Hurrah Stalino

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Hurrah Stalino Go APR JUN JUL

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18 captures 25 f🐦
26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture

Kremlin Miniatures
Rules by the Neo Stalinist Reality Wargames Collective
A word of thanks is to be given to the following loyal Party members whose proper understanding of
doctrine has helped to make these rules possible. They are: Comrade Matt, Comrade Stu and Comrade
Copyright permission is given to download/copy these rules for personal use only
Hurrah Stalino!
Corps to Army Level Rules for Conflict on the Russian Front 1942 to 1945
Version 1.0
You will need 9 six sided dice to play this game efficiently.
A d3 is a six sided dice read as follows: 1 or 2 = 1; 3 or 4 = 2; 5 or 6 = 3.


Hurrah Stalino! is a revolutionary set of rules (for 6mm scale figures) designed to allow players to
fight large scale battles on the Russian Front during World War Two. The basic tactical unit is the
battalion whilst the basic formation of manoeuvre is the division. Divisions are then grouped in to
Corps and Corps are then grouped into Armies. Because of this Hurrah Stalino is a game of strategy
rather than tactics and the rule mechanisms reflect this.

Representing Units

A single model of the appropriate type should represent vehicular units. It is not necessary to put the
vehicle model on a base. Infantry should be mounted with 5 figures on a base (you will not need to
represent HQs), whilst artillery, anti-tank and anti-aircraft units should have 1 gun + crew figures
mounted on a base. Aircraft units should mount 1 model on a flying stand. In all circumstances
(except for aircraft) bases should ideally have a 1” frontage and up to a 1˝“ depth. Each base must
have some form of marker on it identifying which division the unit mounted on it belongs to.


The first thing you will need to do in order to play this game is to grid up your table into 3” squares
called SECTORS. We use 2ft square terrain boards into which are placed pins to discretely mark out
the grid. One sector represents a distance of 1500 to 2000 meters or about 1 mile. Because of this

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careful consideration must be given to the placing down of terrain.

Go OnlyJUN
APR terrain
JULcapable of affecting a
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strategic level battle should
18 captures
but only up to 3 may attack
25 f🐦
26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture

Duration of a Battle

Each side (preferably each German Corps or Russian Tank Army/Infantry Corps) should have at least
one objective for the battle. Victory has been achieved when one side (or the other) achieves its

The Turn Sequence

The side that destroys the most enemy units in the previous turn goes first in the next one dice off to
settle draws. In small battles, action is alternate and performed by the division. In large battles, action
is alternate and performed by the Corps, but divisions within the corps are still selected for action one
at a time! When you have completed the action of one formation (which can be done in any order) it
becomes the opponent’s turn to select one of his formations for action and so on. When the German
player has selected all of his divisions/corps for action (and the Russian player selected an equal
number) then the turn is over, any remaining Russian formations do not get to be selected for action
that turn. Note that the number of Russian formations capable of being selected for action in a turn
does not reduce if entire German divisions/corps are wiped out.

When selected for action each unit in a division has a choice of three options: it can move; it can
engage in ranged fire (but only if the unit has a range of 1 or more); or it can perform an assault. No
unit may perform the same option twice in turn, so careful consideration must be given to what order
they are performed in. The three options can be performed in any order. It is permissible for units to
do nothing if the player wishes.

The actual length of time a turn represents is variable. In small battles it could be one, or more, hours,
in a large battle it could be as long as one whole day.


Unit Type                Move in Sectors

Infantry                        1 (including horse drawn or man towed weapons)
Reconnaissance            5
Aircraft                        16
All other Germans        3  (including mechanised infantry and cavalry)
All other Russians        4  (including mechanised infantry and cavalry)
It is permissible to move/assault diagonally but not to interpenetrate two enemy held sectors
Units may freely interpenetrate friendly held sectors but may not pass through enemy held ones.
All units may move and fire except for non-self propelled artillery.

The Combat Table

The combat table lists all the different unit types in the game

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18 captures 25 f🐦
Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012
Infantry 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
2 0 Infantry Battalion 2 0
Elite/Mechanised Infantry
Reconnaissance Battalion 1 0 3 0
T34 Regiment 3 0 Sturm Pioneer Battalion 4 0
T34/T70 Brigade 3 0 Reconnaissance Battalion 2 0
T34/76 Brigade 4 0 Panzer II/III Battalion 2 0
T34/85 Brigade 5 0 Panzer III/IV Battalion 3 0
KV Regiment 4 0 Panzer IV Battalion 4 0
Stalin II Regiment 10 1 Panther Battalion 5 1
Su 76 Regiment 2 0 Tiger I Company 9 1
Su 85 Regiment 4 0 Tiger II Company 11 1
Su 100 Regiment 5 1 StuG or Hetzer Battalion 4 0
Su 122 Regiment 6 1 Marder I Battalion 3 0
Su 152 Regiment 8 1 Marder II Battalion 4 0
ATG Battalion 2/1 0 Nashorn Battalion 5 1
ATG Regiment 3/2 0 Ferdinand Battalion 8 1
ATG Brigade 6/2 0 JgdPz IV Battalion 4 0
82mm Mortar Battalion 1 1 Jgdpz IV L70 Battalion 4 1
120mm Mortar Regiment 2 3 JgdPanther Battalion 5 1
120mm Mortar Brigade 5 3 JgdTiger Company 11 1
76mm Artillery Regiment 1 3 37mm ATG Battalion 2/1 0
76mm Artillery Brigade 2 3 50mm ATG Battalion 3/1 0
122m Artillery Brigade 3 6 75mm ATG Battalion 5/2 0
152mm Artillery Brigade 4 8 Artillery Regiment 5 7
203mm Artillery Brigade 6 8 SS Artillery Regiment 6 7
Rocket Artillery Battalion 3 3 Ind. Artillery Battalion 1 7
Rocket Artillery Regiment 9 3 Ind. Heavy Artillery Battalion 2 9
37mm AAA Battalion 1 0 Rocket Artillery Battalion 5 3
85mm AAA Regiment 2 1 SP Artillery Battalion 2 1
MG Battalion 3/1 0 20/37mm AAA Battalion 1 0
Bridging Column 1 0 88mm AAA Battalion 10 1
      MG Company 3/1 0
      FlammPanzer Company 2 0
      Bridging Column 1 0
Artillery, Mortars, AAA and MGs cannot be used as lead units in an assault but can be used as lead units in defence
For MG units the first number is used against unarmoured units and the second against armoured ones  
For ATG units the first number is used against vehicular units and the second against non-vehicular units


Units with a range of 0 cannot perform ranged fire and therefore must assault if they wish to capture
an enemy held sector. The procedure is as follows:

1. The attacking player moves up to 3 units of his choice into the sector he wishes to assault.
2. The attacking player picks one unit to lead the assault and uses its CF for the match up. Any
other unit in the assault is treated as being in support.
3. The defending player picks one unit to lead the defence and uses its CF for the match up. Any
other unit in the defence is treated as being in support.
4. The two lead units each roll 2d6, they must:

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26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
Roll 1 extra die if the defending unit’s divisional artillery unit(s) is capable of firing into
the sector being defended (this simulates support fire)
Roll 1 extra die if the defending units are occupying fortifications** or heavy terrain
Roll 1 extra die if the defending units are occupying fortifications in a mined sector**
Subtract 1 die if the units supply sector has been captured/destroyed
* count one or the other but not both
** do not count this if the assault is being led by an Assault Engineers/Flame thrower unit.
5. The defending unit selects its highest throw as its defence score and discards all other dice
6. The attacking unit selects its highest throw as its attack score and discards all other dice
7. Compare scores
8. If the attacker has beaten the defender then the lead defending unit is destroyed and any
supporting units must retreat 2 sectors. They may retreat only 1 sector if they fall back upon
fortifications or heavy terrain. If there are more than three units in the sector all of them must
9. If the defender has beaten the attacker then the lead attacking unit is destroyed and any
supporting units must retreat 2 sectors. They may retreat only 1 sector if they fall back upon
fortifications or heavy terrain.

Note: If a tank unit leads an assault and is supported by at least one infantry or cavalry unit
(from the same division) and is then beaten, instead of the tank unit being destroyed the
assaulting player may choose to have the supporting infantry/cavalry unit destroyed instead.

10. If the scores are the same then all attackers retreat 1 sector

If the defender throws a 6 then the attacker can still beat him if has thrown two (or more) 6s.
A destroyed unit is removed from play. Destroyed will seldom mean killed to a man, but more often
that the unit has been rendered combat ineffective for a multiplicity of reasons.
It is permissible for units (from the same division) to assault a sector even if said units do not start in
the same sector as each other.
It is permissible to assault diagonally.

Ranged Fire Procedure

Ranged fire may only be conducted by units with a range of 1 or greater. The procedure is as follows:

1. The firing unit chooses one target unit that is in range

2. The firing unit and the target unit both roll 2d6, they must:

Roll 1 extra die for having a higher CF than the opponent*

Roll 2 extra dice for having a CF that is double (or more) than that of the opponent*
Roll 1 extra die if occupying fortifications or heavy terrain (target only)
Subtract 1 die if the units supply sector has been captured/destroyed
* count one or the other but not both
3. The target unit selects its highest throw as its defence score and discards all other dice

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26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
7. If the target unit has outscored the firing unit then, ONLY if the target unit has the range to
reply, the firing unit is destroyed.
8. If the scores are even then neither unit is affected

If the target throws a 6 then the firing unit can still beat it if it throws two (or more) 6s.
Firing can be done diagonally.

  Special Rules for Artillery

1. Artillery integral to a division can only be used to assist units from that division.
2. Artillery units (not self-propelled or mortars) must roll to successfully relocate themselves after
having moved from one sector to another. Roll 1d6, the score required for success is 5 or 6. The
artillery unit may not fire until it has successfully relocated (even if it moves back to the sector
from where it came).
3. Artillery wishing to engage in counter-battery must roll a 6 to locate the enemy unit, unless a
friendly unit (from the same division) is adjacent to the sector in which the enemy artillery is
deployed, in which case the friendly unit may call in the artillery’s fire without the need for a
counter-battery roll.
4. Russian artillery/mortar units of less than brigade size cannot shoot over heavy terrain. German
artillery units can.

Air to Ground Attack and Anti-Aircraft Procedure

  One unit represents an air group (if German) or an air regiment (if Russian). Each unit may attack
once per turn as a floating asset, meaning that selecting the aircraft for use does not count as moving a
division. However, if entire aircraft divisions are used then the selection of an aircraft division for
action does count. Whether attacking ground targets or being attacked by them the following
procedure applies:

1. The attacking unit designates a target unit

2. Aircraft units throw 3d6 (1d6 if on the ground)

Infantry, soft and unarmoured units throw 2d6

Armoured, AAA and deployed Bridging Column units throw 3d6
Bridges and Supply Sectors throw 4d6
They must:
Roll 1 extra die if aircraft and attacking units not in fortifications or heavy terrain
Roll 1 extra die if in range of a friendly AAA unit
Subtract 1 die their supply sector has been captured/destroyed
3. The defender selects his highest throw as his defence score and discards all other dice
4. The attacker selects his highest throw as his attack score and discards all other dice
5. If the aircraft unit outscores the target then the target unit is destroyed
6. If the ground unit outscores the aircraft and it is not an AAA unit then the aircraft must retreat 2

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Go APR JUN thin

JUL range of an
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AAA unit
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If the target throws a 6 then the attacking unit can still beat it if it throws two (or more) 6s.
All aircraft have a range of 0 except for medium/heavy bombers that are assumed to have a range of 1
when attacking ground targets. This represents that such aircraft operated at high altitudes and means
that only AAA units with a range of 1 can attack them.
Only AAA units can attack aircraft all other units may only defend against air attack
Aircraft units can attempt to bomb bridges and supply sectors, if successful the bridge/supply dump is

  Air to Air Combat

  Fighter units may not attack ground targets (except for aircraft units on the ground in an airfield
sector) and are the only aircraft units that can attack other aircraft. The procedure is as follows:

1. The fighter unit picks a target and tries to intercept it

2. To intercept a target the fighter unit must roll an even number on 1d6
3. If unsuccessful the fighter unit may not attack that turn
4. If successful the fighter unit moves into the same sector as the target unit
5. Fighter units throw 6d6. Obsolete fighters throw 2d6.

All other aircraft throw 3d6

            A bomber unit escorted by a fighter unit may add 1 extra die
6. The target selects its highest throw as its defence score and discards all other dice
7. The fighter selects its highest throw as its attack score and discards all other dice
8. Compare scores
9. If the fighter outscores the target then the target unit is destroyed
10. If the target outscores the fighter then the fighter unit is destroyed
11. If the scores are even then neither unit is affected

If the target throws a 6 then the fighter unit can still beat it if it throws two (or more) 6s.
A fighter unit assigned to escort a bomber unit may not intercept other aircraft, its function is solely to
protect the bombers against attack. If attacked and outscored by enemy fighters the escorting fighter
unit is destroyed first. Then the victorious enemy fighters receive a bonus attack upon the bomber

Mined Sectors

A sector containing a minefield is treated as heavy terrain for movement purposes (roads through a
mined sector are assumed to be mined as well). A unit that enters an undefended, mined sector must
roll to avoid being destroyed. A score of 5 or 6 means the unit is destroyed. If a friendly engineer
battalion is in the same sector as the mines then modify the die score by –1.

Heavy Terrain

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  Go APR JUN graphical

JUL feature
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(such as
18 captures
battle. A unit cannot enter a heavy terrain sector and pass through
towns, cities, ridges, forests, rivers, swamps etc) capable of influencing events in a strategic level
it in one move unless a road runs
26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
through the sector. A heavy terrain sector can also be classified as impassable. Mobile units (I.E. all
those not on foot) cannot enter or pass through impassable terrain unless a road runs through the
sector. Heavy terrain cannot be seen through.

A unit cannot pass through an impassable river sector, unless there is a bridge or bridging column unit
in the same sector. Whilst the bridging column unit is in an impassable river sector it is considered to
be deployed.

Optional Rules

Pre-Battle Bombardment

The following units can perform pre-battle bombardment:

Russian artillery brigades
German and Russian artillery regiments (not self-propelled)
Medium bomber units
Heavy bomber units
Independent German artillery units (not self-propelled) must fire collectively (or by the regiment) if
they wish to bombard. The smallest sized group capable of collectively firing is two battalions, while
the largest is three.
After all units have been deployed each artillery unit selects one sector to bombard and then rolls 1d6.
For Russian targets, if the score is 5 then 1d3 units in the sector are destroyed. If the score is 6 then
1d3 units are destroyed and any fortifications are also destroyed.
For German targets, if the score is 5 mobile units must retreat 2 sectors and infantry units must retreat
1 and 1d6-3 units in the sector are destroyed. If the score is 6 the same thing happens but 1d3 units are
destroyed and any fortifications are also destroyed.
In both cases heavy artillery and rocket units add +1 to their die score.
In both cases a final score of 1 to 4 yields no effect.

If present and in range, AAA units may attack bomber units before they attack a sector. As may
enemy fighter units if they successfully intercept. Surviving bomber units then perform their attack.

Supply Sectors

Each Corps or Army should have a sector designated as containing its supply dump. This should be
situated in the rear area behind the artillery line. If the enemy occupies this sector it is assumed to
have been captured/destroyed. Aircraft can destroy a supply dump by bombing it, but ranged fire by
ground units has no effect.

  Airfield Sectors

All aircraft (other than medium/heavy bomber) units must operate within a 16 sector range of a sector
designated as containing an airfield. On turn one of the battle all aircraft must be occupying a sector
containing an airfield. If the enemy captures an airfield sector (which he does by occupying it) then all
aircraft units that operated from it are removed from play. In large battles it is permissible to have

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more than one airfield sector. Aircraft occupying an airfield sector

Go are assumed
APR JUN JULto be on the ground. If
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attacked by aircraft they on
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26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
Rear Area Security Units

Both sides may, if they wish, garrison/defend their airfield and supply sectors (or a sector containing a
bridge) with rear area security units rather than units from their fighting divisions/corps. Each sector
may contain a maximum of three such units. These units may not voluntarily leave the sector they are
assigned to guard. These units may be: infantry (not elite/mechanised), MG, ATG or AAA.


Offensive Doctrine

The Russians practised two types of offensive doctrine during the war; the infantry offensive, for
which the basic formation of manoeuvre was the reinforced rifle division; and the tank offensive, for
which the basic formation of manoeuvre was the reinforced tank corps. The infantry offensive was
usually conducted on a broad front. The pace of the attack was slow because the infantry moved on
foot. As a result of this it was given limited objectives close behind the enemy lines. The tank
offensive however was all about speed, breakthrough and exploitation. It took place on a narrow
frontage with objectives often deep in the enemy rear area. Ideally mobile units would crash through a
hole in the German line rent open by an infantry offensive, then race as fast as possible towards their
objective. To minimise the complexity of the operation mobile forces usually went, quite literally,
straight forward and showed no proclivity to guard their flanks and rear. Obviously this gave the
Germans certain advantages when trying to stop such breakthroughs.

The ideal frontage on which a Russian rifle division would attack was 3 to 5km, which is 2 or 3
sectors in game terms. The frontage for a tank corps was 3 to 4.8km, which is (again) 2 or 3 sectors in
game terms.

German offensive doctrine was similar to the Russian tank doctrine. However the Germans stressed
the use of infantry and armour in close co-operation. The idea was that armoured formations acted as
a sword while the infantry acted as a shield. Whenever possible mobile units led the attack advancing
on a narrow front so as to maximise their impact and firepower upon the enemy. Once engaged
German forces would seek to bring about a fluid battle where their tactical mobility coupled with their
superior communications gave them an advantage over the lumbering Russian forces. At the strategic
level an attack by mobile forces would generally be an attempt to encircle the enemy, creating a
pocket of troops that would be surrounded and then liquidated. At Kursk the Germans attacked the
shoulders of the salient in an attempt to do just that.

The ideal frontage on which a German infantry division would attack was 4 to 5km, which is 2 sectors
in game terms. The frontage for a panzer division was 1.8 to 3km, which is 1 or 2 sectors in game

Defensive Doctrine

The Russians relied on the position defence, meaning that all non-mobile units would hold the

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frontline in a static manner while mobile units waited in theGorear APR to counter-attack
JUN JUL any German
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of18 captures
resistance. A typical position would utilise fortifications, wire2011
25 to aid the defenders
that broke through. Defence was preferred in depth using mutually supporting strong points as centres
and mines
f🐦 and
26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
was constructed in such a way as to channel (and/or trap) an attacking force into an anti-tank killing
ground. The emphasis on destroying enemy armour was a result of the German practise of leading
attacks with mobile forces. The largest trap of this kind was the battle of Kursk.

The Germans preferred the mobile defence with less emphasis on fixed lines. This was because
although defence in depth was the ideal, the vast distances the Germans had to hold meant that such a
strategy was frequently just not possible. However, the mobile defence allowed greater flexibility in
the absorption of an attack and allowed the Germans to play up their strengths of tactical mobility and
communication. Where defence in depth was possible “belts” of defences were preferred often 6 to
8km deep (3 or 4 sectors in game terms). The advantage of this distance was that any Russians that
did penetrate the belt would almost certainly have strayed out of range of their supporting artillery.

There were, primarily, two signals the Russians gave off before an attack that usually alerted the
Germans and aided their defence. Firstly, Russian patrols in the area would increase by a noticeable
level. Secondly, and often days before the attack itself took place, the Russian artillery would move
up to the frontline and begin to register their targets. This meant actually firing rounds and observing
the fall of shot. Russian artillery barrages that proceeded an attack were often relatively ineffective as
the Germans would simply pull back prior to the barrage (having knowledge of where it was going to
hit and a general idea of when), allow it to pass, then reoccupy their positions again afterwards. This
was a vital advantage as the Russians could mass 200 to 300 guns per kilometre and had the capacity
to deluge an 80km square area (that’s 5 sectors wide by 4 sectors deep in game terms) with the fire
from 20,000 guns!

For both Russians and Germans the ideal frontage for a division to defend would be no more than
6km (3 sectors). For the Germans an average frontage would be more like 12 to 18km (6 to 9 sectors).

Theoretical Orders of Battle 1942 to 1945 - Russian

The following army lists represent typical, average or standard pattern formations. Deviation from
these patterns was the norm; this particularly applies to the Germans.

Rifle Division
9 x Infantry battalions – elite infantry could be Siberians, Mongolians, Paratroops or Guards
1 x Engineer infantry battalion
1 x 76mm artillery regiment
The infantry in this division moved on foot and the artillery was horse drawn
Infantry Brigade
3 or 4 Infantry battalions
1 x 82mm mortar battalion
1 x ATG battalion
The infantry in this brigade either moved on foot or were motorised. Foot infantry had horse drawn
assets, motorised infantry had truck moved assets.
Tank Corps
3 x T34 brigades
3 x Mechanised Infantry battalions

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1 x 120mm mortar regimen Go APR JUN JUL

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1 x Rocket battalion
118 captures
x Light (Su76) regiment
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26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
1 x Heavy (Su122) regiment – from mid 43 onwards can be replaced by Su152
1 x KV regiment – from 1944 onwards KV can be replaced by Stalin II
1 x ATG regiment – usually 76mm guns
1 x ATG battalion – 45mm guns
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
1 x Engineer Mechanised Infantry Battalion
The infantry and assets of this formation were all motorised
Up to the battle of Kursk (mid 43), the T34 brigades were usually T34/T70 brigades. Afterwards they
were more usually T34/76 brigades and from 44 onwards they could be T34/85 brigades.
Mechanised Corps
9 x Mechanised Infantry battalions
3 x T34 regiments
1 x T34/76 brigade – from 1944 onwards T34/76 can be replaced by T34/85
1 x 120mm mortar regiment
1 x Rocket battalion
1 x Light (Su76) regiment – from 1944 onwards Su76 can be replaced by Su85 or Su 100
1 x Heavy (Su122) regiment – from mid 43 onwards can be replaced by Su152
1 x ATG regiment – usually 76mm guns
1 x ATG battalion – 45mm guns
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
1 x Engineer Mechanised Infantry Battalion
The infantry and assets of this formation were all motorised
Cavalry Division
9 x Cavalry battalions
1 x 76mm artillery regiment
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
1 x Engineer Cavalry battalion
76mm guns were motorised
Cavalry use infantry combat factors
Artillery Division
1 x 120mm mortar brigade
1 x 76mm artillery brigade
1 x 122mm artillery brigade
1 x 152mm artillery brigade
All assets were horse drawn
To simulate their operational use, the brigades of a Russian artillery division can only be used in pre-
battle bombardment.
M-13 Rocket Brigade
3 x Rocket regiments
Anti-Aircraft Division
3 x AAA battalions with 37mm guns
1 x AAA regiment with 85mm guns
Assets could be horse drawn or motorised
Motorised Anti-Tank Brigade
3 x ATG Regiments – can be 45mm, 57mm or (more usually) 76mm

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Tank Army Go APR JUN JUL

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2 x Tank Corps
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x Mechanised Corps
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26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
5 x KV or JSII regiments
1 x Anti-Aircraft Division
1 x ATG brigade or 3 x ATG regiments
1 x Rocket artillery regiment
2 x Su regiments
3 x Artillery brigades
Infantry Corps
2 to 4 Infantry divisions
2 x Artillery brigades
1 x ATG regiment
1 x Rocket regiment
Infantry Army
2 to 4 Infantry corps
3 x Artillery brigades
1 x ATG brigade or 3 x ATG regiments
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
Cavalry Corps
3 x Cavalry divisions
2 x Tank regiments
1 x Su regiment
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
1 x 120mm mortar regiment
1 x Rocket battalion
1 x ATG regiment
1 x ATG battalion
1 x AAA battalion
Cavalry-Mechanised Group
1 x Cavalry Corps
1 x Mechanised Corps
Aircraft Formations
3 or 4 air regiments made up a division
2 to 4 divisions made up a corps
Corps were usually of the same type except for ground attack corps where 2 or 3 ground attack
divisions would be supplemented by 1 fighter division.

Theoretical Orders of Battle 1942 to 1945 – German

The following army lists represent typical, average or standard pattern formations. Deviation from
these patterns was the norm, this particularly applies to the Germans.

German Infantry Division

9 x Infantry battalions – in 44 and 45 reduce infantry battalions to 6
1 x Artillery regiment
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
1 x Motorised ATG battalion – can be 37mm, 50mm or 75mm depending on year

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1 x Engineer Infantry batta Go APR JUN JUL

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The infantry in this divisio
18 captures
German Luftwaffe (Airfo
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26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
6 x 2nd Rate Infantry battalions
1 x Artillery regiment
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
1 x Motorised ATG battalion – can be 37mm, 50mm or 75mm depending on year
1 x Motorised Flak regiment
1 x Engineer Infantry battalion
The infantry in this division moved on foot and the artillery was horse drawn
Fallschirmjager (Paratroop) Division
Organised as the 42 to 43 pattern infantry division but all infantry and assets were motorised
Infantry are elite.
Volksgrenadier Infantry Division
Organised as an infantry division but the infantry were 2nd Rate with all assets being horse drawn
Motorised Infantry Division or Panzer Grenadier Division up to 1943
6 x Mechanised infantry battalions
1 x Artillery regiment
1 x StuG battalion – can occasionally be replaced with a tank battalion
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
1 x ATG battalion – can be 37mm, 50mm or 75mm depending on year
1 x Engineer mechanised infantry battalion
SS motorised infantry divisions had 9 panzer grenadier battalions and also a rocket battalion
All infantry and assets in this formation were motorised
Panzer Grenadier Division 1944 to 45
6 x Mechanised infantry battalions
1 x Artillery regiment
1 x SP artillery battalion
1 x StuG battalion – can occasionally be replaced with a tank battalion
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
1 x 50mm or 75mm ATG battalion
1 x 20/37mm or 88mm Flak battalion
1 x Engineer Mechanised infantry battalion
SS panzer grenadier divisions had 9 panzer grenadier battalions, an SS artillery regiment and a rocket
All infantry and assets in this formation were motorised
Panzer Division
2 x Tank battalions
4 x Mechanised infantry battalions
1 x Artillery regiment
1 x SP artillery battalion
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
1 x 20/37mm or 88mm Flak battalion
1 x ATG battalion – can be 37mm, 50mm or 75mm depending on year
1 x Engineer Mechanised infantry battalion
All infantry and assets in this formation were motorised
Up to and including the battle of Kursk (mid 43), panzer battalions are of the Panzer II/III and/or the

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Panzer III/IV type. After th Go APR JUN JUL

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SS panzer divisions had an
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SS Panzer Division from
25 f🐦
26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
2 or 3 Tank battalions
1 x Tiger I company
6 x Mechanised infantry battalions
1 x StuG battalion
1 x SS Artillery regiment
1 x Rocket artillery battalion
1 x SP artillery battalion
1 x Reconnaissance battalion
1 x 88mm Flak battalion
1x ATG battalion
1 x Engineer Mechanised infantry battalion
All infantry and assets in this formation were motorised
1st, 2nd and 3rd SS divisions frequently had 9 or even 12 infantry battalions at the start of major
Tiger Battalion
3 x Tiger I companies – can be replaced by Tiger II from 44 onwards
Flak Regiment
2 x 20/37mm Flak battalions
1 x 88mm Flak battalion
This formation could be static, motorised or horse drawn
This formation could also be reversed having two 88mm battalions and only one 20/37mm battalion
A flak division had a variable number of regiments and battalions
A flak brigade had a variable number of battalions and was a static formation

Anatomy of an Army – the German Army at Kursk July 1943

This table lists the actual tank strength (in battalions) of panzer divisions at Kursk

Panzer Battalion Type


2nd Panzer 1 x PzIII/IV

3rd Panzer 1 x PzIII/IV
4th Panzer 1 x PzIV
5th Panzer 1 x PzIV
1 x PzIII/IV
6th Panzer 1 x FlammPz company
7th Panzer 2 x PzIII/IV
8th Panzer 1 x PzIII/IV
9th Panzer 1 x PzIII/IV
2 x PzIII/IV
11th Panzer 1 x FlammPz company
12th Panzer 1 x PzIII/IV
13th Panzer 2 x PzIV
17th Panzer 1 x PzIII/IV
18th Panzer 1 x PzIII/IV
19th Panzer 2 x PzIII/IV

13 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM
Hurrah Stalino


👤 ⍰❎
18 captures 25 f🐦
26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
2 x PzIV
1 x Tiger I company
Grossdeutschland PzG
1 x FlammPz company
1 x StuG
2 x Panther
10th Panzer Brigade 1 x StuG
1 x PzIV
1st SS Panzer Grenadier 1 x Tiger I company
1 x StuG
1 x PzIII/IV
1 x Tiger I company
2nd SS Panzer Grenadier 1 x T34/76 (captured tanks)
1 x StuG
2 x PzIII/IV
3rd SS Panzer Grenadier 1 x Tiger I company
1 x StuG
Wiking SS Panzer Grenadier 1 x PzIII/IV
502 Panzer Battalion 1 x Tiger I company
503 Panzer Battalion 3 x Tiger I companies
505 Panzer Battalion 2 x Tiger I companies
216 Panzer Battalion 1 x Brummbar
656 Panzer Jager Regiment 2 x Ferdinand
Army Group South: von Kluge
9th Army: Model
Army Reserve:
10th Panzer Grenadier Division
12th Panzer Division
Army Assets:
2 x Engineer Infantry Battalions
7 x StuG battalions
1 x Brummbar battalion
2 x Ferdinand battalions
505 Tiger battalion
1 x Bridging column
20th Army Corps: von Roman
2 x Artillery battalions
2 x Engineer Infantry battalions
1 x Bridging column
45th, 72nd, 137th & 251st Infantry Divisions
46th Panzer Corps: Zorn
1 x Infantry Brigade – 3 battalions
1 x Rocket artillery battalion
1 x Heavy artillery battalion – 150mm
5 x Artillery battalions – 105mm
1 x Engineer infantry battalion
2 x Bridging columns
7th, 31st, 102nd & 258th Infantry Divisions

14 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM
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👤 ⍰❎
1 x Heavy artillery battalio
18 captures 25 f🐦
Heavy artillery battalio
2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
3 x Rocket artillery battalions
1 x Artillery battalion – 105mm
2 x Engineer infantry battalions
3 x Bridging columns
2nd, 9th & 20th Panzer Divisions
6th Infantry Division
41st Panzer Corps: Harpe
4 x Artillery battalions – 105mm
1 x Heavy artillery battalion – 210mm
1 x Heavy artillery battalion – 150mm
3 x Rocket artillery battalions
1 x Engineer infantry battalion
1 x Bridging column
18th Panzer Division
86th & 292nd Infantry Divisions
23rd Army Corps: Freissner
1 x Heavy Artillery battalion – 210mm
1 x Heavy Artillery battalion – 170mm
3 x Heavy Artillery battalion – 150mm
4 x Artillery battalions – 105mm
3 x Rocket artillery battalions
2 x Engineer infantry battalions
1 x Bridging column
78th Sturm Infantry Division (infantry are elite)
216th & 383rd Infantry Divisions
Luftflotte 6: von Greim
10th AAA Brigade
12th AAA Division – 3 regiments
18th AAA Division – 4 regiments
JagdGeschwader 51
1 x Fighter – BF109F/G
3 x Fighter – FW190A
JagdGeschwader 54
1 x Fighter – FW190A
KampfGeschwader 3
3 x Ground Attack – Ju88A
KampfGeschwader 4
2 x Medium Bomber He111
KampfGeschwader 51
2 x Ground Attack – Ju88A
KampfGeschwader 53
2 x Medium Bomber He111

15 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM
Hurrah Stalino

NachtJagdGeschwader 5 Go APR JUN JUL

👤 ⍰❎
1 x BF110 Night Fighter
18 captures
StukaGeschwader 1
25 f🐦
26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
3 x Ground Attack – Ju87D
Army Group South: von Manstein
Army Detachment Kempf: Kempf
11th Army Corps: Raus
3 x 88mm AAA battalions
2 x Rocket artillery battalions
3 x Artillery battalions – 105mm
2 x StuG battalions
1 x Engineer battalion
9 x Bridging columns
106th & 320th Infantry Divisions
42nd Army Corps: Mattenklott
1 x 88mm AAA battalion
1 x Engineer infantry battalion
1 x Nashorn battalion
39th, 161st & 282nd Infantry Divisions
3rd Panzer Corps: Breith
1 x 88mm AAA battalion
1 x Rocket artillery battalion
1 x Heavy artillery battalion 210mm
1 x Heavy artillery battalion – 150mm
1 x Artillery battalion – 105mm
503 Tiger battalion
1 x StuG battalion
5 x Engineer infantry battalions
6 x Bridging columns
6th, 7th & 19th Panzer Divisions
168th Infantry Division
4th Panzer Army: Hoth
2nd SS Panzer Corps: Hauser
4 x Rocket artillery battalions
2 x Artillery battalions – 105mm
2 x Engineer infantry battalions
5 x Bridging columns
1st SS, 2nd SS & 3rd SS Panzer Grenadier Divisions
48th Panzer Corps: von Knobelsdorff
1 x Heavy artillery battalion – 150mm
1 x 88mm AAA battalion
2 x Artillery battalions – 105mm
1 x Rocket artillery battalion
2 x Engineer infantry battalions
15 x Bridging columns
3rd & 11th Panzer Divisions

16 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM
Hurrah Stalino

Grossdeutschland Panzer G Go APR JUN JUL

👤 ⍰❎
18 captures 25 f🐦
5226 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
1 x Engineer infantry battalion
2 x Bridging columns
57th, 255th & 332nd Infantry Divisions
Luftflotte 4: Dessloch
5th AAA Division – 14 regiments
JagdGeschwader 3
2 x Fighters – BF109G
JagdGeschwader 51
1 x Ground Attack – HS129B
JagdGeschwader 52
2 x Fighters – BF109G
KampfGeschwader 1
1 x Ground Attack – Ju88A
KampfGeschwader 100
1 x Medium Bomber – He111
KampfGeschwader 27
3 x Medium Bomber – He111
KampfGeschwader 55
3 x Medium Bomber – He111
NachtJagdGeschwader 5
1 x Night Fighter – BF110
SchlactGeschwader 1
2 x Ground Attack HS129
1 x Reconnaissance – HS123
2 x Fighter – FW190A
SchlactGeschwader 2
2 x Ground Attack HS129
StukaGeschwader 2
4 x Ground Attack – Ju87D

Anatomy of an Army – the Russian Army at Kursk July 1943

Central Front: Rokossovsky

Front Reserve:
1 x Su76 regiment
1 x 152mm artillery brigade
1 x 120mm mortar brigade
19th Tank Corps – 4 brigades, no assets
9th Tank Corps:
   4 brigades
   Rocket battalion
   2 x Su76 regiments

17 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM
Hurrah Stalino


👤 ⍰❎
18 captures 25 f🐦
Army Assets:
26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
4 x ATG brigades – 76mm
1 x T34/76 brigade
1 x Su76 regiment
2 x KV1 regiment
4 x T34 regiments
294th Rifle Division
15th Corps:
8th, 74th & 148th Rifle Divisions
17th Guards Corps:
6th, 70th & 75th Guards Rifle Divisions
18th Guards Corps:
2nd, 3rd & 4th Guards Paratroop Divisions
254th Rifle Division
29th Corps:
15th, 81st & 307th Rifle Divisions
36th Corps:
5th & 12th Breakthrough Artillery Divisions each of:
    4 brigades + 1 x 152mm brigade & 1 x 203mm brigade
   1 x Rocket artillery regiment
2nd Tank Army: Rodin
Army Assets:
1 x T34/76 brigade
2 x ATG regiments – 45mm
16th Tank Corps
3rd Tank Corps + 1 x 37mm AAA battalion
7th Guards Mechanised Corps – 4 brigades; 3 x T34 regiments; no other assets
48th Army: Romanenko (corps structure not found)
16th, 73rd, 137th, 143rd, 170th, 202nd & 399th Rifle Divisions
1 x Su76 regiment
3 x T34 regiments
3 x ATG brigades – 76mm
60th Army: Chernyahovsky
Army Assets:
1st Guards Artillery Division – no mortar brigade
1 x ATG Brigade
1 x T34/76 Tank brigade
55th & 141st Rifle Divisions
24th Corps:

18 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM
Hurrah Stalino


👤 ⍰❎
2 x Rifle brigades
18 captures 25 f🐦
3026 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
121st & 322nd Rifle Divisions
1 x Rifle brigade
65th Army: Batov
149th, 181st & 193rd Rifle Divisions
37th Guards Rifle Division
3 x T34 regiments
1 x KV1 regiment
77th Corps:
60th, 69th, 194th, 246th & 354th Rifle Divisions
1 x Rifle brigade
70 Army: Galanin
Army Assets:
175th NKVD Rifle Division
2 x T34 regiments
28th Corps:
102nd & 140th NKVD Rifle Divisions
106th, 132nd, 162nd, 211th & 280th Rifle Divisions
16th Air Army: Rudenko
1st Guards Fighter Division
2nd Guards Ground Attack Division - Sturmovik
271st Night Bomber Division
283rd Fighter Division
286th Fighter Division
299th Ground Attack Division - Sturmovik
6th Fighter Corps:
273rd Fighter Division
279th Fighter Division
6th Mixed Aviation Corps:
282nd Fighter Division
221st Bomber Division
241st Bomber Division
301st Bomber Division
Voronezh Front: Vatutin
Front Reserve:
1 x 120mm mortar brigade
1 x ATG brigade
1 x 152mm artillery brigade
9th AAA Division

19 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM
Hurrah Stalino


👤 ⍰ ❎
518 captures 25 f🐦
  26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
1st Tank Army: Katukov
Army Assets: 1 x Rocket regiment
10th Tank Corps – Su regiment is Su122
31st Tank Corps – 3 T34 brigades; 1 x ATG regiment 76mm; 1 x ATG battalion 45mm
3rd Mechanised Corps
6th Tank Corps
38th Army: Moskalenko
Army Assets:
180th Rifle Division
2 x T34 brigades
1 x T34 regiment
 1 x ATG brigade – 76mm
50th Corps:
167th, 204th, 232nd, 240th & 340th Rifle Divisions
40th Army: Moskalenko (corps structure not found)
1 x Rocket artillery regiment
1 x 122mm artillery brigade
1 x ATG brigade – 76mm
1 x T34 regiment
1 x Rocket artillery battalion
1 x T34 brigade
100th, 161st, 184th 206th, 219th, 237th & 309th Rifle Divisions
69th Army:
107th, 111th, 183rd, 270th & 305th Rifle Divisions
6th Guards Army: Chistyakov
Army Assets:
1 x 203mm artillery brigade
1 x 152mm artillery brigade
3 x ATG brigades
1 x Su 122 regiment
2 x T34 regiments
89th Guards Rifle Division
22nd Guards Corps:
67th, 71st & 90th Guards Rifle Divisions
23rd Guards Corps:
51st & 52nd Guards Rifle Divisions
375th Rifle Division
1 x T34 brigade

20 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM
Hurrah Stalino


👤 ⍰❎
7 th
18 captures f🐦
Army Assets:
26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
2 x Su122 regiment
3 x T34 regiments
2 x T34/76 tank brigades
1 x ATG brigade – 76mm
15th & 72nd Guards Rifle Divisions
213th Rifle Division
24th Guards Corps:
36th Guards Rifle Division
25th Guards Corps:
73rd, 78th & 81st Guards Rifle Division
35th Guards Corps:
92nd, 93rd & 94th Guards Rifle Divisions
31st Rifle Division
2nd Air Army: Krasovski
208th Night Bomber Division
291st Ground Attack Division - Sturmovik
1st Aviation Corps:
203rd Fighter Division
268th Ground Attack Division - Sturmovik
292nd Ground Attack Division - Sturmovik
1st Bomber Aviation Corps:
1st Guards Bomber Division
893rd Bomber Division
4th Fighter Corps:
294th Fighter Division
302nd Fighter Division
5th Fighter Corps:
205th Fighter Division
8th Guards Fighter Division
Steppe (Reserve) Front: Konev
Front reserve:
1 x 120mm mortar regiment
1 x ATG regiment – 76mm
1 x 37mm AAA battalion
1 x Rocket artillery battalion
1 x ATG battalion – 76mm
5th Guards Cavalry Corps:
11th (Don Cossacks) & 12th Guards Cavalry Divisions
63rd Cavalry Division

21 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM
Hurrah Stalino


👤 ⍰ ❎
Army Assets:
18 captures 25 f🐦
26 Oct 2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
1 x T34 Regiment
1 x T34 brigade
26th Guards Corps:
71st, 155th, 166th & 241st Rifle Divisions
4th Guards Tank Corps – Su regiment is Su122 + 1 x 37mm AAA battalion
47th Army: Ryzhov
23rd, 29th, 30th, 38th, 218th & 337th Rifle Divisions
3rd Guards Mechanised Corps – 4 brigades; 3 x T34 regiments; no other assets
4th Guards Army:
Army Assets:
68th Rifle Division
7th & 8th Guards Paratroop Divisions
80th Guards Rifle Division
20th Guards Airborne Corps:
5th Guards Paratroop Division
21st Guards Corps:
69th Guards Rifle Division
31st Guards Corps:
4th Guards Rifle Division
3rd Guards Tank Corps – all T34/76 brigades
53rd Army: Mangarov (corps structure not found)
1 x KV1 regiment
3 x T34 regiments
16th Breakthrough Artillery Division - 4 brigades + 1 x 152mm brigade & 1 x 203mm brigade
28th Guards Rifle Division
84th, 116th, 214th, 233rd, 252nd, 256th & 299th Rifle Divisions
5th Guards Army: Zhadov
Army Assets:
1 x T34 regiment
42nd Guards rifle Division
32nd Guards Corps:
6th Guards Paratroop Division
13th & 66th Guards Rifle Divisions
33rd Guards Corps:
9th Guards Paratroop Division
95th & 97th Guards Rifle Divisions

22 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM
Hurrah Stalino


👤 ⍰❎
Army Assets:
18 captures 25 f🐦
ATG brigade – 76mm
2005 - 25 Jun 2012 2011 2012 2013 ▾ About this capture
1 x Su122 regiment
1 x Rocket artillery battalion
26th AAA Division
1 x T34 regiment
1 x ATG regiment – 45mm guns
1 x Rocket artillery regiment
18th Tank Corps + 1 x 37mm AAA battalion
29th Tank Corps
2nd Tank Corps – all brigades are T34/76; + 1 x 37mm AAA battalion
5th Guards Mechanised Corps

23 of 23 10/7/20, 11:04 AM

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