Innovations in Mechanised Track Maintenance
Innovations in Mechanised Track Maintenance
Innovations in Mechanised Track Maintenance
The first track maintenance machines were designed as prototypes in the 1930’s but it was only in the
late 1950’s that such machines were actually produced in factory production runs. These tamping
machines were about 9 metres long and weighed about 20 tonnes. Today, the largest tamping
machines are 45 metres long and weigh up to 170 tonnes. Machines for other track maintenance
operations are up to 270 metres long and weigh 1,000 tonnes. The output of tamping rose from 300
m/hr to 2.5 km/hr. This impressive development is based on the needs of the railways to optimise their
The demands for work quality and the heavy track construction of today make the usage of high
capacity machines, indispensable. The robust machine frames are a basis for high work accuracy and
so is the work algorithm of fast machines for maintenance quality. For every maintenance task there
are machines of different design and sizes available. For example, for tamping, the range is from two-
axle machines with about 30 tonnes overall weight to high capacity bogie supported machines in three
or four sleeper tamping mode. The art of the engineer is to select the right machine size for a given
task. Often methods with initially low cost turn out to cause high follow up cost because the lack of
precision and durability of the result.
Examples of Innovation in mechanised track maintenance are multipurpose machines for track and
turnout tamping, ballast cleaning and track renewal which integrate a number of functions in one
machine system; automatic sleeper distance scanning systems for tamping machine control and
automatic adjustment of tamping tools; new methods of track stabilisation; ballast-, formation- and
drainage rehabilitation technologies.
The use of high capacity machines to achieve high quality of work results in cost optimisation and is
definitely not a luxury but a demand by today’s railway track infrastructure industry.
machines in the 1950‟s, the size and output of The next step was the introduction of the
the machines have changed dramatically. The Universal Tamper in 1968 (Fig. 3). The
main driver of the development was on the one arrangement of heavy tamping, lifting and
hand the demand to better utilise working lining units in front of the first axle caused very
windows between rail traffic, on the other hand heavy impact to the front axle especially whilst
higher working precision and longer lasting the machine was in working mode. Therefore a
work output results were the goal. The change in design was introduced; with the
development from tamping machines in the Universal Tampers now having the lifting,
range of 10 tonnes to high capacity machines slewing and tamping units positioned between
of hundreds of tonnes or greater reflects the axles. The advantage for the user was:
technical necessities to meet such demands. Distribution of axle loads was more
1.1 Two Axle Tamping Machines Machine was more stable in working
The first hydraulic operated track tamping mode;
machine was introduced in 1953. This marked Stability during working mode resulted
a new approach where modern technologies in better track geometry;
were used to increase work quality, output and The machine could be attached to
operating comfort. The two-axle machine had a other vehicles at front and rear end.
3.5 metre wheel-base and an overall length of Further advantages of the new design:
about 9 metres. Its tamping units were located Axle-base was increased to 8 metres;
between the axles and the levelling and lifting Total length was only 11.5 metres;
of the track was undertaken manually. Total weight was only 16 tonnes.
The above listed advantages of this new
In 1960 the next big step was to integrate more compact design were obvious; and it therefore
than one work operation into one machine. became state of the art in the whole track
The combined lifting, levelling, and tamping machine industry. With this design it was
machine marked a breakthrough in machine possible to adapt the machine concept to the
maintenance of tracks. The machines now demands of the track, resulting in machines of
were built on a cantilever design; where the optimal size and functions.
tamping and lifting units were positioned ahead
of the front axle. This design was retained until
the end of the sixties. More and more work
functions were incorporated into the machines,
especially those of track lining. However, this
resulted in problems when distributing the
reaction forces of the track lifting and slewing
process and thus to balance the machine due
to its short length and relatively low weight. Figure 3: Machine in ”compact design“
Therefore a new machine generation was
introduced in 1967 – the SLC (Super Lining 1.2 Four Axle Tamping Machines
Control) series. These machines had a wheel-
When Universal Tampers were introduced on
base of 7 metres, and a total weight of 32
the world market in 1968, the track standard of
tonnes. The middle part of the machine was
main lines was 40 to 45 kg/m rails and wooden
elevated to provide improved operator visibility
sleepers, train speeds were 60 to 100 km/h,
during travel (Fig. 2).
with just a few exceptions. In the early 1970‟s
increase in traffic volume and traffic loads
caused the demand for heavier track and
better use of track possessions. The answer in
machine design was the four-axle tamping
machine (Fig. 4).
was faster travel to and from the worksite and sleeper tamping. Australia was amongst the
therefore optimal use of the track possessions. first countries where this new technology was
In 1980 the next generation of such machines applied. 2005 brought the introduction of the
already weighed about 47 tonnes and had a four sleeper tamping machine, which at the
bogie pivot spacing of 11 metres. Again the time was the fastest and largest machine of
reason to change to a larger design was the this type, with a working speed of 2.5 km/h, a
continuously growing traffic and large scale mass of more than 170 tonnes and a total
use of heavier track design as UIC 60 rails and length of nearly 45 metres (Fig. 1 - right).
concrete sleepers.
Therefore for heavy track work applications, a overstressed, the result will be lasting rail
heavy frame design was therefore deformations or even broken rails.
recommended as being required. Such heavy
frames are now standard on Plasser machines.
lines in Austria, Dr. Gerard Presle, Head of Earlier trials with designs where only the
Track Technology of Austrian Railways quoted tamping unit was cyclic, and the lifting-lining
that “the average track quality had been unit was moving continuously, revealed that no
increased by 20% compared to the years satisfactory track geometry could be achieved;
before, when two sleeper tamping machines as the continual change of position of the lifting
were standard”. Austrian Railways use a unit did not allow the track to be fixed in its
“dynamic” Track Quality Index based on track final correct position by tamping.
geometry measurements which are integrated
over the line speed. A comprehensive track The high initial quality which can be achieved
data base, which was implemented in the mid with continuous multiple sleeper tampers
1990‟s, enables the analysis of such trends in results in reduced track maintenance effort
the Track Quality Index. The reason for the having to be imparted into the track structure,
increase in quality is that multi-sleeper tampers due to the use of a continuous-action tamping
have a smoother lifting action because a larger machine.
panel is lifted at every cycle and the axle of the
tamping satellite is resting on the track which is 2.2 Precision of Track Geometry
already lifted and tamped, so it cannot be The relationship between track quality and
moved again by the following lifting process dynamic axle forces is evident. Errors in track
(Fig 11). geometry cause dynamic forces when trains
pass over them and these forces in return
amplify geometric irregularities.
process. Errors in the longitudinal level are mostly mounted on the overhead electrification
reduced by a factor, depending on masts. A track survey car like the “EM-SAT”
configuration of the measuring system and the provides fully mechanised measurement of the
wavelength of the error. Mathematically this actual track geometry using laser reference
error reduction process is described as the chords. The recorded data and the calculated
“transfer function” of the measuring system. correction values are displayed on a computer
After repeated application of smoothing screen in a similar manner as on the on-board
leveling and lining, the track will develop screen of the tamping machine and these can
remaining errors of longer wavelengths and be reprocessed by the tamping machine, as is
loose its design geometry, a situation which is necessary. Electronic transmission of data to a
unsatisfactory for high capacity traffic. tamping machine equipped with an automatic
guidance computer guarantees the highest
2.2.2 Precision Methods level of precision and at the same time
To correct long wave errors or bring the track prevents any transmission faults which can
back to its design geometry, additional external occur during manual measuring.
inputs to the on-board measuring systems are
necessary. 2.3 Selecting the Suitable Correction
The development of on-board track geometry The pattern of track geometry errors
computers like the “Win-ALC” (Fig 13) was first determines the mode of correction (Table 1):
aimed to enable automatic work-mode in all
forms of curves, as well as also allowing the Appearance of Errors and Correction
input of any design data required. Methods
Pattern Correction
The computer system also includes the “factor Method
algorithm” for compensation of long wave Single spot
errors. The first part of the process is a Spot tamping
recording run which is performed by the Frequency of
machine. The software then recalculates the appearance Repeated
recorded levelling and lining values by appearance
considering the transfer function of the Rail
measuring system. By this process, also long 1 – 3m
wave length errors (of up to 60 metres) can be Smoothing
eliminated. Wavelength 3 – 20m
of errors
20 – 100m correction
Table 1: Failure correction methods
further track faults. The DGS Dynamic Track As the maintenance operation should be
Stabiliser, on the other hand, effects a uniform completed before the first operational train
initial settlement which is equivalent to the passes over the track, a complete machine
effect of running approximately 700,000 to group is used, where the machines are
800,000 gross tonnes of operational rail traffic matched in design, travelling speed and
on the newly tamped ballast bed. The range working speed. Special attention is also
for further settlements is therefore restricted needed to ensure that the ballast regulating
and the corrected track geometry is preserved machine has enough capacity within the
for longer. The result of this pre-induced track machine set (Fig. 14) to match the
settlement is an extension of the maintenance performance and output of the other machines
cycles by approximately 30% (refer to Dr. in the workgroup.
Lichtberger‟s book, “Track Compendium”).
In between scheduled maintenance cycles,
On new track construction it is important to even well maintained tracks can develop single
stabilise the ballast layer by layer, and each spots having track geometrical faults over a
tamping run should be followed by a stabiliser limited length (typically over 10 to 20 sleepers).
run. This is an inevitable precondition for the Although the general condition of the track is
construction of a truly stable track from the still within the permissible limits, the spot faults
beginning. The concept of the Dynamic may cause „Speed Restrictions‟ or „Slow
Tamping Express has the advantage, that Orders‟ to be imposed because they are
stabilising is always available in the same exceeding the operational safety limits of the
consist as the tamping machine. line segment. The usual practice to treat these
spots by intervention with very basic machines
or by power tools is counter-productive, as
3. INNOVATIVE WORK METHODS FOR they often re-occur very soon after initial
TRACK MAINTENANCE intervention works. The solution is to use a
multi-purpose tamping machine equipped with
Low quality track causes high dynamic forces, universal track and switch tamping capability, a
and high dynamic forces cause overstressing ballast profiling system and a special
of the track infrastructure and the rolling stock measuring and compensation program for spot
travelling on the track. This results in greater errors.
maintenance costs and shorter service life of
the rolling stock. For budget reasons, often “patch work
surfacing” is carried out where only short
The European track maintainer therefore sections of 100 to 200 metres in length are
demands a long lasting result following any treated with the sections in between remaining
track surfacing operation. When track has un-tamped. From a short term financial point of
developed a quality level as low as the view such a strategy is very tempting, but the
intervention level, scheduled maintenance by a result is a non-homogeneous track condition
machine group consisting of levelling, lining, which leads to the necessity of more frequent
tamping, ballast profiling and stabilising surfacing. In addition the lower overall quality
machines (MDZ) is generally carried out. shortens the service life of the track.
Figure 14: Four sleeper tamping machine with integrated stabiliser and ballast distribution system
with matching capacity (MDZ 3000)
the scanned point, they are adjusted 3.1.2 High Speed Tamping in Turnouts
accordingly. The three sleeper tamping unit of Parallel to high speed tamping machines for
the continuous action tamper automatically tangent track, machines for turnout tamping
adjusts to the varying sleeper spacings that had been developed which included the same
are recorded by the scanners. The automatic design principles as high performance tamping
control either adjusts the tamping tool distance machines. The complexity of turnouts demand
or switches the machine to single sleeper machines which enable the tamping and
tamping mode, if the spacing is too tight or maintenance of Switches and Crossings
irregular for two or three sleeper tamping (S&C´s) without causing any damage. For the
(Fig. 18). new generation of high capacity turnouts now in
service the application of these machines is the
only way to preserve the high quality of these
costly assets.
The latest development is the “09-3X Concrete In addition to 3-rail lifting, the 4-rail tamping
/ Wood” machine for the USA. There, the brought about a further improvement in the
average sleeper spacing of tracks with quality of S&C maintenance. The three rail
concrete sleepers is 600 mm and, on wooden lifting and four rail tamping system is applied
sleepers it is 500 mm. The tamping units of the on cyclic Tamping Machines as well as on one-
“09-3X C/W” machine are split in two parts and and two-sleeper Continuous Action Universal
can be additionally adjusted to such a wide Tamping Machines.
variation in sleeper spacing (Fig. 19). Still, the
automatic sleeper scanner allows the same In turnouts the establishment of an “exact
adjustments as it does on the “09-3X Wood” target position” is as important as in main line
machine. tracks. Fixed point systems are therefore also
applied. In addition it is very helpful to use
machines which are equipped with a laser
lining and levelling system.
Figure 22: High capacity ballast cleaning system for TGV lines, France
complete renewal of the track. In the case of bed. Safe train passage is then possible
complete renewal of the track, mechanised immediately behind the ballast cleaning
ballast cleaning should be carried out in any machine and the number of subsequent
case, even if the degree of ballast fouling is tamping cycles can therefore be reduced. To
less than the allowable value, which is not ensure that the increase in output generated
more than 30 to 40 % of fines smaller than the does not adversely impact on the quality of the
22mm sieve within the ballast (refer UIC cleaning process, ballast cleaning machines
recommendation: ERRI D 187 rp3: "Unified with double or triple screening units are used
Assessment criteria for Ballast Quality and to increase their output.
Methods for Assessing the Ballast in Track”).
4.2 Combined Track Relaying and Ballast
The quality of the initial ballast bed produced Cleaning
by the ballast cleaning machine is essential for A machine that revolutionises track renewal is
cost-efficient maintenance and long service life the continuous action ballast bed cleaning and
of the permanent way. Generally, ballast track renewal train (Fig 23). This machine
cleaning should be performed before the track combines the two working operations of ballast
renewal process to ensure that the new track bed cleaning and track renewal in one single
components are not subjected to any undue machine. This makes it possible to perform the
stresses. renewal of sections of track in only one track
possession, with all of the associated
For high density lines, high output ballast technological, logistical and above all,
cleaning machine systems are generally used economic advantages.
(Fig. 22). A dynamic track stabiliser is
integrated into such machines, where it The challenge in the machine‟s development
performs a first consolidation of the ballast was to integrate the operation of ballast bed
cleaning with its necessary movements of track formation failure. Defects in the bearing
material components into the operation of track capacity of the formation are the catalyst for
renewal to ensure that the technologically formation failures by which mud pockets are
complete sequence of operations were all created, which over-time and in conjunction
achieved. The effective construction gap with the presence of water, lead to pumping of
between the removal of old sleepers and the slurry through the ballast bed. The whole track
installation of the new sleepers is only around then loses its horizontal and vertical stability.
11 metres long. The materials are all Defects in the bearing capacity are not only
transported within the machine along caused by both increases in axle loads and
distribution routes that are as short and direct train speeds on existing lines, but also are a
as possible. direct result of deferred ballast cleaning and
blocked track drainage. Such pumping can
The supply of new sleepers to the track laying usually be prevented by placing a blanket
unit called for innovative ideas, as its material between the ballast bed and the
transportation route was forced to cross the formation.
ballast conveyor belts, where the new sleepers
are effectively turned 90 degrees in pairs, and A typical attrition and mud pumping spot is
are channelled lengthwise, past the ballast shown in Figure 24.
conveyor belts, then before their installation,
when they are turned round again. It is also
possible with this system to work with most
different types of sleepers.
The ballast excavating chain, which is Figure 24: Test pits showing formation
positioned between sleeper pick-up and the overloading and penetration of soil into the
laying mechanism, is designed for an ballast
excavating width which guarantees that the
excavation occurs over the entire length of the
The first indication of formation failure is the
sleeper, subsequently ensuring that a precise
necessity for frequent track tamping and the
bed can be produced for the new sleepers. On
very quick return and evidence of ballast
the other hand, it allows the absolutely simple
fouling after track undercutting and ballast
excavation of all of the ballast bed material in
cleaning. Track geometry recording cars with
restricted situations, such as in the vicinity of
the “ADA 2” Analyzing System, manufactured
station platforms.
by Plasser & Theurer, can measure and record
quality indices for the formation, known as the
Furthermore, the ballast is consolidated before
Formation Index. The Formation Index is
the new sleepers are laid. This means that the
calculated on an empirical basis and uses the
previous practice of a first tamping pass,
twist based on a 16 metre chord length.
following the machine‟s track laying operation
can be eliminated.
The classic method of formation rehabilitation
Between April 2006 and December 2010 more is to dismantle the track and use road
than 400km of track were renewed and construction equipment to excavate ballast and
cleaned in Austria and Germany using RU 800 formation material, bring in the new material,
S relaying train consists. distribute and compact it and then lay the track
again. This “open construction” method,
Formation Rehabilitation generally known as “track reconditioning”
provides good access to the formation but has
It is not only both the increase in axle loads also some major disadvantages:
and train speeds, but also the construction of
tracks on formations with low bearing capacity The track is closed to traffic for the whole
and neglected drainage, which leads to rehabilitation period, this can last several
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DB (German Railways) Reference book (Fachbuch): Design of Track Components (Bauarten des
Obererbaus), Edition 8/12, Eisenbahnfachverlag
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