Launching of Ships From Horizontal Berth by Tipping Table - 2020 - Engineering S
Launching of Ships From Horizontal Berth by Tipping Table - 2020 - Engineering S
Launching of Ships From Horizontal Berth by Tipping Table - 2020 - Engineering S
Engineering Structures
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Keywords: The paper considers the side launching of ships from a horizontal berth by tipping tables. The launching process
Launching is split into the six phases and a system of nonlinear differential equations of motion is established. The system is
Horizontal berth solved using the finite difference method. The numerical calculations of the side launching of a large tanker are
Tipping table performed and the results are compared against the model test results. The generation of a high surface wave is
Numerical simulation
simulated with CFD as a 2D problem. The numerical simulation captures the physics of the side launching with
Model test
high accuracy. The advantages of building the floating structures on a horizontal berth are pointed out.
1. Introduction sideways. For the longitudinal launching of ships a single pad is suffi-
cient, while for the launching of semi–submersible platforms two pads
Launching of ships and floating structures by tipping table principle are necessary. Platforms may be launched sideways, too.
is an idea which makes their building on a horizontal berth possible. In order to determine the optimal values of the basic parameters of
This enables an improvement of the production process by introducing the launching system, an extensive theoretical and experimental in-
a high degree of mechanisation and automation, successive block vestigation has been undertaken. This includes the launching theory,
manufacturing and assembling of structural elements, and fitting–out of model testing and structural analysis of the turning pads and launching
structures on the way from the workshop to the quay [1–3]. structures, [5].
The launching system consists of a set of concrete circular slipways The launching theory comprises the definition of the forces acting
built–in into the quay and of the steel turning pads, Fig. 1. The sliding on the dynamic system of the structure and the pad in each launching
surfaces of the pads are extended to the sliding lines of the building phase, i.e. structural weight and inertia, buoyancy, resistance and water
berth. The sliding lines and arches are covered by the polymer coating inertia, friction forces and slipway reaction; the establishment of
in order to reduce friction [4]. equilibrium equations of forces and moments, the derivation of the
A structure assembled on the packing is pushed onto the braked motion equations by reducing the number of setting equations, speci-
tipping table by hydraulic gripper jacks. When the moment of structure fying the transition conditions from one to another phase, and solving
weight overcomes the friction moment of the sliding arches, the tension nonlinear differential equations of motion by the finite difference
forces remove the triggers. The structure then starts to rotate with pads method, [7,8]. The same advanced solution is achieved by transforming
until the displacement excites first its slide along the pads and then its the system of nonlinear differential equations of the second order into
erection in cradles, and finally the floating phase. Thus, the launching extended system of equations of the first order. Then the Runge-Kutta
system has three degrees of freedom, i.e. pad rotation, φ , structure ro- method is applied, [9].
tation, ϑ, and relative structure slide, s , Fig. 2. The combinations of the Special attention is paid to the returning motion of the pad, which is
displacements in the air and in the water define different launching controlled by reducing the buoyancy of the pad, [10].
phases which are shown in Fig. 3, [5,6]. The procedure for the calculation of longitudinal and side launching
Depending on the main characteristics of the launching system it is of ships and floating structures was computer programmed. The non-
possible to launch different structures regarding their shape and size, as linear differential equations of motion are solved by the finite differ-
well as structure blocks, such as grips, docks, platforms etc.; smaller ence method utilizing an iterative algorithm. A large number of nu-
structures being launched longitudinally and larger structures launched merical simulations has been performed for launching of pontoons,
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Senjanović).
Received 7 June 2019; Received in revised form 20 December 2019; Accepted 3 February 2020
Available online 21 February 2020
0141-0296/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I. Senjanović, et al. Engineering Structures 210 (2020) 110343
ships and a semisubmersible platforms, [5,8]. In this paper an illustrative example related to the side launching of
In order to validate the developed launching theory and the com- a chemical tanker is presented. A correlation analysis of the calculated
puter program, model tests have been performed in Brodarski Institute – and measured results is summarised, [6,12]. A special attention is paid
Marine Research & Special Technologies in Zagreb. A model of the to the generation of a surface wave during the side launching as a
launching system, consisted of only two slipways, was built in a 1:75 criterion for the application of the current launching system in a ship-
scale. A TV camera and a coordinate net were used to record the mo- yard with a limited water basin due to a possible ashore washing. Wave
tions of the launched models. The side launching of three pontoons and generation is simulated by direct CFD simulation as a 2D problem.
two ships was tested as well as the longitudinal launching of a semi-
submersible platform, [5].
The side launching of large ships with the trim angle is question- 2. Two-phase flow model for the CFD analysis
able, since at erection, the ship is supported only by two cradles due to
yaw. As a result, a high stress concentration in the ship structure occurs. This section is dealing with the mathematical model for in-
Furthermore, it is necessary to check the depth of the water and the compressible, viscous, two-phase flow, which is the basis for the CFD
height of the generated waves. framework. The detailed model can be found in [15], while a brief
To investigate the above facts, the model tests of the side launching summary is presented here.
of large tanker were performed in the Maritime Research Institute
Netherlands (MARIN). An existing wooden model in scale 1:68 was
2.1. Incompressible two-phase flow model
adapted for that purpose, [11,12].
In addition, the correlation analysis was performed between the
As both fluids are assumed incompressible, the continuity constraint
calculated and the measured results, which encouraged the building of
the launching system in Shipyard Brodosplit. Five out of the total 13
designed circular slipways of 22 m were completed. In 1993 the first ∇ ·u = 0, (1)
structure, a 4450 DWT barge, was built on the horizontal berth and side
launched by two turning pads, [13,14]. where u is the velocity field. The momentum equation has the following
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I. Senjanović, et al. Engineering Structures 210 (2020) 110343
Table 1 form unsuitable donor/acceptor pairs are converted to holes in the next
Algorithm parameters. iteration. Hole cells which are the result of fringe assembly procedure
Parameter Data type Default value
are called fringe holes.
Also, it is possible that holes or other acceptors surround a specific
minLocalSuit scalar 0 acceptor cell completely, so this cell may become a hole as well in order
specifiedIterationsNumber label 4 to lower possibly time–consuming interpolation. For that purpose, the
additionalIterations Switch true
filtering procedure is employed. The filtering procedure is the final step
orphanSuitability scalar −1
of the fringe assembly procedure.
The field value in a hole cell does not depend on the field values in
neighbouring cells, nor does the hole cell value affect the field values at
the neighbouring cells. Field values at hole cells are user–prescribed,
i.e. are defined via overset boundary conditions.
I. Senjanović, et al. Engineering Structures 210 (2020) 110343
Fig. 6. The water basin with ship model on the tipping table.
Table 2 Pairs for which suitability is lower than minimum local suitability
The ship particulars in launching condition. are categorised as unsuitable while pairs for which suitability is higher
Length between perpendiculars Lpp = 310 m than minimum local suitability are categorised as suitable. After passing
Breadth B = 53.96 m through all donor/acceptor pairs, the average suitability is calculated.
Draft fore Tf = 0.45 m The algorithm tracks iteration history, i.e. it stores information that
Draft aft Ta = 5.91 m is needed to reconstruct fringe layer assembly from a specific iteration
Displacement D = 40, 000t and to calculate the slope using the linear regression.
Centre of gravity above base ¯ = 18.3 m
After a user-defined number of iterations is performed and if user
Centre of buoyancy from station 0 x b = 131.4 m
Metacentric height ¯ = 56.52 m prescribed that additional iterations should be done, algorithm per-
Longitudinal radius of gyration kyy = 87 m forms a linear regression to calculate the suitability slope coefficient,
Transverse radius of gyration k xx = 22.68 m i.e. quality or suitability gradient. Here, average suitability is the pre-
dicted variable (on y axis) and the iteration number is the predictor
variable ( x axis).
It is assumed that if the gradient is positive, fringe assembly with
greater average suitability may be found and an additional iteration
I. Senjanović, et al. Engineering Structures 210 (2020) 110343
will be made. Data stored during the first iteration is then being deleted. filtering procedure: it is possible that holes or other acceptors surround
In Fig. 5, as an example, the iterative procedure is demonstrated a certain acceptor cell completely, so this cell becomes a hole as well to
where the average suitability against the iteration number diagram is lower the expense of the overset interpolation.
shown. After four iterations, the suitability gradient is calculated. Due For more details on the fringe assembly algorithm and overset mesh
to a positive suitability gradient, the data from iteration 1 is then de- approach as implemented in foam-extend, the reader is referred to
leted. One additional iteration is then made, i.e. iteration 5. After the Katavić [26].
iteration 5, due to a negative suitability gradient, the iterative proce-
dure is terminated. For final overset fringe assembly, the iteration with 4. Model test and numerical simulation of a chemical tanker
the highest average suitability value is chosen, i.e. iteration 4. launching
The algorithm checks two conditions on each iteration: (1) If there is
any unsuitable donor/acceptor pair and (2) If a desired number of The water basin of the Shipyard “Brodosplit” – Split, Croatia, is
iterations is made (i.e. global criterion is satisfied). If those two criteria shown in Fig. 6, indicating the tipping table, layout of the water basin
are not reached, it finds a new set of acceptors. The new acceptors are with the water depth. The proposed launching system consists of 13
immediate neighbours of unsuitable acceptors which are eligible (are circular slipways, having radius of 18 m, and distributed equidistantly
not holes nor acceptors from current iteration). Acceptors from un- each 22 m.
suitable donor/acceptor pairs are converted to holes. Otherwise, the The side launching of large ships with trim from the horizontal
iterative procedure is finished. berth by tipping table is problematic because the ship at erection is
When the iterative process is finished, the algorithm identifies an supported only by a couple of cradles due to yaw. Thus, the cradle
iteration with the highest average suitability and performs the pairs reactions cause high stress concentration on the ship structure, which
I. Senjanović, et al. Engineering Structures 210 (2020) 110343
coordinates of the ship's aft and fore peaks, x , y , z , were recorded too.
The tests were performed varying the ship displacement and position of
the centre of gravity in the longitudinal and vertical direction. The
recorded ship motion is shown in Fig. 8 at the fore and aft pads. Some
differences due to yaw motion may be noticed.
Model test and numerical calculation results performed by two pads
are elaborated in details in [11,12] respectively. Here, the most im-
portant results are presented and compared in the time domain.
The inclination of the ship and the pad are shown in Fig. 9. The
calculated values for the ship and the pad are related to the cross-sec-
tion at the longitudinal position of the centre of gravity. The mea-
surement was performed separately for the ship cross-section at the
centre of gravity, and the fore and aft pads. The agreement between the
calculated and the measured results is relatively good up to the phase 5,
when their discrepancies start to increase. The measured inclinations of
the ship and the pad are bounded by the calculated values. Thus, the
calculation results are on the conservative side.
In [12] additional information on correlation analysis between the
calculated and measeured results can be found, i.e. ship yaw and pitch,
ship transverse velocity, berth normal reaction and buoyancy as func-
tion of time, etc.
Fig. 8. Sketch of the motion of the ship and the pad. 5. CFD simulation of sideways ship launching
has to be checked. Also, a large ship launched in such a way in shallow In this section, the numerical simulation setup and the numerical
water may touch the bottom, while a high generated wave in a limited results are presented in detail. The goal of the simulation is to validate
water basin may cause other issues. the Naval Hydro Pack [27–35], combined with the new overset fringe
In order to investigate the above facts, the model tests of the side algorithm, on the sideways launching case. The primary validation item
launching of a 260 000 DWT tanker were performed in the Maritime is the generated wave amplitude during the sideways launching where
Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN), [11]. An existing wooden model the numerical results are compared with the experimental data [11].
of scale 1:68 was adapted for that purpose. The ship particulars in According to the experimental data [11], the highest observed wave
launching conditions are presented in Table 2. had a maximum amplitude of 2.2 m, while the lowest maximum am-
The ship model on the tipping table is shown in Fig. 6. Two circular plitude was 1 m. Between those values, a wide scatter of maxima was
slipways were used. The main particulars of slipways and turning pads observed. Measures should be taken for a generated wave of approxi-
with force transducers are shown in Fig. 7, where full-scale dimensions mately 2 m [11]. Due to the diffraction effects, the generated wave can
are indicated. The port side bilge is supported by two ship–bound reach as much as twice the value observed at the wave probe [11].
cradles. All slide surfaces are equipped with stainless steel polished Therefore, as a relevant physical quantity for testing and validation, the
strips. first generated wave amplitude is considered.
Transverse and vertical forces, Fy and Fx , were measured at both
ends of the pads by strain gauge force transducers, Fig. 7. The
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Table 3
Prescribed boundary conditions.
Patch ID Patch name u α pd
Table 4
Hole–defining boundaries.
Boundary ID Name
1 coastHorizonal
2 coastVertical
4 left
5 right
6 seabed
7 top
8 boat
I. Senjanović, et al. Engineering Structures 210 (2020) 110343
In Fig. 20 the ship and the water are shown, where the darker
shading denotes deeper locations.
As reported in [11], it was observed that the reflected wave flooded
Fig. 17. Roll angle (experimental data). the quay from which the ship was launched. In [11], the time of the
event is not reported, while in CFD simulation it occurs at t ≥ 69.5 s
(see Fig. 20).
The surface elevation at the probe is given in Fig. 21, where CFD –
experimental motions stands for calculated surface elevation using CFD
with prescribed experimentally measured motions, EFD stands for the
experimentally measured surface elevation, and CFD – theoretical mo-
tions stands for the calculated surface elevation using CFD with pre-
scribed theoretical motions.
The maximum measured wave amplitude is 1.997 m, and it is re-
gistered at t = 36.04 s , which corresponds to the wave amplitude from
experimental test case No. 5874. The maximum calculated wave am-
plitude (with CFD using the prescribed theoretical motions) is 2.004 m
at t = 37.22 . The relative discrepancy for the wave amplitude is
0.36%. The phase difference of 1.17 s between the experimental and the
numerical data is larger, with relative discrepancy of 3.16%. The re-
lative discrepancy is calculated as the absolute difference between the
measured value and the value obtained by CFD divided by the value of
the measured value.
Fig. 18. Prescribed horizontal and vertical displacement.
The second wave amplitude is underestimated which is expected
because the prescribed roll motion is simply set to zero for t > 28 s (see
Fig. 19).
The difference between the CFD results with prescribed experi-
mental motions and the CFD results with prescribed theoretical motions
is noticeable. It occurs because the theoretical motions overestimate the
vertical displacement of the ship, i.e. according to the theoretical mo-
tions, the ship penetrates deeper into the water than it is the case in
When the ship penetrates the water, the mean free surface level is
raised for about 0.5 m due to the 2D effects. The disturbance propagates
after the first wave amplitude is captured.
This indicates that the 2D simulation is an appropriate tool only for
capturing the first wave elevation. Also, the maximum measured yaw
angle for the test case No. 5874 is 6.5°, which indicates that the ship
performs 3D motion in reality. 3D simulation is not performed, because
not all water basin dimensions were available, which would also affect
Fig. 19. Prescribed roll motion. the results due to 3D effects.
The numerical calculations were carried out on a desktop computer
whose characteristics are presented in Table 5. Both of the calculations
presented in [7]. Nonlinear differential equations of motion are solved
lasted for 7 h, therefore less than 30 CPU hours were spent per calcu-
by the finite difference method using the software named LATUP
(LAunching by TUrning Pads) [36].
Theoretical motions are available for the first 5 launching phases,
6. Conclusion
i.e. until the final phase, where the ship freely floats performing com-
plex motion. To capture the first wave elevation, motions are extra-
The extensive numerical and experimental investigation of long-
itudinal launching of the platform described in [7] and side launching
of the tanker show that this idea is feasible also in the case of large
floating units. The correlation between the calculated and the measured
results is acceptable from an engineering point of view, especially in the
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first part of launching. side launching of a ship. Furthermore, comparing simulations with
Side launching of a ship is more complicated than the longitudinal prescribed experimental and theoretical motions shows significant
launching since trim causes yawing during the ship's sliding along the sensitivity of the wave amplitude to the imposed motions.
pads. Thus, in phases 4 and 5 the ship is supported only by two cradles, The advantage of launching the ships and offshore structures by
respectively. In order to reduce the load concentration on the ship tipping table arrangement is the possible introduction of higher level of
structure it is necessary to trim the ship close to an even keel. mechanisation and automation in the ship–building process, simulta-
The main goal of the CFD launching simulation was to compare neous building of several units employing only one launching system,
experimental and numerical results for the first wave amplitude and and cost reduction in comparison with the classical method of ship–-
phase. The relative error between the measured and the calculated building. Sideways ship launching is also performed when a ship is built
wave amplitudes is 0.36%, while the relative error between their phases in a yard on a river or canal either because the hull is especially long or
is 3.16%. It is concluded that the numerical simulation captures side the channel it is being launched into is narrow.
launching physics with high accuracy, thus providing the proof of the
validity of 2D CFD approach. More detailed analysis of the wave field
would require a 3D CFD simulation. Declaration of Competing Interest
It is concluded that a 2D simulation is an appropriate tool only for
capturing the first wave elevation, due to 3D effects which occur during The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.
I. Senjanović, et al. Engineering Structures 210 (2020) 110343