Torre de Carga 2007 PDF
Torre de Carga 2007 PDF
Torre de Carga 2007 PDF
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.
NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this
Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!
Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Mast Repairs Table of Contents
4000 SRM 1250 Safety Procedures When Working Near Mast
Safety Procedures When Working Near Mast 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Fork Repair
Fork Repair
The forks are held on the carriage by hooks. The carriage further so the top hook of the fork is disen-
forks are kept in position by pins that fit through the gaged from the top carriage bar. Move the carriage
top fork hooks and into slots in the top bar carriage. away from the fork or use a lifting device to move the
Always check that the pins for the forks keep the fork away from the carriage.
forks in position on the carriage. Replace damaged
fork pin parts. The forks can be removed from the
carriage by aligning the forks with the fork removal
notch. The fork removal notch is in the bottom bar of
the carriage.
DO NOT try to remove a fork without a lifting
device. Each hook fork for these lift trucks can
weigh 66 to 183 kg (145 to 403 lb).
Fork Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Never repair damaged forks by heating or
welding. Forks are made of tempered steel
using special procedures. Always replace dam-
aged forks as a pair.
4000 SRM 1250 Carriage Replacement
Carriage Replacement
REMOVE 6. If any of the load rollers must be replaced, make
a note of the arrangement of the shims.
Do not work under a raised carriage. Lower
the carriage or use a chain or blocks to prevent 1. Connect a lifting device to the carriage. Install
the carriage and inner mast from lowering. load backrest and forks on the carriage. Move
lift truck up to the carriage. Make sure carriage
NOTE: If the mast is equipped with a sideshift car-
is stable.
riage, see the paragraphs under Sideshift Carriage
Repair. 2. Use lift cylinders to raise inner mast until it is
above the load rollers of the carriage, and care-
1. Tilt forks forward so carriage has stability and
fully lower the inner mast onto the carriage.
will not fall when it is disconnected from the
mast. 3. For lift trucks E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS
(E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098) and S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT,
2. Lower carriage and forks on blocks so lift chains
S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS;
become loose.
S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004) equipped with
two and three stage full free lift mast. The snap
WARNING rings must be installed into chain anchor into
When disconnecting the lift chains, keep con- back of carriage.
trol of the ends. Use wire to temporarily
connect the ends of the lift chains to the mast. 4. For lift trucks H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5,
This procedure will prevent the lift chains H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT)
from falling and causing an injury or damage. (N005) equipped with two and three stage full
free lift mast. The snap rings must be installed
3. Remove chain anchor pin from each chain an- into chain anchor into front of carriage.
chor at the carriage. Disconnect lift chains from
carriage. Check chain anchors and anchor pins NOTE: Install chain anchor pins so that heads of pins
for wear and serviceability. Discard worn or un- face inside and center of mast. Both legs of cotter pin
serviceable chain anchors and chain anchor pins. must be bent against chain anchor pin.
Discard cotter pin. See Figure 5, Figure 6. Fig-
5. Replace worn or unserviceable chain anchor pins
ure 7, and Figure 8.
and chain anchors on the carriage with new ones.
Connect lift chains to the chain anchors on the
WARNING carriage. Figure 5, Figure 6. Figure 7, and Fig-
Make sure the carriage is stable and will not ure 8.
fall over when the inner mast is raised above
the load rollers of the carriage. 6. Tighten chain anchor nuts to:
• For lift truck models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS
4. Use lift cylinders to raise inner mast until it is (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), S4.0, 4.5,
above the load rollers of the carriage. If the hy- 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80,
draulic system cannot be used, connect a lifting 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004),
device to the top of the inner mast. Carefully and H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6;
raise inner mast until it is above the load rollers H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005),
of the carriage. tighten to 210 N•m (155 lbf ft).
• For lift truck models S6.0FT, S7.0FT,
5. Move lift truck from carriage. Connect a lifting (S135FT,S155FT) (D024) and H6.0FT, H7.0FT
device to the carriage. Make sure carriage is sta- (H135FT, H155FT) (H006), tighten to 370 N•m
ble. Remove load backrest and forks. Put car- (273 lbf ft).
riage on floor so that load rollers are up.
Carriage Replacement 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 5. Carriage for Lift Truck Models S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024) and H6.0FT,
H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006)
4000 SRM 1250 Carriage Replacement
Figure 6. Pin-Type Carriage for Lift Truck Models H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006)
Carriage Replacement 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 7. Carriage for Lift truck Models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098) and
S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004)
4000 SRM 1250 Carriage Replacement
Carriage Replacement 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 8. Carriage for Lift Truck Models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80,
90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
4000 SRM 1250 Integral Sideshift Carriage Repair
2. Disconnect hydraulic lines from sideshift cylin- 8. If any of the load rollers must be replaced, make
der. Put caps and plugs on open lines and cylin- a note of the arrangement of the shims.
der ports.
3. Tilt forks forward so carriage is stable and will
not fall when it is disconnected from the mast. 1. Remove capscrews from lower hooks and remove
the lower hooks. See Figure 9.
4. Lower carriage and forks on blocks so lift chains
become loose. See Figure 2. 2. Lift the mobile frame from the bottom and rotate
it forward to free it from the fixed frame.
WARNING 3. Remove upper and lower bearings from the fixed
When disconnecting the lift chains, keep con- frame.
trol of the ends. Use wire to temporarily
connect the ends of the lift chains to the mast. 4. If damaged, remove grease fittings from the fixed
This procedure will prevent the lift chains frame. See Figure 10.
from falling and causing an injury or damage.
5. Remove sideshift cylinder rods from each end of
5. Remove pin from each chain anchor at the car- the cylinder body.
riage. Disconnect lift chains from carriage.
Check chain anchors and anchor pins for wear 6. Remove snap rings from each end of the cylinder
and serviceability. Discard worn or unser- body and remove rod scrapers, rod bushings, and
viceable chain anchors and chain anchor pins. seals from cylinder body.
Discard cotter pin. See Figure 5.
Integral Sideshift Carriage Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Integral Sideshift Carriage Repair
Figure 10. Integral Sideshift Carriage, Side Roller and Lube Fitting Location
Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair 4000 SRM 1250
3. Install grease fittings into the fixed frame if re- 2. Use lift cylinders to raise inner mast until it is
moved. See Figure 10. above the load rollers of the carriage, and care-
fully lower the inner mast onto the carriage.
4. Install upper and lower bearings onto the fixed
frame. NOTE: Install new chain anchor pins so that heads
of pins face inside and center of mast. Both legs of
5. Install the mobile frame onto the fixed frame by cotter pin must be bent against chain anchor pin.
hooking it at the top of the fixed frame first and
lowering it to the bottom. 3. Replace worn or unserviceable chain anchor pins
and chain anchors on the carriage with new ones
6. Install lower hooks and capscrews. Tighten the and install new cotter pin. Connect lift chains
capscrews to 78 N•m (58 lbf ft). to the chain anchors on the carriage. See Fig-
ure 5. Tighten chain anchor nuts to 210 N•m
E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z,
4. Remove protective caps and plugs from hydraulic
E100ZS) (E098), S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, lines and cylinder ports. Connect lines to the
(S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; sideshift cylinder as tagged during removal.
S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004), AND
4000 SRM 1250 Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair
Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair 4000 SRM 1250
5. If lift truck is equipped with manual hydraulic b. Remove capscrews that secure load backrest
control valve, turn key to the ON position, if to standard carriage and remove the load
lift truck is equipped with a key start option, or backrest from carriage.
press the power ON/OFF button, if lift truck is
NOTE: If engine is not operational, connect a lifting
equipped with a keyless start option. See the Op-
device to the inner mast and raise the inner mast
erating Manual. Relieve hydraulic pressure to
until it is above the load rollers of the carriage.
the sideshift cylinder by moving manual sideshift
lever in both directions several times. c. Make sure carriage is stable and connected
to lifting device. Start the engine and use the
NOTE: Tag hydraulic lines and fittings prior to re-
lift cylinders and raise the inner mast until it
moval to aid in connecting during installation.
is above the load rollers of the carriage. Move
Disconnect hydraulic lines from sideshift cylin- lift truck away from carriage.
der (see Figure 11). Put caps and plugs on open
d. Lift carriage assembly, using the lifting de-
lines and cylinder ports.
vice, and place carriage assembly on a pallet
NOTE: Tag hydraulic lines and fittings prior to re- or blocks so that the load rollers are up. Re-
moval to aid in connecting during installation. move lifting device from carriage assembly.
4000 SRM 1250 Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair
Figure 13. Carriage (Fixed Frame) for Lift Truck Models S6.0FT, S7.0FT (S135FT, S155FT) (D024)
and H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006)
Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair 4000 SRM 1250
9. If lift truck is equipped with a fork positioner car- Disconnect hydraulic lines from fork posi-
riage, remove the fork positioner frame and forks tioner cylinders and put caps and plugs on
as follows: open lines and cylinder ports.
a. Attach lifting device to the fork positioner c. If lift truck is equipped with a E-Hydraulic
frame. See Figure 15. control valve, turn key to the ON position,
if lift truck is equipped with a key start, or
press the power ON/OFF button if lift truck
is equipped with a keyless start option. See
Before disconnecting the hydraulic hoses, re- the Operating Manual. Disconnect the
lieve the pressure in the hydraulic system. non-pressurized hose and put caps and plugs
Serious injury can occur if pressure is not on the open lines and cylinder ports. See Fig-
relieved from hydraulic system prior to dis- ure 11. Move the sideshift mini-lever in both
connecting hydraulic hoses. directions several time to relieve hydraulic
NOTE: Tag hydraulic lines and fittings prior to re- pressure to the sideshift cylinder. Discon-
moval to aid in connecting during installation. nect the pressurized hose and put caps and
plugs on the open lines and cylinder ports.
b. If lift truck is equipped with a manual hy-
draulic control valve, turn key to the ON d. Remove the mounting capscrews and wash-
position, if lift truck is equipped with a key ers that fasten the fork positioner frame and
start, or press the power ON/OFF button if fork carriers to the sideshift carriage and
lift truck is equipped with a keyless start op- forks.
tion. See the Operating Manual. Relieve e. Raise the fork positioner frame up, and re-
hydraulic pressure to the fork positioner move frame from sideshift carriage assembly.
cylinders by moving auxiliary lever in both Place frame on a pallet or blocks.
directions several times. See Figure 11.
4000 SRM 1250 Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair
Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair 4000 SRM 1250
f. Go to Step 8 and perform the procedures de- 5. Remove the locknut and lug from cylinder rod
scribed there. Do not do Step b. end anchors.
10. If any of the load rollers must be replaced, make 6. Remove two nuts (see Figure 17) that attach the
a note of the arrangement of the shims. fork positioner cylinders to fork positioner frame.
3. If damaged, remove grease fittings from stan- 10. Slide the fork carriers off of the cylinders and
dard carriage and hang on sideshift carriage. See disengage the cylinders from the center plate.
Figure 13 and Figure 11. To disassemble the fork positioner cylinders, see
Cylinders, Disassemble.
4. Remove the two cotter pins and clevis pins and
remove the sideshift cylinder from hang on
sideshift frame. To disassemble the sideshift
cylinder, see Cylinders, Disassemble.
4000 SRM 1250 Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair
Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair
Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair 4000 SRM 1250
CAUTION DO NOT use steam to clean the side rollers and
To prevent damage to the cylinder, DO NOT load rollers. Steam will cause corrosion and
clamp on the cylinder rod sealing surface. damage to rollers and roller parts.
4. Place cylinder in a soft-jawed vise and remove 1. Use steam or solvent to clean the metal parts of
the piston nut and piston. the carriage. Dry with compressed air.
4000 SRM 1250 Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair
4. Check the load rollers to make sure they are not 3. Lubricate with clean hydraulic oil and install a
broken or worn. new piston seal on the piston.
To prevent damage to sealing surfaces, use
To prevent damage to sealing surfaces, use
brass tools when installing seals and O-rings
brass tools when installing seals and O-rings
1. Lubricate new seals and O-rings with clean
5. Install new O-ring and backup ring in the groove
hydraulic oil and install new cylinder rod seal,
of the retainer.
wiper seal, O-rings and backup rings onto the
cylinder rod retainer. 6. Push the retainer into the cylinder shell until the
retainer ring groove is exposed.
CAUTION 7. Install retainer ring into groove in the shell.
To prevent damage to the cylinder, DO NOT
clamp on the cylinder rod sealing surface. 8. Pull rod and piston out of shell until the retainer
stops on the retainer ring and the snap ring
2. Place cylinder in a soft-jawed vise, and install groove is exposed.
piston on the rod. Apply Loctite® 242 (Blue) to
threads of piston nut and tighten nut to 75 N•m 9. Install the snap ring on the retainer.
(55 lbf ft).
Hang On Sideshift Carriage Repair 4000 SRM 1250
NOTE: Be sure to assemble the fork positioner cylin- NOTE: Make sure the lifting device has a capacity of
ders and sideshift cylinder before starting this sec- 1450 kg (3200 lb).
tion. See Cylinders, Assemble for procedures to as-
semble the cylinders. 1. If lift truck is not equipped with a fork positioner:
1. Slide the fork carriers onto the cylinders. Install a. Connect a lifting device to the carriage as-
the cylinders into the holes in the center plate. sembly and install load backrest to carriage
assembly. Tighten nuts to 70 to 80 N•m (56
2. Install the cylinders, fork carriers, and center to 60 lbf ft).
plate into holes in fork positioner frame. See Fig-
ure 17. b. Install the forks to carriage assembly. See
the section Fork Repair for the procedures.
3. Install the shims, noted during removal, to the Make sure carriage is stable and move lift
center plate with two capscrews and washers. truck up to the carriage assembly.
Tighten the capscrews to 44 N•m (30 lbf ft).
2. If lift truck is equipped with a fork positioner:
4. Install lugs to cylinder rod end anchors with lock-
nuts. Tighten locknuts to 220 N•m (160 lbf ft). a. Install the forks onto hang on sideshift car-
riage. See the section Fork Repair for the
5. Secure the fork positioner cylinders, fork car- procedures.
riers, and center plate to fork positioner frame
with two nuts. Tighten the nuts to 220 N•m b. Connect a lifting device to fork positioner
(160 lbf ft). frame and lift frame up and align the fork
carriers with the top of the forks. See Fig-
6. Install assembled sideshift cylinder to sideshift ure 17.
assembly frame using two cotter and clevis pins.
See Figure 16. c. Secure the fork positioner frame to hang on
sideshift frame using four capscrews and
7. If grease fittings were removed due to damage, washers. Tighten capscrews to 145 N•m
install new grease fittings into standard carriage (110 lbf ft) Make sure carriage is stable and
and hang on sideshift carriage. move lift truck up to the carriage assembly.
NOTE: Make sure the lifting device has a capacity of 3. Remove protective caps and plugs from hydraulic
450 kg (1000 lb). lines and cylinder ports. Connect lines to the
sideshift cylinder, fork positioner cylinders, and
8. Using a lifting device, lift the hang on sideshift fork positioner valve body as tagged during re-
assembly (see Figure 11) up and place it onto the moval. See Figure 11 and Figure 17.
standard carriage (fixed frame) by hanging the
anchor bracket over the standard carriage. See NOTE: Install new chain anchor pins so that the
Figure 13. heads of pins face inside and center of mast. Both
legs of cotter pin must be bent against chain anchor
9. Install the lower hooks onto hang on sideshift as- pin.
sembly using capscrews and washers. Tighten
capscrews to 155 to 170 N•m (115 to 125 lbf ft). 4. Replace worn or unserviceable chain anchor pins
and chain anchors on the carriage with new ones
NOTE: Make sure the lifting device has a capacity of and install new cotter pin.
450 kg (1000 lb).
5. Connect lift chains to the chain anchors on the
10. Using a lifting device, install the fork positioner carriage. See Figure 13. Tighten chain anchor
assembly (see Figure 17) onto hang on sideshift nuts to 210 N•m (155 lbf ft).
assembly (see Figure 16) using four capscrews
and washers. Tighten capscrews to 155 to 6. Use lift cylinders to raise inner mast until it is
170 N•m (115 to 125 lbf ft). above the load rollers of the carriage, and care-
fully lower the inner mast onto the carriage.
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
7. Operate the carriage assembly through several fittings and cylinder rod ends and to force any
complete cycles and check for any leaks at the air in the system to the hydraulic tank.
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Figure 22. Mast Mounts Removal, Outer Mast for Lift Truck Models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5,
H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005) and H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006)
Legend for Figure 23
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
2. OUTER MAST Commercial cleaning solvents may be
flammable and toxic and can cause severe skin
Figure 24. Inner Mast irritation. When using commercial cleaning
solvents, always comply with solvent manu-
facturer’s recommended safety precautions.
Never replace just the worn section of a chain.
Replace the complete chain. Never replace just
one chain of a chain pair. Replace both chains.
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Total Length of Wear Limit
20 Links (Pitch) The Maximum Length of
of New Chain 20 Links
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 27. Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS,
(S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004) Shown
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 28. Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5,
H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 29. Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models S6.0FT, S7.0FT,
(S135FT,S155FT) (D024)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 30. Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT,
H155FT) (H006)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
NOTE: The shims for the load rollers keep the weld-
ments parallel and provide correct clearance. Dur-
ing assembly, the location of the shims will be ap-
proximately the same as they were before disassem-
bly. Check clearance and adjust shims for wear or
changes because of repairs. Strip bearings are also
adjusted by using shims. See Mast Adjustments in
this section for the instructions to make the neces-
sary adjustments.
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
120FT) (N005) tighten capscrews to 522 to axle and lift mast assembly into position on lift
572 N•m (385 to 422 lbf ft). truck. See Figure 20.
• For lift truck models H6.0FT, H7.0FT
(H135FT, H155FT) (H006) tighten capscrews 3. Secure mast assembly to lift truck by installing
to 755 to 830 N•m (557 to 612 lbf ft). the two mast mounting caps onto mast mount-
ing hangers. Insert capscrews and tighten to
4. Using Cylinder Repair 2100 SRM 1139 for lift 320 N•m (236 lbf ft). See Figure 20.
truck model H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6;
H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005) 4. Using Cylinder Repair 2100 SRM 1139 for lift
or Cylinder Repair 2100 SRM 1328 for lift truck models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80,
truck model H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FT-
(H006), connect tilt cylinders to the outer mast. PRS) (G004) and E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS
(E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098) or Cylinder Repair
5. Connect hydraulic hoses and fittings between 2100 SRM 1328 for lift truck model S6.0FT,
lowering control valve and lift cylinders to the S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024) connect the
mast assembly. See Figure 40, for lift truck tilt cylinders to the outer mast.
models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6;
H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005), 5. Connect hydraulic hoses and fittings between
and Figure 42, for lift truck models H6.0FT, lowering control valve and lift cylinders to the
H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006). mast assembly. See Figure 39, for lift truck mod-
els S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT;
6. Install header hoses as shown in Figure 35, S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004),
for lift truck models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, Figure 38, for lift truck models E3.50-5.50XL,
H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), and Fig-
(N005), and Figure 37, for lift truck models ure 41, for lift truck models S6.0FT, S7.0FT,
H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006). (S135FT,S155FT) (D024).
INSTALL, S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, 6. Install header hoses as shown in Figure 33,
(S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; for lift truck models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS,
(S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS;
S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004) S6.0FT, S120FTPRS) (G004) and, Figure 34, for lift truck
S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024) AND models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z,
E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), Figure 35, for lift truck models
E100ZS) (E098) LIFT TRUCKS MODELS H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT
(H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005), Figure 36,
1. Connect a lifting device to the top of the mast for lift truck models S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,
assembly. Make sure all of the weldments are S155FT) (D024), and Figure 37, for lift truck
fastened together. Make sure the chains do not models H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT)
damage any of the hydraulic lines or other parts. (H006).
See Figure 27, for lift truck models S4.0, 4.5,
5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FT- 7. Adjust lift chains, carriage, and tilt cylinders as
BCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004) and E3.50- described in sections Lift Chains Adjustment,
5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098) or Carriage Adjustments, and Tilt Cylinder Stroke
Figure 29, for lift truck models S6.0FT, S7.0FT, and Backward Tilt Angle Adjustment.
(S135FT,S155FT) (D024).
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 33. Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models S4.0, 4.5,
5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 34. Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models E3.50-5.50XL,
E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 35. Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models H4.0FT5/FT6;
H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 36. Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models S6.0FT,
S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 37. Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models H6.0FT,
H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
HEADER HOSE ALIGNMENT NOTE: The carriage height must be correct before the
header hoses can be adjusted. See Lift Chains Ad-
Before installing the header hoses, make sure you justment for the carriage adjustment procedure.
know the lift height of the mast. The tension on the
header hoses is adjusted according to lift height. The 1. Mark each hose with a single letter: A, B, C,
lift height is on the Nameplate of the lift truck and and D. See Figure 38, for lift truck models
on the right-hand side of the outer mast. E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS)
(E098), Figure 39, for lift truck models S4.0, 4.5,
Some lift trucks are equipped with auxiliary hy- 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FT-
draulic functions that are fastened to the carriage. BCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004), Figure 40,
Examples of these auxiliary functions are sideshift for lift truck models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5,
carriages or roll clamps. These auxiliary functions H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT)
require header hoses for their operation. (N005), Figure 41, for lift truck models S6.0FT,
S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024), and Figure 42,
WARNING for lift truck models H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT,
Before working on or near the mast, see Safety H155FT) (H006).
Procedures When Working Near Mast in this
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 38. Header Hose Alignment for Lift Truck Models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z,
E100ZS) (E098)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Figure 39. Header Hose Alignment for Lift Truck Models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT;
S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004)
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 40. Header Hose Alignment for Lift Truck Models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6;
H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Figure 41. Header Hose Alignment for Lift Truck Models S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024)
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 42. Header Hose Alignment for Lift Truck Models H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
NOTE: The fifth function hose does not require ten- S155FT) (D024), and Figure 37, for lift truck
sion marks. models H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT)
2. Dimension E is determined by the height of
the outer mast channel from the ground and 6. Place the hoses at the location of the hose
the length of the outer mast channel. See sheave(s). The sheave(s) and stub shafts must
dimensions Y and Z in Figure 43. To deter- be assembled, and the hose(s) must be routed
mine E, use Table 2 for lift truck models S4.0, onto the sheave(s) before the hose(s) are attached
4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, to the mast. Refer to Figure 33. Tighten the hose
100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004), clamp hardware to 8 N•m (71 lbf in) and the
Table 3 for lift truck models H4.0FT5/FT6; sheave assembly capscrews to 66 N•m (49 lbf ft).
H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100,
110, 120FT) (N005), Table 4 for lift truck models 7. Put the clamps over the hoses and attach the
E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) clamps to the upper brackets. DO NOT tighten
(E098), Table 5 for lift truck models S6.0-7.0FT the hardware.
(S135, 155FT) (D024), and Table 6 for lift truck
NOTE: To make the alignment of dimension E eas-
models H6.0-7.0FT (H135-155FT) (H006) to de-
ier, use a crane with a capacity of at least 907.2 kg
termine pre-calculated tension mark locations.
(2000 lb) to raise the carriage high enough to install
3. Clamp the end of the hose (the smaller fitting) a safety chain. See Figure 1.
that attaches to the carriage in a vise (do NOT
8. Align dimension mark E, which is determined
clamp on the threads), and pull on the other end
using Figure 43, at the bottom of the clamps.
until the hose is straight. Do NOT apply enough
Tighten the hardware to 8 N•m (71 lbf in). Refer
force to stretch the hose. See Figure 43.
to Figure 39 or Figure 41.
NOTE: This mark will be used to pretension the
9. Connect the header hoses to the cowl hoses.
header hoses during installation.
10. Use the rubber clamps and hose clamps to attach
4. Place a mark on all the hoses at dimension E (all
the hoses to the main lift cylinders. Make sure
measurements are made from the carriage end of
the hoses do NOT stretch or fold while tilting the
the hose [the smaller fitting]).
mast fully forward and backward.
5. Attach the hoses as shown in Figure 33, for
11. With no load on the forks, check the header hose
lift truck models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS,
adjustment by operating the mast through the
(S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS;
full lift cycle two times. When properly adjusted,
S120FTPRS) (G004) and, Figure 34, for lift truck
the hoses will not be so tight that they compress
models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z,
when they pass over the sheaves nor will they be
E100ZS) (E098), Figure 35, for lift truck models
so loose that they touch the load backrest or any
H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT
crossmember that is next to a sheave. If neces-
(H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005), Figure 36,
sary, repeat until hoses are properly adjusted.
for lift truck models S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair
Table 2. Standard Mast Height; Header Hose Tension Mark Location for Lift Truck Models S4.0,
4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004)
Table 3. Standard Mast Height; Header Hose Tension Mark Location for Lift Truck Models
H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Table 4. Standard Mast Height; Header Hose Tension Mark Location for Lift Truck
Models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098)
Table 5. Standard Mast Height; Header Hose Tension Mark Location for Lift
Truck Models S6.0-7.0FT (S135, 155FT) (D024)
Table 6. Standard Mast Height; Header Hose Tension Mark Location for Lift
Truck Models H6.0-7.0FT (H135-155FT) (H006)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Table 6. Standard Mast Height; Header Hose Tension Mark Location for Lift Truck
Models H6.0-7.0FT (H135-155FT) (H006) (Continued)
1. Clean area around the hydraulic fittings for the
lift cylinders. Disconnect fittings at the lift cylin-
ders and put caps on open lines. See Figure 45
for lift truck models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS
(E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), Figure 46 for lift 1. TILT ROD BUSHING
truck models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80,
Figure 44. Mast Bushing Location
Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4. Slide inner mast halfway out of the top of the S120FTPRS) (G004) and E3.50-5.50XL,
outer mast. Connect a lifting device to the center E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098). Re-
of inner mast. See Figure 24. Slide inner mast move bushings and plugs from mast mounting
out of the outer mast until stub shafts are in the hangers. See Figure 20.
notches of the outer mast. Remove inner mast
from the outer mast. 7. Remove and disassemble sheaves and load
rollers as necessary for cleaning and repair. See
5. For lift truck models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, Figure 45 for lift truck models E3.50-5.50XL,
H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), Figure 46
(N005). Check that the pins fit snug in the outer for lift truck models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS,
mast. If pins can be moved up and down a min- (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS;
imum of 4 mm (0.157 in.), replace bushings in S120FTPRS) (G004), and Figure 47 for lift truck
outer mast and/or mast pivot pins as required. models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6;
See Figure 21. H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005).
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Figure 45. Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair for Lift Truck Models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS
(E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098)
Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 46. Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair for Lift Truck Models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT,
S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 47. Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair for Lift Truck Models H4.0FT5/FT6;
H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Total Length of Wear Limit
20 Links (Pitch) The Maximum Length of
of New Chain 20 Links
ASSEMBLE in the outer mast. Slide inner mast into the outer
mast so stub shafts are seen at the top and bot-
NOTE: Shims for the load rollers keep the weldments tom of the weldments. See Figure 24.
parallel and provide correct clearance. During as-
sembly, the location of the shims will be approxi- 2. Install strip bearings, O-rings and the shims on
mately the same as they were before disassembly. the outer mast. Apply grease to bearing surface.
See Figure 31.
Check clearance and adjust shims for wear or
changes because of repairs. Strip bearings are also 3. Install load rollers and shims on both weldments.
adjusted by using shims. See the Mast Adjustments Check clearance of the load rollers and strip bear-
in this section for instructions to make the necessary ings as described in Mast Adjustments and Car-
adjustments. riage Adjustments.
1. Connect a lifting device to the center of the inner 4. Install new tilt rod bushing into outer mast. See
mast and insert stub shafts through the notches Figure 49.
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Figure 50. Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Header Hoses for Lift Truck ModelsS4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT,
S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004)
Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 51. Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Header Hoses for Lift Truck ModelsE3.50-5.50XL,
E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 52. Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models H4.0FT5/FT6;
H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
4000 SRM 1250 Two-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
HEADER HOSE INSTALLATION AND 6. Ensure hoses routed between truck cowl and the
ADJUSTMENT main lift cylinder are able to move freely during
forward/back tilt without kinking or stressing fit-
Installation tings at cowl.
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Figure 53. Main Lift Installation for Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models
S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004)
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 54. Main Lift Installation for Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models
E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Figure 55. Main Lift Installation for Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models
H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 56. Main Lift Installation for Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models
S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 57. Main Lift Installation for Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models
H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 58. Free-Lift Installation for Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models
SS4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004) and
H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 59. Free-Lift Installation for Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models
E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 60. Free-Lift Installation for Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift for Lift Truck Models
S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024) and H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
2. Remove the pins for the lift chains at the chain models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100,
anchors on the inner mast. Remove chain sheave 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS)
assembly from the free-lift cylinder. Disconnect (G004) and H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6;
and cap all hydraulic lines for the free-lift cylin- H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005),
der. Remove capscrews and clamps that hold Figure 59, for lift truck models E3.50-5.50XL,
free-lift cylinder to the inner mast. Remove E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), and Fig-
free-lift cylinder. See Figure 58, for lift truck ure 60 for lift truck models, S6.0FT, S7.0FT,
models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024) and H6.0FT, H7.0FT
120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (H135FT, H155FT) (H006).
(G004) and H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6;
H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005), 6. Slide intermediate mast from the bottom of the
Figure 59, for lift truck models E3.50-5.50XL, outer mast approximately 30 cm (12 in.). Remove
E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), and Fig- strip bearings and load rollers. Make a note of
ure 60 for lift truck models, S6.0FT, S7.0FT, the shim arrangement. Shim arrangement will
(S135FT,S155FT) (D024) and H6.0FT, H7.0FT be approximately the same during assembly pro-
(H135FT, H155FT) (H006). cedures.
3. Disconnect and remove lift chains between the 7. Slide intermediate mast halfway out of the top of
outer mast and the inner mast. Slide inner mast the outer mast. Connect a lifting device to the
from the bottom of the intermediate mast ap- center of the intermediate mast. See Figure 24
proximately 30 cm (12 in.). Remove strip bear- Slide intermediate mast out of the outer mast
ings. Remove load rollers from the inner and in- until stub shafts are in the notches of the outer
termediate mast. Make a note of the shim ar- mast. Remove intermediate mast from the outer
rangement and remove shims. Shim arrange- mast.
ment will be approximately the same during as-
8. Using a brass drift, remove tilt rod bushing from
sembly procedures.
outer mast. Discard tilt rod bushing. See Fig-
4. Slide inner mast halfway out of the top of the ure 61.
intermediate mast. Connect a lifting device to
9. For lift trucks models S4.0, 5.0, 5.50FT
the center of inner mast. See Figure 24. Slide
([S80, 100, 120FT;] S80, 100, 120FTBCS;
the inner mast out of the intermediate mast.
S120FTPRS) (G004), E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS
5. Slide intermediate mast from the outer mast (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), and S6.0FT, S7.0FT,
approximately 30 cm (12 in.) to disengage lift (S135FT,S155FT) (D024). Remove bushings and
cylinders from the intermediate mast. Remove plugs from mast mounting hangers. See Fig-
the lift cylinders from the mounts at the bottom ure 20.
of the outer mast. See Figure 58, for lift truck
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Commercial cleaning solvents may be
flammable and toxic and can cause severe skin
1. TILT ROD BUSHING irritation. When using commercial cleaning
solvents, always comply with solvent manu-
Figure 61. Mast Bushing Location facturer’s recommended safety precautions.
10. For lift trucks models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5,
H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) WARNING
(N005) and H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) Never replace just the worn section of a chain.
(H006). Remove mast mounting snap rings and Replace the complete chain. Never replace just
bushings from outer mast. See Figure 21. one chain of a chain pair. Replace both chains.
11. Remove and disassemble chain sheaves and 3. Clean lift chains with solvent. Inspect lift chains
load rollers as necessary for cleaning and re- for wear or damage. See Figure 62. A lift chain
pair. See Figure 58, for lift truck models S4.0, becomes longer when it is worn. If a section of
4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, chain is 3% longer than a similar section of new
100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004) and chain, the chain is worn and must be replaced.
H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT If a chain scale is available, check lift chains as
(H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005), Figure 59, shown in Figure 62. If a chain scale is not avail-
for lift truck models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS able measure 20 links of chain. Measure from
(E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), and Figure 60 for lift the center of a pin to the center of another pin 20
truck models, S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) pitches away. Compare the length with the chart
(D024) and H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) in Figure 62. Replace chain if the length of 20
(H006). links of the worn section is more than the maxi-
mum wear limit. Lubricate chains with SAE 30
CLEAN AND INSPECT engine oil. The best procedure is to remove lift
chains from lift truck and soak them in SAE 30
CAUTION engine oil.
DO NOT use steam or high-pressure water to
clean the load rollers or the lift chains. Steam
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Total Length of Wear Limit
20 Links (Pitch) The Maximum Length of
of New Chain 20 Links
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
shafts are seen at the top and bottom of the weld- 6. For lift trucks models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5,
ments. H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT)
(N005) and H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT)
2. Install strip bearings, O-rings and shims on the (H006). Install mast mounting snap rings and
intermediate mast. Apply grease to bearing sur- bushings into outer mast. See Figure 21.
face. See Figure 31.
7. Install main lift cylinders. Make sure the spac-
3. Install load rollers and shims on both weldments. ers, when installed, are in their original positions
Check the clearance of the load rollers and strip at the bottom mounts. Install capscrews, wash-
bearings as described in Mast Adjustments and ers, and brackets at the bottom of each cylinder.
Carriage Adjustments. Tighten capscrews to 38 N•m (28 lbf ft). Push
the inner mast to engage the rods of the lift
4. Install new tilt rod bushing into outer mast. See
cylinders. Install washers and snap rings at the
Figure 63.
top of the lift cylinders. If removed, install shims
as noted during disassembly. Install cylinder
clamps to the brackets at the top of the outer
mast. Tighten nuts to 18 N•m (159 lbf in).
See Figure 53 for lift truck models S4.0, 4.5,
5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FT-
BCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004), Figure 54,
for lift truck models, E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS
(E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), Figure 55, for
lift truck models, H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5,
H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT)
(N005), Figure 56, for lift truck models S6.0FT,
S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024), and Figure 57,
for lift truck models, H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT,
H155FT) (H006).
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
13. Connect lift chains to the mounts at the top of the E100ZS) (E098), Figure 65, for lift truck models
outer mast. S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT;
S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004),
14. Install chain sheave assembly on the free-lift Figure 66, for lift truck models H4.0FT5/FT6;
cylinder. Install free-lift cylinder on the inner H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100,
mast. See Figure 58, for lift truck models S4.0, 110, 120FT) (N005), Figure 67, for lift truck mod-
4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, els S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024),
100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004) and and Figure 68, for lift truck models H6.0FT,
H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006).
(H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005), Figure 59,
for lift truck models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS INSTALL
(E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), and Figure 60 for lift
truck models, S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) Install the three-stage mast using the procedures as
(D024) and H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) described in Two-Stage Mast With Limited Free-Lift
(H006). Repair, Install, S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100,
120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS)
15. Connect lift chains to the chain anchors at the (G004) S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024) and
mount on the inner mast. Attach wires between E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098)
the ends of the lift chains and the bottom cross- Lift Trucks Models. See Figure 53, for lift truck
member to control the lift chains during installa- models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT;
tion. S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004),
Figure 54, for lift truck models, E3.50-5.50XL,
16. Install lowering control valve on the outer mast.
E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), Figure 55,
• For lift truck models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS,
for lift truck models, H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5,
(S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS;
H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT)
S120FTPRS) (G004) and E3.50-5.50XL,
(N005), Figure 56, for lift truck models S6.0FT,
E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098) tighten
S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024), and Figure 57,
capscrew to 18 N•m (13 lbf ft).
for lift truck models, H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT,
• For lift truck models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5,
H155FT) (H006). Also, see arrangement of the
H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110,
header hoses in Figure 64, for lift truck mod-
120FT) (N005) tighten capscrew to 38 N•m
els E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS)
(28 lbf ft).
(E098), Figure 65, for lift truck models S4.0, 4.5,
• For lift truck models S6.0FT, S7.0FT,
5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS;
(S135FT,S155FT) (D024) and H6.0FT, H7.0FT
S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004), Figure 66, for lift
(H135FT, H155FT) (H006) tighten capscrew to
truck models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6;
33 N•m (24 lbf ft).
H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005),
17. Connect hydraulic lines and fittings between Figure 67, for lift truck models S6.0FT, S7.0FT,
the lowering control valve and lift cylinders and (S135FT,S155FT) (D024), and Figure 68, for lift
install header hose. See Figure 64, for lift truck truck models H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT)
models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, (H006).
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 64. Three-Stage Mast Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z,
E100ZS) (E098)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 65. Three-Stage Mast Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80,
100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 66. Three-Stage Mast Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6;
H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Figure 67. Three-Stage Mast Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT)
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Figure 68. Three-Stage Mast Header Hoses for Lift Truck Models H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT)
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
HEADER HOSE ALIGNMENT FOR S4.0, (E098) use Table 9 for pre-calculated tension
4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; mark locations.
S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) 3. Clamp the end of the hose (the smaller fitting)
(G004), H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; that attaches to the carriage in a vise (DO NOT
H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) clamp on the threads), and pull on the other end
(N005) AND E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS until the hose is straight. Do NOT apply enough
force to stretch the hose.
(E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098)
NOTE: These marks will be used to pretension the
WARNING header hose during installation.
Before working on or near the mast, see Safety
4. Place a mark on all the hoses at dimensions F
Procedures When Working Near Mast in this
and G (all measurements are made from the
carriage end of the hose [the smaller fitting]).
NOTE: This procedure is for the four-function option. See Figure 65 and Table 7 for lift trucks models
The three-function option is identified with hoses A S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT;
and B and fifth function is identified with hose E. S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004).
Table 8 for lift truck models H4.0FT5/FT6;
NOTE: The carriage height must be correct before the H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100,
header hoses can be adjusted. See Lift Chains Ad- 110, 120FT) (N005) and Table 9 for lift truck
justment for the carriage adjustment procedure. models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z,
E100ZS) (E098).
1. Mark each hose with a single letter: A, B, C, D
or E. See Figure 69. 5. Attach the hoses to the carriage bracket with
clamps. Apply spray lubricant to the surface of
2. Dimensions F, G and H are determined by the the hose guide that contacts the hoses.
height of the outer mast channel from the ground
and the length of the outer mast channel. See 6. Place the hoses over the top of the free-lift chains
dimensions Y and Z in Figure 70. To determine and under the hose guides. Attach the hose
F, G and H for lift truck models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, guides to the lower crossmember and tighten
S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; the mounting hardware to 33 N•m (24 lbf ft).
S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004) use Table 7. To Make sure the bracket is between the crossmem-
determine F, G and H for lift truck models ber and the hose guide. Put the clamps over
H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT the hoses and attach the clamps to the free-lift
(H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005) use Table 8. bracket. (DO NOT tighten the hardware.). See
To determine F, G and H for lift truck models Figure 69.
E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Figure 69. Header Hose Alignment for Lift Truck Models S4.0, 5.0, 5.50FT ([S80, 100, 120FT;] S80,
100, 120FTBCS; S120FTPRS) (G004), E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), and
H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005) (Sheet 1 of 2)
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 69. Header Hose Alignment for Lift Truck Models S4.0, 5.0, 5.50FT ([S80, 100, 120FT;] S80,
100, 120FTBCS; S120FTPRS) (G004), E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098), and
H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005) (Sheet 2 of 2)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Table 7. Standard Mast Height; Header Hose Tension Mark Location for Lift Truck Models S4.0,
4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004)
Tension Marker
Tension Marker from Tension Marker
Channel from Carriage
Carriage End from Carriage End
Lift Height Length End
Dimension "F" Dimension "G"
(Reference) Dimension "H"
(Bottom) (Middle)
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in.
4087 160.9 2273 89.4 1619 63.7 4062 159.9
2020 79.5
4365 171.9 2418 95.1 1764 69.4 4207 165.6
4665 183.7 2120 83.4 2517 99.0 1814 71.4 4403 173.3
4640 182.7 2476 97.4 1722 67.7 4459 175.5
2220 87.4
4900 192.9 2615 102.9 1861 73.2 4598 181.0
5240 206.3 2673 105.2 1919 75.5 4850 190.9
2420 95.2
5500 216.5 2812 110.7 2058 81.0 4989 196.4
5950 234.3 2620 103.1 3009 118.4 2255 88.7 5380 211.8
Table 8. Standard Mast Height; Header Hose Tension Mark Location For lift truck models
H4.0FT5/FT6; H4.5FTS5, H4.5FT6; H5.0-5.5FT (H80, 90, 100, 110, 120FT) (N005)
Tension Tension
Tension Marker
Marker from Marker from
Channel Length from Carriage End
Lift Height Carriage End Carriage End
(Reference) Dimension "H"
Dimension "F" Dimension "G"
(Bottom) (Middle)
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in.
4087 160.9 1619 63.7 2273 89.4 4062 159.9
2020 79.5
4365 171.9 1764 69.4 2418 95.1 4207 165.6
4387 172.7 1669 65.7 1669 65.7 4258 167.6
2120 83.4
4665 183.7 1814 71.4 2517 99.0 4403 173.3
4640 182.7 1722 67.7 1722 67.7 4459 175.5
2220 87.4
4900 192.9 1861 73.2 2615 102.9 4598 181.0
4940 194.5 1821 71.7 1821 71.6 4655 183.2
2320 91.3
5200 204.7 1960 77.1 2714 106.8 4794 188.7
5240 206.3 1919 75.5 1919 75.5 4850 190.9
2420 95.2
5500 216.5 2058 81.0 2812 110.7 4989 196.4
5950 234.3 2620 103.1 2255 88.7 2255 88.7 5380 211.8
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Table 9. Standard Mast Height; Header Hose Tension Mark Location For lift truck
models E3.50-5.50XL, E4.50XLS (E70-120Z, E100ZS) (E098)
Tension Tension
Tension Marker
Marker from Marker from
Channel Length from Carriage End
Lift Height Carriage End Carriage End
(Reference) Dimension "H"
Dimension "F" Dimension "G"
(Bottom) (Middle)
mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in.
4087 160.9 1525 60.0 2224 87.5 4024 158.4
2020 79.5
4365 171.9 1681 66.1 2380 93.7 4180 164.5
4387 172.7 1624 63.9 2323 91.4 4220 166.1
2120 83.4
4665 183.7 1779 70.0 2478 97.5 4375 172.2
4640 182.7 1728 68.0 2427 95.5 4421 174.0
2220 87.4
4900 192.9 1878 73.9 2577 101.4 4571 179.9
4940 194.5 1827 71.9 2526 99.4 4617 181.7
2320 91.3
5200 204.7 1976 77.7 2675 105.3 4766 187.6
5240 206.3 1925 75.7 2624 103.3 4812 189.4
2420 95.2
5500 216.5 2075 81.6 2774 109.2 4962 195.3
5950 234.3 2272 89.4 2971 116.9 5353 210.7
2620 103.1
5690 224.0 2122 83.5 2821 111.0 5203 204.8
NOTE: To make the alignment of dimension H eas- Tighten the hardware to 8 N•m (71 lbf in). See
ier, use a crane with a capacity of at least 907.2 kg Figure 69, Sheet 2.
(2000 lb) to raise the carriage high enough to attach
a safety chain. See Figure 1. 11. Install the clamps. See Figure 65 and Figure 69.
7. Align the mark for dimension H at the bottom 12. Connect the header hoses to the cowl hoses.
of the clamp to create the proper hose tension.
13. Use the rubber clamps and strap clamps to at-
Tighten the hardware to 8 N•m (71 lbf in).
tach the hoses to the main lift cylinders. Make
8. Position the hoses at the hose sheave. The sure the hoses do not stretch or fold while tilting
hose sheave and stub shaft must be installed on the mast fully forward and backward.
the hose before they are attached to the mast.
14. With no load on the forks, check the header hose
Tighten the hardware to 66 N•m (49 lbf ft).
adjustment by operating the mast through the
9. Put the clamps over the hoses and attach the full lift cycle two times. When properly adjusted,
clamps to the upper brackets. (DO NOT tighten the hoses will not be so tight that they compress
the hardware.) when they pass over the sheaves nor will they be
so loose that they touch the load backrest or any
NOTE: To make the alignment of dimension F and crossmember that is next to a sheave. If neces-
G easier, use a crane to raise the inner channel high sary, repeat until hoses are properly adjusted.
enough to install a safety chain.
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
HEADER HOSE ALIGNMENT FOR H6.0FT, 5. Install guides and snap rings onto the sheave.
H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT) (H006) AND
6. Position the hoses on the hose sheave. The hose
S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024) sheave must be installed on the hose before they
are attached to the mast. Install the sheave as-
WARNING sembly into the mast mount.
Before working on or near the mast, see Safety
7. Install the pin into the sheave assembly. Install
Procedures When Working Near Mast in this
the socket head set screw.
8. Put the clamps over the hoses and attach the
NOTE: This procedure is for the four-function option.
clamps to the upper brackets. (DO NOT tighten
The three-function option is identified with hoses A
the hardware.)
and B and fifth function is identified with hose D.
9. Install the clamps. See Figure 71.
NOTE: The carriage height must be correct before the
header hoses can be adjusted. See Lift Chains Ad- 10. Connect the header hoses to the cowl hoses.
justment for the carriage adjustment procedure.
11. Use the rubber clamps and strap clamps to at-
1. Mark each hose with a single letter: A, B, C, or tach the hoses to the main lift cylinders. Make
D. See Figure 71. sure the hoses do not stretch or fold while tilting
the mast fully forward and backward.
2. Attach hoses A and B to the carriage bracket
with clamps. Apply spray lubricant to the sur- 12. With no load on the forks, check the header hose
face of the hose guide that contacts the hoses. adjustment by operating the mast through the
full lift cycle two times. When properly adjusted,
3. Place hoses A and B over the top of the free-
the hoses will not be so tight that they compress
lift chains. Attach the hose guides to the guard
when they pass over the sheaves nor will they be
and tighten the mounting hardware to 31 N•m
so loose that they touch the load backrest or any
(23 lbf ft). See Figure 71.
cross member that is next to a sheave. If neces-
4. Insert spacers into the sheave. See Figure 72 sary, repeat until hoses are properly adjusted.
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
Figure 71. Header Hose Alignment for Lift Truck Models H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT)
(H006) and S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024) (Sheet 1 of 2)
4000 SRM 1250 Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair
Figure 71. Header Hose Alignment for Lift Truck Models H6.0FT, H7.0FT (H135FT, H155FT)
(H006) and S6.0FT, S7.0FT, (S135FT,S155FT) (D024) (Sheet 2 of 2)
Three-Stage Mast With Full Free-Lift Repair 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Tilt Cylinder Adjustment
Tilt Cylinder Adjustment 4000 SRM 1250
* LUBE FITTINGS USED ONLY ON LIFT TRUCK MODELS S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100, 120FT; S80,
100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004)
Figure 73. Tilt Cylinder Arrangement for Lift Truck Models S4.0, 4.5, 5.5FT, S5.5FTS, (S80, 100,
120FT; S80, 100FTBCS; S120FTS; S120FTPRS) (G004) Shown
4000 SRM 1250 Lift Chains Adjustment
Lift Chains Adjustment 4000 SRM 1250
4000 SRM 1250 Mast Adjustments
Mast Adjustments
NOTE: Shims are installed on both sides of the load the clearance and adjust shims after repairs have
rollers. Do not add or remove shims from the stub been completed.
shafts. To change the position of the roller on the
stub shaft, move the shims from one side of the load 1. The load rollers control the alignment of the mast
roller to the other. uprights. See Figure 77. The alignment condi-
tions are given on a list below with the most im-
During assembly, the shim arrangement will be ap- portant condition first.
proximately the same as before disassembly. Check
6. PARALLEL TO CHANNEL ±1.5 mm (0.060 in.)
±1.5 mm (0.060 in.)
Mast Adjustments 4000 SRM 1250
a. The mast uprights must be parallel to each b. Separate mast uprights and change shim ar-
other. rangements as required. Assemble uprights.
Slide upright all the way to the top and bot-
b. Use shims to adjust load rollers so there is tom to find the tightest fit.
zero clearance between load roller and chan-
nel at point of tightest fit. c. Repeat Step a and Step b until there is zero
clearance at the point of the tightest fit.
c. The number of shims under a load roller
must be approximately the same as the stub d. Measure distance between channels of mast
shaft in the opposite side of the upright. This uprights on top and bottom. Change shims
ensures the uprights will be approximately to keep distance equal between top and bot-
in the center. tom so mast uprights are parallel. Also make
sure the mast uprights are parallel within
2. Perform the following steps to adjust the mast 1.5 mm (0.060 in.).
load rollers:
3. Adjust strip bearings. See Figure 78. Insert
a. Use a crowbar to move mast uprights from shims under strip bearing. Adjust clearance un-
side to side to measure movement. Measure til there is less than 0.8 mm (0.030 in.) at the
movement in a minimum of three different tightest fit. See Figure 77.
positions of each mast upright.
4000 SRM 1250 Carriage Adjustments
Carriage Adjustments
1. Install the load rollers on the carriage. Install 4. Keep shim arrangement on each side of carriage
the shims for the load rollers onto the stubshaft approximately equal. The carriage must be cen-
in the same sequence as when disassembled. On tered within the inner mast within +1.50 mm
carriages equipped with six load rollers, there (0.06 in.).
are no shims under the top load rollers.