Case Scenario:: 6. Make A Pain and Comforting Cycle For Your Patient Using This Diagram: See The Diagram in Your Module
Case Scenario:: 6. Make A Pain and Comforting Cycle For Your Patient Using This Diagram: See The Diagram in Your Module
Case Scenario:: 6. Make A Pain and Comforting Cycle For Your Patient Using This Diagram: See The Diagram in Your Module
Jane is an 84-year-old woman diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago, now with metastasis to the bone and lung. She has refused any further
active treatment (i.e chemotherapy and radiation) and has asked her health care representative daughter Patty to help her talk to her oncologist
about her wishes. After this discussion, the patient, daughter, and physician have agreed upon a hospice evaluation. Upon evaluation and
subsequent admission to hospice services, the patient’s most pressing need was adequate pain control. Previously, she had tried scheduled
Tylenol without relief-her pain rated at an 8 on a 0-10 scale. Her oncologist then prescribed Hydrocortisone 7.5/750 mg. 1-2 tabs every 4
hours as needed, which lowered her pain acuity to a 6. At this point, an adjuvant might be considered for bone pain-possibly Decadron. If Jane
experiences shortness of breath related to lung metastasis, the Morphine and Decadron are both helpful in alleviating this symptom.
6. Make a pain and comforting cycle for your patient using this diagram: See the diagram in your module