Concrete Fundamentals: Stages in Cement Development
Concrete Fundamentals: Stages in Cement Development
Concrete Fundamentals: Stages in Cement Development
Cement, in one form or the other, has been in use for many centuries.
However, modern cement, as we know it now, resulted from the work of a
select bunch of engineers and scientists in the 18th and 19th centuries AD.
John Smeaton, while planning the building of Eddystone lighthouse tower in
1756, discovered that the best limes for mortar contained a high degree of
clayey matter. Ultimately, such a lime was used along with pozzolana in equal
quantities. In the early 1800s, Vicat prepared artificial hydraulic lime by
calcining an intimate mixture of limestone (chalk) and clay – this was the
principal forerunner to Portland Cement. In 1824, Joseph Aspdin, while
obtaining a patent for his hydraulic cement, termed it as Portland cement,
upon Portland stone (limestone from Dorset, UK), which had a high quality
and durability and a similar appearance. Although the term ‘Portland’ has no
significance in the modern context, it still continues to be used.
Three types of Portland Cement (PC) can be found over the ages:
1. Proto PC – Calcined mixture of limestone and clay; no CaO-
SiO2 interaction; low burning temperatures
2. Meso PC – C2S clearly evident; some C3S present ; poorly defined flux
phases (C3A and C4AF); Aspdin’s patented cement falls in this category
3. Normal PC – Controlled production; suitable proportioned mixture of
calcareous and argillaceous components, as in the modern day cements.
The primary differences between the cement in Aspdin’s time and the modern
cement are encapsulated in Table 1.
Raw Materials
Considerations in processing:
Raw material feedstock has to be pulverized to the right size before burning in
the kiln; this is in order to reduce the power consumption in the later stages of
grinding that are necessary to obtain the final fineness of the product.
Additionally, it makes better blending and burning possible. The desired size
is typically less than 1% retained on 200 micron sieve and 12% on 90 micron
sieve. During this process, several equipment are utilized, depending on the
cement plant, including: Jaw Crushers, Roll Crushers, Hammer and Impact
Crushers, Gyratory Crushers, Ball Mills, Roller Presses, and Classifiers.
Some of these are shown in Figure 2.
In the wet process, the feedstock is ground and blended in the form of slurry.
Removal of this excess water necessitates the use of a longer kiln for the wet
process. The total power consumption in this process is also higher and the
output lower than in the dry process. However, blending is much easier in a
wet state. Most modern plants opt for the dry process with preheaters and
Precalciners (see Figure 3) are useful because a part of the burning process
gets completed before the material gets to the kiln. Particularly, most of the
decarbonation of limestone gets completed in the precalciner itself. Table 3
presents some comparisons between wet and dry process.
Figure 3. Precalciner
Process Wet
Preheater Precalciner
Fuel consumption (kcal/kg clinker) 1000 – 2200 800 – 950 800 – 950
Burning in kilns:
1. Vertical shaft kiln: Low output; not effective; highly variable product; no
longer used
2. Rotary kiln: All the operating plants use rotary kilns
Choice of the rotary kiln (i.e. the length and diameter) depends on:
Typical rotary kilns (example in Figure 4) are more than 40 m long. The
inside of the kiln is lined with refractory bricks. Temperature increases along
the length of the kiln from 850 – 950 oC at the inlet to 1450 – 1500 oC at the
outlet. The choice of the refractory linings will thus depend on the
temperature properties of the materials used and their cost.
The product of the kiln operations is called ‘clinker’. The clinkering reactions
involve conversion of mixtures of calcium carbonate and silica and alumina-
bearing components to a mixture of special crystalline components capable of
reacting with water to produce controlled setting and strength gain. The
major components in clinker are impure but well crystallized fine (ca. <50
µm) crystals of tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate. Minor but important
crystalline components are extremely fine crystals of tricalcium aluminate and
calcium aluminate ferrite solid solution (ferrite). Of great importance despite
minor amount present are deposits of soluble crystalline components (alkali
sulfates and calcium alkali sulfates) on the surfaces of clinkers.
The kiln reactions can be described using the schematic presented in Figure 5.
The reactions of clinker formation are not completed inside the kiln – for the
compounds to properly form, cooling is necessary.
The heat from the kiln burning is recovered by the means of a cooler and
returned to the process. A rapid rate of cooling is necessary between 1450 oC
and 1200 oC for the best strength-giving properties. Otherwise, discrepancies
may arise due to the crystallization of C3A resulting in setting problems. Also,
a partial transformation of C3S (alite) into C2S (belite) and CaO (free lime)
can occur in the process of slow cooling.
The different types of coolers are rotary coolers, planetary coolers, and grate
coolers, arranged in the increasing order of their effectiveness. New and
efficient cross bar coolers are also now available
The clinker is cooled to ambient temperature and stored in silos. The last step in
cement manufacture is the grinding of clinker with additives. Grinding is done in
different types of grinding equipment, such as a ball mill (see Figure 6) or in
more efficient vertical roller presses; in a ball mill, the particles are crushed by
the impact of steel balls. Gypsum is an essential additive, as it acts as a set
regulator for the cement. Other additives that are commonly used in small
quantities are fly ash and limestone powder. Control of temperature is essential
during grinding, since high temperatures during intergrinding could cause a
transformation of gypsum into hemihydrate or anhydrite, which can cause false
set (upon reconversion to gypsum) during hydration. Because of their varying
levels of solubility, cement plants these days use a judicious mixture of the
different hydrated forms of calcium sulphate.