Design of Type C and Aashto Type IV Girder Bridges
Design of Type C and Aashto Type IV Girder Bridges
Design of Type C and Aashto Type IV Girder Bridges
A Thesis
December 2005
A Thesis
Approved by:
December 2005
Impact of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications on the Design of Type C and
AASHTO Type IV Girder Bridges. (December 2005)
Safiuddin Adil Mohammed, B.E., Osmania University
Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Mary Beth D. Hueste
To all the Civil Engineers who are striving to make this world a better place to live.
I would like to thank my committee chair, Dr. Mary Beth D. Hueste, for her
guidance, help and continued encouragement throughout the course of this research.
Without her guidance this research would have been impossible. I wish to thank my
committee members, Dr. Peter Keating and Dr. Harry Hogan, for their guidance and help
in this research. I am grateful to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for
supporting this research project and their helpful input.
Last but not the least, thanks are due to my family, especially my father, Dr.
Shaik Chand, and mother, Naseem Sultana, for their love, encouragement, and support.
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................. v
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................................................................ vi
LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................... x
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 1
REFERENCES............................................................................................................. 246
Figure 2.1 Cost vs. Reliability Index and Optimum Safety Level............................ 12
Figure 2.2 Distribution Factors Proposed by Zokaie................................................ 26
Figure 4.1 Configuration and Dimensions of the AASHTO Type IV Girder
Section ..................................................................................................... 48
Figure 4.2 Configuration and Dimensions of the Type C Girder Section ................ 49
Figure 4.3 Girder End Details................................................................................... 55
Figure 4.4 HS 20-44 Lane Loading .......................................................................... 58
Figure 4.5 HS 20-44 Truck Configuration ............................................................... 59
Figure 4.6 Rectangular Section Behavior – Standard Notation................................ 97
Figure 4.7 Rectangular Stress Block lies in the Girder Flange................................. 99
Figure 4.8 Rectangular Stress Block in the Girder Web .......................................... 101
Figure 4.9 Neutral Axis lies in the Girder Flange and the Stress Block is in
the Slab .................................................................................................... 106
Figure 4.10 Neutral Axis Depth using ACI Approach and Proposed AASHTO
LRFD Approach ...................................................................................... 107
Figure 4.11 Rectangular Section Behavior – LRFD Notation.................................... 109
Figure 4.12 Neutral Axis lies in the Girder Flange .................................................... 110
Figure 4.13 Neutral Axis lies in the Fillet Portion of the Girder ................................ 112
Figure 4.14 Neutral Axis lies in the Web Portion of the Girder................................. 114
Figure 4.15 Values of and - AASHTO LRFD Specifications .............................. 131
Figure 4.16 Bridge Cross Section ............................................................................... 146
Figure 5.1 Impact Factors for AASHTO Standard vs. AASHTO LRFD
Specifications .......................................................................................... 155
Figure 5.2 Comparison of Live Load Moment DFs by Skew Angle........................ 157
Figure 5.3 Comparison of Live Load Moment DFs by Girder Spacing ................... 158
Figure 5.4 Comparison of Live Load Shear DFs...................................................... 160
Figure 5.5 Comparison of Initial Prestress Loss (%) for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications ............................................................................... 170
Figure 5.6 Comparison of Total Prestress Loss (%) for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications ............................................................................... 175
Figure 5.7 Comparison of Required Number of Strands for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications ............................................................................... 179
Figure 5.8 Comparison of Required Number of Strands for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications ............................................................................... 180
Figure 5.9 Comparison of depth of equivalent stress block (in.) for AASHTO
Standard and LRFD Specifications ......................................................... 189
Figure 5.10 Comparison of depth of Neutral Axis (in.) for AASHTO Standard
and LRFD Specifications ........................................................................ 190
Figure 5.11 Comparison of Mu/Mr ratio for Standard and LRFD Specifications....... 193
Figure 6.1 Impact Factors for AASHTO Standard vs. AASHTO LRFD
Specifications for Type C Girder ............................................................ 205
Figure 6.2 Comparison of Live Load Moment DFs by Girder Spacing for
Type C Girder.......................................................................................... 208
Figure 6.3 Comparison of Live Load Shear DFs for Type C Girder........................ 210
Figure 6.4. Comparison of Required Number of Strands for AASHTO
Standard and LRFD Specifications for Type C Girder ........................... 220
Table 5.3 Governing Live Load Moments at Midspan and Shears at Critical
Section for LRFD Specifications ............................................................ 151
Table 5.4 Comparison of Undistributed Midspan Live Load Moments and
Shears at Critical Section (Skew = 0°, Strand Diameter = 0.5 in.) ......... 153
Table 5.5 Comparison of Live Load Impact Factors............................................... 154
Table 5.6 Comparison of Live Load Moment DFs (DFM) ..................................... 156
Table 5.7 Comparison of Live Load Shear DFs (DFV) .......................................... 159
Table 5.8 Comparison of Distributed Midspan Live Load Moments (LL Mom.)
for AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications .................................. 162
Table 5.9 Comparison of Distributed Live Load Shear at Critical Section for
Standard and LRFD Specifications ......................................................... 163
Table 5.10 Comparison of Prestress Loss Due to Elastic Shortening (ES) for
AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications........................................ 165
Table 5.11 Comparison of Prestress Loss due to Initial Steel Relaxation for
AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications........................................ 167
Table 5.12 Comparison of Prestress Loss due to Initial Steel Relaxation for
Standard and LRFD Specifications ......................................................... 168
Table 5.13 Comparison of Initial Prestress Loss (%) for AASHTO Standard
and LRFD Specifications ........................................................................ 169
Table 5.14 Comparison of Total Relaxation Loss (CRS) for AASHTO
Standard and LRFD Specifications ......................................................... 172
Table 5.15 Comparison of Prestress Loss due to Creep of Concrete (CRC) for
AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications........................................ 173
Table 5.16 Comparison of Total Prestress Loss Percent for AASHTO
Standard and LRFD Specifications ......................................................... 174
Table 5.17 Comparison of Required Number of Strands for AASHTO
Standard and LRFD Specifications ......................................................... 177
Table 5.18 Comparison of Required Number of Strands for AASHTO
Standard and LRFD Specifications ......................................................... 178
Table 5.19 Comparison of Concrete Strength at Release (f’ci) for
AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications........................................ 181
Table 5.20 Comparison of Concrete Strength at Service (f’c) for
AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications........................................ 183
The AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (AASHTO 2004) are intended
to replace the latest edition of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridges (AASHTO 2002), which will not continue to be updated except for corrections.
The Federal Highway Association (FHWA) has mandated that this transition be
completed by State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) by 2007. The design
philosophy adopted in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications provides a
common framework for the design of structures made of steel, concrete and other
Many state DOTs within the US have already implemented the AASHTO LRFD
Specifications for their bridge designs and the remaining states are transitioning from the
Standard Specifications to the LRFD Specifications. The fact that many bridge engineers
are not very familiar with reliability based design and new design methodologies
adopted in the LRFD Specifications can potentially slow down the process of transition
to LRFD based design. This study is aimed towards helping bridge engineers understand
and implement AASHTO LRFD bridge design for prestressed concrete bridges,
specifically Type C and AASHTO Type IV girder bridges.
The Texas DOT (TxDOT) is currently using the AASHTO Standard
Specifications for Highway Bridges with slight modifications for designing prestressed
concrete bridges. TxDOT is planning to replace the AASHTO Standard Specifications
with the AASHTO LRFD Specifications for their bridge design. This study will provide
useful information to aid in this transition, including guidelines and detailed design
examples. The impact of using the LRFD Specifications on the design of prestressed
concrete bridge girders for various limit states is evaluated using a detailed parametric
study. Issues pertaining to the design and the areas where major differences occur are
identified and guidelines addressing these issues are suggested for adoption and
implementation by TxDOT.
as interior girders. Following this practice, only interior girders were considered for this
parametric study.
Section 1 provides an introduction to this research study. Section 2 includes the
documentation of the literature review. Section 3 highlights the TxDOT practices and the
simplifications in the design made by TxDOT. The impact of these simplifications on
the critical design parameters is presented. Section 4 provides the outline and the
methodology of the parametric study. Section 5 and 6 presents the results of the
parametric study conducted for AASHTO Type IV and Type C girders respectively.
Section 7 presents the background on shear design issues and recommendations. Section
8 outlines the summary of the study, conclusions and recommendations for future
research. Detailed design examples are included as Appendix A.
The topics that formed the basis for the development of the AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Design Specifications (AASHTO 2004) are reviewed in this section. This
includes studies related to development of live load, dead load, and dynamic load models
for bridge design; formulation of load distribution factors for prestressed concrete girder
bridge design, development of resistance models for prestressed concrete girder bridge
design; and reliability theory. A review of the comparison of the LRFD and Standard
Specifications carried out by Hueste et. al. (2003) and Richard et. al. (2002) has been
included in this section. The effect of the LRFD Specifications on the design of bridges
found by previous studies is also reviewed briefly.
2.2.1 General
The load and resistance factors found in the LRFD Specifications are based on
the theory of reliability and the specifications are modified to overcome the
shortcomings observed in the Standard Specifications. Live load models based on the
model truck traffic on bridges with various span lengths were developed to properly
calibrate the LRFD Specifications, which resulted in many changes in the load
combinations for various limit states. The Standard Specifications used the HS-20 load
model, which did not prove adequate to model actual traffic loading. A new live load
model, HL-93, with refined distribution factors is proposed in the LRFD Specifications.
The service load design method, although easy to understand and apply, does assign load
factors for different types of loads. Instead the effect of loads are restricted to a fraction
of the yield stress, modulus of rupture, buckling, or crushing load, which causes non-
uniformity in the safety. The Load Factor Design (LFD) takes into account the effect of
factored loads but does not account for uniform safety. The Load and Resistance Factor
Design (LRFD) method accounts for the inherent variability of loads and resistances
using reliability theory. Loads and resistances are treated as random variables and the
calibration process aims at minimizing the area of overlap where the load is greater than
resistance. The safety of a structure is measured in terms of a reliability index and is
compared to the selected target reliability index (Mertz et al. 1996).
The AASHTO Standard Specifications are based on the Allowable Stress Design
(ASD) and LFD philosophies, whereas the LRFD Specifications are based on
probability-based limit state philosophy. Hueste et. al. (2003) presented a detailed
comparison between the LRFD and Standard Specifications. Richard et. al. (2002) also
compared the two specifications using detailed examples. Some of the significant
differences between the two specifications are listed below.
The Standard Specifications express the impact factor as a fraction of live load
and a function of span length as I = 50/(L+125), where I is the impact factor and L is the
length of the span in feet. Therefore for a span of 100 ft. the value of I is 0.22. The
LRFD Specifications give a constant value of impact factor depending on the
components and limit state under consideration. For instance, the impact factor for girder
design for limit states other than the fatigue and fracture limit states comes out to be 0.33
(33% increase in the truck load only).
The LRFD Specifications allow the use of refined analysis for the determination
of live load distribution factors (DFs) whereas the Standard Specifications gives simple
expressions for the live load distribution to exterior and interior girders. For common
bridge types, the LRFD Specifications includes an approximate method, based on
parametric analyses of selected bridge geometries. This method can be used only if the
bridge geometry falls within the limits of the parametric analysis for which the DF
equations are based. The LRFD Specifications specify reduction factors for application
to live load moment and shear to account for the skew of the bridge. The skew factor for
moment decreases the moment distribution factor for interior and exterior girders for
certain angles. The skew factor for shear increases the shear distribution factor for the
interior and exterior girders at the obtuse corners of the skewed bridge. The overhang
distance is limited as per the Articles and of the LRFD Specifications.
The LRFD Specifications provide three different options for the estimation of
time dependent prestress losses. The options are lump sum estimates, refined estimates
and exact estimates using time-step method. Expressions are provided for the lump-sum
estimate of the time dependent prestress losses for different type of bridges. The lump
sum time dependent losses are based on the compressive strength of concrete and the
partial prestressing ratio. The Standard Specifications provides the option of lump-sum
method and refined method for the estimation of time-dependent losses. The lump sum
estimates are given as specific values for two different values of concrete strength at
The check for compressive stress in the prestressed concrete girder using Service
I limit state with a live load factor of 1.0, tensile stress check using Strength III limit
state with a live load factor of 0.8 is specified in LRFD Specifications. The Standard
Specifications specifies the Group I loading for service limit state with a load factor of
The calibration of the LRFD Specifications was focused on the ultimate limit
states but is not readily applicable to other design considerations traditionally evaluated
using service loads, such as stress limits, deflections, and fatigue. This difference
accounts for the establishment of the Service III limit state for prestressed concrete
structures, which evaluates the tensile stress in the structure, with the objective of crack
control in prestressed concrete members. The load and resistance factors for limit states
other than the strength limit states were selected to provide designs that are consistent
with the Standard Specifications. A larger number of limit states must be accounted for
in design using the LRFD Specifications, and the extreme load cases such as collision
forces has to be included if their occurrence is possible in the design life of the bridge.
reduces the cost of failure (CF) and the probability of failure (PF), and increases the cost
of investment (CI). The total cost (CT) is the sum of cost of failure and the cost of
Figure 2.1. Cost vs. Reliability Index and Optimum Safety Level (Nowak et al.
The load and resistance parameters can be treated as random variables due the
randomness in the frequency of occurrence, magnitude of live loads, material properties,
dimensions, and geometries. The parameters available from the statistical models for
load and resistance for highway bridges proposed by Nowak (1993a, 1995), Tabsh and
Nowak (1992), Nowak and Hong (1992) and Hwang and Nowak (1992) were used for
reliability analysis. Of the various limit states associated with structural failure, the
ultimate limit states are related to loss of load carrying capacity, such as flexural
strength, shear capacity, loss of stability, rupture, etc. The serviceability limit states are
related to cracking, deflection, and vibration. Analysis of selected bridges and idealized
structures without any over design was performed and the level of safety in the existing
bridges was calculated. It was observed that most of the structures are over designed for
serviceability and ultimate limit states. A study on existing bridges designed using
Standard Specifications was carried out and a target safety index was then proposed by
Nowak et al. (1996).
The analysis of a number of design cases indicates that unlike other structures,
prestressed concrete girders are typically not governed by ultimate limit state. The
number of prestressing strands is generally governed by the allowable tension stress at
the final load stage. The ultimate limit states and the corresponding reliability indices
represent component reliability rather than system, as observed by Tabsh and Nowak
(1991). The LRFD Specifications were developed using the target reliability index for a
structural component as T = 3.5. Tabsh and Nowak (1991) proposed that the target
reliability index for structural components be taken as T = 3.5 and for structural system
as T = 5.5 for ultimate limit states and T = 1.0 for serviceability limit states.
2.4.1 General
The development of load and load combination models had an important role in
the development of the reliability based LRFD Specifications. Extensive research studies
by Nowak (1987, 1991, 1993c, 1993d 1995, 1999), and Kulicki et al. (1994) were
focused on the development of load models representative of the truck loads on highway
bridges in the United States. Load models are based on available data from truck
surveys, material tests, and component testing.
The gravity loads due to self weight of the structural and nonstructural
components of a bridge contributes to the dead load. Depending on the degree of
variation, the dead load components are divided into four categories: weight of factory
made components, weight of cast in place concrete members, weight of wearing surface
and miscellaneous weights (railings, curbs, luminaries, signs, conduits, pipes etc.) each
having different bias factor (ratio of mean to nominal values) and coefficient of
variation. Nowak et al. (1999) calculated the bias factors and coefficients of variation for
each dead load category, based on data from material and component test data, which is
summarized in Table 2.1. General
Several studies have been undertaken to model the live load on United States
(U.S.) highway bridges to reflect actual truck traffic in the coming years and its effects
on bridges as accurately as possible. The uncertainty in the live load model is caused by
unpredictability of the future trends with regard to configuration of axles and weights.
The NCHRP 12-33 project was developed to determine appropriate models for bridge
live loads and its results were incorporated into the LRFD Specifications (Nowak 1999).
Knowledge of the statistical models including distribution of loads, rate of occurrence,
time variation, and correlation with other load components is needed to model the loads
accurately. A 75 year extrapolation of the traffic on U.S. bridges was done. Moments
and shears were then calculated for these loads and it have been found that the shears
and moments caused by the heaviest vehicles range from 1.5 to 1.8 times the design
moment provided by Standard Specifications. Various possible truck positions were
considered with varying degrees of correlation between them in order to arrive at the
maximum moments and shears due to actual traffic loading.
A live load model for highway bridges was developed by Nowak et al. (1991)
from the truck survey data and weigh in motion measurements carried out by different
state departments of transportation, mostly from the former source. A procedure for the
calculation of live load moments and shears for highway girder bridges was proposed by
Nowak et al. (1991). In this formulation the load components are treated as random
variables and load combinations of dead load, live load, and dynamic load were
considered. The findings by Nowak et al. suggest that a single truck causes maximum
moment and shear for single lane bridges with spans up to 100 ft. and two trucks
following behind each other control for longer spans. For two lane bridges, the
maximum values are obtained for two trucks side by side with fully correlated trucks.
Nowak (1995) calibrated the LRFD Specifications using a probability-based
approach. About 200 bridges were selected in this study, and for each bridge, load
effects and load carrying capacities were calculated for various components were
evaluated. Live load models were developed using weigh in motion (WIM) data that
included the effects of presence of multiple trucks on the bridge in one and in adjacent
lanes. A reduction factor for multilane bridges was also calculated for wider bridges.
Numerical models were developed for simulation of dynamic bridge behavior for single
trucks and two trucks, side by side, due to inadequate field data.
Five candidate live loads identified for development of live load model for LRFD
Specifications were as follows: (1) a single vehicle weighing a total of 57 tons, (2) a
“family” of three loads consisting of tandem, a four axle single unit, with a tandem rear
combination, and a 3–S–3 axle configuration taken together with a uniform load,
preceding and following the above load group, (3) a slightly different combination of HS
vehicle and the uniform load, involving HS-25 load followed and proceeded by a
uniform load of 480 pounds per running foot of lane, with the uniformly distributed load
broken for the HS vehicle, (4) a design “family” called HL-93 consisting of a
combination of a design tandem, the HS-20 truck and a uniform load of 640 pounds per
running foot of lane, (5) an equivalent uniform load in kips per foot of lane required to
produce the same force effect as the envelope of exclusion vehicles for various span
lengths. Considering the complex nature of this load case, it was eliminated.
For each of the four remaining configurations plots for center line moments for a
simply supported beam, positive and negative moments at the 0.4L point of a two-span
continuous girder, with two equal spans, negative moment at the center pier, end shear
and shear at both sides of interior support of a two span continuous girder were
compared. Load model involving a combination of either a pair of 25- kip tandem axles
and the uniform load, or the HS-20 and the uniform load, was found to produce the best
fit to the exclusion vehicles and hence can be used as the design load in LRFD
The parameters that influence the static component of live load are truck weight,
axle loads, axle configuration, span length, position of vehicle on the bridge, number of
vehicles on the bridge, stiffness of structural members and future growth. The bending
moments for trucks are calculated and the cumulative distribution functions for simple
spans 30 – 200 ft. is plotted on normal probability paper. Mean values of the moments
are found to be about 0.7-0.85 of HS-20 moments and the slope of the cumulative
distribution functions (CDF’s) gives the coefficient of variation which is about 0.2 –
0.35. Maximum moments came to about 1.4-1.8 of HS-20 moments. Mean shears were
about 0.7-0.85 whereas maximum shears were 1.4-1.7 of HS-20 shears. The maximum
moments and shears are then extrapolated to get 75 year maximum values. Their
coefficient of variations can be then found by transformation of CDF’s (i.e. by raising
each CDF to a certain power depending on time, which gives the mean values after
transformation). The slope of this transformed CDF gives the coefficient of variation V.
Sometimes for a multiple truck occurrence there may be some degree of correlation
between them. In the development of this model, the following assumptions were made:
1) Every 10th truck is followed by another truck with a headway distance less than 50ft.
2) Every 50th truck is followed by a partially correlated truck, and 3) every 100th truck is
followed by fully correlated truck. Various findings are indicated using figures and
The factors on which the effect of live load depends are span length, truck
weight, axle loads, axle configuration, and position of vehicle on the bridge, number of
vehicles on the bridge, girder spacing and stiffness of structural members. The bending
moments and shear force were calculated for each truck for a wide range of simple
spans. And the cumulative distribution functions were plotted on the normal probability
paper and extrapolations were made to find the maximum load effects for extended
periods of time. The resulting bias factors were plotted for shear and moments. Then the
girder distribution factors were calculated from finite element models.
Kulicki (1994) discussed the development of new models for bridge live load.
National Transportation Research Board (TRB) in its study titled “Truck weight Limits –
Issues and Options” reviewed different vehicle configurations allowed by various states,
of which 22 configurations were chosen for study. The plot of bending moments in a
simple span and two span continuous girders in the span range of 20 to 150 feet due to
the chosen loading configurations and AASHTO’s HS-20 truck loading showed that the
HS-20 truck loading is not representative of the wide range of vehicles currently on U.S.
Hwang et al. (1991) presented a dynamic load model for bridges in the U.S.
based on simulations and consideration of field effects to find the statistical parameters
for the dynamic load effect. An equivalent static load effect was considered for the
dynamic load effect. The factors affecting the dynamic load are road surface roughness,
bridge dynamics, and vehicle dynamics. Modal equations for bridges were modeled
using analytical methods. The dynamic load allowance for the bridges was calculated
using different truck types. The mean dynamic load was determined to be equal to 0.10
and 0.15 of the mean live load for one truck and two trucks, respectively. However, the
dynamic load is specified as 0.33 of the live load in the LRFD Specifications.
Nowak (1993b) modeled the joint effect of dead, live, and dynamic loads by
considering the maximum 75-year combination of these loads using their individual
statistical parameters. The live load was assumed to be a product of static live load and
live load analysis factor P, having mean value of 1.0 and coefficient of variation of 0.12.
The statistical parameters of the combination of dead load, live load and dynamic load
depend on various factors such as span length, and number of lanes. For single lane the
coefficient of variation was found to be 0.19 for most of the spans and 0.205 for very
short spans. For two lane bridges, the coefficient of variation was found to be 0.18 for
most spans and 0.19 for very short spans.
Earthquake loading is the most challenging load type to model owing to its high
uncertainty and variation with time. Earthquake load can be represented as a function of
ground acceleration, which is highly a site specific, along with parameters specific to the
structural system and structural component. Earthquake loading is presented by Nowak
et al. (1999) as a product of three variables representing variation in ground acceleration,
uncertainty in transition from load (ground acceleration) to load effect in a component
(moment, shear and axial forces), and uncertainty due to approximations in structural
analysis. The AASHTO LRFD Specifications present the design values of the return
period for an earthquake and its magnitude in the form of contour maps, based on
probabilistic analysis.
The AASHTO Standard Specifications (1996) present the earthquake load as a
function of the acceleration coefficient as obtained from contour maps, site effect
coefficients that approximate the effect the soil profile type and importance classification
allotted to all bridges having an acceleration coefficient greater than 0.29 for seismic
performance categorization. The LRFD Specifications specifies the earthquake load in a
similar manner as that of the Standard Specifications, but it introduces three categories
of importance: critical bridges, essential bridges, and other bridges that are used to
modify the load and resistance factors. The return period is assumed to be 475 years for
essential and other bridges and 2500 years for critical bridges.
Scour, although not considered as a load, can cause a significant effect on bridge
performance due to load distribution, and is a major cause of bridge failure in the U.S.
(Nowak 1999). Scour can be considered as an extreme event in bridge design. The three
types of scour are long term channel degradation referring to scour across the entire
waterway breadth, contraction scour referring to scour caused due to the constriction of
the stream caused by bridge approach embankments, and local scour which refers to
severe erosion around piers and abutments. Local and contraction scour generally occurs
under the bridge and usually gets filled after flood events. The current AASHTO
specifications do not specify how to consider scour effects in combination with various
loading conditions. However, the approach to design is presented in the FHWA
publication Stream Stability at Highway Structures and further work to evaluate scour
effects is in progress (Nowak 1999).
Vessel collision is another extreme load which is very difficult to model due to
its time varying effects. Time varying product of three variables representing variation in
the vessel collision force, variation due to transition from vessel collision to load effect
in a component, and variation due to approximations in structural analysis can be used to
statistically represent the vessel collision effect. Vessel impact force depends on type,
displacement tonnage and speed of vessels and other site specific factors such as
waterway characteristics and geometry, vessel and/or barge configurations, and bridge
type and geometry. Any one of the three different procedures to determine the vessel
collision force provided in the AASHTO Guide Specifications and Commentary for
Vessel Collision Design of Highway Bridges can be used. The LRFD Specifications uses
different return periods with different importance classifications with three levels of
statistical complexity. Vessel collision force is based on a return period of 1000 years for
essential and other bridges, whereas for critical bridges the return period is 10,000 years
(Nowak 1999).
Specifications are calibrated for basic load combinations only, due to the lack of a
statistical database of correlation of extreme load events. Nowak et al. (1999)
recommends a full probability based calibration of all loading events before choosing the
critical load combination.
Nowak (1999) recommended load factors which when used with specified
resistance factors yield uniform safety for bridges, close to the target reliability index.
For the dead loads due to factory made members and cast in place members the load
factor was 1.25. For asphalt wearing surface weight, the load factor was calculated as 1.5
and the negative dead load can be obtained by multiplying the dead load by 0.85-0.90.
The live load factor was given as 1.6 for Average Daily Truck Traffic (ADTT) =1000,
and for ADTT=5000, the load factor is calculated as 1.70. The following combinations
are suggested by Nowak (1999).
D = Dead load of structural components and non-structural attachments
DA = Dead load of asphalt wearing surface
L = Live load
I = Dynamic load
W = Wind load
E = Earthquake load
L = 0.25-0.50 for ADTT = 5000
2.5.1 General
are as follows span = 80 ft., effective depth of prestressing steel, dps = 59 in., area of
prestressing steel, Aps = 4.59 in2. The results were as follows nominal moment = 5592 k-
ft., bias factor = 1.033, coefficient of variation = 0.033.
The shear capacity was modeled using modified compression field theory. The
parameters in this case were span = 80 ft., spacing of stirrups = 16 in. and area of steel Av
= 0.22 in2 which resulted in a nominal shear capacity of 219.2 kips with a bias factor of
1.067 and coefficient of variation of 0.0805. The shear resistance was calculated using
Monte Carlo simulation. The overall results show that for moment capacities the bias
factors for fabrication and materials was 1.04, for analysis 1.01, and for overall
resistance 1.05. The corresponding coefficients of variation were found to be 0.04, 0.06,
and 0.075. In the case of shear, the bias factors for fabrication and materials was 1.07,
for analysis 1.075, and for overall resistance 1.15. The corresponding coefficients of
variation were found to be 0.10, 0.10, and 0.14 (Nowak 1999).
Nowak (1994) in his study found the resistance factors for prestressed concrete
girders. The load factors from the LRFD Specifications were used and the target
reliability index was set to 3.5. Using trial and error, resistance factors ( φ ) were
calculated. The resistance factor for prestressed concrete girders was determined to be
1.00 for moment and 0.85 for shear. These resistance factors when used in conjunction
with the LRFD specified load factors yield a uniform safety level for a wide range of
span lengths.
2.6.1 General
recommendations were given. These studies have shown that use of refined analysis
instead of the approximate formulas recommended by Zokaie et al. (1991) yields
accurate results, while the approximate results are generally conservative Barr et al.
(2001), Chen et al. (1996), Ali et al (2003). While going through the available literature
it was observed that researchers have not come to a universal conclusion about the effect
of the presence of end and intermediate diaphragms on distribution factors. The
distribution factors recommended by the LRFD Specifications are thought to be more
accurate than those presented in the Standard Specifications, but still lack in accuracy,
because the effect of various components of a typical bridge are not included, as
indicated by Barr et al. (2001) and Chen et al. (1996).
The AASHTO Standard Specifications gives very simple expression for live load
distribution factor for the girder bridges in S/D format, where D = 5.5 for a bridge
constructed with a concrete deck on prestressed concrete girders carrying two or more
lanes of traffic and S is the girder spacing in feet. The effects of various parameters such
as skew, continuity, and deck stiffness were ignored in this expression and it was found
to be accurate for a few selected bridge geometries and was inaccurate once the
geometry was changed, hence a need for development of a formula which holds good for
a broad range of beam and slab bridges, including prestressed concrete bridges was felt.
Much research was carried out to arrive at an accurate expression for DFs, using finite
element analysis, grillage analysis and field tests. The DFs proposed by LRFD considers
the effects of different parameters such as skew, deck stiffness, and span length. The
LRFD Specifications provide correction factors for skewed bridges to be applied to
distribution factors.
Zokaie et al. (1991) conducted a parametric study using detailed finite element
models taking into account different parameters such as skew angle, girder spacing,
girder stiffness, and slab stiffness to calibrate the effect of these parameters on the girder
distribution factors, which were ignored in the Standard Specifications formula. The
finite element models used in the study were validated by data from hundreds of field
tests from various DOTs across the U.S. from a variety of bridges. A computer program,
GENDEK5A, was selected for the development of finite element models because this
program can model the bridge system more accurately and generated good results as
compared with field test results from many prototype bridges, as compared to other
finite element programs.
Each finite element model for a bridge was generated and the design trucks were
positioned in all possible ways so as to produce the maximum moments and shears, and
then the distribution factors were calculated for each girder. This process was repeated
for several hundreds of models for bridges across the nation at random and results were
compared with actual field data. The database of results was then used to identify the
key parameters affecting the distribution factors for a given bridge, and the correlation
between each of them was determined by plotting them against one another (Zokaie
2000). The results from the study show that the parameters are not correlated. A model
named “Average Bridge” was developed using the mean values of all the parameters
except the one under consideration, which was varied to recognize its affects on the
distribution factors under HS-20 truck loading. After significant testing Zokaie (2000)
determined that girder spacing, span length, girder stiffness, and slab thickness control
the distribution factors for a given bridge. The effects of these parameters were studied
and Zokaie (2000) arrived at a simplified base formula provided in Figure 2.2, that
represents the effects of different parameters on the distribution factors for girders and
yields conservative results.
Further extensions to this base formulas were made by Zokaie (2000) to account
for various factors such as presence of edge girder, continuity, and skew effect and
correction factors to adjust the base formulas were proposed. The formulas that appear in
the LRFD Specifications are slightly different from those developed from this study.
Changes were made to account for the new live load required in the LRFD
Specifications which is different from the HS-20 trucks used for this study. A simple
program called LDFAC (Zokaie et al. 1993) was developed to assist engineers in finding
out the applicable distribution factors for a given bridge. Zokaie et al. (1991)
recommends the use of accurate analysis if the geometry of the bridge is different form
those considered in the study and a set of recommendations for such analysis is also
A number of studies have been carried out to evaluate the results obtained by
Zokaie et al (1991). The methods of analysis used and recommendations made by them
are briefly documented as follows.
Barr et al. (2001) determined the effects of different components of a typical
girder bridge and proposed a representative expression for the live load distribution
factors. The effects of lifts, intermediate diaphragms, end diaphragms, continuity, skew
angle, and load type on the live load distribution factors for prestressed concrete girder
bridges were considered. A finite element model of a three-span prestressed concrete
bridge girder was developed and compared with the field static live load test values for
accuracy. Test data from the SR18/SR516 bridge, designed by the Washington DOT
having three spans with lengths of 80, 137 and 80 ft. and a skew angle of 400, was used
by Barr et al. (2001) to validate the analytical model. The model was then loaded with an
HS-20 truck load and more evaluation was done using several locations of the truck and
many variations in the geometry including addition of lifts and continuity. The moments
calculated using the analytical models were slightly larger than the measured moments
in all cases with the largest discrepancy of 6 percent. Then many variations were made
to this model to evaluate the effects of different parameters on the load distribution
factors. The results show that the LRFD distribution factors are always conservative and
sometimes over conservative (Barr et al. 2001).
A study conducted by Ali et al. (2003) also confirmed the conservatism of the
LRFD distribution factors. Ali et al. (2003) evaluated the effects due to skew of bridge
and addition of transverse diaphragms on the load distribution factors using finite-
element models. The parameters of the study were girder spacing (1.8 – 2.7 m), span
length (25 – 35 m), skew angle (0 – 600), and different arrangements of internal
transverse diaphragms. Bridge models with three spans of 25, 30 and 35 m, varying the
girder spacing as 1.8, 2.4 and 2.7 m were considered. The models were loaded with HS-
20 truck according to the AASHTO Standard Specifications. The results of the study
indicated that the skew has the greatest effect on the load distribution factor. The load
distribution factors for skew bridges were found to be always less than that of right
bridges (with no skew). In all the cases the load distribution factors of the LRFD
Specifications were found to be conservative and in some cases over conservative.
In a study by Schwarz et al. (2001) the DFs were measured for vehicles with a
variety of axle spacings, number of axles, and Gross Vehicle Weights (GVWs). The
measured DFs were compared to the ones in both the LRFD and Standard Specifications
and also those obtained from grillage analysis. For a given bridge, the one lane DFs were
found to be the largest in the girders beneath the loaded lanes. The LRFD and Standard
DFs for one lane were found to be conservative by 17 percent. For shorter spans,
Schwarz et al. (2001) propose that neglecting diaphragms can improve the accuracy of
the model. Two lane DFs were obtained by side-by-side truck positioning and
superimposing average one-lane DFs. The AASHTO Standard and LRFD DFs were
found to be conservative for two lane case also.
Chen et al. (1996) investigated the application of the load DFs proposed by
Zokaie et al. (1991) to modern prestressed concrete bridges made of I-girders and spread
box girders with larger span-to-depth ratios using refined analysis methods and
recommended changes to the proposed DFs. The authors indicated that the average I-
beam span length of 48 ft. considered by Zokaie et al. (1991) for arriving at the DFs is
rather short for I-beam bridges, which are more likely to be 80 to 90 ft. long. The finite
element analysis showed the DFs given by the LRFD Specifications to be over
conservative by at least 18 percent for interior girders and 4-12 percent for exterior
girders, and if it is used instead of LRFD DFs reduces the required release strength of
concrete or allows 4-5% increase in span length for the same section. The effect of
diaphragms is also ignored in the development of the LRFD DFs which add to their over
conservatism (Chen at al.). All the studies supported the use of finite element method for
the analysis of bridge system (Zellin et al. (1976), Zokaie et al. (1991), LRFD Bridge
Specifications (1994) etc).
Nowak (1999) determined the girder distribution factors from finite element
models based on linear behavior of girders and slab. Spans ranging from 30 to 200 ft.
were taken into account for five different girder spacing of 4, 6,8,10 and 12 ft. Nowak
found that GDF’s proposed by AASHTO Standard specifications are conservative for
larger girder spacing and less than calculated for shorter spans and girder spacing, and
were in good agreement with the Zokaie’s results.
Another study by Puckett (2001) compared the results obtained by Zokaie et al
(1991) by an independent finite strip method analysis of a slab on Girder Bridge. Puckett
validated the results of Zokaie et al. only for interior beams. The largest discrepancy
between the two was found to be 7%. Under the situation where different studies have
not come to a conclusion as to the over conservatism of LRFD distribution factors, the
use of accurate analysis is the best option, as indicated by all the studies. General
A study by Barr et al. (2001) indicated that Zokaie et al. (1991) did not
considered the effect of lifts in their study and included the effect of diaphragms in pilot
study but not in main study and the factor proposed by them for continuity was not
included in the LRFD specifications. As a result the distribution factor proposed in
LRFD specifications still do not consider the effects of the components of a typical
bridge and are based on the results of analysis using HS-20 loading of simply supported
bridges but are more accurate than the ones proposed in the AASHTO Standard
Specifications (1996). Chen and Aswad (1996) in their study found the LRFD
distribution factors to be uneconomically conservative. The effect of different
parameters as indicated by different studies has been summarized as follows
The skew of the bridge had little effect on distribution factor for small angles,
and reduction in live-load distribution factor was observed for larger angles. The LRFD
expression for skew factor was found to be appropriate for the behavior observed by
different studies.
The addition of end diaphragms was found to decrease the distribution factor for
exterior and interior girders and the reduction was in the range of 6% to 25% for various
skew angles. The presence of intermediate diaphragms slightly increased the live load
distribution factor at low skew angles but at higher skew angles (>= 300) they proved to
be slightly beneficial. Continuity
The continuity increased the distribution factor regardless of the skew for
exterior girders and it reduced the distribution factors for interior girders for low skew
angles but increased the distribution factor for greater skew angles.
The increase in span length was found to increase the load distribution factor for
the external girders while this had little effect on the internal girders. Lifts
The results of the study by Barr et al. indicates that the addition of lift reduced
the distribution factor by 17% for exterior girder and by 11% for interior girder which
can be explained by the fact that the presence of lifts slightly increases the composite
girder stiffness.
As expected the increase in girder spacing increased the load distribution factor.
The LRFD specifications recommends the use of truck load plus lane load but the
distribution factors were developed using the truck loading only and the same was
applied to the lane loading. But, it was found from the study by Barr et al (2001) that the
distribution factor for lane loading is always smaller as compared to the truck loading
which if considered can increase the economy of the design.
Barr et al. (2001) proposed that if the effects of different parameters have been
considered in the design of SR18/SR516 Bridge the required release strength of the
girder concrete could have been reduced from 7400 psi to 6400 psi or the bridge could
have been designed for a 39% higher live load.
2.7.1 General
Shahawy et al. (1996) compared the shear provisions in the AASHTO Standard
Specifications (1989) and LRFD Specifications using laboratory tests on AASHTO Type
II prestressed concrete girders. The AASHTO Standard Specifications are based on
constant 45-degree truss analogy for shear, whereas LRFD adopts variable truss analogy
based on modified compression field theory for its shear provisions. As a part of
laboratory testing 20 full-scale prestressed concrete girders were used with variable
span, amount of shear reinforcement, shear span and strand diameter. Three of the
girders were tested without any shear reinforcement in order to figure out the
contribution of concrete to shear strength, Vc.
Shahawy et al. (1996) found that the AASHTO Standard Specifications gives a
good estimate of the shear strength of the girders and is conservative regardless of the
shear reinforcement ratio, whereas the LRFD Specifications overestimates the shear
strength of girders having high reinforcement ratios. The shear provisions of AASHTO
Standard Specifications were found to agree with the test results in almost all the cases,
whereas for a/d ratios less than 1.5, LRFD (1994) overestimates the shear strength and
for a/d more than 2.0 LRFD underestimates the shear strength. The predictions of
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Vc are also found to be better than that of LRFD,
both being conservative as compared to test results. The overall results for shear indicate
the superiority of AASHTO Standard Specifications (1989) over LRFD Specifications
Richard et al. (2002) compared the design of AASHTO Type III Girder Bridge
using the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Bridges, 16th Edition, and the AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. The authors found the bridge design to be same in
most respects irrespective of the Specifications used. The most significant changes
observed by them were in the shear design where the skew factor and reinforcement
requirements in LRFD Specifications required increased concrete strength and
reinforcement. An increase in reinforcement in deck overhang and in wing wall was also
observed by the authors, due to increased collision force. The design of bridges using
LRFD specifications was found to be more calculation-intensive and complex. The
design experience and conclusions were limited to a single span AASHTO Type III
girder bridges.
The LRFD Specifications allows the distribution of permanent loads of and on
the deck to be distributed uniformly among the beams and/or stringers (LRFD
Specifications Article which is a significant change from the Standard
Specifications design practice where the dead loads due to parapets, sidewalks, railings
were applied only to the exterior girder. An increase in non-composite dead load by 9%
and decrease in composite dead load by 50% on the exterior girder, while a decrease in
non-composite dead load by 4% and an increase in composite dead load by 97% on the
interior girder were observed when LRFD Specifications is followed, as compared to the
design by Standard Specifications (Richard et al. 2002). The Standard Specifications
required the bridge to be designed for HS-25 loading, which is 125% of the AASHTO
HS-20 truck load or a design lane load comprising of 800 plf distributed load plus 22.5
kip or 32.5 kip point load for flexure or shear design cases, respectively. The LRFD
Specifications adopts HL-93 load case for bridge design, which consists of a 36 ton
design truck or design tandem and a 640 plf design lane load. The shear and bending
moment after load distribution for both load cases were found to be roughly comparable.
Richard et al. (2002) found that LRFD design requires same number of
prestressing strands as that of standard Specifications design but a higher concrete
strength was required which could be explained as an effect of changes in live loads,
load distribution factors, impact factors, skew factors and prestressing losses. The LRFD
design effected the shear design significantly as the requirement of shear reinforcement
went up substantially which was a result of increase in live load distribution factor for
shear and a constant skew factor. LRFD design of the overhang is significantly different
from that of standard design and it requires more reinforcement.
Zokaie et al. (2003) reviewed the impact of LRFD specifications on the design
post tensioned concrete box girder bridges and highlighted the changes in the
Specifications which lead to the requirement of higher post tensioning. Although the
present study deals with prestressed concrete girder bridges, it may be of interest to find
out the cause of the requirement of higher post tensioning which also may cause an
increase in required prestress force.
The change in design live load was found to be one of the factors. The “Dual
Truck” loading in LRFD Specifications increases the negative moment at interior
supports which require additional negative reinforcement. The major changes in the load
distribution factors were another factor which influenced the design. The load factors for
different limit states are different in LRFD Specifications as compared to the fixed load
factors in Standard Specifications however the allowable stresses are almost same in
both the Specifications. The prestress loss equations are slightly changed in the LRFD
Specifications and are more conservative as compared to Standard ones. Zokaie et al.
(2003) carried on detailed design for two different cases and found that self weight is
nearly the same irrespective of the Specifications used. The live load response in LRFD
case was much higher than LFD. The impact factor was higher but the load distribution
factor for moment went down for LRFD design case. Service limit state-III which
checks the tensile stresses in bottom fiber governed in both the cases and required 13%
additional post tensioning for LRFD based design. Zokaie et al. (2003) did not
considered shear in their design.
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) specifies design recommendations
for bridge engineers provided in TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (TxDOT 2001). This
manual is primarily aimed to bring consistency in the design of bridges in Texas. The
manual gives specific recommendations for design where Standard Specifications gives
options to the designers. The manual also includes simplifications for bridge design.
The manual is based on Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges except for few
sections which are based on previous studies and experiences. A evaluation of some of
the simplified procedures given by TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (TxDOT 2001) is
carried out in this study. The impact of these simplifications and their applicability
while using LRFD Specifications is discussed below.
3.2.1 General
service, fc' is assumed to be 5000 psi. The concrete strengths are optimized and selected during
the design process. As the actual concrete strengths are not known at the beginning of design
process, the modular ratio between the slab and girder concrete (n) is choosen as unity. This
modular ratio needs to be updated once the actual concrete strengths are selected. However, the
TxDOT Bridge Manual allows for the use of modular ratio as unity throughout the design. The
effect of haunch on the composite properties of the girder is not taken into account for
bridges designed using TxDOT methodology. It is assumed that the haunch effect
neutralizes the impact of the assumption of modular ratio being unity, and will not affect
3.2.2 Methodology
The impact of not updating the modular ratio on the live load moment and shear
DFs is evaluated in this section. The results are presented in Tables 3.1 and 3.2 for
moment and shear DFs respectively. The live load moment and shear DFs specified by
Standard Specifications do not depend on the modular ratio, hence no change is found.
The live load moment DFs specified by the LRFD Specifications were found to be
decreasing in the range of 1 percent to 3 percent. The live load shear DFs specified by
the LRFD Specifications are not dependent on modular ratio, thus no difference was
The impact of not updating the modular ratio on the distributed live load
moments and shears is evaluated in this section. The results are presented in Tables 3.3
and 3.4 for moments and shears respectively. The live load moments and shears
specified by Standard Specifications do not change as the DFs remain the same after
updating the modular ratio. The live load moment DFs specified by the LRFD
Specifications were found to be decreasing in the range of 1 percent to 3 percent. This is
due to the change in the live load moment DFs. The live load shears specified by the
LRFD Specifications decreased in the range of 3 percent to 6 percent. This change is
caused due to the change in the distance of critical section, which is obtained from the
transverse shear design.
The impact of not updating the modular ratio on the required number of strands
is evaluated in this section. The results are presented in Table 3.5. The required number
of strands is found to be increasing when the modular ratio is updated. The increase is
negligible. The increase in the number of strands is a result of the changed composite
The impact of not updating the modular ratio on the required concrete strengths
at release and at service is evaluated in this section. The results are presented in Tables
3.6. and 3.7. The required concrete strengths at release and at service are found to be
increasing in few cases when the modular ratio is updated. However, the increase is
negligible. The increase in the required concrete strengths is due to the increase in the
number of strands, which increases the stresses in the girder, subsequently requiring
higher concrete strengths.
The impact of not updating the modular ratio on the flexural moment resistance
of the section is evaluated in this section. The results are presented in Table 3.8. The
flexural moment resistance is found to be increasing in few cases when the modular ratio
is updated. However, the increase is negligible. The increase in the flexural moment
resistance is due to the increase in the number of strands and concrete strength at service.
The impact of not updating the modular ratio on the transverse shear
reinforcement area is evaluated in this section. The results are presented in Table 3.9.
The transverse shear reinforcement area is found to be decreasing in few cases when the
modular ratio is updated. The decrease in the area of transverse reinforcement is due to
the increase in the concrete strength at service, which consequently increases the shear
capacity of concrete requiring lesser steel reinforcement.
The impact of not updating the modular ratio on the interface shear
reinforcement area is evaluated in this section. The results are presented in Table 3.10.
The interface shear reinforcement area remains the same for the Standard designs, and
there is a very negligible effect on the LRFD designs.
The impact of not updating the modular ratio on camber is evaluated in this
section. The results are presented in Table 3.11. The camber is found to be decreasing in
few cases when the modular ratio is updated. The decrease in the camber is negligible
and is caused due to the increase in the concrete strength at release, which consequently
increases the elastic modulus of girder concrete, resulting in reduced camber.
A parametric study was conducted for Type C and AASHTO Type IV single
span, interior prestressed concrete bridge girders. Designs based on the AASHTO
Standard Specifications (2002) were compared to designs based on the AASHTO LRFD
Specifications (2004) for similar design parameters. The main focus of this parametric
study was to evaluate the impact of the AASHTO LRFD Specifications on various
design results including maximum span length, required number of strands, required
concrete strengths at release and at service, flexural strength limit state, and shear
A design program was developed using Matlab 6.5.1 (Mathworks 2003) to carry
out this task. The program can handle the design of both Type C and AASHTO Type IV
girders according to the AASHTO Standard and the AASHTO LRFD Specifications.
The results from the program were validated using TxDOT’s PSTRS14 bridge design
software (TxDOT 2004). A number of cases for a range of design parameters were
The following sections describe the girder sections and their properties and
discuss the methodology used in the design program developed for this study. The
design of prestressed concrete girders essentially includes the service load design,
ultimate flexural strength design, and shear design. The difference in each of the design
procedures specified by the AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications are outlined.
The assumptions made in the analysis and design are also discussed. The results from
this parametric study for AASHTO Type IV girders are provided in Section 5 and for
Type C girders in Section 6.
8 in.
20 in.
6 in.
8 in.
23 in.
54 in.
9 in.
26 in.
Figure 4.1. Configuration and Dimensions of the AASHTO Type IV Girder Section
[Adapted from TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (TxDOT 2001)].
14 in.
3.5 in.
16 in.
7 in.
40 in.
7.5 in.
7 in.
22 in.
The modular ratio is evaluated based on input concrete strengths. The modular
ratio is assumed to be 1 if the input for concrete strengths is 0, and the final concrete
strengths at release and at service are optimized using TxDOT’s methodology (TxDOT
2001). The program does not consider the haunch effect based on TxDOT’s
recommendations (TxDOT 2001). The number of girders in the bridge cross section is
established based on a total bridge width of 46'
-0" and a clear roadway width of 44'
The program assigns the design variables based on the Specifications under
consideration. The design variables considered in the design are presented in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2. Design Variables for AASHTO Standard and LRFD Designs.
The main driver program “mainprog.m” calls one of the following functions
based on the input data.
1. typeCstd.m: This function handles the design for Type C girders based on
AASHTO Standard Specifications
2. typeClrfd.m: This function handles the design for Type C girders based on
AASHTO LRFD Specifications
3. type4std.m: This function handles the design for Type IV girders based on
AASHTO Standard Specifications
4. type4lrfd.m: This function handles the design for Type IV girders based on
AASHTO LRFD Specifications
4.4.1 General
The analysis and design procedure followed for girder designs based on the
AASHTO Standard Specifications (2002) and the AASHTO LRFD Specifications
(2004) are discussed in this section. Modifications made by TxDOT in the design are
also included.
I = Moment of inertia about the centroid of the non-composite precast girder, in.4
yt = Distance from centroid to the extreme top fiber of the non-composite precast
girder, in.
the girder top flange width in condition (2) given below. LRFD Article
specifies the effective flange width for an interior girder to be the least of the following:
1. One-fourth of the effective span length,
2. 12 × (average slab thickness) + greater of web thickness or one-half the
girder top flange width, or
3. The average spacing of adjacent girders.
Once the effective flange width is established, the transformed flange width and
flange area is calculated as
n = Modular ratio between slab and girder concrete = Ecip/Ec
ts = Thickness of the slab, in.
Ecip = Modulus of elasticity of cast in place slab concrete, ksi
Ec = Modulus of elasticity of precast girder concrete, ksi
TxDOT recommends using the modular ratio as 1 because the concrete strengths
are unknown at the beginning of the design process and are optimized during the design.
This recommendation was followed for the service load design in this study. For shear
and deflection calculations the actual modular ratio based on the selected optimized
precast concrete strength is used in this study. For these calculations the composite
section properties are evaluated using the transformed flange width and precast section
properties. The flexural strength calculations are based on the selected optimized precast
concrete strength, the actual slab concrete strength, and the actual slab and girder
55 Design Span Length, Hold-Down Point and Critical Section for Shear
The design span length is the center-to-center distance between the bearings.
This length is obtained by deducting the distance between the centerlines of the bearing
pad and the pier from the total span length (center-to-center distance between the piers).
Figure 4.3 illustrates the details at the girder end at a conventional support. The hold-
down point for the harped strands is specified by the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual
(TxDOT 2001) to be the greater of 5 ft. and 0.05 times the span length, on either side of
the midspan.
equal to h/2 plus one-half the bearing pad width, from the girder end, where h is the
depth of the composite section. The critical section is then refined based on an iterative
process that determines the final values of the parameters and . General
The dead and superimposed dead loads considered in the design are girder self
weight, slab weight, barrier and asphalt wearing surface loads. The load due to the
barrier and asphalt wearing surface are accounted for as composite loads (loads
occurring after the onset of composite action between the deck slab and the precast
girder section). The girder self weight and the slab weight are considered as non-
composite loads. The live loads are consistent with the specifications under
consideration. The impact and distribution factors are calculated as specified by the
respective design specifications. The loads due to extreme events such as earthquake and
vehicle collision are not considered in the design as they are not a design factor for
bridges in Texas. The wind load is not taken into account for this study. The loads and
load combinations specified by the AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications are
discussed in the following sections.
barrier, and the asphalt wearing surface weight. TxDOT recommended using the unit
weight of the asphalt wearing surface as 140 pcf, and the barrier weight as 326 plf.
The Standard Specifications allows the superimposed dead loads on the
composite section to be distributed equally among all the girders for all the design cases.
The LRFD Specifications allows the equal distribution of the composite superimposed
dead loads (permanent loads) only when the following conditions specified by LRFD
Article are satisfied:
1. Width of deck is constant,
2. Number of girders (Nb) is not less than four,
3. Girders are parallel and have approximately the same stiffness,
4. The roadway part of the overhang, de ≤ 3.0 ft.,
5. Curvature in plan is less than 3 degrees for 3 or 4 girders and less than 4
degrees for 5 or more girders, and
6. Cross section of the bridge is consistent with one of the cross sections given
in LRFD Table
If the above conditions are not satisfied, refined analysis is required to determine
the actual load on each girder. Grillage analysis and finite element analysis are
recommended by the LRFD Specifications as appropriate refined analysis methods. Shear Force and Bending Moment due to Dead and Superimposed Dead Loads
The bending moment (M) and shear force (V) due to dead loads and
superimposed dead loads at any section having a distance x from the support, are
calculated using the following formulas.
M = 0.5wx (L - x) (4.3)
V = w(0.5L - x) (4.4)
w = Uniform load, k/ft.
L = Design span length, ft.
The LRFD Specifications specify a new live load model. The live load is to be
taken as one of the following, whichever yields maximum stresses at the section
1. HL-93: This is a combination of an HS 20-44 truck consisting of one front
axle weighing 8 kips and two rear axles weighing 32 kips each with a 0.64 klf
uniformly distributed lane load.
2. Combination of a tandem loading consisting of two 25 kips axles spaced 4 ft.
apart with a 0.64 klf distributed lane load.
0.32(L - x)2
V= for x ≤ 0.5L (4.11)
Maximum bending moment due to Tandem load.
T (x)[(L - x) - 2]
M= (4.12)
Maximum shear force due to Tandem load.
T [(L - x) - 2]
V= (4.13)
M = Live load moment, k-ft.
V = Live load shear, kips
x = Distance from the support to the section at which bending moment or shear
force is calculated, ft.
x = Distance from the support to the section at which bending moment or shear
force is calculated, ft.
L = Design span length, ft.
I= 30% (4.16)
L + 125
I = Impact factor
L = Design span length, ft.
The LRFD Specifications provide more complex formulas for the distribution of
live load moments and shear forces to individual girders. For skewed bridges, LRFD
Specifications require the distribution factors for moment to be reduced and the shear
distribution factors shall be corrected for skew. LRFD Table and
specify the distribution factors for moment and shear, respectively. The use of these
approximate distribution factors is allowed for prestressed concrete girders having an I-
shaped cross section with composite slab, if the conditions outlined below are satisfied.
1. Width of deck is constant
2. Number of girders (Nb) is not less than four (Lever rule can be used for 3
3. Girders are parallel and of approximately the same stiffness
4. The roadway part of the overhang, de ≤ 3.0 ft.
5. Curvature in plan is less than 3 degrees for 3 or 4 girders and less than 4
degrees for 5 or more girders
6. Cross-section of the bridge is consistent with one of the cross-sections given
in LRFD Table
7. 3.5 S 16 where S is the girder spacing, ft.
8. 4.5 ts 12 where ts is the slab thickness, in.
9. 20 L 240 where L is the span length, ft.
10. 10,000 Kg 7,000,000, in.4
Kg = n (I + Aeg2)
n = Modular ratio between the girder and slab concrete = Ec/Ecip
Ecip = Modulus of elasticity of cast in place slab concrete, ksi
Ec = Modulus of elasticity of precast girder concrete, ksi
I = Moment of inertia of the girder section, in.4
A = Area of the girder cross section, in.2
eg = Distance between the centroids of the girder and the slab, in.
For bridge configurations not satisfying the limits mentioned above, refined
analysis is required to estimate the moment and shear distribution factors.
The distribution factors shall be taken as the greater of the two cases when two
design lanes are loaded and one design lane is loaded. The approximate live load
moment distribution factors (DFM) and the live load shear distribution factors (DFV) for
an interior I-shaped girder cross-section with a composite slab (type k) is given by
AASHTO LRFD Tables and as follows.
DFM = Distribution factor for moment
DFV = Distribution factor for shear
S = Girder spacing, ft.
L = Design span length, ft.
ts = Thickness of slab, in.
Kg = Longitudinal stiffness parameter, in.4
= n (I + Aeg2)
DFMf = Distribution factor for fatigue load moment
m = Multiple presence factor taken as 1.2.
The live load moment distribution factors shall be reduced for skew using the
skew reduction formula specified by AASHTO LRFD Article The skew
reduction formula is applicable to any number of design lanes loaded. The skew
reduction formula for prestressed concrete I shaped (type k) girders can be used when
the following conditions are satisfied.
1. 30° 60° where is the skew angle, if > 60°, use = 60°
2. 3.5 S 16 where S is the girder spacing, ft.
3. 20 L 240 where L is the span length, ft.
4. Number of girders (Nb) is not less than four
0.25 0.5
Kg S
c1 = 0.25 (4.23)
12.0Lt s 3 L
The approximate live load shear distribution factors for interior girders shall be
corrected for skew using the skew correction factors specified by LRFD Table The skew reduction formula is applicable to any number of design lanes
loaded. The skew correction formula for prestressed concrete I shaped (type k) girders
can be used when the following conditions are satisfied.
1. 0° 60° where is the skew angle
2. 3.5 S 16 where S is the girder spacing, ft.
3. 20 L 240 where L is the span length, ft.
4. Number of girders (Nb) is not less than four
MLL+I = Distributed governing live load moment including impact loading, k-ft.
VLL+I = Distributed governing live load shear including impact loading, kips
M = Governing live load bending moment per lane, k-ft.
V = Governing live load shear force per lane, kips
For the designs based on LRFD Specifications, the shear force at the critical
section and bending moment at midspan is calculated for the governing (HS 20-44 truck
or tandem) load and lane load separately. The governing load is based on undistributed
tandem and truck load moments. The effect of dynamic loading is included only for the
truck or tandem loading and not for lane loading. The formulas used in the design are as
MLL+I = Distributed moment due to live load including dynamic load effect, k-ft.
VLL+I = Distributed shear due to live load including dynamic load effect, kips
MLT = Distributed moment due to governing (truck or tandem) load including
dynamic load effect, k-ft.
MT = Bending moment per lane due to governing (truck or tandem) load, k-ft.
VLT = Distributed shear due to governing (truck or tandem) load including
dynamic load effect, kips
VT = Shear force per lane due to governing (truck or tandem) load, kips
MLL = Distributed moment due to lane load, k-ft.
ML = Bending moment per lane due to lane load, k-ft.
Q = Factored load effect
D = Dead load effect
L = Live load effect
I = Impact load effect
The load combinations specified by AASHTO LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 are outlined
as follows
Q = Total load effect
DC = Self weight of girder and attachment (slab and barrier) load effect
DW = Wearing surface load effect
LL = Live load effect
IM = Dynamic load effect
For simple span bridges, the maximum load factors produce maximum effects.
However, minimum load factors are used for dead load (DC) and wearing surface load
(DW) when dead load and wearing surface stresses are opposite to those of the live load.
For the present study involving simply supported bridge girders, only the maximum load
combination is applicable. General
The flexural design of prestressed concrete bridge girders is generally controlled
by the service limit state, while the strength limit state seldom controls the design.
However, the strength limit state needs to be checked to ensure safety at ultimate load
conditions. The steps involved in the service load design and the procedures specified by
the AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications are outlined in this section.
fb = Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder due to applied loads, ksi
Mg = Unfactored bending moment due to girder self-weight, k-in.
MS = Unfactored bending moment due to slab weight, k-in.
MSDL = Unfactored bending moment due to superimposed dead loads (barrier and
asphalt wearing surface), k-in.
MLL+I = Distributed bending moment due to live load including impact, k-in.
Sb = Section modulus referenced to the extreme bottom fiber of the non-
composite precast girder, in.3
Sbc = Composite section modulus referenced to the extreme bottom fiber of the
precast girder, in.3
MLT = Distributed bending moment due to governing (truck or tandem) load
including impact load, k-in.
MLL = Distributed bending moment due to lane load, k-in.
The additional variables were defined for Equation 4.41.
The stress at the bottom fiber due to service loads is then compared with the
allowable tensile stress at service load. Based on the difference between the two, a
preliminary estimate of the required prestressing force is made.
Pse Pse ec
fbp = + (4.43)
A Sb
fbp = Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder due to prestressing, ksi
Pse = Effective pretension force after all losses, kips
A = Girder cross-sectional area, in.2
ec = Eccentricity of strand group at the midspan, in.
Sb = Section modulus referenced to the extreme bottom fiber of the non-
composite precast girder, in.3
the following sections. These formulas are applicable when normal weight concrete and
250 ksi or 270 ksi low-relaxation strands are used.
The AASHTO LRFD Specifications specifies empirical formulas to determine
the instantaneous losses. For time-dependent losses, two different options are provided.
The first option is to use a lump sum estimate of time-dependent losses given by
AASHTO LRFD Article The second option is to use refined estimates of time-
dependent losses given by AASHTO LRFD Article The refined estimates
outlined in the following sections are used for the parametric study as they are more
accurate than the lump sum estimate. The refined estimates are not applicable for
prestressed concrete girders exceeding a span length of 250 ft. or made using concrete
other than normal weight concrete. Instantaneous Losses. Instantaneous losses include the loss of
prestress due to elastic shortening and initial relaxation of steel. However, the Standard
Specifications do not provide the formula to estimate the initial steel relaxation. Rather,
only the formula for the estimation of total steel relaxation is provided. Thus for
estimating the instantaneous prestress loss for the Standard designs, half the total
prestress loss due to steel relaxation is considered as the instantaneous loss and other
half as the time-dependent loss. This method is recommended by the TxDOT Bridge
Design Manual (TxDOT 2001).
fpi = Instantaneous prestress loss, ksi
fpES = Prestress loss due to elastic shortening, ksi (see Sec.
fpR1 = Prestress loss due to steel relaxation at transfer, ksi (see Sec.
fpj = Jacking stress in prestressing strands, ksi
SH = Prestress loss due to concrete shrinkage, ksi (see Sec.
CRC = Prestress loss due to concrete creep, ksi (see Sec.
CRS = Prestress loss due to steel relaxation, ksi (see Sec.
fpSR = Prestress loss due to concrete shrinkage, ksi (see Sec.
fpCR = Prestress loss due to concrete creep, ksi (see Sec.
fpR2 = Prestress loss due to steel relaxation after transfer, ksi (see Sec. Total Prestress Loss. The total loss and percent total loss of prestress
is calculated using the following expressions.
100(ES + SH + CR + CR )
% fpT = c s (4.51)
0.75f s'
fpT = Total prestress loss, ksi
fpj = Jacking stress in prestressing strands, ksi
ES = f cir (4.54)
Es = Modulus of elasticity of prestressing strands, ksi
Eci = Modulus of elasticity of girder concrete at transfer, ksi
= 33,000(wc)3/2 f ci'
Ep = Modulus of elasticity of prestressing reinforcement, ksi
Eci = Modulus of elasticity of girder concrete at release, ksi
= 33,000(wc)3/2 f ci'
ES = Prestress loss due to elastic shortening, ksi (see Sec.
SH = Prestress loss due to concrete shrinkage, ksi (see Sec.
CRC = Prestress loss due to concrete creep, ksi (see Sec.
log(24.0t ) f pj
fpR1 = - 0.55 f pj (4.57)
40 f py
fpR1 = Prestress loss due to steel relaxation at transfer, ksi
t = Time estimated in days from stressing to transfer [taken as 1 day for this
study consistent with the TxDOT bridge design software PSTRS 14,
(TxDOT 2005)]
fpj = Initial stress in tendon at the end of stressing, ksi
fpy = Specified yield strength of prestressing steel, ksi
fpR2 = Prestress loss due to steel relaxation after transfer, ksi
fpES = Prestress loss due to elastic shortening, ksi
fpSR = Prestress loss due to concrete shrinkage, ksi
fpCR = Prestress loss due to concrete creep, ksi
fcir = Average concrete stress at the center-of-gravity of the pretensioning steel
due to pretensioning force and dead load of girder immediately after
transfer, ksi (see Sec.
fcgp = Sum of concrete stresses at the center-of-gravity of the prestressing steel
due to prestressing force at transfer and self weight of the member at
sections of maximum moment, ksi (see Sec.
fcdp = Change in concrete stresses at the center-of-gravity of the prestressing
steel due to permanent loads except the dead load present at the time the
prestress force is applied calculated at the same section as fcgp, ksi
M S e c M SDL (ybc - ybs )
= +
I Ic
The additional variables are defined for Equation 4.59.
RH = Mean annual ambient relative humidity in percent, taken as 60 percent for
this parametric study.
fsi = Effective initial prestress, ksi
fse = Effective final prestress, ksi
f s' = Ultimate strength of prestressing strands, ksi
fpi = Instantaneous prestress losses, ksi
fpT = Total prestress losses, ksi
fpi = Effective initial prestress, ksi
fpe = Effective final prestress, ksi
fpj = Jacking stress in prestressing strands, ksi
fti = Initial concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder, ksi
fbi = Initial concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder, ksi
Pi = Pretension force after allowing for the initial losses, kips
Mg = Unfactored bending moment due to girder self weight at the location under
consideration, k-in.
ec = Eccentricity of the strands at the midspan and hold-down point, in.
ee = Eccentricity of the strands at the girder ends, in.
et = Eccentricity of the strands at the transfer length section, in.
A = Area of girder cross-section, in.2
Sb = Section modulus referenced to the extreme bottom fiber of the non-
composite precast girder, in.3
St = Section modulus referenced to the extreme top fiber of the non-composite
precast girder, in.3
ft = Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder, ksi
fb = Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder, ksi
Pse = Effective pretension force after all losses, kips
MS = Bending moment due to slab weight, k-in.
MSDL = Bending moment due to superimposed dead load, k-in.
Stg = Composite section modulus referenced to the extreme top fiber of the
precast girder, in.3
Sbc = Composite section modulus referenced to the extreme bottom fiber of the
precast girder, in.3
The additional variables are the same as defined for Equations 4.67 to 4.74.
M LL+I P P e M g + M S M SDL
ft = + 0.5 se - se c + + (4.77)
Stg A St St Stg
For the LRFD Specifications, the stresses for the Service I and Service III load
combinations were investigated.
Ppe = Effective pretension force after all losses, kips
MLT = Bending moment due to truck load including impact, at the section, k-in.
MLL = Bending moment due to lane load at the section, k-in.
Table 4.4. Allowable Stress Limits Specified by AASHTO Standard and LRFD
Allowable Stresses
Load Stage Type of Stress Standard LRFD
(psi) (ksi)
Transfer Stage: Stresses immediately Compression 0.6 fci' 0.6 fci'
after transfer 7.5 fci' (1)
0.24 fci' (2)
Intermediate Stage: After CIP concrete Compression 0.40 fc' 0.45 fc'
slab hardens. Stresses due to effective
prestress and permanent loads only Tension 6 fc' 0.19 fc'
1. The specified limit is the maximum allowable tensile stress at transfer. However, if the calculated
tensile stress exceeds 200 psi or 3 f ci' whichever is smaller, bonded reinforcement should be
provided to resist the total tension force in the concrete computed on the assumption of an
uncracked section.
2. The specified limit is the maximum allowable tensile stress at transfer. To use this limit bonded
reinforcement shall be provided which is sufficient to resist the tension force in the concrete
computed assuming an uncracked section, where reinforcement is proportioned using a stress of
0.5fy, not to exceed 30 ksi. If the stresses does not exceed smaller of 0.0948 f ci' and 0.200 ksi
bonded reinforcement is not required.
4. AASHTO LRFD Article specifies the reduction factor φw to be taken as 1.0 when the web
and flange slenderness ratios are not greater than 15. If the slenderness ratio of either the web or
the flange exceeds 15, LRFD Article shall be used to compute φw .
The allowable stress limits for low-relaxation prestressing strands for AASHTO
Standard and LRFD Specifications are provided in Table 4.5
Table 4.5. Stress Limits for Low-Relaxation Prestressing Strands Specified by the
AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications.
fpu = Specified tensile strength of prestressing steel, ksi
fpy = Yield strength of prestressing steel, ksi
specified limit of 0.19 f c' (same as 6 f c' psi ). In the parametric study, the girders are
designed to always satisfy this specified limit. Hence the Fatigue limit state check is not
required. General
The flexural strength limit state design requires the reduced nominal moment
capacity of the member to be greater than the factored ultimate design moment,
expressed as follows.
φ Mn Mu (4.83)
Mu = Factored ultimate moment at a section, k-ft.
Mn = Nominal moment strength of a section, k-ft.
φ = Resistance factor = 1.0 for flexure and tension of prestressed concrete
members (AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications)
The total bending moment for the ultimate limit state according to AASHTO
Standard Specifications given by the Group I factored load combination is as follows.
Mg = Unfactored bending moment due to girder self-weight, k-ft.
MS = Unfactored bending moment due to slab weight, k-ft.
MSDL = Unfactored bending moment due to superimposed dead (barrier and
asphalt wearing surface) load, k-ft.
MLL+I = Bending moment due to live load including impact, k-ft.
The total ultimate bending moment for Strength I limit state, according to the
AASHTO LRFD Specifications is as follows.
DC = Bending moment due to all dead loads except wearing surface, k-ft.
DW = Bending moment due to wearing surface load, k-ft.
LL+IM = Bending moment due to live load and impact, k-ft.
The flexural strength limit state design reduces to a check as the number of
prestressing strands and the concrete strengths are already established from the service
load design. For the case when the flexural limit state is not satisfied, the number of
strands is incremented by two, and the service load stresses are checked and concrete
strengths are updated if required. This process is carried out until the flexural limit state
is satisfied. However, for prestressed concrete members, service load design almost
always governs, and the designs satisfying service load criteria usually satisfy the
flexural limit state.
modifications. Because the depth of neutral axis and the effective prestress are inter-
related, modifications in the force equilibrium formulations are required. The Standard
Specifications uses an empirical formulation of effective prestress, and the depth of
neutral axis is calculated using this value.
The LRFD Specifications uses the ultimate strength of the prestressing strands to
establish the depth of neutral axis based on which the effective prestress is calculated.
The differences in the methodologies followed by the Standard and LRFD Specifications
are outlined in this section. The methodology used in the parametric study for designs
based on Standard and LRFD Specifications is also presented. The Standard and LRFD
Specifications also allow the use of strut and tie model to determine the design moment
strength of the prestressed concrete girders. However, this approach is not considered for
the parametric study.
The AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications provide the formula for the
moment resistance of prestressed concrete girders assuming:
1. The members are uncracked,
2. The maximum usable strain in unconfined concrete at extreme compression
fiber is not greater than 0.003,
3. The tensile strength of concrete is neglected,
4. A rectangular stress distribution in the concrete compression zone,
5. A linear variation of strain over the section depth, and
6. The section is transformed based on actual concrete strengths of the slab and
the girder.
In the present parametric study, the last assumption will not be used. A more
accurate estimate of the compression contribution of each element (CIP slab, girder
flange and girder web) will be evaluated for flanged section behavior. This requires the
Standard and LRFD expressions to be modified. The modified expressions are provided
in the following section.
The Standard and LRFD define rectangular and flanged section behavior in
different ways. The Standard Specifications Article 9.17.2 specifies that rectangular or
flanged sections, having prestressing steel only can be considered to behave like
rectangular sections if the depth of equivalent rectangular stress block, a, is less than the
thickness of the compression flange (slab). The LRFD Specifications considers the
section to behave like a rectangular section if the depth of neutral axis, c, lies within the
flange (slab).
(f c' Acc 1 )
1avg = (4.86)
(f c' Acc )
1 = Stress block factor
f c' = Concrete strength at service, ksi
Acc = Area of concrete element in compression with the corresponding concrete
strength, in.2
The average value of 1 given by the above equation was used for the parametric
study for designs based on the LRFD Specifications to determine the depth of neutral
axis, when the section was found to be behaving as a flanged section. The 1 for the slab
concrete is used in the evaluation of effective stress in the prestressing steel for the
Standard Specifications.
γ* f s'
f su* = f s' 1- ρ* (4.87)
β1 f c'
fsu* = Average stress in pretensioning steel at ultimate load, ksi
= Factor for type of prestressing steel, taken as 0.28 for low-relaxation strand
1 = Stress block factor
= Ratio of prestressing steel
As * = Area of pretensioned reinforcement, in.2
b = Effective flange width, in.
d = Distance from top of slab to centroid of prestressing strands, in.
f s' = Ultimate strength of prestressing strands, ksi
Equation 4.87 is applicable when the effective prestress after losses is not less
than 0.5 f s' .
f ps = f pu 1 - k (4.88)
fps = Average stress in prestressing steel, ksi
fpu = Specified tensile strength of prestressing steel, ksi
f py
k = 2 1.04 - = 0.28 for low-relaxation strands
f pu
As* f su*
a= t (4.89)
0.85f cs' b
a = Depth of equivalent stress block, in.
As * = Area of pretensioned reinforcement, in.2
fsu* = Average stress in pretensioning steel at ultimate load, ksi
b = Effective flange width (denoted as beff in Figure 4.6), in.
' = Flange (slab) concrete compressive strength at service, ksi
f cs
t = Depth of compression flange (slab), in.
fcs' a 0.85 fcs'
fcb' d
A*s fsu
Expression 4.89 can be verified by simple mechanics and it is valid for the
parametric study. The depth of neutral axis, c, is calculated as c = a/ 1, where 1 is
calculated using the slab concrete compressive strength. The design flexural moment
strength for rectangular section behavior can be evaluated using the following expression
ρ* f su*
φ Mn = φ (As*)(fsu*)(d) 1- 0.6 (4.90)
f cs'
φ = Strength reduction factor specified as 1.0 for prestressed concrete members.
Mn = Nominal moment strength at the section, k-ft.
Additional variables are the same as defined for Equations 4.87 and 4.89.
If the condition in Equation 4.89 is not satisfied, the section shall be checked for
the flanged section behavior provided by the following expression.
Asr f su*
>t (4.91)
0.85f cs' b '
Asr = As* - Asf (in.2)
As * = Area of pretensioned reinforcement, in.2
Asf = Steel area required to develop the ultimate compressive strength of the
overhanging portions of the flange, in.2
Asf ' (b-b')t /fsu*
= 0.85 f cs
b' = Width of the web, in.
fsu* = Average stress in pretensioning steel at ultimate load, ksi
b = Effective flange width (denoted as beff in Figure 4.6), in.
' = Flange (slab) concrete strength at service, ksi
f cs
t = Depth of compression flange (slab), in.
Asr f su*
φ Mn = φ Asr f su* d 1-0.6 + 0.85f cs' (b - b' )t (d - 0.5t ) (4.92)
b 'df cs'
t fcs' a 0.85 fcs'
fcb' 0.85 fcb'
tf d
* *
As fsu
' bf (a – t)
C2 = 0.85 f cb (4.94)
T = As*fsu* (4.95)
From equilibrium,
T = C1 + C2 (4.96)
A*s f su* - 0.85f cs' beff t + 0.85f cb' b f t
a= (t + tf) (4.97)
0.85f cb' b f
Taking moments about C1, the nominal design flexural strength is the following.
φ Mn = φ [T(d – 0.5t) – C2(0.5a)] (4.98)
T = Tensile force in the prestressing strands, kips
C1 = Compression force in the slab, kips
C2 = Compression force in the girder flange, kips
' = Flange (slab) concrete strength at service, ksi
f cs
Case II considers the lower portion of the equivalent rectangular stress block lies
in the web of the girder as shown in Figure 4.8. The contribution of the fillet area is
neglected for simplicity. Because the fillet area is small, the fillets do not contribute
significantly to the compression force or nominal moment strength.
t fcs' a 0.85 fcs'
tf C3
0.85 fcb'
* *
A s fsu
' bf t f
C2 = 0.85 f cb (4.100)
' b' (a – tf – t)
C3 = 0.85 f cb (4.101)
T = As*fsu* (4.102)
Applying equilibrium,
T = C1 + C2 + C3 (4.103)
A*s f su* - 0.85f cs' beff t - 0.85f cb' b f t f + 0.85f cb' b '
t f + 0.85f cb' b '
a= (4.104)
0.85f cb' b '
Taking moments about C1, the nominal design flexural strength is the following.
φ Mn = φ [T(d – 0.5t) – C2(0.5t + 0.5tf) – C3(0.5a + 0.5tf] (4.105)
T = Tensile force in the prestressing strands, kips
C1 = Compression force in the slab, kips
The effective stress in the steel is calculated assuming rectangular section behavior using
Equation 4.90.
γ* f'
f su* = f s' 1- ρ* s
β1 f c'
fsu* = Average stress in pretensioning steel at ultimate load, ksi
= Factor for prestressing steel type, specified as 0.28 for low-relaxation strand
1 = Stress block factor
= 0.85 for slab concrete strength of 4.0 ksi
= Ratio of prestressing steel
As * = Area of pretensioned reinforcement = 13.77 in.2
b = Effective flange width = 72 in.
d = Distance from top of slab to centroid of pretensioning strands, in.
= hc – ybs
hc = Depth of composite section = 62 in.
ybs = Distance of center-of-gravity of the prestressing strands from the bottom
fiber of the girder, in.
12(2 + 4 + 6) + 10(8) + 8(10) + 6(12) + 4(14)
2(16 +18 + 20 + 22 + 24 + 26 + 28 + 30 + 32 + 34 + 36 + 38 + 40)
= 12.89 in.
d = 62 – 12.89 = 49.11 in.
* 13.77
= = 0.0039
0.28 270
f*su = 270 1- (0.0039) = 246.59 ksi
0.85 4
Section behaves as a flanged section, assuming the stress block is in the girder web
From equilibrium,
T = C1 + C2 + C3
3395.5 = 44.2(a – 16) + 1958.4 + 884.0
a = 28.5 in.
' (a – tf – t)b' = 0.85(6.5)(8)(28.5 – 8 – 8) = 552.5 kips
C3 = 0.85 f cb
Assuming the stress block depth is below the fillet end (i.e. a > 22 in.) makes the whole
fillet area act in compression.
' bfillet tfillet = 0.85(6.5)(6)(6) = 198.9 kips
Cfillet = 0.85 f cb
Applying equilibrium,
T = C1 + C2 + C3 + Cfillet
3395.5 = 44.2(a – 16) + 1958.4 + 884.0 + 198.9
a = 24 in. > 22 in.
Percent difference in the design flexural strengths from Case I and Case II:
= 100(11471 – 11337)/11471 = 1.18%
Thus, the fillet portion does not have a significant contribution to the design
flexural strength. However, the depth of neutral axis is changed significantly when the
fillet portion is ignored. If the fillet portion is considered the expression for the nominal
moment strength calculation becomes much more complex which is not reasonable in
practice. Therefore, the fillet portion is ignored in the parametric study without any
significant loss in accuracy.
bf a
hf c
0.85 fcs'
A ps f ps
Figure 4.9. Neutral Axis lies in the Girder Flange and the Stress Block is in the
Figure 4.10. Neutral Axis Depth using ACI Approach and Proposed AASHTO
LRFD Approach (AASHTO LRFD Specifications 2004)
Using either approach does not affect the value of the nominal flexural resistance
significantly, but there is a significant effect on the depth of neutral axis, c. The
provisions for limits for ductility requirement are based on c/de value, and there is a
significant affect on these provisions when the proposed AASHTO LRFD Specifications
approach is used. LRFD Specifications Article 5.7.3 specifies the following expressions
to determine the depth of neutral axis and the design flexural moment strength.
c = Distance between neutral axis and the compressive face, in.
Aps = Area of prestressing steel, in.2
' = Compressive strength of slab concrete at service, ksi
f cs
1 ' )
= Stress factor of compression block (computed for f cs
b = Effective width of compression flange, in.
fpu = Specified tensile strength of prestressing steel, ksi
f py
k = 2 1.04 - = 0.28 for low-relaxation strand.
f pu
Mn = Nominal flexural moment resistance, k-ft.
fps = Average stress in prestressing steel (see Equation 4.88), ksi
dp = Distance from extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the prestressing
tendons, in.
a = 1c
bf a
hf c
0.85 fcs'
A ps f ps
If the section is found to behave like a flanged section, the depth of the neutral
axis is found using the following expression.
Aps f pu - 0.85f cb'β1avg (b - bw )h f
c= (4.108)
0.85f cs'β1avg bw + kAps pu
' = Compressive strength of girder concrete at service, ksi
f cb
The nominal flexural moment resistance for flanged section is given by the
following expression
Mn = Apsfps d p - + 0.85 f c' (b-bw) 1avghf (0.5a – 0.5hf) (4.109)
The variables are same as defined for Equations 4.107 and 4.108.
The Equations 4.108 and 4.109 are based on the following assumptions.
1. The section is transformed and the concrete strengths of the transformed slab
and the girder are equal. (This assumption is not considered for the
parametric study to establish a more accurate estimate of the design flexural
moment resistance.)
2. The thickness of the web is constant. (This assumption is also not valid for
the parametric study for I-shaped sections because the neutral axis might fall
in the flange of the girder, the fillet portion, or the web.)
Considering the above stated reasons, formulas for determining the depth of the
neutral axis and the design flexural strength of the section are developed for different
cases in the parametric study, as outlined below.
Case I considers the neutral axis lies in the flange of the girder, as shown in
Figure 4.12.
hf bf c 0.85 fcs'
fcs' a
tf dp 0.85 f cb'
f cb'
A ps f ps
Using the AASHTO LRFD approach to multiply the flange compression force
with the stress block factor, 1, gives the following expressions.
C1 = 0.85 f cs 1avgbeff hf (4.110)
' bf
C2 = 0.85 f cb 1avg(c – hf ) (4.111)
From Equation 4.88, f ps = f pu 1 - k
T = Aps f pu 1 - k (4.113)
Applying equilibrium and solving for the neutral axis depth gives the following.
T = C1 + C2 (4.114)
Aps f pu - 0.85h f β1avg ( f cs' beff − f cb' b f )
c= hf + t f (4.115)
f pu
0.85f cb' 1avg b f + kAps
Taking moments about C1, the reduced nominal flexural moment strength at the section
is as follows.
φ Mn = φ [T(dp – 0.5hf) – C2(0.5a)] (4.116)
T = Tensile force in the prestressing strands, kips
C1 = Compression force in the slab, kips
C2 = Compression force in the girder flange within stress block depth, kips
' = Flange (slab) concrete strength at service, ksi
f cs
Case II considers the neutral axis lies in the fillet portion of the girder as shown
in Figure 4.13. This case was ignored for the Standard Specifications as the fillet portion
does not affect the design moment resistance significantly. However, it was found that
ignoring the fillet contribution changes the depth of the neutral axis significantly. As the
ductility limits for the LRFD Specifications are based on the depth of the neutral axis,
the fillet contribution for estimating the neutral axis depth. cannot be ignored However,
for moment calculations, the fillet contribution is ignored for simplicity and because it
has little effect on the nominal moment capacity.
b eff
fcs' b fil
c 0.85 fcs'
hf C3
tf dp a 0.85 fcb'
t fil
Aps fps
Figure 4.13. Neutral Axis lies in the Fillet Portion of the Girder
Using the LRFD approach to multiply the flange compression with the factor 1avg gives
the following expressions.
C1 = 0.85 f cs 1avgbeff hf (4.117)
C2 = 0.85 f cb 1avgbf tf (4.118)
when c hf + tf + tfil:
t fil - β1avg (c - h f - t f )
C3 = 0.85 f cb 1avg(c – hf – tf) bw +b fil +b fil (4.119)
t fil
From equation 4.88, f ps = f pu 1 - k
T = Aps f pu 1 - k (4.121)
For the moment resistance calculation, the fillet contribution is neglected. The
Equation 4.119 is modified to the following.
C3 = 0.85 f cb 1avg (c – hf – tf) bw (4.123)
Taking moments about C1, the design flexural strength at the section can be given as:
φ Mn = φ [T (dp – 0.5hf) – C2 (0.5hf + 0.5tf) – C3 (0.5a + 0.5tf] (4.124)
T = Tensile force in the prestressing strands, kips
C1 = Compression force in the slab, kips
C2 = Compression force in the girder flange, kips
C3 = Compression force in the girder web within the stress block depth, kips (see
Equation 4.123)
' = Flange (slab) concrete strength at service, ksi
f cs
Case III considers the neutral axis lies in the web portion of the girder as shown
in Figure 4.14.
fcs' b fil
c 0.85 fcs'
hf C3
dp C4
t fil a 0.85 fcb'
Aps fps
Figure 4.14. Neutral Axis lies in the Web Portion of the Girder
C2 = 0.85 f cb
' 1avg bf tf (4.126)
C3 = 0.85 f cb
' 1avg tfil (bw + bfil) (4.127)
C4 = 0.85 f cb
' 1avg (c – hf – tf - tfil)bw (4.128)
From Equation 4.88, f ps = f pu 1 - k
T = Aps f pu 1 - k (4.130)
Aps f pu - 0.85h f β1avg ( f cs' beff − f cb' bw ) − 0.85 f cb' β1avg t f (b f − bw ) − 0.85 f cb' β1avg t fil b fil
f pu
0.85f cb' 1avg bw + kAps
Taking moments about C1, the reduced nominal flexural strength at the section can be
given as
C3 = Compression force in the fillet and the web between fillets, kips
C4 = Compression force in the web portion (excluding web portion between the
fillets) under the stress block, kips
tfil = Thickness of girder fillet, in.
bfil = Girder fillet width, in.
bw = Girder web width, in.
1avg = Stress block factor (see Equation 4.86)
If the above maximum reinforcement limits are not satisfied, the Standard
Specifications recommend the design flexural moment strength of the girder to be
limited as follows.
= Ratio of prestressing reinforcement
As *
As * = Area of pretensioned reinforcement, in.2
b = Effective flange width, in.
d = Distance from extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the prestressing
force, in.
fsu* = Average stress in prestressing steel at ultimate load, ksi
c = Distance from the extreme compression fiber to the neutral axis, in.
de = Corresponding effective depth from the extreme compression fiber to the
centroid of the tensile force in the tensile reinforcement, in.
Aps f ps d p + As f y d s
= (4.139)
Aps f ps + As f y
The parametric study only considers fully prestressed sections, for which the
effective depth de reduces to dp. In case the above limit is not satisfied, the following
equations are provided in the LRFD Specifications to limit the flexural resistance of the
girder section.
M n = [(0.36β1avg - 0.08β1avg
) f c' b d e 2 ] (4.140)
Mn = Nominal moment strength at the section, k-ft.
b = Effective flange width, in.
The flexural moment strength limit provided by LRFD Specifications for flanged
section behavior is based on the transformed section. However for the parametric study,
transformed section was not considered. Hence, a conservative estimate of the design
flexural strength can be made by using the concrete strength of the slab. This method is
used in the parametric study.
φ Mn 1.2 M cr (4.142)
Mn = Nominal flexural moment strength, k-in.
M cr = Cracking moment, k-in.
= (fr + fpe) Sc – Md/nc -1 (4.143)
Pse Pse ec
= +
A Sb
Pse = Effective prestress force after losses, kips
A = Area of cross-section, in.2
ec = Eccentricity of prestressing strands at midspan, in.
Sb = Section modulus of non-composite section referenced to the extreme fiber
where tensile stress is caused by externally applied loads, in.3
Sc = Section modulus of composite section referenced to the extreme fiber
where tensile stress is caused by externally applied loads, in.3
Md/nc = Non-composite dead load moment at midspan due to self weight of girder
and weight of slab, k-in.
The above limit is waived at the sections where the area of prestressed and non-
prestressed reinforcement provided is at least one-third greater than that required by
analysis based on the loading combinations.
The LRFD Specifications Article specifies the minimum amount of
prestressed and non-prestressed tensile reinforcement such that a factored flexural
resistance, Mr is at least equal to
• 1.2 times the cracking moment, Mcr, determined on the basis of elastic
stress distribution and the modulus of rupture fr of the concrete, and
• 1.33 times the factored moment required by the applicable strength load
Mcr = (fr + fcpe) Sc – Mdnc -1 Sc f r (4.144)
S nc
Mcr = Cracking moment, k-in.
fcpe = Compressive stress in concrete due to effective prestress forces at extreme
fiber of section where tensile stress is caused by externally applied loads,
Ppe Ppe ec
= +
A Sb
Ppe = Effective prestress force after losses, kips
ec = Eccentricity of prestressing strands at midspan, in.
Mdnc = Total unfactored non-composite dead load moment, k-in.
Snc = Section modulus referenced to the extreme fiber of the non-composite
section where tensile stress is caused by externally applied loads, in.3
Sc = Section modulus referenced to the extreme fiber of the composite section
where tensile stress is caused by externally applied loads, in.3
φ Vc
Vu < (4.145)
Vu = Factored shear force at the section, kips
= 1.3(Vd + 1.67 VLL+I) for this study
Vd = Shear force at the section due to dead loads, kips
VLL+I = Shear force at the section due to live load including impact load, kips
Vc = Nominal shear strength provided by the concrete, taken as lesser of Vci
(see Equation 4.147) and Vcw (see Equation 4.149), kips
φ = Strength reduction factor, specified as 0.9 for shear of prestressed
concrete members
If the condition in Equation 4.145 is not satisfied, the member shall be designed
such that:
Vs = Nominal shear strength provided by the web reinforcement, kips
The shear design in the parametric study is carried out at the critical section for
shear. The critical section is specified as hc/2 from the face of the support, where hc is
the depth of the composite section. However, as the support dimensions are unknown in
this study the critical section is calculated from the center line of the bearing support
which yields a slightly conservative estimate of the required web reinforcement. The
shear strength provided by normal weight concrete is calculated using the following
Vi M cr
Vci = 0.6 f c' b 'd + Vd + 1.7 f c' b'd (4.147)
M max
Vci = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal cracking
results from combined shear and moment, kips
Vcw = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal cracking
results from excessive principal tensile stress in the web, kips
Sbc = Composite section modulus referenced to the extreme bottom fiber of the
precast girder, in.3
Mmax = Maximum factored moment at the section due to externally applied loads,
= Mu – Md
Mu = Factored bending moment at the section, k-in.
= 1.3(Md + 1.67 MLL+I)
Md = Bending moment at section due to unfactored dead loads, k-in.
MLL+I = Bending moment at section due to live load including impact load, k-in.
I = Moment of inertia of the girder cross-section, in.4
ybcomp = Lesser of ybc and the distance from bottom fiber of the girder to the
junction of the web and top flange, in.
ybc = Distance from the centroid of the composite section to extreme bottom
fiber of the precast girder, in.
yb = Distance from centroid to the extreme bottom fiber of the non-composite
precast girder, in.
MD = Moment due to unfactored non-composite dead loads at the critical
section, k-in.
Vp = Vertical component of prestress force for harped strands, kips
= Pse sin
= Angle of the harped tendons to the horizontal, radians
The area of the web reinforcement shall be provided such that the condition in
Equation 4.146 is satisfied. The nominal shear strength provided by steel reinforcement,
Vs, is calculated using the following expression.
Av f y d
Vs = <8 f c' b'd (4.149)
Av = Area of web reinforcement, in.2
b' = Width of web of a flanged member, in.
The spacing of the web reinforcement shall not exceed 0.75hc or 24 in. If Vs
Vu = Factored shear force at the section, kips
= 1.25(DC) + 1.5(DW) + 1.75(LL + IM) for this study
DC = Shear force at the section due to dead loads except wearing surface
weight, kips
DW = Shear force at the section due to wearing surface weight, kips
LL+IM = Shear force at the section due to live load including impact, kips
Vc = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete, kips
φ = Strength reduction factor specified as 0.9 for shear of prestressed
concrete members.
Vp = Component of prestressing force in the direction of shear force, kips
The AASHTO LRFD Specifications specifies the critical section for shear near
the supports as the larger value of 0.5dvcot or dv, measured from the face of the support.
dv = Effective shear depth, in.
= Distance between resultants of tensile and compressive forces, (de - a/2),
but not less than the greater of (0.9de) or (0.72h), in.
de = Corresponding effective depth from the extreme compression fiber to the
centroid of the tensile force in the tensile reinforcement, in.
a = Depth of compression block, in.
h = Depth of composite section, in.
= Angle of inclination of diagonal compressive stresses (slope of
compression field). The value of is unknown and is assumed to be 23° at
the beginning of design, and iterations are made until it converges to a
particular value.
The nominal shear resistance at a section is lesser of the following two values
Vn = (Vc + Vs + V p ) and (4.152)
dv = Effective shear depth, in.
bv = Girder web width, in
Determination of and
The values of and depend on the shear stress in the concrete, u and the
longitudinal strain, x of the section. The shear stress in the concrete is given as
Vu - φV p
u = (4.156)
φbv d v
u = Shear stress in concrete, ksi
Vu = Factored shear force at the section, kips
φ = Resistance factor, specified as 0.9 for prestressed concrete members
Vp = Component of prestressing force in the direction of shear force, kips
bv = Girder web width, in.
dv = Effective shear depth, in.
For the sections containing at least the minimum transverse reinforcement the
longitudinal strain, x is determined as follows.
+ 0.5N u + 0.5(Vu -V p )cot - Aps f po
x = ≤ 0.001 (4.157)
2(E p Aps )
For the sections containing less than minimum transverse reinforcement the longitudinal
strain, x is found using the following expression.
+ 0.5N u + 0.5(Vu -V p )cot - Aps f po
x = ≤ 0.002 (4.158)
E p Aps
Vu = Applied factored shear force at the specified section, kips
Mu = Applied factored moment at the specified section > Vu dv, k-in.
Nu = Applied factored normal force at the specified section, kips
Ac = Area of the concrete on the flexural tension side of the member, in.2
Aps = Area of prestressing steel on the flexural side of the member, in.2
fpo = Parameter taken as modulus of elasticity of prestressing tendons multiplied
by the locked-in difference in strain between the prestressing tendons and
the surrounding concrete (ksi). LRFD Article C5. recommends that
for pretensioned members, fpo be taken as the stress in strands when the
concrete is cast around them, which is approximately 0.7fpu, ksi
fpu = Ultimate strength of prestressing strands, ksi
Vp = Vertical component of prestress force for harped strands, kips
For the sections containing less than minimum transverse reinforcement, the
crack spacing parameter sxe is required to determine the parameters and . The crack
spacing parameter sxe shall be calculated as follows
sxe = s x ≤ 80 in. (4.160)
ag + 0.63
ag = Maximum aggregate size, in.
sx = Lesser of either dv or the maximum distance between layers of longitudinal
crack control reinforcement, in.
The parameters and are calculated by interpolating for the determined values
of u and x from the table shown in Figure 4.15 taken from the LRFD Specficiations
(AASHTO 2004).
or if vu 0.125 f c' :
s 0.4dv 12.0 in. (4.162)
s = Center-to-center spacing of shear reinforcement, in.
vu = Shear stress in the concrete, ksi
dv = Effective shear depth, in.
Av = Area of transverse shear reinforcement within spacing s, in.2
The LRFD Specifications requires that at each section the tensile capacity of the
longitudinal reinforcement on the flexural tension side of the member must satisfy the
following expression
Mu N V
As fy + Aps fps + 0.5 u + u - 0.5Vs -V p cot (4.164)
d v φf φc φv
As = Area of non-prestressed reinforcement on the flexural side of the member,
Aps = Area of prestressing steel on the flexural side of the member, in.2
fy = Yield strength of non-prestressed reinforcement, ksi
fps = Effective stress in the prestressing steel, ksi
Mu = Applied factored moment at the specified section > Vu dv, k-in.
Nu = Applied factored normal force at the specified section, kips
Vu = Applied factored shear force at the specified section, kips
Vs = Nominal shear strength provided by the web reinforcement, kips
Vp = Component of prestressing force in the direction of shear force, kips
dv = Effective shear depth, in.
= Angle of inclination of diagonal compressive stresses (slope of
compression field), radians
φf = Resistance factor for flexure, specified as 1.0 for prestressed concrete
φc = Resistance factor for axial force, specified as 0.75 for compression and 1.0
for tension in prestressed concrete members
φv = Resistance factor for shear, specified as 0.9 for prestressed concrete
The condition in Equation 4.165 is checked at the critical section for shear in the
parametric study.
Vu = Factored shear force at the section, kips
φ = Resistance factor specified as 0.90 for shear in prestressed concrete members
Vnh = Nominal horizontal shear strength at the section, kips
The critical section for horizontal shear is at a distance of hc/2 from the center
line of the support where hc is the depth of the composite section (in.). The nominal
horizontal shear strength must be calculated based on one of the following cases.
Case (a): Contact surface is clean, free of laitance, and intentionally roughened.
Vnh = 80 bv d (4.166)
Case (b): Minimum ties are used, contact surface is clean, free of laitance, but
not intentionally roughened.
Vnh = 80 bv d (4.167)
Case (c): Minimum ties are used, contact surface is clean, free of laitance, and
intentionally roughened to a full amplitude of ¼ in.
Vnh = 350 bv d (4.168)
Case (d): For each percent of tie reinforcement crossing the contact surface in
excess of the minimum requirement, Vnh may be increased by
160 f y
bv d (4.169)
bv = Width of cross-section at the contact surface being investigated for
horizontal shear, in.
d = Distance from extreme compressive fiber to centroid of the pretensioning
force, in.
fy = Yield strength of steel reinforcement, ksi
Avh = Area of interface shear reinforcement, in.2
s = Center-to center spacing of interface shear reinforcement, in.
The spacing of tie reinforcement, s, shall not exceed four times the least web
width of the girder nor 24 in.
The provisions for interface shear design specified by the LRFD Specifications
are outlined as follows. For the strength limit state, the horizontal shear at a section shall
be calculated using the following expression.
Vh = (4.171)
Vh = Horizontal shear per unit length of the girder, kips
Vu = Factored shear force at specified section due to superimposed dead and live
loads, kips
de = Distance between resultants of tensile and compressive forces, in.
= (dv - a/2)
dv = Distance between centroid of tension steel and top compression fiber, in.
a = Depth of equivalent stress block, in.
Vn reqd = Vh / φ (4.172)
Vn reqd = Required nominal shear strength at the interface plane, kips
φ = Resistance factor specified as 0.90 for shear in prestressed concrete
c = Cohesion factor
= Friction factor
Acv = Area of concrete engaged in shear transfer, in2.
Avf = Area of shear reinforcement crossing the shear plane, in2.
Pc = Permanent net compressive force normal to the shear plane, kips
fy = Yield strength of shear reinforcement, ksi
The nominal shear resistance, Vn shall not be greater than the lesser of the following two
Vn 0.2 f c' Acv (4.174)
Vn 0.8Acv (4.175)
f c' = The lower compressive strength at service of the two elements at the
interface, ksi
For concrete placed against clean, hardened concrete and free of laitance, with the
surface intentionally roughened to an amplitude of 0.25 in.:
c = 0.100 ksi
= 1.0
For concrete placed against clean, hardened concrete and free of laitance, but not
intentionally roughened:
c = 0.075 ksi
= 0.6
= 1.0 for normal weight concrete
The above minimum shear reinforcement requirement may be waived if the value
Vn/Acv < 0.100 ksi
4.4.8 Camber
The camber of pretensioned girders depends on several factors including
modulus of elasticity of concrete, steel relaxation, dead load, concrete creep and
shrinkage, erection loads, and live loads. The camber is a time-dependent quantity and it
is difficult to provide an accurate measure of camber. The AASHTO Standard
Specifications does not provide any specific method for the calculation of camber of
pretensioned members. The LRFD Specifications provide guidelines in Article
for the calculation of effective moment of inertia for camber calculations. The previous
research provides several different methodologies for the estimation of camber. The
Hyperbolic Functions Method proposed by Sinno and Furr (1970) for the calculation of
maximum camber of prestressed concrete is used in this parametric study. This is
consistent with the TxDOT’s prestressed bridge design software, PSTRS14 (TxDOT
2004). The methodology is outlined as follows.
Step 1: The total prestress, P after initial prestress loss has occurred is calculated using
the following expression.
Psi M D ec As n
P= + (4.177)
e2 A n e2 A n
1 + pn + c s I 1 + pn + c s
Psi = Initial prestressing force, kips
I = Moment of inertia of non-composite section, in.4
ec = Eccentricity of prestressing strands at the midspan, in.
MD = Bending moment due to girder self weight at midspan, k-in.
p = As/A
As = Area of prestressing strands, in.2
A = Area of cross section of girder, in.2
n = Modular ratio between girder concrete and prestressing steel.
= Ep/Ec
= 33(wc)3/2 f c'
The stress in concrete at the level of the centroid of the prestressing steel
immediately after transfer is computed using the following expression.
1 ec2
f cis = P + - f cs (4.178)
f cs = Concrete stress at the level of the centroid of the prestressing steel due to
dead loads, ksi
M D ec
Additional variables are the same as defined for Equation 4.178
The ultimate time dependent prestress loss is dependent on the ultimate creep and
shrinkage strains. As the creep strains vary with the concrete stress, the following steps
are used to evaluate the concrete stresses and adjust the strains to arrive at the ultimate
prestress loss. It is assumed that the creep strain is proportional to the concrete stress,
and the shrinkage stress is independent of concrete stress (Sinno et al. 1970).
Step 2: Initial estimate of the total strain at the level of centroid of prestressing steel,
assuming constant sustained stress immediately after transfer, is calculated using the
following expression.
∞ s
εcs1 = εcr f ci + ε ∞sh (4.179)
ε∞cr = Ultimate unit creep strain = 0.00034 in./in.
Step 3: The total strain obtained in Step 2 is adjusted by subtracting the elastic strain
rebound as follows.
As 1 ec2
εcs 2 = s
εc1 s
- εc1 Ep + (4.180)
Ec A I
Step 4: The change in concrete stress at the level of centroid of prestressing steel due to
strain adjustment is computed as follows.
1 ec2
f cs = εc2
E p As + (4.181)
Step 5: The total strain computed in Step 2 needs to be corrected for the change in the
concrete stress due to creep and shrinkage strains.
∆f cs
εcs 4 = ε∞cr f cis - + ε∞sh (4.182)
Step 6: The total strain obtained in Step 5 is adjusted by subtracting the elastic strain
rebound as follows.
As 1 ec2
εcs5 = ε cs 4 - εcs 4 E p + (4.183)
Ec A I
Sinno et al. (1970) recommends stopping the updating of stresses and adjustment
process after Step 6. However, as the difference between the strains obtained in Steps 3
and 6 is not negligible, this process is carried on until the total strain value converges.
Step 7: The change in concrete stress at the level of centroid of prestressing steel is
computed as follows.
1 ec2
f cs1 = ε cs 5 E p As + (4.184)
Step 8: The total strain computed in Step 5 needs to be corrected for the change in the
concrete stress due to creep and shrinkage strains.
∆f cs
εcs 6 = ε∞cr f cis - + ε∞sh (4.185)
Step 9: The total strain obtained in Step 8 is adjusted by subtracting the elastic strain
rebound as follows.
As 1 ec2
εcs 7 = ε cs 6 - ε cs 6 E p + (4.186)
Ec A I
Step 10: Steps 2 through 9 are repeated until the total strain value converges to a
particular value. Then the initial prestress loss, PLi, the final prestress loss, PL , and the
total prestress loss, PL, are calculated using the following formulas
Psi - P
PLi = (4.187)
ε c7 E p As
PL = (4.188)
Step 11: The initial deflection of the girder under self-weight, CDL, is calculated using
the elastic analysis as follows.
CDL = (4.190)
384Eci I
CDL = Initial deflection of the girder under self-weight, ft.
w = Self-weight of the girder, klf
L = Total girder length, ft.
Eci = Modulus of elasticity of the girder concrete at release, ksi
I = Moment of inertia of the non-composite precast girder, in.4
Step 13: Step 12: Initial camber due to prestress is calculated using the moment area
method. The following expression is obtained from the M/EI diagram to compute the
camber resulting from the initial prestress.
Cpi = [0.5(P)(ee)(0.5L)2 + 0.5(P)(ec – ee)(0.67)(HD)2
+0.5P (ec – ee) (HDdis)(0.5L + HD)]/(Eci)(I) (4.191)
HD = Hold-down distance from the girder end, ft.
HDdis = Hold-down distance from the center of the girder, ft.
ee = Eccentricity of the prestressing strands at girder end, in.
ec = Eccentricity of the prestressing strands at midspan, in.
L = Overall girder length, ft.
The net initial camber, Ci, is the difference between the upward camber due to
initial prestressing and the downward deflection due to self-weight of the girder.
Ci = Cpi – CDL (4.192)
Step 14: The ultimate strain in the prestressing steel, e and the ultimate time-dependent
camber, Ct, is evaluated using the following expressions
e= f sci /Ec (4.193)
∞ ∆f c1s
cr f cis - + s
Ct = Ci (1 - PL ) s (4.194)
4.5.1 General
The parameters considered for the parametric study are presented in Table 4.7.
The span lengths were varied from 90 ft. to the maximum span possible limited by the
release and service concrete strengths. TxDOT’s procedures were used for optimizing
the number of strands and concrete strengths.
The skew angles were varied for LRFD designs to investigate the impact of the
skew which is introduced through the skew reduction factors for live load moments and
skew correction factors for live load shears. The skew does not affect the designs based
on AASHTO Standard Specifications as the distribution factors for live load are
independent of the skew.
4.6.1. General
The parametric study was carried out for several possible cases satisfying the
specified limits. The detailed results from the parametric study are presented in Sections
5 and 6 for AASHTO Type IV girders and for Type C girders, respectively. The output
from the design program is presented in tabular and graphical formats and the impact on
different design parameters is discussed. A sample output from the design program used
in this study is presented in Table 4.8. This particular set of results is for AASHTO Type
IV girders with 0.5 in. diameter strands using AASHTO Standard Specifications. The
other parameters are included in the table.
4.7.1 General
Two parallel detailed design examples were developed for an AASHTO Type IV
girder bridge using the AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications. The cross section
of the bridge considered for the detailed design examples is shown in Figure 4.15. The
detailed design examples are found in Appendix A.1 and Appendix A.2 for Standard and
LRFD Specifications, respectively. The examples use the methodology described in
Section 4.4.
-6" 1.5" AASHTO
Type IV
-0" 5 Spaces @ 8'
-0" c/c = 40'
-0" 3'
A parametric study was conducted for AASHTO Type IV prestressed concrete
bridge girders. Several cases were considered based on the parameters summarized in
Table 5.1. The procedure outlined in Section 4 was employed to evaluate the impact of
the AASHTO LRFD Specifications on the design of AASHTO Type IV bridge girders.
The results obtained from the design program for designs based on both the Standard
and LRFD Specifications were validated using TxDOT’s PRSTRS14 (TxDOT 2004)
bridge design software. TxDOT’s procedures were used for optimizing the number of
strands and concrete strengths. This section provides a summary of results of the
parametric study for AASHTO Type IV bridge girders. The impact of LRFD
specifications on various design results is discussed.
5.3.1 General
The Standard Specifications specify the live load to be taken as an HS-20 truck
load, tandem load, or lane load, whichever produces the maximum effect at the section
considered. The LRFD Specifications specifies a different live load model HL-93, which
is a combination of the HS-20 truck and lane load, or tandem load and lane load,
whichever produces maximum effect at the section of interest. The live load governing
the moments and shears at the sections of interest for the cases considered in the
parametric study was determined and are summarized below. The undistributed live load
moments at midspan and shears at critical section were calculated for each case and the
representative differences are presented in this section.
There is a significant difference in the formulas for the distribution and impact
factors specified by the Standard and the LRFD Specifications. The impact factors are
applicable to truck, lane, and tandem loadings for designs based on Standard
Specifications, whereas the LRFD Specifications does not require the lane load to be
increased for the impact loading. The effect of the LRFD Specifications on the
distribution and impact factors is evaluated and the results are summarized. The
combined effect of the undistributed moments and shears and the distribution and impact
factors on the distributed live load moments and shears was observed. The differences
observed in the distributed live load moments at midspan and shears at the critical
sections are presented below.
The live load producing the maximum moment at mid-span and maximum shears
at the critical section for shear is investigated. The critical section for shear in the
designs based on Standard Specifications is taken as h/2, where h is the depth of
composite section. For designs based on LRFD Specifications the critical section is
calculated using an iterative process specified by the specifications. The governing live
loads are summarized in the Tables 5.2 and 5.3.
Table 5.3. Governing Live Load Moments at Midspan and Shears at Critical
Section for LRFD Specifications (Skew = 0°)
Strand Girder Span Governing Live Load Governing Live Load
Diameter (in.) Spacing (ft.) (ft.) for Moment for Shear
0.5 100
Truck+Lane Loading Truck+Lane Loading
8 90
Truck+Lane Loading Truck+Lane Loading
8.67 90
Truck+Lane Loading Truck+Lane Loading
6 90
0.6 100
110 Truck+Lane Loading Truck+Lane Loading
8 90
Truck+Lane Loading Truck+Lane Loading
8.67 90
Truck+Lane Loading Truck+Lane Loading
It was observed that for Standard Specifications based designs, HS-20 Truck
loading always governs the moments at mid-span and shears at critical sections except
for 136 ft. span case. For designs based on LRFD Specifications, combination of Truck
and Lane loading governs for all the cases.
The difference in the live loads specified by the Standard and the LRFD
Specifications effects the undistributed live load moments and shears. Skew and strand
diameter has no effect on the undistributed live load moments or shears therefore results
for cases with skew angle 0° and strand diameter 0.5 in. are compared in Table 5.4. The
undistributed live load moments are observed to be increasing in the range of 48 percent
to 65 percent for 6 ft. girder spacing when live loads based on LRFD Specifications are
used as compared to the Standard Specifications. This increase was in the range of 48
percent to 61 percent for 8 ft. girder spacing and 48 percent to 56 percent for a 8.67 ft.
girder spacing.
A significant increase was observed in the undistributed shears at critical section.
The increase was found to be in the range of 35 percent to 54 percent for 6 ft. girder
spacing when LRFD Specifications are used as compared to Standard Specifications.
This increase was found to be in the range of 35 percent to 50 percent for 8 ft. girder
spacing and 35 percent to 45 percent for 8.67 ft. girder spacing. This increase can be
attributed the change in live load and also the shifting of critical section. The critical
section for shear is specified by Standard specifications as h/2, where h is the depth of
composite section. The LRFD Specifications requires the critical section to be calculated
using an iterative process as discussed in Section 4. The difference between the
undistributed moments and shears based on Standard and LRFD Specifications is found
to be increasing with the increase in span length.
Table 5.4. Comparison of Undistributed Midspan Live Load Moments and Shears
at Critical Section (Skew = 0°, Strand Diameter = 0.5 in.)
Girder Undistributed Moment (k-ft.) Undistributed Shear (kips)
Spacing Span Difference Difference
(ft.) (ft.) Standard LRFD k-ft. (%)
Standard LRFD
kips (%)
90 1315.2 1943.0 627.8 (47.7) 62.3 83.7 21.4 (34.4)
100 1494.4 2271.9 777.5 (52.0) 63.3 88.2 24.9 (39.3)
110 1674.4 2617.6 943.2 (56.3) 64.1 92.6 28.5 (44.4)
120 1854.4 2979.3 1125.0 (60.7) 64.8 96.6 31.9 (49.2)
130 2034.4 3357.1 1322.7 (65.0) 65.3 100.5 35.2 (53.9)
133 - 3473.5 - - 102.5 -
136 2142.4 - - 66.9 - -
8 90 1315.2 1943.0 627.8 (47.7) 62.3 84.0 21.7 (34.8)
100 1494.4 2271.9 777.5 (52.0) 63.3 88.6 25.3 (40.0)
110 1674.4 2617.6 943.2 (56.3) 64.1 92.6 28.5 (44.4)
120 1854.4 2979.3 1125.0 (60.7) 64.8 96.9 32.2 (49.7)
124 1926.4 - - 65.0 - -
8.67 90 1315.2 1943.0 627.8 (47.7) 62.3 84.1 21.8 (34.9)
100 1494.4 2271.9 777.5 (52.0) 63.3 88.7 25.4 (40.1)
110 1674.4 2617.6 943.2 (56.3) 64.1 92.6 28.5 (44.5)
116 - 2832.7 - - 95.4 -
119 1836.4 - - 64.7 - -
The AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications require that live load moments
and shears be increased for impact or dynamic loading. The Standard Specifications
specifies impact factors that decrease with an increase in span length, whereas the LRFD
Specifications specify a constant value of dynamic loading as 33 percent of the
undistributed live load moment or shear. For fatigue load moment, the LRFD
Specifications specify the impact loading to be 15 percent of the undistributed live load
fatigue moment. The fatigue moments are used to check the fatigue limit state required
by the LRFD Specifications. The LRFD Specifications do not require the lane load
moments and shears to be increased for impact loading.
Figure 5.1. illustrates the impact of the LRFD Specifications on the dynamic load
(impact) factors for a 6 ft. girder spacing. The same trend was observed for girder
spacings of 8 ft. and 8.67 ft.
Impact Factor
Standard LRFD
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
Figure 5.1. Impact Factors for AASHTO Standard vs. AASHTO LRFD
Specifications (Girder Spacing = 6 ft., Skew = 0°, Strand Diameter = 0.5 in)
The live load moments and shears, including the dynamic (impact) load effect are
distributed to the individual girders. The Standard Specifications provide a simple
formula for moment distribution factor (DF) as S/11 for prestressed concrete girder
bridges, where S is the girder spacing in ft. The same DF is used for the distribution of
live load shear to the girders. The LRFD Specifications provides more complex formulas
for the distribution of live load moments and shears to individual girders. The effects of
beam and slab stiffness are incorporated into these formulas. The LRFD Specifications
requires the DFs for moment to be reduced and DFs for shear to be corrected for skewed
bridges. Table 5.6 compares the live load moment DFs for the Standard and LRFD
It was observed that the live load moment DFs given by the LRFD Specifications
are typically smaller as compared to those for the Standard Specifications. The
difference increases with an increase in span length because the LRFD DFs decrease
with an increase in the span while span length has no effect on the Standard DFs. The
moment DFs increase with increase in girder spacing for both the AASHTO Standard
and LRFD Specifications. In addition, the difference between the DFs increased for
larger girder spacings. The LRFD live load moment DFs are the same for 0° and 15°
skews, but there is a significant change when the skew angles are 30° and 60°. It was observed
that increase in skew angles beyond 30° decreases the moment DFs significantly for AASHTO
Type IV girder bridges. The maximum difference between the Standard and LRFD DFs
was found to be 8 percent for 6ft. girder spacing, 14 percent for 8 ft and 8.67 ft. girder
spacing for the skew angle of 0°. This difference increased to 21 percent for 6 ft., 28 percent
for 8 ft. and 30 percent for 8.67 ft. girder spacing for a skew angle of 60°.
0.8 0.8
Distribution Factor
Distribution Factor
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
90 100 110 120 130 140 90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.) Span (ft.)
(a) Skew = 0° (b) Skew = 15°
0.8 0.8
Distribution Factor
Distribution Factor
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
90 100 110 120 130 140
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.) Span (ft.)
Figures 5.2 shows the effect of girder spacing and span length on the moment
DFs for skew angles 0°, 15°, 30° and 60°. Figure 5.3 shows the effect of skew on the
moment DFs for 6 ft., 8 ft. and 8.67 ft. girder spacing.
Distribution Factor
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
Distribution Factor
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
Distribution Factor
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Std. LRFD Skew0,15
LRFD Skew 30 LRFD Skew 60
Figure 5.3. Comparison of Live Load Moment DFs by Girder Spacing
(Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Table 5.7 and Figure 5.4 provide a summary of shear DFs for the parametric
study with AASHTO Type IV girders. The strand diameter does not affect the DFs for
Table 5.7. Comparison of Live Load Shear DFs (DFV)
(Strand Diameter = 0.5 in.)
Girder skew = 0° skew = 15° Skew = 30° skew = 60°
Spacing Span Std. Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) DFV DFV % DFV % DFV % DFV %
90 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.699 28.2 0.733 34.3 0.857 57.1
100 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.700 28.4 0.735 34.7 0.863 58.3
110 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.701 28.6 0.737 35.1 0.869 59.3
6 120 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.702 28.7 0.738 35.4 0.874 60.3
130 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.703 28.9 0.740 35.7 0.879 61.2
133 - 0.671 - 0.703 - 0.741 - - -
135 - - - - - - - 0.882 -
136 0.545 - - - - - - - -
90 0.727 0.814 12.0 0.849 16.8 0.890 22.4 1.041 43.1
100 0.727 0.814 12.0 0.851 17.0 0.892 22.7 1.048 44.1
8 110 0.727 0.814 12.0 0.852 17.1 0.895 23.0 1.055 45.1
120 0.727 0.814 12.0 0.853 17.2 0.897 23.3 1.062 46.0
124 0.727 - - - - - - - -
125 - - - - - - - 1.065 -
90 0.788 0.861 9.3 0.898 14.0 0.941 19.4 1.101 39.6
100 0.788 0.861 9.3 0.899 14.1 0.944 19.7 1.108 40.6
110 0.788 0.861 9.3 0.901 14.3 0.946 20.0 1.116 41.6
8.67 116 - 0.861 - 0.901 - - - - -
117 - - - - - 0.948 - - -
119 0.788 - - - - - - - -
120 - - - - - - - 1.123 -
121 - - - - - - - 1.123 -
The LRFD live load shear DFs specified by LRFD Specifications are larger as
compared to the Standard Specifications. The DFs increases with an increase in girder
spacing for both specifications and the LRFD DFs approach Standard DFs as the girder
spacing is increased. The span length and skew angle has no impact on the shear
Distribution Factor
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
Distribution Factor
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
Distribution Factor 1
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
The combined effect of the impact and distribution factors on the live load
moment and shears is presented in this section. The distributed live load moments are
compared in Table 5.8. The distributed live load moments are the same for 0° and 15°
skew angles for LRFD Specifications because the distribution factors for these two
skews are identical. The distributed live load moments were found to be significantly
larger than those for the Standard Specifications. The distributed live load moments
increase in the range of 48 percent to 52 percent for 6 ft. girder spacing when the skew
angle is 0°. As the girder spacing increases the difference between the distributed live
load moments decreases. The LRFD moments were found to be in the range of 36
percent to 38 percent larger for 8 ft. and 33 percent to 38 percent larger for 8.67 ft. girder
spacing when the skew angle is 0°.
The increase in skew angle for and beyond 30° results in decrease in distribution
factors. This causes the live load moments to decrease. The difference between the live
load moments for Standard and LRFD Specifications was found to be in the range of 22
percent to 32 percent for 6 ft. girder spacing when skew angle is 60°. This difference
reduces to the range of 8 percent to 15 percent and 4 percent to 9 percent for 8 ft. and
8.67 ft. girder spacing respectively. The increase in span length increases the difference
between the live load moments specified by the two codes.
Table 5.8. Comparison of Distributed Midspan Live Load Moments (LL Mom.) for
AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Std.
Span Skew 0° Skew 15° Skew 30° Skew 60°
Spacing LL Mom.
(ft.) (k-ft.) LL Mom. Diff. LL Mom. Diff. LL Mom. Diff. LL Mom. Diff.
(k-ft.) % (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) %
90 885.4 1310.7 48.0 1310.7 48.0 1265.8 43.0 1077.3 21.7
100 997.4 1483.8 48.8 1483.8 48.8 1436.8 44.1 1239.9 24.3
110 1108.8 1659.4 49.7 1659.4 49.7 1610.5 45.3 1405.7 26.8
120 1219.1 1837.8 50.7 1837.8 50.7 1787.2 46.6 1574.8 29.2
130 1328.5 2019.3 52.0 2019.3 52.0 1966.9 48.1 1747.3 31.5
133 - 2074.3 - 2074.3 - 2021.5 - - -
135 - - - - - - - 1834.9 -
136 1393.7 - - - - - - - -
90 1180.5 1603.8 35.9 1603.8 35.9 1540.3 30.5 1273.9 7.9
100 1329.9 1814.1 36.4 1814.1 36.4 1747.8 31.4 1469.7 10.5
110 1478.4 2027.3 37.1 2027.3 37.1 1958.4 32.5 1669.4 12.9
120 1625.5 2243.7 38.0 2243.7 38.0 2172.3 33.6 1872.9 15.2
124 1683.9 - - - - - - - -
125 - - - - - - - 1976.2 -
90 1279.3 1698.5 32.8 1698.5 32.8 1628.5 27.3 1334.9 4.3
100 1441.2 1920.9 33.3 1920.9 33.3 1847.8 28.2 1541.3 6.9
110 1602.2 2146.2 34.0 2146.2 34.0 2070.3 29.2 1751.7 9.3
116 - 2283.0 - 2283.0 - - - - -
117 - - - - - 2228.1 - - -
119 1745.7 - - - - - - - -
120 - - - - - - - 1966.3 -
121 - - - - - - - 1988.0 -
The distributed shear force at the critical section due to live load is found to be
increasing significantly when LRFD Specifications are used. The increase in the shear
force can be attributed to the increase in the undistributed shear force due to HL93
loading and the increase in distribution factors. The shear force at the critical section for
LRFD Specifications is found to be increasing in the range of 124 percent to 160 percent
for 6 ft. girder spacing as compared to the Standard specifications. The increase was
found to be in the range of 104 percent to 129 percent for 8 ft. and 99 percent to 115
percent for 8.67 ft. girder spacing. The results are presented in Table 5.9.
Table 5.9. Comparison of Distributed Live Load Shear at Critical Section for
Standard and LRFD Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Std.
Span Skew 0° Skew 15° Skew 30° Skew 60°
Spacing Shear
(ft.) Shear Diff. Shear Diff. Shear Diff. Shear Diff.
(ft.) (kips)
(kips) % (kips) % (kips) % (kips) %
90 41.9 73.5 75.2 76.7 82.7 80.3 91.5 93.9 123.9
100 42.2 76.5 81.1 79.9 89.2 83.8 98.5 98.5 133.1
110 42.4 79.4 87.0 83.0 95.6 87.2 105.4 102.8 142.3
120 42.6 82.1 92.9 86.0 101.9 90.4 112.4 107.0 151.4
130 42.7 84.8 98.7 88.8 108.3 93.6 119.3 111.1 160.5
133 - 85.5 - 89.7 - 94.5 - - -
135 - - - - - - - 113.1 -
136 43.5 - - - - - - - -
90 55.9 89.3 59.6 93.1 66.5 97.5 74.4 114.1 104.0
100 56.3 92.9 65.0 97.1 72.3 101.8 80.8 119.6 112.3
110 56.6 96.4 70.3 100.8 78.1 105.9 87.1 124.9 120.7
120 56.8 99.7 75.7 104.4 83.9 109.8 93.4 130.0 129.0
124 56.8 - - - - - - - -
125 - - - - - - - 132.5 -
90 60.6 94.4 55.7 98.4 62.4 103.1 70.1 120.6 99.0
100 61.0 98.3 61.0 102.6 68.1 107.7 76.4 126.5 107.2
110 61.3 101.9 66.2 106.6 73.8 112.0 82.6 132.1 115.3
116 - 104.1 - 108.9 - - - - -
117 - - - - - 114.9 - - -
119 61.5 - - - - - - - -
120 - - - - - - - 137.5 -
121 - - - - - - - 138.0 -
5.4.1 General
The loss in prestress occurs mainly from four sources viz. shrinkage of concrete,
relaxation of steel, elastic shortening of steel and creep of concrete. These losses are
categorized into initial prestress loss and final prestress loss. The initial prestress loss
occurs due to initial relaxation of steel and elastic shortening of prestressing strands. The
final loss occurs due to final relaxation, creep and shrinkage of concrete. Total prestress
loss is the combination of initial and final loss.
due to elastic shortening was found to be increasing for LRFD Specifications based
design, except for a few cases when skew angle was 60°.
Table 5.10. Comparison of Prestress Loss Due to Elastic Shortening (ES) for
AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Std. Skew 0° Skew 15° Skew 30° Skew 60°
Spacing Span ES Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (ksi) ES (ksi) % ES (ksi) % ES (ksi) % ES (ksi) %
6 90 11.33 12.95 14.3 12.95 14.3 12.95 14.3 11.49 1.4
100 13.28 14.05 5.8 14.05 5.8 13.45 1.3 12.81 -3.5
110 14.16 15.33 8.3 15.33 8.3 15.33 8.2 14.84 4.8
120 15.62 16.97 8.6 16.97 8.6 16.60 6.2 16.20 3.7
130 16.91 18.84 11.4 18.84 11.4 18.44 9.0 17.68 4.5
133 - 19.28 - 19.28 - 19.28 - - -
135 - - - - - - - 18.87 -
136 18.31 - - - - - - - -
8 90 14.02 14.78 5.4 14.78 5.4 14.80 5.6 13.59 -3.0
100 15.95 16.58 4.0 16.58 4.0 16.14 1.2 15.68 -1.7
110 17.24 18.13 5.2 18.13 5.2 17.79 3.2 17.43 1.1
120 18.88 20.11 6.5 20.11 6.5 19.93 5.6 19.07 1.0
124 19.91 - - - - - - - -
125 - - - - - - - 20.11 -
8.67 90 14.59 15.33 5.1 15.33 5.1 15.36 5.2 14.20 -2.7
100 16.38 17.01 3.8 17.01 3.8 17.00 3.8 16.14 -1.5
110 17.93 19.08 6.4 19.08 6.4 18.80 4.9 17.78 -0.8
116 - 20.14 - 20.14 - - - - -
117 - - - - - 20.10 - - -
119 19.90 - - - - - - - -
120 - - - - - - - 19.93 -
121 - - - - - - - 20.07 -
number of prestressing strands and consequently the stress in the concrete. Similar trends
were observed for 0.5 in and 0.6 in. diameter strands. The results for 0.5 in. diameter
strand are presented in Table 5.10.
It was observed that the prestress loss due to relaxation calculated in accordance
with LRFD Specifications yields a conservative estimate. This conservatism for 0.5 in.
diameter strands is in the range of 36 percent to 148 percent for 6 ft., 62 percent to 223
percent for 8 ft. and 70 percent to 168 percent for 8.67 ft. girder spacing. The increase in
the initial relaxation loss was found to be in the range of 48 percent to 116 percent for 6
ft., 78 percent to 143 percent for 8 ft. and 72 percent to 168 percent for 8.67 ft. girder
spacing when 0.6 in. diameter strands were used. The conservatism is found to be
increasing with the increase in span and also with the increase in girder spacing. Table
5.11 shows the results for 0.5 in. strand diameter and the results for 0.6 in. strand
diameter are presented in Table 5.12. The cases with only skew angle 0° are compared as
the skew angle has no effect on the initial relaxation loss.
Table 5.11. Comparison of Prestress Loss due to Initial Steel Relaxation for
AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications (Skew = 0°, Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Initial Relaxation
Spacing Span Loss (ksi) Difference
(ft.) (ft.) Standard LRFD %
6 90 1.45 1.98 36.1
100 1.26 1.98 57.5
110 1.17 1.98 69.3
120 0.99 1.98 100.8
130 0.80 1.98 147.5
133 - 1.98 -
136 0.65 - -
8 90 1.22 1.98 61.6
100 1.00 1.98 97.8
110 0.83 1.98 137.4
120 0.61 1.98 223.4
124 0.48 - -
8.67 90 1.16 1.98 70.4
100 0.95 1.98 108.1
110 0.74 1.98 167.4
116 - 1.98 -
119 0.49 - -
Table 5.12. Comparison of Prestress Loss due to Initial Steel Relaxation for
Standard and LRFD Specifications (Skew = 0°, Strand Dia. = 0.6 in.)
Girder Initial Relaxation
Spacing Span Loss (ksi) Difference
(ft.) (ft.) Standard LRFD %
6 90 1.34 1.98 48.2
100 1.25 1.98 58.1
110 1.15 1.98 71.8
120 0.91 1.98 116.4
126 - 1.98 -
130 0.78 - -
131 0.71 - -
8 90 1.14 1.98 73.5
100 0.94 1.98 109.7
110 0.82 1.98 142.8
116 - 1.98 -
119 0.59 - -
8.67 90 1.15 1.98 71.6
100 0.86 1.98 130.4
110 0.74 1.98 168.4
113 - 1.98 -
115 0.54 - -
The initial prestress loss is the combination of the losses due to elastic shortening
and initial steel relaxation. The combined effect of the changes in these two losses was
observed in the initial loss percent calculations between Standard and LRFD
Specifications. The initial loss estimates provided by LRFD Specifications are found to
be conservative as compared to the Standard Specifications.
Table 5.13. Comparison of Initial Prestress Loss (%) for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Initial Loss Percent for LRFD
Girder Std. Skew 0° Skew 15° Skew 30° Skew 60°
Spacing Span Initial Init. Diff. Init. Diff. Init. Diff. Init. Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) Loss (%) Loss (%) % Loss (%) % Loss (%) % Loss (%) %
6 90 6.31 7.37 16.7 7.37 16.7 7.37 16.7 6.65 5.4
100 7.18 7.92 10.3 7.92 10.3 7.62 6.2 7.30 1.8
110 7.57 8.55 12.9 8.55 12.9 8.55 12.9 8.31 9.7
120 8.20 9.36 14.1 9.36 14.1 9.17 11.8 8.98 9.5
130 8.75 10.28 17.5 10.28 17.5 10.08 15.3 9.71 11.0
133 - 10.50 - 10.50 - 10.50 - - -
135 - - - - - - - 10.30 -
136 9.36 - - - - - - - -
8 90 7.53 8.28 9.9 8.28 9.9 8.29 10.1 7.69 2.2
100 8.37 9.16 9.5 9.16 9.5 8.95 6.9 8.72 4.2
110 8.93 9.93 11.3 9.93 11.3 9.76 9.4 9.59 7.4
120 9.62 10.91 13.4 10.91 13.4 10.82 12.4 10.40 8.0
124 10.07 - - - - - - - -
125 - - - - - - - 10.91 -
8.67 90 7.78 8.55 9.9 8.55 9.9 8.56 10.0 7.99 2.7
100 8.56 9.38 9.5 9.38 9.5 9.37 9.5 8.95 4.5
110 9.22 10.40 12.8 10.40 12.8 10.26 11.3 9.76 5.9
116 - 10.92 - 10.92 - - - - -
117 - - - - - 10.90 - - -
119 10.07 - - - - - - - -
120 - - - - - - - 10.82 -
121 - - - - - - - 10.89 -
Except for few cases when skew angle was 60°, the increase in the initial loss
percent was found to be in the range of 7 percent to 11 percent. The skew angle of 30°
does not have a significant effect on initial loss percent however, the skew angle of 60°
was found to decrease the initial loss percent significantly. This trend follows the trend
of the loss due to elastic shortening as it is the major contributor to the initial losses.
Table 5.13 presents the results for strand diameter of 0.5 in. Similar trends were
observed for 0.6 in. diameter strands.
Initial Loss (%)
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
Initial Loss (%)
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
Initial Loss (%)
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Std. LRFD Skew0,15
LRFD Skew 30 LRFD Skew 60
Figure 5.5. Comparison of Initial Prestress Loss (%) for AASHTO Standard and LRFD
Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
The Standard and LRFD Specifications prescribe the loss of prestress due to
shrinkage of concrete as a function of relative humidity. For the relative humidity of 60
percent, loss due to shrinkage was found to be 8 ksi for both Standard and LRFD
Specifications for all the cases.
The total prestress loss due steel relaxation is the combination of loss due to
initial relaxation and final relaxation of steel. The Standard Specifications specify
empirical formulas to estimate the total loss due to steel relaxation half of which is
considered to be at initial conditions and other half is considered in the final losses. This
methodology is used by TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (TxDOT 2001). The LRFD
Specifications specify an empirical formula to estimate the final prestress loss due to
steel relaxation. The combined effect of the initial and final loss due to steel relaxation is
presented in this section.
The estimate of total prestress loss due to steel relaxation provided by LRFD
Specifications is found to be significantly conservative as compared to Standard
Specifications. The conservatism is in the range of 78 percent to 135 percent for 6 ft., 94
percent to 182 percent for 8 ft. and 98 percent to 164 percent for 8.67 ft. girder spacing
when 0.5 in. strands are used. The conservatism increases with the increase in span
length and girder spacing. The increase in skew also increases the conservatism in the
estimation of total relaxation losses. The results for 0.5 in. diameter strands are presented
in Table 5.14. Similar trends were observed for 0.6 in. diameter strands.
The Standard and LRFD Specifications specify similar expressions for the
estimation of prestress loss due to creep of concrete. The loss due to creep depends on
the concrete stress at the center of gravity (c.g.) of prestressing strands due to dead loads
before and after prestressing. Small difference was observed in the estimates of the loss
due to concrete creep for Standard and LRFD Specifications. The estimate provided by
LRFD Specifications is slightly conservative except for cases with skew angle of 60°.
The conservatism decreases with the increase in span and girder spacing. The maximum
difference was found to be 15 percent. The trends for 0.5 in diameter are presented in
Table 5.14 and the trends for 0.6 in. diameter strands were found to be similar.
Table 5.15. Comparison of Prestress Loss due to Creep of Concrete (CRC) for
AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Std. Skew 0° Skew 15° Skew 30° Skew 60°
Spacing Span CRC CRC Diff. CRC Diff. CRC Diff. CRC Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (ksi) (ksi) % (ksi) % (ksi) % (ksi) %
6 90 11.14 12.78 14.8 12.78 14.8 12.78 14.8 11.05 -0.8
100 15.18 16.80 10.7 16.80 10.7 15.03 -1.0 13.23 -12.8
110 16.90 19.99 18.3 19.99 18.3 19.98 18.2 18.35 8.6
120 21.31 25.47 19.5 25.47 19.5 24.02 12.7 22.52 5.7
130 26.18 30.31 15.8 30.31 15.8 29.32 12.0 26.99 3.1
133 - 31.81 - 31.81 - 31.81 - - -
135 - - - - - - - 30.33 -
136 29.55 - - - - - - - -
8 90 14.97 16.60 10.9 16.60 10.9 16.61 11.0 13.01 -13.1
100 20.07 21.43 6.8 21.43 6.8 19.83 -1.2 18.19 -9.4
110 24.16 26.75 10.7 26.75 10.7 25.30 4.7 23.83 -1.4
120 29.76 32.24 8.3 32.24 8.3 31.33 5.3 29.29 -1.6
124 32.86 - - - - - - - -
125 - - - - - - - 32.00 -
8.67 90 16.34 17.93 9.8 17.93 9.8 17.94 9.8 14.37 -12.0
100 21.18 22.52 6.3 22.52 6.3 22.52 6.3 19.30 -8.9
110 26.53 28.72 8.3 28.72 8.3 27.40 3.3 24.69 -6.9
116 - 32.21 - 32.21 - - - - -
117 - - - - - 31.83 - - -
119 32.47 - - - - - - - -
120 - - - - - - - 30.67 -
121 - - - - - - - 31.22 -
Table 5.16. Comparison of Total Prestress Loss Percent for AASHTO Standard
and LRFD Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Std. Skew 0° Skew 15° Skew 30° Skew 60°
Spacing Span Tot. Loss Tot. Loss Diff. Tot. Loss Diff. Tot. Loss Diff. Tot. Loss Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (%) (%) % (%) % (%) % (%) %
6 90 16.48 19.22 16.6 19.22 16.6 19.22 16.6 17.78 7.8
100 19.24 21.56 12.0 21.56 12.0 20.47 6.4 19.36 0.6
110 20.44 23.60 15.4 23.60 15.4 23.59 15.4 22.62 10.6
120 23.16 26.85 15.9 26.85 15.9 26.02 12.3 25.15 8.6
130 26.02 29.91 15.0 29.91 15.0 29.28 12.5 27.87 7.1
133 - 30.80 - 30.80 - 30.80 - - -
135 - - - - - - - 29.94 -
136 28.22 - - - - - - - -
8 90 19.48 21.78 11.8 21.78 11.8 21.80 11.9 19.60 0.6
100 22.72 24.81 9.2 24.81 9.2 23.87 5.1 22.91 0.8
110 25.22 27.95 10.8 27.95 10.8 27.13 7.6 26.29 4.2
120 28.57 31.36 9.8 31.36 9.8 30.86 8.0 29.54 3.4
124 30.49 - - - - - - - -
125 - - - - - - - 31.25 -
90 20.37 22.64 11.1 22.64 11.1 22.66 11.2 20.50 0.6
100 23.44 25.50 8.8 25.50 8.8 25.50 8.8 23.62 0.8
110 26.64 29.28 9.9 29.28 9.9 28.54 7.2 26.84 0.8
116 - 31.36 - 31.36 - - - - -
117 - - - - - 31.16 - - -
119 30.30 - - - - - - - -
120 - - - - - - - 30.55 -
121 - - - - - - - 30.87 -
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
Total Loss (%)
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
Total Loss (%)
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Figure 5.6. Comparison of Total Prestress Loss (%) for AASHTO Standard and LRFD
Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
The conservatism was found to be decreasing with the increase in span length,
skew angle and girder spacing. The results for 0.5 in. diameter strands are presented in
Table 5.15 and Figure 5.6.
The number of strands required depends on the allowable stress limits and the
stresses caused due to dead load and live load. There is a change in the allowable stress
limits in LRFD Specifications and the live load stresses are also different. The Service
III limit state that checks the bottom tensile stresses also impacts the prestressing strand
requirements. The difference in the prestress losses is another factor that effects the final
strand requirements. Strength limit state controls the number of strands only for one
case when span length is 90 ft. with 6 ft. girder spacing.
The LRFD Specifications require larger number of strands for most of the cases
for 0.5 in diameter strands. The difference in the required number of strands by LRFD
and Standard Specifications increases with the increase in span length and decreases
with the increase in girder spacing and skew angle. For a few cases with skew angle of
60° the number of strands required by LRFD Specifications was found to be lesser than
that of Standard Specifications. The difference was found to be in the range of -6 percent
to 13 percent for 6 ft., -7 percent to 9 percent for 8 ft. and -7 percent to 7 percent for 8.67
ft. girder spacing. The results for 0.5 in diameter strands are presented in Table 5.16.
Similar trends were found for 0.6 in. diameter strands. The results for 0.6 in. diameter
strands are presented in Table 5.17. Figures 5.7 and 5.8 illustrate the comparison of
strand requirement for Standard and LRFD specifications.
Number of Strands
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
Number of Strands
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
Number of Strands
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Figure 5.7. Comparison of Required Number of Strands for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Number of Strands
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
Number of Strands
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
Number of Strands
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Figure 5.8. Comparison of Required Number of Strands for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.6 in.)
The minimum strength at release was considered to be 4000 psi. For 90 ft. span
length it was observed that minimum concrete strength governs. The LRFD
Specifications yields a slightly conservative estimate of the concrete strength at release.
The maximum difference was found to be 12 percent. The concrete strength at release is
limited to 6750 psi. and in most of the cases it governs the maximum span length. The
results for 0.5 in. diameter strands are presented in Table 5.19.
The concrete strength at service is affected by the stresses at the midspan due to
prestressing force, dead loads, superimposed loads and live loads. The concrete strength
at service is limited to 8750 psi. However, this limitation does not affect the maximum
span length as the initial concrete strength approaches its limits earlier than the final
concrete strength. The minimum strength was considered as 5000 psi and for span
lengths less than 110 ft. it was observed that this limit controls. Also the concrete
strength at service cannot be smaller than the concrete strength at release. This limitation
governs for a few cases for 0.5 in diameter strands and most of the cases for 0.6 in.
diameter strands.
The maximum span lengths are limited by the concrete strength at release of
6750 psi and concrete strength at service of 8750 psi. The maximum span is not
governed by maximum number of strands for any of the cases considered for the
parametric study. The maximum allowable concrete strengths are reached when the
strand number was in the range of 70 to 74, whereas AASHTO Type IV girder can hold
up to 102 strands. Thus by relaxing the limit on concrete strengths longer spans can be
achieved. The LRFD Specifications have a reducing effect on the maximum span length.
This is due to a slightly conservative estimate of the concrete strengths which reaches
the limits earlier than the Standard Specifications. However, the difference between the
maximum span lengths was found to be negligible. The difference was in the range of
-4 percent to 2 percent for all the cases with strand diameter of 0.5 in. and 0.6 in. The
results for maximum span length are presented in Table 5.21.
Table 5.21. Comparison of Maximum Span Lengths for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications
Std. Skew 0° Skew 15° Skew 30° Skew 60°
Strand Girder Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.
Dia. Spacing Span Span Diff. Span Diff. Span Diff. Span Diff.
(in.) (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (%) (ft.) (%) (ft.) (%) (ft.) (%)
0.5 6 136 133 -2.2 133 -2.2 133 -2.2 135 -0.7
8 124 120 -3.2 120 -3.2 120 -3.2 125 0.8
8.67 119 116 -2.5 116 -2.5 117 -1.7 121 1.7
0.6 6 131 126 -3.8 126 -3.8 127 -3.1 130 -0.8
8 119 116 -2.5 116 -2.5 116 -2.5 119 0.0
8.67 115 113 -1.7 113 -1.7 114 -0.9 117 1.7
5.5.1 General
The load combinations for ultimate limit state are significantly changed from
Standard to LRFD Specifications. The load factors for moments due to live load and
dead loads except wearing surface load specified by LRFD Specifications are smaller
than the Standard Specifications. The load factor for moment due to wearing surface
load is increased in the LRFD Specifications. The live load moments specified by LRFD
specifications are larger than that of Standard Specifications. The combined effect of
these two changes results in the design moments that are comparable.
The LRFD Specifications yields design moments that are in general slightly
conservative as compared to the Standard Specifications. The conservatism is found to
decrease with the increase in span length, girder spacing and skew angle beyond 30°.
The design moments for skew angle of 60° are less conservative as compared to the
Standard Specifications. The difference in the design moments was found to be in the
range of -2 percent to 8 percent for 6 ft., -8 percent to 4 percent for 8 ft. and -10 percent
to 3 percent for 8.67 ft. girder spacing. The strand diameter does not have any effect on
the design moments. The comparison of the design moments specified by Standard and
LRFD specifications is presented in Table 5.22.
section if the depth of equivalent stress block is less than the thickness of compression
flange (slab). The LRFD Specifications use the location of neutral axis to categorize the
section behavior as rectangular or flanged. The section is defined to be rectangular if the
neutral axis lies in the compression flange (slab). The expression specified by LRFD
Specifications for the determination of depth of neutral axis is different from the
Standard Specifications. The location of the stress block and neutral axis for Standard
and LRFD Specifications is presented in Figures 5.- and 5.-.
The flanged section behavior is categorized into two cases for Standard
Specifications. The first case when the depth of stress block is less than the sum of the
slab and girder flange thickness and the second case when the depth of stress block
exceeds the sum of the thickness of slab and girder flange. It was observed that for
Standard Specifications most of the sections have rectangular section behavior and for
few cases when the span length is larger than 120 ft. the stress block enters the girder
flange. The stress block does not enter the web portion of the girder for any of the cases
considered in the parametric study.
The flanged section behavior is divided into three categories for LRFD
specifications. The first case when the neutral axis lies in the flange of the girder, the
second case when the neutral axis lies in the fillet portion of the girder and the third case
when the neutral axis lies in the web of the girder. It was observed that for span lengths
up to 110 ft. the section behaves as a rectangular section for most cases. For span lengths
up to 120 ft. the neutral axis lies in the girder flange and thereafter in the fillet portion of
the girder. The neutral axis does not lie in the girder web for any of the cases considered
for this study.
1) Flanged : The section behaves as a flanged section with neutral axis lying in the girder
flange for LRFD Specifications and stress block lying in the girder flange for Standard
2) Flanged : The section behaves as a flanged section with neutral axis lying in the fillet
area of the girder for LRFD Specifications and stress block lying in the fillet area of the
girder for Standard Specifications.
a (in.)
8 Slab Ends
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
a (in.)
8 Slab Ends
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
a (in.)
Slab Ends
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Std. LRFD Skew0,15 LRFD Skew 30 LRFD Skew 60
Figure 5.9. Comparison of depth of equivalent stress block (in.) for AASHTO Standard
and LRFD Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
16 Gir. Flange Ends
c (in.) 12
8 Slab Ends
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
16 Gir. Flange Ends
c (in.)
8 Slab Ends
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
8 Slab Ends
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Std. LRFD Skew0,15 LRFD Skew 30 LRFD Skew 60
Figure 5.10. Comparison of depth of Neutral Axis (in.) for AASHTO Standard and LRFD
Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
The change in the concrete strength at service and the number of strands affects
the moment resistance capacity of the section. The change in expression for evaluation
of effective prestress in the prestressing strands also has an effect on the ultimate
moment resistance of the section.
Table 5.24. Comparison of Moment Resistance (Mr) for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Std. Skew 0° Skew 15° Skew 30° Skew 60°
Spacing Span Mr Mr Diff. Mr Diff. Mr Diff. Mr Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (k-ft.) (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) %
6 90 4616.7 4946.8 7.2 4946.8 7.2 4946.8 7.2 4606.8 -0.2
100 5962.4 6273.2 5.2 6273.2 5.2 5946.6 -0.3 5616.7 -5.8
110 6923.2 7421.7 7.2 7421.7 7.2 7421.7 7.2 7205.9 4.1
120 8400.9 8870.0 5.6 8870.0 5.6 8645.8 2.9 8416.9 0.2
130 9959.0 10004.7 0.5 10004.7 0.5 9883.1 -0.8 9557.1 -4.0
133 - 10391.0 - 10391.0 - 10303.4 - - -
135 - - - - - - - 10242.8 -
136 10964.0 - - - - - - - -
8 90 5728.7 6059.9 5.8 6059.9 5.8 6059.9 5.8 5371.2 -6.2
100 7398.1 7695.8 4.0 7695.8 4.0 7379.1 -0.3 7060.0 -4.6
110 8936.6 9489.1 6.2 9489.1 6.2 9200.8 3.0 8910.2 -0.3
120 10836.0 11018.7 1.7 11018.7 1.7 10872.3 0.3 10515.9 -3.0
124 11857.1 - - - - - - - -
125 - - - - - - - 11278.7 -
8.67 90 6099.1 6430.4 5.4 6430.4 5.4 6430.4 5.4 5740.4 -5.9
100 7760.2 8058.9 3.9 8058.9 3.9 8058.9 3.9 7420.0 -4.4
110 9589.7 10113.7 5.5 10113.7 5.5 9838.6 2.6 9268.1 -3.4
116 - 11078.3 - 11078.3 - - - - -
117 - - - - - 11081.2 - - -
119 11608.2 - - - - - - - -
120 - - - - - - - 11081.0 -
121 - - - - - - - 11240.0 -
Table 5.25. Comparison of Mu/Mr ratio for AASHTO Standard and LRFD
Specifications (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Skew 0° Skew 15° Skew 30° Skew 60°
Spacing Span Std. Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) Mu/Mr Mu/Mr % Mu/Mr % Mu/Mr % Mu/Mr %
6 90 0.86 0.86 0.8 0.86 0.8 0.85 -1.0 0.84 -2.1
100 0.79 0.81 2.4 0.81 2.4 0.84 6.3 0.82 4.7
110 0.79 0.79 0.3 0.79 0.3 0.78 -1.1 0.76 -4.4
120 0.75 0.76 1.8 0.76 1.8 0.77 3.1 0.75 0.0
130 0.72 0.77 6.9 0.77 6.9 0.77 7.0 0.76 5.1
133 - 0.77 - 0.77 - 0.77 - - -
135 - - - - - - - 0.75 -
136 0.71 - - - - - - - -
8 90 0.86 0.84 -1.9 0.84 -1.9 0.83 -4.0 0.85 -1.8
100 0.79 0.78 -0.3 0.78 -0.3 0.80 1.9 0.77 -2.2
110 0.76 0.74 -2.4 0.74 -2.4 0.75 -1.0 0.72 -5.3
120 0.72 0.73 2.0 0.73 2.0 0.73 1.8 0.71 -1.7
124 0.69 - - - - - - - -
125 - - - - - - - 0.71 -
8.67 90 0.86 0.83 -2.7 0.83 -2.7 0.82 -5.0 0.82 -4.0
100 0.79 0.78 -1.3 0.78 -1.3 0.77 -3.3 0.76 -4.1
110 0.75 0.73 -2.8 0.73 -2.8 0.73 -1.9 0.72 -3.9
116 - 0.72 - 0.72 - - - - -
117 - - - - - 0.72 - - -
119 0.70 - - - - - - - -
120 - - - - - - - 0.70 -
121 - - - - - - - 0.70 -
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
90 100 110 120 130 140
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Figure 5.11. Comparison of Mu/Mr ratio for Standard and LRFD Specifications
(Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
A parametric study was conducted for Type C prestressed concrete bridge
girders. Several cases were considered based on the parameters summarized in Table
6.1. The procedure outlined in Section 4 was employed to evaluate the impact of the
AASHTO LRFD Specifications on the design of Type C bridge girders. The results
obtained from the design program for designs based on both the Standard and LRFD
Specifications were validated using TxDOT’s PRSTRS14 (TxDOT 2004) bridge design
software. TxDOT’s procedures were used for optimizing the number of strands and
concrete strengths. This section provides a summary of results of the parametric study
for Type C bridge girders. The impact of LRFD specifications on various design results
is discussed.
6.3.1 General
The Standard Specifications specify the live load to be taken as an HS-20 truck
load, tandem load, or lane load, whichever produces the maximum effect at the section
considered. The LRFD Specifications specifies a different live load model HL-93, which
is a combination of the HS-20 truck and lane load, or tandem load and lane load,
whichever produces maximum effect at the section of interest. The live load governing
the moments and shears at the sections of interest for the cases considered in the
parametric study was determined and are summarized below. The undistributed live load
moments at midspan and shears at critical section were calculated for each case and the
representative differences are presented in this section.
There is a significant difference in the formulas for the distribution and impact
factors specified by the Standard and the LRFD Specifications. The impact factors are
applicable to truck, lane, and tandem loadings for designs based on Standard
Specifications, whereas the LRFD Specifications does not require the lane load to be
increased for the impact loading. The effect of the LRFD Specifications on the
distribution and impact factors is evaluated and the results are summarized. The
combined effect of the undistributed moments and shears and the distribution and impact
factors on the distributed live load moments and shears was observed. The differences
observed in the distributed live load moments at midspan and shears at the critical
sections are presented below.
The live load producing the maximum moment at mid-span and maximum shears
at the critical section for shear is investigated. The critical section for shear in the
designs based on Standard Specifications is taken as h/2, where h is the depth of
composite section. For designs based on LRFD Specifications the critical section is
calculated using an iterative process specified by the specifications. The governing live
loads are summarized in the Tables 6.2 and 6.3.
Table 6.3. Governing Live Load Moments at Midspan and Shears at Critical
Section for LRFD Specifications for Type C Girder (Skew = 0°)
Strand Girder Span Governing Live Load for Governing Live Load
Diameter (in.) Spacing (ft.) (ft.) Moment for Shear
40 Tandem+Lane Loading
6 70 Truck+Lane Loading
Truck+Lane Loading
40 Tandem+Lane Loading
8 Truck+Lane Loading
70 Truck+Lane Loading
40 Tandem+Lane Loading
8.67 60 Truck+Lane Loading
Truck+Lane Loading
40 Tandem+Lane Loading
6 70 Truck+Lane Loading
Truck+Lane Loading
40 Tandem+Lane Loading
0.6 50
8 Truck+Lane Loading
70 Truck+Lane Loading
40 Tandem+Lane Loading
60 Truck+Lane Loading
Truck+Lane Loading
It was observed that for Standard Specifications based designs, HS-20 Truck
loading always governs the moments at mid-span and shears at critical sections. For
designs based on LRFD Specifications, combination of Truck and Lane loading governs
for all the cases, except for 40 ft. span, where the combination of Tandem and Lane
loading governs the live moments.
The difference in the live loads specified by the Standard and the LRFD
Specifications effects the undistributed live load moments and shears. Skew and strand
diameter has no effect on the undistributed live load moments or shears therefore results
for cases with skew angle 0° and strand diameter 0.5 in. are compared in Table 6.4. The
undistributed live load moments are observed to be increasing in the range of 30 percent
to 48 percent for 6 ft. girder spacing when live loads based on LRFD Specifications are
used as compared to the Standard Specifications. This increase was in the range of 30
percent to 45 percent for 8 ft. girder spacing and 30 percent to 44 percent for a 8.67 ft.
girder spacing.
Table 6.4. Comparison of Undistributed Midspan Live Load Moments and Shears
at Critical Section for Type C Girder (Skew = 0°, Strand Diameter = 0.5 in.)
Girder Undistributed Moment (k-ft.) Undistributed Shear (kips)
Spacing Span Difference Difference
(ft.) (ft.) Standard LRFD k-ft. (%)
Standard LRFD
kips (%)
40 424.2 551.6 127.3 (30.0) 50.9 55.2 4.4 (8.6)
50 602.4 791.3 188.8 (31.3) 55.2 63.8 8.6 (15.6)
60 780.6 1055.2 274.6 (35.2) 58.1 70.7 12.7 (21.8)
70 958.8 1335.1 376.3 (39.2) 60.1 76.6 16.5 (27.4)
80 1137.0 1631.1 494.0 (43.4) 61.6 81.8 20.2 (32.8)
90 1315.2 1943.0 627.8 (47.7) 62.8 86.7 23.9 (38.1)
95 - 2105.0 - - 89.2 -
96 1422.4 - - 63.4 - -
40 424.2 551.6 127.3 (30.0) 50.9 55.2 4.4 (8.6)
50 602.4 791.3 188.8 (31.3) 55.2 64.0 8.8 (15.9)
60 780.6 1055.2 274.6 (35.2) 58.1 70.8 12.7 (21.9)
70 958.8 1335.1 376.3 (39.2) 60.1 76.7 16.6 (27.6)
80 1137.0 1631.1 494.0 (43.4) 61.6 81.9 20.3 (33.0)
83 1190.5 1723.0 532.5 (44.7) 62.0 83.5 21.5 (34.7)
40 424.2 551.6 127.3 (30.0) 50.9 55.2 4.4 (8.6)
50 602.4 791.3 188.8 (31.3) 55.2 64.0 8.7 (15.8)
8.67 60 780.6 1055.2 274.6 (35.2) 58.1 70.8 12.7 (21.9)
70 958.8 1335.1 376.3 (39.2) 60.1 76.7 16.6 (27.6)
80 1137.0 1631.1 494.0 (43.4) 61.6 82.0 20.4 (33.1)
The AASHTO Standard and LRFD Specifications require that live load moments
and shears be increased for impact or dynamic loading. The Standard Specifications
specifies impact factors that decrease with an increase in span length, whereas the LRFD
Specifications specify a constant value of dynamic loading as 33 percent of the
undistributed live load moment or shear. For fatigue load moment, the LRFD
Specifications specify the impact loading to be 15 percent of the undistributed live load
fatigue moment. The fatigue moments are used to check the fatigue limit state required
by the LRFD Specifications. The LRFD Specifications do not require the lane load
moments and shears to be increased for impact loading.
Table 6.5. Comparison of Live Load Impact Factors for Type C Girder
(Skew = 0°, Strand Diameter = 0.5 in.)
Girder Span Impact Factor
Spacing (ft.) (ft.) Standard LRFD (%)
40 0.30 0.33 10.0
50 0.29 0.33 15.5
60 0.27 0.33 22.1
70 0.26 0.33 28.7
80 0.24 0.33 35.3
90 0.23 0.33 41.9
95 - 0.33 -
96 0.23 - -
40 0.30 0.33 10.0
50 0.29 0.33 15.5
60 0.27 0.33 22.1
70 0.26 0.33 28.7
80 0.24 0.33 35.3
83 0.24 0.33 37.3
40 0.30 0.33 10.0
50 0.29 0.33 15.5
8.67 60 0.27 0.33 22.1
70 0.26 0.33 28.7
80 0.24 0.33 35.3
Figure 6.1. illustrates the impact of the LRFD Specifications on the dynamic load
(impact) factors for a 6 ft. girder spacing. The same trend was observed for girder
spacings of 8 ft. and 8.67 ft.
Impact Factor
Standard LRFD
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (ft.)
Figure 6.1. Impact Factors for AASHTO Standard vs. AASHTO LRFD
Specifications for Type C Girder
(Girder Spacing = 6 ft., Skew = 0°, Strand Diameter = 0.5 in)
The live load moments and shears, including the dynamic (impact) load effect are
distributed to the individual girders. The Standard Specifications provide a simple
formula for moment distribution factor (DF) as S/11 for prestressed concrete girder
bridges, where S is the girder spacing in ft. The same DF is used for the distribution of
live load shear to the girders. The LRFD Specifications provides more complex formulas
for the distribution of live load moments and shears to individual girders. The effects of
beam and slab stiffness are incorporated into these formulas. The LRFD Specifications
requires the DFs for moment to be reduced and DFs for shear to be corrected for skewed
bridges. Table 6.6 compares the live load moment DFs for the Standard and LRFD
Table 6.6. Comparison of Live Load Moment DFs (DFM) for Type C Girder
(Strand Diameter = 0.5 in.)
Girder skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Spacing Span Std. Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) DFM DFM % DFM % DFM % DFM %
40 0.545 0.632 15.8 0.632 15.8 0.600 9.9 0.466 -14.6
50 0.545 0.594 9.0 0.594 9.0 0.569 4.4 0.463 -15.1
60 0.545 0.566 3.8 0.566 3.8 0.545 0.0 0.457 -16.1
70 0.545 0.543 -0.4 0.543 -0.4 0.526 -3.6 0.451 -17.4
6 80 0.545 0.525 -3.8 0.525 -3.8 0.509 -6.7 0.444 -18.6
90 0.545 0.509 -6.7 0.509 -6.7 0.495 -9.2 0.437 -19.8
95 - 0.502 - 0.502 - 0.489 - - -
96 0.545 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 0.432 -
40 0.727 0.776 6.7 0.776 6.7 0.730 0.4 0.547 -24.8
50 0.727 0.729 0.2 0.729 0.2 0.693 -4.7 0.543 -25.3
60 0.727 0.693 -4.7 0.693 -4.7 0.664 -8.8 0.540 -25.8
8 70 0.727 0.665 -8.6 0.665 -8.6 0.639 -12.1 0.534 -26.6
80 0.727 0.641 -11.9 0.641 -11.9 0.619 -14.9 0.527 -27.5
83 0.727 0.635 -12.7 0.635 -12.7 0.614 -15.6 - -
87 - - - - - - - 0.522 -
40 0.788 0.822 4.3 0.822 4.3 0.772 -2.0 0.573 -27.3
50 0.788 0.772 -2.0 0.772 -2.0 0.733 -7.0 0.567 -28.0
60 0.788 0.734 -6.8 0.734 -6.8 0.702 -11.0 0.565 -28.3
8.67 70 0.788 0.704 -10.7 0.704 -10.7 0.676 -14.2 0.560 -29.0
80 0.788 0.679 -13.9 0.679 -13.9 0.654 -17.0 0.553 -
81 - - - - - 0.653 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 0.550 -
It was observed that the live load moment DFs given by the LRFD Specifications
are smaller as compared to those for the Standard Specifications for most of the cases.
The difference increases with an increase in span length because the LRFD DFs decrease
with an increase in the span while span length has no effect on the Standard DFs. The
moment DFs increase with increase in girder spacing for both the AASHTO Standard
and LRFD Specifications. In addition, the difference between the DFs increased for
larger girder spacings. The LRFD live load moment DFs are the same for 0° and 15°
skews, but there is a significant change when the skew angles are 30° and 60°. It was observed
that increase in skew angles beyond 30° decreases the moment DFs significantly for Type C
girder bridges. The maximum difference between the Standard and LRFD DFs was found
to be 16 percent for 6ft. girder spacing, 14 percent for 8 ft and 8.67 ft. girder spacing for
the skew angle of 0°. This difference increased to 20 percent for 6 ft., 28 percent for 8 ft. and
30 percent for 8.67 ft. girder spacing for a skew angle of 60°. Figure 6.3 shows the effect of
skew on the moment DFs for 6 ft., 8 ft. and 8.67 ft. girder spacing.
Distribution Factor
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
Distribution Factor
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Std. LRFD Skew0,15
Figure 6.2. Comparison of Live Load Moment DFs by Girder Spacing for Type C
Girder (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Table 6.7 and Figure 6.4 provide a summary of shear DFs for the parametric
study with Type C girders. The strand diameter does not affect the DFs for shear.
Table 6.7. Comparison of Live Load Shear DFs (DFV) for Type C Girder
(Strand Diameter = 0.5 in.)
Girder skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Spacing Span Std. Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) DFV DFV % DFV % DFV % DFV %
40 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.700 28.4 0.735 34.7 0.863 58.3
50 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.703 28.8 0.739 35.6 0.877 60.8
60 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.704 29.1 0.743 36.3 0.889 63.0
70 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.706 29.4 0.747 37.0 0.900 65.0
6 80 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.708 29.7 0.750 37.5 0.909 66.7
90 0.545 0.671 22.9 0.709 30.0 0.753 38.1 0.918 68.3
95 - 0.671 - 0.710 - 0.754 - - -
96 0.545 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 0.925 -
40 0.727 0.814 12.0 0.851 17.0 0.892 22.7 1.049 44.2
50 0.727 0.814 12.0 0.853 17.3 0.898 23.5 1.065 46.5
60 0.727 0.814 12.0 0.855 17.6 0.903 24.1 1.080 48.5
8 70 0.727 0.814 12.0 0.857 17.9 0.907 24.7 1.093 50.2
80 0.727 0.814 12.0 0.859 18.2 0.911 25.3 1.104 51.8
83 0.727 0.814 12.0 0.860 18.2 0.912 25.4 - -
87 - - - - - - - 1.112 -
40 0.788 0.861 9.3 0.899 14.1 0.944 19.7 1.109 40.7
50 0.788 0.861 9.3 0.902 14.5 0.950 20.5 1.127 42.9
60 0.788 0.861 9.3 0.905 14.8 0.955 21.1 1.142 44.9
8.67 70 0.788 0.861 9.3 0.907 15.0 0.959 21.7 1.155 46.6
80 0.788 0.861 9.3 0.909 15.3 0.963 22.2 1.168 -
81 - - - - - 0.964 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 1.173 -
The LRFD live load shear DFs specified by LRFD Specifications are larger as
compared to the Standard Specifications. The DFs increases with an increase in girder
spacing for both specifications and the LRFD DFs approach Standard DFs as the girder
spacing is increased. The span length and skew angle has no impact on the shear
distribution factors specified by Standard Specifications. The maximum difference in the
shear distribution factors is found to be 68 percent for 6 ft. spacing, 52 percent for 8 ft.
spacing and 47 percent for the 8.67 ft. spacing.
Distribution Factor
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
Distribution Factor
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
Figure 6.3. Comparison of Live Load Shear DFs for Type C Girder
(Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Distribution Factor
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Figure 6.3. (Cont.) Comparison of Live Load Shear DFs for Type C Girder
(Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
The combined effect of the impact and distribution factors on the live load
moment and shears is presented in this section. The distributed live load moments are
compared in Table 6.8. The distributed live load moments are the same for 0° and 15°
skew angles for LRFD Specifications because the distribution factors for these two
skews are identical. The distributed live load moments were found to be significantly
larger than those for the Standard Specifications. The distributed live load moments
increase in the range of 37 percent to 45 percent for 6 ft. girder spacing when the skew
angle is 0°. As the girder spacing increases the difference between the distributed live
load moments decreases. The LRFD moments were found to be in the range of 25
percent to 34 percent larger for 8 ft. and 22 percent to 31 percent larger for 8.67 ft. girder
spacing when the skew angle is 0°.
The increase in skew angle for and beyond 30° results in decrease in distribution
factors. This causes the live load moments to decrease. The difference between the live
load moments for Standard and LRFD Specifications was found to be in the range of 7
percent to 17 percent for 6 ft. girder spacing when skew angle is 60°. This difference
reduces to the range of -7 percent to 2.5 percent and -11 percent to -3 percent for 8 ft.
and 8.67 ft. girder spacing respectively. The increase in span length increases the
difference between the live load moments specified by the two codes.
Table 6.8. Comparison of Distributed Midspan Live Load Moments (LL Mom.) for
Standard and LRFD Specifications for Type C Girder (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Girder Std. LL LL LL
Spacing Span LL Mom. Mom. Diff. Mom. Diff. Mom. Diff. LL Mom. Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (k-ft.) (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) %
40 302.1 438.4 45.1 438.4 45.1 416.2 37.8 323.3 7.0
50 423.3 587.4 38.8 587.4 38.8 562.5 32.9 457.7 8.1
60 541.8 741.6 36.9 741.6 36.9 714.2 31.8 599.3 10.6
70 658.1 895.4 36.1 895.4 36.1 866.0 31.6 742.8 12.9
6 80 772.5 1050.8 36.0 1050.8 36.0 1019.6 32.0 889.0 15.1
90 885.4 1208.8 36.5 1208.8 36.5 1176.1 32.8 1038.7 17.3
95 - 1288.6 - 1288.6 - 1255.1 - - -
96 952.5 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 1160.4 -
40 402.9 538.3 33.6 538.3 33.6 507.0 25.8 375.2 -6.9
50 564.3 720.3 27.6 720.3 27.6 684.9 21.4 536.6 -4.9
60 722.4 908.1 25.7 908.1 25.7 869.4 20.4 706.9 -2.1
8 70 877.5 1095.2 24.8 1095.2 24.8 1053.7 20.1 879.6 0.2
80 1030.0 1283.8 24.6 1283.8 24.6 1239.9 20.4 1055.6 2.5
83 1075.4 1341.1 24.7 1341.1 24.7 1296.5 20.6 - -
87 - - - - - - - 1181.4 -
40 436.6 570.7 30.7 570.7 30.7 536.0 22.8 390.6 -10.5
50 611.6 763.2 24.8 763.2 24.8 724.2 18.4 560.6 -8.3
60 782.9 961.9 22.9 961.9 22.9 919.2 17.4 740.0 -5.5
8.67 70 950.9 1159.7 22.0 1159.7 22.0 1114.0 17.1 922.1 -3.0
80 1116.3 1359.2 21.8 1359.2 21.8 1310.7 17.4 1107.6 -
81 - - - - - 1330.7 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 1202.2 -
The distributed shear force at the critical section due to live load is found to be
increasing significantly when LRFD Specifications are used. The increase in the shear
force can be attributed to the increase in the undistributed shear force due to HL93
loading and the increase in distribution factors. The shear force at the critical section for
LRFD Specifications is found to be increasing in the range of 53 percent to 140 percent
for 6 ft. girder spacing as compared to the Standard specifications. The increase was
found to be in the range of 33 percent to 110 percent for 8 ft. and 30 percent to 95
percent for 8.67 ft. girder spacing. The results are presented in Table 6.9.
Table 6.9. Comparison of Distributed Live Load Shear at Critical Section for
Standard and LRFD Specifications for Type C Girder (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Std. skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Spacing Span Shear Shear Diff. Shear Diff. Shear Diff. Shear Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (kips) (kips) % (kips) % (kips) % (kips) %
40 36.2 52.8 45.8 55.2 52.3 57.9 59.8 68.0 87.7
50 38.8 58.8 51.7 61.6 58.9 64.9 67.2 77.0 98.4
60 40.3 63.5 57.6 66.7 65.6 70.4 74.7 84.2 109.0
70 41.3 67.5 63.6 71.0 72.2 75.2 82.2 90.5 119.5
6 80 41.9 71.0 69.5 74.9 78.9 79.4 89.6 96.2 129.9
90 42.3 74.2 75.5 78.4 85.5 83.3 97.0 101.5 140.2
95 - 75.7 - 80.1 - 85.1 - - -
96 42.4 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 105.6 -
40 48.3 64.1 32.8 67.0 38.7 70.3 45.5 82.6 71.0
50 51.7 71.4 38.1 74.8 44.7 78.8 52.3 93.5 80.7
60 53.7 77.1 43.6 81.0 50.8 85.5 59.2 102.3 90.4
8 70 55.0 82.0 49.0 86.3 56.9 91.3 66.0 110.0 99.9
80 55.8 86.2 54.4 90.9 62.9 96.4 72.7 116.9 109.4
83 56.0 87.4 56.0 92.3 64.7 97.9 74.8 - -
87 - - - - - - - 121.4 -
40 52.3 67.8 29.6 70.8 35.3 74.3 42.0 87.3 66.8
50 56.0 75.5 34.8 79.1 41.2 83.3 48.6 98.8 76.3
60 58.2 81.6 40.1 85.7 47.1 90.4 55.3 108.2 85.7
8.67 70 59.6 86.7 45.4 91.2 53.0 96.5 61.9 116.3 95.0
80 60.5 91.1 50.7 96.2 59.0 102.0 68.5 123.6 -
81 - - - - - 102.5 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 127.0 -
6.4.1 General
The loss in prestress occurs mainly from four sources viz. shrinkage of concrete,
relaxation of steel, elastic shortening of steel and creep of concrete. These losses are
categorized into initial prestress loss and final prestress loss. The initial prestress loss
occurs due to initial relaxation of steel and elastic shortening of prestressing strands. The
final loss occurs due to final relaxation, creep and shrinkage of concrete. Total prestress
loss is the combination of initial and final loss.
The initial prestress loss is the combination of the losses due to elastic shortening
and initial steel relaxation. The combined effect of the changes in these two losses was
observed in the initial loss percent calculations between Standard and LRFD
Specifications. The initial loss estimates provided by LRFD Specifications are found to
be conservative as compared to the Standard Specifications.
Table 6.10. Comparison of Initial Prestress Loss (%) for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications for Type C Girder (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Girder Std. Init.
Spacing Span Initial Init. Diff. Init. Diff. Loss Diff. Init. Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) Loss (%) Loss (%) % Loss (%) % (%) % Loss (%) %
40 6.5 6.2 -5.3 6.2 -5.3 6.2 -5.3 6.2 -5.3
50 6.3 6.6 5.0 6.6 5.0 6.6 5.0 6.6 5.0
60 7.0 7.4 6.0 7.4 6.0 7.4 5.7 7.4 5.7
70 7.9 8.5 6.6 8.5 6.6 8.5 6.6 8.0 1.0
6 80 8.6 9.5 10.7 9.5 10.7 9.5 10.7 9.2 7.1
90 9.5 10.5 10.3 10.5 10.3 10.4 10.3 10.2 7.9
95 - 11.0 - 11.0 - 10.9 - - -
96 10.0 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 11.0 -
40 7.0 6.9 -1.3 6.9 -1.3 6.9 -1.3 6.2 -11.6
50 6.8 7.7 13.0 7.7 13.0 7.2 5.6 6.6 -2.8
60 7.8 8.3 6.5 8.3 6.5 8.3 6.5 7.8 0.4
8 70 8.8 9.4 7.4 9.4 7.4 9.4 7.4 9.1 3.9
80 9.7 10.4 8.2 10.4 8.2 10.4 8.2 10.2 5.9
83 9.9 10.9 10.0 10.9 10.0 10.8 8.4 - -
87 - - - - - - - 10.9 -
40 7.0 6.9 -1.3 6.9 -1.3 6.9 -1.3 6.2 -11.7
50 7.2 7.7 6.1 7.7 6.1 7.7 6.1 7.2 -0.9
60 7.8 8.3 6.4 8.3 6.4 8.3 6.4 7.9 0.7
8.67 70 9.0 9.7 7.6 9.7 7.6 9.7 7.6 9.4 4.4
80 10.0 10.8 8.6 10.8 8.6 10.8 8.5 10.4 -
81 - - - - - 11.0 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 11.0 -
Except for few cases when skew angle was 60°, the increase in the initial loss
percent was found to be in the range of 5 percent to 11 percent. The skew angle of 30°
does not have a significant effect on initial loss percent however, the skew angle of 60°
was found to decrease the initial loss percent significantly. This trend follows the trend
of the loss due to elastic shortening as it is the major contributor to the initial losses.
Table 6.10 presents the results for strand diameter of 0.5 in. Similar trends were
observed for 0.6 in. diameter strands.
Table 6.11. Comparison of Total Prestress Loss Percent for AASHTO Standard
and LRFD Specifications for Type C Girder (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Std. skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Spacing Span Tot. Loss Tot. Loss Diff. Tot. Loss Diff. Tot. Loss Diff. Tot. Loss Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (%) (%) % (%) % (%) % (%) %
40 17.1 16.3 -4.7 16.3 -4.7 16.3 -4.7 16.3 -4.7
50 15.6 17.0 8.4 17.0 8.4 17.0 8.4 17.0 8.4
60 17.5 18.8 7.4 18.8 7.4 18.8 7.3 18.8 7.3
70 20.8 22.0 5.8 22.0 5.8 22.0 5.8 20.3 -2.2
6 80 23.0 25.6 11.1 25.6 11.1 25.6 11.1 24.2 5.1
90 27.2 29.5 8.1 29.5 8.1 29.4 8.1 28.3 3.9
95 - 32.3 - 32.3 - 31.4 - - -
96 30.2 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 31.6 -
40 18.6 18.1 -2.6 18.1 -2.6 18.1 -2.6 16.0 -14.0
50 17.0 20.1 17.9 20.1 17.9 18.3 7.7 16.5 -3.2
60 20.4 21.6 6.0 21.6 6.0 21.6 6.1 19.9 -2.3
8 70 24.2 25.3 4.7 25.3 4.7 25.3 4.7 24.0 -1.0
80 28.3 29.3 3.7 29.3 3.7 29.3 3.7 28.2 -0.5
83 29.8 31.8 6.5 31.8 6.5 30.8 3.3 - -
87 - - - - - - - 30.9 -
40 18.5 18.0 -2.6 18.0 -2.6 18.0 -2.6 15.9 -14.1
50 18.7 19.9 6.8 19.9 6.8 19.9 6.8 18.2 -2.6
60 20.2 21.4 6.1 21.4 6.1 21.4 6.1 19.7 -2.2
8.67 70 25.3 26.5 4.4 26.5 4.4 26.5 4.4 25.1 -1.0
80 30.2 31.2 3.3 31.2 3.3 31.1 3.2 29.0 -
81 - - - - - 31.9 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 32.0 -
The conservatism was found to be decreasing with the increase in span length,
skew angle and girder spacing. The results for 0.5 in. diameter strands are presented in
Table 6.11.
The number of strands required depends on the allowable stress limits and the
stresses caused due to dead load and live load. There is a change in the allowable stress
limits in LRFD Specifications and the live load stresses are also different. The Service
III limit state that checks the bottom tensile stresses also impacts the prestressing strand
requirements. The difference in the prestress losses is another factor that effects the final
strand requirements. Strength limit state controls the number of strands for case when
span length is lesser than 60 ft.
Number of Strands
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (ft.)
(a) Girder Spacing = 6 ft.
Number of Strands
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (ft.)
(b) Girder Spacing = 8 ft.
Number of Strands
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Span (ft.)
(c) Girder Spacing = 8.67 ft.
Std. LRFD Skew0,15 LRFD Skew 30 LRFD Skew 60
Figure 6.4. Comparison of Required Number of Strands for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications for Type C Girder (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
The minimum strength at release was considered to be 4000 psi. For span lengths
less than 70 ft., it was observed that minimum concrete strength governs. The LRFD
Specifications yields a slightly conservative estimate of the concrete strength at release.
The maximum difference was found to be 8 percent. The concrete strength at release is
limited to 6750 psi. and in most of the cases it governs the maximum span length. The
results for 0.5 in. diameter strands are presented in Table 6.14.
The concrete strength at service is affected by the stresses at the midspan due to
prestressing force, dead loads, superimposed loads and live loads. The concrete strength
at service is limited to 8750 psi. However, this limitation does not affect the maximum
span length as the initial concrete strength approaches its limits earlier than the final
concrete strength. The minimum strength was considered as 5000 psi and for span
lengths less than 80 ft. it was observed that this limit controls. Also the concrete strength
at service cannot be smaller than the concrete strength at release. This limitation governs
for a few cases for 0.5 in diameter strands and several cases for 0.6 in. diameter strands.
The maximum span lengths are limited by the concrete strength at release of
6750 psi and concrete strength at service of 8750 psi. The maximum span is not
governed by maximum number of strands for any of the cases considered for the
parametric study. The maximum allowable concrete strengths are reached when the
strand number was in the range of 42 to 44, whereas Type C girder can hold up to 74
strands. Thus by relaxing the limit on concrete strengths longer spans can be achieved.
The LRFD Specifications have a reducing effect on the maximum span length in few
cases and no effect in others when the skew angle is less than 60 degrees. This is due to
a slightly conservative estimate of the concrete strengths which reaches the limits earlier
than the Standard Specifications. The maximum span length for skew angle of 60
degrees is larger as compared to those possible by Standard Specifications. However, the
difference between the maximum span lengths was found to be negligible. The
difference was in the range of -3 percent to 6 percent for all the cases with strand
diameter of 0.5 in. and 0.6 in. The results for maximum span length are presented in
Table 6.16.
Table 6.16. Comparison of Maximum Span Lengths for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications for Type C Girder
Std. Skew 0° Skew 15° Skew 30° Skew 60°
Strand Girder Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.
Dia. Spacing Span Span Diff. Span Diff. Span Diff. Span Diff.
(in.) (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (%) (ft.) (%) (ft.) (%) (ft.) (%)
6 96 95 -1.0 95 -1.0 95 -1.0 98 2.1
0.5 8 83 83 0.0 83 0.0 83 0.0 87 4.8
8.67 80 80 0.0 80 0.0 81 1.3 85 6.3
6 95 92 -3.2 92 -3.2 93 -2.1 96 1.1
0.6 8 82 82 0.0 82 0.0 83 1.2 87 6.1
8.67 79 79 0.0 79 0.0 80 1.3 83 5.1
6.5.1 General
Specifications is discussed. The reinforcement limits have also been changed in the
LRFD specifications, however for all the cases of Standard and LRFD Specifications the
sections are found to be under reinforced.
The load combinations for ultimate limit state are significantly changed from
Standard to LRFD Specifications. The load factors for moments due to live load and
dead loads except wearing surface load specified by LRFD Specifications are smaller
than the Standard Specifications. The load factor for moment due to wearing surface
load is increased in the LRFD Specifications. The live load moments specified by LRFD
specifications are larger than that of Standard Specifications. The combined effect of
these two changes results in the design moments that are comparable.
The LRFD Specifications yields design moments that are in general slightly
smaller as compared to the Standard Specifications. The difference is found to decrease
with the increase in span length, girder spacing and skew angle beyond 30°. The
difference in the design moments was found to be in the range of -25 percent to 7
percent for 6 ft., -25 percent to 2 percent for 8 ft. and -25 percent to 8 percent for 8.67 ft.
girder spacing. The strand diameter does not have any effect on the design moments.
The comparison of the design moments specified by Standard and LRFD specifications
is presented in Table 6.17.
The change in the concrete strength at service and the number of strands affects
the moment resistance capacity of the section. The change in expression for evaluation
of effective prestress in the prestressing strands also has an effect on the ultimate
moment resistance of the section.
Table 6.18. Comparison of Moment Resistance (Mr) for AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications for Type C Girder (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Std. skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Spacing Span Mr Mr Diff. Mr Diff. Mr Diff. Mr Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (k-ft.) (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) % (k-ft.) %
40 1228.2 1236.5 0.7 1236.5 0.7 1236.5 0.7 1236.5 0.7
50 1538.3 1536.3 -0.1 1536.3 -0.1 1536.3 -0.1 1536.3 -0.1
60 2101.2 2097.5 -0.2 2097.5 -0.2 2097.5 -0.2 2097.5 -0.2
70 2919.6 2912.9 -0.2 2912.9 -0.2 2912.9 -0.2 2644.6 -9.4
6 80 3666.5 3897.5 6.3 3897.5 6.3 3897.5 6.3 3656.3 -0.3
90 4805.1 5001.1 4.1 5001.1 4.1 5001.1 4.1 4789.3 -0.3
95 - 5601.9 - 5601.9 - 5469.9 - - -
96 5596.9 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 5603.0 -
40 1587.0 1547.9 -2.5 1547.9 -2.5 1547.9 -2.5 1244.0 -21.6
50 1837.5 2120.0 15.4 2120.0 15.4 1835.4 -0.1 1547.9 -15.8
60 2685.8 2681.3 -0.2 2681.3 -0.2 2681.3 -0.2 2402.0 -10.6
8 70 3739.3 3730.7 -0.2 3730.7 -0.2 3730.7 -0.2 3475.7 -7.0
80 4940.9 4926.8 -0.3 4926.8 -0.3 4926.8 -0.3 4698.0 -4.9
83 5379.7 5571.2 3.6 5571.2 3.6 5363.3 -0.3 - -
87 - - - - - - - 5571.2 -
40 1482.6 1550.6 4.6 1550.6 4.6 1550.6 4.6 1245.7 -16.0
50 1984.8 2125.3 7.1 2125.3 7.1 2125.3 7.1 1839.2 -7.3
60 2694.1 2689.9 -0.2 2689.9 -0.2 2689.9 -0.2 2408.8 -10.6
8.67 70 4012.5 4003.4 -0.2 4003.4 -0.2 4003.4 -0.2 3748.3 -6.6
80 5418.9 5403.0 -0.3 5403.0 -0.3 5403.0 -0.3 4959.4 -
81 - - - - - 5614.7 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 5824.1 -
The camber was calculated using the Hyperbolic Functions method proposed by
Sinno et al. (1968). This method is used by TxDOT for the evaluation of camber. As the
camber is evaluated using the same methodology for both the specifications, a small
difference between the cambers is observed. The results for the camber are summarized
in Table 6.19. The cambers for LRFD designs were generally smaller as compared to
those for standard designs. This decrease is due to larger prestress losses, which
decreases the prestressing force in the girder. The maximum difference in the camber is
22 percent for 6 ft. girder spacing, 13 percent for 8 ft. girder spacing and 11 percent for
8.67 ft. girder spacing.
Table 6.19. Comparison of Camber for Type C Girder (Strand Dia. = 0.5 in.)
Girder Std. skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Spacing Span Camber Camber Diff. Camber Diff. Camber Diff. Camber Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) % (ft.) % (ft.) % (ft.) %
40 0.041 0.032 -22.3 0.032 -22.3 0.032 -22.3 0.032 -22.3
50 0.052 0.052 0.2 0.052 0.2 0.052 0.2 0.052 0.2
60 0.090 0.087 -2.9 0.087 -2.9 0.089 -1.1 0.089 -1.1
70 0.156 0.153 -1.4 0.153 -1.4 0.153 -1.4 0.129 -17.3
6 80 0.220 0.241 9.4 0.241 9.4 0.241 9.4 0.216 -1.8
90 0.312 0.327 4.5 0.327 4.5 0.331 5.9 0.310 -0.7
95 - 0.372 - 0.372 - 0.355 - - -
96 0.366 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 0.365 -
40 0.049 0.041 -16.3 0.041 -16.3 0.041 -16.3 0.032 -35.3
50 0.065 0.077 18.1 0.077 18.1 0.064 -0.9 0.051 -20.8
60 0.124 0.123 -1.2 0.123 -1.2 0.123 -1.2 0.108 -13.4
8 70 0.211 0.207 -1.6 0.207 -1.6 0.207 -1.6 0.192 -9.0
80 0.313 0.302 -3.6 0.302 -3.6 0.308 -1.8 0.293 -6.4
83 0.342 0.347 1.3 0.347 1.3 0.336 -1.9 - -
87 - - - - - - - 0.348 -
40 0.049 0.041 -16.2 0.041 -16.2 0.041 -16.2 0.032 -35.3
50 0.076 0.077 0.3 0.077 0.3 0.077 0.3 0.064 -15.9
60 0.124 0.122 -1.8 0.122 -1.8 0.123 -1.2 0.106 -14.6
8.67 70 0.229 0.225 -1.5 0.225 -1.5 0.225 -1.5 0.207 -9.4
80 0.337 0.330 -1.9 0.330 -1.9 0.330 -1.8 0.308 -
81 - - - - - 0.345 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 0.365 -
The transverse shear design and the interface shear design are the two areas
where significant differences between Standard and LRFD designs were observed in the
parametric study results. These differences are caused due to a significant increase in the
shear force specified by LRFD Specifications. The increase in concrete strength and the
new approach for transverse shear design in the LRFD Specifications also affect the
transverse shear design. The Standard Specifications uses a constant angle truss analogy
for its shear provisions whereas, the LRFD specifications uses Modified Compression
Field Theory (MCFT) based on variable angle truss analogy for shear provisions. The
interface shear design in LRFD Specifications is based on the pure shear friction model
whereas Standard Specifications uses empirical formulas for iinterface shear design
provisions. This section includes the results for the interface and transverse shear design
from the parametric study. Guidelines are also included on each of the two areas to help
in the transition from Standard to LRFD design.
7.2.1 General
This section includes a brief background of MCFT and the results for the
transverse shear design for Standard and LRFD designs. Based on the results
recommendations and guidelines are provided for implementation of LRFD
Specifications in bridge design.
Modified Compression Field Theory is one of the methods for sectional analysis
based on equilibrium, compatibility and stress-strain relationships. MCFT is a rational
method, based on variable angle truss analogy (as compared to the constant 45° truss
analogy used by traditional theories). MCFT provides a unified method for design,
applicable to both the prestressed and nonprestressed concrete members. MCFT
accounts for the tension in the longitudinal reinforcement due to shear and the stress
transfer across the cracks. MCFT takes into account the shear stress and strain conditions
at the section. The shear strength of concrete is determined using a factor , which
indicates the ability of diagonally cracked concrete to transfer tension. The angle of
inclination of diagonal compressive stress, is used to determine the critical section for
shear. If is taken as 45° and as 2, this theory yields same results as 45° truss analogy,
used in the Standard specifications. The use of MCFT in the LRFD Specifications results
in a shear design procdure which is entirely different form the Standard Specifications.
The LRFD Specifications has provided an extensive background of the mechanics and
development of MCFT model, which can be very useful for bridge engineers to
understand and implement the MCFT in shear designs.
The transverse shear design using MCFT results in a very complex design
process. The MCFT is not suitable for routine bridge design. A research is being carried
out at University of Illinois, to develop simplified shear design procedures for the use of
bridge engineers. These formulas can be helpful for TxDOT engineers, if their
applicability to the typical Texas bridges is verified. A similar research is being carried
out at the Purdue University to establish simplified design expressions for shear design.
7.3.1 General
This section includes the results for the interface shear design for Standard and
LRFD designs. The LRFD Specifications provide the cohesion and friction factors for
two cases one, when the interface is roughened and another when the interface is not
roughened. Both these cases were evaluated and the results are summarized. The
proposed provions to be included in LRFD Specifications are also investigated.
of 67 percent to 330 percent for 8 ft. girder spacing and 87 percent to 284 percent for
8.67 ft. girder spacing.
Table 7.5. Comparison of Interface Shear Reinforcement Area (Avh) for Type C
Girder with Roughened Interface (Strand Diameter = 0.5 in.)
skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Girder Std.
Spacing Span Avh Avh Diff. Avh Diff. Avh Diff. Avh Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (in.2/ft.) (in.2/ft.) % (in.2/ft.) % (in.2/ft.) % (in.2/ft.) %
40 0.14 0.14 1.4 0.16 14.3 0.18 29.1 0.26 84.5
50 0.14 0.21 49.7 0.23 65.6 0.26 83.9 0.35 152.3
60 0.14 0.27 95.3 0.30 114.2 0.33 135.9 0.44 217.2
70 0.14 0.33 136.9 0.36 158.6 0.40 183.7 0.52 273.3
6 80 0.14 0.40 183.6 0.43 208.5 0.47 237.2 0.61 339.0
90 0.14 0.47 234.8 0.51 263.1 0.55 295.8 0.72 411.6
95 - 0.53 - 0.58 - 0.61 - - -
96 0.17 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 0.83 -
40 0.14 0.23 67.2 0.26 82.7 0.28 100.8 0.37 166.4
50 0.14 0.33 133.4 0.35 153.0 0.38 171.2 0.49 248.4
60 0.14 0.40 186.0 0.43 209.1 0.47 235.7 0.60 330.9
8 70 0.20 0.48 145.5 0.52 164.7 0.56 186.9 0.71 265.5
80 0.26 0.56 117.6 0.61 134.3 0.66 153.5 0.83 221.7
83 0.29 0.60 110.3 0.65 126.2 0.69 141.4 - -
87 - - - - - - - 0.92 -
40 0.14 0.26 86.8 0.28 103.2 0.31 122.3 0.41 191.8
50 0.14 0.36 156.2 0.39 176.8 0.42 200.7 0.54 284.5
60 0.18 0.44 143.8 0.47 162.8 0.51 184.8 0.65 263.6
8.67 70 0.25 0.52 109.0 0.56 124.9 0.61 143.2 0.77 208.7
80 0.32 0.62 92.3 0.67 106.6 0.72 123.1 0.90 -
81 - - - - - 0.73 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 0.98 -
percent to 700 percent for 8 ft. girder spacing and 294 percent to 624 percent for 8.67 ft.
girder spacing.
Table 7.6. Comparison of Interface Shear Reinforcement Area (Avh) for Type C
Girder without Roughened Interface (Strand Diameter = 0.5 in.)
skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Girder Std.
Spacing Span Avh Avh Diff. Avh Diff. Avh Diff. Avh Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (in.2/ft.) (in.2/ft.) % (in.2/ft.) % (in.2/ft.) % (in.2/ft.) %
40 0.14 0.35 152.4 0.38 173.8 0.42 198.6 0.55 290.9
50 0.14 0.47 232.8 0.50 259.3 0.55 289.8 0.71 403.8
60 0.14 0.57 308.9 0.62 340.3 0.67 376.6 0.86 511.9
70 0.14 0.67 378.2 0.72 414.4 0.78 456.1 0.99 605.4
6 80 0.14 0.78 456.0 0.84 497.5 0.90 545.3 1.14 715.0
90 0.14 0.90 541.3 0.96 588.5 1.04 643.0 1.31 836.1
95 - 1.00 - 1.08 - 1.13 - - -
96 0.17 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 1.50 -
40 0.14 0.51 261.9 0.54 287.9 0.59 317.9 0.74 427.4
50 0.14 0.66 372.3 0.71 404.9 0.75 435.3 0.93 564.0
60 0.14 0.78 460.0 0.84 498.5 0.90 542.8 1.12 701.4
8 70 0.20 0.92 368.9 0.98 400.9 1.05 437.8 1.31 568.9
80 0.26 1.06 307.8 1.13 335.5 1.21 367.6 1.50 481.1
83 0.29 1.12 291.4 1.19 317.8 1.27 343.1 - -
87 - - - - - - - 1.66 -
40 0.14 0.55 294.6 0.59 322.1 0.64 353.8 0.80 469.6
50 0.14 0.71 410.3 0.76 444.7 0.82 484.5 1.01 624.1
60 0.18 0.84 371.6 0.90 403.3 0.96 440.0 1.20 571.3
8.67 70 0.25 0.99 294.9 1.06 321.3 1.13 351.9 1.41 461.1
80 0.32 1.15 256.7 1.23 280.6 1.32 308.1 1.61 -
81 - - - - - 1.34 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 1.75 -
It was observed that the proposed provisions significantly reduce the interface
shear reinforcement area requirement. The interface shear reinforcement requirement
from the proposed provisions is same as that required by the Standard Specifications for
all the cases for Type IV girders and most of the cases for Type C girders. The variation
in the interface shear requirement for Type C girders is small.
Table 7.8. Comparison of Interface Shear Reinforcement Area (Avh) for Type C
Girder for Proposed Provisions (Strand Diameter = 0.5 in.)
skew = 0° skew = 15° skew = 30° skew = 60°
Girder Std.
Spacing Span Avh Avh Diff. Avh Diff. Avh Diff. Avh Diff.
(ft.) (ft.) (in.2/ft.) (in.2/ft.) % (in.2/ft.) % (in.2/ft.) % (in.2/ft.) %
40 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0
50 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0
60 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0
70 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0
6 80 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0
90 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.21 51.6
95 - 0.14 - 0.14 - 0.14 - - -
96 0.17 - - - - - - - -
98 - - - - - - - 0.33 -
40 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0
50 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0
60 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0
8 70 0.20 0.14 -28.4 0.14 -28.4 0.14 -28.4 0.21 7.6
80 0.26 0.14 -45.9 0.14 -45.9 0.15 -41.2 0.33 27.0
83 0.29 0.14 -51.0 0.14 -50.0 0.19 -34.9 - -
87 - - - - - - - 0.42 -
40 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0
50 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.14 0.0
60 0.18 0.14 -21.7 0.14 -21.7 0.14 -21.7 0.15 -18.4
8.67 70 0.25 0.14 -44.1 0.14 -44.1 0.14 -44.1 0.27 7.6
80 0.32 0.14 -56.6 0.16 -49.8 0.22 -33.3 0.39 -
81 - - - - - 0.23 - - -
85 - - - - - - - 0.47 -
The main objective of this study was to develop guidelines to help TxDOT adopt
and implement the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications with a focus on
AASHTO Type IV and Type C prestressed concrete bridge girders. Several tasks were
performed to accomplish this objective. First, a review of the available literature on the
development of AASHTO LRFD Specifications was carried out. A brief summary of the
findings was documented. Second, detailed design examples were generated as a
reference for bridge engineers to follow step by step designs based on the Standard and
LRFD Specifications. Major differences in the designs using AASHTO Standard and
LRFD Specifications were highlighted. Third, the simplification made by TxDOT in the
bridge design by using the modular ratio between slab and girder concrete as unity was
evaluated for its applicability when using the AASHTO LRFD Specifications. Fourth, a
parametric study based on parameters representative of Texas bridges was conducted to
investigate the impact of the AASHTO LRFD Specifications on the design as compared
to the AASHTO Standard Specifications. The impact of the LRFD Specifications on
service design, ultimate flexural design, shear design, and camber was evaluated. Fifth,
based on the results from parametric study, areas where major differences were
occurring in the design were identified as the transverse and interface shear design.
Additional information and recommendations for these critical design issues were
provided to help in the implementation of the LRFD Specifications in bridge designs by
bridge engineers.
The following significant changes were found between the Standard and LRFD
1. The live load model has changed significantly. The standard specifications
use the greater of HS-20 truck or lane loading for live load. The LRFD
Specifications use a HL-93 model, which is greater of the combination of
HS-20 truck and lane loading and tandem and lane loading.
2. The dynamic load (impact) factor has changed. The impact factor is specified
as 33 percent of live load in the LRFD Specifications which is significantly
greater than the impact factors obtained in the Standard design.
3. The load combinations provided by the LRFD Specifications are different
from those specified by the Standard Specifications. A new load
combination, Service III, is specified by the LRFD Specifications for the
tensile stress check in prestressed concrete members. A factor of 0.8 is
applied to the live load moments in this load combination. This decreases the
design tensile stress in the girder, neutralizing the effect of increased live load
moments. The load factors for the ultimate flexural design load combination,
Strength I are less than the ones provided by the Standard Specifications.
Major conclusions from this study are provided in this section.
The following conclusions were derived from the parametric study for AASHTO
Type IV and Type C girders.
1. Typically the combination of truck and lane load governs the LRFD
designs. The tandem load and the lane load specified by the LRFD
Specifications are different from those specified by the Standard
2. The HL-93 load yields significantly larger moments and shears as
compared to the HS-20 truck load.
3. The live load moment and shear distribution factors (DFs) have changed
significantly. The DFs provided by the LRFD specifications are restrictive
and can be used only if the specified limits are satisfied. The live load
moment DFs specified by the LRFD Specifications are smaller as compared
to the Standard DFs.
4. The live load shear DFs specified by LRFD are typically larger as
compared to the Standard DFs. The skew reduction factors are applied to
the live load moment DFs and a skew correction is applied to the shear
5. The distributed live load moments for LRFD designs are greater than the
Standard designs. The distributed shear increased significantly as compared
to the Standard Specifications.
6. The initial and final prestress losses in the LRFD designs are slightly
greater than the ones obtained in the Standard designs.
7. The required number of strands in the LRFD design is slightly larger as
compared to the Standard design. This increase is due to the increase in
prestress losses and live load moments.
8. The required concrete strengths at release and at service in the LRFD
designs are slightly greater than the ones obtained in the Standard design.
This increase is due to the increase in the number of strands, which increase
the stresses in the girder, requiring larger concrete strengths.
9. The overall impact of LRFD Specifications on the service load design of
the prestressed concrete bridges is very small. The LRFD designs are
generally slightly conservative as compared to the Standard designs.
10. The effect of the LRFD Specifications on the maximum span length is
negligible. Slightly smaller span lengths are possible using the LRFD
Specifications for skew angles less than 30 degrees. However, slightly
larger span lengths are possible when the skew angle of 60 degrees is used.
This is due to the significant decrease in live load moments for skew angles
greater than 30 degrees.
11. The effect of LRFD Specifications on the ultimate flexural design is
negligible. A small variation is observed in the design flexural moment and
the flexural moment resistance as compared to the Standard designs.
12. A significant change was observed in the transverse shear design. The area
of transverse reinforcement increased up to 300 percent in few cases. This
increase in the transverse shear reinforcement is caused due to significant
increase in the live load shear and a different methodology for transverse
shear used in the LRFD Specifications. The LRFD Specifications uses
Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) for its shear provisions
whereas the Standard Specifications uses constant angle truss analogy.
13. The interface shear reinforcement area increased significantly for LRFD
designs. The increase is up to 300% in some cases and 200% in most cases.
This increase is caused due to conservative cohesion and friction factors
specified by LRFD Specifications, based on pure friction model. However,
the interface shear provisions proposed to be included in the LRFD
Specifications in 2007 yields the shear reinforcement area which is
comparable to the Standard Specifications.
The following are the findings from the evaluation of the TxDOT practice of not
updating the modular ratio between slab and girder concrete in the design process
1. The impact of this practice is negligible in most of the cases. In few cases
however a small difference was found, where the design using TxDOT
methodology is on the unconservative side.
2. The LRFD live load moment and shear DFs were found to be decreasing by
a small amount and consequently the live load moments and shears
decreased slightly when the modular ratio was updated.
3. The service load design parameters, required number of strands, required
concrete strengths at service and at release were found to be increasing by a
small amount in few cases. There was no effect of updating the modular
ratio for most of the cases.
4. The interface shear design is not affected by the process of updating the
modular ratio. However the transverse shear reinforcement area
requirement decreased for a few cases due to increase in concrete strengths,
which subsequently increases the shear capacity of concrete.
5. The camber is found to be decreasing for a few cases, due to increase in the
concrete strength which subsequently increases the elastic modulus of the
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Appendix A.1
A.1.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................260
A.1.2 DESIGN PARAMETERS..................................................................................260
A.1.3 MATERIAL PROPERTIES...............................................................................261
A.1.4.1 Non-Composite Section ......................................................................262
A.1.4.2 Composite Section...............................................................................263
A. Effective Web Width..........................................................263
A. Effective Flange Width ......................................................264
A. Modular Ratio between Slab
and Girder Concrete ...........................................................264
A. Transformed Section Properties ..........................................264
A.1.5 SHEAR FORCES AND BENDING MOMENTS .............................................266
A.1.5.1 Shear Forces and Bending Moments due to Dead Loads....................266
A. Dead Loads........................................................................266
A. Superimposed Dead Loads ................................................266
A. Shear Forces and Bending Moments.................................266
A.1.5.2 Shear Forces and Bending Moments due to Live Load ......................268
A. Live Load ..........................................................................268
A. Live Load Distribution Factor
for a Typical Interior Girder..............................................269
A. Live Load Impact ..............................................................269
A.1.5.3 Load Combination ...............................................................................270
A.1.6 ESTIMATION OF REQUIRED PRESTRESS..................................................271
A.1.6.1 Service Load Stresses at Midspan .......................................................271
A.1.6.2 Allowable Stress Limit ........................................................................273
A.1.6.3 Required Number of Strands ...............................................................273
A.1.7 PRESTRESS LOSSES .......................................................................................276
A.1.7.1 Iteration 1 ............................................................................................276
A. Concrete Shrinkage ............................................................276
A. Elastic Shortening...............................................................276
A. Creep of Concrete...............................................................277
A. Relaxation of Prestressing Steel .........................................278
A. Total Losses at Transfer .....................................................281
A. Total Losses at Service.......................................................281
A. Final Stresses at Midspan ...................................................282
A. Initial Stresses at Hold-Down Point ...................................283
A.1.7.2 Iteration 2 .............................................................................................284
A. Concrete Shrinkage ............................................................284
A. Elastic Shortening...............................................................285
A. Creep of Concrete...............................................................286
A.1.4.1 Section Geometry and Strand Pattern for AASHTO Type IV Girder..........263
A.1.5.1 Shear Forces and Bending Moments due to Dead and Superimposed Dead
Loads ............................................................................................................267
A.1.5.2 Distributed Shear Forces and Bending Moments due to Live Load ............270
A.1.7.1 Summary of Top and Bottom Stresses at Girder End for Different Harped
Strand Positions and Corresponding Required Concrete Strengths .............292
A.1.15.1 Comparison of the Results from PSTRS14 Program with Detailed Design
INTRODUCTION Following is a detailed example showing sample calculations for
the design of a typical interior AASHTO Type IV prestressed
concrete girder supporting a single span bridge. The design is
based on the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridges, 17th Edition, 2002 (AASHTO 2002). The guidelines
provided by the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (TxDOT 2001)
are considered in the design. The number of strands and
concrete strength at release and at service are optimized using
the TxDOT methodology.
DESIGN The bridge considered for this design example has a span length of
110 ft. (c/c pier distance), a total width of 46 ft. and total roadway
width of 44 ft. The bridge superstructure consists of six AASHTO
Type IV girders spaced 8 ft. center-to-center, designed to act
compositely with an 8 in. thick cast-in-place (CIP) concrete deck.
The wearing surface thickness is 1.5 in., which includes the
thickness of any future wearing surface. T501 type rails are
considered in the design. The design live load is taken as either HS
20-44 truck or HS 20-44 lane load, whichever produces larger
effects. A relative humidity (RH) of 60 percent is considered in the
design. The bridge cross-section is shown in Figure A.1.2.1.
The following calculations for design span length and the overall
girder length are based on Figure A.1.2.2.
Non-Composite The section properties of an AASHTO Type IV girder as described
Section in the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (TxDOT 2001) are provided
in Table A.1.4.1. The section geometry and strand pattern is shown
in Figure A.1.4.1.
yt yb Area I Wt./lf
2 4
in. in. in. in. lbs
29.25 24.75 788.4 260,403 821
I = Moment of inertia about the centroid of the non-
composite precast girder, in.4
8 in.
20 in.
6 in.
8 in.
23 in.
54 in.
9 in.
26 in.
Composite Section
A. [STD Art. 9.8.3]
Effective Web Width Effective web width of the precast girder is lesser of:
[STD Art.]
be = 6 × (flange thickness on either side of the web) + web + fillets
= 6(8 + 8) + 8 + 2(6) = 116 in.
Effective Flange The effective flange width is lesser of: [STD Art.]
108.583(12 in./ft.)
¼ span length of girder: = 325.75 in.
One-half the clear distance on each side of the effective web width
+ effective web width: For interior girders this is equivalent to the
center-to-center distance between the adjacent girders.
8(12 in./ft.) + 20 in. = 96 in. (controls)
Modular Ratio Following the TxDOT Design Manual (TxDOT 2001)
between Slab and recommendation (pg. 7-85), the modular ratio between the slab and
Girder Concrete the girder concrete is taken as 1. This assumption is used for service
load design calculations. For flexural strength limit design, shear
design, and deflection calculations, the actual modular ratio based
on optimized concrete strengths is used. The composite section is
shown in Figure A.1.4.2 and the composite section properties are
presented in Table A.1.4.2.
Ec for slab
n= =1
Ec for girder
where n is the modular ratio between slab and girder concrete, and
Ec is the elastic modulus of concrete.
Transformed Section Transformed flange width = n × (effective flange width)
Properties = (1)(96) = 96 in.
1'-8" 8"
c.g. of composite
ybc = 3'-5"
SHEAR FORCES AND The self-weight of the girder and the weight of the slab act on the
BENDING MOMENTS non-composite simple span structure, while the weight of the
barriers, future wearing surface, and live load including impact load
act on the composite simple span structure.
Shear Forces and
Bending Moments
due to Dead Loads
A. Dead loads acting on the non-composite structure:
Dead Loads
Self-weight of the girder = 0.821 kips/ft.
[TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (TxDOT 2001)]
Superimposed The dead loads placed on the composite structure are distributed
Dead Loads equally among all the girders.
[STD Art. & TxDOT Bridge Design Manual pg. 6-13]
Shear forces and bending moments for the girder due to dead loads,
Shear Forces and
superimposed dead loads at every tenth of the design span, and at
Bending Moments critical sections (hold-down point or harp point and critical section
for shear) are provided in this section. The bending moment (M) and
shear force (V) due to uniform dead loads and uniform
superimposed dead loads at any section at a distance x from the
centerline of bearing are calculated using the following formulas,
where the uniform dead load is denoted as w.
M = 0.5wx(L - x)
V = w(0.5L - x)
The critical section for shear is located at a distance hc/2 from the
face of the support. However, as the support dimensions are not
specified in this study, the critical section is measured from the
centerline of bearing. This yields a conservative estimate of the
design shear force.
HD = 48.862 ft.
The shear forces and bending moments due to dead loads and
superimposed dead loads are shown in Table A.1.5.1.
Table A.1.5.1. Shear Forces and Bending Moments due to Dead and Superimposed Dead Loads.
Distance Dead Load
from Superimposed
Girder Slab Total Dead Load
Bearing Section Dead Loads
Centerline x/ L Weight Weight
x Shear Moment Shear Moment Shear Moment Shear Moment
ft. kips k-ft. kips k-ft. kips k-ft. kips k-ft.
0.000 0.000 44.57 0.00 43.43 0.00 12.87 0.00 100.87 0.00
2.583 0.024 (hc/2) 42.45 112.39 41.37 109.52 12.25 32.45 96.07 254.36
10.858 0.100 35.66 435.59 34.75 424.45 10.29 125.74 80.70 985.78
21.717 0.200 26.74 774.38 26.06 754.58 7.72 223.54 60.52 1752.51
32.575 0.300 17.83 1016.38 17.37 990.38 5.15 293.40 40.35 2300.16
43.433 0.400 8.91 1161.58 8.69 1131.87 2.57 335.32 20.17 2628.76
48.862 0.450 (HD) 4.46 1197.87 4.34 1167.24 1.29 345.79 10.09 2710.90
54.292 0.500 0.00 1209.98 0.00 1179.03 0.00 349.29 0.00 2738.29
Shear Forces and The AASHTO Standard Specifications require the live load to be
Bending Moments taken as either HS 20-44 standard truck loading, lane loading, or
due to Live Load tandem loading-whichever yields the largest moments and shears.
A. For spans longer than 40 ft., tandem loading does not govern; thus
Live Load only HS 20-44 truck loading and lane loading are investigated here.
[STD Art.]
The unfactored bending moments (M) and shear forces (V) due to
HS 20-44 truck loading on a per-lane-basis are calculated using the
following formulas given in the PCI Design Manual (PCI 2003).
The bending moments and shear forces due to HS 20-44 lane load
are calculated using the following formulas given in the PCI Design
Manual (PCI 2003).
Shear force and bending moment due to live load including impact
loading is distributed to individual girders by multiplying the
distribution factor and the impact factor as follows.
where DF is the live load distribution factor, and I is the live load
impact factor.
Live Load The live load distribution factor for moment, for a precast
Distribution Factor prestressed concrete interior girder, is given by the following
for a Typical Interior expression:
Girder S 8.0 [STD Table 3.23.1]
DFmom = = = 1.4545 wheels/girder
5.5 5.5
S = Average spacing between girders in feet = 8 ft.
The live load distribution factor for an individual girder is obtained
as DF = DFmom/2 = 0.727 lanes/girder.
The impact factor for shear varies along the span according to the
location of the truck, but the impact factor computed above is also
used for shear for simplicity as recommended by the TxDOT Bridge
Design Manual (TxDOT 2001).
The distributed shear forces and bending moments due to live load
are provided in Table A.1.5.2.
Table A.1.5.2. Distributed Shear Forces and Bending Moments due to Live Load.
Distance HS 20-44 Truck Loading (controls) HS 20-44 Lane Loading
from Live Load + Live Load +
Bearing Section Live Load Live Load
x/L Impact Impact
x Shear Moment Shear Moment Shear Moment Shear Moment
ft. kips k-ft. kips k-ft. kips k-ft. kips k-ft.
0.000 0.000 65.81 0.00 58.11 0.00 60.75 0.00 53.64 0.00
2.583 0.024 (hc/2) 64.10 165.57 56.60 146.19 58.47 133.00 51.63 117.44
10.858 0.100 58.61 636.44 51.75 561.95 51.20 515.46 45.20 455.13
21.717 0.200 51.41 1116.52 45.40 985.84 41.65 916.38 36.77 809.12
32.575 0.300 44.21 1440.25 39.04 1271.67 32.10 1202.75 28.34 1061.97
43.433 0.400 37.01 1629.82 32.68 1439.05 22.55 1374.57 19.91 1213.68
48.862 0.450 (HD) 33.41 1671.64 29.50 1475.97 17.77 1417.52 15.69 1251.60
54.292 0.500 29.81 1674.37 26.32 1478.39 13.00 1431.84 11.48 1264.25
Load Combination [STD Art. 3.22]
This design example considers only the dead and vehicular live
loads. The wind load and the earthquake load are not included in the
design, which is typical for the design of bridges in Texas. The
general expression for group loading combinations for service load
design (SLD) and load factor design (LFD) considering dead and
live loads is given as:
Service Load The required number of strands is usually governed by concrete
Stresses at Midspan tensile stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at midspan section.
The service load combination, Group I, is used to evaluate the
bottom fiber stresses at the midspan section. The calculation for
compressive stress in the top fiber of the girder at midspan section
under Group I service load combination is shown in the following
fb = Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the
midspan section, ksi
The stresses at the top and bottom fibers of the girder at the hold-
down point, midspan and top fiber of the slab are calculated in a
similar fashion as shown above and summarized in Table A.1.6.1.
At service load conditions, the allowable tensile stress for members
Allowable Stress with bonded prestressed reinforcement is:
Fb = 6 f c′ = 6 5000 = 0.4242 ksi [STD Art.]
Pse P (24.75)
3.60 = + se
788.4 10,521.33
Solving for Pse,
Pse = 994.27 kips
Number of Distance
Strands from bottom
10 8
12 6
12 4
12 2
The distance from the centroid of the strands to the bottom fiber of
the girder (ybs) is calculated as:
Number of strands = 46
A number of iterations based on TxDOT methodology (TxDOT
2001) will be performed to arrive at the optimum number of strands,
required concrete strength at release ( f ci′ ), and required concrete
strength at service ( f c′ ).
Iteration 1
A. [STD Art.]
Concrete Shrinkage For pretensioned members, the loss in prestress due to concrete
shrinkage is given as:
SH = 17,000 – 150 RH [STD Eq. 9-4]
RH is the relative humidity = 60 percent
SH = [17,000 – 150(60)] = 8.0 ksi
Psi = Pretension force after allowing for the initial losses, kips
= [33(150)3/2 4000 ] = 3834.25 ksi
Modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel, Es = 28,000 ksi
The PCI Design Manual (PCI 2003) considers only the elastic
shortening loss in the calculation of total initial prestress loss,
whereas, the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (pg. 7-85, TxDOT
2001) recommends that 50 percent of the final steel relaxation loss
shall also be considered for calculation of total initial prestress loss
given as:
[elastic shortening loss + 0.50(total steel relaxation loss)]
The change in initial prestress loss will not affect the prestress loss
due to concrete shrinkage. Therefore, the next trials will involve
updating the losses due to elastic shortening, steel relaxation, and
creep of concrete.
A. 1
Total prestress loss at transfer = (ES + CRs )
Total Losses at 2
Transfer = [18.18 + 0.5(1.743)] = 19.05 ksi
Effective initial prestress, fsi = 202.5 – 19.05 = 183.45 ksi
Psi = Effective pretension after allowing for the initial prestress loss
= (number of strands)(area of strand)(fsi)
= 46(0.153)(183.45) = 1291.12 kips
Total Losses at Loss in prestress due to concrete shrinkage, SH = 8.0 ksi
Loss in prestress due to elastic shortening, ES = 18.18 ksi
Loss in prestress due to creep of concrete, CRC = 20.79 ksi
Loss in prestress due to steel relaxation, CRS = 1.743 ksi
Total final loss in prestress = SH + ES + CRC + CRS
= 8.0 + 18.18 + 20.79 + 1.743 = 48.71 ksi
or, = 24.06 %
Effective final prestress, fse = 0.75(270) – 48.71 = 153.79 ksi
Pse = Effective pretension after allowing for the final prestress loss
= (number of strands)(area of strand)(effective final prestress)
= 46(0.153)(153.79) = 1082.37 kips
Final Stresses at The number of strands is updated based on the final stress at the
Midspan bottom fiber of the girder at the midspan section.
Final stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the midspan section
due to effective prestress, fbf, is calculated as follows.
Final stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at midspan section due
to effective prestress
1129.43 1129.43 (19.67)
fbf = +
788.4 10,521.33
= 1.432 + 2.11 = 3.542 ksi < fb-reqd. = 3.600 ksi (N.G.)
Final stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at midspan section due
to effective prestress
1176.49 1176.49 (19.47)
fbf = +
788.4 10,521.33
= 1.492 + 2.177 = 3.669 ksi > fb-reqd. = 3.600 ksi (O.K.)
Therefore use 50 – 0.5 in. diameter, 270 ksi low-relaxation strands.
Initial Stresses at
The concrete strength at release, f ci′ , is updated based on the initial
Hold-Down Point
stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the hold-down point.
Psi Psi ec M g
fbi = + -
A Sb Sb
Number of strands = 50
Concrete strength at release, f ci′ = 4971.67 psi
SH = [17,000 – 150(60)] = 8.0 ksi
Psi = Pretension force after allowing for the initial losses, kips
= [33(150)3/2 4971.67 ] = 4274.66 ksi
Modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel, Es = 28,000 ksi
(ES + CRS )100
Initial prestress loss = 2
0.75f ′
[17.93 + 0.5(1.61)]100
= = 9.25% < 9.41% (assumed value of
initial prestress loss)
The change in initial prestress loss will not affect the prestress loss
due to concrete shrinkage. Therefore, the next trial will involve
updating the losses due to elastic shortening, steel relaxation, and
creep of concrete.
(ES + CRS )100
Initial prestress loss = 2
0.75f s′
[17.97 + 0.5(1.603)]100
= = 9.27% 9.25% (assumed value
for initial prestress loss)
A. 1
Total prestress loss at transfer = (ES + CRs )
Total Losses at 2
Transfer = [17.97 + 0.5(1.603)] = 18.77 ksi
Effective initial prestress, fsi = 202.5 – 18.77 = 183.73 ksi
Psi = Effective pretension after allowing for the initial prestress loss
= (number of strands)(area of strand)(fsi)
= 50(0.153)(183.73) = 1405.53 kips
Total Losses at Loss in prestress due to concrete shrinkage, SH = 8.0 ksi
Service Loss in prestress due to elastic shortening, ES = 17.97 ksi
Loss in prestress due to creep of concrete, CRC = 24.0 ksi
Loss in prestress due to steel relaxation, CRS = 1.603 ksi
Pse = Effective pretension after allowing for the final prestress loss
= (number of strands)(area of strand)(effective final prestress)
= 50(0.153)(150.93) = 1154.61 kips
Final Stresses at
Concrete stress at top fiber of the girder at the midspan section due
to applied loads and effective prestress
Concrete stress at top fiber of the girder at midspan due to live load
+ 0.5(effective prestress + dead loads)
M LL+I P P e M g + M S M SDL
ftf = + 0.5 se - se c + +
Stg A St St Stg
f c′ -reqd. = = 3615 psi
Pse Pse ec
fbf = + – fb (fb calculations are presented in Sec. A.1.6.1.)
A Sb
Initial Stresses at Prestressing force after allowing for initial prestress loss
Hold-Down Point Psi = (number of strands)(area of strand)(effective initial prestress)
= 50(0.153)(183.73) = 1405.53 kips
(Effective initial prestress calculations are presented in Section
Table A.1.7.1. Summary of Top and Bottom Stresses at Girder End for Different Harped Strand
Positions and Corresponding Required Concrete Strengths.
Distance of the Centroid
of Topmost Row of Eccentricity of
Harped Web Strands from Prestressing Required Bottom Required
Bottom Top Strands at Top Fiber Concrete Fiber Concrete
Fiber Fiber Girder End Stress strength Stress strength
(in.) (in.) (in.) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi)
10 (no harping) 44 19.47 -1291.11 29,634.91 4383.73 7306.22
12 42 19.07 -1227.96 26,806.80 4330.30 7217.16
14 40 18.67 -1164.81 24,120.48 4276.86 7128.10
16 38 18.27 -1101.66 21,575.96 4223.43 7039.04
18 36 17.87 -1038.51 19,173.23 4169.99 6949.99
20 34 17.47 -975.35 16,912.30 4116.56 6860.93
22 32 17.07 -912.20 14,793.17 4063.12 6771.87
24 30 16.67 -849.05 12,815.84 4009.68 6682.81
26 28 16.27 -785.90 10,980.30 3956.25 6593.75
28 26 15.87 -722.75 9286.56 3902.81 6504.69
30 24 15.47 -659.60 7734.62 3849.38 6415.63
32 22 15.07 -596.45 6324.47 3795.94 6326.57
34 20 14.67 -533.30 5056.12 3742.51 6237.51
36 18 14.27 -470.15 3929.57 3689.07 6148.45
38 16 13.87 -407.00 2944.82 3635.64 6059.39
40 14 13.47 -343.85 2101.86 3582.20 5970.34
42 12 13.07 -280.69 1400.70 3528.77 5881.28
44 10 12.67 -217.54 841.34 3475.33 5792.22
46 8 12.27 -154.39 423.77 3421.89 5703.16
48 6 11.87 -91.24 148.00 3368.46 5614.10
50 4 11.47 -28.09 14.03 3315.02 5525.04
52 2 11.07 35.06 58.43 3261.59 5435.98
Detailed calculations for the case when 10 web strands (5 rows) are
harped to the topmost location (centroid of the topmost row of
harped strands is at a distance of 2 inches from the top fiber of the
girder) is presented as follows.
Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder at the girder end at
transfer stage:
Psi Psi ee
fti = -
A St
Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the girder end at
transfer stage:
Psi Psi ee
fbi = +
A Sb
Iteration 3 A third iteration is carried out to refine the prestress losses based on
the updated concrete strengths. Based on the new prestress losses,
the concrete strength at release and service will be further refined.
[STD Art.]
Concrete Shrinkage
For pretensioned members, the loss in prestress due to concrete
shrinkage is given as:
SH = 17,000 – 150 RH [STD Eq. 9-4]
RH is the relative humidity = 60 percent
SH = [17,000 – 150(60)] = 8.0 ksi
= [33(150)3/2 5436.67 ] = 4470.10 ksi
Modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel, Es = 28,000 ksi
Creep of Concrete [STD Art.]
The loss in prestress due to creep of concrete is specified to be
calculated using the following formula:
The change in initial prestress loss will not affect the prestress loss
due to concrete shrinkage. Therefore, the next trial will involve
updating the losses due to elastic shortening, steel relaxation, and
creep of concrete.
Es = 28,000 ksi
Eci = 4470.10 ksi
ES = (2.758) = 17.28 ksi
A. 1
Total Losses at Total prestress loss at transfer = (ES + CRs )
Transfer = [17.28 + 0.5(1.663)] = 18.11 ksi
Effective initial prestress, fsi = 202.5 – 18.11 = 184.39 ksi
Psi = Effective pretension after allowing for the initial prestress loss
= (number of strands)(area of strand)(fsi)
= 50(0.153)(184.39) = 1410.58 kips
Total Losses at Loss in prestress due to concrete shrinkage, SH = 8.0 ksi
Service Loads Loss in prestress due to elastic shortening, ES = 17.28 ksi
Loss in prestress due to creep of concrete, CRC = 24.18 ksi
Loss in prestress due to steel relaxation, CRS = 1.663 ksi
Pse = Effective pretension after allowing for the final prestress loss
= (number of strands)(area of strand)(effective final prestress)
= 50(0.153)(151.38) = 1158.06 kips
Final Stresses at Concrete stress at top fiber of the girder at midspan section due to
Midspan applied loads and effective prestress
f c′ -reqd. = = 5582.5 psi (controls)
Concrete stress at top fiber of the girder at midspan due to live load
+ 0.5(effective prestress + dead loads)
M LL+I P P e M g + M S M SDL
ftf = + 0.5 se - se c + +
Stg A St St Stg
f c′ -reqd. = = 3612.5 psi
Pse Pse ec
fbf = + – fb (fb calculations are presented in Sec. A.1.6.1.)
A Sb
Initial Stresses at Prestressing force after allowing for initial prestress loss
Hold-Down Point Psi = (number of strands)(area of strand)(effective initial prestress)
= 50(0.153)(184.39) = 1410.58 kips (Effective initial prestress
calculations are presented in Section A.
Initial Stresses at The eccentricity of the prestressing strands at the girder end when
Girder End 10 web strands are harped to the topmost location (centroid of the
topmost row of harped strands is at a distance of 2 inches from the
top fiber of the girder) is calculated as follows (see Fig. A.1.7.2.):
Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder at the girder end at
transfer stage:
Psi Psi ee
fti = -
A St
Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the girder end at
transfer stage:
Psi Psi ee
fbi = +
A Sb
The final strand patterns at the midspan section and at the girder
ends are shown in Figures A.1.7.1 and A.1.7.2. The longitudinal
strand profile is shown in Figure A.1.7.3.
2" 2"
11 spaces @ 2" c/c
Figure A.1.7.2. Final Strand Pattern at Girder End.
CL of Girder
5.1" centroid of straight strands
2'-1" Transfer length
Hold down distance from girder end
Figure A.1.7.3. Longitudinal Strand Profile (half of the girder length is shown).
The distance between the centroid of the 10 harped strands and the
top fiber of the girder at the girder end
2(2) + 2(4) + 2(6) + 2(8) + 2(10)
= = 6 in.
The distance between the centroid of the 10 harped strands and the
bottom fiber of the girder at the harp points
2(2) + 2(4) + 2(6) + 2(8) + 2(10)
= = 6 in.
The distance between the centroid of the 10 harped strands and the
top of the girder at the transfer length section
(54 in - 6 in - 6 in)
= 6 in. + (2.083 ft.) = 7.77 in.
49.4 ft.
The distance between the centroid of the 40 straight strands and the
bottom fiber of the girder at all locations
10(2) + 10(4) + 10(6) + 8(8) + 2(10)
= = 5.1 in.
Concrete Stresses
at Transfer [STD Art.]
A. The allowable stress limits at transfer specified by the Standard
Specifications are as follows.
Allowable Stress
Compression: 0.6 f ci′ = 0.6(5455) = +3273 psi = 3.273 ksi
Tension: The maximum allowable tensile stress is
7.5 fci′ = 7.5 5455 = – 553.93 psi (tension)
A. Stresses at the girder end are checked only at transfer, because it
Stresses at Girder almost always governs.
Eccentricity of prestressing strands at the girder end when 10 web
strands are harped to the topmost location (centroid of the topmost
row of harped strands is at a distance of 2 inches from the top fiber
of the girder)
Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder at the girder end at
P P e
fti = si - si e
A St
1410.58 1410.58 (11.07)
= - = 1.789 – 1.754 = +0.035 ksi
788.4 8902.67
Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the girder end at
transfer stage:
P P e
fbi = si + si e
A Sb
Stresses at transfer length are checked only at release, because it
Stresses at Transfer
almost always governs.
Length Section
Transfer length = 50(strand diameter) [STD Art.]
= 50(0.50) = 25 in. = 2.083 ft.
(49.404 - 2.083)
et = 19.47 – (19.47 – 11.07) = 11.42 in.
Stresses at Hold- The eccentricity of the prestressing strands at the harp points is the
Down Points same as at midspan.
eharp = ec = 19.47 in.
Stresses at Midspan Bending moment due to girder self-weight at midspan section based
on overall girder length of 109'-8"
Mg = 0.5wx(L - x)
w = Self-weight of the girder = 0.821 kips/ft.
L = Overall girder length = 109.67 ft.
x = Half the girder length = 54.84 ft.
Stress Summary at
Allowable Stress Limits:
Compression: + 3.273 ksi
Concrete Stresses
at Service Loads [STD Art.]
A. The allowable stress limits at service load after losses have occurred
Allowable Stress specified by the Standard Specifications are presented as follows.
Case (I): For all load combinations
0.60 f c′ = 0.60(5582.5)/1000 = +3.349 ksi (for precast girder)
Effective pretension after allowing for the final prestress loss
Final Stresses at
Midspan Pse = (number of strands)(area of strand)(effective final prestress)
= 50(0.153)(151.38) = 1158.06 kips
Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder at the midspan section
due to service loads and effective prestress
P P e M g + M S M SDL + M LL+I
ftf = se - se c + +
A St St Stg
Concrete stress at top fiber of the slab at midspan due to live load +
superimposed dead loads
M + M LL+I (349.29 + 1478.39)(12 in./ft.)
ft = SDL = = +0.658 ksi
Stc 33, 325.31
Concrete stress at top fiber of the slab at midspan due to live loads +
0.5(superimposed dead loads)
M + 0.5( M SDL )
ft = LL+I
Summary of Stresses At Midspan Top of slab Top of Girder Bottom of girder
at Service Loads ft (ksi) ft (ksi) fb (ksi)
Case I +0.658 +2.562 – 0.412
Case II +0.126 +2.233 –
Case III +0.595 +1.455 –
Composite Section The composite section properties calculated in Section A.
Properties were based on the modular ratio value of 1. But as the actual
concrete strength is now selected, the actual modular ratio can be
determined, and the corresponding composite section properties can
be evaluated.
n = Modular ratio between slab and girder concrete
Ecs = Modulus of elasticity of slab concrete, ksi
= 33(wc)3/2 f cs′ [STD Eq. 9-8]
Ecs = [33(150)3/2 4000 ] = 3834.25 ksi
Ecp = [33(150)3/2 5582.5 ] = 4529.65 ksi
n= = 0.846
The flexural strength limit state is investigated for Group I loading
as follows.
* = Average stress in the pretensioning steel at ultimate load,
f su
(f c′ - 4000)
1 = 0.85 – 0.05 0.65 [STD Art.]
It is assumed that the neutral axis lies in the slab, and hence the
f c′ of slab concrete is used for the calculation of the factor 1. If
the neutral axis is found to be lying below the slab, 1 will be
(4000 - 4000)
1 = 0.85 – 0.05 = 0.85
* A*s
= Ratio of prestressing steel =
* 7.65
= = 0.001405
(56.72) 0.001405(261.565)
φ Mn = 1.0 (7.65)(261.565) 1 - 0.6
(12 in./ft.) 4.0
= 8936.56 k-ft. > Mu = 6769.37 k-ft. (OK)
Maximum [STD Art. 9.18.1]
Reinforcement To ensure that steel is yielding as ultimate capacity is approached,
the reinforcement index for a rectangular section shall be such that:
< 0.36 1 [STD Eq. 9.20]
0.001405 = 0.092 < 0.36(0.85) = 0.306 (O.K.)
Minimum [STD Art. 9.18.2]
Reinforcement The nominal moment strength developed by the prestressed and
nonprestressed reinforcement at the critical section shall be at least
1.2 times the cracking moment, M * cr
φ Mn 1.2 M *cr
M *cr = (fr + fpe) Sbc – Md-nc -1 [STD Art.]
The tensile stresses are caused at the bottom fiber of the girder
under service loads. Therefore fpe is calculated for the bottom
fiber of the girder as follows.
P P e
fpe = se + se c
A Sb
Pse = Effective prestress force after losses = 1158.06 kips
ec = Eccentricity of prestressing strands at midspan = 19.47 in.
1158.06 1158.06(19.47)
fpe = + = 1.469 + 2.143 = 3.612 ksi
788.4 10,521.33
M *cr = (0.5604 + 3.612)(16,535.71) – (28,668.12) -1
= 68,993.6 – 16,387.8 = 52,605.8 k-in. = 4383.8 k-ft.
From Tables A.1.5.1 and A.1.5.2, the shear forces at the critical
section are as follows:
Vi M cr
Vci = 0.6 f c′ b′d + Vd + ≥ 1.7 f c′ b′d [STD Eq. 9-27]
M max
Vci = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete when
diagonal cracking results from combined shear and
moment, kips
(49.404 - 2.583)
ex = 19.47 – (19.47 – 11.07) = 11.51 in.
1158.06 1158.06(11.51)
fpe = + = 1.469 + 1.267 = 2.736 ksi
788.4 10,521.33
657,658.4 6 5582.5
Mcr = + 2.736 - 0.277
39.772 1000
= 48,074.23 k-in. = 4006.19 k-ft.
Vcw = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete when
diagonal cracking results from excessive principal
tensile stress in web, kips
54 - 6 - 6
= tan-1 = 0.071 radians
49.404 (12 in./ft.)
3.5 5582.5
Vcw = + 0.3(0.854) (8)(49.6) + 16.43 = 221.86 kips
Vu 247.8
Required Vs = - Vc = - 221.86 = 53.47 kips
φ 0.9
Maximum shear force that can be carried by reinforcement
f c′ = Compressive strength of girder concrete at service
= 5582.5 psi
8 5582.5
Vs max = (8)(49.6)
= 237.18 kips > Required Vs = 53.47 kips (OK)
The section depth is adequate for shear.
Av = Area of web reinforcement, in.2
Av (53.47)
Required = = 0.018 in2./in.
s (60)(49.6)
Therefore, provide = 0.018 in.2/in.
Av f y d (0.40)(60)(49.6)
Vs provided = = = 54.1 kips
s 22
The composite flexural members are required to be designed to fully
transfer the horizontal shear forces at the contact surfaces of
interconnected elements.
Vu 247.8
Required Vnh = = 275.33 kips
φ 0.9
Case (a): When the contact surface is clean, free of laitance, and
intentionally roughened, the allowable shear force in
pounds is given as:
Vnh =
= 78.02 kips < Required Vnh = 275.33 kips (N.G.)
Case (b): When minimum ties are provided and contact surface is
clean, free of laitance but not intentionally roughened,
the allowable shear force in pounds is given as:
Vnh =
= 78.02 kips < Required Vnh = 275.33 kips (N.G.)
Case (c): When minimum ties are provided and contact surface is
clean, free of laitance and intentionally roughened to a
full amplitude of approximately 0.25 in., the allowable
shear force in pounds is given as:
Vnh =
= 341.32 kips > Required Vnh = 275.33 kips (O.K.)
Avh = Area of horizontal shear reinforcement, in.2
Avh = = 0.37 in.2 0.40 in.2 (area of web reinforcement
Minimum Vertical In a pretensioned girder, vertical stirrups acting at a unit stress of
Reinforcement 20,000 psi to resist at least 4 percent of the total pretensioning force
must be placed within the distance of d/4 of the girder end.
[STD Art. 9.22.1]
Confinement STD Art. 9.22.2 specifies that the nominal reinforcement must be
Reinforcement placed to enclose the prestressing steel in the bottom flange for a
distance d from the end of the girder. [STD Art. 9.22.2]
d = Distance from the extreme compressive fiber to centroid
of pretensioned reinforcement
= hc – (yb – ex) = 62 – (24.75 – 11.51) = 48.76 in.
A.1.14.1 The Standard Specifications do not provide any guidelines for the
Maximum Camber determination camber of prestressed concrete members. The
Hyperbolic Functions method proposed by Sinno and Furr (1970)
for the calculation of maximum camber is used by TxDOT’s
prestressed concrete bridge design software, PSTRS14 (TxDOT
2004). The following steps illustrate the Hyperbolic Functions
method for the estimation of maximum camber.
Step 1: The total prestressing force after initial prestress loss due to
elastic shortening has occurred.
Pi M D ec As n
P= +
ec2 As n ec2 As n
1+ pn + I 1 + pn +
Pi = Anchor force in prestressing steel
= (number of strands)(area of strand)(fsi)
p = As/A
p = = 0.0097
Eci = [33(150)3/2 5455 ] = 4477.63 ksi
n = 28,000/4477.63 = 6.25
Note that the values obtained for initial prestress loss and effective
initial prestress force using this methodology are comparable with
the values obtained in Section A. The effective prestressing
force after initial losses was found to be 1410.58 kips (comparable
to 1416.84 kips), and the initial prestress loss was determined as
8.94 percent (comparable to 8.54 percent).
1 19.47 2
f cis = 1416.84 + – 1.0856 = 2.774 ksi
788.4 260, 403
εcs1 = ε ∞ s ∞
cr f ci + ε sh
ε∞cr = Ultimate unit creep strain = 0.00034 in./in. [This value is
prescribed by Sinno et al. (1970).]
sh = Ultimate unit shrinkage strain = 0.000175 in./in. [This
value is prescribed by Sinno et al. (1970).]
As 1 ec2
εcs 2 = ε cs1 - ε cs1Es +
Eci A I
7.65 1 19.47 2
εcs 2 = 0.001118 – (0.001118)(28,000) +
4477.63 788.4 260, 403
= 0.000972 in./in.
1 19.47 2
f cs = (0.000972)(28,000)(7.65) + = 0.567 ksi
788.4 260, 403
1 19.47 2
f cs1 = (0.000887)(28,000)(7.65) + = 0.5176 ksi
788.4 260, 403
As 1 ec2
εcs 7 = ε cs 6 - εcs 6 Es +
Eci A I
7.65 1 19.47 2
εcs 7 = 0.00103 – (0.00103)(28,000) +
4477.63 788.4 260, 403
= 0.000896 in./in
ε cs 7 Es As 0.000896(28,000)(7.65)
PL = = = 0.124 = 12.4%
Pi 1549.13
Total final prestress loss is the sum of initial prestress loss and the
time dependent prestress loss expressed as follows:
PL = PLi + PL
PL = Total final prestress loss percent.
5 w L4
384 Eci I
CDL = Initial deflection of the girder under self-weight, ft.
5(0.821)(109.67 4 )
CDL = = 0.191 ft. = 2.29 in.
M pi
Cpi =
Eci I
Mpi = [0.5(P) (ee) (0.5L)2 + 0.5(P) (ec – ee) (0.67) (HD)2
+0.5P (ec – ee) (HDdis) (0.5L + HD)]/(Eci)(I)
5.282 × 109
Cpi = = 4.53 in. = 0.378 ft.
(4477.63)(260, 403)
Step 13: The initial camber, CI, is the difference between the
upward camber due to initial prestressing and the
downward deflection due to self-weight of the girder.
∆f cs1
cr f cis - + es
Ultimate camber Ct = Ci (1 – PL ) s
s f cis 2.774
e = = = 0.000619 in./in.
Eci 4477.63
0.00034 2.774 - + 0.000619
Ct = 2.24(1 – 0.124)
Deflection Due to The deflection due to the slab weight is calculated using an elastic
analysis as follows.
Slab Weight
Deflection of the girder at midspan
5 ws L4
slab1 =
384 Ec I
ws = Weight of the slab = 0.80 kips/ft.
( 12 in./ft.)
5 0.80 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
slab1 =
384(4529.66)(260, 403)
= 2.12 in. = 0.177 ft.
( 12 in./ft.)
57 0.80 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
slab2 =
6144(4529.66)(260, 403)
= 1.511 in. = 0.126 ft.
Deflections due to Deflection due to barrier weight at midspan
5 wbarr L4
Dead Loads barr1 =
384 Ec I c
wbarr = Weight of the barrier = 0.109 kips/ft.
( 12 in./ft.)
5 0.109 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
barr1 =
= 0.114 in. = 0.0095 ft.
( 12 in./ft.)
57 0.109 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
barr2 =
= 0.0815 in. = 0.0068 ft.
( )
5 0.128 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
= 12 in./ft.
= 0.134 in. = 0.011 ft.
( )
57 0.128 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
= 12 in./ft.
= 0.096 in. = 0.008 ft.
Total Deflection Due The total deflection at midspan due to slab weight and
to Dead Loads superimposed loads is:
The deflections due to live loads are not calculated in this example
as they are not a design factor for TxDOT bridges.
COMPARISON OF The prestressed concrete bridge girder design program, PSTRS14
RESULTS FROM (TxDOT 2004), is used by TxDOT for bridge design. The PSTRS14
DETAILED DESIGN program was run with same parameters as used in this detailed
AND PSTRS14 design, and the results of the detailed example and PSTRS14
program are compared in Table A.1.15.1.
Except for a few differences, the results from the detailed design are
in good agreement with the PSTRS 14 (TxDOT 2004) results. The
causes for the differences in the results are discussed as follows.
Appendix A.2
A.2.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................346
A.2.2 DESIGN PARAMETERS....................................................................................346
A.2.3 MATERIAL PROPERTIES................................................................................347
A.2.4.1 Non-Composite Section ....................................................................................348
A.2.4.2 Composite Section.............................................................................................350
A. Effective Flange Width...................................................................................350
A. Modular Ratio between Slab and Girder Concrete.........................................350
A. Transformed Section Properties .....................................................................350
A.2.5 SHEAR FORCES AND BENDING MOMENTS ...............................................352
A.2.5.1 Shear Forces and Bending Moments due to Dead Loads..................................352
A. Dead Loads.....................................................................................................352
A. Superimposed Dead Loads .............................................................................352
A. Shear Forces and Bending Moments..............................................................353
A.2.5.2 Shear Forces and Bending Moments due to Live Load ....................................355
A. Live Load .......................................................................................................355
A. Live Load Distribution Factors for a Typical Interior Girder ........................355
A. Distribution Factor for Bending Moment....................................................356
A. Distribution Factor for Shear Force.............................................................358
A. Skew Reduction...........................................................................................359
A. Dynamic Allowance .......................................................................................361
A. Shear Forces and Bending Moments..............................................................361
A. Due to Truck load........................................................................................361
A. Due to Design Lane Load............................................................................362
A.2.5.3 Load Combinations ...........................................................................................364
A.2.6 ESTIMATION OF REQUIRED PRESTRESS....................................................367
A.2.6.1 Service Load Stresses at Midspan .....................................................................367
A.2.6.2 Allowable Stress Limit ......................................................................................369
A.2.6.3 Required Number of Strands .............................................................................370
A.2.7 PRESTRESS LOSSES .........................................................................................373
A.2.7.1 Iteration 1 ..........................................................................................................374
A. Elastic Shortening...........................................................................................374
A. Concrete Shrinkage ........................................................................................376
A. Creep of Concrete...........................................................................................376
A. Relaxation of Prestressing Strands .................................................................377
A. Relaxation at Transfer .................................................................................377
A. Relaxation After Transfer............................................................................378
A. Total Losses at Transfer .................................................................................381
A. Total Losses at Service Loads ........................................................................381
INTRODUCTION Following is a detailed example showing sample calculations for
the design of a typical interior AASHTO Type IV prestressed
concrete girder supporting a single span bridge. The design is
based on the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 3rd
Edition, 2004 (AASHTO 2004). The recommendations provided
by the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (TxDOT 2001) are
considered in the design. The number of strands and concrete
strength at release and at service are optimized using the
TxDOT methodology.
DESIGN The bridge considered for this design example has a span length of
PARAMETERS 110 ft. (c/c pier distance), a total width of 46 ft. and total roadway
width of 44 ft. The bridge superstructure consists of six AASHTO
Type IV girders spaced 8 ft. center-to-center, designed to act
compositely with an 8 in. thick cast-in-place (CIP) concrete deck.
The wearing surface thickness is 1.5 in., which includes the
thickness of any future wearing surface. T501 type rails are
considered in the design. HL-93 is the design live load. A relative
humidity (RH) of 60 percent is considered in the design, and the
skew angle is 0 degrees. The bridge cross-section is shown in Figure
The following calculations for design span length and the overall
girder length are based on Figure A.2.2.2.
MATERIAL Cast-in-place slab:
PROPERTIES Thickness, ts = 8.0 in.
Concrete strength at 28 days, f c′ = 4000 psi
Nonprestressed reinforcement:
Yield strength, fy = 60,000 psi
Modulus of Elasticity, Es = 29,000 ksi [LRFD Art.]
A.2.4.1 The section properties of an AASHTO Type IV girder as described
Non-Composite in the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (TxDOT 2001) are provided
Section in Table A.2.4.1. The section geometry and strand pattern are shown
in Figure A.2.4.1.
yt yb Area I Wt./lf
2 4
in. in. in. in. lbs
29.25 24.75 788.4 260,403 821
I = Moment of inertia about the centroid of the non-composite
precast girder = 260,403 in.4
8 in.
20 in.
6 in.
8 in.
23 in.
54 in.
9 in.
26 in.
Composite Section
Effective Flange [LRFD Art.]
Width The effective flange width is lesser of:
108.583(12 in./ft.)
¼ span length of girder: = 325.75 in.
Following the TxDOT Bridge Design Manual (TxDOT 2001)
Modular Ratio
recommendation (pg. 7-85), the modular ratio between the slab and
between Slab and
girder concrete is taken as 1. This assumption is used for service
Girder Concrete load design calculations. For the flexural strength limit design, shear
design, and deflection calculations, the actual modular ratio based
on optimized concrete strengths is used. The composite section is
shown in Figure A.2.4.2 and the composite section properties are
presented in Table A.2.4.2.
Ec for slab
n= =1
Ec for girder
where n is the modular ratio between slab and girder concrete, and
Ec is the elastic modulus of concrete.
Transformed flange width = n × (effective flange width)
Transformed Section = (1)(96) = 96 in.
Transformed Flange Area = n × (effective flange width)(ts)
= (1)(96)(8) = 768 in.2
1'-8" 8"
c.g. of composite
ybc = 3'-5"
SHEAR FORCES AND The self-weight of the girder and the weight of the slab act on the
BENDING MOMENTS non-composite simple span structure, while the weight of the
barriers, future wearing surface, live load, and dynamic load act on
the composite simple span structure.
Shear Forces and
Bending Moments
due to Dead Loads
A. [LRFD Art. 3.3.2]
Dead Loads Dead loads acting on the non-composite structure:
d e = 1'-8"
Because all of the above criteria are satisfied, the barrier and
wearing surface loads are equally distributed among the six girders.
Shear Forces and Shear forces and bending moments for the girder due to dead loads,
superimposed dead loads at every tenth of the design span, and at
Bending Moments
critical sections (hold-down point or harp point and critical section
for shear) are provided in this section. The bending moment (M) and
shear force (V) due to uniform dead loads and uniform
superimposed dead loads at any section at a distance x from the
centerline of bearing are calculated using the following formulas,
where the uniform load is denoted as w.
M = 0.5w x (L - x)
V = w(0.5L - x)
The distance of the critical section for shear from the support is
calculated using an iterative process illustrated in the shear design
section. As an initial estimate, the distance of the critical section for
shear from the centerline of bearing is taken as:
(hc/2) + 0.5(bearing width) = (62/2) + 0.5(7) = 34.5 in. = 2.875 ft.
HD = 48.862 ft.
The shear forces and bending moments due to dead loads and
superimposed loads are shown in Tables A.2.5.1 and A.2.5.2,
Table A.2.5.1. Shear Forces due to Dead and Superimposed Dead Loads.
Distance Dead Loads Superimposed Dead Loads
Wearing Total Dead
Bearing Girder Slab Barrier
Section Surface Total Load
Centerline Weight Weight Weight
x/ L Weight
ft. kips kips kips kips kips kips
0.000 0.000 44.57 43.43 5.92 6.95 12.87 100.87
2.875 0.026 42.21 41.13 5.60 6.58 12.19 95.53
10.858 0.100 35.66 34.75 4.73 5.56 10.29 80.70
21.717 0.200 26.74 26.06 3.55 4.17 7.72 60.52
32.575 0.300 17.83 17.37 2.37 2.78 5.15 40.35
43.433 0.400 8.91 8.69 1.18 1.39 2.57 20.17
48.862 0.450 (HD) 4.46 4.34 0.59 0.69 1.29 10.09
54.292 0.500 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table A.2.5.2. Bending Moments due to Dead and Superimposed Dead Loads.
Distance Dead Loads Superimposed Dead Loads
Wearing Total Dead
Bearing Girder Slab Barrier
Section Surface Total Load
Centerline Weight Weight Weight
x/ L Weight
ft. k-ft. k-ft. k-ft. k-ft. k-ft. k-ft.
0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2.875 0.026 124.76 121.56 16.56 19.45 36.01 282.33
10.858 0.100 435.59 424.45 57.83 67.91 125.74 985.78
21.717 0.200 774.38 754.58 102.81 120.73 223.54 1752.51
32.575 0.300 1016.38 990.38 134.94 158.46 293.40 2300.16
43.433 0.400 1161.58 1131.87 154.22 181.10 335.32 2628.76
48.862 0.450 (HD) 1197.87 1167.24 159.04 186.76 345.79 2710.90
54.292 0.500 1209.98 1179.03 160.64 188.64 349.29 2738.29
Shear Forces and
Bending Moments
due to Live Load
A. [LRFD Art.]
Live Load The LRFD Specifications specify a significantly different live load
as compared to the Standard Specifications. The LRFD design live
load is designated as HL-93, which consists of a combination of:
Live Load Distribution The distribution factors specified by the LRFD Specifications have
Factors for a Typical changed significantly as compared to the Standard Specifications,
Interior Girder which specify S/11 (S is the girder spacing) to be used as the
distribution factor.
Distribution Factor for The approximate live load moment distribution factors for interior
Bending Moment girders are specified by LRFD Table The distribution
factors for type k (prestressed concrete I section) bridges can be
used if the following additional requirements are satisfied:
n = Modular ratio between girder and slab concrete.
E for girder concrete
= c =1
Ec for deck concrete
Note that this ratio is the inverse of the one defined for
composite section properties in Section A.
DFM = Live load moment distribution factor for interior girders.
The greater of the above two distribution factors governs. Thus, the
case of two or more lanes loaded controls.
Skew Reduction for LRFD Article specifies a skew reduction for load
DFM distribution factors for moment in longitudinal beams on skewed
supports. LRFD Table presents the skew reduction
formulas for skewed type k bridges where the skew angle is such
that 30° 60°.
For type k bridges having a skew angle such that < 30°, the skew
reduction factor is specified as 1.0. For type k bridges having a
skew angle > 60°, the skew reduction is the same as for = 60°.
For the present design, the skew angle is 0°; thus a skew reduction
for the live load moment distribution factor is not required.
A. The approximate live load shear distribution factors for interior
Distribution Factor for girders are specified by LRFD Table The distribution
Shear Force factors for type k (prestressed concrete I section) bridges can be
used if the following requirements are satisfied:
DFV = 0.36 + = 0.680 lanes/girder
The greater of the above two distribution factors governs. Thus, the
case of two or more lanes loaded controls.
The distribution factor for live load moments and shears for the
same case using the Standard Specifications is 0.727 lanes/girder.
A. LRFD Article specifies that the skew correction factor
Skew Correction for shall be applied to the approximate load distribution factors for
DFV shear in the interior girders on skewed supports. LRFD Table provides the correction factor for load distribution
factors for support shear of the obtuse corner of skewed type k
bridges where the following conditions are satisfied:
The correction factor for load distribution factors for support shear
of the obtuse corner of skewed type k bridges is given as:
12.0 L ts3
1.0 + 0.20 tan = 1.0 when = 0°
For the present design, the skew angle is 0°; thus the skew
correction for the live load shear distribution factor is not required.
Dynamic Allowance The LRFD Specifications specify the dynamic load effects as a
percentage of the static live load effects. LRFD Table
specifies the dynamic allowance to be taken as 33 percent of the
static load effects for all limit states, except the fatigue limit state,
and 15 percent for the fatigue limit state. The factor to be applied to
the static load shall be taken as:
(1 + IM/100)
IM = Dynamic load allowance, applied to truck load or tandem
load only
= 33 for all limit states except the fatigue limit state
= 15 for fatigue limit state
M = Maximum bending moment due to HS 20-44 truck load,
Due to Design Lane The maximum bending moments (ML) and shear forces (VL) due to a
Load uniformly distributed lane load of 0.64 klf are calculated using the
following formulas given by the PCI Design Manual (PCI 2003).
x = Distance from the centerline of bearing to the section at
which the bending moment or shear force is calculated,
0.32(L - x) 2
Maximum shear force, VL = for x ≤ 0.5L
0.64 kip/ft./lane
x (120 - x) > x
Figure A.2.5.1. Maximum Shear Force due to Lane Load.
ML = Maximum bending moment due to lane load, k-ft.
The maximum bending moments and shear forces due to the lane
load are calculated at every tenth of the span length and at the
critical section for shear and the hold-down point location. The
values are presented in Table A.2.5.2.
Table A.2.5.2. Shear Forces and Bending Moments due to Live Load.
HS 20-44 Truck Loading Lane loading
Distance Undistributed Distributed Truck Undistributed Distributed Lane
from Truck Load + Dynamic Load Lane Load Load
Shear Moment Shear Moment Shear Moment Shear Moment
ft. kips k-ft. kips k-ft. kips k-ft. kips k-ft.
0.000 0.000 65.81 0.00 71.25 0.00 34.75 0.00 28.28 0.00
2.875 0.026 63.91 183.73 69.19 156.15 32.93 97.25 26.81 62.14
10.858 0.100 58.61 636.43 63.45 540.88 28.14 339.55 22.91 216.97
21.717 0.200 51.41 1116.54 55.66 948.91 22.24 603.67 18.10 385.75
32.575 0.300 44.21 1440.25 47.86 1224.03 17.03 792.31 13.86 506.28
43.433 0.400 37.01 1629.82 40.07 1385.14 12.51 905.49 10.18 578.61
48.862 0.450 (HD) 33.41 1671.64 36.17 1420.68 10.51 933.79 8.56 596.69
54.292 0.500 29.81 1674.37 32.27 1423.00 8.69 943.22 7.07 602.72
Load Combinations LRFD Art. 3.4.1 specifies load factors and load combinations. The
total factored load effect is specified to be taken as:
This design example considers only the dead and vehicular live
loads. The wind load and the extreme event loads, including
earthquake and vehicle collision loads, are not included in the
design, which is typical to the design of bridges in Texas. Various
limit states and load combinations provided by LRFD Art. 3.4.1 are
investigated, and the following limit states are found to be
applicable in present case:
Service III: This limit state is a special load combination for service
limit state stress checks that applies only to tension in prestressed
concrete structures to control cracks. The load combination for this
limit state is presented as follows:
ESTIMATION OF The required number of strands is usually governed by concrete
REQUIRED PRESTRESS tensile stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the midspan section.
The load combination for Service III limit state is used to evaluate
the bottom fiber stresses at the midspan section. The calculation for
compressive stress in the top fiber of the girder at midspan section
under service loads is also shown in the following section. The
compressive stress is evaluated using the load combination for
Service I limit state.
Service Load Tensile stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at midspan due to
Stresses at Midspan applied dead and live loads using load combination Service III
ft = +
St Stg
fb = Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder, ksi
(2389.01)(12 in./ft.)
ft = +
[160.64 + 188.64 + 1423.00 + 602.72](12 in./ft.)
The stresses in the top and bottom fibers of the girder at the hold-
down point, midspan, and top fiber of the slab are calculated in a
similar way as shown above and the results are summarized in Table
Allowable Stress LRFD Table specifies the allowable tensile stress in
Limit fully prestressed concrete members. For members with bonded
prestressing tendons that are subjected to not worse than moderate
corrosion conditions (these corrosion conditions are assumed in this
design), the allowable tensile stress at service limit state after losses
is given as:
Fb = 0.19 f c′
f c′ = Compressive strength of girder concrete at service = 5.0 ksi
Required Number of Required precompressive stress in the bottom fiber after losses:
Bottom tensile stress – Allowable tensile stress at service = fb – F b
Stress at the bottom fiber of the girder due to prestress after losses:
Ppe Ppe ec
fb = +
A Sb
Ppe = Effective prestressing force after all losses, kips
Try 42 – 0.5 in. diameter, 270 ksi low relaxation strands as an initial
Try 44 – 0.5 in. diameter, 270 ksi low relaxation strands as an initial
Try 46 – 0.5 in. diameter, 270 ksi low relaxation strands as an initial
Try 48 – 0.5 in. diameter, 270 ksi low relaxation strands as an initial
11 spaces
2" @ 2"
Figure A.2.6.1. Initial Strand Arrangement.
The distance from the center of gravity of the strands to the bottom
fiber of the girder (ybs) is calculated as:
The LRFD Specifications specify formulas to determine the
instantaneous losses. For time-dependent losses, two different
options are provided. The first option is to use a lump-sum estimate
of time-dependent losses given by LRFD Art. The second
option is to use refined estimates for time-dependent losses given by
LRFD Art. The refined estimates are used in this design as
they yield more accuracy as compared to the lump-sum method.
fpi = Instantaneous prestress loss, ksi
fpSR = Prestress loss due to concrete shrinkage, ksi
Iteration 1 [LRFD Art.]
A. The loss in prestress due to elastic shortening in prestressed
Elastic Shortening members is given as
fpES = fcgp [LRFD Eq.]
Ep = Modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel = 28,500 ksi
H = Average annual ambient relative humidity = 60 percent
fcdp = Change in concrete stress at the center of gravity of the
prestressing steel due to permanent loads except the dead
load present at the time the prestress force is applied,
calculated at the same section as fcgp
M e M (y - y )
= S c + SDL bc bs
I Ic
1179.03(12 in./ft.)(19.67)
∆f cdp =
260, 403
(349.28)(12 in./ft.)(41.157 - 5.08)
= 1.069 + 0.218 = 1.287 ksi
[LRFD Art.]
Relaxation of
Prestressing Strands
A. [LRFD Art.]
Relaxation at For pretensioned members with low-relaxation prestressing steel,
Transfer initially stressed in excess of 0.5fpu, the relaxation loss is given as:
log(24.0t ) f pj
∆f pR1 = - 0.55 f pj [LRFD Eq.]
40 f py
fpR1 = Prestress loss due to relaxation of steel at transfer, ksi
Relaxation after [LRFD Art.]
Transfer For pretensioned members with low-relaxation strands, the prestress
loss due to relaxation of steel after transfer is given as:
The change in initial prestress loss will not affect the prestress
losses due to concrete shrinkage ( fpSR) and initial steel relaxation
( fpR1). Therefore, the next trial will involve updating the losses due
to elastic shortening ( fpES), creep of concrete ( fpCR), and steel
relaxation after transfer ( fpR2).
Pi Pi ec2 ( M g )ec
fcgp = + -
1326.84 1326.84(19.67) 2 1209.98(12 in./ft.)(19.67)
= + -
788.4 260, 403 260, 403
= 1.683 + 1.971 – 1.097 = 2.557 ksi
Eci = 3834.25 ksi
Ep = 28,500 ksi
Pi Pi ec2 ( M g )ec
fcgp = + -
1332.94 1332.94(19.67) 2 1209.98(12 in./ft.)(19.67)
= + -
788.4 260, 403 260, 403
= 1.691 + 1.980 – 1.097 = 2.574 ksi
Eci = 3834.25 ksi
Ep = 28,500 ksi
Total prestress loss at transfer
Total Losses at
fpi = ∆f pES + ∆f pR1
= 19.13 + 1.98 = 21.11 ksi
Total Losses at Total final loss in prestress:
Service Loads fpT = fpES + fpSR + fpCR + fpR1 + fpR2
= = 26.12%
Final Stresses at The number of strands is updated based on the final stress at the
Midspan bottom fiber of the girder at the midspan section.
Final stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the midspan section
due to effective prestress (fbf) is calculated as follows:
Ppe Ppe ec
fbf = +
A Sb
1098.66 1098.66(19.67)
= +
788.4 10,521.33
= 1.393 + 2.054 = 3.447 ksi < fpb-reqd. = 3.700 ksi (N.G)
(fpb-reqd. calculations are presented in Section A.2.6.3.)
Final stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the midspan section
due to effective prestress (fbf) is:
1144.44 1144.44(19.47)
fbf = +
788.4 10,521.33
= 1.452 + 2.118 = 3.57 ksi < fpb-reqd. = 3.700 ksi (N.G)
Final stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the midspan section
due to effective prestress (fbf) is:
1190.22 1190.22(19.29)
fbf = +
788.4 10,521.33
= 1.509 + 2.182 = 3.691 ksi < fpb-reqd. = 3.700 ksi (N.G)
Final stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the midspan section
due to effective prestress (fbf) is:
1236.0 1236.0(19.12)
fbf = +
788.4 10,521.33
= 1.567 + 2.246 = 3.813 ksi > fpb-reqd. = 3.700 ksi (O.K.)
Initial Stresses at The concrete strength at release, f ci′ , is updated based on the initial
Hold-Down Point stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the hold-down point.
Iteration 2 A second iteration is carried out to determine the prestress losses
and to subsequently estimate the required concrete strength at
release and at service using the following parameters determined in
the previous iteration.
Number of strands = 54
Concrete strength at release, f ci′ = 5383.33 psi
[LRFD Art.]
Elastic Shortening The loss in prestress due to elastic shortening in prestressed
members is given as:
fpES = f cgp [LRFD Eq.]
Ep = Modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel = 28,500 ksi
Concrete Shrinkage [LRFD Art.]
The loss in prestress due to concrete shrinkage ( fpSR) depends on
the relative humidity only. The change in compressive strength of
girder concrete at release ( f ci′ ) and number of strands does not
effect the prestress loss due to concrete shrinkage. It will remain the
same as calculated in Section A.
[LRFD Art.]
Creep of Concrete
The loss in prestress due to creep of concrete is given as:
1179.03(12 in./ft.)(19.12)
∆f cdp =
260, 403
(349.28)(12 in./ft.)(41.157 - 5.63)
= 1.039 + 0.214 = 1.253 ksi
Relaxation of [LRFD Art.]
Prestressing Strands
Relaxation at
[LRFD Art.]
The loss in prestress due to relaxation of steel at transfer ( fpR1)
depends on the time from stressing to transfer of prestress (t), the
initial stress in tendon at the end of stressing (fpj), and the yield
strength of prestressing steel (fpy). The change in compressive
strength of girder concrete at release ( f ci′ ) and number of strands
does not affect the prestress loss due to relaxation of steel before
transfer. It will remain the same as calculated in Section A.
Relaxation after [LRFD Art.]
Transfer For pretensioned members with low-relaxation strands, the prestress
loss due to relaxation of steel after transfer is given as:
The change in initial prestress loss will not affect the prestress
losses due to concrete shrinkage ( fpSR) and initial steel relaxation
( fpR1). Therefore, the new trials will involve updating the losses
due to elastic shortening ( fpES), creep of concrete ( fpCR), and steel
relaxation after transfer ( fpR2).
Pi Pi ec2 ( M g )ec
fcgp = + -
1501.06 1501.06(19.12) 2 1209.98(12 in./ft.)(19.12)
= + -
788.4 260, 403 260, 403
= 1.904 + 2.107 – 1.066 = 2.945 ksi
Eci = 4447.98 ksi
Ep = 28,500 ksi
Total Losses at Total final loss in prestress
Service Loads fpT = fpES + fpSR + fpCR + fpR1 + fpR2
= = 28.19%
Final Stresses at
The required concrete strength at service ( f c′ -reqd.) is updated based
on the final stresses at the top and bottom fibers of the girder at the
midspan section shown as follows.
Concrete stresses at the top fiber of the girder at the midspan section
due to transient loads, permanent loads, and effective final prestress
will be investigated for the following three cases using the Service I
limit state shown as follows.
ftf = Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder, ksi
MLT = Distributed moment due to HS 20-44 truck load,
including dynamic load allowance = 1423.00 k-ft.
f c′ -reqd. = = 4483.33 psi
1201.46 1201.46(19.12)
= + – 4.125
788.4 10,521.33
= 1.524 + 2.183 – 4.125 = – 0.418 ksi
Initial Stresses at Prestressing force after allowing for initial prestress loss
Hold-Down Point
Pi = (number of strands)(area of strand)(effective initial prestress)
= 54(0.153)( 181.65) = 1500.79 kips
(Effective initial prestress calculations are presented in Section
Initial Stresses at The initial tensile stress at the top fiber and compressive stress at the
Girder End bottom fiber of the girder at the girder end section are minimized by
harping the web strands at the girder end. Following TxDOT
methodology (TxDOT 2001), the web strands are incrementally
raised as a unit by 2 inches in each trial. The iterations are repeated
until the top and bottom fiber stresses satisfy the allowable stress
limits, or the centroid of the topmost row of harped strands is at a
distance of 2 inches from the top fiber of the girder, in which case,
the concrete strength at release is updated based on the governing
stress. The position of the harped web strands, eccentricity of
strands at the girder end, top and bottom fiber stresses at the girder
end, and the corresponding required concrete strengths are
summarized in Table A.2.7.1.
Table A.2.7.1. Summary of Top and Bottom Stresses at Girder End for Different Harped Strand
Positions and Corresponding Required Concrete Strengths.
Distance of the centroid
of topmost row of Eccentricity
harped web strands from of prestressing Required Bottom Required
Bottom Top strands at Top fiber concrete fiber concrete
Fiber Fiber girder end stress strength stress strength
(in.) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi)
10 (no harping) 44 19.12 -1.320 30.232 4.631 7.718
12 42 18.75 -1.257 27.439 4.578 7.630
14 40 18.38 -1.195 24.781 4.525 7.542
16 38 18.01 -1.132 22.259 4.472 7.454
18 36 17.64 -1.070 19.872 4.420 7.366
20 34 17.27 -1.007 17.620 4.367 7.278
22 32 16.90 -0.945 15.504 4.314 7.190
24 30 16.53 -0.883 13.523 4.261 7.102
26 28 16.16 -0.820 11.677 4.208 7.014
28 26 15.79 -0.758 9.967 4.155 6.926
30 24 15.42 -0.695 8.392 4.103 6.838
32 22 15.05 -0.633 6.952 4.050 6.750
34 20 14.68 -0.570 5.648 3.997 6.662
36 18 14.31 -0.508 4.479 3.944 6.574
38 16 13.93 -0.446 3.446 3.891 6.485
40 14 13.56 -0.383 2.548 3.838 6.397
42 12 13.19 -0.321 1.785 3.786 6.309
44 10 12.82 -0.258 1.157 3.733 6.221
46 8 12.45 -0.196 0.665 3.680 6.133
48 6 12.08 -0.133 0.309 3.627 6.045
50 4 11.71 -0.071 0.087 3.574 5.957
52 2 11.34 -0.008 0.001 3.521 5.869
From Table A.2.7.1, it is evident that the web strands are needed to
be harped to the topmost position possible to control the bottom
fiber stress at the girder end.
Detailed calculations for the case when 10 web strands (5 rows) are
harped to the topmost location (centroid of the topmost row of
harped strands is at a distance of 2 inches from the top fiber of the
girder) is presented as follows.
Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder at the girder end at
transfer stage:
P Pe
fti = i - i e
A St
Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the girder end at
transfer stage:
P Pe
fbi = i + i e
A Sb
1500.79 1500.79 (11.34)
= + = 1.904 + 1.618 = 3.522 ksi
788.4 10,521.33
Iteration 3 A third iteration is carried out to refine the prestress losses based on
the updated concrete strengths. Based on the updated prestress
losses, the concrete strength at release and at service will be further
Number of strands = 54
Concrete strength at release, f ci′ = 5870 psi
[LRFD Art.]
Elastic Shortening
The loss in prestress due to elastic shortening in prestressed
concrete members is given as
fpES = f cgp [LRFD Eq.]
Ep = Modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel = 28,500 ksi
Concrete Shrinkage [LRFD Art.]
The loss in prestress due to concrete shrinkage ( fpSR) depends on
the relative humidity only. The change in compressive strength of
girder concrete at release ( f ci′ ) does not affect the prestress loss due
to concrete shrinkage. It will remain the same as calculated in
Section A.
[LRFD Art.]
Creep of Concrete
The loss in prestress due to creep of concrete is given as:
1179.03(12 in./ft.)(19.12)
∆f cdp =
260, 403
(349.28)(12 in./ft.)(41.157 - 5.63)
= 1.039 + 0.214 = 1.253 ksi
Relaxation of [LRFD Art.]
Prestressing Strands
Relaxation at
[LRFD Art.]
The loss in prestress due to relaxation of steel at transfer ( fpR1)
depends on the time from stressing to transfer of prestress (t), the
initial stress in tendon at the end of stressing (fpj), and the yield
strength of prestressing steel (fpy). The change in compressive
strength of girder concrete at release ( f ci′ ) and number of strands
does not affect the prestress loss due to relaxation of steel before
transfer. It will remain the same as calculated in Section A.
Relaxation after [LRFD Art.]
Transfer For pretensioned members with low-relaxation strands, the prestress
loss due to relaxation of steel after transfer is given as:
The change in initial prestress loss will not affect the prestress
losses due to concrete shrinkage ( fpSR) and initial steel relaxation
( fpR1). Therefore, the new trials will involve updating the losses
due to elastic shortening ( fpES), creep of concrete ( fpCR), and steel
relaxation after transfer ( fpR2).
Pi Pi ec2 ( M g )ec
fcgp = + -
1507.42 1507.42(19.12) 2 1209.98(12 in./ft.)(19.12)
= + -
788.4 260, 403 260, 403
= 1.912 + 2.116 – 1.066 = 2.962 ksi
Eci = 4644.83 ksi
Ep = 28,500 ksi
Total Losses at Total final loss in prestress
Service Loads fpT = fpES + fpSR + fpCR + fpR1 + fpR2
Final Stresses at
The required concrete strength at service ( f c′ -reqd.) is updated based
on the final stresses at the top and bottom fibers of the girder at the
midspan section shown as follows.
Concrete stresses at the top fiber of the girder at the midspan section
due to transient loads, permanent loads, and effective final prestress
will be investigated for the following three cases using the Service I
limit state shown as follows.
ftf = Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder, ksi
MLT = Distributed moment due to HS 20-44 truck load
including dynamic load allowance = 1423.00 k-ft.
f c′ -reqd. = = 4478.33 psi
1204.60 1204.60(19.12)
= + – 4.125
788.4 10,521.33
= 1.528 + 2.189 – 4.125 = – 0.408 ksi
Initial Stresses at Prestressing force after allowing for initial prestress loss
Hold-Down Point Pi = (number of strands)(area of strand)(effective initial prestress)
= 54(0.153)( 182.35) = 1506.58 kips
(Effective initial prestress calculations are presented in Section
Initial Stresses at The eccentricity of the prestressing strands at the girder end when
Girder End 10 web strands are harped to the topmost location (centroid of the
topmost row of harped strands is at a distance of 2 inches from the
top fiber of the girder) is calculated as follows (see Fig. A.2.7.2).
Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder at the girder end at
transfer stage:
P Pe
fti = i - i e
A St
Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the girder end at
P Pe
fbi = i + i e
A Sb
1506.58 1506.58 (11.34)
= + = 1.911 + 1.624 = 3.535 ksi
788.4 10,521.33
Therefore, provide:
f ci′ = 5892 psi (as compared to 5455 psi obtained for the Standard
design example, an increase of 8 percent)
f c′ = 5892 psi (as compared to 5583 psi obtained for the Standard
design example, an increase of 5.5 percent)
The final strand patterns at the midspan section and at the girder
ends are shown in Figures A.2.7.1 and A.2.7.2. The longitudinal
strand profile is shown in Figure A.2.7.3.
2" 2"
11 spaces @ 2" c/c
Figure A.2.7.2. Final Strand Pattern at Girder End.
CL of Girder
5.5" centroid of straight strands
2'-5" Transfer length
Hold down distance from girder end
Figure A.2.7.3. Longitudinal Strand Profile (half of the girder length is shown).
The distance between the centroid of the 10 harped strands and the
top fiber of the girder the girder end
2(2) + 2(4) + 2(6) + 2(8) + 2(10)
= = 6 in.
The distance between the centroid of the 10 harped strands and the
bottom fiber of the girder at the harp points
2(2) + 2(4) + 2(6) + 2(8) + 2(10)
= = 6 in.
The distance between the centroid of 10 harped strands and the top
of the girder at the transfer length section
(54 in. - 6 in. - 6 in.)
= 6 in. + (2.5 ft.) = 8.13 in.
49.4 ft.
The distance between the centroid of the 44 straight strands and the
bottom fiber of the girder at all locations
10(2) + 10(4) + 10(6) + 8(8) + 6(10)
= = 5.55 in.
Concrete Stresses at
Allowable Stress [LRFD Art. 5.9.4]
The allowable stress limits at transfer for fully prestressed
components, specified by the LRFD Specifications are as follows.
Stresses at Girder
Stresses at the girder ends are checked only at transfer, because it
Ends almost always governs.
Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder at the girder end at
transfer stage:
Pi Pi ee
fti = -
A St
Concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the girder at the girder end at
transfer stage:
Pi Pi ee
fbi = +
A Sb
1506.58 1506.58 (11.34)
= + = 1.911 + 1.624 = +3.535 ksi
788.4 10,521.33
Stresses at Transfer Stresses at transfer length are checked only at release, because it
Length Section almost always governs.
Initial concrete stress at top fiber of the girder at the transfer length
section due to self-weight of the girder and effective initial
P P e Mg
f ti = i - i t +
A St St
Stresses at Hold- The eccentricity of the prestressing strands at the harp points is the
Down Points same as at midspan.
eharp = ec = 19.12 in.
Stresses at Midspan Bending moment due to girder self-weight at midspan section based
on overall girder length of 109'-8"
Mg = 0.5wx(L - x)
w = Self-weight of the girder = 0.821 kips/ft.
L = Overall girder length = 109.67 ft.
x = Half the girder length = 54.84 ft.
Stress Summary at Allowable Stress Limits:
Compression: + 3.535 ksi
Concrete Stresses at
Service Loads
Allowable Stress [LRFD Art.]
Limits The allowable stress limits at service load after losses have occurred
specified by the LRFD Specifications are presented as follows.
Case (I): For stresses due to sum of effective prestress and
permanent loads
(Note that the allowable stress limit for this case is specified as
0.40 f c′ in Standard Specifications.)
Case (II): For stresses due to live load and one-half the sum of
effective prestress and permanent loads
Final Stresses at
Effective prestressing force after allowing for final prestress loss
Ppe = (number of strands)(area of each strand)(fpe)
= 54(0.153)(145.80) = 1204.60 kips
(Calculations for effective final prestress (fpe) are shown in Section
Concrete stresses at the top fiber of the girder at the midspan section
due to transient loads, permanent loads, and effective final prestress
will be investigated for the following three cases using Service I
limit state shown as follows.
Case (I): Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder at the
midspan section due to the sum of effective final
prestress and permanent loads
ftf = Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder, ksi
Case (II): Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder at the
midspan section due to the live load and one-half the
sum of effective final prestress and permanent loads
( M LT + M LL ) Ppe Ppe ec M DCN M DCC + M DW
ftf = + 0.5 - + +
Stg A St St Stg
MLT = Distributed moment due to HS 20-44 truck load
including dynamic load allowance = 1423.00 k-ft.
Case (III): Concrete stress at the top fiber of the girder at the
midspan section due to the sum of effective final
prestress, permanent loads, and transient loads
Sb = Section modulus referenced to the extreme bottom fiber
of the non-composite precast girder = 10,521.33 in.3
Concrete stress at the top fiber of the slab at midspan section due
to superimposed dead loads
ft =
(160.64 + 188.64)(12 in./ft.)
= = 0.126 ksi
Concrete stress at the top fiber of the slab at midspan section due
to sum of live loads and one-half the superimposed dead loads
M LT + M LL + 0.5( M DCC + M DW )
ft =
[1423.00 + 602.72 + 0.5(160.64 + 188.64)](12 in./ft.)
= +0.792 ksi
Concrete stress at the top fiber of the slab at midspan section due
to sum of permanent loads and live load.
M LT + M LL + M DCC + M DW
ft =
[1423.00 + 602.72 + 160.64 + 188.64](12 in./ft.)
= = +0.855 ksi
Summary of Stresses The final stresses at the top and bottom fiber of the girder and at the
at Service Loads top fiber of the slab at service conditions for the cases defined in
Section A. are summarized as follows.
Composite Section The composite section properties calculated in Section A.
Properties were based on the modular ratio value of 1. But as the actual
concrete strength is now selected, the actual modular ratio can be
determined and the corresponding composite section properties can
be evaluated. The updated composite section properties are
presented in Table A.2.8.1.
n = Modular ratio between slab and girder concrete
n= = 0.824
CHECK FOR LIVE The live load moment distribution factor calculation involves a
LOAD MOMENT parameter for longitudinal stiffness, Kg. This parameter depends on the
DISTRIBUTION modular ratio between the girder and the slab concrete. The live load
FACTOR moment distribution factor calculated in Section A. is based on
the assumption that the modular ratio between the girder and slab
concrete is 1. However, as the actual concrete strength is now chosen,
the live load moment distribution factor based on the actual modular
ratio needs to be calculated and compared to the distribution factor
calculated in Section A. If the difference between the two is
found to be large, the bending moments have to be updated based on
the calculated live load moment distribution factor.
n = Modular ratio between girder and slab concrete
E for girder concrete Ecp
= c =
Ec for slab concrete Ecs
(Note that this ratio is the inverse of the one defined for
composite section properties in Section A.
n = = 1.214
10,000 ≤ Kg ≤ 7,000,000
10,000 ≤ 1,374,282.6 ≤ 7,000,000 (O.K.)
DFM = Live load moment distribution factor for interior girders
The greater of the above two distribution factors governs. Thus, the
case of two or more lanes loaded controls.
0.650 - 0.639
Percent difference in DFM = 100 = 1.69 percent
LRFD Art. 5.5.3 specifies that the check for fatigue of the
prestressing strands is not required for fully prestressed components
that are designed to have extreme fiber tensile stress due to the
Service III limit state within the specified limit of 0.19 fc' .
LIMIT STATE The flexural strength limit state is investigated for the Strength I
load combination specified by LRFD Table 3.4.1-1 as follows.
fps = Average stress in the prestressing steel, ksi
fpe = 202.5 – 56.70 = 145.80 ksi > 0.5fpu = 0.5(270) = 135 ksi
Therefore, the equation for fps shown above is applicable.
f py
k = 2 1.04 - [LRFD Eq.]
f pu
= 0.28 for low-relaxation prestressing strands
[LRFD Table C5.]
[LRFD Art.]
The maximum amount of the prestressed and non-prestressed
reinforcement should be such that
0.42 [LRFD Eq.]
in which:
Aps f ps d p + As f y d s
de = [LRFD Eq.]
Aps f ps + A s f y
c 7.73
= = 0.137 << 0.42 (O.K.)
de 56.37
Minimum [LRFD Art.]
Reinforcement At any section of a flexural component, the amount of prestressed
and non-prestressed tensile reinforcement should be adequate to
develop a factored flexural resistance, Mr, at least equal to the lesser
• 1.2 times the cracking moment, Mcr, determined on the basis
of elastic stress distribution and the modulus of rupture of
concrete, fr
1204.60 1204.60(19.12)
fcpe = +
788.4 10,521.33
= 1.528 + 2.189 = 3.717 ksi
Since, 1.2 Mcr < 1.33 Mu, the 1.2Mcr requirement controls.
The area and spacing of shear reinforcement must be determined at
DESIGN regular intervals along the entire span length of the girder. In this
design example, transverse shear design procedures are
demonstrated below by determining these values at the critical
section near the supports. Similar calculations can be performed to
determine shear reinforcement requirements at any selected section.
Critical Section Critical section near the supports is the greater of:
[LRFD Art.]
0.5 dv cot or dv
dv = Effective shear depth, in.
= Distance between the resultants of tensile and
compressive forces, (de - a/2), but not less than the greater
of (0.9de) or (0.72h) [LRFD Art.]
Angle of Diagonal The angle of inclination of the diagonal compressive stresses is
Compressive calculated using an iterative method. As an initial estimate is taken
Stresses as 230.
Effective Shear The shear design at any section depends on the angle of diagonal
Depth compressive stresses at the section. Shear design is an iterative
process that begins with assuming a value for .
Because some of the strands are harped at the girder end, the
effective depth de, varies from point to point. However, de must be
calculated at the critical section for shear, which is not yet known.
Therefore, for the first iteration, de is calculated based on the center
of gravity of the straight strand group at the end of the girder, ybsend.
This methodology is given in PCI Bridge Design Manual (PCI
Adding half the bearing width (3.5 in., standard pad size for
prestressed girders is 7" × 22") to the critical section distance from
the face of the support to get the distance of the critical section from
the centerline of bearing.
Contribution of [LRFD Art.]
Concrete to Nominal The contribution of the concrete to the nominal shear resistance is
Shear Resistance given as:
Vc = 0.0316 f c′ bv dv [LRFD Eq.]
= A factor indicating the ability of diagonally cracked
concrete to transmit tension
+ 0.5 N u + 0.5(Vu -V p ) cot - Aps f po
x = ≤ 0.001
2( Es As + E p Aps )
[LRFD Eq.]
Vu = Applied factored shear force at the specified section,
= 1.25(40.04 + 39.02 + 5.36) +1.50(6.15) + 1.75(67.28 +
25.48) = 277.08 kips
= tan-1 = 0.072 rad. (see Figure A.2.7.3)
1383.09(12 in./ft.)
+ 0.5(277.08 - 16.42) cot23o - 44(0.153)(202.5)
x =
2[ 28,000(0.0) + 28,500(44)(0.153) ]
x = –0.00194
+ 0.5 N u + 0.5(Vu - V p ) cot - Aps f po
x =
2( Ec Ac + Es As + E p Aps )
Ac = Area of the concrete on the flexural tension side below
h/2 = 473 in.2
x= –0.000155
277.08 - 0.9(16.42)
u = = 0.685 ksi
u/ f c′ = 0.685/5.892 = 0.12
Values of and The values of and are determined using LRFD Table
Linear interpolation is allowed if the values lie between two rows.
Add half the bearing width (3.5 in.) to the critical section distance
from the face of the support to get the distance of the critical section
from the centerline of bearing.
The shear forces and bending moments will be updated based on the
updated critical section location.
1540.50(12 in./ft.)
+ 0.5(274.10 - 16.42)cot 20.47o - 44(0.153)(202.5)
= 53.17
2[ 4653.53(473) + 28,000(0.0) + 28,500(44)(0.153) ]
x= –0.000140
Computation of The contribution of the concrete to the nominal shear resistance is
Concrete given as:
Vc = 0.0316 f c′ bv dv [LRFD Eq.]
= A factor indicating the ability of diagonally cracked
concrete to transmit tension = 3.26
Contribution of
Reinforcement to
Nominal Shear
A. Check if Vu > 0.5 φ (Vc + Vp) [LRFD Eq.]
Requirement for
Vu = 274.10 kips > 0.5(0.9)(106.36 + 16.42) = 55.25 kips
Therefore, transverse shear reinforcement should be provided.
Required Area of The required area of transverse shear reinforcement is:
≤ Vn= (Vc+ Vs+ Vp) [LRFD Eq.]
Vs = Shear force carried by transverse reinforcement
Vu 274.10
= - Vc - V p = - 106.36 - 16.42 = 181.77 kips
φ 0.9
Determine spacing
of reinforcement Check for maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement
[LRFD Art..]
check if vu < 0.125 f c′ [LRFD Eq.]
or if vu 0.125 f c′ [LRFD Eq.]
vu = 0.677 ksi
0.4(60)(53.17)(cot 20.47 )
Vs= = 283.9 kips
Minimum The area of transverse reinforcement should not be less than:
Reinforcement [LRFD Art.]
requirement bvs
0.0316 f'c [LRFD Eq.]
= 0.0316 5.892 = 0.12 < Av provided (O.K.)
Maximum Nominal In order to assure that the concrete in the web of the girder will not
Shear Resistance crush prior to yield of the transverse reinforcement, the LRFD
Specifications give an upper limit for Vn as follows:
Vc + Vs 0.25 f c′ bvdv
Factored Horizontal
Shear [LRFD Art. 5.8.4]
At the strength limit state, the horizontal shear at a section can be
calculated as follows
Vu [LRFD Eq. C5.8.4.1-1]
Vh =
Vh = Horizontal shear per unit length of the girder, kips
Required Interface For concrete placed against clean, hardened concrete and free of
Shear Reinforcement laitance, but not an intentionally roughened surface:
[LRFD Art.]
c = 0.075 ksi
= 0.6 , where = 1.0 for normal weight concrete, and therefore,
= 0.6
The actual contact width, bv, between the slab and the girder is 20 in.
Acv = (20 in.)(1 in) = 20 in.2
The LRFD Eq. can be solved for Avf as follows:
3.67 = (0.075)(20) + 0.6(Avf(60) + 0)
Solving for Avf = 0.06 in2/in or 0.72 in.2 / ft.
2 - #4 double-leg bar per ft are provided.
Area of steel provided = 2 (0.40) = 0.80 in.2 / ft.
Provide 2 legged #4 bars at 6 in. c/c
The web reinforcement shall be provided at 6 in. c/c which can be
extended into the cast-in-place slab to account for the interface shear
Minimum Avf (0.05bv)/fy [LRFD Eq.]
Minimum Interface
shear reinforcement where bv = width of the interface
Avf = 0.80 in.2/ft. > [0.05(20)/60](12 in./ft) = 0.2 in.2/ft. O.K.
Vn provided = 0.075(20) + 0.6 (60) + 0 = 3.9 kips/in.
Required [LRFD Art.]
Reinforcement at Width of bearing = 7.0 in.
Face of Bearing Distance of section = 7/2 = 3.5 in. = 0.291 ft.
Shear forces and bending moment are calculated at this section
Vu = 1.25(44.35 + 43.22 + 5.94) + 1.50(6.81) + 1.75(71.05 + 28.14)
= 300.69 kips.
Mu = 1.25(12.04 + 11.73 + 1.61) + 1.50(1.85) + 1.75(15.11 + 6.00)
= 71.44 Kip-ft.
Mu N V
+ 0.5 u + u - 0.5Vs - V p cot
dv φ φ φ
The bursting resistance, Pr, should not be less than 4 percent of Fpi
[LRFD Arts. and C3.4.3]
Pr = fsAs 0.04Fpi = 0.04(1673.06) = 66.90 kips
As = Total area of vertical reinforcement located within a
distance of h/4 from the end of the girder, in 2.
Use 6 - #5 double leg bars at 2.0 in. spacing starting at 2 in. from the
end of the girder.
Confinement [LRFD Art.]
For a distance of 1.5d = 1.5(54) = 81 in. from the end of the girder,
reinforcement is placed to confine the prestressing steel in the bottom
flange. The reinforcement shall not be less than #3 deformed bars
with spacing not exceeding 6 in. The reinforcement should be of
shape which will confine the strands.
Maximum Camber
The LRFD Specifications do not provide any guidelines for the
determination of camber of prestressed concrete members. The
Hyperbolic Functions Method proposed by Rauf and Furr (1970) for
the calculation of maximum camber is used by TxDOT’s
prestressed concrete bridge design software, PSTRS14 (TxDOT
2004). The following steps illustrate the Hyperbolic Functions
method for the estimation of maximum camber.
Step 1: The total prestressing force after initial prestress loss due to
elastic shortening has occurred
Pi M D ec As n
P= +
ec2 As n ec2 As n
1+ pn + I 1 + pn +
Pi = Anchor force in prestressing steel
= (number of strands)(area of strand)(fsi)
Pi = 54(0.153)(202.5) = 1673.06 kips
p = As/A
p = = 0.0105
Eci = [33(150)3/2 5,892 ] = 4,653.53 ksi
n = 28,500/4,653.53 = 6.12
f cs = Concrete stress at the level of centroid of prestressing
steel due to dead loads, ksi
M e (1,209.98)(12 in./ft.)(19.12)
= D c = = 1.066 ksi
I 260,403
1 19.122
f cis = 1521.55 + – 1.066 = 3.0 ksi
788.4 260, 403
εcs1 = ε ∞ s ∞
cr f ci + ε sh
ε∞cr = Ultimate unit creep strain = 0.00034 in./in. [this value is
prescribed by Sinno et. al. (1970)]
sh = Ultimate unit shrinkage strain = 0.000175 in./in. [this
value is prescribed by Sinno et. al. (1970)]
As 1 ec2
εcs 2 = ε cs1 - ε cs1Es +
Eci A I
8.262 1 19.122
εcs 2 = 0.001195 – 0.001195 (28,500) +
4,653.53 788.4 260, 403
= 0.001033 in./in.
1 19.122
f cs = 0.001033 (28,500)(8.262) + = 0.648 ksi
788.4 260, 403
1 19.122
f cs1 = 0.000938(28,500)(8.262) + = 0.5902 ksi
788.4 260, 403
As 1 ec2
εcs 7 = ε cs 6 - εcs 6 Es +
Eci A I
8.262 1 19.122
εcs 7 = 0.001095 – 0.001095(28,500) +
4,653.53 788.4 260, 403
= 0.000947 in./in
ε cs 7 Es As 0.000947(28,500)(8.262)
PL = = = 0.133 = 13.3%
Pi 1,673.06
Total final prestress loss is the sum of initial prestress loss and the
time dependent prestress loss expressed as follows
PL = PLi + PL
PL = Total final prestress loss percent.
5 w L4
384 Eci I
CDL = Initial deflection of the girder under self-weight, ft.
5(0.821)(109.67 4 )
CDL = = 0.184 ft. = 2.208 in.
M pi
Cpi =
Eci I
Mpi = [0.5(P) (ee) (0.5L)2 + 0.5(P) (ec – ee) (0.67) (HD)2
+0.5P (ec – ee) (HDdis) (0.5L + HD)]/(Eci)(I)
5.613 × 109
Cpi = = 4.63 in. = 0.386 ft.
Step 13: The initial camber, CI, is the difference between the
upward camber due to initial prestressing and the
downward deflection due to self-weight of the girder.
∆f cs1
cr f cis - + es
Ultimate camber Ct = Ci (1 – PL ) s
s f cis 3.0
e = = = 0.000619 in./in.
Eci 4,653.53
0.00034 3.0 - + 0.000645
Ct = 2.422(1 – 0.133)
Deflection due to
Slab Weight The deflection due to the slab weight is calculated using an elastic
analysis as follows.
( 12 in./ft.)
5 0.80 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
slab1 =
384(4,653.53)(260, 403)
= 2.06 in. = 0.172 ft.
( 12 in./ft.)
57 0.80 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
slab2 =
6,144(4,653.53)(260, 403)
= 1.471 in. = 0.123 ft.
Deflections due to
Superimposed Dead Deflection due to barrier weight at midspan
5 wbarr L4
barr1 =
384 Ec I c
wbarr = Weight of the barrier = 0.109 kips/ft.
( 12 in./ft.)
5 0.109 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
barr1 =
384(4,653.53)(651,886.0 )
= 0.141 in. = 0.0118 ft.
( 12 in./ft.)
57 0.109 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
barr2 =
= 0.08 in. = 0.0067 ft.
( )
5 0.128 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
= 12 in./ft.
384(4,653.53)(651,886.0 )
= 0.132 in. = 0.011 ft.
( )
57 0.128 [(108.583)(12 in./ft.)]
= 12 in./ft.
= 0.094 in. = 0.0078 ft.
Total Deflection due The total deflection at midspan due to slab weight and
to Dead Loads superimposed loads is:
The deflections due to live loads are not calculated in this example
as they are not a design factor for TxDOT bridges.