Skaven Eshin

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Clan Eshin specializes in stealth and assassination. They get bonus victory points for killing enemy characters and can move unseen in the dark. Their weapons include blowpipes and fighting claws.

Clan Eshin gets benefits from moving unseen in darkness and bonuses for killing characters. Individual units and characters gain abilities like poison attacks, sneaky infiltration, and always strikes first.

Night Runners are required as the base core unit. Other options include Clanrats, Skavenslaves, and Black Skaven. Special units include Giant Rats, Gutter Runners, and Warplock Jezzails.

Skaven Clan Eshin – 7.

Premise: With the individual Clans losing their Fighting Claws: The martial arts practiced by Clan
identity in Warhammer Fantasy Battle 7th Edition, Eshin employ many unusual weapons. The most
this series is to bring back the individual Clan famous of these are the Eshin Fighting Claws: sharp
identities and make them useful for those who would metal blades attached to the paws of a Skaven
rather play battles using the Skaven background, warrior. It takes a real expert to use them effectively,
rather than “who can put the best unit combination but an adept of Clan Eshin is a fearsome opponent
together” tournament-style. when armed this way.
Fighting Claws are treated as fighting with an
This Clan Eshin rendition comes from the 7th Edition
additional hand weapon, but also have a defensive
Storm of Chaos supplement, which first introduced a
value and are treated as fighting with a shield at the
Clan Eshin specific Warhammer army list.
same time. Thus, in close combat, Fighting Claws
benefit the wielder with +1 attack and a 6+ armor
The rationale for each modified unit or character is
save. If the wielder chooses to fight defensively (and
listed beneath each unit section, rather than in the
not use the additional attack) they confer a 5+ armor
back of the list. The rationale states how I converted
save (as if fighting with hand weapon/shield in close
the profile from 6th Edition to the current 7th Edition
combat). Note that fighting claws confer no armour
save against shooting attacks.
SPECIAL RULES Fighting Claws are cumbersome weapons and
As a variant/supplement to the Warhammer Armies disallow the wielder to use any other kind of missile
Skaven book, that tome will be needed in order to use or close combat weapon.
this army list. Models armed with Fighting Claws may climb
Skaven-wide Special rules, such as Scurry Away, vertical surfaces (such as castle walls) by passing an
Strength in Numbers, and Verminous Valour apply to Initiative test.
all units profiled here, unless otherwise noted. Rationale: Taken from Mordheim weapon choice.
The Eshin army is principally employed to collapse Additional hand weapon with ½ cost of a shield,
command structures and hence gets +100 VP for each since they cannot be used against missile attacks..
enemy character removed from play in addition to
normal bonuses.
Under Cover of Darkness
So great is Clan Eshin’s training in the art of stealth
that they are fully capable of launching a successful
assault in the dead of night. Often the first sign of
their presence is when their prey begin to die.
At the start of each game turn, roll an Artillery dice
and multiply the result by 3 to find out how far in
inches the troops can see through the darkness. If
you roll a misfire then the moon is bright enough for
normal warfare for that game turn. Armies with War
Machines may not use this tactic.

Clan Eshin Armoury

Blowpipe: The blowpipe is a short hollow tube that
can be used to shoot poison darts. While the darts
themselves are too small to cause significant damage,
the poison used by the Skaven can cause searing
agony and eventual death.
Maximum Range: 12” Strength: 3
2x Multiple Shots. Poison Attacks.
Rationale: Taken from Mordheim weapon choice.
Rules taken from 7th Edition Lizardmen Army Book.

Skaven Clan Eshin – 7.0

Master Assassin Pts/model: 210 Assassin
(See Skaven Army Book 7th Ed.)
Under the command of the Nightlord, Clan Eshin is
led by 13 Master Assassins (one of which is
Deathmaster Snikch, who cannot lead an army) who Options:
lead his armies and do his bidding. The Master • May purchase a blowpipe for +4 pts or
Assassins profiled here represent the best of Clan exchange throwing stars for blowpipe for +2
Eshin who have proven themselves capable of doing pts.
the Nightlord’s dirty work and still commanding the
respect of his followers. Eshin Sorcerer Pts/model: 95
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Rather than rely on the technological weapons of
Master Clan Skryre Warlock Engineers, Clan Eshin uses
7 8 6 4 4 3 10 4 8 their own Sorcerers; adept at getting their assassins
Assassin into key positions on the battlefield.

Equipment: Additional hand weapon & throwing Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld

stars. Eshin
6 4 4 3 3 2 5 1 7
Options: Sorcerer
• May be exchange throwing stars for
blowpipe for +4 pts. Equipment: Additional hand weapon & throwing
• May choose items from the Magic Items stars.
(including Clan Eshin Tools of War items) Magic: An Eshin Sorcerer is a Level 1 Wizard. He
and Scavenge-pile items up to a total value always knows the Skitterleap spell.
of 100 points.
• May not choose items from any other Clan’s
Tools of War list). • May be exchange throwing stars for
blowpipe for +2 pts.
• May be given the Dodge Skill (4+ Ward
Save) for +50 points. • May choose items from the Magic Items
(including Clan Eshin Tools of War items)
• May be given the Always Strikes First
and Scavenge-pile items up to a total value
capability for +50 points.
of 50 points.
Special Rules: Poisonous Attacks, Sneaky • May not choose items from any other Clan’s
Infiltrator, Hidden. Tools of War list).
• May be upgraded to a Level 2 Wizard at a
Note that since the Master Assassin has to spend cost of +15 points. He does not gain another
more time leading troops and less time on mastering spell.
his craft, he does not get the Always Strikes First rule
or 4+ Dodge applicable to lesser assassins. Special Rules: Poisonous Attacks, Sneaky
However, you may pay additional points under the Infiltrator.
Options section to give him this capability.
Clan Eshin sorcerers have perfected their abilities to
Rationale: 6th Edition Warlord +2 M, WS, BS and teleport their brethren into the desired place on the
+1 Ld. +125 pts. cost. Applied to 7th Edition battlefield. When casting Skitterleap, the teleported
Warlord. model may even be placed in base contact with any
enemy that is not fleeing and counts as pursuing into
fresh enemy models (as charging with no Fear/Terror
tests taken)..
Rationale: 6th Edition Warlock Engineer +1 M, WS,
BS, I and +2 Ld. +130 pts. cost. Applied to 7th
Edition Warlock Engineer with Level 1 Wizard

Skaven Clan Eshin – 7.0

CORE UNITS Eshin Triad Pts/model: 240

Night Runners**
Clanrats An Eshin Triad is a unit of three Skaven Assassins
Skavenslaves who hunt down and kill vulnerable individuals and
Black Skaven (Storm Vermin)* even small units. They do not count as characters,
Rat Swarm* cannot buy magic items and to all intents and
(See Skaven Army Book 7th Ed.) purposes form a separate skirmishing unit, which
none of them can leave under any circumstances.
*Black Skaven & Rat Swarms do not count toward Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
the minimum number of Core units you must include
in your army. Assassin 6 6 5 4 4 2 8 3 7

**Night Runners are the primary commoners of Clan Unit Size: 3 Skaven Assassins
Eshin. You must have 1 unit of Night Runners for Equipment: Additional hand weapon & throwing
any other type of Core Unit in the army. For stars.
example, 1 unit of Night Runners permits 1 unit each
of any other type. 2 units of Night Runners permits Options:
up to 2 units each of any other type. • May choose smoke bombs from the Clan
Eshin tools of War list for +30 points.
SPECIAL UNITS • May exchange their weapons & throwing
Giant Rats* stars for Fighting Claws at no extra cost.
Gutter Runners • May exchange their throwing stars for
Warplock Jezzails blowpipes for +6 points.
(See Skaven Army Book 7th Ed.)
Special Rules: Poisonous Attacks, Sneaky
*You may not upgrade one packmaster to a Master Infiltrators, Skirmish, Always Strikes First, Dodge
Moulder or Skweel Gnawtooth. (4+)
Rationale: 2x the cost of 6th Edition Assassin.
RARE UNITS Therefore, 2x cost of 7th Edition Assassin used.
Rat Ogres*
Plague Monks
Plague Censer Bearers
Poinson Wind Globadiers
Hell Pit Abomination
Warp Lightning Cannon
Plagueclaw Catapult
Dogs of War

*You may not upgrade one packmaster to Skweel


Skaven Clan Eshin – 7.0

Special Characters Unblinking Eye: Thanks to the sorcerous devices

built by the Warlock Engineers of Clan Skryre,
Vermin Lord Veskit has a Warlock Optics scope built into his left
A single Vermin Lord, representing the notorious eye socket.
Nightlord, is available to the Clan Eshin army. As
stated in the rulebook, he cannot be the army’s This confers a +1 to his BS (shown on profile) and he
General (meaning he would not be available to an can partially see through objects. Therefore, he
army under 3,000 points in size). suffers no penalty for shooting at targets in cover.

Deathmaster Snikch Rationale: Taken from Mordheim Dramatis

Since the Deathmaster is subject to the “Killer, not a Personae. Chieftain with add’l weapon, ½ shield &
Leader” special rule, he can never be your army’s brace of warplock pistols (2x multiple shots). Empire
General. plate mail & shield for PV of metallic body.
Unfeeling = Mark of Slaanesh from Warriors of
Veskit, High Executioner Chaos. Ward Save = 45 pts (standard cost for 4+).
Warlock Optics from Skaven 7th Ed.
Pts/model: 175
Veskit was all ready a talented Clan Eshin assassin
when he was entrusted with his most difficult
mission: He was hired by Clan Skryre to free one of
their oldest and most experienced Warlocks who was
being held hostage by a rival clan.
Veskit managed to take the prisoner back, fighting
his way through the guards, but at a very high cost.
He suffered terrible wounds and would have certainly
died, but the Nightlord of Clan Eshin made a pact
with the Warlock Engineers of Clan Skryre, replacing
various parts of Veskit’s body with their part-
technological, part-magical implants and made him a
walking arsenal of deadly weapons. Veskit is now
more a machine than a living thing, and his thirst for
killing has become almost uncontrollable.
Veskit is a Hero Character who can be your army’s
General. Due to his close alignment with Clan
Skryre, he can also be fielded as a Special Character
for a Clan Skryre army.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Veskit 5 5 4+1 4 4 2 6 3+1 6

Equipment: Eshin Fighting Claws. Each

incorporates a built-in warplock pistol
Metallic Body: Veskit’s metallic carapace gives him
a 3+ armour save. When combined with his Fighting
Claws in Close Combat, this confers a 1+ or 2+
armour save.
Unfeeling: Veskit is a cold, calculating killing
machine and feels few of the emotions that living
things do. He is Immune to Fear, Terror and Panic.
No Pain: Veskit shrugs off wounds and injuries that
would fell a normal Skaven. He has a 4+ Ward Save.

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