Case Scenario:: 6. Make A Pain and Comforting Cycle For Your Patient Using This Diagram: See The Diagram in Your Module

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Case Scenario:

Jane is an 84-year-old woman diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago, now with metastasis to the bone and lung. She has refused any further

active treatment (i.e chemotherapy and radiation) and has asked her health care representative daughter Patty to help her talk to her oncologist

about her wishes. After this discussion, the patient, daughter, and physician have agreed upon a hospice  evaluation. Upon evaluation and

subsequent admission to hospice services, the patient’s most pressing need was adequate pain control. Previously, she had tried scheduled

Tylenol without relief-her pain rated at  an 8 on a 0-10 scale. Her oncologist then prescribed Hydrocortisone 7.5/750 mg. 1-2 tabs every 4

hours as needed, which lowered her pain acuity to a 6. At this point, an adjuvant might be considered for bone  pain-possibly Decadron. If Jane

experiences shortness of breath related to lung metastasis, the Morphine and Decadron are both helpful in alleviating this symptom.

6. Make a pain and comforting cycle for your patient using this diagram: See the diagram in your module

Crying Facial Grimace Anxiety Complaint of severe pain

Identify symptoms of pain

Identify symptoms of pain
(Metastasis breast cancer spread to bone and lung)
(Metastasis breast cancer spread to bone and lung)

Pain scale: 6/10

Pain scale: 8/10
Free from pain temporary
May feel shortness of breath and
May not feel any discomfort, thus,
persistent cough
reduce anxiety and able to move

Evaluate level of comfort and Generalized weakness, activity

Assess level of comfort and
Medications only relief the pain discomfort intolerance due to pain, anxiety
but it doesn’t mean pain will
disappear. It may come and go

History: Diagnosed with History: Diagnosed with

breast cancer 2 years ago breast cancer 2 years ago

Provide comforting Interventions

Comforting strategies Medications Complementary and alternative therapies

o Treat the source of pain o Tylenol without relief-her pain rated at an  Guided imagery. A technique whereas you will imagine
o Rest 8 on a 0-10 scale things that will make you feel relaxed. Commonly
o Hydrocortisone 7.5/750 mg. 1-2 tabs every involve imagining oneself on a favorite scenario or
o Relaxation therapy, education, or
location that will trigger relaxation
distraction 4 hours as needed, which lowered her pain
 Progressive muscle relaxation. Relaxation technique
o Focus on promoting comfort and acuity to a 6
starting at the feet up to the whole body.
altering physiologic responses to pain o An adjuvant might be considered for bone
 Relaxation breathing. Helps relax the body and reduce
(e.g., heat, cold, transcutaneous pain-possibly Decadron anxiety
electrical nerve stimulation) o If experiences shortness of breath related  Acupuncture. The use of very thin needles at specific
to lung metastasis, the Morphine and points on the epidermis to interfere with nerve
Decadron are both helpful in alleviating impulses. Used for both acute and chronic pain among
this symptom ancient Chinese
 Biofeedback. a method which uses visual or sound cues
to help control the response to pain.

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