Like The Molave
Like The Molave
Like The Molave
shifts uneasily, nudges his fellow youth of This is a parable of seed four ways sown
that sonofbitching corporal’s got his eye on Walk up now and forever knock
us, one more demerit and I’m done for. the flirting chip off?
The youth of the land listens. Or will the nation of our fathers be forever
We Manilans are really cosmopolitan. soul of your seven thousand isles; show me
Was not Franco the word divine made one great Filipino dream, forever sword and
incarnate? shield --speech eloquent and simple as our
Were not those leftist reds atrocious? Of the People by the People for the People
Federico Garcia Lorca? Never heard of him. song grand, foreverlasting as our My
Punctually we remember our dead once a Country
year. ‘Tis of Thee dream age-enduring, sacred as
Punctually we worship God on Sunday our American democracy!
morning. Friend, our silences are long but we also
We are the only Christian nation in the have
Orient. our speeches.
I donated a new organ to my parish. Father, with my whole heart I forgive all.
I made a novena to Saint Anthony. Believe me, your reverence.
I give regularly to our missions. Speeches short before the firing squad, and
Our missions cleared the jungle dark. yet
Our missions hoisted God upon of love,
the mountain-top. I want our people to grow and be like the
Our Igorot child says give me money. molave.
At the outskirts of the town A new edifice shall arise, not out of the
the schoolhouse inspires. ashes
perplexed and hurt, yet fondling the ghost Philippines, you are not a sucker.
of Philippines, you are the molave child,
a toy; hoping and hoping mother will mend questioning, wondering, perplexed, hurt;
the toy. the
The repatriate returns sullen and broken: he molave child hoping and hoping mother will
is mend the shattered toy.
that child. Weknow the story, the black 8.
looks, the scowls, the placards in the The Philippine canvas is flushed
restaurants saying: Neither Dogs nor with heroic hues;
Filipinos The Philippine canvas is not one vicious
Allowed; the warning at the fair: Beware of daub
Filipino Pickpockets; the loneliness, the of machinations, politics, pot-bellied
woman denied. softnesses and youth gone waste.
Yet what say you, repatriate? Our dead heroes have been mummified
America is a great land. into books for youth to read and say, some
Dear child, hoping and hoping guy!
mother will mend the toy. Our dead heroes have been pigeonholed
The emigrant thinks: surely if we welcome into
dates we make public show of inspire, elevate the people with a
remembering. rotogravure
What are dead heroes if from the wells of of the man in the fields at his noonday
their tomato and rice; the fisherman hauling his
lives we draw not the water to slake our net; the policeman beating his beat; the
teacher bent over lesson plans; the hospital
doctor and the nurse asking not: race?
What, if from the springs of their spirits we
drink color? creed? the clerk at his constant
not of faith and the strength of our days? figures; the workers waist-deep in mud; the
Where are the living heroes? Who are they? miners choking in the gold-dust, -- yes, the
Close your books and come with me where living heroes, bluepenciled, wastebasketed,
tread heaped on dumping ground.
unsung heroes, great men and women Only, I have an inkling such newspaper
standing up to the challenge of life. items
Not in books alone are gods; not in would be circused in some special tent;
newspapers: really, an amusing sideshow.
the rotogravures do not reckon them of 9.
human interest. From the hinterland holes and seacoasts,
The newspaper must portray Miss Social barrio
Satellite picking an olive with finger-tips in wastes and city slums they come;
mahjongging for the fleeing in the city of You in whose hands is government,
They are of human interest; they are big Are your hands holy for the
business sacred trust?
to be splashed across the pages for the Blaze fiercely, government; you
veneration of the faithful are the way
Some day, some enterprising publisher will Out of the wilderness
visualize the business possibilities of human of withered institutions.
concern in the humble, and resolveto uplift, From schoolrooms, factories, offices,
mine-holes and sewers they come; wrong hands, are you charged with waving
From pits of drugged sleep they emerge red flags in your poems?
remembering wild dreams and angry winds; In Pampanga they wave little red flags
On the tide of dark and light they stand and they are not poets.
with brave assertions: Because you would write flesh-poems,
Once you struck fear in our hearts. do they snarl?
We can no longer listen to you. Have they forgotten flesh is loving
We have no faith in your tabernacle of
From pulpit and pedestal shout In covert wilds and cloaked fastnesses
yourselves red in the face: they also know and are no poets.
The sapling you would bend Do you blush because you could pour your
is grown like the molave; faith, your hope, your blood, into a poem,
to the man who had helped himself to After the tremendous impact of a poem
an ounce of gold.
soul, have you not felt a benediction
And, taking them off, he smiled an released
as from eternity?
“good-morning” to the man who had
Would security -- a steady job, an insurance
pocketed tons of it.
policy, a bankbook, a pension -- bribe you
into smugness and finally buy you off into
Brother poets, what is your lay?
I know the story well, the twofold struggle
If tomorrow heaven and all under it, earth
with riches of soul and hunger of body, yet and
you sing. all over it, were offered you in barter of a
What is your message? single poem, would you trade it?
Because you would mobilize starved Could you forsake home and loved ones to
forever dedicate your dreams to earth and
against too much money in too few hands,
the supreme goodnesses thereof? Body and soul are one prophetic surge of
Does every object you touch, every sight wave on wave dashing across oceanic
you solitudes laden with Sargasso of tidal
see, every pulsation and breath, every dreams.
The canvas is not life nor its delineation:
and every silence become a pang, a joy, and
The canvas must be alive with the throb
at last a poem uttered and lesson shining, or
of boundless intimations.
unsaid yet inwardly shining?
And the artist who intimates beyond spirit
Do you not hear the haunting accents of the
paints beyond the boundaries of sense;
perfect poem still to come from you?
And no frame can contain the infinite
Would it not be the grand epitome of all
breath extensions of art; wave mounting on
The shining placard: Erected A.D. 1940. people’s: little drops? Somehow, I think, the
Who records the history of an edifice? ocean; and in the swollen waters of the
Who tells the story from cornerstone people’s faith, found, found, found.
to ceremony? 15.
Who peers into the humanity Out of the tangled threads of multicolored
of daily-wage earners?
the land weaves intricate and
Who rehearses the drama of diggers, undecipherable
pale-drivers, riveters, masons, designs;
wood workers and painters? Upon the margin of forever shifting sands
Who investigates their motives? flesh
Who speaks the tongue of myriad fluctuates with mute interrogations.
The city lights flare up, and from the Make my husband a Saint Joseph with
sanctuary others.
of shelter we emerge with faces avid for the Give me a child, boy or girl, but if possible.
night-time mystery, poised for the Give me a raise and I will offer a candle.
unexpected Forgive me the sins by which I earn my
flight. living.
Who sells wings? Ten centavos a pair. Black Nazarene, give me wings.
The orchestra explodes and there is flight. In Antipolo every May there is also great
Who sells wings? Two bucks a pair. praying
What do you say, hah? How about it, hah? before the dancing and the lovemaking.
Who sells wings? Ten bucks a pair. Holy Mother, make him dance with me.
I want them highclass and hygiene, see? Holy Mother, a yearly pilgrimage