislation from all levels of government that
affects business operation, especially in regard to OHS and
environmental issues, equal opportunity, industrial relations
and anti-discrimination
Knowledge of the principles of excellent customer service
Understanding the organization’s business structure,
products and services
Understanding the organization’s policy and procedures for
customer service including handling customer complaints
Knowledge of product and service standards and best
practice models
Understanding the principles of quality assurance
Understanding public relations and product promotion
Consultation methods, techniques and protocols
Techniques for dealing with customers, including customers
with special needs
Underpinning Skills Essential skills must include:
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Literacy skills to read and understand a variety of texts;
prepare general information and papers according to target
audience; spell with accuracy; use grammar and punctuation
effectively as an aid to understanding
Proofreading and editing skills to ensure clarity of meaning
and conformity to organizational requirements, check for
accuracy and consistency of information
Report writing skills to identify and elaborate on customer
service strategies; assess information for relevance and
accuracy; source additional information as required
Technology skills including the ability to select and use
technology appropriate to a task
Problem solving skills to deal with customer enquiries or
Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
Resource The learner and trainer should have access to appropriate
Requirements documentation and resources normally used in the workplace.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competences relevant to the job function.
1. Identify and 1.1 Options for change incorporated are the identified
develop improvements to the work practices and procedures.
opportunities to 1.2 Risk factors affecting change are analyzed to identify
improve work potential constraints.
1.3 Change is planned and resourced to promote the
introduction and management of new processes.
1.4 Benefits of change are made clear and consistent with the
organizational requirements.
1.5 Timeliness and targets for implementation are made
realistic; and support the achievement of change.
Variables Range
They may use Award and enterprise agreements and relevant industrial
legislation, codes instruments
and national Relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects
standards relevant business operation, especially in regard to occupational
to the workplace health and safety and environmental issues, equal
including: opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination
Relevant industry codes of practice
Change may Implementation of new work practices and/or services
include: Organizational restructures
Introduction of new technology
Change in work location
New client base
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Staffing changes
Job role changes
Work priorities
Innovative work The skills required to come up with and develop new ideas
skills are: or the new use of an old idea. They include:
Organizational Quality assurances and/or procedures manuals
requirements may Goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
be included in:
Legal and organizational policy/guidelines and requirements
Occupational health and safety policies, procedures and
Business and performance plans
Anti-discrimination and related policy
Access and equity principles and practice
Ethical standards
Quality and continuous improvement processes and
Defined resource parameters
Consultation and communication processes
Risk factors may Disturbances to workflow
include: Confusion/loss of confidence
Cost blow out
Supplier problems
Product/service delivery problems
Time delays
Business Computer
technology may Internet/extranet/intranet
Answering machine
Fax machine
Mentoring and Providing feedback to another team member
coaching may Fair and ethical practice
include: Non-discriminatory processes and activities
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Critical aspects of evidence includes:
Assessment Analyzing and evaluating problems associated with change
Developing processes to introduce change
Establishing plans and schedules to achieve the objectives
of change
Presenting information on the causes and introduction of the
Communicating priorities, goals and objectives
Gathering evidence on the effect of change
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Underpinning At this level the learner must demonstrate understanding of a
Knowledge and broad knowledge base incorporating some theoretical concepts:
Attitudes The relevant legislation from all levels of government that
affects business operation, especially in regard to
Occupational Health and Safety and environmental issues,
equal opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination
Understanding of common effects of change and innovation
in the workplace
Understanding of industrial and organizational context of
Understanding of organization’s policies, plans, procedures
and structure
Knowledge of resources required by the organization’s
Understanding processes to interpret and apply feedback
Knowledge of principles and techniques of goal setting and
recording priorities
Knowledge of the principles of negotiation
Underpinning Skills Essential skills required the candidate to acquire:
Literacy skills to read and understand a variety of texts;
prepare general information and papers according to target
audience; spell with accuracy; use grammar and punctuation
effectively as an aid to understanding
Planning skills to schedule work activities for the
implementation of change
Team work skills for working as a member of a team during
period of changes
Consultation skills for including stakeholders in the change
Analytical skills for monitoring outcomes of change
Negotiation skills for dealing with competing objectives
Estimation skills for identifying resources necessary to
support introduction of change
Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
Resource Resource implications includes:
The learner and trainer should have access to appropriate
documentation and resources normally used in the
Consistency of performance in order to achieve consistency
of performance, evidence should be collected over a set
period of time which is sufficient to include dealings with an
appropriate range and variety of situations
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Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competences relevant to the job function.
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to
Assessment demonstrate this competency unit:
Demonstrated application of the legal and ethical issues in
relation to client care, as relevant to the worker's specific role
and responsibilities
Appreciation of the role of the organization, its relationship to
the community and with other industry organizations, and
ability to communicate this knowledge to team members and
others when appropriate
1. Apply the existing 1.1 Situations are identified where the existing knowledge can
knowledge and be used as the basis for developing new skills.
techniques to 1.2 New or upgraded technology skills are acquired and used
technology and to enhance learning (provision of standard care).
1.3 New or upgraded equipment is identified, classified and
used where appropriate, for the benefit of the customer as
well as the organization.
2. Apply the 2.1 Testing of new or upgraded equipment is conducted
functions of according to the specification manual.
technology to 2.2 Features of new or upgraded equipment are applied
assist in solving within the organization.
the organizational
problems 2.3 Features and functions of new or upgraded equipment are
used for solving the organizational problems.
2.4 Sources of information are accessed and used by
relating to the new or upgraded equipment.
3. Evaluate new or 3.1 New or upgraded equipment is evaluated for the
upgraded performance, usability and against the OHS standards.
technology 3.2 Environmental considerations are determined from new
performance or upgraded equipment.
3.3 Feedback is sought from users where appropriate.
Variable Range
Environmental May include but is not limited to recycling, safe disposal of
Considerations packaging (e.g. cardboard, polystyrene, paper, plastic) and
1. Identify daily 1.1 Work requirements for a given time period are identified
work by taking into consideration resources and constraints.
requirements 1.2 Work activities are prioritized based on the business
needs, requirements and deadlines.
1.3 If appropriate work is allocated to relevant staff or
contractors, it optimizes efficiency.
2. Monitor and 2.1 People, resources and/or equipment are coordinated to
manage work the provide optimum results
2.2 Staff, clients and/or contractors are communicated within
a clear and regular manner, to monitor work in relation to
business goals or timelines.
2.3 Problem solving techniques are applied to the work
situations to overcome difficulties and achieve positive
3. Develop 3.1 Work and personal priorities are identified and a balance
effective work is achieved between competing priorities using the
habits appropriate time management strategies.
3.2 Input from internal and external sources is sought and
used to develop and refine new ideas and approaches.
3.3 Business or inquiries is/are responded promptly and
3.4 Information is presented in a format appropriate to the
industry and audience.
4. Interpret 4.1 Relevant documents and reports are identified.
information 4.2 Documents and reports are read and understood in any
implications discussed with the appropriate persons
4.3 Data and numerical calculations is/are analyzed, checked,
evaluated, organized and reconciled.
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4.4 Daily financial records and cash flow are maintained
correctly in accordance with the legal and accounting
4.5 Invoices and payments are prepared and distributed in a
timely manner in accordance with the legal requirements.
4.6 Outstanding accounts are collected or followed-up on.
5. Evaluate 5.1 Opportunities for improvements are monitored according
work to the business demands.
5.2 Work schedules are adjusted to incorporate the necessary
modifications to the existing work routines or changing
needs and requirements.
5.3 Proposed changes are clearly communicated and
recorded to aid in future planning and evaluation.
5.4 Relevant codes of practice are used to guide an ethical
approach to the workplace practices and decisions.
Variable Range
Resources may Staff
include: Money
Business goals may Sales targets
include: Budgetary targets
Team and individual goals
Production targets
Reporting deadlines
Problem solving Gaining additional research and information to make better
techniques may informed decisions
include: Looking for patterns
Considering related problems or those from the past and
how they were handled
Eliminating possibilities
Identifying and attempting sub-tasks
Collaborating and asking for advice or help from additional
Time management Prioritizing and anticipating
strategies may Short term and long term planning and scheduling
include: Creating a positive and organized work environment
Clear timelines and goal setting that is regularly reviewed
and adjusted as necessary
Breaking large tasks into smaller tasks
Getting additional support if identified and necessary
Internal and external Staff and colleagues
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person must be able to demonstrate:
Competence Ability to identify daily work requirements and allocate work
Ability to interpret financial documents in accordance with legal
Underpinning Essential knowledge and attitudes include:
Knowledge and Federal and Local Government legislative requirements affecting
Attitudes business operations, especially in regard to occupational health
and safety (OH&S), equal employment opportunity (EEO),
industrial relations and anti-discrimination
Technical or specialist skills relevant to the business operation
Relevant industry code of practice
Planning techniques to establish realistic timelines and priorities
Identification of relevant performance measures
Quality assurance principles and methods
Relevant marketing, management, sales and financial concepts
Methods for monitoring performance and implementing
Structured approaches to problem solving, idea management
and time management
Underpinning Skills Essential skills includes:
Literacy skills to interpret legal requirements, company policies
and procedures and immediate, day-to-day demands
Communication skills including questioning, clarifying, reporting,
and giving and receiving constructive feedback
Numeracy skills for performance information, setting targets and
interpreting financial documents and reports
Technical and analytical skills to interpret business documents,
reports and financial statements and projections
Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and
ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
Problem solving skills to develop contingency plans
Using computers and software packages to record and manage
data and to produce reports
Evaluation skills for assessing work and outcomes
Observation skills for identifying appropriate people, resources
and to monitor work
Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
1. Establish quality 1.1 Market specifications are sourced and legislated by the
specifications for requirements identified.
the service
1.2 Quality specifications are developed and agreed upon.
1.3 Quality specifications are documented and introduced to the
organizational staff / personnel in accordance with the
organizational policy.
1.4 Quality specifications are updated when necessary.
2. Identify hazards 2.1 Critical control points impacting on quality are identified.
and critical control
2.2 Degree of risk for each hazard is determined.
2.3 Necessary documentation is accomplished in accordance with
the organizational quality procedures.
3. Assist in the 3.1 Procedures for each identified control point are developed to
planning of quality ensure optimum quality.
3.2 Hazards and risks are minimized through the application of
appropriate controls methods.
3.3 Processes to monitor the effectiveness of quality assurance
procedures are developed.
4. Implement quality 4.1 Responsibilities for carrying out procedures are allocated to the
assurance staff and contractors.
4.2 Instructions are prepared in accordance with the enterprise’s
quality assurance program.
4.3 Staff and contractors are given induction training on the quality
assurance policy.
4.4 Staff and contractors are given in-service training relevant to
their allocated procedures.
Variable Range
Sourced End-users
Customers or stakeholders
Legislated Verification of service quality as part of consumer legislation or
requirements specific legislation related to service content or composition.
Safety procedures Use of tools and equipment for construction works
Workplace environment and handling of material safety,
Following occupational health and safety procedures designated
for the task
Respect the policies, regulations, legislations, rule and
procedures for construction works
Evidence Guide
1. Provide team 1.1 Learning and development needs are systematically identified
leadership and implemented in line with the organizational requirements.
1.2 Learning plan to meet individual and group training
developmental needs is collaboratively developed and
1.3 Individuals are encouraged to self evaluate performance and
identify areas for improvement.
1.4 Feedback on performance of team members is collected from
relevant sources and compared with the established team
learning process.
2. Foster individual 2.1 Learning and development program goals and objectives are
and identified to match the specific knowledge and skills
organizational requirements of competence standards.
growth 2.2 Learning delivery methods are done appropriate to the
learning goals, the learning style of participants and availability
of equipment and resources.
2.3 Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/ mentoring
assistance are provided to facilitate individual and team
achievement of competencies.
2.4 Resources and timelines required for learning activities are
identified and approved in accordance with the organizational
3. Monitor and 3.1 Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify and
evaluate implement improvements in the future learning arrangements.
workplace 3.2 Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are assessed
learning and recorded to determine the effectiveness of development
programs and the extent of additional support
3.3 Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of learning
3.4 Records and reports of competence are maintained within
organizational requirement.
4. Develop team 4.1 Open communication processes to obtain and share information
commitment and are used by team.
cooperation 4.2 Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its
agreed roles and responsibilities.
Variable Range
Learning and Coaching, monitoring and/or supervision
development needs Formal/informal learning program
Internal/external training provision
Work experience/exchange/opportunities
Personal study and Career planning/development
Performance evaluation
Workplace skills assessment
Recognition of prior learning
Organizational Quality assurance and/or procedures manuals
requirements Goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
Legal and organizational policy/guidelines and requirements
Safety policies, procedures and programs
Confidentiality and security requirements
Business and performance plans
Ethical standards
Quality and continuous improvement processes and standards
Feedback on Formal/informal performance evaluation
performance Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues
Obtaining feedback from clients
Personal and reflective behavior strategies
Routine and organizational methods for monitoring service
Learning delivery On the job coaching or monitoring
methods Problem solving
Formal course participation
Work experience
Involvement in professional networks
Conference and seminar attendance
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence Identified and implemented learning opportunities for others
Gave and received feedback constructively
Facilitated participation of individuals in the work of the team
Negotiated learning plans to improve the effectiveness of learning
Prepared learning plans to match skill needs
Variable Range
Sustainability may addressing environmental and resource sustainability
include: initiatives, such as environmental management systems,
action plans, green office programs, surveys and audits
applying the waste management hierarchy in the workplace
complying with regulations and corporate social
responsibility considerations for sustainability to enhance
the organisation's standing in business and community
determining organisation's most appropriate waste
treatment, including waste to landfill, recycling, re-use,
recoverable resources and wastewater treatment
implementing ecological footprint
implementing environmental management systems, e.g.
ISO 14001:1996 Environmental management systems life
cycle analyses
implementing government initiatives,
improving resource and energy efficiency
initiating and maintaining appropriate organisational
procedures for operational energy consumption
introducing a green office program - a cultural change
introducing green purchasing
introducing national and international reporting initiatives,
introducing product stewardship
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
reducing use of non-renewable resources
referencing standards, guidelines and approaches, such as
sustainability covenants and compacts or triple bottom line
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supporting sustainable supply chain.
Supply chains network of facilities that procures raw materials, transforms
include: them into intermediate products or services and then
finished goods or service, and delivers them through a
distribution system
procurement, production and distribution, viewed as
interlinked not as discrete elements
Performance budget or cost variance
reports may customer service
include: environmental
other operating parameters
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence of the following is essential:
Competence demonostration of consultation processes to introduce or
evaluate an existing continuous improvement process or
system, including suggested actions or an action plan
generation of an idea or concept which exhibits creative
thinking and which offers the possibility of advantaging the
how the concept or idea was introduced, tested and
evaluated - the idea or concept does not have to have been
shown to work or to be adopted by the business
knowledge of quality management and continuous
improvement theories
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and quality management and continuous improvement theories
Attitudes creativity/innovation theories/concepts
risk management
cost-benefit analysis methods
creativity and innovation theories and concepts
organizational learning principles
quality management and continuous improvement theories
risk management
sustainability practices
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
analytical skills to identify improvement opportunities in
relation to
the services/products delivered or concepts/ideas
flexibility and creativity skills to think laterally
leadership skills to foster a commitment to quality and an
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openness to innovation
teamwork and leadership skills to foster a commitment to
quality and an openness to innovation
Resources Access may be required to:
Implication workplace procedures and plans relevant to work area
appropriate documentation and resources normally used in
the workplace
Methods of Competence in this unit may be assessed by using a
Assessment combination of the following to generate evidence:
demonstration in the workplace
suitable simulation
oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of
principles and techniques associated with change
evaluation of strategies established to monitor and evaluate
performance of key systems and processes
review of briefing of groups on performance improvement
strategies and innovation
Those aspects of competence dealing with improvement
processes could be assessed by the use of suitable
simulations and/or a pilot plant and/or a range of case studies
and scenarios.
In all cases, practical assessment should be supported by
questions to assess essential knowledge and those aspects of
competence which are difficult to assess directly.
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting / environment.
industry, academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise
We would like also to express our appreciation to the Experts of Ministry of Health,
Ministry of Education (MoE) and Engineering Capacity Building Program (ecbp) who
This occupational standard was developed on June 2011 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.