MD 15 SP309B4M - Serviceability Related Issues Bridge Live Load Deflection - FinalReport

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University of Maryland


June 2015
The contents of this report reflect the views of the author who is responsible for the facts
and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect
the official views or policies of the Maryland State Highway Administration. This report
does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
June 2015
Serviceability-related Issues for Bridge Live Load Deflection and 6. Performing Organization Code
Construction Closure Pours
7. Author/s 8. Performing Organization Report No.

Dr. Chung C. Fu; Gengwen Zhao; Yunchao Ye; Fan Zhang MD-15-SHA-UM-3-12

9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.

University of Maryland 11. Contract or Grant No.

College Park, MD, 20740

12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Final Report
Maryland State Highway Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
Office of Policy & Research
707 North Calvert Street
Baltimore MD 21202

15. Supplementary Notes

16. Abstract

This study investigated the design criteria and practices in an effort to improve the quality of bridge designs in the
State of Maryland and beyond. This first criterion investigated was the live load deflection for steel bridges. The
second design/construction criterion investigated was designing and detailing bridge deck closure pours.
Previous and current practices and future planning on the serviceability of bridges have been documented.
State-of-the-practice methods from federal and other state agencies were collected. Three bridges were chosen for
refined analyses to investigate the live load deflections. Field measurements for these three bridges were collected
from the research team to facilitate this study. Thirty steel girder bridges from the Maryland State Highway
Administration’s (SHA) inventory were selected for statistical analyses. Steel bridges designed with the live load
deflection limit have been evaluated. Closure-pour analyses were conducted by line-girder models,
two-dimensional grid models or three-dimensional finite element models. All three methods generate accurate
enough camber diagrams to predict differential deflections between stages for straight girder systems, if creep is
not considered. Creep effect could be alleviated by proper camber and scheduling on pouring.
17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement: No restrictions
Live Load Deflection, Construction This document is available from the Research Division upon request.
Closure Pours
19. Security Classification (of this report) 20. Security Classification (of this page) 21. No. Of Pages 22. Price

None None 77

Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of form and completed page is authorized.
Table of Contents 

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................i 

List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... iii 
List of Figures ...........................................................................................................................iv 
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 
2. Literature Review................................................................................................................... 3 
2.1 Serviceability-related to Steel Girder Bridges under Live Load ..................................... 3 
2.1.1 Live Load Deflection Studies and Design Criteria ................................................... 3 
2.1.2 Codes and Specifications in Other Countries ........................................................... 7 
2.2 Construction Closure Pours ........................................................................................... 11 
2.2.1 Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Regulation ....................................... 11 
2.2.2 Other States’ Practices ............................................................................................ 11 
2.2.3 Research and Testing Findings ............................................................................... 12 
3. Live Load Deflection Validation of Steel Bridges .............................................................. 15 
3.1 Loading considered in the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and the
Allowable Stress Design (ASD) .......................................................................................... 15 
3.1.1 Loading considered in the Allowable Stress Design .............................................. 15 
3.1.2 Loading considered in the Load and Resistance Factor Design ............................. 17 
3.1.3 Summary of Loading in Two Methods ................................................................... 18 
3.2 Introduction of Computer Programs used in This Study ............................................... 18 
MERLIN-DASH .............................................................................................................. 18 
DESCUS-I........................................................................................................................ 19 
CSiBridge......................................................................................................................... 20 
3.3 Three Representative Maryland Bridges ....................................................................... 20 
4. Refined Analysis of Three Representative Maryland Bridges ............................................ 22 
4.1 Model Analysis of the I-270 over Middlebrook Road Bridge ....................................... 22 
4.2 Model Analysis of the Route 1 over Paint Branch Bridge............................................. 26 
4.3 Model Analysis of I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge ..................................................... 29 
4.4 Summary of Live Load Deflection Comparison ............................................................ 33 
5. Results of 30 Sample Bridges Using the Line-girder Method ............................................. 37 
5.1 Live Load Deflection Analysis ...................................................................................... 37 
5.2 Load Rating Analysis ..................................................................................................... 48 

6. Construction Closure Pours Case Study .............................................................................. 50 
6.1 Model analysis of the MD140 over MD27 Bridge ........................................................ 51 
6.2 Summary of Displacement Comparison by Refined Analyses ...................................... 56 
7. Summary and Conclusion .................................................................................................... 61 
References ................................................................................................................................ 64 


List of Tables

Table 2.1 Historic Depth-to-Span, D/L, Ratio for Highway Bridges ........................................ 4 
Table 3.1 Multiple Presence Factors in ASD Method ............................................................. 17 
Table 3.2 Multiple Presence Factors in the LRFD Method ..................................................... 18 
Table 3.3 Loads and Factors considered in ASD and LRFD Methods .................................... 18 
Table 4.1 Beam Sections.......................................................................................................... 23 
Table 4.2 Dead Load Information of Route1 Bridge ............................................................... 27 
Table 4.3 Dead Load Information of the I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge ............................. 30 
Table 4.4 Beam Sections.......................................................................................................... 32 
Table 4.5 Live Load Deflection of Three Representative Bridges .......................................... 34 
Table 4.6 Live Load Deflection of Three Bridges with Adjustment ....................................... 35 
Table 5.1 Single-span Bridges Live Load Deflection .............................................................. 39 
Table 5.2 Two-span Bridges Live Load Deflection................................................................. 40 
Table 5.3 Three-span Bridges Live Load Deflection............................................................... 42 
Table 5.4 Single-span Bridges Live Load Deflection with Modified Distribution ................. 44 
Table 5.5 Two-span Bridges Live Load Deflection with Modified Distribution .................... 45 
Table 5.6 Three-span Bridges Live Load Deflection with Modified Distribution .................. 47 
Table 6.1 Maximum Displacements Comparison for Normal and Staging Models by DESCUS
.................................................................................................................................................. 57 
Table 6.2 Comparison Table between Different Models with Diaphragms ............................ 57 
Table 6.3 Comparison Table between Different Models without Diaphragms ....................... 57 


List of Figures

Figure 2.1 First Flexural Frequency versus Static Deflection ................................................... 8 

Figure 2.2 Dynamic Load Allowance ........................................................................................ 9 
Figure 2.3 Deflection Limits for Vibration Controls of Australian Codes .............................. 10 
Figure 3.1 HS-20 Design Truck ............................................................................................... 16 
Figure 3.2 HS-20 Lane Load and Concentrated Load ............................................................. 16 
Figure 4.1 Typical Cross Section of the I-270 over Middlebrook Road Bridge S.B.R ........... 23 
Figure 4.2 Girder Elevations .................................................................................................... 23 
Figure 4.3 I-270 over Middlebrook Road Bridge Model in MERLIN-DASH ........................ 24 
Figure 4.4 DESCUS-I Graphic of the I-270 over Middlebrook Road Bridge ......................... 25 
Figure 4.5 I-270 over Middlebrook Road Bridge Model in CSiBridge ................................... 26 
Figure 4.6 Typical Cross Section of the Route 1 over Paint Branch Bridge ........................... 27 
Figure 4.7 Elevation ................................................................................................................. 27 
Figure 4.8 Route 1 over Paint Branch Bridge Model in MERLIN-DASH .............................. 28 
Figure 4.9 DESCUS-I Graphic of the Route 1 over Paint Branch Bridge ............................... 28 
Figure 4.10 Route 1 over Paint Branch Bridge Model in CSiBridge ...................................... 29 
Figure 4.11 Typical Cross Section at Mid-span of the I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge ........ 30 
Figure 4.12 Partial Girder Elevation-N.B.R ............................................................................ 30 
Figure 4.13: The I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge Model in MERLIN-DASH ...................... 31 
Figure 4.14 Girder Elevation of Half of the I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge in DESCUS-I . 31 
Figure 4.15 Half Framing Plan of the I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge in DESCUS-I .......... 32 
Figure 4.16 The I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge Model in CSiBridge .................................. 33 
Figure 4.17 Distribution of Live Load along the Roadway ..................................................... 35 
Figure 5.1 Distribution of Span Length for Sample Bridges ................................................... 37 
Figure 5.2 Deflection vs. Span Length for All Sample Bridges .............................................. 38 
Figure 5.3 Deflection vs. Span Length for Single-span Bridges ............................................. 39 
Figure 5.4 Deflection vs. Span Length for Two-span Bridges ................................................ 40 
Figure 5.5 Deflection vs. Span Length for Three-span Bridges (Side Span) .......................... 41 
Figure 5.6 Deflection vs. Span Length for Three-span Bridges (Mid Span) ........................... 41 
Figure 5.7 Deflection vs. Span Length for Single-span Bridges with Modified Distribution . 43 
Figure 5.8 Deflection vs. Span Length for Two-span Bridges with Modified Distribution .... 44 
Figure 5.9 Deflection vs. Span Length for Three-span Bridges (Side) with Modified
Distribution .............................................................................................................................. 46 
Figure 5.10 Deflection vs. Span Length for Three-span Bridges (Mid) with Modified
Distribution .............................................................................................................................. 46 
Figure 5.11 Allowable Stress Rating ....................................................................................... 48 
Figure 5.12 Load and Resistance Factor Rating ...................................................................... 49 
Figure 5.13 Rating Factor Ratio (LRFR/ASR) ........................................................................ 49 
Figure 6.1 Typical Cross Section of Bridge MD140 over MD27............................................ 51 
Figure 6.2 Girder Elevations (Mid Strip) ................................................................................. 52 


Figure 6.3 Bridge Pouring Stages and Sequences ................................................................... 52 
Figure 6.4 DESCUS Model ..................................................................................................... 53 
Figure 6.5 CSiBridge Model for MD140 over MD27 Bridge Isometric View ....................... 54 
Figure 6.6(a) Time Dependent Concrete Strength in CSiBridge Model (kip/in2) ................... 55 
Figure 6.6(b) Time Dependent Concrete Stiffness in CSiBridge Model (kip/in2) .................. 55 
Figure 6.6(c) Time Dependent Creep Coefficient in CSiBridge Model .................................. 56 
Figure 6.7 Vertical Displacement Results from CSiBridge (with Diaphragm) (inch). ........... 58 
Figure 6.8 Vertical Displacement Results from CSiBridge (without Diaphragm) (inch). ...... 58 
Figure 6.9 The Creep Growth in Girder 11(Orange) and 12(Green) for with Diaphragms Model
(in). ........................................................................................................................................... 59 
Figure 6.10 The Creep Growth in Girder 11(Orange) and 12(Green) without Diaphragms
Model (in). ............................................................................................................................... 60 
Figure 6.11 The Creep Growth in Girder 11(Orange) and 12(Green) without Diaphragms
Model (in). ............................................................................................................................... 60 




This study investigated the design criteria and practices in an effort to improve the quality of
bridge designs in the State of Maryland and beyond. This first criterion investigated was the
live load deflection for steel bridges. Since the live load deflection criterion is optional in the
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (2014), the Maryland State Highway
Administration (SHA) establishes no maximum limit on deflection and leaves the burden on
the designers to establish limits. This study developed a menu of criteria that designers can
choose from in their bridge designs.

The second design/construction criterion investigated was designing and detailing bridge deck
closure pours. A closure pour is a small area of concrete bridge deck that connects two portions
of a bridge deck placed in different stages of construction. For staged construction, the designer
should consider the deflections of the bridge on either side of the closure pour to ensure proper
transverse fitting.

In order to achieve these two objectives, the following tasks were completed:
1) Previous and current practices and future planning on the serviceability of bridges were
documented. This study looked at bridges within the short and median span range and
selected 30 samples from SHA’s inventory; all are steel girder bridges, where the highest
live load deflection occurs. Steel bridges designed with the live load deflection limit were
evaluated and summarized in this study.
2) The next step was to collect and study state-of-the-practice methods from federal and
other state agencies. All available current state-of-the-practice methods from the Federal
Highway Administration’s regulations, research and testing findings in the past and also
the practices from other states were located, collected and listed for study. Three bridges,
the I-270 over Middlebrook Road (bridge no. 1504200), Route 1 over Paint Branch
(bridge no. 1600400) and I-95 over Patuxent River (bridge no. 1619701) were chosen for
refined analyses to investigate the live load deflections. Field measurements for these
three bridges were collected from the research team to facilitate this study.
3) Several finite element models, with different software, were developed for the entire
bridge to compare the differences in deflection for the bridge model versus the simple
single girder analysis traditionally performed by SHA. The two-dimensional grid models
and three-dimensional finite element models can be used for the live load deflection
analysis as well as the staged construction analysis. In addition to the I-270 over
Middlebrook Road (bridge no. 1504200), Route 1 over Paint Branch (bridge no. 1600400)

and I-95 over Patuxent River (bridge no. 1619701) bridges, the MD 140 bridge (bridge no.
6032) was modeled and studied to identify the impacts resulting from different
construction methods.
4) A summary of all the work listed above is included. Recommendations associated with
precast concrete beam or steel girder construction, complemented with current Maryland
practices on live load deflection limit and closure pours, are listed below:

A: Findings associated with bridge live load deflections -

1. Span Length (L)/800 is appropriate for the live load deflection limit for steel bridge
design no matter what type of design load or design method is applied. The maximum
1/800 of the span length for general vehicular bridges and 1/1000 of the span length for
vehicular bridges with pedestrian traffic are universally accepted criteria for the live load
deflection limit.
2. The live load deflection from the HS-25 design truck alone in the Allowable Stress
Design (ASD) method (employed by the State of Maryland from 1990 until 2008, the
year when the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) was adopted) is larger than the
deflection from the larger of the HL-93 design truck load alone or HL-93design lane load
+25% truck load in the LRFD method. Therefore, if the “HS-25 equivalent” truck is
required by Maryland for deflection criteria, a factor of 1.25 is suggested for usage in the
HL-93 design truck to obtain conservative results. In bridge deflection analysis, the lane
load governs for bridges that have a longer span length while the design vehicular load
governs for those with shorter spans.
3. Comparing the numeric results from two-dimensional grid models and three-dimensional
finite element models, the line girder method proves to be an acceptable application for
live load deflection analysis of steel beam/girder bridges with all lanes loaded. Short-term
field monitoring using a laser device also found live load deflections are within these
4. AASHTO LRFD Specifications (2014) allows an average value (number of lanes/number
of girders) used for the investigation of maximum absolute deflection for straight girder
systems with all girders treated as equal. This study found it is generally true for bridges
that are not too wide. By using line-girder programs wider-than-three-lane bridges may
cause a discrepancy with relatively smaller live load deflection. When investigating the
maximum absolute deflection for straight girder systems, all design lanes should be
loaded and all girders can be assumed to deflect equally as stated in the AASHTO LRFD
Specifications (2014). The line-girder program with dynamic load allowance and average
distribution factor (number of lanes/number of girders) can be used, but the
multiple-presence factor should be removed.

B: Findings associated with bridge construction closure pours -

5. The general practice in Maryland is to use a line-girder program to establish the camber
diagrams. The result is generally accurate enough and acceptable in practice. Multiple
girders with varied girder spacing are grouped into several camber diagrams. It should be

noted that camber diagrams are not grouped based on their tributary widths, but rather, on
the narrower girder spacing. In this case some girders may be under-cambered. This
usually does not cause problems for one-stage construction, but may cause trouble for
multi-stage construction if one side of the closure pour is under-cambered.
6. Multiple camber diagrams can be calculated by the line-girder models, two-dimensional
grid models or three-dimensional finite element models. All three methods generate
results accurate enough for straight girder systems.
7. Maryland adopted the practice of a minimum closure width of three (3) feet and
diaphragms/cross frames in the staging bay of structural steel girders not rigidly
connected until later, which are also the research team’s recommendation.
8. To investigate the staging effect of a staged-construction, two-dimensional grid models
and three-dimensional finite element models are highly recommended. The differential
displacement between stages could not be considered in a line-girder model.
9. When comparing the results of the two-dimensional grid model with those of the
three-dimensional finite element model, these two methods produced results accurate
enough for straight girder systems. However, since the two-dimensional grid model
program has to simulate the closure pour by subtracting the deck loads during staged
construction, the three-dimensional finite element model can be more closely simulated
with a gap on the deck. Also, in the case where the closure pour is significant, the
three-dimensional finite element model would provide more accurate results.
10. For further staging analysis, the creep effect of concrete was considered in this study. Two
controlled sets of models were studied. One model assumes the diaphragms in the closure
pours always connect with girders during the whole staged construction. The other model
assumes the diaphragms are disconnected. To investigate the creep effect with concrete
slab, two different model analyses from DESCUS and CSiBridge were performed. For
the staging analysis of DESCUS, only the time-dependent property of Young's Modulus
was considered. However, for the CSiBridge, the staging analysis not only simulated the
time-dependent property of Young's Modulus, but also considered the creep effect in
11. For general bridge with constant girder spacing, due to creep effect, the old stage built in
the early stage would deflect more and the displacement gap between stages would
increase. However, correct cambers would alleviate creep effect.
12. Creep effect on concrete occurs at an early stage. Due to improper camber, excess loading
due to superimposed dead load and live load in the early stage, and creep effect, the new
deck can be expected to be higher than the existing deck. Based on the analysis, the MD
140 bridge (bridge no. 6032) is expected to have a two (2) to three (3) inch difference in
elevation, which is also reported from the field and this differential displacement between
stages could be alleviated by proper camber and scheduling on pouring.
13. To achieve better results during staged construction, a 30-day waiting period is
recommended between finishing the new deck pour and starting the closure pour. In this
way the creep effect from both the old and new construction stages would enter a steady
growth stage and the displacement gap between these two stages would be narrowed.

1. Introduction

This study investigated the design criteria and practices in an effort to improve the quality of
bridge designs in the State of Maryland and beyond. This first criterion investigated was the
live load deflection for steel bridges. Since the live load deflection criteria in the AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (2014) is optional, the Maryland State Highway
Administration (SHA) establishes no maximum limit on deflection and leaves the burden on
the designers to establish limits. This study developed a menu of criteria that designers could
choose from in their bridge designs. The second design/construction criterion investigated was
designing and detailing bridge deck closure pours. A closure pour is a small area of concrete
bridge deck that connects two portions of a bridge deck placed in different stages of
construction. For staged construction, the designer should consider the deflections of the
bridge on either side of the closure pour to ensure proper transverse fitting.

In summary, the objectives of this study were to assess and set the criteria on the “optional”
live load deflection evaluation specified in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
(2014) and provide recommendations on bridge deck closure pours practices.

In order to achieve these objectives, the following tasks were completed:

1) Previous and current practices and future planning on the serviceability of bridges were
documented. This study looked at bridges within the short and median span range and
selected 30 samples in the state of Maryland; all are steel girder bridges, where the
highest live load deflection occurs. Steel bridges designed with the live load deflection
limit were evaluated and summarized in this study.
2) The next step was to collect and study state-of-the-practice methods from federal and
other state agencies. All available current state-of-the-practice methods from the Federal
Highway Administration’s regulations, research and testing findings in the past and also
the practices from other states were located, collected and listed for study. Three bridges,
the I-270 over Middlebrook Road (bridge no. 1504200), Route 1 over Paint Branch
(bridge no. 1600400), and I-95 over Patuxent River (bridge no. 1619701) were chosen for
refined analyses to investigate the live load deflections. Field measurements for these
three bridges were collected by the research team to facilitate this study.
3) Several finite element models with different software applications were developed for the
entire bridge to compare the differences in deflection for the bridge model versus the
simple single girder analysis traditionally performed by SHA. The finite element model
can be used for the live load deflection analysis. Then the impacts resulting from different
construction methods were studied.
4) A summary of all the work listed above is included. Recommendations associated with
steel girder construction, which complemented the current Maryland practices on live
load deflection limit and closure pours, are also included in this report.


The focus of this study was about serviceability-related issues of median and short span steel
bridges, which mainly includes live load deflection. Chapter Two summarizes the literature
and the exploration of serviceability issues for steel bridges. The development of bridge live
load deflection limit or criteria in different states and countries were reviewed and discussed.

In Chapter Three, live load deflections of steel bridges were investigated. The methods of both
Allowable Stress Design (ASD) from the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridge (2002), and Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) from the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications (2014), were compared. The comparison includes the types of
live load, which are mainly truck loads and lane loads; as well as some important factors such
as multiple presence factor and dynamic load allowance (i.e. impact factor).

In Chapter Four, three representative bridge models were analyzed. Each bridge was analyzed
with three different programs: MERLIN-DASH, DESCUS-I and CSiBridge. The
MERLIN-DASH analyzes the bridge by a line-girder model; DESCUS-I conducts the analysis
with two-dimensional grid method and the CSiBridge uses the three-dimensional (3D) finite
element method. After an overall comparison of these three representative bridges, about thirty
sample bridges from Maryland’s Bridge Inventory were collected, modeled, analyzed and
tabulated in Chapter Five. Several plots and charts are used to analyze the data and summarize
results of the sample bridges.

In Chapter Six, for bridge deck closure pours of one sample bridge in Maryland,
two-dimensional grid models created in DESCUS-I and three-dimensional finite element
models created in CSiBridge were studied beyond the MERLIN_DASH used in the design
stage. The creep effect of concrete was considered during the staging analysis. Finally, in
Chapter Seven conclusions of the serviceability-related issue are summarized to complete the


2. Literature Review

2.1 Serviceability-related to Steel Girder Bridges under Live Load

2.1.1 Live Load Deflection Studies and Design Criteria

General design principles are detailed in Chapter 2 of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications (2014). Article gives the criteria for deflection only as optional; it
advises that the maximum deformation of a bridge should not exceed 1/800 of the span length
for general vehicular bridges and 1/1000 of the span length for vehicular bridges with
pedestrian traffic. The reason for the smaller allowable deflection for the pedestrian bridges is
that pedestrians are more sensitive to bridge vibrations than vehicular drivers or passengers.
In order to better understand the rationale behind the current AASHTO LRFD deflection limits,
identifying how they were developed was of interest in this study The 1/800 span length (L)
limit was initially mentioned in the first American Highway Bridge Design Specification in
1953 and has been incorporated in every revision thereafter. The ASCE Committee on
Deflection Limitations of Bridges of the Structural Division (1958) reported on their
examination of the live load deflection limits and depth-to-span ratio, D/L, which was shown in
the 1953 American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) Standard Specifications
for Highway Bridges. The earliest deflection limits were adopted by the Phoenix Bridge
Company in 1871, which limited deflection to 1/1200 of the span length for a train moving at a
velocity of 30 miles per hour. The American Railway Engineering Association (AREA) took
depth-to-span ratios, which are an indirect method of limiting deflection in the early 1900s;
however, the limits were without any basis at that time. The concept of depth-to-span ratios for
highway bridges was originally raised in 1913 and adopted by AASHO in 1924.

Vibrations first became an important issue in the 1930s and the Bureau of Public Roads tried to
provide a correlation between the vibration problems of bridges and bridge structural
properties. They conducted a study that attempted to link the objectionable vibration felt on a
sample of bridges built in that era. This study concluded that structures having unacceptable
vibrations determined by subjective human response had deflections that exceeded L/800, and
this conclusion resulted in the L/800 deflection design limit. Given how old these studies are,
information regarding the specifics was not available. However, the bridges included in this
early study had wood plank decks, and the superstructure samples were pony trusses, simple
beams or pin-connected through-trusses. The Bureau did not incorporate composite girder
bridges, which are more popular today. The ASCE Committee in 1958 reviewed the history of
the bridge deflection criteria, completed a survey to obtain data on the behavior of bridges and
the opinions of bridge designing experts, reviewed field measurements of bridges subjected to
moving loads, and gathered information on human perception to vibration. The survey
concluded: (1) maximum oscillations occur with passage of medium weight vehicles not heavy


vehicles, (2) reports of objectionable vibrations came from continuous span bridges more often
than simple span bridges, and (3) there was no defined level of vibration which constituted as
being undesirable. Many factors would affect the vibration of the bridge. Some of them are
listed here:
 Flexibility and natural frequency of bridge
 Flexibility and natural frequency of vehicle
 Relative weight of vehicles and bridge
 Vehicle speed
 Frequency of load application
 Motion caused by loads in adjacent spans of continuous span structures
 Damping characteristics of bridge and vehicle

The use of depth-to-span ratio, D/L, began in the early 1900s with the AREA stating that pony
trusses and plate girders should have a depth no less than 1/10 of the span length. There has
been little change with these ratios over the years. The current depth-to-span limits are 1/10 for
simple span trusses and 1/30 for simple span rolled shapes and plate girders.

The early specifications for highway bridges used with some changes the depth-to-span ratios
from the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA),
which was abbreviated to AREA at that time. Table 2.1 shows the limiting D/L ratios that have
been incorporated in previous AREA and AASHTO specifications (Taly 1998).

Table 2.1 Historic Depth-to-Span, D/L, Ratio for Highway Bridges

Plate Rolled
Year(s) Trusses
Girders Beams
1913,1924 1/10 1/10 1/12
1907,1911,1915 1/10 1/12 1/12
1919,1921,1950,1953 1/10 1/12 1/15
1913,1924 1/10 1/12 1/20
1931 1/10 1/15 1/20
1935,1941,1949,1953,2012 1/10 1/25 1/25

Both AREMA and AASHTO Specifications included statements that required flanges to be
strengthened if section depths smaller than those required by the limiting depth-to-span ratio
are used.

The use of depth-to-span ratios was primarily to limit deflections but was also driven by
economics. The limiting values of depth-to-span ratios have decreased with time while
allowable stresses have increased. This would result in shallower sections being used, which
would result in larger deflections. This result confused the ASCE Committee on Deflection

Limitations of Bridges of the Structural Division, which was tasked with investigating the
origins of the deflection and depth-to-span limits. Furthermore, the committee quoted the 1905
AREA Committee’s explanation of their depth-to-span ratios:

“We established the rule because we could not agree on any. Some of us in
designing a girder that is very shallow in proportion to its length decrease the
unit stress or increase section according to some rule which we guess at. We
put it there so that a man would have a warrant for using whatever he pleased.’’

A conclusion was reached in the 1905 report that the two criteria, deflection limit and
depth-to-span ratio, are of different origin. The deflection limit is to limit undesired vibration
while the depth-to-span ratio is a result of economics. Also, the committee could not provide
any recommendations or methods for the best way to limit deflections or vibrations.

In the American practice, the deflection of bridges supporting vehicular traffic is generally
limited to the span length divided by 800 (L/800) for simple and continuous spans, and L/300
for cantilever arms. For bridges intended to also carry pedestrian and bicycle traffic the
AASHTO specifications have placed further limits. These deflection provisions are very
simple to use, but not directly related to the real issue of concern about the vibration response
under live load. The deflection and dynamic response both involve the stiffness of the bridge as
well as some other parameters, such as the mass, damping and so on.

In the 1970s, Wright and Walker performed a study reviewing the rationality of the deflection
limitation provisions and Roeder, et al. revisited the subject decades later in 2002 suggesting
that the current AASHTO live load deflection limits L/800 for vehicular traffic bridges and
L/1000 for pedestrian are not always sufficient in controlling excessive bridge vibration and
should ultimately be removed. Fountain and Thunman conducted a study, which examined live
load deflection criteria for steel bridges with concrete decks in 1987. They concluded that
AASHTO’s live load deflection criteria did not achieve the purported goal for strength,
durability, safety, or maintenance of steel bridges. They questioned the AASHTO deflection
criteria because the influencing 1930 Bureau of Public Roads study did not incorporate
composite girder bridges. In 2007, Barker and Barth compared the procedure in AASHTO
LRFD, which should have provided some uniformity in application, to the specific procedures
used in several states. They found that there is wide variation in the deflection limit employed
by the various states. Of the 47 states reporting deflection limits for bridges without pedestrian
 1 state employs a L/1600 limit,
 1 state uses a L/1100 limit,
 5 states employ a L/1000 limit,
 1 state expresses a preference for L/1000 but requires L/800 limit, and
 39 states employ a L/800 limit.


Of the states reporting deflection limits for bridges with pedestrian access:
 1 state employs a L/1600 limit,
 2 state use a L/1200 limit,
 1 state employs a L/1100 limit,
 39 states use a L/1000 limit,
 3 states employ a L/800 limit.

There is very wide variation in these deflection limits, since the largest deflection limit is twice
as large as the smallest deflection limit. Two of the 47 states use the deflection limit as a
recommendation rather than a design requirement.

Another problem is the live load that bridge designers use in order to obtain the live load
deflections. The AASHTO Specification indicates that deflections due to live load plus impact
are to be limited by the deflection limit. Within this context, there is ambiguity in the loads and
load combinations that should be used for the deflection calculations, because design live loads
are expressed as both individual truck loads and uniform lane loads. The survey showed that
the loads used to compute these deflections have even greater variability than observed in the
deflection limits.
 1 state employs the HS-20 truck load only,
 16 states use the HS-20 truck load plus impact,
 1 state uses the HS-20 lane load plus impact,
 1 state uses the HS-20 truck load plus lane load without impact,
 7 states use the larger deflection caused by either the HS-20 truck load plus
impact or the HS-20 lane load plus impact,
 17 states use the HS-20 truck load plus lane load plus impact,
 4 states consider deflections due to some form of military or special permit
 8 states use the HS-25 truck load.

It is not easy to compare the variability of the load and the variability of the deflection limit in
different states because these are not mutually exclusive. Wisconsin DOT, for instance, uses
the smallest deflection limit, but it also employs smaller loads than most other states. However,
the relative importance of the lane load and design truck load are possible to be different for
long and short span bridges, and so the L/1600 limit used in Wisconsin may be more restrictive
for short span bridges. On the contrary, the Wisconsin limit may be a generous deflection limit
for very long span bridges, because the truck load becomes relatively smaller with longer
bridge spans despite the small deflection limit.

The actual methods used to calculate deflections are not defined in the AASHTO
Specifications. Deflection limits are based upon deflections caused by service loads under
actual service conditions in typical engineering practice. Load factors or other factors used to
modify design loads are not normally used in these deflection calculations, and the actual

expected stiffness of the whole structure is also needed for calculation. This is another reason
that explains the variability in the application of the deflection limits. Load factors and lane
load distribution factors are employed in some states while they are not adopted in others. Lane
load distribution factors can significantly affect the magnitude of the loads used to calculate the
deflections. The survey shows that 26 states use lane load distribution factors from the
AASHTO Standard Specifications in calculating these deflections. Three states report that they
use the LRFD lane load distribution factors. Thirteen states indicate that they effectively apply
the loads uniformly to the traffic lanes by the AASHTO multiple presence lane load rules. They
then compute the deflections of the bridge as a system without any modification for load
factors, girder spacing or lane load distribution. These states effectively use an equal
distribution of deflection principle. One state uses its own lane load distribution factor that is
comparable to system deflection calculations. Several states indicate some flexibility in the
calculation method, and a few states indicate a reluctance to permit the bridge deflection limit
to control the design. The effect of the lane load distribution factor can be very significant.
Depending on the spacing of bridge girders, the load used for bridge deflection calculations can
be getting, at most, 100% larger than the load used for states where deflections are computed
for the bridge as a system or where the loads are uniformly distributed to girders. Load factors
may also be an issue of concern. Five states report that they apply load factors to the load used
for the deflection calculation. These load factors also increase the loads used to compute bridge
deflections, and they increase the variability in the application of the deflection limit between
different states.

Since the 1930s, vibration becoming an important issue for bridge structure, the natural
frequency of the bridge was attracting people’s attention and becoming more and more of a
concern. Some researchers state that bridge vibration is better controlled by a limit based on a
dynamic property of the bridge, such as natural frequency rather than deflection limit criteria.
Other studies show that the presence of excess vibrations is caused more by the natural
frequency of the bridge, vehicle speed, and surface roughness than it is correlated to the
deflection. Deflection limits not considering these factors are insufficient in preventing excess
vibrations. Different methods and solutions were devised. Even fatigue was treated as a key
factor that would generate deflection of bridges, thus the topic of fatigue load has been
researched for many years. However, no uniform criterion has been established.

2.1.2 Codes and Specifications in Other Countries Canadian Standards and Ontario Highway Bridge Code

Both the Canadian Standard and the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code (OHBDC) use a
relationship between natural frequency and maximum superstructure static deflection to
evaluate the acceptability of a bridge design for the anticipated degree of pedestrian use. Figure
2.1 shows the plot of the first flexural frequency (Hz) versus static deflection (mm) at the edge
of the bridge, which the natural frequency is calculated using following equations:


where fobs and fcal are the observed frequency and calculated frequency, respectively. Eb is the
modulus of elasticity of steel, Ib is the moment of inertial of the beam of cross-section, g is the
acceleration due to gravity, and w is the weight per unit length of the beam. Consistent units
must be employed for all variables. This equation was validated for structures with 2 Hz < fcal <
7 Hz.

Figure 2.1 First Flexural Frequency versus Static Deflection

(Ministry of Transportation, 1991)

More recent studies by Billings conducted over a wide range of bridge types and vehicle loads,
loads ranging from 22.5 kip to 135 kips (100 KN to 600 KN), confirm the results of the initial
study (Ontario Ministry of Transportation, 1991).

For both the Canadian Standards and the Ontario Code, only one truck is placed at the center of
a single traveled lane and the lane load is not considered. The maximum deflection is computed
due to factored highway live-load including the dynamic load allowance, and the gross
moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area is used (i.e. for composite members, use the actual
slab width). For slab-and-girder construction, deflection due to flexure is computed at the
closest girder to the specified location if the girder is within 1.5m of that location. Australian Codes

Australian Codes (AUSTROADS, 1992; AUSTRALIAN, 1996) require a similar curve,
shown in Figure 2.3, to limit the static deflection as a function of the first mode flexural
frequency for road bridges with footways. The serviceability design load of a single T44 Truck,
including the same dynamic load allowance as that of OHBDC shown in Figure 2.2, should be
positioned along the spans and within a lane to produce the maximum static deflection at a
footway. Where the deflection of a road bridge without a public footway complies with the


other limits specified in the codes, the vibration behavior of the bridge does not need to be
specifically investigated. Where these deflection limits are exceeded, the vibration behavior of
the bridge shall be assessed by a rational method, using acceptance criteria appropriate to the
structure and its intended use.

Meanwhile, the deflection of highway bridge girders under live load plus dynamic load
allowance shall not exceed 1/800 of the span length (AUSTRALIAN, 1996). However, the
work (Sergeev and Pressley, 1999) showed that the origin of this live load deflection limit is
uncertain. It was originally adopted in earlier versions of the Code, apparently taken from
contemporary AASHTO Specifications. In this study, the live load deflection limits for three
exiting bridges were investigated and alternative serviceability criteria were proposed. As a
result of the combination of both the proposed design live loadings (A160, S1600 and M1600),
which are heavier than the original design T44 truck, and the utilization of higher strength
steels 50 ksi (350 Mpa and higher), composite bridges were found to be particularly vulnerable
to the deflection limits. So, the validity of a live load deflection control criterion was
questioned. The Lotus Street Duplication Bridge is a slab on steel I-girder bridge with spans of
153 + 117 feet and the actual L/D equals 23.7, less than the recommended value of 25 for
composite girders. However, the live-load deflection limit was exceeded by 12% for 101t
Double Bottom Road Train (DBRT) loading and by 45% for M1600 loading. The Mortlock
River Bridge is a 6-span continuous composite steel bridge. The deflection under 101T DBRT
loading controlled the design and resulted in low L/D ratio of 13.7. The deflection limit L/800
is exceeded under M1600 by 7%. Bridge 1470 is a simply supported composite steel bridge
with a span length of 87.4 feet, the deflection under 101T DBRT loading also controlled this
design and the M1600 live-load deflection is 44% greater than the L/800 limit. Thus, it is
recommended that the Serviceability Limit State Criteria in the Australian Design Code should
be optimized by eliminating the artificial live load and placing more emphasis on the elastic
response of structures to serviceability loads, namely preventing rapid structure deterioration
by controlling crack widths under short term loads and controlling vibration as appropriate to
the situation.

Figure 2.2 Dynamic Load Allowance

(Ministry of Transportation, 1991 and CSA International, 2000)

Figure 2.3 Deflection Limits for Vibration Controls of Australian Codes
(AUSTROADS, 1992; AUSTRALIAN, 1996) Codes and Specifications of Europe

A brief review of the codes and specifications used in European countries were also examined.
Most European Common Market countries base their design specifications upon the Eurocodes
(Dorka, 2001). The Eurocodes are only a framework for national standards. Each country must
issue a "national application document (NAD)" which specifies the details of their procedures.
A Eurocode becomes a design standard only in connection with the respective NAD. Thus,
there is considerable variation in the design specifics from country to country in Europe. If an
NAD exists for a specific Eurocode, then this design standard is enforced when it is applied to
a building or bridge. Often, the old national standards are still valid and are applied. There is a
rule though, that the designer cannot mix specifications. The designer must make an initial
choice and then use this in all design documents for the structure. However, the full live loads
are generally factored with a "vibration factor" to account for extra stresses due to vibrations in
European bridge codes. No additional checks (frequency, displacements, etc.) are then required.
For long span or slender pedestrian bridges, a frequency and mode shape analysis is usually
performed. Special attention is always paid to cables, since vibrations are common, and some
European bridges have problems with wind induced cable vibration. Deflection limits are not
normally applied in the European bridge design.


2.2 Construction Closure Pours
2.2.1 Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Regulation
Staged construction is defined as building a parallel portion of a bridge at a different time in
Federal Publication No. FHWA-NHI-08-048 (2007). Closure pours usually are employed
when connecting two parts of a bridge in a closure bay. Some owners are unwilling to use
closure pours due to unfortunate experiences with them. It is suggested to consider pouring
sequence, shrinkage, and proper computation of cambers in order to get very compatible
deflections. Another issue that should need attention is a case where some girders are
composite when adjacent girders are being decked. When the wet concrete deck is placed on
the non-composite steel, a disproportionate portion of this new load is drawn to the stiffer
composite girders. To avoid this effect, the cross-frames/diaphragms connected to the two
stages might be disconnected, and then a closure pour is used.

2.2.2 Other States’ Practices

The California Department of transportation’s (Caltrans) Bridge Deck Construction Manual
(1991) suggests engineers should pay attention to the type of splice required for widening and
closure pours. It claims the top deck must match two existing bridge decks. The Memo to
Designers 9-3 Widening Existing Bridges (2010), published by Caltrans, recommends that
when the dead load deflection of a bridge widening exceeds ¼ inch, a minimum closure width
of 3 feet is utilized to complete the attachment to the existing structure. The memo states that,
for precast or steel girders, “a closure pour defers final connection to the existing structure until
the deflection from the deck slab weight has occurred; and it provides width to make a smooth
transition between differences in final grade that result from design or construction
imperfections.” For cast-in-place construction the memo states, “good engineering practices
dictates that the closure width should relate to the amount of dead load deflection that occurs
after the closure is placed, and, closure depth should be kept to a minimum. A minimum
closure width of three feet (3 ft.) is recommended.” The memo further states that ”it is
advantageous to delay the placing of the closure pour to reduce the transfer of load to the
existing structure, to improve the riding quality of the deck, to lower the stresses in the closure
slab and to allow for shortening of prestressed girders.”

Similarly, the Nevada Department of Transportation NDOT Structures Manual (2008) also
emphasizes the two purposes of a closure: it defers final connection of the stages until after the
deflection from deck slab weight has occurred, and it provides the width needed to make a
smooth transition between differences in final grades that result from construction tolerances.
A minimum closure width of three (3) feet is recommended. Greater closure widths may be
required when larger relative dead-load deflections are anticipated. The required width can be
estimated by considering the closure pour to be a fixed-fixed beam and by limiting the stresses
in the concrete to the cracking stress. The manual also includes the following specifications:
 Stay-in-place forms shall not be used under the closure pour.


 Diaphragms/cross frames in the staging bay of structural steel girders shall not be
rigidly connected until after the adjacent stages of the deck have been poured.
Construct concrete diaphragms in the staging bay of prestressed concrete girders after
adjacent portions of the bridge are complete. The diaphragms may be poured as part
of the closure.
 Reinforcing steel between different stages shall not be tied or coupled until after the
adjacent stages of the deck have been poured.
 Support the finishing machine on an overhang jack that is connected to the girder
loaded by the deck pour. Do not place the finishing machine on a previously poured
deck. The bridge designer must indicate in the contract documents that this method of
constructing the closure pour is not allowed.

In 2010, Michael Sprinkel, Chris Blevins, Richard E. Weyers, and their group conducted a
study that examined the failure and repair of a deck closure pour on Interstate 81in Virginia.
They reported that several reinforced concrete decks on I-81 were replaced using the 3-ft wide
center closure pour with epoxy coated reinforcement extending from each of the decks in 1992.
However, three bridges were observed to be in a near failure or failure state after 17 years. The
reason for the failure is mainly due to reinforcement corrosion in the vicinity of the leaking
construction joints and transverse cracks. Therefore, this study recommended that expansive
deck concrete should be used for closure pours to minimize or prevent the opening of closure
pour construction joints and the formation of cracks due to shrinkage of the concrete. Also,
placing closure pour construction joints over beams is suggested so that the closure pour is
supported by the adjacent beams rather than the transverse reinforcement.

2.2.3 Research and Testing Findings

H. I Hung and Y. H. Chai (2011) recommended shortening closure pour waiting time for bridge
construction. Current practice in California requires up to a 60-day waiting period for closure
pour after the release of falsework for both staged construction and widening of existing
bridges. The relatively long wait time is intended to reduce the stress build-up and mitigate the
damage in the bridge deck due to the potential differential displacement between the newly
constructed deck and the previously poured deck. However, the current waiting period does not
take into account the displacement capacity of the closure slab, which varies depending on the
dimensions and reinforcement details, as well as the time-dependent differential displacement
that will be imposed on the closure slab. The numerical examples in their study indicate that the
current waiting period is conservative, especially in staged construction.

The findings of NCHRP Synthesis 345 (2005) are based on survey questionnaires and
interviews sent to steel bridge fabricators, steel bridge erectors and contractors from U. S.
states and Canadian provinces. This study reported that problems develop in staged
construction as the result of the difference in elevation between the deflected position of
members after pouring and the non-deflected position of the members before pouring.


Furthermore, deck alignment, cross-frame connection and girders between two stages all
require special considerations. For a successful stage construction, bridge owners developed
several different strategies. The first one is using a closure or construction pour between stages.
In Ohio, bridge owners use an 800 mm construction closure pour between stages to control
delta deflection between stages. In Montana, they use a 600 mm closure pour to deal with the
deflection between stages. In Tennessee, they require a closure pour for staged construction.
Differential displacements across a staged construction field-cast connection can have a
detrimental impact on the performance of the connection. Ben Graybeal (2012) investigated
the bond of #4 (#13M) reinforcing bars and found that differential displacements equal to or
greater than 0.05 inches (1.27 mm) caused a reduction in the bond strength. Not surprisingly,
differential displacements seemed to ream a hole in the embedment material around the
reinforcing bar, thus reducing the bond capacity.

Bridge Superstructure Design-MM No. 10 (2001) from the Iowa Department of Transportation
placed guidelines when considering closure pours for bridge decks with longitudinal
construction joints:

a. If there is more than 2 inches (50 mm) of dead load deflection in the bridge deck,
then closure pours should be used.
b. If the staged construction is on a highway system with a high volume of truck
traffic (approximately 500 or more trucks per day), then a closure pour should be
considered. This will be addressed on a case by case basis.

The closure pour should be wide enough to allow for splicing of the transverse reinforcing steel
along with 2 inches (50 mm) of clearance for the end of the bars from the construction joint.
The minimum closure pour width should be three feet (900 mm).
Closure pours should be placed in areas with constant cross-slope in the bridge deck. In
addition, closure pours over beams should be avoided.

Reasons for closure pours are:

a. For large deflections it may be difficult for the contractor to match up the
elevations of the construction joints without a closure pour. Also, it is difficult to
tie the reinforcing steel due to the difference in elevations and possible
interference with new beam lines.
b. For areas with high truck traffic there can be problems with vibrations due to
traffic that could cause poor bonding of the concrete to the reinforcing steel
adjacent to the construction joint.

When closure pours are used, follow these guidelines for the different types of bridges:

For Concrete Slab Bridges -

Closure pours are typically not used for continuous concrete slab bridges. This is because the
falsework is required to remain under the stage I construction until after the stage II
construction has been completed and the falsework is ready for removal. Removing the

falsework at the same time allows the slabs from both stages to deflect under dead load
together. This prevents moments from developing in the construction joint due to the slabs
deflecting at different times.

For Prestressed Concrete Beam Bridges -

a. For prestressed concrete beam bridges with intermediate concrete diaphragms, the
diaphragm shall not be placed in the bay where the closure pour is to be placed.
b. For prestressed concrete beam bridges with steel intermediate diaphragms, the
diaphragm bolts used in connecting the channel to the bent plate shall remain
loose until the second stage has been poured, then tightened before the closure
c. The abutment and pier diaphragms should be staged with the deck pours and be in
place before the closure pour.

For Steel Girder Bridges -

The bracing in the bay that contains the closure pour is to be installed after the second stage has
been poured and prior to placing the closure pour. The bolt holes shall be field drilled in the
cross bracing members to provide allowances for “fit up” of the diaphragm. For integral
abutments, the same procedure as described for prestressed beams shall be used.


3. Live Load Deflection Validation of Steel Bridges

In the first part of this chapter, live load deflection of steel bridges is studied. Live loads are
assumed to consist of gravity loads (vehicular live loads, rail transit loads and pedestrian loads),
the dynamic load allowance, centrifugal forces, braking forces and vehicular collision forces;
they are considered to be transient loads that are assumed to be applied to the short-term
composite section. However, the live loads of interest in this study are only the design truck
and lane loads since the primary live loads on bridge spans are due to traffic. The methods of
both Allowable Stress Design (ASD) from the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridge (2002) and Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) from the AASTHO LRFD
Bridge Design Specification (2014) are compared. The comparison includes the types of live
load as well as important factors such as multiple presence factor and dynamic load allowance
(i.e. impact factor). In the second part, three different programs, MERLIN-DASH, DESCUS-I
and CSiBridge, are briefly introduced including analysis principle and procedure. The
MERLIN-DASH program analyzes the bridge by a line-girder bridge model and the
DESCUS-I program conducts the analysis with two-dimensional grid method. Both are used as
design tools by SHA. The CSiBridge uses the three-dimensional finite element method. Three
bridges from SHA’s bridge inventory were selected to be representative bridges. The full
investigation and analyses including the field measured data as well as the model analysis of
these three bridges are shown in the next chapter.

3.1 Loading considered in the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD)
and the Allowable Stress Design (ASD)
3.1.1 Loading considered in the Allowable Stress Design
In the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridge (2002), the Allowable Stress
Design (ASD) method has been adopted. The live loads in highways are defined as standard
truck and lane loads in ASD.

For the standard truck load, there are four standard classes of highway loading, which are H-20,
H-15, HS-20 and HS-15. Loading H-15 of two axles is 75 percent of loading H-20 as well as
HS-15 of three axles is 75 percent of loading HS-20. The HS-20 design truck, which is
currently used in most states for live load analysis and design, indicates a vehicle with a front
tractor axle weighing 8 kips (two sets of wheels, 4 kips on the left and 4 kips on the right), a
rear tractor axle weighing 32 kips, and a semitrailer axle weighing 32 kips. The distance
between the front wheels and the rear tractor wheels is 14 feet and the distance from this axle to
the semitrailer axle is varying from 14 to 30 feet as shown in Figure 3.1.


Figure 3.1 HS-20 Design Truck

In addition to the standard truck loadings, the AASHTO specifications also allow the
representation of the truck as a single concentrated load and a uniform load. For the HS-20
truck loading, the concentrated load is defined as 18 kips for the moment, and 26 kips for the
shear; the uniform load is 0.64 kips per linear foot as shown in Figure 3.2. In this chapter, 18
kips is used because the deflection is related to the moment. Both the concentrated load and
uniform load should be considered as uniformly distributed over a 10-foot width on a line
normal to the centerline of the lane from the AASHTO specifications.

Figure 3.2 HS-20 Lane Load and Concentrated Load

In Maryland, the new design truck loading called ‘HS-25’ was adopted due to some concern
that the HS-20 truck load did not adequately reflect actual conditions. The HS-25 truck load is
25 percent higher than the HS-20 truck load resulting in 10 kips in the front and 40 kips in the
back instead of 8 and 32 kips. Also, the concentrated load for moment and shear and the
uniform lane load are higher by 25 percent making them 22.5 kips, 32.5 kips and 0.8 kips per
linear foot, respectively. The live load deflection result from the worst case scenario of the both
truck loading and lane load plus concentrated load would be used during the deflection

For the live load deflection analysis with ASD method, several factors are used in the
calculation of live load deflection. The live loads should be increased for steel bridges to allow


for dynamic, vibratory and impact effects. The impact allowance should be determined by the
following formula:

in which,
I = impact fraction (maximum 30 percent);
L = length in feet of the portion of the span that is loaded to produce the
maximum stress in the member.

Another important factor, the multiple-presence-factor, should be used for reduction in load
intensity. Based on the AASHTO Standard Specifications (2002), the multiple presence factors
are shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Multiple Presence Factors in ASD Method

Number of lane(s) Multiple presence factors

One or two lanes 1.00
Three lanes 0.90
Four lanes or more 0.75

3.1.2 Loading considered in the Load and Resistance Factor Design

AASHTO has developed and published the “LRFD Bridge Design Specifications” (the latest
being 2014). The FHWA has endorsed the new LRFD method and mandated its adoption for
new bridge designs after 2007. The LRFD Specifications use the AASHTO HL-93 truck
loading as the design truck loading. The HL-93 designation consists of a “design truck plus
design lane load” or “design tandem plus design lane load,” whichever produces the worst case.
A “HL-93 design truck” is identical to the HS-20 load configurations shown in Figure 3.1. The
“design tandem” consists of a pair of 25 kips axles spaced 4.0 feet apart and the transverse
spacing of wheels should be taken as 6.0 feet. The design lane load is 0.64 kips per linear foot
uniformly distributed in the longitudinal direction of the bridges. The LRFD method used in
this study takes the larger deflection resulting from (1) a design truck loading alone and (2) the
design lane load plus 25 percent of the design truck load.

The dynamic allowance would be different in this design method from the one in ASD method.
The dynamic load allowance in LRFD is a constant of 33 percent only applied to the truck
loading. The multiple presence factors are also slightly different from ASD, which are shown
in Table 3.2.


Table 3.2 Multiple Presence Factors in the LRFD Method
Number of loaded lanes Multiple presence factors
1 1.20
2 1.00
3 0.85
>3 0.65

3.1.3 Summary of Loading in Two Methods

A summary of these two methods mentioned previously is shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Loads and Factors considered in ASD and LRFD Methods



(Truck only) (truck only)


3.2 Introduction of Computer Programs used in This Study

The programs used in this study are MERLIN-DASH, DESCUS-I and CSiBridge.

Design, Analysis and Rating of StraigHt Girder Bridge Systems (MERLIN-DASH), was
developed for bridge design engineers who function in a software production environment. In
order to provide a program which would be applicable nationally, MERLIN-DASH was
developed to offer the wide range of features and options necessary to meet the demands of
universal usage in the analysis, design, and rating of steel and reinforced concrete bridges.

MERLIN-DASH incorporates a flexible sequence of operations initiated with analysis and

proceeding, at the user's option, to perform any or all combinations of analysis, design, code

check, rating and staging for the AASHTO WSD (or called ASD), LFD or LRFD methods.
Generality also extends into the structural model incorporated within MERLIN-DASH. The
structural analysis is performed via a series of modular subroutines based on the stiffness
method. An extensive mesh generation capability on a line girder allows for the incorporation
of fully automated AASHTO Dead Load (DL) and Live Load (LL) sequences. Incorporated
within the MERLIN-DASH system are the most general and the widest ranges of capabilities.

In this portion of the study, the rating functions of AASHTO WSD (or called ASD) and LRFD
methods have been used for the three representative bridges and the rest of the sample bridges
as well. In MERLIN-DASH, the girders or beams of one bridge model are all assigned as the
same girder or beam as the interior one in the real bridge. The shoulders of the bridge models
are treated as curb to which no design load is assigned. Bracing between girders or beams is not
considered in the analysis of this software. The analysis was based on the influence line since
this is only in two dimensions. The HS-25 design truck and HL-93 design truck are used as
design load for ASD and LRFD methods, respectively.

The computer program Design and Analysis of Curved I-Girder Bridge Systems (DESCUS-I),
performs the complete analysis and partial design of a straight or horizontally curved bridge
composed of flanged steel sections which act either compositely or non-compositely with a
concrete deck. The program can be run using either WSD (or called ASD), LFD, or LRFD
method. The bridge may be of arbitrary plan configuration and can be continuous and skewed
over supports. The girders may have high degree of curvature, may be nonconcentric,
bifurcated, and may contain hinges.

The program models the bridge structure as a two-dimensional grid in a stiffness format with
three degrees-of-freedom at each nodal point (corresponding torsion, shear, and bending
moment). All nodal locations, member connectivity, and section properties are generated
internally from basic input. All dead load (DL) computations are performed automatically
within the program to satisfy the construction conditions specified by AASHTO. Additional
constant dead load is allowed per girder as a special program input option. All live load (LL)
computations also are performed automatically, where the AASHTO truck and lane loadings
are applied to an influence surface previously generated for the entire bridge. Impact (I)
effects also are included per AASHTO recommendations. Up to nine arbitrary trucks can also
be specified and analyzed concurrently.

Output contains the positive and negative maximum moments, shears, and torsion along with
the corresponding primary and warping stresses for each girder and beam or truss diaphragm
element. These maxima are given along with all AASHTO group combinations for DL + LL +
I. Also, outputs are deformations along each girder for DL and maximum LL + I, along with
the allowable deflections recommended by AASHTO. Finally, various tables are output which


yield information on the design of the sections including maximum stresses, allowable stresses,
shear ranges, shear connector, and stiffener spacing.

In DESCUS-I the analysis is based on the influence surface instead of the influence line in
MERLIN-DASH. Therefore the results from the model built in this program are expected to be
more accurate than those in MERLIN-DASH, since the transverse action would affect the
whole bridge behavior.

CSiBridge is a new software for bridge analyses and it provides a way to model the whole
bridge in three-dimensions instead of 2-dimensions as in MERLIN-DASH and DESCUS-I.
CSiBridge is a module separated from the previous version of SAP2000. Modeling, analysis
and design of bridge structures have been integrated into CSiBridge to create the ultimate in
computerized engineering tools. Using CSiBridge, engineers can easily define complex bridge
geometries, boundary conditions and load cases. The bridge models are defined parametrically,
using terms that are familiar to bridge engineers such as layout lines, spans, bearings,
abutments, bents, hinges, and post-tensioning. The software creates spine, shell or solid object
models that update automatically as the bridge definition parameters are changed. CSiBridge
design allows for quick and easy design and retrofitting of steel and concrete bridges. The
parametric modeler allows the user to build simple or complex bridge models and to make
changes efficiently while maintaining total control over the design process. Lanes and vehicles
can be defined quickly and include width effects. Simple and practical charts are available to
simulate modeling of construction sequences and scheduling. In addition, AASHTO LRFD
design is included so that the user could easily obtain the results that are needed. In this study,
four load cases, which are the HS-25 truck and lane load plus concentrated load for the ASD
method, as well as the HS-20 truck along and 25 percent of the HS-20 truck load plus lane load
for the LRFD method, were applied for a certain bridge. The worst situation in each method
was found and analyzed. The analysis type used in this study is ‘moving load’ in CSiBridge
since it should be consistent with MERLIN-DASH and DESCUS-I.

Among these three programs, CSiBridge should be able to obtain the most precise results while
the MERLIN-DASH is the most convenient program for users to use to model the bridge and
do analysis. It is impossible to model all the sample bridges with the accurate but complicated
finite element method. Therefore, a few representative bridges need to be selected and
analyzed with different programs to examine whether the results from MERLIN-DASH are

3.3 Three Representative Maryland Bridges

In order to validate the analysis procedure used in this study, several representative bridges
were selected for full investigation. Through the Maryland State Bridge Inventory the most
popular design truck load was determined to be the HS-20 truck. Also, in most cases, the
number of the spans is one, two, or three and the individual span length is 30 feet to 200 feet.

Based on these considerations, the three bridges selected were I-270 over Middlebrook Road
(bridge no. 1504200), Route 1 over Paint Branch (bridge no. 1600400), and the I-95 over
Patuxent River (bridge no. 1619701) bridges. The I-270 over Middlebrook Road bridge is a
single span straight girder bridge with the span length 140 feet. The Route 1 over Paint Branch
bridge is a two-span skewed bridge with two equal 80 foot spans. This bridge is just in front of
the University of Maryland at College Park hence it is easy to measure. The I-95 over Patuxent
River bridge is located on one of the most important highways on the East Coast of the United
States and is a three-span bridge with spans lengths of 165 feet for the two side spans and 180
feet for the center span. The heavy traffic on this bridge also makes it to be worth investigating.
All three bridges were designed with the HS-20 design truck load. Field measured deflection
data and model analyses, including the two-dimensional model and the three-dimensional
finite element model, are presented and comprehensively discussed in the next chapter.


4. Refined Analysis of Three Representative Maryland Bridges

In this chapter, all the three representative bridges were analyzed using MERLIN-DASH,
DESCUS-I and CSI Bridge computer programs. In the Allowable Stress Design method, the
HS-25 design truck was adopted for the live load deflection although the bridges are designed
with the HS-20 loading, because Maryland used HS-25 loading instead of HS-20 loading from
the 1990s until 2007 when LRFD was adopted. The HL-93 design truck was used for deflection
analysis in the Load and Resistance Factor Design method.

4.1 Model Analysis of the I-270 over Middlebrook Road Bridge

The bridge located on I-270 over Middlebrook Road (bridge no. 1504200) is a single span
bridge whose span length is 140 feet. This bridge was built using the HS-20 design load in
1991. There are four lanes in the North Bound Route (N.B.R. to Frederick) and three lanes in
the South Bound Route (S.B.R. to Washington). The S.B.R. bridge was modeled and analyzed
in this study, therefore the multiple-presence-factor in both the ASD and LRFD methods are
0.85 and 0.9, respectively, according to the summary chart in Section 3.1.3. The typical section
of the S.B.R. is shown in Figure 4.1. The roadway width is 57 feet 6.5 inches, including the two
shoulders with 10 feet width on the right and 11 feet and 6.5 inches width on the left. There are
also two barriers, which are 2 feet wide on the right and 1 foot 5.5 inches on the left. There are
eight identical beams beneath the 8.5 inches deep concrete deck slab with the spacing of 7 feet
and 11 inches and the two overhangs, 2 feet 3 inches on the left and 3 feet 6 inches on the right,
from the very outside of the cross section of the bridge. Two different plate girder sections are
used in this bridge; the dimensions and the arrangement of the plate girders could be found in
Figure 4.2 ‘girder elevation’. Section 1 is assigned for a 35-foot-long distance from both ends
of the bridge and section 2 is for the middle 70 feet. Also, the impact factors for the ASD
method were calculated as 18.9% based on equation 3.1 and a constant 33% for the LRFD
method. The lateral bracing spacing is 23.33 feet since there are 7 bracings equally spaced
between the two ends of the bridge. The steel in this bridge has a yield stress of 50 ksi and the
reinforcing steel is Grade 60.


Figure 4.1 Typical Cross Section of the I-270 over Middlebrook Road Bridge S.B.R

Figure 4.2 Girder Elevations

For the I-270 over Middlebrook Road (bridge no. 1504200) bridge analysis in
MERLIN-DASH, each beam is assigned as the plate girder sections detailed in Table 4.1 below.
Section 1 is assigned from 0 to 35 feet and 105 to 140 feet, respectively, and section 2 is from
35 to 105 feet, which is in the middle 70 feet of the bridge. The bridge roadway is adjusted to
36 feet by removing the shoulders, and the edge of slab to curb is input as 12.5 feet by
averaging the remaining cross section of the bridge once the 36 feet of driving roadway width
is removed.

Table 4.1 Beam Sections

P.G. Web P.G. Flange
Top Bottom Bottom
Unit: inch Depth Thick Top Thick
Width Width Thick
Section1 60 0.5625 16 1.5 18 1.625
Section2 60 0.5625 16 1.5 20 2

The haunch has been defined as 2.875 inches in depth and 16 inches in width. The detail factor
for beam has been estimated as 1.05. The span length is 140 feet. The beam spacing and the
arrangement of beam sections are easy to follow with the information mentioned above. The
slab has the depth of 8.5 inches and the intensity of the dead load per beam was calculated by
multiplying the depth of the deck slab with the tributary width, which is the spacing between
two adjacent beams, also multiplied by the density of concrete. In this case, it is 0.841 kips/ft.

The arbitrary uniform load per beam in this program consists of dead load including ‘haunch’
and ‘stay-in-place’, and superimposed dead load that usually are ‘future wearing surface’ and
‘barrier’. In the I-270 over Middlebrook Road bridge (bridge no. 1504200), they were
determined to be 0.048 kips/ft., 0.022 kips/ft., 0.216 kips/ft. and 0.152 kips/ft., respectively.
Diaphragms and stiffeners are neglected in this study since only the moment strength was taken
into consideration. Shear is not a concern here. The model built in MERLIN-DASH is shown
in Figure 4.3 below.

Figure 4.3 I-270 over Middlebrook Road Bridge Model in MERLIN-DASH

The rating function of MERLIN-DASH has been used for both the ASD and LRFD methods.
In ASD, the design truck is selected as HS-25 and in LRFD, it is HL-93. The results obtained
for live load deflections for this bridge from DASH are 0.821 inches for ASD HS-25 loading
with lane load governing and 0.651 inches for LRFD HL-93 loading with lane plus 25% truck

The model of the I-270 over Middlebrook Road bridge (bridge no. 1504200) in DESCUS-I
could be more accurate than the model in MERLIN-DASH because the real bridge has a

14-degree skew angle that can only be treated as a straight girder bridge in MERLIN-DASH
due to the limitation of the line-girder program. In DESCUS-I, this skew issue can be solved. A
V-bracing diaphragm is applied for the bridge and the graphic generated from DESCUS-I is
shown in Figure 4.4. Also, the distribution factors can be automatically calculated based on the
cross section information pre-input into the program. In the ASD method the design load is still
the HS-25 truck and in LRFD it remains the HL-93 truck.

Figure 4.4 DESCUS-I Graphic of the I-270 over Middlebrook Road Bridge

The live load deflections for both design methods were calculated as 1.151 inches with lane
load governing in ASD and 1.017 inches with HL-93 governing in LRFD.

In CSiBridge, a three-dimensional finite element model (Figure 4.5) was built and moving load
analysis was used for both the ASD and LRFD methods.

The load factors mentioned previously have been manually applied in for both design methods.
For the ASD method, the lane load governs and the live load deflection under the HS-25 design
truck load is 1.107 inches; for the LRFD method, the truck load alone governs and the live load
deflection is 0.984 inches.


Figure 4.5 I-270 over Middlebrook Road Bridge Model in CSiBridge

4.2 Model Analysis of the Route 1 over Paint Branch Bridge

The Route 1 over Paint Branch bridge (bridge no. 1600400) has two 80-foot-long spans, which
makes the impact factor 24.4% (I=50/(80+125)=0.244) for both spans in the ASD method. In
the LRFD method, this factor is 33%. The number of lanes along the Route 1 over Paint Branch
bridge is also three; hence, the multiple presence factors are the same values as the I-270 over
Middlebrook Road bridge (bridge no. 1504200) in both the ASD and LRFD methods, which
are 0.85 and 0.9, respectively. The typical cross section shown in Figure 4.6 provides
information about this bridge. The roadway for three lanes is 33 feet and the edge of slab to
curb is 6 feet. There are six beams with a 7.04-foot distance from each other and the overhang
is 3.79 feet. The slab depth is 8.5 inches including 0.5 inches integral wearing surface. The
haunch is 2.35 inches deep and 20 inches wide according to the elevation view as shown in
Figure 4.7. This figure also shows that two wide flange beams W36x135 and W36x245 were
adopted in this bridge. W36x245 is in the middle 50 feet portion of the girder and W36x135 for
the remainder of the girder. The structural steel has the yield stress of 50 ksi and the reinforcing
steel is Grade 40. The distance between adjacent lateral bracing is 20 feet.


Figure 4.6 Typical Cross Section of the Route 1 over Paint Branch Bridge

Figure 4.7 Elevation

The Route 1 over Paint Branch bridge (bridge no. 1600400) is a skewed bridge. In
MERLIN-DASH, however, this bridge is built to be straight due to line girder limitation.
Figure 4.6 only shows half of the bridge roadway so that it is assumed that there is an extra
length on the right beyond the overhang of 3.79 feet, same as the left overhang, and 4.15 feet as
the sidewalk in average. The dead load information is shown in Table 4.2. The model view of
MERLIN-DASH is shown in Figure 4.8.

Table 4.2 Dead Load Information of Route1 Bridge

Slab Loads Per Beam

Deck Slab 0.748 kips/ft.
Arbitrary Uniform Loads Per Beam
Haunch 0.021 kips/ft.
Dead Load
Stay in place 0.049 kips/ft.
Future wearing surface 0.176 kips/ft.
Superimposed Dead Load
Barriers 0.324 kips/ft.


Figure 4.8 Route 1 over Paint Branch Bridge Model in MERLIN-DASH

The live load deflections for this bridge are calculated as 0.85 inches for both spans within the
ASD method and 0.687 inches for both spans within the LRFD method. The lane load governs
in ASD and HL-93 truck load governs in LRFD.

In DESCUS-I, the 30-degree skew angle is considered. The lateral bracing between two
adjacent girders used a steel channel. Analyses were performed for both the ASD and LRFD
design options and the live load deflection results were 1.079 inches for the ASD method with
the HS-25 truck load governing and 0.918 inches for the LRFD method with HL-93 truck load
governing. The bridge framing plan from DESCUS-I is shown in Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9 DESCUS-I Graphic of the Route 1 over Paint Branch Bridge

In CSiBridge, this bridge is modeled with shell elements as shown in Figure 4.10. For the ASD
method, the HS-25 truck load governs and the live load deflections are 1.016 and 0.973 inches


for the two respective spans; for the LRFD method, the truck load alone governs and the live
load deflections are 0.821 and 0.786 inches for two respective spans.

Figure 4.10 Route 1 over Paint Branch Bridge Model in CSiBridge

4.3 Model Analysis of I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge

The I-95 over Patuxent River bridge (bridge no. 1619701) is a three-span steel bridge, which
has span lengths of 165 feet, 180 feet and 165 feet, respectively. Therefore, the impact factors
in the ASD method are 17.2% (I=50/(165+125)=0.172) for end spans and 16.4%
(I=50/(180+125)=0.164) for the middle span. The impact factor is still 33%, same as the
previous two bridges in the LRFD method by following the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications (2014). There are four lanes on this bridge, so the multiple presence factors are
0.65 in ASD and 0.75 in LRFD.

The I-95 over Patuxent River bridge (bridge no. 1619701) has two vehicle travel directions
N.B.R. and S.B.R., whose cross sections are the same but in the opposite directions. A typical
cross-section at the mid-span of N.B.R. shown in Figure 4.11 was taken for analysis. The
four-lane roadway width is 48 feet and the edge of slab to curb is 11.5 feet including a 10 feet
wide shoulder. There are eight girders under 8.5 inches of deep concrete slab in this bridge; the
two exterior girders are slightly different from the six interior girders. The girders are at the
same spacing of 9 feet 2 inches and the overhang is 3 feet 5 inches. Figure 4.12 only shows half
of the girder elevation; the other half is symmetric with this half. In the area of the pier, the web
depth of the girder varies in a parabolic shape; therefore, more work needs to be done during
modeling of the bridge in each program analysis. The I-95 over Patuxent River bridge was built
in the 1970s; hence, the structural steel has the yield stress of 36 ksi.


Figure 4.11 Typical Cross Section at Mid-span of the I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge

Figure 4.12 Partial Girder Elevation-N.B.R

In MERLIN-DASH, the interior girder sections were used for all eight of the girders and in the
area of the parabolic shape defined as concave down. The dead load information is shown in
detail in Table 4.3 below. The spacing of the lateral bracing is 23.57 feet for the end spans and
22.5 feet for the middle span. The model built in MERLIN-DASH is shown in Figure 4.13.

Table 4.3 Dead Load Information of the I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge

Slab Loads Per Beam

Deck Slab 0.748 kips/ft.
Arbitrary Uniform Loads Per Beam
Haunch 0.021 kips/ft.
Dead Load
Stay in place 0.049 kips/ft.
Future wearing surface 0.176 kips/ft.
Superimposed Dead Load
Barriers 0.324 kips/ft.


Figure 4.13: The I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge Model in MERLIN-DASH

The live load deflections of the I-95 over Patuxent River bridge (bridge no. 1619701) obtained
from MERLIN-DASH rating function are 0.750 inches for end spans and 0.808 inches for the
mid span within the ASD method. In the LRFD method, the end span deflection is 0.470 inches
and the mid span deflection is 0.527 inches. The lane load governs in ASD and HL-93 design
truck load governs in LRFD.

The I-95 over Patuxent River bridge (bridge no. 1619701) is a straight steel girder bridge so
skew needs to be considered in the DESCUS-I model. An assumption for parabolic shape in
girder elevation was made so that the average depth of the web in the changing area was
selected to be the constant; therefore, seven different plate girder sections, according to Figure
4.12, were used for the bridge model in DESCUS-I. As a result, the girder elevation could be
modeled, as shown Figure 4.14, and detailed, as listed in Table 4.4. Figure 4.15, is half of the
framing plan for the I-95 over Patuxent River bridge from DESCUS-I model graphics.

Figure 4.14 Girder Elevation of Half of the I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge in

Table 4.4 Beam Sections
P.G. Web P.G. Flange
Unit: inch Depth Thick Top Thick Bot Width Bot Thick
Section1 72 0.4375 18 1 18 1.5
Section2 72 0.4375 18 1.5 18 2.25
Section3 72 0.4375 18 1.25 18 1.25
Section4 120 0.4375 18 1.75 18 1.75
Section5 72 0.4375 18 0.875 18 1.25
Section6 108 0.4375 18 1.75 18 1.75
Section7 84 0.4375 18 1.25 18 1.25

Figure 4.15 Half Framing Plan of the I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge in DESCUS-I

The live load deflections of the I-95 over Patuxent River bridge (bridge no. 1619701) obtained
from DESCUS for the ASD Design Method are 1.012 inches for all the spans. In the LRFD
method, the end spans’ deflection is 0.684 inches and the mid span deflection is 0.732 inches.
The lane load governs in ASD and HL-93 design truck load governs in LRFD.

In CSiBridge, this bridge is modeled as the actual one (Figure 4.16). For the ASD method, the
lane load governs and the live load deflections are 0.670 inches for end spans and 0.720 inches
for the mid span; for the LRFD method, 25 percent truck load plus lane load governs and the
live load deflections are 0.930 and 0.933 inches for two end spans and mid span, respectively.

A field bridge test was conducted for the I-95 over Patuxent River bridge (bridge no. 1619701)
and a few sensors were used to acquire the live load deflection data. A long-term measurement
provided the maximum deflection on the location of 48 feet and 10 inches from the south
bridge abutment to be 5.96 mm (0.23 in.) and 4.98 mm (0.20 in.) for the third girder and the
second girder, respectively. From the software results, it was found that the measurement data
are slightly smaller. This may be due to the fact that the actual vehicles’ effect on the bridge did
not reach the same high level as the fully loaded assumption used in the program analysis.

Figure 4.16 The I-95 over Patuxent River Bridge Model in CSiBridge

4.4 Summary of Live Load Deflection Comparison

The live load deflections of representative bridges obtained from three different programs are
shown in table 4.5.


Table 4.5 Live Load Deflection of Three Representative Bridges

I-270 over Multiple lane factor MF=0.85 MF=0.9
Middlebrook Road Impact factor IF=33% IF=50/(L+125)=18.9%
1 span CSI CSI
L=140 ft. Bridge Bridge
3 lanes -0.651 -0.984 -1.017 -0.821 -1.107 -1.151
I-95 over Patuxent IF=50/(L+125)=17.2% (End span)
River IF=50/(L+125)=16.4% (Mid span)
3 spans CSI CSI
L=165-180-165 ft. Bridge Bridge
4 lanes -0.470(end) -0.670 -0.684 -0.763 -0.93 -1.012
-0.527(mid) -0.720 -0.732 -0.808 -0.933 -1.012
Route 1 over Paint IF=50/(L+125)=24.4% (span 1)
Branch IF=50/(L+125)=24.4% (span 2)
2 spans CSI CSI
L=80-80 ft. Bridge Bridge
3 lanes -0.687(span1) -0.821 -0.918 -0.825(span1) -0.973 -1.079
-0.687(span2) -0.821 -0.918 -0.825(span2) -0.973 -1.079

According to the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (2002), Article
”When spans have cross-bracing or diaphragms sufficient in depth or strength to ensure
lateral distribution of loads, the deflection may be computed for the standard H or HS
loading (M or MS) considering all beams or stringers as acting together and having equal
“When investigating the maximum absolute deflection for straight girder systems, all
design lanes should be loaded, and all supporting components should be assumed to
deflect equally.”

It could be found that the distribution of live load is used as an average value (number of
lanes/number of girders) since all the girders are treated as equal. This may cause a discrepancy
that the live load deflection is relatively small using line-girder program, which can be
explained in Figure 4.17.


Figure 4.17 Distribution of Live Load along the Roadway

In DASH, the live load distribution factors are using this average value and multiple-presence
factor together. Taking I-270 over Middlebrook Road bridge (bridge no. 1504200) as an
example, there are three lanes and eight girders so that the distribution factor for ASD is 0.338
and for LRFD is 0.319. This could cause the live load deflection to be very small and then
affect the results of analysis. In order to avoid this situation, an adjustment was developed in
DASH. The live load distribution factor is defined as the number of the traffic lanes divided by
the effective number of girders, which means the girders directly support the lanes but not the
curb. For instance, for the I-270 over Middlebrook Road bridge (bridge no. 1504200), the
distribution factor for both ASD and LRFD is changed to 0.5. With this idea in mind, the live
load deflection for the three representative bridges from DASH becomes higher, which is
closer to the actual case and more conservative. With this adjustment made to all of the test
bridges, the live load deflections are provided in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6 Live Load Deflection of Three Bridges with Adjustment

I-270 over CSI
Middlebrook Bridge
1 span
-1.021 -0.984 -1.017 -1.216 -1.107 -1.151
L=140 ft.
3 lanes
I-95 over CSI
Patuxent River Bridge
3 spans
L=165-180-16 -0.723(end) -0.670 -0.684 -1.017 -0.93 -1.012
5 ft. -0.811(mid) -0.720 -0.732 -1.077 -0.933 -1.012
4 lanes
Route 1 over CSI
Paint Branch Bridge
2 spans
-0.970(span1) -0.821 -0.918 -1.100(span1) -0.973 -1.079
L=80-80 ft.
-0.970(span2) -0.821 -0.918 -1.100(span2) -0.973 -1.079
3 lanes

In Table 4.6, the deflections from DASH are slightly conservative and are acceptable because
all of them are under the L/800 criteria. In the next chapter, 30 sample bridges are analyzed
with the DASH program.


5. Results of 30 Sample Bridges Using the Line-girder Method

In this chapter, 30 sample bridges from the Maryland Bridge Inventory were modeled in
DASH and analyzed for both the ASD and LRFD methods. The Inventory, maintained by SHA,
lists the majority of the bridges from the 23 counties in Maryland, including the important
information on the bridges, such as location, design load, bridge types and span length, as well
as the year when they were built. The design load is typically HS-20. H-20 and HS-25 loads
also occupy a certain proportion. Most bridges in this inventory have one span to three spans,
and the span lengths range from 30 feet to 300 feet. The sample bridges consist of 10
single-span bridges, 10 double-span bridges and 10 three-span bridges. The following chart
shows the length for each span of these bridges. The distribution of the span length of these 30
bridges covers most of the range of the bridge span length in the Inventory; therefore, these 30
bridges could reasonably serve as the sample bridges in this study.

Figure 5.1 Distribution of Span Length for Sample Bridges

5.1 Live Load Deflection Analysis

These bridges were designed by using different truck loads, 17 of them were using the HS-20
truck as the design load, eight of them used H-20, and the remaining four used H-20 because
they were built decades ago. The H-20 truck load is similar to HS-20, but only has one axle of
wheels in the back. The single line girder method was still used for analysis in this chapter. The
live load deflection from the ASD and LRFD methods with two different design trucks for all
the bridges were compared. Comparison for single-span bridges, double-spans bridges and
three-spans bridges were conducted separately in this section. Since the HL-93 design truck is
based on the HS-20 truck, while the HS-25 truck is 25 percent larger than the HS-20, a factor of
1.25 was applied for the live load deflection results from HL-93 in the LRFD method to
evaluate how close those results are. The figure of deflection vs. span length for all sample


bridges is shown Figure 5.2. It can easily be observed that the live load deflections from HS-25
are larger than ones from HL-93 through the two trend lines since the HS-25 truck is heavier.
However, all the bridges with these two different load types have acceptable deflections under
the L/800 deflection limit.

L/800 Limits

Figure 5.2 Deflection vs. Span Length for All Sample Bridges

Figures 5.3 to 5.6 show the comparison for bridges which have different numbers of spans
(single span, two spans and three spans for mid-span and side-span) with different vehicular
loads HS-20 for the ASD (or WSD) method and HL-93 for the LRFD method. Another value
added to this comparison is the deflection under the HL-93 design truck load multiplied by a
factor of 1.25. The trend lines for all these three values are shown in each figure and the tables
for live load deflection data are also displayed afterwards (Tables 5.1 to 5.3). In the ASD
method, the governing load types for each bridge are also listed in the tables. The capital letter
‘L’ stands for ‘lane load’ and ‘HS’ means the ‘HS-25 design truck’.


Figure 5.3 Deflection vs. Span Length for Single-span Bridges

Table 5.1 Single-span Bridges Live Load Deflection

WSD(HS-25) LRFD(HL-93)
Span L/800
Br. # Load HL-93x1.25
Length Deflection Deflection (in.)
EB 100' 100 -0.876 HS -0.693 -0.866 1.500
201200 57 -0.508 HS -0.401 -0.501 0.855
300700 65 -0.431 HS -0.363 -0.454 0.975
502703 112 -0.716 HS -0.619 -0.774 1.680
1000400 63 -0.602 HS -0.439 -0.549 0.945
1504200 140 -0.821 L -0.651 -0.814 2.100
1610500 47 -0.144 HS -0.112 -0.140 0.705
1629400 140 -0.653 L -0.474 -0.593 2.100
EB 60' 60 -0.443 HS -0.359 -0.449 0.900
EB 200' 200 -1.505 L -0.981 -1.226 3.000


Figure 5.4 Deflection vs. Span Length for Two-span Bridges

Table 5.2 Two-span Bridges Live Load Deflection

WSD(HS-25) LRFD(HL-93)
Span L/800
Br. # Load HL-93x1.25
Length Deflection Deflection (in.)
55 -0.244 -0.203 -0.254 0.825
101900 HS
55 -0.244 -0.203 -0.254 0.825
124 -0.703 -0.538 -0.673 1.860
206502 HS
124 -0.703 -0.538 -0.673 1.860
85 -0.674 -0.502 -0.628 1.275
319100 HS
97 -0.810 -0.609 -0.761 1.455
148 -0.375 -0.310 -0.388 2.220
603200 L
152 -0.400 -0.325 -0.406 2.280
100 -0.084 -0.073 -0.091 1.500
700300 HS
100 -0.084 -0.073 -0.091 1.500
53.5 -0.160 -0.133 -0.166 0.803
1202600 HS
53.5 -0.160 -0.133 -0.166 0.803
142 -1.235 -0.921 -1.151 2.130
1303003 L
142 -1.251 -0.930 -1.163 2.130
80 -0.850 -0.687 -0.859 1.200
1600400 HS
80 -0.850 -0.687 -0.859 1.200
87 -0.487 -0.419 -0.524 1.305
BHT87-87 HS
87 -0.466 -0.401 -0.501 1.305
137 -0.754 -0.564 -0.705 2.055
BHT137-137 L
137 -0.754 -0.564 -0.705 2.055


Figure 5.5 Deflection vs. Span Length for Three-span Bridges (Side Span)

Figure 5.6 Deflection vs. Span Length for Three-span Bridges (Mid Span)


Table 5.3 Three-span Bridges Live Load Deflection

WSD(HS-25) LRFD(HL-93)
Span L/800
Br. # Load HL-93x1.25
Length Deflection Deflection (in.)
104 -0.376 -0.309 -0.386 1.560
107703 120 -0.641 HS -0.533 -0.666 1.800
112 -0.716 -0.591 -0.739 1.680
65 -0.259 -0.206 -0.258 0.975
216901 82 -0.383 HS -0.310 -0.388 1.230
65 -0.259 -0.206 -0.258 0.975
61 -0.259 -0.188 -0.235 0.915
308300 79 -0.393 HS -0.291 -0.364 1.185
61 -0.259 -0.188 -0.235 0.915
32 -0.062 -0.043 -0.054 0.480
318100 61 -0.264 HS -0.188 -0.235 0.915
32 -0.062 -0.043 -0.054 0.480
63.125 -0.176 -0.148 -0.185 0.947
803700 63.5 -0.138 HS -0.116 -0.145 0.953
63.125 -0.176 -0.148 -0.185 0.947
55 -0.173 -0.144 -0.180 0.825
1400501 55 -0.134 HS -0.111 -0.139 0.825
50 -0.145 -0.120 -0.150 0.750
165 -0.763 -0.470 -0.588 2.475
1619701 180 -0.908 L -0.587 -0.734 2.700
165 -0.763 -0.470 -0.588 2.475
33.167 -0.128 -0.099 -0.124 0.498
1703200 33.75 -0.099 HS -0.077 -0.096 0.506
33.167 -0.128 -0.099 -0.124 0.498
45.75 -0.207 -0.170 -0.213 0.686
2105700 51.667 -0.227 HS -0.188 -0.235 0.775
51.75 -0.304 -0.252 -0.315 0.776
80 -0.415 -0.352 -0.440 1.200
BHT80-99-80 99 -0.543 HS -0.469 -0.586 1.485
80 -0.415 -0.352 -0.440 1.200


With the tables and figures shown above, it is easy to see that the lane load governs for the
longer spans in length, and the design truck load governs for shorter spans. The live load
deflections under the HS-25 truck load are slightly larger than the ones under HL-93 with a
factor of 1.25; however, there is no obvious relationship between the live load deflection and
the various span lengths. The properties of the bridges themselves, such as different choices of
sections for the girders or different design of lateral bracing, would affect the behavior of the
bridges under vehicular loads. If the bridges are poorly designed, even a lighter load such as
HS-15 generates large deformation.

All the data above are based on the application of live load distribution factor with multiple
lane presence together, which were mentioned in Chapter Four. Using this method leads to a
relatively small effect on the deflection results, which is not conservative for analyzing bridge
behavior given the aforementioned. Therefore, in this section, the modified method of live load
distribution was applied, which is ‘effective-girder without live load distribution factors’ as
mentioned in the last part of Chapter Four. The live load deflections of 30 sample bridges under
the HS-25 design truck with the ASD method and the HL-93 design truck with the LRFD
method as well as the 1.25 times of deflections from HL-93 have been listed and analyzed as
the same as the previous analysis. In this case, however, the deflections of the HL-93 truck are
getting close to HS-25 and even slightly larger than HS-25 for double-spans bridges according
to the results shown in the Figures 5.6 to 5.10 and Tables 5.4 to 5.6, but still, all the deflections
are under the L/800 limit. This is because the multiple lane presence factors used in LRFD are
smaller than those in the ASD method (see Table 3.3 in Chapter Three).

Figure 5.7 Deflection vs. Span Length for Single-span Bridges with Modified


Table 5.4 Single-span Bridges Live Load Deflection with Modified Distribution
WSD(HS-25) LRFD(HL-93)
Span L/800
Br. # Load HL-93x1.25
Length Deflection Deflection (in.)
EB 100' 100 -0.876 HS -0.693 -0.866 1.500
201200 57 -0.508 HS -0.401 -0.501 0.855
300700 65 -0.431 HS -0.363 -0.454 0.975
502703 112 -0.716 HS -0.619 -0.774 1.680
1000400 63 -0.669 HS -0.516 -0.646 0.945
1504200 140 -0.912 L -0.766 -0.957 2.100
1610500 47 -0.160 HS -0.132 -0.165 0.705
1629400 140 -0.871 L -0.729 -0.912 2.100
EB 60' 60 -0.443 HS -0.359 -0.449 0.900
EB 200' 200 -1.505 L -0.981 -1.226 3.000

Figure 5.8 Deflection vs. Span Length for Two-span Bridges with Modified Distribution


Table 5.5 Two-span Bridges Live Load Deflection with Modified Distribution

WSD(HS-25) LRFD(HL-93)
Span L/800
Br. # Load HL-93x1.25
Length Deflection Deflection (in.)
55 -0.244 -0.203 -0.254 0.825
101900 HS
55 -0.244 -0.203 -0.254 0.825
124 -0.937 -0.828 -1.035 1.860
206502 HS
124 -0.937 -0.828 -1.035 1.860
85 -0.899 -0.772 -0.965 1.275
319100 HS
97 -1.080 -0.937 -1.171 1.455
148 -0.375 -0.310 -0.388 2.220
603200 L
152 -0.400 -0.325 -0.406 2.280
100 -0.084 -0.073 -0.091 1.500
700300 HS
100 -0.084 -0.073 -0.091 1.500
53.5 -0.160 -0.133 -0.166 0.803
1202600 HS
53.5 -0.160 -0.133 -0.166 0.803
142 -1.647 -1.417 -1.771 2.130
1303003 L
142 -1.668 -1.431 -1.788 2.130
80 -0.917 -0.808 -1.010 1.200
1600400 HS
80 -0.917 -0.808 -1.010 1.200
87 -0.487 -0.419 -0.524 1.305
BHT87-87 HS
87 -0.466 -0.401 -0.501 1.305
137 -0.754 -0.564 -0.705 2.055
BHT137-137 L
137 -0.754 -0.564 -0.705 2.055


Figure 5.9 Deflection vs. Span Length for Three-span Bridges (Side) with Modified

Figure 5.10 Deflection vs. Span Length for Three-span Bridges (Mid) with Modified


Table 5.6 Three-span Bridges Live Load Deflection with Modified Distribution

WSD(HS-25) LRFD(HL-93)
Span L/800
Br. # Load HL-93x1.25
Length Deflection Deflection (in.)
104 -0.418 -0.364 -0.454 1.560
107703 120 -0.712 HS -0.627 -0.784 1.800
112 -0.796 -0.695 -0.869 1.680
65 -0.288 -0.242 -0.303 0.975
216901 82 -0.426 HS -0.365 -0.456 1.230
65 -0.288 -0.242 -0.303 0.975
61 -0.345 -0.289 -0.362 0.915
308300 79 -0.524 HS -0.448 -0.560 1.185
61 -0.345 -0.289 -0.362 0.915
32 -0.083 -0.066 -0.083 0.480
318100 61 -0.352 HS -0.289 -0.362 0.915
32 -0.083 -0.066 -0.083 0.480
63.125 -0.176 -0.148 -0.185 0.947
803700 63.5 -0.138 HS -0.116 -0.145 0.953
63.125 -0.176 -0.148 -0.185 0.947
55 -0.173 -0.144 -0.180 0.825
1400501 55 -0.134 HS -0.111 -0.139 0.825
50 -0.145 -0.120 -0.150 0.750
165 -1.017 -0.723 -0.904 2.475
1619701 180 -1.211 L -0.903 -1.129 2.700
165 -1.017 -0.723 -0.904 2.475
33.167 -0.142 -0.116 -0.146 0.498
1703200 33.75 -0.110 HS -0.091 -0.113 0.506
33.167 -0.142 -0.116 -0.146 0.498
45.75 -0.207 -0.170 -0.213 0.686
2105700 51.667 -0.227 HS -0.188 -0.235 0.775
51.75 -0.304 -0.252 -0.315 0.776
80 -0.415 -0.352 -0.440 1.200
BHT80-99-80 99 -0.543 HS -0.469 -0.586 1.485
80 -0.415 -0.352 -0.440 1.200

Based on the analyses described above, a conclusion could be reached that lane load governs
those bridges having larger span length. The live load deflection under the HS-25 design truck
is larger than those under the HL-93 truck. A factor of 1.25 applied for HL-93 would increase
the deflection to become the same as HS-25 with or without distribution modification.
Therefore, the HL-93 truck load could be adopted as the design vehicular load whether they are

old bridges analysis or new bridges design to meet the L/800 limit of live load deflection. A
factor of 1.25 is suggested to make the current designs consistent with past practice, safer and
to stay on the conservative side.

5.2 Load Rating Analysis

The load rating of the sample bridges based on strength was adopted within the DASH program.
Rating methods used in this section are Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) and
Allowable Stress Rating (ASR). The rating level is inventory rating. The HL-93 truck was used
in LRFR, same in the previous section, but in ASR the HS-20 truck was adopted since most
bridges are designed with the HS-20 truck load. The rating factor was calculated by the simple
formula as follows:


The results of the rating factor for both methods are shown in the following figures (Figures
5.11 to 5.13) and a ratio between LRFR and ASR are also shown in a third figure. The different
symbols stand for the design vehicular load for those bridges.

Figure 5.11 Allowable Stress Rating


Figure 5.12 Load and Resistance Factor Rating

Figure 5.13 Rating Factor Ratio (LRFR/ASR)

From Figures 5.11 to 5.13, the rating factors for almost all the bridges based on both methods
could be found to be larger than 1.0, which means the designs are appropriate. It could also
noted that the rating factors for the bridges designed in the period of 1990 to 2007 whose
design load are HS-25 would have larger values. This is because the lighter truck (HS-20 or
HL-93) has been applied in rating for the heavy-truck-design bridges. According to the results,
it could be concluded that using the HS-20 or HL-93 truck load is acceptable in design.


6. Construction Closure Pours Case Study

In the closure pour case study, two bridges, MD140 over MD27 (bridge no. 6032) and I-695
over Ingleside Avenue (bridge no. 0312300), were studied. Since the I-695 bridge is a straight
bridge with equally spaced girders and no skew and can be easily done within two stages, no
serious consequences with one closure pour were found. Therefore, only the MD 140 bridge
was studied. During the staged construction of the MD140 over MD27 bridge, the second
stage started when the first stage was completed and opened to travel from vehicle traffic. Then,
the third stage started afterwards when both stages 1 and 2 completed and opened to travel
from vehicle traffic. On the deck pouring sheet prepared by the SHA, the following statements
were made about the staged construction as part of the Maryland practice:

1. Closure pours placed after all adjacent pours are in place for a minimum of forty (40) hours.
2. Prior to placing closure pours the contractor shall verify that the girder dead load
deflections at girder nos. 5 and 12 (adjacent girders of the new stage) meet the required
elevations for the deck construction.
3. If the newly poured section of deck is higher than the required elevation, the contractor
shall place a load at midspan of the specified girder to deflect the girder to the required
4. Place uniform loads over a length of 12 feet and placed symmetrically about the centerline
midspan of each girder.
5. The contractor shall not apply these loads until the concrete in the deck slab has reached a
minimum of 76% of the specified 28 days compressive strength and as approved by the
6. The contractor shall submit calculations and details for the loading to the engineer for

During the construction of stage two, it was found that the new deck was higher than stage
one. The same phenomenon was also found during the construction of stage 3. Even though
some difference was expected, the differential displacements were higher than predicted.
Extra effort was then required to try to bring the elevation between stages to the same level.
The closure pour was then completed.

There were many factors that could have contributed to the differential displacements between
stages. Listed below are just several that the SHA project team brought up:
- Increased deflections resulting from a lower moment of inertia of the girders due to the use
of HPS
- Variable girder spacing on either side of the closure pour
- Different girder designs between stages
- Shrinkage of the concrete deck in the first stage.


More detailed analyses were made in the following section to determine the cause of the
differential displacements. Instead of shrinkage as stated above, creep effect was considered
more influential and was considered in the analysis process. Camber diagrams were not built
into the model, but were considered afterwards in order to find the actual differential

6.1 Model analysis of the MD140 over MD27 Bridge

The MD No. 6032 bridge is located on MD140 over Maryland Midland Railroad, MD27 and
West Branch in Carroll County. It is a 300 feet two-span (152 feet and 148 feet) steel bridge
that consists of 15 plate girders distributed over 130′ bridge width (Figures 6.1 and 6.2). The
girder spacing is 10′ for Girder 1 to 5 in the northbound, 9′-9″ for Girder 11 to 15 in the
southbound, 7′-3″ for the rest and 5′ for the median between the northbound and southbound
directions. The clear roadway width is 61′-5″ in the northbound direction and 50′-5″ in the
southbound direction.

The construction of the bridge was divided into three stages, as shown in Figure 6.3. The first
stage covers the middle strip from Girder 6 to Girder 11, the second stage consists of Girder 1
to Girder 5, and the last stage consists of Girder 12 to 15. For each stage, the construction was
arranged into three pouring sequences. The first sequence covers the 102 feet in the positive
moment area of longer span from the north abutment, the second sequence covers the 99 feet in
the positive moment area of short span from the south abutment, and the final sequence is the
remainder of the bridge. Between each construction stage, closure pour was adopted. The
displacements at the adjacent girders between stages 2 and 3 were studied to evaluate the
serviceability of the bridge during construction.

Figure 6.1 Typical Cross Section of Bridge MD140 over MD27


Figure 6.2 Girder Elevations (Mid Strip)

Figure 6.3 Bridge Pouring Stages and Sequences

The bridge was selected for this study because of reported problems associated with closing
gaps between stages. The original design used the line-girder program Merlin-DASH to
establish the camber diagrams. They were grouped into eight camber diagrams, which are (1)
Girder 1, (2) Girders 2-5, (3) Girders 6 & 7, (4) Girder 8, (5) Girder 9, (6) Girder 10 & 11, (7)
Girders 12-14, and (8) Girder 15. The girders adjacent to the closure pours are Girders 5 and 6
between stages one and two as well as Girders 11 and 12 between stages two and three. The
case study is on the sixth camber diagram group for Girder 11 and the seventh camber diagram
group for Girder 12 where the second closure pour is located. Because of the similarity of
cambers due to weight of the parapets and sidewalk (ΔS.D.L.) and vertical curvature of the

roadway (ΔV.C.) among all girders, only the maximum cambers on the longer span (152′) due
to the self-weight of girder (ΔGIRDER) and concrete slab and deck forms (ΔD.L.) of Girders
11 and 12 are compared. From the camber diagram the sums of dead load cambers (ΔGIRDER
+ ΔD.L.) are 4 3/8″ and 5 9/16″, respectively, with a difference of 1 3/16″ between two girder.
However, by viewing the framing plan, it was found that the camber diagrams for Girders 10
and 11 should not be grouped together where the tributary width for Girder 10 is 7′-3″ and that
for Girder 11 is 8′-6″ (= 0.5[7′-3″ + 9′-9″]). With the average tributary area considered for
Girder 11, the sum of dead load cambers (ΔGIRDER + ΔD.L.) is now 5 1/8″ and the camber
difference between Girder 11 and 12 is reduced to 7/16″, instead of the original 1 3/16.″
Therefore, the first priority of matching the elevation between stages is to construct correct
camber diagrams with proper tributary area considered.

In order to obtain the global displacement profile under staged construction, the whole bridge
was modeled and re-analyzed using both DESCUS-I and CSiBridge computer programs. The
MD140 over MD27 Bridge was first constructed as a two-dimensional grid model in DESCUS.
In DESCUS, the parabolic sections were simulated using equivalent web depths varying from
45 inches to 81 inches, shown in Figure 6.4. Girders 11 and 12 are the edge girders of each
construction stage, and their reactions were monitored in this study.

The girder displacements of the non-composite stage were analyzed at first. Then, the bridge
model simulating the construction stages was introduced. To simplify the analysis, in this
staging construction model, Girders 1 to 11 were modeled as stage one with fully matured
concrete slab, while Girders 12 to 15 were modeled as stage two with concrete slab of one-day
age to simulate the stage before closure pours. To discuss the influence of bridge diaphragm
during construction, two sets of models were built for comparison. One set has diaphragms
between Girders 11 and 12, another set does not.

Figure 6.4 DESCUS Model


A three-dimensional global model of the MD 140 bridge (bridge no. 6032) was also established
by CSiBridge. To simulate the construction of stages 2 and 3, a gap of closure pour was
considered between Girders 11 and 12. Three types of models with different assumptions were
built to evaluate the creep effect on the bridge between stages (Figure 6.5).

Closure pour

Figure 6.5 CSiBridge Model for MD140 over MD27 Bridge Isometric View

1. The first CSiBridge model was used to simulate non-composite behavior for the early
bridge construction. Since in the non-composite period, both bridge girders and slab
contribute to the stiffness property of the composite section, the constraint between girder
and deck was defined that corresponding joints only share the same vertical displacement.
2. For the second CSiBridge model, Young’s module of the bridge slab was set to zero,
similar to the assumption of the DESCUS model. Although such a method is not
recommended by CSi knowledge base, it can be used to validate the CSiBridge
non-composite model and compare later with the staging models.
3. In the third CSiBridge model, time dependent properties of materials and the construction
staging were introduced into the bridge model. Concrete compressive strength, stiffness, as
well as creep were considered for materials properties (Figure 6.6a-c). The deck
construction of Girders 1 to 11 was defined as stage one, construction of Girders 12 to 15
was defined as stage two. A 28-day period was defined between these two stages to allow
the concrete from the stage one construction to develop creep. A 3′7″ gap between Girder
11 and 12 was created to represent the closure pour gap during staged construction. The
maximum displacement of each girder at 60 feet from the north abutment was monitored
and the difference between Girders 11 and 12 (the edge girders of each stage) was also
observed and discussed.


Each model also has two sub-sets, with and without diaphragms between Girders 11 and 12,
therefore the effect of diaphragms in staged construction was modeled.

Figure 6.6(a) Time Dependent Concrete Strength in CSiBridge Model (kip/in2)

Figure 6.7(b) Time Dependent Concrete Stiffness in CSiBridge Model (kip/in2)


Figure 6.8(c) Time Dependent Creep Coefficient in CSiBridge Model

6.2 Summary of Displacement Comparison by Refined Analyses

The whole bridge was modeled and re-analyzed using both DESCUS-I and CSiBridge
computer programs for the purposes of comparing the camber diagrams and staging analysis.
The maximum displacements of Girders 11 and 12 from four (4) different models in DESCUS
are shown in Table 6.1. For the bridge with diaphragms to simulate the final construction
situation, the maximum displacements are 4.69 inches and 3.77 inches at 60 feet and 57 feet
from respective long and short span abutments for Girder 11, and 4.84 inches and 3.91 inches
at 60 feet and 57 feet from respective long and short span abutments for Girder 12. The
displacement difference between Girders 11 and 12 with diaphragm at the long span is only
0.15″ (4.84″ – 4.69″). For the bridge without diaphragms, which simulate the bridge under
staged construction, the maximum displacements are 4.66 inches and 3.75 inches for Girder 11,
and 5.18 inches and 4.18 inches for Girder 12. The displacement difference between Girders 11
and 12 without diaphragm at the long span is only 0.52″ (5.18″ – 4.66″), which is very close to
the “corrected” differential cambers of 7/16″ established by the line girder program. For each
bridge model, the displacements of Girder 12 are always larger than those of Girder 11. It is
consistent with the original design by the line-girder program. The difference is caused by the
tributary area of Girder 12 and is larger than the tributary area of Girder 11. Also, there is an
increment of differential displacement in the model without diaphragms because the newly
constructed concrete slab cannot distribute its load to the whole bridge due to lack of


Table 6.1 Maximum Displacements Comparison for Normal and Staging Models by

Maximum displacement for each model (inches)

Girder 11 (long Girder 12 (long
span/short span) span/short span)
With diaphragms Normal model 4.69/3.77 4.84/3.91
model Stage model 4.38/3.52 4.56/3.68
Normal model 4.66/3.75 5.18/4.18
Without diaphragms
Stage model
model 4.09/3.28 4.68/3.77
(w/3′-7″ gap)

Tables 6.2 and 6.3 show the comparison of results between various CSiBridge models and the
DESCUS model. By comparing the displacements from the non-composite model of
CSiBridge with that from the non-composite model of DESCUS, it can be observed that these
two results are very close. More detailed figures (Figures 6.7 and 6.8) show the displacement
along the entirety of Girder 11 and Girder 12. The conclusion can be made that the bridge
response during non-composite period can be well simulated by both DESCUS and CSiBridge

Table 6.2 Comparison Table between Different Models with Diaphragms

With Maximum displacement comparison (@60' from north abutment) (inch)
diaphragms G11 G12 Differential
Non-composite 4.58 4.69 0.11
CSiBridge Stage construction (consider closure
4.17 4.24 0.07
DESCUS Non-composite 4.69 4.84 0.15

Table 6.3 Comparison Table between Different Models without Diaphragms

Without Maximum displacement comparison (@60' from north abutment) (inch)
diaphragms G11 G12 Differential
Non-composite 4.56 5.21 0.65
CSiBridge Stage construction (consider closure
4.54 4.66 0.12
DESCUS Non-composite 4.09 4.68 0.59


Figure 6.9 Vertical Displacement Results from CSiBridge (with Diaphragm) (inch).

Figure 6.10 Vertical Displacement Results from CSiBridge (without Diaphragm) (inch).

The results from the second CSiBridge model with the Young’s module of bridge slab set to
zero are compared here with the results from the DESCUS models. The results from the
DESCUS and CSiBridge non-composite model are close, with small margins of differences.
Such differences exist because in CSiBridge setting concrete Young’s module to zero does not
necessarily make the bridge non-composite, though in theory these two assumptions should
yield the same results.

The results from staged construction models were also compared. The results shown in Tables
6.2 and 6.3 are the final displacements, where the bridge stage one concrete has an age of 31

days and the stage two concrete has the age of 3 days. Since the time dependent properties of
material are introduced in this model, the stage one concrete displacement is increased due to
the creep effect. It can be observed that the displacement from Girder 11 has a noticeable
increase, while the displacement from Girder 12 stays roughly the same (changed slightly due
to diaphragm dragging). A detailed investigation about how the maximum displacement
developed with time was conducted. The following figures (Figure 6.9 and 6.10) show the
creep development for both “with diaphragm” and “without diaphragm” models. The
displacement of Girder 11 (shown as a red line) between day 3 to day 30 is slowly increased
about 0.2 inches. This displacement increment is the effect from concrete creep behavior. Also,
it is noticed that for the “with diaphragm” case, Girder 11 deflects further after the second
construction phrase is completed. This is due to the diaphragms connecting the neighbor girder
of the next stage helping to distribute the load from the second stage to the first stage. Such
behavior is not shown in the “without diaphragm” model.

Comparing the results from the CSiBridge and DESCUS models, some displacement
differences are found. The reason is in CSiBridge, a 3′7″ closure pour gap between Girders 11
and 12 was created to model the bridge during construction precisely. The difference due to
loading can be narrowed down if the dead loads due to closure pour gap concrete are removed
with closure pour gap simulated. However, if the creep effect is considered, the CSiBridge
model could generate more realistic results.

Figure 6.11 The Creep Growth in Girder 11(Orange) and 12(Green) for with
Diaphragms Model (in).


Figure 6.12 The Creep Growth in Girder 11(Orange) and 12(Green) without
Diaphragms Model (in).

Figure 6.11 shows the displacement increment for Girder 11 over time from the without
diaphragm model. To better represent the real scenario, concrete deck was modeled to carry
load start at the age of 7 days. It can be observed that the creep develop relatively fast in the
first 30 days (22.63%), after 30 days the displacement growth become steady and gradually
reduced. The conclusion can be made that for bridge construction, creep effect has strong
impact on bridge during first 30 days.

Figure 6.131 Displacement Increment for Girder 11 without Diaphragms Model (in).


7. Summary and Conclusion

As a very important issue in the serviceability of steel bridges, live load deflection still
attracts great attention because ensuring safety is always the number one priority in structure
design. Bridge structures should be designed with sufficient strength but designers also need
to ensure the deflection is within an acceptable range so that drivers or passengers in the
vehicles would not believe the bridge is unsafe.

Based on this study, the following conclusions were reached:

A: Findings associated with bridge live load deflections -

1. Span Length (L)/800 is appropriate to be the live load deflection limit for steel bridge
design no matter what type of design load or design method is applied. The maximum
1/800 of the span length for general vehicular bridges and 1/1000 of the span length for
vehicular bridges with pedestrian traffic are universally accepted criteria for the live load
deflection limit.
2. The live load deflection from the HS-25 design truck alone in the ASD method
(employed by the State of Maryland from 1990 until 2008 when LRFD was adopted) is
larger than the deflection from the larger of the HL‐93 design truck load alone or
HL‐93design lane load +25% truck load in the LRFD method. Therefore, if the “HS-25
equivalent” truck is required by Maryland for deflection criteria, a factor of 1.25 is
suggested for usage in the HL-93 design truck to obtain conservative results. In bridge
deflection analysis, the lane load governs for bridges that have a longer span length
while the design vehicular load governs for those with shorter spans.
3. Comparing the numeric results from two-dimensional grid models and three-dimensional
finite element models, the line girder method proves to be an acceptable application for
live load deflection analysis of steel beam/girder bridges with all lanes loaded.
Short-term field monitoring using laser device also found live load deflections are
within these limits.
4. AASHTO LRFD Specifications (2014) allows an average value (number of
lanes/number of girders) used for the investigation of maximum absolute deflection for
straight girder systems with all girders treated as equal. This study found it is generally
true for bridges that are not too wide. Using line – girder programs to analyze wide
bridges may result in discrepancies such as relatively smaller live load deflection. When
investigating the maximum absolute deflection for straight girder systems, all design
lanes should be loaded and all girders can be assumed to deflect equally as stated in the
AASHTO LRFD Specifications (2014). Line-girder program with dynamic load
allowance and average distribution factor (number of lanes/number of girders) can be
used, but the multiple-presence factor should be removed.


B: Findings associated with bridge construction closure pours -
5. The general practice in Maryland is to use a line-girder program to establish the camber
diagrams. The result is generally accurate enough and acceptable in practice.
Multiple girders with varied girder spacing are grouped into several camber diagrams.
It is noticed that camber diagrams are not grouped based on their tributary widths, but
rather, on the narrower girder spacing. In this case some girders may be
under-cambered. This does not usually cause problems for one-stage construction, but
may cause trouble for staged construction if one side of the closure pour is
6. Multiple camber diagrams can be calculated by the line-girder models, two-dimensional
grid model or three-dimensional finite element model. All three methods generate
results accurate enough for straight girder systems, if the creep effect is not considered.
7. Maryland adopted the generally recommended practice of a minimum closure width of
three (3) feet and diaphragms/cross frames in the staging bay of structural steel girders
not rigidly connected until later. Not connected until final pour is a general practice by
many states, and is suggested by this study. There is no ill effect for non-connected
8. To investigate the staging effect of staged-construction, two-dimensional grid models and
three-dimensional finite element models are highly recommended. The differential
displacement between stages could not be considered in a one-dimensional line-girder
9. When comparing the results of the two-dimensional grid model with those of the
three-dimensional finite element model, these two methods produced results accurate
enough for straight girder systems, if the creep effect is not considered. However, since
the two-dimensional grid model program has to simulate the closure pour by subtracting
the deck loads during staged construction, the three-dimensional finite element model
can be more closely simulated with a gap on the deck. Also, in the case where the
closure pour is significant, the three-dimensional finite element model would provide
more accurate results.
10. For further staging analysis, the creep effect of concrete was considered in this study.
Two controlled sets of models were studied. One model assumes the diaphragms in the
closure pours always connect with girders during the whole phrase construction. The
other model assumes the diaphragms are disconnected. To investigate the creep effect
with concrete slab, two different models analyses from DESCUS and CSiBridge were
performed. For the staging analysis of DESCUS, only the time-dependent property of
Young's Modulus was considered. However, for the CSiBridge, the staging analysis not
only simulated the time-dependent property of Young's Modulus, but also considered the
creep effect in concrete. If creep effect would be considered, computer programs
equipped with creep analysis feature should be adopted.
11. For general bridge with constant girder spacing, due to creep effect, the old stage built in
the early stage would deflect more and the displacement gap between stages would
increase. However, correct cambers would alleviate creep effect.

12. Creep effect on concrete occurs at an early stage. Due to improper camber, excess
loading due to superimposed dead load and live load in the early stage, and the creep
effect, the new deck can be expected to be higher than the existing deck. Based on the
analysis, the MD 140 bridge (bridge no. 6032) is expected to have a two (2) to three (3)
inch difference in elevation, which is also reported from the field and this differential
displacement between stages could be alleviated by proper camber and scheduling on
13. To achieve better result during stage construction, 30-days waiting period is
recommended between finishing the new deck pour and starting the closure pour. In this
way the creep effect from both the old and new construction stages would enter a steady
growth stage and the displacement gap between these two stages would be narrowed.



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