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Table of Contents

Job Title Page 1

User Input Data 2
Error Checker .LOG File 5
Solution Module .TXT File 6
Wind, Material, Thickness & Weights 15
Roof Evaluation/Design & Appendix F 17
Anchor Bolt Details 19
API-650 App V External Pressure 21
Fluid Height Calculations 24
Wind Calculations 26
Internal Pressure Calculations 28
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Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm
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Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

API-650 12th Edition, Addendum 2, January 2016

API-620/650/653 General Tank Data:

API Design Code .................................... 650

Design Method (V, O, or A) ......................... One Foot
Run Objective ...................................... Design

Design Temperature ................................. -1.0000 C

Design Pressure at Top ............................. 7.5000 KPa
Shell Material ..................................... A-516,70
Internal Pressure Combination Factor ...........[Fp] 0.40000

Shell Design Stress .....................[Sd or Sts] 0.17443E+06 KPa

Shell Hydro Test Stress ........................[St] 0.19650E+06 KPa

Tank Nominal Diameter ...........................[D] 30.000 m.

Tank Shell Height .............................[HTK] 12.000 m.
Design Liquid Level .............................[H] 11.500 m.
Liquid Specific Gravity .........................[G] 0.90000
Weight of Attachments/Structures.................... 0.00000 N.
Distance down to Top Wind Girder ................... 0.30000 m.
Joint Efficiency (App A or 653) .................[E] 1.0000
Wind Velocity ...................................... 43.000 M./sec.

Insulation Thickness ............................... 0.00000 cm.

Insulation Density ................................. 0.00000 kg./cu.cm

Include Annular Base Plate Details ................. Yes

Include Wind Moment in Appendix F_4_2 Calculations . Yes
Minimum Yield Strength of Bottom Plate: ............ 0.26199E+06 KPa

Number of Shell Courses ............................ 6

Shell Course Height and Thickness:

Course Height Thickness Corrosion Allowance
# m. cm. cm.

1 2.00 1.4000 0.3000

2 2.00 1.4000 0.3000
3 2.00 1.2000 0.3000
4 2.00 1.0000 0.3000
5 2.00 1.0000 0.3000
6 2.00 0.8000 0.3000

Shell Course Material Properties:

Sd St Fy UTS Max Thk Grade Group
# Material Name KPa cm.

1 A-516,70 174433 196496 261994 482622 3.810 70 4

2 A-516,70 174433 196496 261994 482622 3.810 70 4
3 A-516,70 174433 196496 261994 482622 3.810 70 4
4 A-516,70 174433 196496 261994 482622 3.810 70 4
5 A-516,70 174433 196496 261994 482622 3.810 70 4
6 A-516,70 174433 196496 261994 482622 3.810 70 4

Anchor Bolt Input:

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Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

Anchor Bolt Diameter (optional) .................... 0.00000 cm.

Threads per Unit Length ............................ 3.1496 1/cm.
Number of Anchor Bolts (optional) .................. 0.00000
Bolt Yield Stress .................................. 0.24821E+06 KPa
Bolt Offset from Mean Tank Diameter ................ 0.00000 m.
Anchor Bolt Corrosion Allowance (optional) ......... 0.63500 cm.

Wind Data :

Kz parameter ....................................... 1.0000

Kzt parameter ...................................... 1.0000
Kd parameter ....................................... 0.95000
Importance Factor ... ...........................[I] 1.1500
Gust Factor ... .................................[G] 1.0000

Roof Data Input:

Roof Type .......................................... Rafter Sup

Angle Between Roof and Horizontal .................. 9.5000 deg
Net Area at Roof/Shell Junction ... .............[A] 282.99 sq.cm.
Thickness of Roof Plate ............................ 0.50000 cm.
Roof Plate Corrosion Allowance ..................... 0.00000 cm.
Ground Snow Load ................................... 0.00000 N/M2
Roof Live Load ..................................... 1000.0 N/M2
Roof Spherical Radius .............................. 0.00000 m.
General Roof Data, No Design
Weight of Roof Plates .............................. 0.00000 N.
Weight of Roof Framing ............................. 0.00000 N.
Percent of Weights Supported by Shell .............. 100.00 %
Roof Joint Efficiency .............................. 0.70000

Supported Cone Roof Data and Roof Material Specification:

Structural Database ................................ INDIAN

Preferred Rafter Type (............................. MC
Preferred Girder Type (............................. MC
Preferred Column Type (............................. WB
Roof Plate Material ................................ A-516,70
Roof Plate Allowable Design Stress ................. 0.17443E+06 KPa
Structural Member Material ......................... A-36
Structural Member Allowable Design Str. ............ 0.15995E+06 KPa
Maximum Allowed Rafter Length ...................... 17.000 m.
Maximum Allowed Girder Length ...................... 7.0000 m.
Center Column Cap Plate Diameter ................... 2.0000 m.

API-650 External Pressure (Appendix V):

Specified External Pressure .... ...............[Pe] 70.000 N/M2

Elastic Modulus of Roof Plate Material ............. 0.19900E+09 KPa
Bottom stiffener allow. comp. stress ............... 0.00000 KPa
Top stiffener allow. compressive stress ............ 0.00000 KPa
Nominal Thickness of Bottom Plate .... .........[tb] 0.60000 cm.
Smallest allowable tensile stress of roof,
shell and stiffeners ............................. 0.00000 KPa
Roof Dish Radius if Needed ......................[R] 0.00000 m.
External Pressure Combination Factor...........[Fpe] 0.40000

Computation Control Directives:

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Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

Roof Projection in Wind Moment = YES

Shell thick converg tolerance = 0.12700000E-01 cm.
Generate Message File = YES
Cosine curve tolerance = 0.30000001
Cosine curve iteration limit = 100.00000
Wind girder shell thickness = MAX
Shell settlement method = FOURIER_SERIES
Corroded Nozzles = NO
653 Corroded hydrotest case = NO
Thickness roundup to nearest = 0.00000000 cm.
Plate material density = 0.78500481E-02 kg./cu.cm.
Modify fluid height by pressure = NO
Round anchor bolts by = 4.0000000
Wind moment in Appendix F = Sect_5.9.7.1
Full shell weight in Appendix F = YES
Use P from F.4.1 only in F.6 = YES
Use non corroded roof weight as dlr = YES

TANK(TM) Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016

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Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

C:\Users\panka\OneDrive\Desktop\Test.tkdb 09/24/20 20:54:21

WARNING #99 (Roof Data)

The roof slope is greater than 1:6, which exceeds the
limit for supported cone roofs, as specified in API-650 This means that the assumption of adequate
lateral support may not be valid. Rafter checks and
allowables per 5.10.3 may be invalid.

Error Check Summary Report

Fatal Errors 0

Warning Messages 1

Notes 0

Error Checking Completed

TANK(TM) Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016

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Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

Intergraph Corporation. Copyright @ 1994-2016

API-650/653/620 TANK Design/Analysis Program Message File
API-650 12th Edition, Addendum 2, January 2016
API-653 5th Edition, November 2014
API-620 12th Edition, Addendum 1, November 2014
API-2000 7th Edition, March 2014

Job: C:\Users\panka\OneDrive\Desktop\Test
Date: 9/24/20 Time: 20:54:23 Ver 2016

NOTE: This file is created by the solution module and is an

"internal" file. Most values shown in this file are presented in
the internal units (English) of the program. This file is for
data verification purposes only. This data should not be
included in any formal reports.


Wind Velocity in Miles/Hour: 96.188
Velocity Factor, (V/120)**2: 0.68902
Wind Pressure, including 10% + 5 psf: 30.876
Wind Profile Area in sq.ft.: 4280.3
Horizontal Wind Moment (ft-lb): 0.28823E+07
Wind Shear Force (lb): 0.13216E+06

Thickness evaluation based on One Foot Method.

"One Foot" Shell Course Thicknesses before

Sect check and round up.

Course, Design Thickness (in) 1 0.4525

Course, Test Thickness (in) 1 0.3298
Course, Design Thickness (in) 2 0.3927
Course, Test Thickness (in) 2 0.2709
Course, Design Thickness (in) 3 0.3330
Course, Test Thickness (in) 3 0.2120
Course, Design Thickness (in) 4 0.2733
Course, Test Thickness (in) 4 0.1530
Course, Design Thickness (in) 5 0.2135
Course, Test Thickness (in) 5 0.0941
Course, Design Thickness (in) 6 0.1538
Course, Test Thickness (in) 6 0.0352

Thickness(in) for each course.

1 0.45247 0.32980 0.55118
2 0.39274 0.27088 0.55118
3 0.33301 0.23622 0.47244
4 0.27327 0.23622 0.39370
5 0.23622 0.23622 0.39370
6 0.23622 0.23622 0.31496


Retiring Thickness Remaining Corrosion
# Design Test Design Test
(in) (in) (in) (in)
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Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

1 0.00000 0.00000 0.55118 0.55118

2 0.00000 0.00000 0.55118 0.55118
3 0.00000 0.00000 0.47244 0.47244
4 0.00000 0.00000 0.39370 0.39370
5 0.00000 0.00000 0.39370 0.39370
6 0.00000 0.00000 0.31496 0.31496

Allowed Fluid Heights (ft) for each course.

1 37.730 51.392 37.730
2 31.168 44.739 31.168
3 24.606 38.087 24.606
4 18.045 31.434 18.045
5 13.974 27.308 11.483
6 13.974 27.308 4.9213

Annular bottom plate mininum yield strength, Fy : 38000.

Annular bottom plate thickness (in) from Table 5-1 : 0.35433
Annular bot. plate width (in) per API650 5.5.2 : 27.917

SHELL WEIGHTS (with Nozzles)

Computed weight of shell (lb): 0.15942E+06
Computed corroded shell weight (lb): 0.10070E+06
Insulation weight, in shell weight (lb 0.00000
Computed C.G. of shell (ft): 16.939
Weight of shell Used (lb): 0.15942E+06
C.G. of shell Used (ft): 16.939


Top Girder, required section modulus (in^3) 26.279
Elastic Modulus Ratio: 1.0000
Distance from top to intermediate
wind girder, H1 (ft): 24.186
Intermediate girder section modulus (in^3): 16.144


Trnsfrmd shell height below last girder(ft) 22.612
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 6 5.5774
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 5 6.5617
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 4 4.5584
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 3 2.7808
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 2 1.8410
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 1 1.2922



Computed operating fluid weight (lb): 0.16113E+08
Computed test fluid weight (lb): 0.18684E+08
Computed empty fluid weight (lb): 0.00000

TANK - Roof Design Data

Design Roof Load (psf): 29.509

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Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm


Total weight of Roof Plates (lb): 62016.

Corroded weight of Roof Plates (lb): 62016.
Roof load used (psi): 0.20493
Computed "B" value: 103.82
B&Y spacing : 97.817

Rafter Spacing: t * SQRT( 2 * Sp / P )

Spacing according to B&Y Eq 4.25 (in): 97.817
Limiting spacing per API (in): 84.000
Finalized outer rafter spacing (in): 84.000
Finalized inner rafter spacing (in): 66.000

Girder Ring Lengths & Quantities (from center ring)

According to B&Y Eq 4.26
L = 2 * R * SIN( 360 / 2N )

RING Number Length (ft)


RING #, Initial Number Required : 1 44.173

Number after multiple/space check: 45
Outer edge # and spacing (in): 0 82.456 46.57
Inner edge # and spacing (in): 0 0.000


RING Number: 1

Rafter 1
Spacing 1 = 82.456 Spacing 2 = 0.000
Avg width = 41.228 Unit area load = 0.205 Allow Strs = 23200.000
Unit load, Moment, Required Sect Mod: 8.45 329826.09 14.22
Selected shape and Sect Modulus : ISMC225 14.62
Unit load, Moment, Required Sect Mod: 9.90 386473.06 16.66
Selected shape and Sect Modulus : ISMC250 18.63
Finalized shape and unit weight : ISMC250 20.40
Cumulative Rafter Weight : 42748.04


Weight of Roof Plates (lb): 62016.02
Weight of Roof Rafters (lb): 42748.04
Weight of Roof Girders (lb): 0.0000000
Weight of Roof Columns (lb): 0.0000000
TOTAL Roof Weight (lb): 104764.1

Over-riding roof input parameters

Weight of Roof plates (lb) : 62016.
Weight of Roof Framing (lb): 42748.
Percent (fraction) supported by Shell : 1.0000

Roof Angle used: 9.5000

Fy value used (psi): 38000.
App M Factor used: 1.0000
Area used (sq.in.): 43.863

Design Pressure, F.4.1

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Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

P (inches of Water): 30.348

P (psi) : 1.0959


Wind uplift pressure (psi): 0.14355
Wind uplift area (sq.in.): 0.10956E+07
Velocity Factor: 0.68902
Weight for anchorage (lb): 0.20546E+06
MDL (ft-lb): 0.70593E+07
MF (ft-lb): 0.20166E+08
MPI (ft-lb): 0.58653E+08
MW (ft-lb): 0.86859E+07
MWS (ft-lb): 0.94605E+06
wa (lb/ft): 1325.2
Design tension load per bolt (lb): 11031.
Estimated Number of anchors: 32
Anchors needed for Section 5.11

Uplift Pressure Force (lb): 0.11918E+07
Resisting Weight (lb) : 0.26418E+06
Section F.7 must be used.


Design Liquid Height Modified by F.7.1
New Liquid Height (ft): 40.519


Wind Velocity in Miles/Hour: 96.188
Velocity Factor, (V/120)**2: 0.68902
Wind Pressure, including 10% + 5 psf: 30.876
Wind Profile Area in sq.ft.: 4280.3
Horizontal Wind Moment (ft-lb): 0.28823E+07
Wind Shear Force (lb): 0.13216E+06

Thickness evaluation based on One Foot Method.

"One Foot" Shell Course Thicknesses before

Sect check and round up.

Course, Design Thickness (in) 1 0.4779

Course, Test Thickness (in) 1 0.3548
Course, Design Thickness (in) 2 0.4181
Course, Test Thickness (in) 2 0.2959
Course, Design Thickness (in) 3 0.3584
Course, Test Thickness (in) 3 0.2370
Course, Design Thickness (in) 4 0.2987
Course, Test Thickness (in) 4 0.1781
Course, Design Thickness (in) 5 0.2389
Course, Test Thickness (in) 5 0.1192
Course, Design Thickness (in) 6 0.1792
Course, Test Thickness (in) 6 0.0603

Thickness(in) for each course.

1 0.47787 0.35485 0.55118
2 0.41813 0.29593 0.55118
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3 0.35840 0.23701 0.47244

4 0.29867 0.23622 0.39370
5 0.23893 0.23622 0.39370
6 0.23622 0.23622 0.31496


Retiring Thickness Remaining Corrosion
# Design Test Design Test
(in) (in) (in) (in)
1 0.00000 0.00000 0.55118 0.55118
2 0.00000 0.00000 0.55118 0.55118
3 0.00000 0.00000 0.47244 0.47244
4 0.00000 0.00000 0.39370 0.39370
5 0.00000 0.00000 0.39370 0.39370
6 0.00000 0.00000 0.31496 0.31496

Allowed Fluid Heights (ft) for each course.

1 40.519 54.220 40.519
2 33.957 47.567 33.957
3 27.396 40.915 27.396
4 20.834 34.262 20.834
5 14.272 27.610 14.272
6 13.974 27.308 7.7106

Annular bottom plate mininum yield strength, Fy : 38000.

Annular bottom plate thickness (in) from Table 5-1 : 0.35433
Annular bot. plate width (in) per API650 5.5.2 : 27.051

SHELL WEIGHTS (with Nozzles)

Computed weight of shell (lb): 0.16806E+06
Computed corroded shell weight (lb): 0.10934E+06
Insulation weight, in shell weight (lb 0.00000
Computed C.G. of shell (ft): 16.764
Weight of shell Used (lb): 0.16806E+06
C.G. of shell Used (ft): 16.764


Top Girder, required section modulus (in^3) 26.279
Elastic Modulus Ratio: 1.0000
Distance from top to intermediate
wind girder, H1 (ft): 24.186
Intermediate girder section modulus (in^3): 16.144


Trnsfrmd shell height below last girder(ft) 20.620
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 6 5.5774
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 5 6.3771
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 4 3.6504
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 3 2.3142
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 2 1.5741
Individual transformed course & height (ft): 1 1.1273



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Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

Computed operating fluid weight (lb): 0.16112E+08

Computed test fluid weight (lb): 0.18684E+08
Computed empty fluid weight (lb): 0.00000

TANK - Roof Design Data

Design Roof Load (psf): 29.509


Total weight of Roof Plates (lb): 62016.

Corroded weight of Roof Plates (lb): 62016.
Roof load used (psi): 0.20493
Computed "B" value: 103.82
B&Y spacing : 97.817

Rafter Spacing: t * SQRT( 2 * Sp / P )

Spacing according to B&Y Eq 4.25 (in): 97.817
Limiting spacing per API (in): 84.000
Finalized outer rafter spacing (in): 84.000
Finalized inner rafter spacing (in): 66.000

Girder Ring Lengths & Quantities (from center ring)

According to B&Y Eq 4.26
L = 2 * R * SIN( 360 / 2N )

RING Number Length (ft)


RING #, Initial Number Required : 1 44.173

Number after multiple/space check: 45
Outer edge # and spacing (in): 0 82.456 46.57
Inner edge # and spacing (in): 0 0.000


RING Number: 1

Rafter 1
Spacing 1 = 82.456 Spacing 2 = 0.000
Avg width = 41.228 Unit area load = 0.205 Allow Strs = 23200.000
Unit load, Moment, Required Sect Mod: 8.45 329826.09 14.22
Selected shape and Sect Modulus : ISMC225 14.62
Unit load, Moment, Required Sect Mod: 9.90 386473.06 16.66
Selected shape and Sect Modulus : ISMC250 18.63
Finalized shape and unit weight : ISMC250 20.40
Cumulative Rafter Weight : 42748.04


Weight of Roof Plates (lb): 62016.02
Weight of Roof Rafters (lb): 42748.04
Weight of Roof Girders (lb): 0.0000000
Weight of Roof Columns (lb): 0.0000000
TOTAL Roof Weight (lb): 104764.1

Over-riding roof input parameters

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Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

Weight of Roof plates (lb) : 62016.

Weight of Roof Framing (lb): 42748.
Percent (fraction) supported by Shell : 1.0000

Roof Angle used: 9.5000

Fy value used (psi): 38000.
App M Factor used: 1.0000
Area used (sq.in.): 43.863

Design Pressure, F.4.1

P (inches of Water): 30.348
P (psi) : 1.0959


Wind uplift pressure (psi): 0.14355
Wind uplift area (sq.in.): 0.10956E+07
Velocity Factor: 0.68902
Weight for anchorage (lb): 0.21410E+06
MDL (ft-lb): 0.74845E+07
MF (ft-lb): 0.20898E+08
MPI (ft-lb): 0.58653E+08
MW (ft-lb): 0.86859E+07
MWS (ft-lb): 0.94605E+06
wa (lb/ft): 1373.3
Design tension load per bolt (lb): 11031.
Estimated Number of anchors: 32
Anchors needed for Section 5.11

Uplift Pressure Force (lb): 0.11918E+07
Resisting Weight (lb) : 0.27282E+06
Section F.7 must be used.

Required Roof Compression Area F.5

Compression Area (in^2) from F.5.1 : 43.510
Participating Area (in^2) from 5.10.5: 9.3657


Maximum Area at Junction (in^2): 5.2760

Roof Angle used: 9.5000

Fy value used (psi): 38000.
App M Factor used: 1.0000
Area used (sq.in.): 43.863

Design Pressure, F.4.1

P (inches of Water): 30.348
P (psi) : 1.0959

Failure Pressure f/ Compression Ring F.6

Failure Pressure (inches of water): 46.967
Failure Pressure (psi) : 1.6960

Total weight of Roof Plates (lb): 62016.

Corroded weight of Roof Plates (lb): 62016.

W1 (lbs) .................... 0.17135E+06

W2 (lbs) .................... 0.21410E+06
W3 (lbs) .................... 0.23007E+06
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Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

Bolt uplift reset for case: Wind Loading

Initial Number of Anchors: 32.000

Bolt Circle Circumference: 309.21
Maximum Allowed Bolt Spacing: 10.000

Case Uplift, Allowable, Load/Bolt

Design Pressure 1028140.2 15000.0 32129.4
Test Pressure 960614.6 20000.0 30019.2
Failure Pressure 0.0 36000.0 0.0
Wind Loading 0.0 28800.0 0.0
Seismic OPE 0.0 28800.0 0.0
Seismic Test 0.0 28800.0 0.0
Design Press + Wind Load 409740.0 20000.0 12804.4
Design Press + Seismic OPE 0.0 28800.0 0.0
Design Press + Seismic Test 0.0 28800.0 0.0
Frangibility Pressure 0.0 36000.0 0.0

Anchor Bolt Initial Design

Case Number Diameter Stre
Design Pressure 32 2.250 11596.4
Test Pressure 32 1.875 16914.9
Design Press + Wind Load 32 1.375 16198.8

Anchor Bolt Final Design

Case Number Diameter Stre
Design Pressure 32 2.250 11596.4
Test Pressure 32 2.250 10834.8
Design Press + Wind Load 32 2.250 4621.5


DL roof plate dead load (psf) : 8.0390
LR roof live/snow load (psf) : 20.886
Specified External Pressure (psf) : 1.4620
PR design external pressure (psf) : 29.509
Specified Roof Type : Rafter Supporting Cone Roof

External Pressure - Transformed Shell Info

Number of courses : 6
ts1, top course thickness (in) : 0.23622
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 6 6.5617
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 5 6.3771
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 4 3.6504
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 3 2.3142
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 2 1.5741
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 1 1.1273
Tank Transformed Height (ft) : 21.605

Elastic Buckling Check V.8.1.1

Buckling Check Ok, exceeds 0.19 : 0.73452
Ps design ext press for shell (psf) : 1.4620
Ps(max) max design external pressure : 7.4209
ts(min) min shell for design ext press : 0.12367


DL roof plate dead load (psf) : 8.0390
LR roof live/snow load (psf) : 20.886
Specified External Pressure (psf) : 1.4620
PR design external pressure (psf) : 29.509
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Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

Specified Roof Type : Rafter Supporting Cone Roof

External Pressure - Transformed Shell Info

Number of courses : 6
ts1, top course thickness (in) : 0.23622
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 6 6.5617
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 5 6.3771
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 4 3.6504
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 3 2.3142
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 2 1.5741
Course Num. and Transformed Height (ft) : 1 1.1273
Tank Transformed Height (ft) : 21.605

Elastic Buckling Check V.8.1.1

Buckling Check Ok, exceeds 0.19 : 0.73452
Ps design ext press for shell (psf) : 20.503
Ps(max) max design external pressure : 22.263
ts(min) min shell for design ext press : 0.22918

TANK(TM) Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016

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Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

API-650 12th Edition, Addendum 2, January 2016

Wind Information:

Wind Velocity ...................................... 43.000 M./sec.

Velocity Factor .................................... 0.68902
Wind Pressure ...................................... 1.4783 KPa
Area Exposed to Wind ............................... 397.65 m.^2
Sect Wind Moment on Tank ................... 0.39077E+07 N.m.
Wind Shear Force Acting on Tank .................... 0.58785E+06 N.
Wind Girder Height Reduction Factor ................ 1.0000

Material Property Information:

The following material properties have been modified in

accordance with API-650 (and API-653 where applicable).

Course Material Name Design Stress Test Stress App M

Number (Sd or Sts) (St) Reduction
(KPa ) (KPa )

1 A-516,70 0.17443E+06 0.19650E+06 1.0000

2 A-516,70 0.17443E+06 0.19650E+06 1.0000
3 A-516,70 0.17443E+06 0.19650E+06 1.0000
4 A-516,70 0.17443E+06 0.19650E+06 1.0000
5 A-516,70 0.17443E+06 0.19650E+06 1.0000
6 A-516,70 0.17443E+06 0.19650E+06 1.0000

Shell Course Thickness Data - One Foot Method

Thickness Values for Three Cases Min. Temp

Course Design Test User (deg C ) Status
# (cm. ) (cm. ) (cm. ) Pass/Fail

1 1.2138 0.90131 1.4000 -9.5 NA

2 1.0621 0.75166 1.4000 -10.7 NA
3 0.91033 0.60201 1.2000 -11.8 NA
4 0.75861 0.60000 1.0000 -13.0 NA
5 0.60689 0.60000 1.0000 -13.9 NA
6 0.60000 0.60000 0.80000 -13.9 NA

Shell Course Allowed Fluid Heights:

Fluid Heights for Three Cases

Course Design Test Required
(m. ) (m. ) (m. )

1 12.350 16.526 12.350

2 10.350 14.498 10.350
3 8.3502 12.471 8.3502
4 6.3502 10.443 6.3502
5 4.3502 8.4154 4.3502
6 4.2594 8.3234 2.3502
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Maximum Allowed Fluid Height of Entire Tank For:

Design Thickness Case ............................. 12.350 m.
Test Thickness Case ............................. 16.415 m.
Required fluid height ............................. 12.350 m.

Base Plate Details - Shell Weight & Center of Gravity:

Annular Base Plate Thickness ....................... 0.90000 cm.

(from API-650 Table 5-1 plus corrosion)
Annular Base Plate Width per 5.5.2 ................. 68.709 cm.
( 2 + ThkCrs1 + max[ 24, (2tb * sqrt(Fy/2YHG))] )
Weight of Shell + Nozzles .......................... 0.74751E+06 N.
Total Weight of all Nozzles ........................ 0.00000 N.
Center of Gravity (Shell+Nozzles) .................. 5.1098 m.

Wind Overturning Stability Check:

Corroded Shell Weight + %Roof - Uplift ............. -0.11682E+07 N.

Line Load ......................................[wa] 200.41 N./cm.
Moment due to wind (hor+ver) press .............[Mw] 0.98133E+06 N.m.
Moment due to wind (hor) press ................[Mws] 0.12826E+07 N.m.
Moment due to internal pressure ...............[Mpi] 0.79520E+08 N.m.
Moment due to tank liquid ......................[Mf] 0.28333E+08 N.m.
Moment due to shell & roof ....................[Mdl] 0.10147E+08 N.m.

Wind Girder Information:

For "open top" tanks ...

Required Section Modulus, Top Girder ............... 430.64 cm.^3
Table 5-20 Detail, B value ......................... d 0.00 cm.
Table 5-20 Shape name (if applicable)............... 6x4x.375

Maximum Height of Unstiffened Shell ................ 7.3717 m.

Wind Girder - Transformed Section Method

Number of Intermediate Girders Reqd ................ 0

Weight Summary:

Shell (Corroded) ................................... 486331. N.

Shell (Non-Corroded) ............................... 747513. N.
Annular Base Plate ................................. 43988. N.
Bottom Plate ....................................... 328692. N.
Nozzles ............................................ 0. N.
Roof Plates ........................................ 275847. N.
Roof Framing/Structure ............................. 190143. N.
Shell Attachments .................................. 0. N.
Shell + Roof Insulation ............................ 0. N.
Operating Fluid .................................... 71667784. N.
Water Weight ....................................... 83108288. N.

Operating Weight (Non-Corroded) .................... 73253968. N.

Test Weight (Non-Corroded, Filled to Top)........... 84694472. N.
Empty Weight (Non-Corroded) ........................ 1586184. N.

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API-650 12th Edition, Addendum 2, January 2016

TANK - Roof Design/Analysis Data

Rafter Supported Cone Roof Structural Library: INDIAN

Roof thickness per, Cone Roof ............. 0.50000 cm.

Total weight of Roof Plates ........................ 0.27585E+06 N.

Based on user input thickness
User Specified Design Roof Load .................... 1.4129 KPa
including user plate thickness
Computed Design Roof Load .......................... 1.4129 KPa
including user plate thickness

Computed Number of Rafter Rings: 1

Rafter Details from Tank Center

Ring Number Outer NUM/ Inner NUM/ Max Length
Spacing GRDR Spacing GRDR (ft. )
(in. ) (in. )

1 45 209.439 ( 0) 0.000 ( 0) 14.195

Rafter Size Details from Tank Center

Ring Rafter Load Selected --Section Modulus--
(N./cm. ) Shape Required Actual
(cm.^3 ) (cm. **3)

1 17.772 ISMC250 279.84 305.30


Weight of Roof Plates .............................. 0.27585E+06 N.

Weight of Roof Rafters ............................. 0.19014E+06 N.
TOTAL Roof Weight .................................. 0.46599E+06 N.

Roof Evaluations - Appendix F

Uplift force due to internal pressure............... 0.53013E+07 N.

Total weight resisting uplift ...................... 0.12135E+07 N.

Max Design Pressure, roof/shell joint.............. 30.348 in of H2O

Max Design Pressure, roof/shell joint.............. 7.5555 KPa
(According to F.4.1)

Compression Ring Failure Pressure .................. 46.967 in of H2O

Compression Ring Failure Pressure .................. 11.693 KPa
(According to F.6)

NOTE, this tank requires an Anchored Base !!!

Per F.7, allowed pressure is: ...................... 17.236 KPa

Required Compression Areas, Roof/Shell Junction

Area as per Section F.5 ........................... 280.71 cm.^2

Frangible Roof-to-Shell Junction Area Limit:

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Area as per Section ....................... 34.039 cm.^2

API 650 Appendix F Calculations:

Note: The tank is considered anchored as anchor bolts are required,

therefore Appendix F.4.2 calculations are not required.

Nominal Tank Weight

= Shell Weight + Roof Weight + Framing Weight + Attachment Weight
= 168056.0 + 62016.0 + 42748.0 + 0.0
= 272820.0 lb. [1213503.5 N.]

Note: The uplift was greater than the total weight.

Appendix M Yield Stress reduction factor, M.3.6 [Mfact]:

= Yield Reduction Factor * Fy / Fyamb
= 1.000 * 38000.0/30000.0
= 1.000 Must be less than or equal to 1.0

Note: Using the new roof weight in Appendix F calcs. There was no corrosion
allowance specified on the roof plates.

Required Area of the Roof/Shell Junction per F.5.1 [A]:

= D^2(Pi-0.245*DLR/D^2)/(0.962*Fy*Mfact(tan(theta)))
= 98.4^2(30.125 -0.245*104764/98.4^2)/(0.962 *38000.0 *1.000 (tan(9.50 )))
= 43.510 in.^2 [280.710 cm.^2]

Maximum Frangible Roof Area [A]:

= DLs/( 2 * pi * Fy * Mfact * tan(theta))
= 210804.0/( 2 * pi * 38000.0 * 1.000 * tan(9.50 ))
= 5.276 in.^2 [34.039 cm.^2]

Design Pressure per F.4.1 [P]:

= (0.962 * A * Fy * Mfact * tan(theta))/(D^2) + 0.245 * DLR/D^2
= (0.962*43.863*38000.0*1.000*tan(9.50))/(98.4^2)+0.245*104764/98.4^2
= 30.348 in. of water [77.083 cm. of water]
= 1.096 psi [7.555 KPa]

Note: Design Pressure was less than maximum computed per F.4.1

Calculated failure Pressure from F.6 [Pf]:

= 1.6 * P - (0.147 * Dlr)/D^2
= 1.6 * 30.348 - (0.147 * 104764 )/98.4^2
= 46.967 in. of water [119.295 cm. of water]

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API-650 12th Edition, Addendum 2, January 2016

Anchor Bolt Results - Section 5.12

Uplift Allowable Load/Bolt

(N. ) Bolt Stress (N. )
Load Case (KPa )

Design Pressure 4573168.0 103419. 142911

Test Pressure 4272814.0 137892. 133525
Design Press + Wind Load 1822523.6 137892. 56953

Anchor Bolt Results - Section 5.12

Number Bolt Bolt Stress

of Bolts Diameter (KPa )
Load Case (cm. )

Design Pressure 32 5.715 79952

Test Pressure 32 5.715 74701
Design Press + Wind Load 32 5.715 31863

Final Anchor Bolt Spacing .............. (m. ) 2.95

Anchor bolts are required.

Bolt Load Calculations per API 650 Table 5.21b:

Compute weight per table 5.21b [W1]:

= Corr. Shell Wght + Attachment Wght + ( Corr. Roof Wght + Ins. ) * %
= 109337.1 + 0.0 + ( 62016.0 + 0.0 ) * 1.00
= 171353.1 lb. [762178.6 N.]

Compute weight per table 5.21b [W2]:

= (Corr. Shell Wght + Ins. Wght)+Att. Wght+(Roof Wght + Fram Wght + Ins.)*%
= ( 109337.1 ) + 0.0 + ( 62016.0 + 42748.0 + 0.0 )*1.00
= 214101.1 lb. [952321.8 N.]

Compute weight per table 5.21b [W3]:

= Nom. Shell Wght + Attachment Wght + (Nom. Roof Wght + Ins. Wght) * %
= 168056.0 + 0.0 + (104764.1 + 0.0 ) * 1.00
= 230072.0 lb. [1023360.2 N.]

Net Uplift due to Design Pressure:

= [Pi * D^2 * 4.08 ] - W1
= [30.348 * 98.4^2 * 4.08 ] - 171353.1
= 1028140.2 lb. [4573168.0 N.]

Net Uplift due to Test Pressure:

= [Pt * D^2 * 4.08 ] - W3
= [30.125 * 98.4^2 * 4.08 ] - 230072.0
= 960614.6 lb. [4272814.0 N.]

Note that P and Pt above are in inches of water.

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Net Uplift due to Wind Pressure:

= PWR * D^2 * 4.08 + [4 * MWS/D] - W2
= 3.975 * 98.4^2 * 4.08 + [4 * 946045/98.4 ] - 214101.1
= -18532.7 lb. [-82433.6 N.]

Net Uplift due to Design Pressure + Wind:

= [Fp(P + PWR)D^2 * 4.08] + [4*MWS/D] - W1
= [0.40(30.348+3.98)98.4^2*4.08]+[4*946045/98.4]-171353.1
= 409740.0 lb. [1822523.6 N.]

The Frangibility case was not analyzed because the design
pressure was zero or the frangibilty requirements in
API 650 paragraph were not met.

Initial Bolt Design for each Load Case (cm., KPa & cm.^2):

Anchor Bolt Database: TEMA-Imperial

Case Number Diameter Stress Bolt Area

Design Pressure 32 5.715 79952.5 17.8750

Test Pressure 32 4.762 116621.2 11.4498
Design Press + Wind Load 32 3.492 111684.2 5.0997

Final Bolt Design for each Load Case (cm., KPa & cm.^2):

Case Number Diameter Stress Bolt Area

Design Pressure 32 5.715 79952.5 17.8750

Test Pressure 32 5.715 74701.4 17.8750
Design Press + Wind Load 32 5.715 31863.1 17.8750

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API-650 12th Edition, Addendum 2, January 2016

External Pressure Results - Appendix V

DL roof plate dead load ............................ 384.9 N/M2

PR design external pressure ........................ 1412.9 N/M2
For a Rafter Supporting Cone Roof:
External pressure not performed for this roof type.

Transformed Shell Height ........................... 6.585 m.

Elastic Buckling Check V.8.1.1

Buckling Check Ok, exceeds 0.19 ................... 0.735

Ps design ext press for shell ...................... 981.670 N/M2

Ps(max) max design external pressure ............... 1065.947 N/M2
ts(min) min shell for design ext press ............. 0.582 cm.

Stiffeners are not required for external pressure.

App. V External Pressure Calculations, No Wind + Vacuum, Condition 2:

Roof Analysis:

Total Design External Pressure Loading per V.7 [Pr]:

= max[ DL + (Lr or S) + Fpe*Pe, DL + Pe + 0.4(Lr or S)]
= max[8.039 + max[20.886, 0.000 ] + 0.400 * 1.462,
8.039 + 1.462 + 0.4 * max[20.886, 0.000 ]]
= max[ 29.509, 17.855 ]
= 29.509 psf [1412.910 N/M2]

Value of SI per V.8.1:

= 3.0 [ as Wind velocity = 0.0 ]

Shell Analysis:

Transformed height of tank shell per V.8.1.4 [HTS]:

= h1(ts1/ts1)^2.5 + h2(ts1/ts2)^2.5
+ ... hn(ts1/tsn)^2.5
= 6.562 (0.236/0.236 )^2.5 + 6.562 (0.236/0.418 )^2.5
+ ... 6.562 (0.236/0.236 )^2.5
= 21.605 ft. [6.585 m.]

Elastic Buckling Check per V.8.1.1:

= sqrt(Fy / E)(HTS / D)((D / tsmin)^0.75)
= sqrt(38000.000/28863168 )(21.605/98.425 )((98.425/0.236 )^0.75)
= 0.735

Specified design wind velocity per V.3.1 [V]:

= Wind velocity (ft./Sec.) * 3600.0 / 5280.0
= 0.000 * 3600.0/5280.0
= 0.000 mph

Maximum wind pressure per V.3.1 [W]:

= 31( V / 120.0 ) ^2
= 31( 0.000/120.0 )^2
= 0.000 psf
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Design External Pressure for Shell per V.3.1 [Ps]:

= max( Pe, ( W + Fpe * Pe ) )
= max( 1.462, (0.000 + 0.400 * 1.462 ) )
= 1.462 psf [70.000 N/M2]

Max. design external pressure per V.8.1.2 [Ps(max)]:

= (0.6 * E) / ( D / tsmin )^2.5 * (HTS * SI) / D
= (0.6 * 28863168 )/( 98.425/0.236 )^2.5 * (21.605 * 3.000 )/98.425
= 7.421 psf [355.316 N/M2]

Min. shell thickness for design ext. pressure per V.8.1.3 [tsmin]:
= 1.23( SI * HTS * Ps )^0.4 * D^0.6 / E^0.4
= 1.23( 3.000 * 21.605 * 1.462 )^0.4 * 98.425^0.6/28863168^0.4
= 0.124 in. [0.314 cm.]

App. V External Pressure Calculations, Wind + Vacuum, Condition 1:

Roof Analysis:

Total Design External Pressure Loading per V.7 [Pr]:

= max[ DL + (Lr or S) + Fpe*Pe, DL + Pe + 0.4(Lr or S)]
= max[8.039 + max[20.886, 0.000 ] + 0.400 * 1.462,
8.039 + 1.462 + 0.4 * max[20.886, 0.000 ]]
= max[ 29.509, 17.855 ]
= 29.509 psf [1412.910 N/M2]

Value of SI per V.8.1:

= 1 [ as Pe <= 5.2 ]

Shell Analysis:

Transformed height of tank shell per V.8.1.4 [HTS]:

= h1(ts1/ts1)^2.5 + h2(ts1/ts2)^2.5
+ ... hn(ts1/tsn)^2.5
= 6.562 (0.236/0.236 )^2.5 + 6.562 (0.236/0.418 )^2.5
+ ... 6.562 (0.236/0.236 )^2.5
= 21.605 ft. [6.585 m.]

Elastic Buckling Check per V.8.1.1:

= sqrt(Fy / E)(HTS / D)((D / tsmin)^0.75)
= sqrt(38000.000/28863168 )(21.605/98.425 )((98.425/0.236 )^0.75)
= 0.735

Specified design wind velocity per V.3.1 [V]:

= Wind velocity (ft./Sec.) * 3600.0 / 5280.0
= 141.076 * 3600.0/5280.0
= 96.188 mph [43.000 M./sec.]

Maximum wind pressure per V.3.1 [W]:

= 31( V / 120.0 ) ^2
= 31( 96.188/120.0 )^2
= 19.918 psf [953.671 N/M2]

Design External Pressure for Shell per V.3.1 [Ps]:

= max( Pe, ( W + Fpe * Pe ) )
= max( 1.462, (19.918 + 0.400 * 1.462 ) )
= 20.503 psf [981.670 N/M2]
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Max. design external pressure per V.8.1.2 [Ps(max)]:

= (0.6 * E) / ( D / tsmin )^2.5 * (HTS * SI) / D
= (0.6 * 28863168 )/( 98.425/0.236 )^2.5 * (21.605 * 1.000 )/98.425
= 22.263 psf [1065.947 N/M2]

Min. shell thickness for design ext. pressure per V.8.1.3 [tsmin]:
= 1.23( SI * HTS * Ps )^0.4 * D^0.6 / E^0.4
= 1.23( 1.000 * 21.605 * 20.503 )^0.4 * 98.425^0.6/28863168^0.4
= 0.229 in. [0.582 cm.]

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Determine Maximum allowed Fluid Heights:

For Course # 1, Operating Case

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.4779 - 0.1181 )25300.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 0.900 ) + 12.000/12
= 40.519 ft. [12.350 m.]

For Course # 1, Hydro Case, not corroded

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.4779 - 0.0000 )28500.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 1.000 ) + 12.000/12
= 54.220 ft. [16.526 m.]

For Course # 2, Operating Case

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.4181 - 0.1181 )25300.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 0.900 ) + 12.000/12
= 33.957 ft. [10.350 m.]

For Course # 2, Hydro Case, not corroded

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.4181 - 0.0000 )28500.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 1.000 ) + 12.000/12
= 47.567 ft. [14.498 m.]

For Course # 3, Operating Case

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.3584 - 0.1181 )25300.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 0.900 ) + 12.000/12
= 27.396 ft. [8.350 m.]

For Course # 3, Hydro Case, not corroded

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.3584 - 0.0000 )28500.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 1.000 ) + 12.000/12
= 40.915 ft. [12.471 m.]

For Course # 4, Operating Case

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.2987 - 0.1181 )25300.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 0.900 ) + 12.000/12
= 20.834 ft. [6.350 m.]

For Course # 4, Hydro Case, not corroded

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.2987 - 0.0000 )28500.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 1.000 ) + 12.000/12
= 34.262 ft. [10.443 m.]
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For Course # 5, Operating Case

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.2389 - 0.1181 )25300.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 0.900 ) + 12.000/12
= 14.272 ft. [4.350 m.]

For Course # 5, Hydro Case, not corroded

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.2389 - 0.0000 )28500.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 1.000 ) + 12.000/12
= 27.610 ft. [8.415 m.]

For Course # 6, Operating Case

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.2362 - 0.1181 )25300.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 0.900 ) + 12.000/12
= 13.974 ft. [4.259 m.]

For Course # 6, Hydro Case, not corroded

Allowed fluid height above this course based on the 1ft method
= (Td - ca)Sd/(2.6 * D * G ) + X/12
= (0.2362 - 0.0000 )28500.00/(2.6 * 98.4 * 1.000 ) + 12.000/12
= 27.308 ft. [8.323 m.]

Appendix M Yield Stress reduction factor, M.3.6 [Mfact]:

= Yield Reduction Factor * Fy / Fyamb
= 1.000 * 38000.0/30000.0
= 1.000 Must be less than or equal to 1.0

Roof Analysis:

Total Design External Pressure Loading per V.7 [Pr]:

= max[ DL + (Lr or S) + Fpe*Pe, DL + Pe + 0.4(Lr or S)]
= max[8.039 + max[20.886, 0.000 ] + 0.400 * 1.462,
8.039 + 1.462 + 0.4 * max[20.886, 0.000 ]]
= max[ 29.509, 17.855 ]
= 29.509 psf [1412.910 N/M2]

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Wind Load Calculations:

Wind velocity factor 5.2.1 [Vfact]:

= ( Wind Velocity / 120 )^2
= ( 96.2/120 )^2
= 0.689

Vertical projected wind area of tank [VArea]:

= Tank Height * Insulated Tank Diameter
= 39.37 * 98.43
= 3875.008 ft^2 [360.000 m.^2]

Velocity pressure per [p]:

= 0.00256 * Kz * Kzt * kd * V^2 * I * G + 5.0
= 0.00256 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.950 * 96.188^2 * 1.150 * 1.000 + 5.0
= 30.876 psf [1478.370 N/M2]

Wind moment on shell [Moment]:

= Wind Pressure * Wind Area * Tank Height/2
= 30.876 * 3875.0 * 39.37/2
= 0.23552E+07 ft.lb. [0.31932E+07 N.m.]

Vertical projected wind area of Cone roof:

= Roof Height * Roof triangular base
= 8.24 * 49.21
= 405.284 ft^2 [37.652 m.^2]

Area Exposed to Wind:

= Wind area of tank + Wind area of roof
= 3875.008 + 405.284
= 4280.291 ft.^2 [397.652 m.^2]

Wind moment at the base including the cone roof [Total Moment]:
= Moment + ( Wind P * Roof Area( Tank Height + Roof Height/3))
= 2355249 + ( 30.876 * 405.3 ( 39.4 + 8.24/3))
= 0.28823E+07 ft.lb. [0.39077E+07 N.m.]

Wind shear force acting on the tank:

= Wind Pressure * (tank area + roof area)
= 30.876 * 4280.3
= 0.13216E+06 lbf. [0.58785E+06 N.]

Moment about shell-to-bottom joint [MDL]:

= ( Shell Weight + Attachement Weight + Framing Weight * % )D/2
= ( 109337.1 + 0.0 + 42748.0 * 1.00 )98.4/2
= 7484503.0 ft.lb [10147189.0 N.m.]

Resisting Weight of Fluid [WL]:

= min( 5.6 * tb * sqrt( Fby * H * min( 0.7, G )), 0.45 * H * D )
= min(5.6*0.2362*sqrt(38000.0*40.52*min(0.7,0.900)),0.45*40.5*98.43)
= min( 1373.3, 1794.6 )
= 1373.3 lbf/ft [200.4 N./cm.]

Moment from Fluid Weight [MF]:

= WL * ( PI * D ) * ( D / 2 )
= 1373.3 * ( 3.1416 * 98.43 ) * ( 98.43/2 )
= 20898122.0 ft.lb [28332838.0 N.m.]
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Moment from Design Internal Pressure [MPI]:

= Design Pressure * pi( Diameter in inches / 2 )^2 * ( D / 2 )
= 1.0878 * 3.1416 ( 1181.10/2 )^2 * ( 98.43/2 )
= 58653436.0 ft.lb [79519984.0 N.m.]

Design Pressure per F.4.1 [P]:

= (0.962 * A * Fy * Mfact * tan(theta))/(D^2) + 0.245 * DLR/D^2
= (0.962*43.863*38000.0*1.000*tan(9.50))/(98.4^2)+0.245*104764/98.4^2
= 30.348 in. of water [77.083 cm. of water]
= 1.096 psi [7.555 KPa]

Note: Design Pressure was less than maximum computed per F.4.1

Moment about shell-to-bottom joint [MWS]:

= Pws * D * H^2/2
= 18 * Vfact * (D + Insulation) * H^2/2
= 18 * 0.6890 (98.4 + 0.0 ) * 39.4^2/2
= 946045.2 ft.lb [1282610.4 N.m.]

Moment about shell-to-bottom joint [MW]:

= MWS + Wind Uplift * VArea * D / 2
= 946045 + 0.1435 * 1095632 * 98.4/2
= 8685859.0 ft.lb [11775940.0 N.m.]

Moment about shell-to-bottom joint [MDLR]:

= ( Roof Weight )D/2
= ( 62016.0 )98.4/2
= 3051969.2 ft.lb [4137738.0 N.m.]

Warning: The following API 650 Section criteria were not met:
1) 0.6MW + MPI < MDL/1.5 + MDLR
2) MW + FP(MPI) < (MDL + MF)/2 + MDLR
3) MWS + FP(MPI) < MDL/1.5 + MDLR

Note: Anchorage is required for this design.

TANK(TM) Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016

TANK 2016, API-650/653/620 Analysis Page 28 of 30
Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

Determine required thickness per the selected Method:

Shell Course Thickness per the One Foot Method:

Required Thickness for Course # 1

Required thickness based on the 1ft method per, Operating [td]:
= 2.6D( H - 1 )G/Sd
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 40.52 - 1 )0.900/25300.0
= 0.360 in. [0.914 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.478 in. [1.214 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including corrosion and other allowances:

= 0.47787 in. [1.21378 cm.]

Required thickness per, Hydrotest [tt]:

= 2.6D( H - 1 )/St
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 40.52 - 1 )/28500.0
= 0.35485 in. [0.90131 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.355 in. [0.901 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including other Code allowances:

= 0.35485 in. [0.90131 cm.]

Required Thickness for Course # 2

Required thickness based on the 1ft method per, Operating [td]:
= 2.6D( H - 1 )G/Sd
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 33.96 - 1 )0.900/25300.0
= 0.300 in. [0.762 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.418 in. [1.062 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including corrosion and other allowances:

= 0.41813 in. [1.06206 cm.]

Required thickness per, Hydrotest [tt]:

= 2.6D( H - 1 )/St
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 33.96 - 1 )/28500.0
= 0.29593 in. [0.75166 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.296 in. [0.752 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including other Code allowances:

= 0.29593 in. [0.75166 cm.]

Required Thickness for Course # 3

Required thickness based on the 1ft method per, Operating [td]:
= 2.6D( H - 1 )G/Sd
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 27.40 - 1 )0.900/25300.0
= 0.240 in. [0.610 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.358 in. [0.910 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including corrosion and other allowances:

TANK 2016, API-650/653/620 Analysis Page 29 of 30
Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

= 0.35840 in. [0.91033 cm.]

Required thickness per, Hydrotest [tt]:

= 2.6D( H - 1 )/St
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 27.40 - 1 )/28500.0
= 0.23701 in. [0.60201 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.237 in. [0.602 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including other Code allowances:

= 0.23701 in. [0.60201 cm.]

Required Thickness for Course # 4

Required thickness based on the 1ft method per, Operating [td]:
= 2.6D( H - 1 )G/Sd
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 20.83 - 1 )0.900/25300.0
= 0.181 in. [0.459 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.299 in. [0.759 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including corrosion and other allowances:

= 0.29867 in. [0.75861 cm.]

Required thickness per, Hydrotest [tt]:

= 2.6D( H - 1 )/St
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 20.83 - 1 )/28500.0
= 0.17809 in. [0.45235 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.236 in. [0.600 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including other Code allowances:

= 0.23622 in. [0.60000 cm.]

Required Thickness for Course # 5

Required thickness based on the 1ft method per, Operating [td]:
= 2.6D( H - 1 )G/Sd
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 14.27 - 1 )0.900/25300.0
= 0.121 in. [0.307 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.239 in. [0.607 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including corrosion and other allowances:

= 0.23893 in. [0.60689 cm.]

Required thickness per, Hydrotest [tt]:

= 2.6D( H - 1 )/St
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 14.27 - 1 )/28500.0
= 0.11917 in. [0.30270 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.236 in. [0.600 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including other Code allowances:

= 0.23622 in. [0.60000 cm.]

Required Thickness for Course # 6

Required thickness based on the 1ft method per, Operating [td]:
TANK 2016, API-650/653/620 Analysis Page 30 of 30
Licensee: SPLM Licensee
Job: Test Date: Sep 24,2020 Time: 8:54pm

= 2.6D( H - 1 )G/Sd
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 7.71 - 1 )0.900/25300.0
= 0.061 in. [0.155 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.236 in. [0.600 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including corrosion and other allowances:

= 0.23622 in. [0.60000 cm.]

Required thickness per, Hydrotest [tt]:

= 2.6D( H - 1 )/St
= 2.6 * 98.425 ( 7.71 - 1 )/28500.0
= 0.06026 in. [0.15305 cm.]

Minimum thickness per : = 0.236 in. [0.600 cm.]

Final Selected Thickness including other Code allowances:

= 0.23622 in. [0.60000 cm.]

TANK(TM) Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016

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