Diketonates Aluminum Films On Solar Cells: Effect of Parameters
Diketonates Aluminum Films On Solar Cells: Effect of Parameters
Diketonates Aluminum Films On Solar Cells: Effect of Parameters
Journal of
Vol. 1, No. 3, 2014, pp. 179-184 Chemical Engineering
Received: June 5, 2014; Published: September 25, 2014 and Chemistry Research
Abstract: The experimental results of a research of the solar cells parameters covered with InxSnyOz and InxAlyOz films, obtained by
dispersion of alcoholic solutions of three-chloride Indium and acetyl acetonate of aluminum were represented. The spectral
dependencies of reflection factor and open circuit voltage with the different film covered solar cells were obtained. The conditions
for the production of porous silicon and thin metal oxide films were obtained. The properties of anti reflective coatings were
represented. It has been shown influence of combination many layers covering films consisting of porous silicon and metal oxide on
the parameters solar cells. It has been shown that the use of such coating increases the efficiency of solar cells to 15.8%.
of anode handling and thickness of a porous silicon 3.2 Properties of films InxSnyOz , InxAlyOz
Fig. 6 shows the dependence of the turn InxSnyOz
The number of pores is maximum for pores with
surface resistance from percentage SnCl4(5H2O) in a
40-80Ǻ diameter. The further magnification of a
solution. The least magnitude of a surface resistance
diameter of pores happens not only due to dissolution
has the samples with an In2O3 film. Increasing of a
of silicon on the pores walls, but also at the expense of
SnCl4(5H2O) content causes the rise of surface
secondary effect of join small-sized, close located
resistance from 20 up to 600 Ohm/cm2. It may be
pores (Fig. 5).
explained, apparently, by substituting of In atoms by
small amounts of tin, that representing itself as the
donors. However, with SnCl4(5H2O) content
increasing the content of SnO2 phase in InxSnyOz film
structure grows, that reduces the charge carriers
concentration and material conductivity.
The surface resistance of a InxAlyOz film decreases
and makes 7-10 Ohm/cm2 (Fig. 6, curve 2).
On the surface of silicon, substrate for normal
Fig. 3 Dependence of volumetric density of porous conditions of an environment the film atmospheric
n+-type silicon from density of anode current for different SiOx grows. Strictly speaking, in this case on the
thickness of films (mkm):1-1.0; 2-2.0; 3-4.0; 4-6.0; 5-8.0.
surface of silicon the structure InxSnyOz/SiOx/Si is
Preoxidizing handling included growth of oxide by
a thickness 5000Ǻ (T=900 °C in a damp atmosphere).
Then that oxide was etching and the silicon slices
were washed in a boiling solution
(H2O2:NH4OH:H2O=1:1:4) and deionic water with
consequent drying. After daily endurance in air, the
thickness of natural oxide was 14Ǻ, and after
Fig. 4. Dependence of volumetric density of porous p-type endurance within 4 day 43Ǻ. The structures
silicon from density of anode current for different thickness InxSnyOz/SiOx after daily endurance in air had a
of films (mkm): 1-1.0; 2-2.0; 3-4.0; 4-6.0; 5-8.0. surface resistance of 65 Ohm/cm2, and after endurance
during 4 day-140 Ohm/cm2. Annealing of structures in These data show, that optimum pairs for silicon of
air at the temperature of 200 °C within 10 minutes p-type are In2O3, InxSnyOz, ZnO, CdO. For silicon of
reduced the surface resistance from 65 Ohm/cm2 till n-type optimum cover forming a barrier is SnO2.
75-80 Ohm/cm2 and from 140 Ohm/cm2 up to 170 The spectral characteristics of photoelectric
Ohm/cm2. The annealing time about 20 minutes converters with structures InxSnyOz/SiOx/nSi,
promoted further growth of a surface resistance. InxSnyOz/SiOx/porousSi/nSi, InxAlyO/SiOx/porousSi/
Cyclical annealing of InxSnyOz/Si structure in nSi arc submitted on Fig. 7.
hydrogen and argon at the temperature of 550 °C The best spectral performances have
promoted a drop of InxSnyOz film surface resistance InxSnyOz/SiOx/porousSi/nSi, InxAlyO/SiOx/porousSi/
from 20 Ohm/cm2 up to 7-8 Ohm/cm2, and film nSi structures. In addition, the curve (2) shifts more in
InxAlyOz from 10 Ohm/cm2 up to 3-4 Ohm/cm2. long wavelength area of a spectrum, and curve (3)-in
During the annealing there is the restoring of oxide short wave.
and release of metal atoms, therefore the surface
resistance decreases.