Campaign For North Africa 40-43

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The Campaign for North Africa 40-43 Scenario

Bob Cross


 Move the .SCE, .bmp, and .Doc files into the ..\The Operational Art of War
III\Scenarios\WWII – Mediterranean\ directory.
 Move the .eqp file into the ..\ The Operational Art of War III \Graphics\Campaign For
North Africa 40-43\ directory.
 Ensure that you have TOAW-III version, or higher, installed. (Note: to find out
which version you are running, select "help" on the menu bar, and then select "about the
Operational Art of War". If your version is not the latest, you can download it from Matrix's
website. Once you have downloaded the upgrade, execute it. You should then be up-to-
 Once OPART.exe is running, if you've done all of the above correctly, the scenario should
appear in the WWII – Mediterranean folder, and once selected, the BMP photo should appear
in the scenario briefing.


1. This version is for TOAW III version Since that fixes the withdrawal bug, I’ve
removed all the extra withdrawal events that had been previously required to address that bug.
The converted scenario has been checked for conversion errors.
2. Max Rounds Per Battle has been set to 3. No individual battle will last longer than three
rounds of combat. Note that the total rounds expended in any given battle will still depend
upon when the first round begins. So care is still required to ensure that late arriving units
aren’t inadvertently used. And note that there is still the same risk of a Force Proficiency
check failure. But this should clear up some risk of early turn ending for both sides.
3. Placed some of the far-rear Italian forces that begin on the map in reserve, to be released after
O’Connor’s Raid. This will prevent their non-historical use in Graziani’s Offensive.
4. Luftwaffe formations that have units that arrive prior to Rommel have been placed in reserve,
to be released on turn 53 (arrival of Rommel). But the Axis player can immediately release
them by exercising his TO to remove restriction zone 2 from protecting the Axis
reinforcement area.
5. The Commonwealth option to start O’Connor’s Raid early is now available even if the Cease-
Fire is canceled. It becomes available on turn nine. But note that exercising the option will
cancel the Italian requirement to hold the three required hexes and any risk of an early ending
of the game. It will also release the above far-rear Italian forces. But the shock penalties are
still synched to the start of O’Connor’s Raid, so this may help the Commonwealth player
survive Graziani’s Offensive if he gets into serious trouble.
6. Also, exercising that option, or upon turn 25, the eleven Axis formations put into Garrison
mode upon the start of the cease fire will now be similarly placed in that mode for the first
turn of O’Connor’s Raid. They return to active upon the following turn.
7. I’ve also made use of the equipment editor feature of version NOTE THAT THIS
rename the recon rifle teams to “Recon Light Rifle Squads”, recon assault teams to “Recon
Rifle Squads” and exactly match their parameters to the original Light Rifle Squad and Rifle
Squad values (except for recon ability). Heavy Rifle Squads and SMG Squads now have
recon as well. This allowed me to delete all the Quad 20mm Flak guns that had been
necessary to increase the Recon Rifle Team to the AP of the Light Rifle Squad. Also, most
armored vehicles now have recon as well, allowing me to delete a significant number of the
Light Scout Cars. Thus, much of the kluge for hex conversion has been backed out, hopefully
making the scenario function better, and appear more historical. I also fixed the Bishop SP
Gun so that it now has an artillery range. I converted the Halftrack 75mm SPAT into the
Deacon 6-pdr SPAT it had been substituting for. The Crusader AA used for the Tobruk
Strongpoints have been renamed “Tobruk Strongpoint”, and made “fixed”, with a different
graphic. Similarly, the 104mm Guns used for the “Tobruk Minefield Effect” have been so
renamed and made fixed. Finally, all naval vessels have had Classes constructed for them, for
better modeling.
8. Renamed San Georgio to San Giorgio (and it’s now a CA not a CL, and a veteran with
prof=50). Renamed Eurylaus to Euryalus. Learned that York and Fiji were sunk at Suda Bay
in Crete in May, 1941. They are now removed on turn 73.
9. Added news messages intended to remind and clarify the complex rules surrounding
Graziani’s Offensive, O’Connor’s Raid, and the rules for Axis holding of Tobruk and Derna.
Hopefully this will lessen the confusion about them.
10. Revised the logic for version 8.0 item 17 below so that the cancellation of the shock penalty
now occurs immediately upon both hexes falling too early, instead of on turn 39 as before.
There is one exception, if both fall on the same turn – there’s some sort of race condition and
I couldn’t get it to work in that case – it will occur on turn 39 instead.
11. Commonwealth PO is now exempted from the 99% penalty for crossing the Axis
reinforcement boundary early.
12. Used the expansion of the Force Movement Bias field to increase both sides from 150 to 153.
Now movement allowances are at full nominal levels.


1 Restructured the Axis option to cancel the ceasefire. There is no longer any Theater Option
for it, nor does the option last until turn 10, as before. Rather, the option is now exercised by
disbanding a small transport unit (labeled “Disband unit”) fixed in Tripoli. And the unit is
withdrawn on turn 2, so the option is now only available on turn 1. Using a unit-disband
instead of a TO allows the Commonwealth player to know (via reconnaissance of the Tripoli
hexes) on turn 1 if the option has been exercised. (Whereas the TO wouldn’t have been
revealed until the next turn). All the Commonwealth player has to do is examine the [0,52]
hex during his turn 1 player turn and see if the red unit with the truck icon is still there. If it is,
the cease-fire will occur as scheduled. If not, it has been canceled. There is also an air unit
(labeled “Visibility unit”) in the hex to ensure the disband-unit will be visible to the
Commonwealth player. This allows the Commonwealth player to immediately take
appropriate action on turn 1 upon learning whether or not the ceasefire will be canceled. Note
that no Commonwealth air units can reach Tripoli on turn 1 so there is no danger of the
Commonwealth player tripping the option against the Axis player’s wishes. By doing it this
way, a lot of potential gamey mischief by the Axis player is eliminated.
13. This also enabled me to delete the complicated shock penalties added in Version 7.0 item 6,
below. But note that the releases described in Version 7.0 item 5, below, are still in effect.
The boundary line has been removed, though.
14. Tightened the deadlines for Axis capture of the three required objectives. Again, this (coupled
with item 1 above) eliminates a lot of potential gamey mischief by the Axis player exploiting
the looser deadlines of before. Unfortunately, from past experience, I know this may put
weaker Axis players in real time-trouble regarding those deadlines. That’s a tradeoff that can’t
be avoided. Both players need the full suite of TOAW skills right from the start. I strongly
recommend reading my CFNA article on WarfareHQ concerning those skills.
15. The post turn-28 Axis shock penalties have been increased 50% from 8 to 12 (and air shock
from 6 to 9). Playtests indicated a need for some increased shock. Think of it as some Italian
demoralization from O’Connor’s Raid.
16. Commonwealth 70th ID, 6th Australian Div, & 4th Indian Div are now motorized during the
O’Connor’s Raid period. Later versions of 70th ID and 4th Indian Div remain unmotorized.
17. Commonwealth rail cap is tripled to 1170 until turn 25 when it drops back to the normal 390.
This is partly to handle the increased Commonwealth motorization. It’s not completely
unjustified since the rail line’s logistical duties would be greatly diminished during the cease-
fire period.
18. Added an incentive for the Axis player to delay full withdrawal from the Libya/Egypt border
area until near the historical Italian decision to withdraw. He must now either hold Tobruk
through turn 35 OR Derna through turn 37. Failure to hold at least one of the two as above
will result in the cancellation of the shock penalty for Commonwealth violation of the Axis
reinforcement area. This will tend to force the Axis player to commit all 10th Army elements
that arrive after the start of O’Connor’s Raid, as well as any that escape from it, rather than
using 20:20 hindsight to cut and run with them, saving them for Rommel.
19. But I don’t want the above cancellation to necessarily end the game. Therefore, I’ve shifted
restriction zone 2 from the Amiriya airbase complex to in front of the Axis reinforcement area.
Axis reinforcements arriving from turns 1-37 arrive beyond the zone; those arriving after
arrive within it. The zone will automatically be removed on turn 53, but on turn 25 the Axis
player gets a Theater Option to remove it earlier, if he desires. But he should be warned that
if he removes it too early and the Commonwealth shock penalty was canceled then there
would be a chance he could lose the game before the arrival of Rommel. This, of course,
means that the Amiriya airbase complex is now available from the start of the scenario. But
that’s unavoidable since TOAW only has two restriction zones. Something had to be
20. Added a small amount of Tracked Carriers to Commonwealth motorized infantry battalions
and Scout Carriers to Commonwealth recon battalions. For each Tracked Carrier added I
deducted one Truck and one MMG. For each Scout Carrier added I deducted one Light
Scout Car. Comparable changes were made to the above equipment replacement tracks.
While this should not increase Commonwealth firepower, the addition of armor protection will
somewhat reduce Commonwealth losses, thereby improving their combat power. Credit Ben
Turner for haranguing me into this change.
21. Added a “house rule” requiring Supply Units to remain on improved roads only. This will
realistically give logistical priority to the coast road. Players can use common sense with this
and allow such units to temporarily move off-road to circumvent traffic jams, but the units
must end their movement on an improved road hex. But during such circumvention the unit
must not move adjacent to enemy units lest they become engaged off-road, and similarly
should not move adjacent to unknown hexes lest they contain enemy units. It is permitted to
bypass Tobruk by this manner if it is enemy held. If forced off-road by combat they must
move back ASAP, if in supply. Note that the PO is exempt from this rule and has not been
(nor could be) programmed to obey it.
22. Changed the Tobruk Minefield “Strongpoint” unit icons from “fixed gun” to “coastal gun”.
This will prevent such units from acting like they have an artillery strength and losing supply
to support, since they actually have none. (“Coastal gun” units don’t support land actions.)
The “Minefield gun” units retain the “fixed gun” icon, since their whole purpose is to model
the minefields via their support. Also, all minefield units were changed to “veteran” status, to
fix their proficiencies.
23. Increased Overall Force Proficiencies by 5% (CW goes from 80 to 85, Axis goes from 90 to
95). I just felt that each side’s risk of early turn ending was too onerous for half-week turns at
this scale and this is intended to reduce it.
24. Air unit icons were changed from being based upon the plane function to being based upon
plane appearance. Now single engine planes get the single engine icon, etc. This change
should have no effect on anything other than aesthetics.
25. Added “on hand” equipment to the Commonwealth pools equal to 80% of the contents of the
frontline units expected to be destroyed on turn one. This should, in effect, cancel their
destruction, thereby modeling the historical escape of these elements without much loss. But
it will still require Italian losses that will model the losses historically incurred from air and
bombardment interdiction during the advance to Sidi Barraini.

Note that virtually all changes in this version are pro-Commonwealth. But experience with this
setup indicates that such a shift is probably warranted. Previous versions usually allowed the Axis
player to exploit his 20:20 hindsight about O’Connor’s Raid to retain too much of the Italian 10 th


1. Added Axis air shock penalties comparable to, and simultaneous with, the shock penalties they
suffer on turns 2-48. See the shock section, below.
2. Moved two independent units (107th RHA & 13th LAA) that had been in the 22nd Gds Bde to
the 70th Inf Div+, since they arrive before the 22nd Gds Bde is released. This should allow
them to be used at the start of O’Connor’s Raid, unlike before.
3. Attempted to address problems with equipment transitions. Added additional blank slots for
M4/75 Shermans into several additional Commonwealth armored battalions. Split the “French
AC” air unit into three separate air units, one for each of the three French air types. Added
additional blank slots for Italian M14/41s to the four Semovente assault gun battalions.
Added additional blank slots for Italian L6/40s to three Italian armored car battalions.
Redistributed German tanks in the four Panzer battalions so that Panzer IV tank-types are the
top equipment for two of those battalions.
4. Changed all four German Recon battalions’ authorized equipment (assigned equipment
unchanged) to better facilitate those units’ reconstitution.
5. Changed the early release of the Commonwealth 70th Inf Div and 4th Ind Div from Axis
cancellation of the cease-fire (which could be artificially circumvented) to Axis approach to
within 20 hexes of 184,92 (five hexes south of Mersa Matruh) (which can’t be). Marked this
tripline with a border.
6. Crossing this tripline will also increase the Axis shock penalty from 8% to 25%, unless either
the three required objectives have been taken, or the cease-fire has been canceled. Note that
the tripline can be safely crossed the same turn as or any turn after the turn that either of the
two above exceptions occurs. Just don’t cross it any turn before they occur. In other words,
if you capture the last of the three objectives on turn 5, or select the Theater Option to cancel
the cease-fire on turn 5, then you can cross the tripline on turn 5 as well. But if you had
crossed it on turn 4 you would have gotten hit with the increased shock. Without this
provision, the Axis player could continue his offensive without needing to cancel the cease-
fire, by bypassing one of the three required objectives. Continuing the offensive is intended to
be a risk/reward option. By short-circuiting the cease-fire rules, the Axis player could have
continued the offensive while retaining the safety net of the cease-fire option. This change
ensures that the risk/reward choice must be made – either stop and enjoy the safety of the
cease-fire, or continue with the risk that if things go wrong, there is no safety net.
7. Events to ensure the withdrawals mentioned in item 18 in the Version 6.0 Changes, below,
have had to be reduced from about 20 to about 13, to accommodate the above changes. In
addition, the CW 4th Indian Division has had reconstitution ability restored, to allow it to carry
more of the defense if the cease-fire is canceled.
8. Training of the 6th Australian Division has been halved. It now is released on turn 9 instead of
turn 17, but the trained units now have proficiencies of 50 instead of 70. This change is a
compromise between what is best if the cease-fire is canceled and what is best if it is invoked.


1. Fixed a bug in the version 5.0 Tobruk minefield effects that prevented those effects from being
canceled by the capture of Tobruk (groan). I then scrapped the minefield effects altogether.
They have now been replaced by minefield units. These consist of fixed minefield artillery
units and fixed minefield armored strongpoints. They arrive the turn after the Commonwealth
captures Tobruk. They are withdrawn on the turn when the minefield effects had previously
expired (turn 145). Added some fortified terrain to the Tobruk defenses to accommodate
these units. There is no longer any house rule to trigger minefield effects the turn before really
attacking Tobruk (as there are no longer any such effects, other than the minefield units, which
will already be in place). Note: upon arrival, the artillery units can’t be dug in due to zero
mps, but they can be placed in reserve mode and thereby provide artillery support.
2. Delayed the arrival of the Ariete Division (turn 39 -> 45) to keep it out of O’Connor’s raid,
and the Trento Division (turn 47 -> 57) to match its arrival date in the Desert Fox setup.
3. Delayed the arrivals of the Sirte Division (turn 21 -> 23), the 10th Brs. Rgt. (turn 23 -> 25),
the Sabratha Division (turn 27 -> 29), and the Tank BG (two turns each unit). This is to
reduce Italian counteroffensive chances during O’Connor’s raid.
4. Delayed the arrival of the 2nd & 7th RTRs from turn 3 to turn 5. This will prevent those units
from getting to Sidi Barrani in time to prevent the Italian player from satisfying his Sidi
Barrani objective requirement. Otherwise, these Matildas and A-13s might stymie a slow
Italian player. Compensated by accelerating the release of the 70th Inf Div from turn 6 to turn
5, and the release of the 4th Ind Div from turn 7 to turn 6.
5. The small Axis sea cap value now is not received until they capture Alexandria. I found it
could be used to unfairly search for the RN prior to then.
6. Commonwealth sea cap has been raised to 500 (from 275) for the period from when they take
Tobruk to when they lose it.
7. Replaced all Valentines with Valentine (early). The Valentine was a 1943 version unlike the
1941 vintage “early” version. It’s the difference between a 2-pdr AT gun and a 6-pdr AT gun.
Don’t ask me how I managed to botch this in the original design.
8. Replaced the Hummels with SdKfz 135/1. Same reason as with the Valentines. Both are
armored 150mm SP guns, but the Hummels were 1943 vintage. The SdKfz 135/1 has a
smaller armor rating and is a 1942 vintage (still late, since they arrive in 1941, but the best I
can do).
9. RN withdrawal due to Axis approach to within 18 hexes of Alexandria has been revised.
Now, the RN is only placed in Garrison mode when El Alamein is captured and resumes active
mode when it is retaken. This can be cycled repeatedly. The Commonwealth player would be
wise to get the fleet out of Axis air range the turn he loses El Alamein before they become
immobile. If Alexandria is captured, however, then the fleet is permanently withdrawn, never
to return.
10. Axis supply levels have been adjusted so that the few times it had reached 100 are
redistributed so that it won’t rise above 60. This is to more permanently accommodate the
boost of 40 points received upon capture of Alexandria. Before, the increase would only last
until an Axis 100-point convoy-level period was reached, and Commonwealth recapture of
Alexandria had no benefit. Now Commonwealth recapture of Alexandria will drop those
levels by 40 points and the effects will never be affected by the Axis convoy-level. Again, this
can be cycled repeatedly.
11. Shock effects associated with Rommel’s first offensive have been reduced and shortened once
12. The boundary lines associated with both the minefield effects and the approach to within 18
hexes of Alexandria have been removed.
13. The “Crusader” respite from the DF penalty that was scheduled for turns 123-124 has now
been revised so that it can be delayed indefinitely at the option of the Commonwealth player.
A TO is available on turns 113-122 for him to opt to delay. If selected, a new TO will appear
on turn 123 giving the option to begin the respite. Once selected, the respite will last for two
turns, as before.
14. Changed the proficiencies of the Commonwealth divided units on the Libya/Egypt border to
reflect that they have been divided. What had been 75 prof units are now 60 prof, and what
had been 80 prof units are now 64 prof. That way they will have 75 and 80 prof respectively
upon recombination.
15. New information on the “Die Sonderkomando Almasy” unit has led me to change its arrival
from turn 61 to turn 185, and to designate it as ineligible for reconstitution. Interestingly,
Almasy was the historical person behind the fictional character played by Ralph Fiennes in the
“English Patient” theatrical release. He was, in fact, working for Rommel, never disfiguringly
burned, and survived the war.
16. Revised the 605th PJ so that it can have some chance of reconstituting. I’ve now learned that
reconstitution is dependent upon a destroyed unit acquiring at least 67% of its top line
equipment. In the case of this unit it had been stuck with only 50% of its top line equipment
from the start (12 of 24 panzerjagers) with no replacements on the tracks. This meant that if
it evaporated it could never reconstitute even if all of its panzerjagers had survived unscathed.
I changed the authorized panzerjagers from 24 to 12 to fix the problem. Beyond this specific
instance, this is a problem with TOAW and it puts all unit equipment transitions (which this
scenario tries to model in a number of units) in jeopardy. This is because the equipment being
transitioned to is on the bottom line rather than the top, so no amount of transition equipment
will trigger reconstitution if the original equipment has all been used up. I don’t have a
solution to this yet. For now, players should try to avoid evaporating their units with
equipment transitions once the original equipment is exhausted, so that the new equipment can
come into play.
17. Changed the icon of the Italian Semovente units from SPA to AG, since the Semovente has no
artillery function in TOAW.
18. Some units that are scheduled to be withdrawn 30 turns or less after their arrival or release,
have been designated ineligible for reconstitution to avoid a TOAW problem with
withdrawals. This includes the 150th Inf Bde, 14th Inf Bde, 14th Inf Bde+, the 4th Ind Div, 5th
Ind Bde, and 5th Ind Div (exception: 144th Fld Art), among others. I’ve added events to
ensure the withdrawal of about 20 more units. This is the best I can do until we get more
events. I selected the units to get the special treatment by factors such as whether they were
armored, and how close to the start of the scenario they were.
19. Royal Navy unit sizes have been increased in the cases of battleships and cruisers, to ensure
max reconstitution periods.
20. The Amiriya airbase complex has been added. Heretofore it had only been on the El Alamein
setup. To avoid its use prior to the El Alamein period, most of it has been blocked out with
restriction zone 2. That zone is removed on turn 196 (August 1, 1942) or whenever the Axis
captures El Alamein, if earlier.
21. Now, if the Axis player cancels the cease-fire, the Commonwealth 70th Inf Div, and 4th Ind Div
will be immediately released, to allow them to avoid being trapped at Mersa Matruh.


1. Converted to version 1.04.

2. Decreased the Attrition Divider from 20 to 4. This change was based upon my experience
with “France 1944” as well as the El Alamein set-up. Note that this is a radical change.
3. Changed the theater recon events to correct for the change in how they work in version 1.04.
There is no difference game-wise.
4. Lowered the Italian formation proficiencies. They had been equal to their unit proficiencies.
Now armor divisions will have formation proficiencies that are 80% of their unit proficiencies,
motorized divisions will have 65% and infantry divisions will have 50%. This will make the
Italians somewhat less of an offensive threat than they were. They will now tend to reorganize
if used too heavily.
5. Raised the German formation proficiencies. They are now 115% of their unit proficiencies.
German formations will be less likely to reorganize due to combat losses than before.
6. Reverted to the original formation supply proficiencies (60% for Italians, 65% for Germans
and Commonwealth). This is effectively a 35% reduction in supply levels. Recall that supply
levels had been doubled and formation supply proficiencies raised to 92% and 100%
respectively in version 2.0. That was a net increase of a little more than 3-to-1. This backs
out over half that increase, leaving re-supply at double the original levels. There had just been
too much continuous offensive action before. This is intended to require some halts to re-
7. Overhauled the shock effects. Commonwealth turn 25-48 shock bonuses have been dropped.
Axis shock penalties for those turns are unchanged. The turn 55-66 shock values have been
changed in that only the Commonwealth values are used. The turn 55-66 Axis value is now
the 104% value due to the Desert Fox effect only. Also, a successful “Raid on Rommel” will
no longer affect the theater recon but will cause the Axis part of the Desert Fox effect to end
(Axis shock drops from 104% to 100%). The shock bonuses for Axis capture of Tobruk and
Alexandria have been deleted. Now, the Axis third Supply Unit will be received upon capture
of Tobruk. Finally, note that the Tobruk minefield effect has been changed from an Axis
penalty of 6% to a Commonwealth bonus of 12%.
8. Axis air shock in turns 55-66 has been deleted (Commonwealth air shock is unchanged).
Commonwealth air shock on turns 177-182 has been deleted (Axis air shock is unchanged).
9. All the rest of the HQs were updated to add supply, command, and MP groups. (Note:
subordinate hqs within divisions remain hqs in name only. They have not had command,
supply, or MP groups added to them.)
10. Graziani’s offensive will now end in a cease-fire once all three objective hexes are captured.
Hostilities will resume with O’Connor’s Raid, which occurs automatically on turn 25. But the
Commonwealth player has a theater option to start the raid earlier, if he desires. The four
turns of extra Axis shock penalties are synchronized with the start of the raid. While the
cease-fire is in effect, eleven forward deployed formations will be placed in Garrison mode
(Sibille, Pescatori, Cirene, Marmarcia, Catanzaro, 1st CCNN, 2nd CCNN divisions, Grouppo
Maletti, Libyan Tank Cmd, Saharan Detachmt, XXIst Corps, and XXVI Corps). They are
restored to Attack mode one turn after the start of O’Connor’s Raid. The Axis player has a
theater option to cancel the cease-fire, if he desires to continue Graziani’s offensive. But he
must invoke the option before the cease-fire starts. If he cancels the cease-fire, he will remain
obligated to safeguard the three objective hexes until turn 25. Otherwise, that obligation ends
upon invocation of the cease-fire. This change will make it much less likely that the Axis
player will be socked with an early loss of the game, while still forcing him to stick his neck in
the Sidi Barrani noose. Of course, he may forgo that safety for a chance at the Pyramids.
Note that if the Axis player cancels the cease-fire, the game will play the same as in earlier
11. Improved the Commonwealth initial deployment by dividing several Commonwealth units on
the initial front lines and slightly advancing the releases of a few others. With the lower
attrition value, the Italians should not have as much trouble as before meeting their required
objectives, allowing these changes.


1. Converted to version 1.03.

2. Increased the supply radius to the new limit of 25 hexes. Removed most of the extra supply
points that had been added in version 5.0.
3. Adjusted the objectives of the supply units to try to keep them 25 hexes apart instead of 10
hexes apart.
4. Most shock effects have been reduced to 1/3 of their levels in version 1.0. This includes
effects for Graziani, arrival of Rommel, capture of O’Connor, capture of Tobruk &
Alexandria, success of the Raid on Rommel. The “Desert Fox” rule now gives a 4% bonus to
the Axis and 4% penalty to the Commonwealth. The Tobruk minefield penalty has been
reduced to 6%. All air-shock levels remain the same, though, and the O’Connor’s Raid levels
are about the same.
5. The Tobruk minefield penalty will now expire if the Axis refrains from attacking within the 3-
hex radius for four turns (had been eight turns, before). It will, of course, resume if the Axis
renew attacks after the effect’s expiration.
6. Doubled Commonwealth rail cap from 195 to 390.
7. Commonwealth sea cap rises from 175 to 275 upon their capture of Tobruk. It falls back to
175 upon Axis recapture of Tobruk.
8. Added some slots for Crusader Is & Crusader IIs to some Commonwealth armor battalions.
This was to get the replacements of those types into action and out of the pools earlier.
9. Added boundary lines to showing the 3-hex radius of the Tobruk minefield, the 20-hex radius
of the Commonwealth restriction zone near the Axis reinforcement hex, and the 18-hex radius
of the trigger line for Commonwealth fleet withdrawal for Axis approach to Alexandria.
10. Increased the “Attrition Divider” from the default 10 to 20. This should make combat
somewhat less bloody. A change that I think is appropriate due to the change from whole-
week to half-week turns.
11. Added some SM-79 IIIs to the Italian airforce (deducting the same amount of regular SM-
79s). This is as per the SPI game, but I just now discovered that they had been added to


1. Made equipment changes exploiting WotY equipment database additions. Used Crusader I,
60 pounder gun, 4.5” gun, 3.7” light gun, 2 pounder AA, 149mm gun, 149mm ER gun, 75mm
light gun, 75mm ER gun, 105mm ER gun, 76mm AT, and 150mm ER gun. Still have to use
75mm half-track SPAT in place of British “Deacon” 6 pounder SPAT, and CLs for CLAAs.
Otherwise, equipment is historical. (exception – see light scout car note below).
2. Added multiple objective tracks (two Axis, three Commonwealth) with events to control their
3. Similarly, added strategic bias events.
4. Used the Disband event to dump the Tiger Convoy units into the equipment pools upon
5. Denied reconstitution to Axis forces destroyed in O’Connor’s Raid and to some
Commonwealth formations that were historically destroyed and never rebuilt.
6. Used PO event effect to cancel Axis requirements if the Axis is the PO. Thus, there is no
longer any need for a separate “PO version”.
7. Used the Guerilla unit-type for the LRDG and DSKA units.
8. Added support and command groups to Corps and Army level HQs.
9. Changed all Italian garrison formations to garrison deployment status.
10. Softened the Axis objective holding requirement using the variable event. Now, the
Commonwealth must retake Sidi Barrani plus either of the other two objectives to cause the
game to end early. Before, loss of any one of the three objectives would have cost the Axis
the game. The Axis requirement to take all three objectives is unchanged.
11. Placed a restriction zone over Crete with an event to automatically remove it on turn 73.
12. Simulated training of selected Commonwealth formations via increased proficiencies and
delays in their releases. Formations are delayed two weeks for each 10-point increase in
proficiency. Almost all Commonwealth formations eligible for training are subjected to it.
13. Overhauled Commonwealth tank upgrades to better reflect how those upgrades were
historically assigned.
14. Added some Axis artillery upgrades.
15. Changed from whole-week to half-week turns. Reinforcements and withdrawals always occur
on odd turns (with a few minor exceptions). Adjusted replacements as best as I could.
Commonwealth rail repair units were halved in strength to cut their rate of repair in half.
16. Applied the maximum 50% force movement allowance adjustment to both sides. Combined
with the change to half-week turns, this change makes movement allowances historical.
17. Made use of the doubling of the briefing space with more expansive Player’s notes &
Designer’s notes.
18. Added supply units (3 Axis, 4 Commonwealth). Players should note that supply units must be
kept at least 11 hexes apart. If multiple supply units are within a supply radius of each other
(10 hexes) all but one will be disabled.
19. Set both sides’ supply-radius to the max of ten.
20. Added additional supply points to various points across the coast. (Axis Sidi Barrani point is
added on turn 49 via an event.) This change was to compensate for the drop in supply radius.
21. Halved the number of rifle squads in all AA units.
22. Deleted the squads in all base-support units and denied reconstitution to those units.
23. Reduced the Tobruk minefield shock penalty from 18% to 10%.
24. Addressed the excessive cost of enemy hex conversion as follows: Raised the recon levels in
all combat units by adding recon elements to their equipment lists. I found that a total of 110
recon elements were necessary to drive the cost down to the minimum. (Not all units received
the full amount.) This was achieved by swapping rifle squads with recon assault teams,
swapping light rifle squads with recon rifle teams, and adding light scout cars to motorized
units. In general, motorized infantry units got 30 cars, recon units got 30 cars, Bersaglieri
units got 60-70 cars, German mech infantry units got 100 cars, Italian light armor units got 50
cars, Italian medium armor units got 70 cars, Commonwealth armor units got 85 cars, and
German panzer units got 120 cars. HQs, artillery, AA, AT, generally did not get cars. Axis
mech units get so many cars because I also replaced their APCs with trucks. They historically
probably did not have APCs but had an assortment of light armor instead. Thus, the extra cars
replace the APCs. Some German HQs still have some APCs. I chose the light scout car
because it is the weakest recon vehicle in the game, but it still has a lot of combat power. If
an equipment editor is ever added to the game, I will make a recon vehicle with zero combat
power, to fix this. Until such time, players will have to pretend the light scout cars are not
there. The recon teams, on the other hand, replaced the rifle squads with little skewing of
combat, since they had the same, or very close to the same, combat values as the rifle squads.
The recon assault teams were identical to rifle squads in combat strength, so a simple swap
was all that was needed. The recon rifle teams were slightly weaker than light rifle squads so I
added a sprinkling of quad 20mm SPAA to address this shortfall, as follows: for each 20
recon rifle teams, one SPAA was added to infantry battalions only. For each SPAA added, I
deducted one MMG.
25. To compensate for the increase in unit recon level, reduced the theater recon levels by 10
26. Restored the Commonwealth front-line initial deployment to their historical starting locations.
(They had previously been slightly rearward of those locations to compensate for the
weeklong turns).
27. Did some fine-tuning of the Commonwealth releases prior to O’Connor’s Raid, accelerating
the release of some formations.
28. Due to the increase in mobility, halved the shock effects for O’Connor’s Raid and the arrival
of Rommel and capture of O’Connor.
29. Made a CoW blending of the BMP.


1. Split the scenario into two versions: One for human-vs-human play, and one for use when it is
desired for the PO to play the Axis. The Axis PO version omits the requirements for the
Italians to take Sidi Barrani, etc. By doing this, I was able to eliminate the complicated series
of events version 1.0 had to determine if the Commonwealth was clogging up Halfya Pass in
the human-vs-human version. Now the human Axis player can just concentrate on taking the
three required objectives by whatever means he desires. He no longer must worry about
pressing his attack through Halfya Pass, as before. On the other hand, the Commonwealth
player can also try to block Halfya Pass now, too. The Axis PO version is intended only for
use when the PO plays the Axis, but if players want to play a version without the Sidi Barrani
requirement, they may use that version for human-vs-human play as well. That requirement is
the only difference between the two versions. (Note: playing against a Commonwealth PO is
not recommended unless players want a very easy game or just some practice. Duplicating
O’Connor’s Raid proved to be beyond the capability of the PO.)
2. Deleted the “Mussolini Line” penalty as well. The Italian player is free to advance beyond
Sidi Barrani if he wishes and is able. This just proved unpopular with players so I decided to
“unfetter” them. Players should note that the Commonwealth is still restricted from moving
closer than 20 hexes from the Axis reinforcement hex (not that he is likely to get anywhere
near it). As a compensation for this deletion and other changes, I’ve raised the
Commonwealth bonus on turn 13 from 75% to 85%.
3. Slightly reduced the Axis “Tobruk minefield penalty” from 20% to 18%.
4. Zeroed Axis replacements on the final seven turns. This effect replaces the 25%
Commonwealth shock bonus that earlier versions had. Like that earlier effect, Axis capture of
Alexandria cancels it.
5. Since the Italian player was often having difficulty achieving his required objectives, I decided
to give him a little more help. The 10% penalty due to Graziani’s leadership is now postponed
until turn 2. Also, several Commonwealth formations have had their release delayed one or
two more turns.
6. Overhauled the Commonwealth OOB based upon the “Crusader” and “El Alamein” setups in
CFNA, among other things. This included adding 16 units and deleting 3. 23 additional
withdrawals were added and 5 were removed. 8 units were moved to different formations.
Most of the changes concerned the 1st Armored, 7th Armored, 32nd Army Tank, 22nd Guards, 5th
Indian, 7th Indian, and 29th Indian Brigades.
7. Broke the trails crossing the Qattara Depression escarpment near El Alamein. Players had
been using these trails to bypass the El Alamein position. I have since learned that while the
trails were there, the part over the escarpment could not be crossed by vehicles. The “major”
portion of the escarpment has also been extended nine hexsides further east. Ruweisat Ridge
has been moved one hex-row south. Finally, the trails in the area have been adjusted
somewhat. Changed the “Axis approach to Alexandria Panic” radius from 20 to 18 hexes.
These changes are the result of the development of the El Alamein setup scenario.
8. Removed all Italian 90mm AA from early arrivals & shifted them to formations that arrive
later, after 90mm AA was available. Removals were replaced with 75mm AA. Slots for
replacement 90mm AA were added to on map units as allowed in CFNA.
9. Reduced Axis recon level to 25% on turn 96, due to loss of the precious 661st Radio Intercept
10. 2nd SA division is no longer held in reserve. It arrives as normal reinforcements. I made this
change just to free up the events that effected it. I also freed up some other events, so that
with the events now used for the OOB changes, I still have a few left over.
11. Granted the Commonwealth a one-turn respite from the “Desert Fox” penalty on turn 62, due
to their “Crusader” planning.
12. Added a III(M) Tank battalion to the “Tank Battlegroup” formation. The III(M) Tank
battalion that arrives in the Littorio division was renamed “III(M) Tank+”. The original is
withdrawn when the replacement arrives, if it still exists.
13. Added a replacement Italian X Corp HQ+ unit. If the original has survived it is removed upon
the arrival of the replacement on turn 69.
14. Fixed a few minor bugs in the events, OOB, and TO&E.

This scenario is based upon SPI's intensive 1978 wargame "The Campaign for North
Africa"(CFNA), by Richard Berg, et al. That game was a battalion-level simulation of the Desert
War from mid-September, 1940, to early-January, 1943. It contained four scenario start-times.
The first setup was on the third week of September, 1940, corresponding to the start of Graziani’s
offensive into Egypt. The second setup was on the last week of March, 1941, corresponding to
Rommel’s first offensive. The third setup was on the third week of November, 1941,
corresponding to the start of Operation Crusader. The final setup was on the last week of
October, 1942, corresponding to the 2nd battle of El Alamein.

The scenario presented here recreates the first setup, starting with Graziani’s offensive. It lasts
242 half-week turns and includes 1519 units. The CFNA series has been completed. The other
three setups are as follows. The second setup lasts 188 turns and includes 1195 units. The third
setup lasts 120 turns and includes 1117 units. The fourth setup lasts 24 turns and includes 824

Note that the first (242-turn, “Italian”) setup is the entire campaign and includes all the turns of
the subsequent setups. The second (188-turn, “Desert Fox”) setup is the equivalent of the last
188 turns of the first setup and includes all the turns of the last two setups. The third (120-turn,
“Crusader”) setup is the equivalent of the last 120 turns of the first two setups and includes all the
turns of the last setup. The last (24-turn, “El Alamein”) setup is the equivalent of the last 24 turns
of the first three setups. In other words, all the setups run to the same ending date (1 st week of
January, 1943) but each has a different starting date.

 Artc: Articelere (Artillery?)
 Brs: Bersaglieri (“Sharpshooters”)
 CCNN: Camicie Nera (Blackshirt)
 CCRR: Carabinieri
 GaF: Guardia alla Fronteria, Settore di Coperature (Garrison Troops)
 LancNov: Lanceria di Novara
 Monf: Monferrato Squadrone
 NizCav: Nizza Cavalleria
 RC: Regiment Corazzata (Armored regiment)
 RECAM: Raggruppamento Esplorante del Corpo Di Manovra
 RECo: Raggruppamento Esplorante Companie (Reconnaissance company)
 G. Fascisti: Giovani Fascisti (Young Fascists)
 Af: Afrika
 Auf: Aufklarungs (Reconnaissance)
 CD: Coastal Defense
 DAK: Deutsches Afrika Korps
 DSK: Die Sonderkommando Almasy
 Flak: (Anti-Air)
 Gerbergs: (Mountain Infantry)
 Kradsch: Kradschutzen (Motorcycle Infantry)
 MG: Machinegewehr (Machinegun)
 PJ: Panzerjaeger (Anti-Tank)
 Pzr: Panzer (Armor)
 Pioneer: (Engineer)
 Sch: Schutzen (Motorized Infantry)
 Sonder: Sonderverband
 Bdbg Brandenburg
 KRRC: Kings Royal Rifle Corps
 RHA: Royal Horse Artillery
 RTR: Royal Tank Regiment
 THRf: Tower Hamlet Rifles
 KDGd: King’s Dragoon Guards
 Nott Yeomen: Nottinghamshire Yeomen
 Stff Yeomen: Staffordshire Yeomen
 Wlt Yeomen: Royal Wiltshire Yeomen
 G. Howards: Green Howards
 E. York: East Yorkshires
 W. York: West Yorkshires
 S. Highland: Seaforth Highlander
 C. Highland: Cameron Highlander
 CLY: County London Yeomanry
 RWK: Royal West Kents
 Blk Watch:Black Watch
 A & S: Argyll & Sutherland
 B & H: Bedfords & Herts
 Y & L: Yorks & Lancashires
 S. Stfshre: South Staffordshires
 FFR: Frontier Force Regiment
 RGR: Royal Garhwal Rifles
 SWB: South Wales Borders
 DCLI: Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
 KOR: King's Own Royal Regiment
 PAVO: Prince Albert Victor's Own Cavalry, Frontier Force
 KEO: King Edward VII's Own Cavalry
 DOY Cav: Duke of York's Cavalry
 DCO: Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers
 DEO: Duke of Edinburgh's Own Rifles
 Lg Etran: de Legion Etrangere (the French Foreign Legion)
 FFFC: Free French Flying Column
 SAS: Special Air Service Brigade
 LRDG: Long Range Desert Group
 RAF: Royal Air Force
 RAAF: Royal Australian Air Force
 RCAF: Royal Canadian Air Force
 SAAF: South African Air Force
 FFAF: Free French Air Force
 USAF: United States Air Force
 BS: Base Support


Inf. = Infantry, Mechanized, Machinegun, Cavalry, Motorcycle, Airborne, Engineer.
Arm. = Tank, Armored Cavalry, Armored Car, Special Forces, SPAT.
Art. = Artillery, AA, AT, SPA, Naval.
BS = Base Support (Airforce ground units)
Air = Airforce (aircraft units)
HQ = Headquarters (Units with HQ function only - lower HQs are in above columns)
( ) = Signifies that the units are withdrawn

Turn Inf. Arm. Art. BS Air HQ & Supply Total NWE
Inf. Arm. Art. BS Air HQ & Supply Total
Start 116 11 65 7 7 15 221 H
40 10 29 5 5 5 + 2 supply 94

1 4 1 2 Polish Bde 8

10th Army
XXII Corps
3 18 4 1 XXIII Corps 28 1 1
2nd CCNN
3rd CCNN

5 1 1 2 1 3

7 1 1

9 4 4


13 4 4

15 1 1

17 1 5 6

19 1 XXV Corps 2 4 1 1 6

21 1 1 2

23 11 2 1 1 Sirte Div 16 3 3

25 5 1 1 2 10th Brs Rgt 10 2 1 1 Selby Force 5

27 2 1 3 4(4) 4(4)

29 11 1 2 1 1 Sabratha Div 17 4(4) 1 2 18th Aus Bde 8(4)

2nd Armored Div

31 2 1 3 3(4) 6(1) 6(3) XIII Corps 17(9)
(4th Indian)

33 1 (Western Desert) 1(1)

35 1 1 2

37 1 1 (1) (1)


41 1 1 1 3

43 1 1 4 1 1 1 9th Aus Div 8

70th Inf Div

22nd Gds Bde
45 4 7 2 1 Ariete Div 15 3(9) (4) (2) 5(17)
(2nd NZ Div)
(Selby Force)

Brescia Div
47 13 2 3 5th Light Div 21 (4) (4)
Gruppe Badde

Pavia Div
3rd Ind Mot Bde
49 13 2 5 Gruppe Back 24 3(4) (1) (2) 4(8)
(6th Aus Div)
2 Supply
51 1 1 2 4 (5) (5)

53 14 7 2 1 26
Bologna Div

55 13 2 1 1 Savona Div 18

57 14 7 1 2 Trento Div 26 1 1
Gruppo Fabrizi

59 3 2 5 4 2 6 1 1 4th Indian Div+ 15

61 3 1 15th Sch Brigade 7 2 2 4 1 1 10

Gruppe Dedeking
Gruppe Fisher
2 2 6 1 7
15th Panzer Division
65 3 2 8 8 2 1(1) 11(1)
Gruppe Graf
Gruppe Kaiser

67 2 2 1 Art Cmd 104 Regt 6 6(3) 1st SA Division 7(3)

69 6 1 1 2 Gruppe Knabe 11 1(2) 5 1 2 2 11(2)

71 1 7 1 9 (4) 4 (70th Inf Div) 4(5)

73 1 1 2 4 (2) 1 1(2)

75 3 1 4 14 1 5 1 1 2nd NZ Div+ 23
77 1 2 155th Art Regiment 4 7 2 1 1st Army Tank Bde 12
2nd SA Division
79 1 2 3 3(5) 2 2 7(5)

81 3 2 Gruppe Kost 6 14 2 5th Indian Division 17

83 2 2 8th Army 6
XXX Corps

85 1 1 3 5 6 1 1 1 9

87 1 3 4 2 2 4

89 (13) (2) (2) 1 1 (5 Indian Division)

(18th Aus. Brigade)

91 2 1 3

93 1 21st Panzer Division 2 2 2

95 2 2 4(6) 1(1) 5(5) (9th Aus. Division) 10(13)

97 2 1 2 2 RECAM Regiment 9(1) (3) 5 2 2 9(3)

90th Lt. Division
(5th Lt. Division)


101 1 1 2 1 3

103 1 4 5 (4) 2 1 1 4(4)

105 2 2 (2) (2)

107 2 Gruppe Marcks 3 9 2 1 1 13

109 16 2 Trieste Division 20 4 3 22nd Armored Bde 9

Gruppo Allegri 70th Inf. Division

111 1 1 2 1 2 2 5

113 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3

115 1 1 1 1

117 4 1 5

119 2(1) 2 4(1) 1 1 2

121 4 4 1 1 1 1st Arm. Division 5

1 Supply

123 4 1 5 1 1

125 1 1 5 6 2 13

127 1 1 2 2(2) 5 2 2 11(2)

129 1 2(1) 1 4 8(1) 2(4) (1) 3(2) (Polish Brigade) 5(8)

131 1 4 1 6 3 3 6

133 2 1 3 (4) 1(2) 1 2(6)

135 4 1(1) 1st Free French Bde 6(1)

137 3 9 2 Littorio Division 16(1) 2 1 1(2) 4(2)
X Corps+
(X Corp)

139 2 2 1 1 2

141 2 1 3 2(8) (8) (3) 2 2 (70th Inf. Division) 6(20)

143 1 1 1 1 1 3

145 2 3 Gruppe Schwerin 6 (14) (1) (5) 1 1 (2nd NZ Division) 2(21)

147 1 2 3 1(4) 1(1) 2 2 50th Inf. Division 7(5)

149 2 2 1 5 8 4 2 14

151 1 1 1(4) 1(4)

153 1 1 2 1 1 2

155 3 1 1 5 (2) 2 (3) 3 3 8(5)

157 1 1 2 8(4) 1 1 1 161st Ind. Mtr. Bde 12(4)

159 1 1 2 2 4

161 1 1st Af Art Regiment 2 9 3 5th Indian+ Division 14

2nd Free French Bde

163 1 1 1 4 2 2 9

165 5 1 1 2 Sonder Regiment 10 (1) 2 2 4(1)

167 2 2

169 1 10th Arm. Division 2


173 2 2 3 2(1) 1 1 7(1)

175 1 1 Supply 2 5 5 10th Ind Division 11

177 7 3 10

179 1 1 2 1 1 4

181 1 1 5 2 1 1 9

183 1 1 14(3) 1 7(1) 2 2 2nd NZ++ Division 28(5)

X Corps
(3rd Ind. Mot. Bde.)

185 2 1 Brigade Ramcke 4 16 2 7 9th Aus+ Division 27

18th Indian Bde
187 1 1 2 5 8th Arm. Division 8

189 2 2 1 4 (1) 5(1)

191 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 6

193 1 1 (3) (1) 2 2 4(4)

195 1 1 2 13 1 1 44th Inf. Division 16

197 1 1 2 4 1 1 2

199 1 3 1 5 13(1) 1 2 3 3 51st Inf. Division 23(1)

201 9 2 2 1 Pistoia Division 16 4 (2) 6 4 4 1st Greek Brigade 20(2)
Gruppe Voss 1 Supply

203 13 2 Folgore Division 18 5(3) 2 2 (22nd Guards Bde) 9(4)

164th Lt. Division
Gruppe Menny

205 6 1 Gruppe Mitte 8 1 4 1 1 7

207 4 4 1 220th Art Regiment 11 (4) 3 3 6(4)

Gruppe Pfeiffer

209 1 1 2 3 3 6

211 5 1 1 G. Fascisti Division 9 1 1 1 3

2nd Af Art Regiment

213 2 2

215 1 1





225 (14) (1) (5) 1 1 (9th Aus+ Division) 2(21)




233 (10th Arm. Division) (1)

235 (3) (3)




Total 341 49 156 70 70 67 + 3 Supply 756 300 83 164 86 86 40 + 4 Supply 763

Wd (1) (1) (2) (4) (149) (25) (44) (2) (2) (16) (238)
Net 341 48 155 70 70 65 + 3 Supply 752 151 58 120 84 84 24 + 4 Supply 525


Based upon figures in CFNA, Commonwealth supply levels increase significantly over the course
of the campaign. They start at 40, increase to 52 on turn 75, and finally rise to 78 on turn 197.
Axis supply levels depend upon the Axis convoy level. CFNA had seven levels of weekly tonnage
available, which I converted to supply levels as follows:
A 9,500 tons 12x2 = 24
B 12,250 tons 16x2 = 32
C 15,250 tons 19x2 = 38
D 18,000 tons 23x2 = 46
E 19,750 tons 25x2 = 50
F 22,000 tons 28x2 = 54
G 42,500 tons 54x2 = 108
CFNA specified which level was in effect for each month of the campaign, and I’ve set the Axis
levels accordingly. In addition, Rommel’s “borrowing” of the air forces that had been suppressing
Malta in June, 1942, allowed that base to steadily increase its interdiction of Axis supplies. This
factor is reflected in the level, as well. The Axis convoy level for each month is as follows:
9/40: B = 16x2 = 32
3/41: E = 25x2 = 50
4/41: F = 28x2 = 54
5/41: E = 25x2 = 50
6/41: D = 23x2 = 46
7/41: G = 54x2 = 108 – 48 = 60
8/41: C = 19x2 = 38 + 22 = 60
9/41: E = 25x2 = 50 + 10 = 60
10/41: C = 19x2 = 38 + 16 = 54
11/41: D = 23x2 = 46
12/41: E = 25x2 = 50
1/42: A = 12x2 = 24
2/42: C = 19x2 = 38
3/42: B = 16x2 = 32
4/42: B = 16x2 = 32
5/42: G = 54x2 = 108 – 48 = 60
6/42: F = 28x2 = 56 + 4 = 60
7/42: A = 12 – 1 = 11x2 = 22 + 38 = 60
8/42: F = 28 – 1 = 27x2 = 54 + 6 = 60
9/42: B = 16 – 2 = 14x2 = 28
10/42: D = 23 – 2 = 21x2 = 42
11/42: A = 12 – 3 = 9x2 = 18
12/42: G = 54 – 3 = 51x2 = 102 – 42 = 60
1/43: C = 19 – 3 = 16x2 = 32 + 42 = 74


Playtests proved these to be necessary, as follows:

Turn Axis Shock CW Shock Axis Air Shock CW Air Shock
1 100% 100% 100% 100%
2 92% 100% 94% 100%

25* 40% 100% 50% 100% *optionally earlier
27* 70% 100% 75% 100% *optionally earlier
29* 88% 100% 91% 100% *optionally earlier

49 100% 100% 100% 100%

55 104% 90% 100% 95%
57 104% 96% 100% 100%
59 104% 80% 100% 90%
61 104% 90% 100% 100%
63 104% 96% 100% 100%
65 104% 96% 100% 100%
67 104% 96% 100% 100%

123 104% 100% 100% 100%
125 104% 96% 100% 100%

177 104% 96% 150% 100%
179 104% 96% 125% 100%
181 104% 96% 112% 100%
183 104% 96% 100% 100%
185 104% 100% 100% 100%

201 100% 100% 100% 100%

Raid succeeds 93% 109% 100% 100%

Raid succeeds + 1 96% 104% 100% 100%
Raid succeeds + 3 98% 100% 100% 100%
Raid succeeds + 5 100% 96% 100% 100%

Tobruk minefields N/A N/A N/A N/A

Tobruk minefields + 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Tobruk minefields + 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Tobruk minefields + 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A


There are a total of 450 victory points worth of objectives on the map. Of these, 238 points are in
Egypt and 212 are in Libya. If the game ends at about the Egyptian/Libyan border, it will
probably be a draw, since the Axis will have also gained a 25 VP bonus for taking Tobruk.

The victory point locations, and their values are as follows:

Place Name X,Y VP Place Name X,Y VP
Western Map Edge 3,98 7 Sidi Omar 139,87 1
Nofilia 4,100 3 Sollum 144,82 6
Marble Arch 18,108 1 Halfaya Pass 144,83 3
El Agheila 29,112 7 Siwa 151,135 4
Maradah 29,135 2 Buq Buq 152,84 2
Mersa Brega 37,109 3 Bir Khamsa 156,97 1
Agadabia 49,100 3 Sidi Barrani 159,82 10
Antelat 57,93 1 Zawyat Shammus 167,85 1
Soluch 52,80 2 Qara 170,126 2
BENGHAZI 48,70 45 Mersa Matruh 184,87 15
El Berca 49,72 2 Gerawla 187,90 1
Benina 52,71 2 Sidi Haneish 192,91 1
El Abiar 58,68 2 Fuka 197,94 1
Barce 60,62 1 Sidi Abd el-Rahman 213,97 1
Maddelena 64,62 2 El Alamein 217,99 3
Msus 66,82 3 El Hammam 225,99 1
Augila 69,137 1 ALEXANDRIA 234,91 99
Jalo 75,139 4 “ 235,91 16
Maraua 74,62 1 CAIRO 262,116 40
Zt. Tert 86,55 1 “ 262,115 8
Mechili 90,69 3 “ 262,114 8
Derna 97,56 10 “ 263,115 7
“ 97,57 1 “ 263,116 7
Martuba 99,60 2
Tmimi 105,66 2
Rotunda Segnali 109,78 1
Bir Hacheim 113,81 1
Gazala 111,70 1
TOBRUK 122,70 50
“ 121,71 7
El Adem 121,76 2
Bir el Gubi 122,81 1
Gabr Saleh 129,86 1
Gambut 131,75 2
Giarabub 132,123 3
Giarabub Oasis 136,125 1
Sidi Azeiz 138,80 1
Fort Maddelena 139,95 2
Menastir 141,77 1
Fort Capuzzo 142,82 3
BARDIA 143,79 24

Victory Levels are as follows:

Margin of Victory less than 90 = Draw

Margin of Victory between 90 and 179 = Marginal
Margin of Victory between 180 and 269 = Substantial
Margin of Victory 270 or greater = Overwhelming


The scenario photo is the exact photo used by SPI on the box cover for CFNA. I was fortunate
to find it on the National Archives web-site. Its caption read: "Rommel in action with the 15 th
Panzer Division near Tobruk, 1941”.


1. "The Campaign for North Africa" (wargame), Richard Berg, Redmond A. Simonsen, Martin
Goldberger, et al., Simulations Publications, Inc., 1978.

2. "New Millennium World Atlas Deluxe" on CDROM, Rand McNally 1998.

3. "ONC G-3" (1:1,000,000), Defense Mapping Agency, 1989.

4. "ONC H-4" (1:1,000,000), Defense Mapping Agency, 1984.

5. "ONC H-5" (1:1,000,000), Defense Mapping Agency, 1982.

6. "TPC G-3D" (1:500,000), Defense Mapping Agency, 1995.

7. "TPC H-4A" (1:500,000), Defense Mapping Agency, 1995.

8. "TPC H-4B" (1:500,000), Defense Mapping Agency, 1991.

9. "TPC H-5A" (1:500,000), Defense Mapping Agency, 1992.

10. "The Living Earth, Pacific Rim View, A Topographical Satellite Map", Spaceshots, Inc., 1993.

11. "Strategy & Tactics" (Magazine), Issue #87: "The Desert Fox" (article), SPI, 1981

12. "War in the East, Strategy & Tactics Staff Study Nr. 1", James F. Dunnigan, et al., SPI, 1977.

13. "Handbook on German Military Forces", US War Department, 1945, Republished by LSU
Press, 1990.

14. "Rommel - Battles and Campaigns", Kenneth Macksey, Arms and Armor Press, 1979,
Republished by Da Capo Press, 1997.

15. “Rommel’s North Africa Campaign”, Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani, Combined
Publishing, 1994.

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