Syllabus - Momentum Transfer Lec and Lab
Syllabus - Momentum Transfer Lec and Lab
Syllabus - Momentum Transfer Lec and Lab
Introduction to Transport
Phenomena (Momentum,
Heat and Mass)
Introduction to Momentum
Transfer and Microscopic
approach to fluid mechanics
Properties of Newtonian
Fluids. (Newton’s Law of
Learning Activities • The students are engaged § The printed § The provided e- § The students and
in interactive book, book and the teacher
participation, discussion, classroom module are engage in
and assigned problem sets activities maximized by interactive
. (individual the students via teaching and
• The students are engaged and group), LMS or email at learning delivery
to access recorded and discussed their in real time
webinars or links to lectures are independently through online
various videos, films, maximized by based on the lecture / video
articles the students. target time of presentation of
§ Assignments completion. the faculty on the
• The students are engaged and Problem § The students target lesson.
to access or view sample sets are access Adamson
demonstrations and provided to LMS, § The class actively
experiments to exhibit the serve as Blackboard engage in the
principles in Biochemical additional (BB) Learn, lessons and
Engineering. study guides WeChat, Email, interact with one
of the Facebook another through
• The students will access students. Messenger and video and audio
various information § Face to face other available conference, live
resources: print and interaction discussions webcasting using
digital. forum Blackboard (BB)
platforms. Collab, Google
§ The students Meet , Zoom,
will access Webex,
EBSCO Host application
and the like. sharing.
Course Requirements List of Required Outputs: The students The students submit The students submit
submit the the requirements via the requirements via
1. Problem Sets requirements LMS or email. online platform.
based on the
2. Long Exams target date.
3. Comprehensive Exam
Formative Tasks during the Face to face The students submit The students submit
Synchronous and the requirements via the requirements via
Asynchronous Sessions LMS or email. online platform.
1. Interactive Participation
2. Basic Problem Solving
Summative Required Outputs per Face to face The students The students
Grading Period/Term perform/submit the perform/submit the
requirements via requirements via
1. Long Exams LMS or email. online platform.
2. Comprehensive Exam