Lesson 1: Sports Management

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Lesson 1

Sports Management

The process of planning, executing and evaluating any particular job or project to achieve
optimum quality output. It is an act of doing the right thing at the time, at the right place, by the
right people designed to achieve the best result.

3Ms of Management

*        Material

*        Manpower

*        Methods Used

What is Sports Management?

                 Sports Management is an act or manner of planning, organizing, lleading, controlling

and coordinating of many diverse efforts so that at the end effective progress be made toward
the achievement of the goals and purposes of an organization or institution assigned to conduct
a sport competition.

The Trends of Sports Management Theories

Autocratic Theory


An Autocratic sports manager is a person who is vested with the absolute power and final
authority. Such person believes in strict obedience to a command, authority is delegated from
the top without due regards to the opinions of the subordinate.

Laissez Faire (Anarchic) Theory 

Complete freedom is given to set the goals, make decisions, and do as pleased. It is a
“leadership Social situation.”

Democratic theory 

It is that direction and oversight of an organization which assures that aims are shared in the
making, that policies and methods are agreed by those involved, that all participants feel both
free and eager to contribute their best creative effort, that stimulating personal leadership is
assured and in consequence the total outcome maximizes the aims of the organization.

Behavioristic Theory    

This theory emphasizes group dynamics, human motivation, and interpersonal relationship. The
emphasis is on the promotion and maintenance of human effectiveness thru meeting needs of
the individuals challenging them with lofty ideals.

System Theory 

A system is a group of interrelated and inter-dependent elements operating together and

interacting in an orderly manner to achieve a desired effect. In system theory, there are sub
systems and supra system or cluster of system. In system theory, each system has its own
environment and functions within it.

Eclectic Theory 

Each theory has its own strength and weakness, the eclectic system expounds the theory that
there are many theories that may be applied to a situation and not one theory alone.


The management of sports requires good relationship. Effective leadership is a process of the
interaction, and inter-relatedness as well as interdependence of the following elements as a
whole, namely;

The Personality

The Syntality of the Group

The Goal and Objective, and

The situation or the climate of the environment.


Planning- This involves establishing of goals and arranging in logical order from immediate too
long range. It includes deciding what needs to happen in the future and generating plans for
action. It also includes assessments, estimates of the situations, resources, special needs, etc.

Kris called up for a meeting to discuss and innovate matters into upcoming intramural meet.

Organizing- This involves identifying the responsibilities to be performed, grouping the

responsibilities into departments of division, and specifying organizational relationships. making
optimum use of the resources require to enable the successful carrying out of plans.

Marlou dispenses each group to make specific assignment in every area of work.

Staffing- Job analysis, recruitment, and hiring for appropriate jobs. Effective staffing means
filling the position with the right people. It prevents duplication of work and identifies individual

1. Jeson was assigned as the new budgeting officer because he has a license in accountancy. Staffing

Directing- Determining the needs to be done in a situation are and getting people to do it. This
involves motivating and leading employees to work for the achievement of the goals of

2. When I please someone, I always make sure that my instruction is clear and understandable to a
specific person while motivating them to achieve goals.

Controlling-. It involves the setting and achieving Checking progress against plans of
performance standards and application of policies and procedures.

The head of sports committee evaluates and assess the performance of his subordinates.

A band of living organism grouped together aimed at achieving a goal or a mission.


v More people do the thinking

v More shoulders carry the task that makes it lighter

v Promotes cooperation, division of labor and unity

v Develops leadership and fellowship

v Prevents or controls abuse of ruling power.


The success and failure of any sports program rest on the following factors: 

1. How well it is planned.

2. How systematic ones plans, implement and execute.

3. How qualified are the personnel who will implement the plan selected and formulated.

4. The quality and quantity of the guidance extended to plan implementers.

5. How resourceful are the person involved in the program

6. How valid and reliable are the measuring instruments used to evaluate the achievement of the
program to institute corrective and enrichment measures. 


v Clear

v Specific

v Simple

v Flexible

Failure in Management may result to; 

v Unnecessary waste of effort and time

v Wastage in material resources

v Frustrations on the part of the leaders and the participants

v Withdrawal of moral and financial support from the program sponsors

v Unfinished projects or programs.

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