(Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning System) : Career Scope Course Highlights

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HVAC Design and Drafting course is designed for Engineering/Diploma
graduates who wants to build a sound career in the Construction field as HVAC
Engineers. HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. The
system is used to provide heating and cooling services to buildings.

HVAC systems have become the required industry standard for construction of
new buildings. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is a profession of
providing human comfort by installing AC systems. It not only provides human
comfort, but is also used in storage/food processing industry. HVAC is one of the
most popular fields among Mechanical degree and diploma holders.


After successful completion of Equal focus on Theory, Design
the course, the candidates will Calculation and Drafting
be ready for job opportunities in. practice.
Infrastructure companies We train students with both
Construction companies methods (manual and
Engineering Consultants software).
MEP / HVAC Contracting Good drafting practice on Real-
companies Time projects
HVAC maintenance companies Gulf Focused Training


Site Visits of different systems HVAC Training fee is `15,000/-
from 30 TR to 1500 TR. and the duration is 40 days.
Real-Time projects.

Our Best & Most

Full Practical 100% Placement Gulf Experienced
Exposure Assistance Trainer
HVAC Course
+91 9700008685, 9700008797 |[email protected]| www.imechinstitute.com
Human Comfort Condi on, Applica on of HVAC Concept of Chilled Water System, Chiller Types &
Systems, Basic Refrigera on Cycle & its func ons, Arrangements, AHU, FCU, Cooling Tower,
Overview of Centralized AC System, Introduc on Expansion Tank, Air Separator, Pump Types &
to Construc on Companies, Types of Heat Arrangements, Valves Types and Arrangements.
(Sensible and Latent Heat), Modes of Heat Chilled water distribu on Schemes – Constant
Transfer, Refrigera on units, Codes and Flow System, Primary/Secondary System,
Standards. Variable Primary System. Low Delta Syndrome,
TYPES OF REFRIGERATION COMPONENTS: Types Selec on of best scheme as per applica on.
of Compressors, Types of Condensers, Types of Pipes & Pumps Design - Classifica on of Piping,
Expansion Valves, Types of Evaporators, Types of Pipe Rou ng & Levels, Open Loop and Closed
Refrigerants, Proper es of Refrigerants. Loop System, Direct and Reverse return System.
& AIR DISTRUBITION SYSTEMS: Classifica on, and Condenser Water Piping, Fric on
Window A/C System, Split A/C System, Ductable Loss Calcula on for Straight Pipes, Fi ngs and
Split A/C System, Package A/C System, VRF/VRV Valves, Pump TDH Calcula on, Pump Cavita on
System, Central Air-Condi oning System, Chilled and NPSH Calcula on, Selec on of Pumps.
Water System, All water System, Air - water VENTILATION SYSTEM DESIGN: Types and
System, Direct Refrigerant System, In-Direct Components of Ven la on System, Toilet Extract
Refrigerant System. Thermostats, Single Zone Ven la on System Design, Car Parking
Systems, Mul Zone Systems, Constant Air Ven la on System Design, Kitchen Ven la on
Volume (CAV) System, Variable Air Volume (VAV) System Design, Canopy and its Sizing, Types of
Systems Filters, Number of Filters Calcula on.
PSYCHROMETRY: Applica on of Psychorme cs in DRAWING READING: Step by Step procedure to
Hvac, Proper es of air, Dry bulb Temperature. understand complicated High Rise Project
Wet Bulb Temperature, Dew Point temperature, Drawings. Tender Drawing, IFC Drawing, Shop
Humidity Ra o and Rela ve Humidity. Manual Drawing, Co-ordina on Drawing, As Built
and So ware method of finding proper es of air. Drawing. General Legends & Symbols Reading.
HEAT LOAD CALCULATIONS: Sources of Heat, Finding out type of hvac system used from the
Building Survey , Heat Load Formula, Finding U drawings. Project : Reviewing drawings of
value for Walls Roof Glass etc, Finding ΔT ongoing high rise projects in Gulf.
(Temperature Difference) value for Walls, Roof,
and Glass etc., Finding Heat Gains through BILL OF QUANTITIES: Methods of Quan ty taking
Windows, Walls, Par ons, Lights, from drawings – Conven onal Method[Manual],
HEAT LOAD CALCULATIONS: Sources of Heat, Unconven onal Method[So ware].
Building Survey , Heat Load Formula, Finding U Documenta on of quan es from Tender to
value for Walls Roof Glass etc, Finding ΔT AsBuilt Drawings. Expor ng List of items from
(Temperature Difference) value for Walls, Roof, so ware to Excel Sheet.
and Glass etc., Finding Heat Gains through STANDARD MEP PROJECT FLOW: Project Work
Windows, Walls, Par ons, Lights, Equipments, flow understanding from Client to Suppliers.
People etc., Finding Ven la on Requirements, Delega on of work within the firm. Dependency
Finding Infiltra on Gains, Heat Load Es mate of tasks between different firms [contractors &
(Manually, using E20 & so ware), Deriving Sub contractors] working on a common project.
Tonnage (TR) & Air Flow for Projects SITE INSTALLATION & DOCUMENTATION:
SELECTION OF MACHINES: Selec on based on Installa on Procedures, System Balancing, Tes ng
Heat Load Results, Selec on as per Applica on, & Commissioning, Pressure Tes ng, Inspec ons,
Selec on as per Project Specifica ons, Placing Bill of Quan ty, Material Submi als, Technical
Loca on of Equipment. Submi als, Equipment Schedules, Es ma on &
DUCT DESIGNING: Duct – Defini on, Classifica on Cos ng.
and Types of Duct, Comparison of different HVAC SOFTWARE: Carrier E-20 Heat Load Form,
shapes of duct, Types of Material, Aspect Ra o, Mc Quay Duct Sizer, Mc Quay Pipe Sizer, Master
Duct Rou ng & Levels, Duct Fi ngs (Plenum, Converter, Carrier HDPsyChart, Planswi 9.
Shoe Collar, Elbow etc.). Duct Sizing – Manual & HVAC DRAFTING: Introduc on to AutoCAD
So ware Methods, Mc Quay Duct Sizer, Equal
Dra ing, Basic AutoCAD se ngs, Basic
Fric on Method & Velocity Reduc on Method,
Single Line Drawing & Double Line Drawing as per Commands, Prac ce Sheets, Types of HVAC
SMACNA, Selec on of Diffusers & Grilles, Drawings – Design Drawing, Shop Drawing and
Selec on of Supports & Span, Duc ng Schema cs, As-Built Drawing, Complete Shop Drawing
External Sta c Pressure(ESP) Calcula on, Duct Prepara on, Coordina on Drawing
Gauge Selec on, Total Sheet Requirement Representa on, Mechanical Room & Sec ons,
Calcula on, BOQ for Duc ng System Duct Riser/Schema c Drawings , Plant Room Sec ons,
Accessories – Volume Control Damper (VCD), As-Built Drawings, Legends & Symbols,
Sound A enuators, Fire Damper (FD), Access Door Model/Layout Management, Scale Se ng &
(AD), Flexible Connector, etc. Plo ng
+91 9700008685, 9700008797 | www.imechinstitute.com

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