LabVolt Industrial AC Drives
LabVolt Industrial AC Drives
LabVolt Industrial AC Drives
AC Motor Drives
Printed in Canada
Student Manual
29980-00 |3029980000000R~
Power Electronics
AC Motor Drives
Student Manual
the Staff
Lab-Volt Ltd.
ISBN 978-2-89640-229-8
2-89289-275-9 (1st Edition, 1992)
Printed in Canada
August 2009
Today, many reliable, flexible, and efficient power electronics systems are used in
all spheres of industry. Applications can be found in the field of both dc and ac motor
control, as well as in high-voltage electric power generation and transmission.
The Power Electronics hands-on training system from Lab-Volt offers a compre-
hensive program in the field of Power Electronics. It comprises a variety of training
modules and manuals that cover most important aspects and techniques relevant
to the field, through the use of the commutated switches (SCRs) and self
commutated switches (IGBT, MOSFET, GTO, etc.). The subject matter is
approached from a practical point of view. Following a discussion of theoretical
concepts in each laboratory exercise, the student is guided through a step-by-step,
hands-on exercise procedure. A conclusion and a set of review questions terminate
each exercise.
When a circuit element or circuit set-up is introduced, the related phenomena are
explained, and the student verifies the theory using the procedures given in the
exercise. Each exercise builds on that which was previously carried out. This "built-
in" progression in difficulty promotes efficient learning.
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
Table of Contents (cont'd)
Various symbols are used in many of the circuit diagrams given in the exercises of
this manual. Each symbol is a functional representation of a device used in power
electronics. The use of these symbols greatly simplifies the circuit diagrams, by
reducing the number of interconnections shown, and makes it easier to understand
the circuit operation. Appendix A of each manual of the Lab-Volt Power Electronics
series lists the symbols used, the name of the device which each symbol represents,
and a diagram showing the equipment, and in some cases the connections, required
to obtain the device.
The exercises in this manual can be carried out with the following ac network line
voltages: 120 V ac, 220 V ac, and 240 V ac. The values of the components in the
various circuits used often depend on the line voltage. For this reason, each
component in the circuit diagrams is identified with a capital letter and a subscript
number. A table accompanying the circuit diagram indicates the value of each
component for the various line voltages (120, 220, and 240 V ac).
Appendix B of this manual provides a table which gives usual impedances which can
be obtained using the 120-V ac, 220-V ac, and 240-V ac versions of the load
modules of the Power Electronics Training System.
Before performing the exercises in this manual, the student should be familiar with
the operation of the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit (chopper and inverter modes of
operation), the IGBT Chopper / Inverter module, and the reversible dc power supply.
Refer to the manual Familiarization with the Lab-Volt Power Electronics Equipment,
part number 29971-E0, if you are performing the exercises of this manual using the
Lab-Volt Data Acquisition and Management System (LVDAM).
Refer to the manual Familiarization with the Lab-Volt Power Electronics Equipment,
part number 29971-E0, if you are performing the exercises of this manual using the
MOSFET Chopper/Inverter, Model 8837-0X, instead of the IGBT Chopper/Inverter,
Model 8837-AX.
Exercise 1
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
An induction-motor drive with a constant V/f ratio can be built with a 180E-modulation
voltage-source inverter, a phase-controlled thyristor bridge, and some simple
electronic circuitry. Figure 1-1 shows a simplified diagram of such a drive.
Figure 1-1. Simplified diagram of a voltage-source inverter (VSI) induction-motor drive powered
by a phase-controlled thyristor bridge.
In Figure 1-1, the phase-controlled thyristor bridge converts ac power coming from
a three-phase ac network into dc power to supply power to the voltage-source
inverter (VSI). The V/f RATIO CONTROL CIRCUIT makes the firing angle of the
phase-controlled thyristor bridge vary so that the V/f ratio at the VSI outputs remains
virtually constant. When the VSI operating frequency increases, the firing angle of
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
the phase-controlled thyristor bridge is decreased. This makes the dc voltage at the
output of the phase-controlled thyristor bridge (VSI input) and the line voltage at the
VSI outputs increase. Conversely, when the VSI operating frequency decreases, the
firing angle of the phase-controlled thyristor bridge is increased. This makes the
dc voltage at the output of the phase-controlled thyristor bridge (VSI input) and the
line voltage at the VSI outputs decrease.
Figure 1-2 shows the relationship between the voltage at the VSI outputs and the
VSI operating frequency for both directions of rotation (positive and negative halves
of the frequency axis). In a major part of the frequency range, the voltage at the
VSI outputs varies linearly with the VSI operating frequency so that the V/f ratio is
Figure 1-2. Relationship between the voltage and frequency in a VSI induction-motor drive
powered by a phase-controlled thyristor bridge.
At low frequencies, the voltage at the VSI outputs is maintained at the minimum
value which allows the motor to rotate at low speed. An adjustment in the V/f RATIO
CONTROL CIRCUIT usually allows the minimum voltage at the VSI outputs to be
adjusted. If the voltage would vary linearly with the VSI operating frequency in this
zone, as shown by the dotted lines in Figure 1-2, the voltage at the VSI outputs
would be insufficient to make the motor rotate at low speed.
The voltage at the VSI outputs stops increasing when it reaches a certain value even
if the VSI operating frequency continues to increase. This value usually corresponds
to the nominal voltage of the induction motor to be driven. An adjustment in the
V/f RATIO CONTROL CIRCUIT usually allows the maximum voltage at the
VSI outputs to be adjusted. Notice that in some cases, the voltage at the VSI outputs
simply stops increasing when the dc voltage at the output of the phase-controlled
thyristor bridge reaches the maximum value, that is, when the firing angle is 0E.
Another adjustment in the V/f RATIO CONTROL CIRCUIT usually allows the slope
of the relationship to be adjusted. This allows the V/f ratio constant to be adjusted
so that the magnetic flux in the induction motor is adequate. This adjustment is
usually set so that the voltage at the VSI outputs equals the nominal voltage of the
induction motor to be driven when the VSI operating frequency is equal to the
nominal operating frequency of the induction motor to be driven.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
The line power factor related to a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a phase-
controlled thyristor bridge depends on the firing angle of the thyristor bridge. The line
power factor decreases when the firing angle of the thyristor bridge increases (the
firing angle typically varies between 0 and 90E), that is, when the rotation speed of
the induction motor decreases, and vice versa. Therefore, the line power factor is
fairly good at high rotation speed where the firing angle is low and becomes worse
and worse as the rotation speed decreases.
Braking capability
Figure 1-3 shows the complete relationship between the torque and rotation speed
of an induction machine. This curve is divided into three portions which are labelled
Figure 1-3. Relationship between the torque and the rotation speed of an induction machine.
In the BRAKE portion of the relationship, the rotor rotates in the direction opposite
to that of the revolving magnetic field and the torque developed in the induction
machine brakes the rotor. In this case, the induction machine operates as a brake,
the mechanical braking power being dissipated as heat in the induction machine.
In the MOTOR portion of the relationship, the rotor rotates in the same direction as
the revolving magnetic field at a speed lower than that of the revolving magnetic
field, that is, the synchronous speed ns. The torque direction is in the rotation
direction and drives the rotor. In this case, the induction machine operates as a
In the GENERATOR portion of the relationship, the rotor rotates in the same
direction as the revolving magnetic field at a speed which is higher than that of the
synchronous speed ns. The torque is in the direction opposite to the rotation direction
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
and tends to brake the rotor as in the BRAKE portion of the relationship. This time,
however, the mechanical braking power is converted into electrical energy which is
returned to the ac power network supplying the induction machine instead of being
dissipated as heat. In this case, the induction machine operates as a generator.
Figure 1-4 allows understanding what happens often in a VSI induction-motor drive
when the VSI operating frequency is decreased to decrease the rotation speed of the
induction motor. At first, the motor rotates in the same direction as the revolving
magnetic field at a speed slightly lower than the synchronous speed ns. Dot P1 in
Figure 1-4 shows the operation point of the induction motor in this situation. When
the VSI operating frequency is decreased, the synchronous speed ns decreases and
the relationship between the torque and rotation speed becomes that shown as a
dotted line in Figure 1-4. Since the rotation speed of the rotor cannot decrease
instantaneously, it exceeds the synchronous speed ns1 and the induction motor starts
to operate as a generator. The operation point of the induction machine moves in the
generator portion of the relationship as shown by dot P2 in Figure 1-4. The induction
motor operates as a generator as long as its rotation speed exceeds the
synchronous speed ns1. The rotation speed of the induction motor then decreases
and stabilizes in the motor portion of the relationship as shown by dot P3 in
Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4. Decreasing the VSI operating frequency in a VSI induction-motor drive.
The electrical energy the induction motor produces during the time interval it
operates as a generator is sent back to the outputs of the VSI, which in turn sends
this energy back to its input. When the VSI is powered by a thyristor bridge, the
electrical energy coming from the induction motor cannot be sent back to the
ac power network. Therefore, this energy must be dissipated at the input of the VSI,
usually in a resistive load connected in parallel to the VSI input as shown in
Figure 1-1. This causes the dc voltage at the VSI input to increase during the time
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
interval the induction motor operates as a generator. If the voltage increase is great
enough, it could damage components in the thyristor bridge and the VSI or trigger
overvoltage protection circuits. In either case, unfortunately, the VSI induction-motor
drive stops to operate normally. Therefore, a VSI induction-motor drive powered by
a phase-controlled thyristor bridge offers poor braking capabilities.
Procedure Summary
In the first part of this exercise, you will set up in the Mobile Workstation the
equipment required to carry out this exercise.
In the second part of this exercise, you will use the circuit shown in Figure 1-6 to
observe the operation of a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a phase-controlled
thyristor bridge. In this circuit, the voltage which controls the VSI operating frequency
is provided by DC SOURCE 1. This voltage is rectified, amplified, and level shifted
using the voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2 to obtain the voltage necessary to
control the firing angle of the thyristor bridge. The Thyristor Firing Unit calculates the
arc cosine of this voltage to determine the firing angle. This ensures that the
dc voltage at the thyristor bridge output varies linearly with the voltage controlling the
firing angle. Resistors R1, R2, and R3 allow the dc current which may come from the
VSI input to be sunk. Notice that the voltage-source inverter uses 180E modulation.
Figure 1-5 shows the relationship between the voltage at the VSI outputs and the
VSI operating frequency, which can be obtained with the circuitry controlling the
V/f ratio in Figure 1-6. The dotted line in Figure 1-5 corresponds to the ideal voltage-
frequency relationship shown in the DISCUSSION. The form and slope of these two
relationships are slightly different but the minimum and maximum voltages are the
same in both relationships. The gain of the Proportional AMPLIFIER and the
dc voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2 in the circuit of Figure 1-6 allow the slope and
the minimum voltage of the relationship to be adjusted, respectively.
You will set the voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2 and the gain of the Proportional
AMPLIFIER so that the VSI induction-motor drive operates properly. You will vary
the VSI operating frequency to vary the rotation speed of the induction motor, while
observing the firing angle of the thyristor bridge, the dc voltage at the VSI input, and
the line voltage at the VSI outputs, to understand the operation of the VSI induction-
motor drive.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
Figure 1-5. Relationship between the voltage and frequency in the VSI induction-motor drive
powered by a phase-controlled thyristor bridge shown in Figure 1-6.
In the third part of this exercise, you will vary the rotation speed of the induction
motor while observing the active and reactive power supplied to the drive. This will
allow you to determine the effect varying the rotation speed of the induction motor
has on the line power factor.
In the fourth part of this exercise, you will decrease the VSI operating frequency to
brake the induction motor. This will allow you to observe the braking capability of a
VSI induction-motor drive powered by a phase-controlled thyristor bridge.
Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart, in Appendix C of this manual, to obtain the
list of the equipment required to carry out this exercise.
G 1. Install the Power Supply, the Enclosure / Power Supply, the Chopper /
Inverter, the Power Thyristors, the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor,
the Smoothing Inductors, theDC Voltmeter/Ammeter, the AC Voltmeter, the
Three-Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter, the PID Controller, and the Resistive
Load modules in the Mobile Workstation.
G 2. Install the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, the Thyristor Firing Unit, and the
Current/Voltage Isolator in the Enclosure / Power Supply.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
Note: Before installing the Thyristor Firing Unit in the Enclosure /
Power Supply, make sure that switches SW 1 and SW 2 located
on the printed circuit board are set to the O position.
G 3. Make sure that the main power switch of the Power Supply is set to the
O (OFF) position. Connect the Power Supply to a three-phase wall
G 4. Plug the Enclosure / Power Supply line cord into a wall receptacle. Set the
rocker switch of the Enclosure / Power Supply to the I (ON) position.
G 5. On the Power Supply, set the 24-V ac power switch to the I (ON) position.
G 6. Make sure that the toggle switches on the Resistive Load modules are all
set to the O position.
G 7. Install the dynamo of the Speed Sensor / Tachometer on the shaft of the
Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.
COMPLEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O
ARC COSINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
On the PID Controller
Interconnection switch S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Interconnection switch S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Interconnection switch S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Interconnection switch S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
ROTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clockwise
On the oscilloscope
On the Power Supply, make sure that the voltage control knob is set to the
0 position then set the main power switch to the I (ON) position.
Slowly set the voltage control knob of the Power Supply to the 90 position
(90% of the ac network line voltage).
G 10. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 2 control knob
so that the firing angle indicated on the Thyristor Firing Unit is equal to
approximately 90E.
Observe the voltage at the ANGLE CONTROL INPUT of the Thyristor Firing
Unit displayed on the oscilloscope screen (channel 2), the firing angle
indicated on the Thyristor Firing Unit (firing angle of the thyristor bridge), and
the voltage indicated by the DC Voltmeter/Ammeter (dc voltage at the
VSI input).
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
From these observations, briefly explain why the dc voltage at the VSI input
is 0.
G 11. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slightly adjust the DC SOURCE 1
control knob so that the firing angle of the thyristor bridge is maximum.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 2 control knob
so that the firing angle of the thyristor bridge decreases to approximate-
ly 73E. While doing this, observe the voltage at the ANGLE CONTROL
INPUT of the Thyristor Firing Unit on the oscilloscope screen and the
dc voltage at the VSI input. The induction motor should start to rotate at a
very low speed.
Note: If the induction motor does not start to rotate once the firing
angle is adjusted to approximately 73E, readjust the
DC SOURCE 1 control knob very slightly so that the induction
motor starts to rotate at a very low speed.
What has happened to the dc voltage at the VSI input when you adjusted
the dc voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2 so that the firing angle of the
thyristor bridge is equal to approximately 73E?
G 12. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
clockwise, while observing the waveform of the line voltage at the
VSI outputs on the oscilloscope screen (channel 1), until the VSI operating
frequency is approximately equal to the ac network frequency.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
What has happened to the dc voltage at the VSI input and the line voltage
at the VSI outputs when you adjusted the gain of the Proportional
AMPLIFIER so that the firing angle is equal to minimum?
Is the line voltage at the VSI outputs approximately equal to the nominal line
voltage of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor?
G Yes G No
G 13. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly vary the setting of the
DC SOURCE 1 control knob so that the rotation speed of the induction
motor varies between 0 and 2500 r/min, in both rotation directions. While
doing this, observe the dc voltage at the VSI input, the line voltage at the
VSI outputs, the firing angle of the thyristor bridge, and the dc voltage at the
ANGLE CONTROL INPUT of the Thyristor Firing Unit.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
Is it possible to make the induction motor rotate at very low speeds?
G 14. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, temporarily disconnect the lead
connected to the OUTPUT of DC SOURCE 2 then connect it to the common
point. This connects one of the two positive inputs of amplifier A2 to the
common point. While doing this, observe the firing angle of the thyristor
bridge and the dc voltage at the VSI input.
G 15. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly vary the setting of the
DC SOURCE 1 control knob so that the rotation speed of the induction
motor varies between 150 and 2500 r/min. While doing this, observe the
active power and the reactive power indicated by the Three-Phase
Wattmeter/Varmeter and the firing angle of the thyristor bridge.
Does the line power factor vary when the rotation speed of the induction
motor is varied? Explain.
Braking capability
G 16. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly set the DC SOURCE 1
control knob so that the induction motor stops rotating then set the main
power switch of the Power Supply to the O position. Set the voltage control
knob to the 0 position.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
Install the Inertia Wheel on the rotor of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor. Make sure that the securing device of the Inertia Wheel is
well tightened.
On the Power Supply, set the main power switch to the I position then set
the voltage control knob to the 100 position. On the Chopper / Inverter
Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob so that the induction motor
rotates clockwise at a speed of 2000 r/min.
G 17. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
counterclockwise to decrease the VSI operating frequency so that the
rotation speed of the induction motor passes from 2000 to 1500 r/min in
approximately 1 second. While doing this, observe the dc voltage at the
VSI input.
Note: You can repeat this step a few times to make sure of what
happens to the dc voltage at the VSI input when the induction
motor speed is reduced.
Describe what happens to the dc voltage at the VSI input when the
VSI operating frequency is decreased to decrease the rotation speed of the
induction motor. Explain.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 2000 r/min.
G 18. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
counterclockwise to decrease the VSI operating frequency so that the
rotation speed of the induction motor passes from 2000 to 1500 r/min in
approximately 1 second. While doing this, observe the active power
indicated on the Three-Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter.
Note: You can repeat this step a few times to make sure of what
happens to the active power provided to the thyristor bridge by
the three-phase ac power network when the induction motor
speed is reduced.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
Is electrical energy returned to the three-phase ac power network when the
VSI operating frequency is decreased to decrease the rotation speed of the
induction motor? Explain.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 2500 r/min.
G 19. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, rapidly turn the DC SOURCE 1
control knob counterclockwise to decrease the VSI operating frequency so
that the rotation speed of the induction motor passes from 2500 to
approximately 2000 r/min. This should trip circuit breakers on the Chopper /
Inverter module.
On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob to the 0 position then set
the main power switch to the O position.
Briefly explain why circuit breakers on the Chopper / Inverter module trip
when the VSI operating frequency is rapidly decreased to decrease the
rotation speed of the induction motor.
G 20. On the Power Supply, set the 24-V ac power switch to the O (OFF) position.
Set the rocker switch on the Enclosure / Power Supply to the O position.
Remove all leads, cables, and probes. Reset the tripped circuit breakers on
the Chopper / Inverter module.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
You observed that the line power factor depends on the rotation speed of the
induction motor. You found that the line power factor becomes worse and worse (its
value decreases) as the rotation speed of the induction motor decreases (as the
firing angle of the thyristor bridge increases).
You learned that when the rotation speed of an induction motor exceeds the speed
of the revolving magnetic field, the induction motor acts as a generator. You found
that the induction motor cannot be braked rapidly in a VSI induction-motor drive
powered by a phase-controlled thyristor bridge because the energy the induction
motor produces is sent back to the VSI input where it must be dissipated since it
cannot be sent back to the ac power network. This causes a voltage increase at the
VSI input which could damage the circuitry if there were no overvoltage protection
1. Briefly describe the operation of a constant V/f ratio induction-motor drive built
with a VSI powered by a phase-controlled thyristor bridge.
2. How does the line power factor vary when the motor rotation speed is varied in
a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a phase-controlled thyristor bridge?
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Phase-Controlled Thyristor Bridge
Exercise 2
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
An induction-motor drive with a constant V/f ratio can be built with a 180E-modulation
VSI, a diode rectifier, a buck chopper, and some simple electronic circuitry.
Figure 2-1 shows a simplified diagram of such a drive. The induction-motor drive
shown in Figure 2-1 is similar to the VSI induction-motor drive powered by a phase-
controlled thyristor bridge discussed in the previous exercise of this manual. The
main difference is that the diode rectifier and the buck chopper replace the phase-
controlled thyristor bridge to supply dc power to the VSI.
In Figure 2-1, the diode rectifier converts ac power coming from a three-phase
ac network into dc power to supply the buck chopper. The V/f RATIO CONTROL
CIRCUIT varies the duty cycle of the buck chopper so that the V/f ratio at the
VSI outputs remains virtually constant. When the VSI operating frequency increases,
the duty cycle of the buck chopper is increased. This makes the dc voltage at the
buck chopper output (VSI input) and the line voltage at the VSI outputs increase.
Conversely, when the VSI operating frequency decreases, the duty cycle of the buck
chopper is decreased. This makes the dc voltage at the buck chopper output
(VSI input) and the line voltage at the VSI outputs decrease.
Figure 2-2 shows the relationship between the voltage at the VSI outputs and the
VSI operating frequency for both directions of rotation (positive and negative halves
of the frequency axis). In a major part of the frequency range, the voltage at the
VSI outputs varies linearly with the VSI operating frequency so that the V/f ratio is
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
Figure 2-1. Simplified diagram of a voltage-source inverter (VSI) induction-motor drive powered
by a buck chopper.
Figure 2-2. Relationship between the voltage and frequency in a VSI induction-motor drive
powered by a buck chopper.
At low frequencies, the voltage at the VSI outputs is maintained at the minimum
value which allows the motor to rotate at low speed. An adjustment in the V/f RATIO
CONTROL CIRCUIT usually allows the minimum voltage at the VSI outputs to be
adjusted. If the voltage would vary linearly with the VSI operating frequency in this
zone, as shown by the dotted lines in Figure 2-2, the voltage at the VSI outputs
would be insufficient to make the motor rotate at low speed.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
The voltage at the VSI outputs stops increasing when it reaches a certain value even
if the VSI operating frequency continues to increase. This value usually corresponds
to the nominal voltage of the induction motor to be driven. An adjustment in the
V/f RATIO CONTROL CIRCUIT usually allows the maximum voltage at the
VSI outputs to be adjusted. Notice that in some cases, the voltage at the VSI outputs
simply stops increasing when the dc voltage at the buck chopper output reaches the
maximum value, that is, when the duty cycle of the buck chopper is close to 1.
Another adjustment in the V/f RATIO CONTROL CIRCUIT usually allows the slope
of the relationship to be adjusted. This allows the V/f ratio constant to be adjusted
so that the magnetic flux in the induction motor is adequate. This adjustment is
usually set so that the voltage at the VSI outputs equals the nominal voltage of the
induction motor to be driven when the VSI operating frequency is equal to the
nominal operating frequency of the induction motor to be driven.
The line power factor related to a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a buck
chopper is close to 1 and virtually constant regardless the rotation speed of the
induction motor. This is the main advantage of using a diode rectifier and a buck
chopper instead of a phase-controlled thyristor bridge to obtain the dc power supply
with electronically variable voltage which is required to built an induction-motor drive
with a constant V/f ratio using a 180E-modulation VSI. Moreover, a diode rectifier, a
buck chopper, and its control unit are often less expensive than a thyristor bridge and
its control unit.
Braking capability
When the VSI operating frequency is decreased in a VSI induction-motor drive, the
induction motor starts to operate as a generator if its rotation speed becomes greater
than the synchronous speed, that is, the speed of the revolving magnetic field. The
induction motor operates as a generator as long as its rotation speed exceeds the
synchronous speed. This is shown in Figure 2-3.
The electrical energy the induction motor produces during the time interval it
operates as a generator is sent back to the outputs of the VSI, which in turn sends
this energy back to its input. If the VSI is powered by a buck chopper, the electrical
energy coming from the induction motor cannot be sent back to the ac power
network. Therefore, this energy must be dissipated at the input of the VSI, usually
in a resistive load connected in parallel to the VSI input as shown in Figure 2-1. This
causes the dc voltage at the VSI input to increase during the time interval the
induction motor operates as a generator. If the voltage increase is great enough, it
could damage components in the buck chopper and the VSI or trigger overvoltage
protection circuits. In either case, unfortunately, the induction-motor drive stops to
operate normally. Therefore, a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a buck chopper
offers poor braking capabilities.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
Figure 2-3. Decreasing the VSI operating frequency in a VSI induction-motor drive.
Procedure Summary
In the first part of this exercise, you will set up in the Mobile Workstation the
equipment required to carry out this exercise.
In the second part of this exercise, you will use the circuit shown in Figure 2-5 to
observe the operation of a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a buck chopper. In
this circuit, the voltage which controls the VSI operating frequency is provided by
DC SOURCE 1. This voltage is rectified, amplified, and level shifted using the
voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2 to obtain the voltage necessary to control the
duty cycle of the buck chopper. The voltage provided by DC SOURCE 3 sets the
buck chopper operating frequency. Resistors R1, R2, and R3 allow the dc current
which may come from the VSI input to be sunk. Notice that the voltage-source
inverter uses 180E modulation.
Figure 2-4 shows the relationship between the voltage at the VSI outputs and the
VSI operating frequency which can be obtained with the circuitry controlling the
V/f ratio in Figure 2-5. The dotted line in Figure 2-4 corresponds to the ideal voltage-
frequency relationship shown in the DISCUSSION. The form and slope of these two
relationships are slightly different but the minimum and maximum voltages are the
same in both relationships. The gain of the Proportional AMPLIFIER and the
dc voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2 in the circuit of Figure 2-5 allow the slope and
the minimum voltage of the relationship to be adjusted, respectively.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
Figure 2-4. Relationship between the voltage and frequency in the VSI induction-motor drive
powered by a buck chopper shown in Figure 2-5.
You will set the voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2 and the gain of the Proportional
AMPLIFIER so that the VSI induction-motor drive operates properly. You will vary
the VSI operating frequency to vary the rotation speed of the induction motor, while
observing the duty cycle of the buck chopper, the dc voltage at the VSI input, and the
line voltage at the VSI outputs, to understand the operation of the VSI induction-
motor drive.
In the third part of this exercise, you will vary the rotation speed of the induction
motor while observing the active and reactive power supplied to the drive. This will
allow you to determine the effect varying the rotation speed of the induction motor
has on the line power factor.
In the fourth part of this exercise, you will decrease the VSI operating frequency to
brake the induction motor. This will allow you to observe the braking capability of a
VSI induction-motor drive powered by a buck chopper.
Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart, in Appendix C of this manual, to obtain the
list of the equipment required to carry out this exercise.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
Setting up the equipment
G 1. Install the Power Supply, the Enclosure / Power Supply, the Chopper /
Inverter (2), the Power Diodes, the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction
Motor, the Smoothing Inductors, the DC Voltmeter/Ammeter, the AC
Voltmeter, the Three-Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter, the PID Controller, and
the Resistive Load modules in the Mobile Workstation.
G 3. Make sure that the main power switch of the Power Supply is set to the
O (OFF) position. Connect the Power Supply to a three-phase wall
G 4. Plug the Enclosure / Power Supply line cord into a wall receptacle. Set the
rocker switch of the Enclosure / Power Supply to the I (ON) position.
G 5. On the Power Supply, set the 24-V ac power switch to the I (ON) position.
G 6. Make sure that the toggle switches on the Resistive Load modules are all
set to the O position.
G 7. Install the dynamo of the Speed Sensor / Tachometer on the shaft of the
Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 1 (controlling the buck chopper)
Interconnection switch S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O
ROTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clockwise
On the oscilloscope
On the Power Supply, make sure that the voltage control knob is set to the
0 position then set the main power switch to the I (ON) position.
Slowly set the voltage control knob of the Power Supply to the 100 position
(100% of the ac network line voltage).
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
G 10. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 2, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the dc voltage indicated by the DC Voltmeter/Ammeter (dc voltage
at the VSI input) is minimum.
On the PID Controller, slowly set the FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER (A1) GAIN
control so that the dc voltage at the VSI input is equal to the voltage given
in the following table:
V ac V
120 50
220 100
240 100
G 11. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 2, select the 3- 180E MODE then turn
the DC SOURCE 1 control knob clockwise, while observing the waveform
of the line voltage at the VSI outputs on the oscilloscope screen (channel 1),
until the VSI operating frequency is approximately equal to the ac network
frequency. The induction motor should start to rotate.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
On the oscilloscope, set the time base to 0.1 ms/DIV. Channels 1 and 2 of
the oscilloscope now display the dc voltage at CONTROL INPUT 1 (duty-
cycle control input) of Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 1 and the buck
chopper switching control signal, respectively.
G 13. Measure and record the dc voltage at the VSI input on theDC
Voltmeter/Ammeter .
On the PID Controller, slowly vary the setting of the PROPORTIONAL GAIN
control while observing the dc voltage at the VSI input and the line voltage
at the VSI outputs. Also observe the dc voltage at CONTROL INPUT 1 of
Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 1 and the duty cycle of the buck chopper
switching control signal on the oscilloscope screen.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
Describe what happens when the gain of the Proportional AMPLIFIER is
What effect does adjusting the Proportional AMPLIFIER gain have on the
relationship between the voltage and frequency at the VSI output? Explain.
On the PID Controller, set the PROPORTIONAL GAIN control so that the
dc voltage at the VSI input is equal to the value recorded at the beginning
of this step.
G 14. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 2, slowly set the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of
approximately 150 r/min.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
What effect does adjusting the voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2 have on
the relationship between the voltage and frequency at the VSI output?
G 15. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 2, slowly vary the setting of the
DC SOURCE 1 control knob so that the rotation speed of the induction
motor varies between 150 and 2500 r/min. While doing this, observe the
active power and the reactive power indicated by the Three-Phase
Does the line power factor vary significantly when the rotation speed of the
induction motor is varied? Explain.
Compare the line power factor of this VSI induction-motor drive to the line
power factor obtained with the VSI induction-motor drive powered by a
phase-controlled thyristor bridge used in the previous exercise.
Braking capability
G 16. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 2, slowly set the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob so that the induction motor stops rotating then set the main power
switch of the Power Supply to the O position. Set the voltage control knob
to the 0 position.
On the Power Supply, set the main power switch to the I position then set
the voltage control knob to the 100 position. On Chopper / Inverter Control
Unit 2, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob so that the induction motor
rotates clockwise at a speed of 2000 r/min.
G 17. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 2, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
counterclockwise to decrease the VSI operating frequency so that the
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
rotation speed of the induction motor passes from 2000 to 1500 r/min in
approximately 1 second. While doing this, observe the dc voltage at the
VSI input.
Note: You can repeat this step a few times to make sure of what
happens to the dc voltage at the VSI input when the induction
motor speed is reduced.
Describe what happens to the dc voltage at the VSI input when the
VSI operating frequency is decreased to decrease the rotation speed of the
induction motor. Explain.
G 18. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 2, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
counterclockwise to decrease the VSI operating frequency so that the
rotation speed of the induction motor passes from 2000 to 1500 r/min in
approximately 1 second. While doing this, observe the active power
indicated on the Three-Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter.
Note: You can repeat this step a few times to make sure of what
happens to the active power provided to the diode bridge by the
three-phase ac power network when the induction motor speed
is reduced.
G 19. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 2, rapidly turn the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob counterclockwise to decrease the VSI operating frequency so that the
rotation speed of the induction motor passes from 2500 to approximately
2000 r/min. This should turn on the overvoltage LED on the Chopper /
Inverter module used to implement the VSI.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
Note: If the overvoltage LED does not turn on on the Chopper /
Inverter module, repeat this step, that is, set the rotation speed of
the induction motor to 2500 r/min then rapidly decrease the
VSI operating frequency.
On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob to the 0 position then set
the main power switch to the O position.
Briefly explain why the overvoltage LED turns on the Chopper / Inverter
module trip when the VSI operating frequency is rapidly decreased to
decrease the rotation speed of the induction motor.
G 20. On the Power Supply, set the 24-V ac power switch to the O (OFF) position.
Set the rocker switch on the Enclosure / Power Supply to the O position.
Remove all leads, cables, and probes.
In this exercise, you found that a diode rectifier, a buck chopper, a 180E-modulation
voltage-source inverter, and some simple electronic circuitry can be used to build an
induction-motor drive with a constant V/f ratio. You observed that, when the
VSI operating frequency is increased, the duty cycle of the buck chopper increases
so that the dc voltage at the buck chopper output (VSI input) increases in such a way
that the V/f ratio at the VSI outputs remains virtually constant.
You observed that the line power factor does not depend on the rotation speed of the
induction motor, as is the case in a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a phase-
controlled thyristor bridge. Moreover, you observed that the value of the line power
factor is very close to 1.
You found that the induction motor cannot be braked rapidly in a VSI induction-motor
drive powered by a buck chopper because the energy the induction motor produces
is sent back to the VSI input, where it must be dissipated since it cannot be sent
back to the ac power network. This causes a voltage increase at the VSI input which
could damage the circuitry if there were no overvoltage protection circuits.
1. Briefly describe the operation of a constant V/f ratio induction-motor drive built
with a VSI powered by a buck chopper.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered
by a Buck Chopper
2. How does the line power factor vary when the motor rotation speed is varied in
a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a buck chopper?
3. Compare the line power factor obtained with a VSI induction-motor drive
powered by a buck chopper to the line power factor obtained with a
VSI induction-motor drive powered by a phase-controlled thyristor bridge.
Exercise 3
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
An induction-motor drive with a constant V/f ratio can be built with a 180E-modulation
voltage-source inverter, a thyristor four-quadrant converter, and some simple
electronic circuitry. Figure 3-1 shows a simplified diagram of such a drive.
Figure 3-2 shows the typical relationship between the voltage at the VSI outputs and
the VSI operating frequency for both directions of rotation (positive and negative
halves of the frequency axis). It is the same relationship as that obtained with a
VSI induction-motor drive powered by a phase-controlled thyristor bridge. As in the
VSI induction-motor drive powered by a phase-controlled thyristor bridge, the
V/f RATIO CONTROL CIRCUIT allows the minimum and maximum voltages at the
VSI outputs and the slope of the voltage-frequency relationship to be adjusted
according to the motor to be driven.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Figure 3-1. Simplified diagram of a voltage-source inverter (VSI) induction-motor drive powered
by a thyristor four-quadrant converter.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Figure 3-2. Relationship between the voltage and frequency in a VSI induction-motor drive
powered by a thyristor four-quadrant converter.
Braking capability
In a thyristor four-quadrant converter, the firing angles of the thyristor bridges are the
complement of each other (for examples: 30 and 150E, 70 and 110E). This ensures
that the magnitude of the mean voltages at the thyristor bridge outputs is the same.
This also ensures that one bridge acts as a rectifier while the other bridge acts as an
inverter and vice versa.
The firing angle of thyristor bridge 2 in the four-quadrant converter used in the
VSI induction-motor drive shown in Figure 3-1 typically varies between 160 and 10-
5E. This makes thyristor bridge 2 act as an inverter. A maximum firing angle of 160E
is used in thyristor bridge 2 to prevent commutation failure (thyristor extinction).
Notice that the firing angle of thyristor bridge 1 typically varies between 20 and 75E
since the firing angle of thyristor bridge 2 typically varies between 160 and 105E.
When the VSI operating frequency is decreased in a VSI induction-motor drive, the
induction motor starts to operate as a generator if its rotation speed becomes greater
than the synchronous speed, that is, the speed of the revolving magnetic field. The
induction motor operates as a generator as long as its rotation speed exceeds the
synchronous speed. This is shown in Figure 3-3.
The electrical energy the induction motor produces during the time interval it
operates as a generator is sent back to the outputs of the VSI, which in turn sends
this energy back to its input. This energy is converted into ac power and sent back
to the ac power network by thyristor bridge 2 which acts as an inverter. This greatly
reduces the voltage increase that occurs at the VSI input during the time interval the
induction motor operates as a generator. Therefore, a VSI induction-motor drive
powered by a thyristor four-quadrant converter offers a good braking capability,
which is much better than that offered by a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a
single thyristor bridge.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Line power factor
The line power factor related to a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a thyristor
four-quadrant converter depends on the firing angles of the thyristor bridges. The line
power factor decreases when the firing angle of the thyristor bridge acting as a
rectifier (thyristor bridge 1 in Figure 3-1) increases, that is, when the rotation speed
of the induction motor decreases, and vice versa. Therefore, the line power factor is
fairly good at high rotation speed where the firing angle of the thyristor bridge acting
as a rectifier is low and becomes worse and worse as the rotation speed decreases.
Figure 3-3. Decreasing the VSI operating frequency in a VSI induction-motor drive.
Dynamic performance
The difference between the synchronous speed and the rotation speed of an
induction motor is often referred to as slip. The torque developed in the induction
motor increases when the slip passes from 0 to a certain value. However, when the
slip increases beyond this value, the torque developed in the induction motor
decreases. This is shown in Figure 3-4. Therefore, the slip must be set to a certain
value so that the torque developed in the induction motor is maximum.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Figure 3-4. Relationship between the slip and the torque developed in an induction machine.
Figure 3-5 allows understanding what happens in a VSI induction-motor drive when
the VSI operating frequency is greatly increased or decreased to vary the rotation
speed of the induction motor. At first, the induction motor rotates in the same
direction as the revolving magnetic field at a speed slightly lower than the
synchronous speed. Dot P1 in Figure 3-5 shows the operation point of the induction
motor in this situation.
Figure 3-5. Varying the VSI operating frequency in a VSI induction-motor drive.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
When the VSI operating frequency is greatly decreased, the relationship between the
torque and rotation speed is shifted towards the left as shown in Figure 3-5. As a
result, the operation point of the induction motor passes from dot P1 to dot P2 in
Figure 3-5, where the rotation speed of the induction motor is greater than the
synchronous speed (generator portion of the torque-speed relationship). Therefore,
the induction motor starts to operate as a generator. The torque developed in the
induction motor now opposes rotation, and the electrical energy the induction motor
produces is sent back to the VSI outputs. The rotation speed of the induction motor
then decreases until it becomes slightly lower than the synchronous speed. The
operation point of the induction motor passes from dot P2 to dot P3 and then to dot P4
in Figure 3-5, where the induction motor operates as a motor again. Notice that the
braking torque is not maximum when the operation point of the induction motor
passes from dot P2 to dot P3, because the difference between the synchronous
speed and the rotation speed of the induction motor, that is the slip, is great. As a
result, the braking time of the induction motor is not optimal (minimum).
When the VSI operating frequency is greatly increased, the relationship between the
torque and rotation speed is shifted towards the right as shown in Figure 3-5. As a
result, the operation point of the induction motor passes from dot P1 to dot P5 in
Figure 3-5. The induction motor still operates in the motor portion of the torque-
speed relationship. The torque developed in the induction motor increases and the
rotation speed starts to increase. The operation point of the induction motor passes
from dot P5 to dot P6 and then to dot P7 in Figure 3-5. The acceleration torque is not
maximum when the operation point of the induction motor passes from dot P5 to
dot P6, because the slip is great. As a result, the acceleration time of the induction
motor is not optimal (minimum).
Figure 3-6 shows how the VSI operating frequency must be varied in a VSI ind-
uction-motor drive so that the rotation speed of the induction motor varies in a time
which is as short as possible. At first, the motor rotates in the same direction as the
revolving magnetic field at a speed slightly lower than the synchronous speed. Dot P1
in Figure 3-6 shows the operation point of the induction motor in this situation. The
VSI operating frequency is then varied (increased or decreased) so that the slip
increases to the value which makes the induction motor develop the maximum
torque. The operation point of the induction motor passes from dot P1 to dot P2 as
shown in Figure 3-6. The VSI operating frequency is then varied gradually to
maintain the slip to the value at which the torque developed in the induction motor
is maximum. When the VSI operating frequency stops varying, the slip starts to
decrease and the torque developed in the induction motor also starts to decrease.
Both slip and torque stop decreasing when the torque is just sufficient to maintain the
new rotation speed of the induction motor. The operation point of the induction motor
passes from dot P2 to dot P3 as shown in Figure 3-6. Since the torque is maximum
during most of the time interval during which the rotation speed varies, the
acceleration (or braking) time of the induction motor is optimal (minimum).
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Figure 3-6. Varying the VSI operating frequency in a VSI induction-motor drive so that the rotation
speed of the induction motor varies in a time which is as short as possible.
Figure 3-7 allows understanding what happens in a VSI induction-motor drive when
the direction of rotation is reversed. At first, the motor rotates in the same direction
as the revolving magnetic field at a speed slightly lower than the synchronous speed.
Dot P1 in Figure 3-7 shows the operation point of the induction motor in this situation.
When the direction of rotation is reversed, the sign of the VSI operating frequency
is reversed and the relationship between the torque and rotation speed becomes that
shown as a dotted line in Figure 3-7. As a result, the operation point of the induction
motor passes from dot P1 to dot P2 in Figure 3-7, where the induction motor rotates
in the direction opposite to that of the revolving magnetic field (brake portion of the
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
torque-speed relationship). Therefore, the induction motor starts to operate as a
brake. The torque developed in the induction motor now opposes rotation, and the
mechanical braking energy is dissipated as heat in the induction motor (there is no
electrical energy sent back to the VSI outputs). The rotation speed of the induction
motor decreases until the induction motor stops rotating. The operation point of the
induction motor passes from dot P2 to dot P3 in Figure 3-7. The induction motor then
starts to operate as a motor again and rotates in the opposite direction. The torque
developed in the induction motor increases slowly and the rotation speed starts to
increase slowly. The torque then decreases and stabilizes and the rotation speed
also stabilizes. The operation point of the induction motor passes from dot P3 to
dot P4 in Figure 3-7.
Since the torque is not maximum when the operation point of the induction motor
passes from dot P2 to dot P4 in Figure 3-7, the time required to brake the induction
motor, reverse the direction of rotation, and increase the rotation speed to the
desired value is not optimal (minimum). However, this time can be decreased greatly
by first gradually decreasing the VSI operating frequency so that the induction motor
operates as a generator when it is braked, reversing the direction of rotation, and
then gradually increasing the VSI operating frequency until the desired rotation
speed is obtained. Moreover, this allows electrical energy to be sent back to the
ac power network since the induction motor operates as a generator when it is
Procedure Summary
In the first part of this exercise, you will set up in the Mobile Workstation the
equipment required to carry out this exercise.
In the second part of this exercise, you will use the circuit shown in Figure 3-9 to
observe the operation of a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a thyristor four-
quadrant converter. In this circuit, the voltage which controls the VSI operating
frequency is provided by DC SOURCE 1. This voltage is rectified, amplified, level
shifted using the voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2, and limited to obtain the
voltage necessary to control the firing angles of the thyristor bridges in the four-
quadrant converter. Thyristor Firing Unit 1 calculates the arc cosine of this voltage
to determine the firing angle of thyristor bridge 1. Thyristor Firing Unit 2 calculates
the arc cosine of this voltage and complements the result to determine the firing
angle of thyristor bridge 2. This ensures that the dc voltage at the four-quadrant
converter output varies linearly with the voltage controlling the firing angles. Notice
that the voltage-source inverter uses 180E modulation.
Figure 3-8 shows the relationship between the voltage at the VSI outputs and the
VSI operating frequency, which can be obtained with the circuitry controlling the
V/f ratio in Figure 3-9. The dotted line in Figure 3-8 corresponds to the ideal voltage-
frequency relationship shown in the DISCUSSION. The form and slope of these two
relationships are slightly different but the minimum and maximum voltages are the
same in both relationships. The gain of the Proportional AMPLIFIER, the dc voltage
provided by DC SOURCE 2, and the upper limit of the BIPOLAR LIMITER in the
circuit of Figure 3-9 allow the slope, the minimum voltage, and the maximum voltage
of the relationship to be adjusted, respectively.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Figure 3-8. Relationship between the voltage and frequency in the VSI induction-motor drive
powered by a thyristor four-quadrant converter shown in Figure 3-9.
You will set the voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2, the gain of the Proportional
AMPLIFIER, and the upper limit of the BIPOLAR LIMITER so that the VSI induction-
motor drive operates properly. You will vary the VSI operating frequency to vary the
rotation speed of the induction motor, while observing the firing angles of the thyristor
bridges, the dc voltage at the VSI input, and the line voltage at the VSI outputs, to
understand the operation of the VSI induction-motor drive.
In the third part of this exercise, you will decrease the VSI operating frequency to
brake the induction motor. This will allow you to observe the braking capability of a
VSI induction-motor drive powered by a thyristor four-quadrant converter.
In the fourth part of this exercise, you will vary the rotation speed of the induction
motor while observing the active and reactive power supplied to the drive. This will
allow you to determine the effect varying the rotation speed of the induction motor
has on the line power factor.
In the fifth part of this exercise, you will measure and note the time required for the
rotation speed of the induction motor to go from 1750 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min
clockwise. You will also measure and note the time required for the rotation speed
of the induction motor to go from 2500 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min
counterclockwise. You will vary the VSI operating frequency rapidly and gradually
and observe the effect this has on the dynamic performance of the induction-motor
Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart, in Appendix C of this manual, to obtain the
list of the equipment required to carry out this exercise.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
G 1. Install the Power Supply, the Enclosure / Power Supply, the Chopper /
Inverter, the Power Thyristors (2), the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction
Motor, the Smoothing Inductors (2), the DC Voltmeter/Ammeter, the AC
Voltmeter, the Three-Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter, and the PID Controller
modules in the Mobile Workstation.
G 2. Install the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, the Thyristor Firing Units (2), and
the Current/Voltage Isolator in the Enclosure / Power Supply.
G 3. Make sure that the main power switch of the Power Supply is set to the
O (OFF) position. Connect the Power Supply to a three-phase wall
G 4. Plug the Enclosure / Power Supply line cord into a wall receptacle. Set the
rocker switch of the Enclosure / Power Supply to the I (ON) position.
G 5. On the Power Supply, set the 24-V ac power switch to the I (ON) position.
G 6. Install the Inertia Wheel and the dynamo of the Speed Sensor / Tachometer
on the shaft of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor. Connect the
modules as shown in Figure 3-9.
Note: Make sure that the securing device of the Inertia Wheel is
well tightened.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Connect the oscilloscope as shown in Figure 3-10.
COMPLEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O
ARC COSINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-
COMPLEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
ARC COSINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-
Interconnection switch S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Interconnection switch S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Note: If you are using a MOSFET Chopper / Inverter, the
Interconnection Switch S1 must be set to the I position.
Interconnection switch S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Interconnection switch S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
ROTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clockwise
On the oscilloscope
On the Power Supply, make sure that the voltage control knob is set to the
0 position then set the main power switch to the I (ON) position.
Slowly set the voltage control knob of the Power Supply to the 90 position
(90% of the ac network line voltage).
G 9. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 2 control knob
so that the firing angle indicated by Thyristor Firing Unit 1 (firing angle of
thyristor bridge 1) is equal to approximately 90E.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 2 control knob
so that the firing angle of thyristor bridge 1 decreases to approximately 73E.
The induction motor should start to rotate at a very low speed.
Note: If the induction motor does not start to rotate once the firing
angle of thyristor bridge 1 is adjusted to approximately 73E, readjust
the DC SOURCE 1 control knob very slightly so that the induction
motor starts to rotate at a very low speed.
G 10. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
clockwise, while observing the waveform of the line voltage at the VSI outputs
on the oscilloscope screen (channel 1), until the VSI operating frequency is
approximately equal to the ac network frequency.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
On the PID Controller, slowly turn the PROPORTIONAL GAIN control
clockwise until the firing angle of thyristor bridge 1 decreases to minimum.
On the PID Controller, set the UPPER LIMIT control so that the firing angle
indicated by Thyristor Firing Unit2 (firing angle of thyristor bridge 2) decreases
to approximately 160E.
G 11. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly vary the setting of the
DC SOURCE 1 control knob so that the rotation speed of the induction motor
varies between 0 and 2500 r/min, in both rotation directions. While doing this,
observe the dc voltage at the VSI input on the DC Voltmeter/Ammeter, the
line voltage at the VSI outputs on the AC Voltmeter, the firing angle of
thyristor bridge 1, and the dc voltage at the ANGLE CONTROL INPUT of the
Thyristor Firing Units (channel 2 on the oscilloscope).
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly set the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of
approximately 150 r/min.
Briefly explain how a constant V/f ratio is obtained at the VSI outputs.
G 12. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly vary the setting of the
DC SOURCE 1 control knob so that the rotation speed of the induction motor
varies between 0 and 2500 r/min. While doing this observe the firing angles
of thyristor bridges 1 and 2 indicated by Thyristor Firing Units 1 and 2,
respectively, to determine the range over which the firing angle of each
thyristor bridge varies.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly set the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of
approximately 150 r/min.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Briefly describe the relationship between the firing angles of the two thyristor
From these results, briefly explain how each thyristor bridge acts in this
VSI induction-motor drive.
G 13. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly turn the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob clockwise until the rotation speed of the induction motor increases to
2500 r/min. While doing this, observe the dc currents indicated by the DC
Voltmeter/Ammeter and the active power indicated by the Three-Phase
In which thyristor bridge does current flow when the induction-motor rotation
speed is fixed and when it is increased? Explain.
Braking capability
G 14. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
counterclockwise until the rotation speed of the induction motor decreases to
approximately 250 r/min. While doing this, observe the dc currents indicated
by the DC Voltmeter/Ammeter and the active power indicated by the Three-
Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter.
In which thyristor bridge does current flow when the induction-motor rotation
speed is decreased? Explain.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Is electrical energy returned to the three-phase ac power network when the
VSI operating frequency is decreased to decrease the rotation speed of the
induction motor? Explain.
G 15. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of approximate-
ly 2500 r/min then rapidly turn it counterclockwise so that the motor speed
decreases to approximately 1500 r/min. While doing this, observe the
dc voltage increase at the VSI input.
Briefly explain why the dc voltage increase which occurs at the VSI input
when the induction-motor rotation speed is decreased does not trigger the
overvoltage protection circuit as is usually the case in a VSI induction-motor
drive powered by a single thyristor bridge?
G 16. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly vary the setting of the
DC SOURCE 1 control knob so that the rotation speed of the induction motor
varies between 150 and 2500 r/min. While doing this, observe the active
power and the reactive power indicated by the Three-Phase
Wattmeter/Varmeter and the firing angles of thyristor bridges 1 and 2.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly set the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of
approximately 500 r/min.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Dynamic performance
G 17. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 1750 r/min.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, rapidly set the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob to the MAX. position while starting a chronometer. The induction-motor
rotation speed will start to increase. Stop the chronometer when the induction-
motor rotation speed reaches 2500 r/min.
Record the time the chronometer indicates in the space provided below. This
is the time required for the induction-motor rotation speed to go from
1750 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min clockwise, when the VSI operating
frequency is increased greatly.
G 18. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 1750 r/min.
Record the time the chronometer indicates in the space provided below. This
is the time required for the induction-motor rotation speed to go from
1750 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min clockwise, when the VSI operating
frequency is increased gradually.
Compare the times obtained in steps 17 and 18 for the rotation speed of the
induction motor to go from 1750 to 2500 r/min CW. Explain why they are
G 19. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, readjust the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 2500 r/min.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, rapidly set the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob to the MIN. position while starting a chronometer. The induction-motor
rotation speed will decrease to 0 and the induction-motor will then start to
rotate counterclockwise. Stop the chronometer when the induction-motor
rotation speed reaches 2500 r/min counterclockwise. Observe the active
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
power indicated by the Three-Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter when the rotation
speed decreases.
Record the time the chronometer indicates in the space provided below. This
is the time required for the induction-motor rotation speed to go from
2500 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min counterclockwise when the VSI operating
frequency is greatly varied.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly set the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 250 r/min.
Is electrical energy sent back to the ac power network when the direction of
rotation is reversed by greatly varying the VSI operating frequency? Explain.
G 20. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 2500 r/min.
Record the time the chronometer indicates in the space provided below. This
is the time required for the induction-motor rotation speed to go from
2500 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min counterclockwise, when the VSI operating
frequency is varied gradually.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly set the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 250 r/min.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
Compare the times obtained in steps 19 and 20 for the rotation speed of the
induction motor to go from 2500 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min
counterclockwise. Explain why they are different?
G 21. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 2500 r/min.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly set the DC SOURCE 1 control
knob so that the induction motor stops rotating then set the main power switch
of the Power Supply to the O position.
Is electrical energy sent back to the ac power network when the direction of
rotation is reversed by gradually varying the VSI operating frequency?
The results obtained in this exercise reflect the dynamic performance level of
the VSI induction-motor drive powered by a thyristor four-quadrant converter.
They will be used further in another exercise of this manual to compare the
dynamic performance of this VSI induction-motor drive to that of another VSI
induction-motor drive.
G 22. On the Power Supply, set the 24-V ac power switch to the O (OFF) position.
Set the rocker switch on the Enclosure / Power Supply to the O position.
Remove all leads, cables, and probes.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
as a rectifier decreases so that the dc voltage at the four-quadrant converter output
(VSI input) increases in such a way that the V/f ratio at the VSI outputs remains
virtually constant.
You found that the motor can be braked rapidly in a VSI induction-motor drive powered
by a thyristor four-quadrant converter. This is because the energy the induction motor
produces when it is braked, is sent back to the VSI input where it is converted to ac
power and sent back to the ac power network by the thyristor bridge in the four-
quadrant converter which acts as an inverter.
You observed that the line power factor depends on the rotation speed of the induction
motor. You found that the line power factor becomes worse and worse (its value
decreases) as the rotation speed of the induction motor decreases (as the firing angle
of the thyristor bridge used as rectifier increases).
You observed that the time required to obtain a given rotation speed variation depends
on the way the VSI operating frequency is varied. You found that varying the
VSI operating frequency gradually allows a given rotation speed variation to be
obtained in less time than if the VSI operating frequency is varied greatly. You also
found that electrical energy is sent back to the ac power network when the
VSI operating frequency is varied gradually to reverse the direction of rotation,
whereas no electrical energy is sent back to the ac power network when the
VSI operating frequency is varied greatly to reverse the direction of rotation .
1. Briefly describe the operation of a constant V/f ratio induction-motor drive built with
a VSI powered by a thyristor four-quadrant converter.
2. How does the line power factor vary when the motor rotation speed is varied in a
VSI induction-motor drive powered by a thyristor four-quadrant converter?
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
Thyristor Four-Quadrant Converter
4. Does powering a VSI induction-motor drive with a thyristor four-quadrant converter
instead of a phase-controlled thyristor bridge improve:
Exercise 4
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
The torque developed in an induction motor depends on the slip, which is the
difference between the synchronous speed and the rotation speed of the induction
motor, as stated in the following equation:
G = ns ! n
Varying the slip varies the torque developed in the induction motor and allows the
rotation speed of the induction motor to be varied. In a VSI induction motor drive, the
slip is varied by varying the VSI operating frequency which, in turn, varies the
synchronous speed.
Figure 4-1 shows a VSI induction-motor drive provided with a slip control input to
vary the rotation speed of the induction motor. In this circuit, the rotation speed of the
induction motor is sensed by a speed sensor. The rotation speed of the induction
motor is added to the slip injected at the slip control input (slip command). The result
is the desired synchronous speed, since the synchronous speed ns is equal to sum
of the rotation speed n and slip G. The desired synchronous speed, which is in fact
the synchronous speed command, is used to control the VSI operating frequency.
When the slip command is increased, the synchronous speed command increases.
This causes the VSI operating frequency and the synchronous speed to increase.
As a result, the slip increases, the torque developed in the induction motor increases,
and the rotation speed increases. Conversely, when the slip command is decreased,
all the parameters mentioned above decrease and the rotation speed of the induction
motor decreases.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
A speed feedback loop and a torque limiter can be added to a VSI induction-motor
drive to regulate the rotation speed of the induction motor and improve the dynamic
performance of the motor drive. Figure 4-2 shows a simplified diagram of a
VSI induction-motor drive with speed feedback and torque limitation. The
VSI induction-motor drive shown in Figure 4-2 is powered by a thyristor four-
quadrant controller and is provided with a V/f ratio control circuit and a slip control
input. This drive is identical to the VSI induction-motor drive powered by a thyristor
four-quadrant converter discussed in the previous exercise, exception made of the
circuitry used to implement the slip control input, the speed feedback loop, and the
torque limiter.
The speed feedback loop compares the speed command (the desired speed) and
the rotation speed of the induction motor to determine the speed error. The speed
error increases as the difference between the speed command and the rotation
speed of the induction motor increases and vice versa. The speed error can be either
positive or negative depending on whether the rotation speed of the induction motor
is greater or less than the speed command. The polarity of the speed error indicates
whether the rotation speed of the induction motor must be increased or decreased
to correct the speed error.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
Figure 4-2. Simplified diagram of a VSI induction-motor drive with speed feedback and torque
The speed error is then amplified and limited before it is used as the slip command
of the VSI induction-motor drive. The need to amplify and limit the speed error will
be explained further in this exercise.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
In brief, when the rotation speed differs from the speed command, a speed error is
generated. The speed error is amplified, limited, and sent to the slip control input of
the VSI induction-motor drive. As a result, the VSI operating frequency varies so that
the torque developed in the induction motor varies so as to correct the speed error.
The speed error is amplified in the VSI induction-motor drive shown in Figure 4-2.
Amplifying the speed error decreases the speed error remaining in the speed
feedback loop when the rotation speed is stable. This improves the speed regulation,
which is a measure of how the rotation speed is close to the speed command.
The torque developed in an induction motor increases when the slip passes from 0
to a certain value. However, when the slip increases beyond this value, the torque
developed in the induction motor decreases. This is shown in Figure 4-3. Therefore,
the slip must be maintained within certain limits so that the torque developed in the
induction motor is proportional to the slip.
Figure 4-3. Relationship between the slip and the torque developed in an induction motor.
This explains why the amplified speed error is limited in the VSI induction-motor drive
shown in Figure 4-2. Limiting the amplified speed error limits the slip command so
that the torque developed in the induction motor to correct the speed error is always
proportional to the slip command. This also ensures that a high torque is developed
in the induction motor when it is accelerated or braked. As a result, the dynamic
performance of the induction-motor drive is optimal since the acceleration and
braking times of the induction motor are minimized.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
Procedure Summary
In the first part of this exercise, you will set up in the Mobile Workstation the
equipment required to carry out this exercise.
In the second part of this exercise, you will connect the circuit shown in Figure 4-4,
which is a VSI induction-motor drive with speed feedback and torque limitation. This
circuit is identical to that used in the previous exercise of this manual exception
made of PID Controller 2 which is used to implement the speed feedback loop and
the torque limiter. Notice that the speed feedback loop is open in the circuit shown
in Figure 4-4, to facilitate the adjustment of the speed feedback loop and torque
The speed feedback loop consists of the ERROR DETECTOR (A2) and the Propor-
tional AMPLIFIER. The BIPOLAR LIMITER acts as the torque limiter. FILTER 2
eliminates the ripple on the voltage coming from the speed sensor. This voltage is
proportional to the rotation speed of the induction motor. The FEEDBACK AMPLI-
FIER (A1) amplifies this voltage to the appropriate level. The SUMMING AMPLI-
FIER (A3) adds the voltages coming from the FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER (rotation
speed of the induction motor) and the BIPOLAR LIMITER (amplified and limited
speed error).
You will set the voltage provided by DC SOURCE 2, the gain of the Proportional
AMPLIFIER in PID Controller 1, and the upper limit of the BIPOLAR LIMITER in PID
Controller 1 so that the V/f ratio control circuit of the VSI induction-motor drive
operates properly.
In the third part of this exercise, you will set the cutoff frequency of FILTER 2, the
gains of the FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER and Proportional AMPLIFIER, and the upper
and lower limits of the BIPOLAR LIMITER in PID Controller 2 so that the speed
feedback loop and the torque limiter operate properly. You will then close the speed
feedback loop (see circuit shown in Figure 4-6) and make the fine adjustment of the
speed feedback loop.
In the fourth part of this exercise, you will vary the rotation speed of the induction
motor while observing the signals in the speed feedback loop and the torque limiter.
This will allow you to understand the operation of the VSI induction-motor drive with
speed feedback and torque limitation.
In the fifth part of this exercise, you will measure and record the time required for the
rotation speed of the induction motor to go from 1750 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min
clockwise. You will also measure and record the time required for the rotation speed
of the induction motor to go from 2500 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min
counterclockwise. You will compare these times with those obtained in the previous
exercise of this manual.
Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart, in Appendix C of this manual, to obtain the
list of the equipment required to carry out this exercise.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
G 1. Install the Power Supply, the Enclosure / Power Supply, the Chopper /
Inverter, the Power Thyristors (2), the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction
Motor, the Smoothing Inductors (2), the DC Voltmeter/Ammeter, the AC
Voltmeter, the Three-Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter, and the PID Controller (2)
modules in the Mobile Workstation.
G 2. Install the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, the Thyristor Firing Units (2), and
the Current/Voltage Isolator in the Enclosure / Power Supply.
G 3. Make sure that the main power switch of the Power Supply is set to the
O (OFF) position. Connect the Power Supply to a three-phase wall
G 4. Plug the Enclosure / Power Supply line cord into a wall receptacle. Set the
rocker switch of the Enclosure / Power Supply to the I (ON) position.
G 5. On the Power Supply, set the 24-V ac power switch to the I (ON) position.
G 6. Install the Inertia Wheel and the dynamo of the Speed Sensor / Tachometer
on the shaft of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.
Note: Make sure that the securing device of the Inertia Wheel is
well tightened.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
Figure 4-4. Circuit used to adjust the VSI induction-motor drive with speed feedback and torque
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
Connect the oscilloscope as shown in Figure 4-5.
COMPLEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O
ARC COSINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-
COMPLEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
ARC COSINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
On PID Controller 2 (used for the speed feedback loop and torque
Interconnection switch S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Interconnection switch S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Interconnection switch S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Interconnection switch S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
ROTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clockwise
On the oscilloscope
On the Power Supply, make sure that the voltage control knob is set to the
0 position then set the main power switch to the I (ON) position.
Slowly set the voltage control knob of the Power Supply to the 90 position
(90% of the ac network line voltage).
G 9. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 2 control knob
so that the firing angle indicated by Thyristor Firing Unit 1 (firing angle of
thyristor bridge 1) is equal to approximately 90E.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 2 control knob
so that the firing angle of thyristor bridge 1 decreases to approximately 73E.
The induction motor should start to rotate at a very low speed.
Note: If the induction motor does not start to rotate once the firing
angle of thyristor bridge 1 is adjusted to approximately 73E,
readjust the DC SOURCE 1 control knob very slightly so that the
induction motor starts to rotate at a very low speed.
G 10. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
clockwise, while observing the waveform of the line voltage at the
VSI outputs on the oscilloscope screen (channel 1), until the VSI operating
frequency is approximately equal to the ac network frequency.
On PID Controller 1, set the UPPER LIMIT control so that the firing angle
indicated by Thyristor Firing Unit2 (firing angle of thyristor bridge 2)
decreases to approximately 160E.
On PID Controller 2, disconnect the lead going to the channel-2 input of the
oscilloscope from the FILTER-2 OUTPUT, then connect it to CONTROL
INPUT 1 of the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit.
G 12. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, disconnect the lead going to the
channel-2 input of the oscilloscope from CONTROL INPUT 1, then connect
it to the FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER (A1) OUTPUT of PID Controller 2.
G 13. On PID Controller 2, disconnect the lead going to the channel-2 input of the
oscilloscope from the FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER OUTPUT, then connect it to
the Proportional AMPLIFIER OUTPUT of the same module.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
On PID Controller 2, set the Proportional AMPLIFIER GAIN control so that
the voltage at the Proportional AMPLIFIER OUTPUT (channel 2 on the
oscilloscope) is equal to approximately !12 V dc.
G 14. On PID Controller 2, disconnect the lead going to the channel-2 input of the
oscilloscope from the Proportional AMPLIFIER OUTPUT, then connect it to
the BIPOLAR LIMITER OUTPUT of the same module.
On PID Controller 2, set the LOWER LIMIT control so that the voltage at the
BIPOLAR LIMITER OUTPUT (channel 2 on the oscilloscope) is equal to
!0.8 V dc.
On PID Controller 2, set the UPPER LIMIT control so that the voltage at the
BIPOLAR LIMITER OUTPUT (channel 2 on the oscilloscope) is equal to
+0.8 V dc.
G 15. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, slowly set the DC SOURCE 1
control knob so that the induction motor stops rotating, then select the OFF
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
Figure 4-6. VSI induction-motor drive with speed feedback and torque limitation.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
G 16. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, select the 3- 180E MODE then set
the DC SOURCE 1 control knob so that the induction motor rotates
clockwise at a speed of 2500 r/min.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
in both directions, first slowly, and then rapidly, to vary the rotation speed of
the induction motor between 0 and 2500 r/min clockwise. While doing this,
observe the voltages at the DC SOURCE-1 OUTPUT (speed command)
and the FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER OUTPUT of PID Controller 2 (speed
feedback) on channels 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope, respectively.
Note: For the rest of the exercise, modify the settings of the
oscilloscope as necessary.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
Describe how these voltages vary when the rotation speed of the induction
motor varies.
G 18. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, disconnect the lead going to the
channel-1 input of the oscilloscope from the DC SOURCE-1 OUTPUT, then
connect it to the ERROR DETECTOR (A2) OUTPUT of PID Controller 2.
On PID Controller 2, disconnect the lead going to the channel-2 input of the
oscilloscope from the FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER OUTPUT, then connect it to
the BIPOLAR LIMITER OUTPUT of the same module.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
in both directions, first slowly, and then rapidly, to vary the rotation speed of
the induction motor between 0 and 2500 r/min clockwise. While doing this,
observe the voltages at the ERROR DETECTOR OUTPUT (speed error)
and BIPOLAR LIMITER OUTPUT of PID Controller 2 (amplified and limited
speed error) on channels 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope, respectively.
Briefly describe how the speed error and the amplified and limited speed
error vary when the speed command is varied slowly.
Briefly describe how the speed error and the amplified and limited speed
error vary when the speed command is varied rapidly.
G 19. On PID Controller 2, disconnect the lead going to the channel-1 input of the
oscilloscope from the ERROR DETECTOR OUTPUT, then connect it to the
DC SOURCE-1 OUTPUT of the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit.
On PID Controller 2, disconnect the lead going to the channel-2 input of the
oscilloscope from the BIPOLAR LIMITER OUTPUT, then connect it to the
SUMMING AMPLIFIER (A3) OUTPUT of the same module.
On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, turn the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
in both directions, first slowly, and then rapidly, to vary the rotation speed of
the induction motor between 0 and 2500 r/min clockwise. While doing this,
observe the voltages at the DC SOURCE-1 OUTPUT (speed command)
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
and the SUMMING AMPLIFIER OUTPUT of PID Controller 2 (output signal
of speed feedback loop) on channels 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope, respect-
Briefly explain why the output signal of the speed feedback loop varies fairly
slowly even if the speed command is varied rapidly.
Dynamic performance
G 20. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 1750 r/min.
Record the time the chronometer indicates in the space provided below.
This is the time required for the induction-motor rotation speed to go from
1750 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min clockwise.
Compare the time measured in this step with the times measured in the
previous exercise of this manual for the rotation speed of the induction
motor to go from 1750 to 2500 r/min clockwise.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
G 21. On the Chopper / Inverter Control Unit, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 2500 r/min.
Note the time the chronometer indicates in the space provided below. This
is the time required so that the induction-motor rotation speed passes from
2500 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min counterclockwise.
Compare the time measured in this step with the times measured in the
previous exercise of this manual for the rotation speed of the induction
motor to go from 2500 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min counterclockwise.
From the comparisons made so far in this exercise, what is the advantage
of adding a speed feedback loop and a torque limiter to a VSI induction-
motor drive powered by a thyristor four-quadrant converter? Explain.
G 22. On the Power Supply, set the 24-V ac power switch to the O (OFF) position.
Set the rocker switch on the Enclosure / Power Supply to the O position.
Remove all leads, cables, and probes.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
In this exercise, you found that a speed feedback loop and a torque limiter can be
added to a VSI induction-motor drive to regulate the rotation speed and improve the
dynamic performance of the motor drive. You learned that the speed error is used
to make the VSI operating frequency vary so that the torque developed in the
induction motor varies so as to correct the speed error. You found that limiting the
speed error limits the variation of the VSI operating frequency and ensures that a
high torque is developed in the induction motor when it is accelerated or braked.
1. Briefly describe how the torque varies in an induction motor when the
VSI operating frequency is increased.
2. Briefly describe how the torque varies in an induction motor when the
VSI operating frequency is decreased.
3. Briefly explain how a speed error is corrected in a VSI induction-motor drive with
speed feedback and torque limitation?
4. Briefly explain why the speed error is limited in a VSI induction-motor drive with
speed feedback and torque limitation.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive with Speed Feedback
and Torque Limitation
5. What are the advantages of adding a speed feedback loop and a torque limiter
to a VSI induction-motor drive?
Exercise 5
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
The induction-motor drives studied so far in this manual are all built with a
180E-modulation voltage-source inverter (180E-modulation VSI). In these induction-
motor drives, a circuit is required to control the dc voltage at the VSI input so that the
V/f ratio at the VSI outputs remains constant. In other words, a dc power supply with
electronically variable voltage is required to build a VSI induction-motor drive with a
constant V/f ratio using a 180E-modulation VSI. This adds to the complexity and cost
of this type of induction-motor drives.
In the induction-motor drive shown in Figure 5-1, a dump resistor, implemented with
a two-step neutral-zone controller, is added to regulate the dc voltage at the VSI
input. This circuit limits the voltage increase that may occur at the VSI input when the
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
induction motor is braked, by connecting a resistive load in parallel with the VSI input
as necessary to dissipate the energy produced by the induction motor. The detailed
operation of the two-step neutral-zone controller will be dealt with later in this
discussion. This induction-motor drive, therefore, allows the induction motor to be
braked safely (without overvoltage). Notice, however, that no energy is sent back to
the ac power network as is the case when a line-commutated inverter is used. The
induction-motor drive shown in Figure 5-1 is usually referred to as VSI induction-
motor drive powered by a dc link with a dump resistor.
Figure 5-1. Simplified diagram of a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a dc link with a dump
The speed regulation and dynamic performance of the induction-motor drive shown
in Figure 5-1 are poor since there is neither a speed-feedback loop nor a torque
limiter. However, a speed-feedback loop and a torque limiter identical to those
studied in the previous exercise of this manual can be added to this induction-motor
drive to regulate the rotation speed of the induction motor and improve the dynamic
performance of the motor drive.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
sent to the device (usually a semiconductor switch) which operates on the variable
under control, or controlled variable. The on and off time intervals of the on/off
control signal are set so that the value of the controlled variable remains between
two predefined values, which are often referred to as setpoints. Therefore, the error
on the controlled variable remains within a certain range of values, which is often
referred to as the neutral zone.
Figure 5-2. Example of the signals related to the two-step neutral-zone controller used in the
induction-motor drive shown in Figure 5-1, when the induction motor is braked.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
neutral-zone controller that allow the reference voltage and width of the neutral zone
to be set.
For example, if the VSI induction-motor drive shown in Figure 5-1 operates with a
voltage of 350 V dc, the reference voltage and width of the neutral zone can be set
to 380 and 40 V, respectively. This sets the lower and upper setpoints to 360 and
400 V, respectively. Therefore, the electronic switch is always off when the
VSI induction-motor drive operates normally. However, when the induction motor is
braked and the voltage at the VSI input reaches 400 V, the electronic switch is
switched on and off so that the voltage at the VSI input remains between the two
Procedure Summary
In the first part of this exercise, you will set up in the Mobile Workstation the
equipment required to carry out this exercise.
In the second part of this exercise, you will connect the modules so as to obtain the
circuit shown in Figure 5-3, which is a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a dc link
with a dump resistor, to study the operation of a two-step neutral-zone controller. In
this circuit, Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 1, electronic switch Q1, resistor R1, diode
D4, and a voltage isolator are used to build a two-step neutral-zone controller, which
regulates the voltage at the PWM VSI input. Notice that a resistor (R2) is connected
in series with the diode bridge instead of a smoothing inductor. This resistor limits
the current which the diode bridge (a voltage-type source) can provide. This allows
the two-step neutral-zone controller to adjust (and to regulate) the voltage at the
PWM VSI input.
Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 1 is the control circuit of the two-step neutral-zone
controller. CONTROL INPUTS 1 and 2 of Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 1 allow the
reference voltage and width of the neutral zone (voltage range) to be set,
respectively. CONTROL INPUT 3 of Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 1 receives the
feedback voltage coming from the voltage isolator OUTPUT. Notice that FILTER 2
is used to filter out noise on the output voltage of the voltage isolator. You will set the
voltages provided by DC SOURCEs 1 and 2 in order to set the reference voltage and
the voltage range of the two-step neutral-zone controller, respectively.
In the third part of this exercise, you will vary the reference voltage and the voltage
range of the two-step neutral-zone controller while observing the reference voltage,
the waveform of the voltage at the VSI input, and the switching control signal of
electronic switch Q1. This will allow you to understand the operation of the two-step
neutral-zone controller.
In the fourth part of this exercise, you will replace resistor R2 with a smoothing
inductor to increase the current which can be provided to the VSI input. You will vary
the rotation speed of the induction motor while observing the active and reactive
power supplied to the drive. This will allow you to determine the effect varying the
rotation speed of the induction motor has on the line power factor. You will compare
the line power factor obtained with this VSI induction-motor drive to the line power
factors obtained with the other VSI induction-motor drives used in previous exercises
of this manual.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
In the fifth part of this exercise, you will decrease the VSI operating frequency to
brake the induction motor. This will allow you to observe the braking capability of a
VSI induction-motor drive powered by a dc link with a dump resistor.
In the sixth part of this exercise, you will measure and note the time required so that
the rotation speed of the induction motor passes from 1750 r/min clockwise to
2500 r/min clockwise. You will also measure and note the time required so that the
rotation speed of the induction motor passes from 2500 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min
counterclockwise. You will compare the times obtained with this VSI induction-motor
drive to the times obtained with the other VSI induction-motor drives used in previous
exercises of this manual.
Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart, in Appendix C of this manual, to obtain the
list of the equipment required to carry out this exercise.
G 1. Install the Power Supply, the Enclosure / Power Supply, both Chopper(s) /
Inverter(s) (2), the Power Diodes, the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction
Motor, the Smoothing Inductors, the DC Voltmeter/Ammeter, the AC
Voltmeter, the Three-Phase Wattmeter/Varmeter, the PID Controller, and
the Resistive Load modules in the Mobile Workstation.
G 3. Make sure that the main power switch of the Power Supply is set to the
O (OFF) position. Connect the Power Supply to a three-phase wall
G 4. Plug the Enclosure / Power Supply line cord into a wall receptacle. Set the
rocker switch of the Enclosure / Power Supply to the I (ON) position.
G 5. On the Power Supply, set the 24-V ac power switch to the I (ON) position.
G 6. Make sure that the toggle switches on the Resistive Load module are all set
to the O position.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
Adjustment of the two-step neutral zone controller regulating the voltage at the
VSI input
G 7. Install the Inertia Wheel and the dynamo of the Speed Sensor / Tachometer
on the shaft of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.
Note: Make sure that the securing device of the Inertia Wheel is
well tightened.
Do not use leads to interconnect the three arms of the VSI. The
interconnection switch of the Chopper / Inverter module must be
used to do so in this exercise. Moreover, the leads going to the
VSI input must be connected to electronic switch pair Q1-Q4.
DC SOURCE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAXimum
DC SOURCE 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mid position
MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHOP. STEPS
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
Figure 5-3. VSI induction-motor drive powered by a dc link with a dump resistor.
Interconnection switch S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
Braking Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O
Interconnection switch S1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Interconnection switch S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
ROTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clockwise
On the oscilloscope
V ac V
120 270
220 540
240 540
Table 5-1. Reference voltage of the two-step neutral-zone controller regulating the voltage at the
VSI input.
G 10. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 1, set the DC SOURCE 2 control knob
so that the dc voltage at CONTROL INPUT 2 is equal to +3.0 V. This sets
the voltage range of the two-step neutral-zone controller used to regulate
the voltage at the VSI input to the value indicated in Table 5-2.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
V ac V
120 45
220 90
240 90
Table 5-2. Voltage range of the two-step neutral-zone controller regulating the voltage at the
VSI input.
G 11. On the Power Supply, make sure that the voltage control knob is set to the
0 position then set the main power switch to the I (ON) position.
Slowly set the voltage control knob of the Power Supply to the 80 position
(80% of the ac network line voltage).
Briefly explain why no current flows in the dump resistor, as indicated by the
ammeter on the DC Voltmeter/Ammeter.
Set the input coupling switches of channels 1 and 2 to the GND position
then position the trace of channel 2 so that it overlaps the trace of
channel 1. Set the input coupling switches of channels 1 and 2 to the
DC position. The oscilloscope now displays the reference voltage (VREF.) of
the two-step neutral-zone controller (channel 1) and the voltage at the
VSI input (channel 2).
On the Chopper / Inverter module used to build the VSI, temporarily set
interconnection switch S1 to the O position.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
G 12. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 1, slowly set the DC SOURCE-1 control
knob until the current in electronic switch Q1 (I1dc) is approximately equal to
the current given in Table 5-3. While doing this, observe the voltage
waveforms displayed on the oscilloscope screen and the voltage indicated
on the DC Voltmeter/Ammeter.
V ac A
120 1
220 0.5
240 0.5
Sketch the waveforms of the reference voltage and the voltage at the
VSI input in Figure 5-4.
G 13. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 1, disconnect the lead going to the
channel-1 input of the oscilloscope from CONTROL INPUT 1, then connect
it to SWITCHING CONTROL INPUT 1 of the Chopper / Inverter module
used in the dump-resistor circuit.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
Describe what happens when the reference voltage of the two-step neutral-
zone controller is decreased. Explain.
Measure and record the range over which the voltage at the VSI input varies
on the oscilloscope screen.
Is the voltage variation at the VSI input approximately equal to the voltage
range indicated in Table 5-2.
G Yes G No
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
G 15. On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob to the 0 position then set
the main power switch to the O position.
On the Chopper / Inverter module used to build the VSI, set interconnection
switch S1 to the I position.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
Figure 5-5. VSI induction-motor drive powered by a dc link with a dump resistor.
G 16. On the Power Supply, set the main power switch to the I position then set
the voltage control knob to the 90 position (90% of the ac network line
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
Does the line power factor vary significantly when the rotation speed of the
induction motor is varied? Explain.
Compare the line power factor of this VSI induction-motor drive to the line
power factors obtained with the other VSI induction-motor drives used in
previous exercises of this manual.
Braking capability
G 17. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 2, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 2500 r/min.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
Is electrical energy returned to the three-phase ac power network when the
induction motor is braked? Explain.
Dynamic performance
G 18. On Chopper / Inverter Control Unit 2, set the DC SOURCE 1 control knob
so that the induction motor rotates clockwise at a speed of 1750 r/min.
Record the time the chronometer indicates in the space provided below.
This is the time required for the induction-motor rotation speed to go from
1750 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min clockwise, when the VSI operating
frequency is increased greatly.
Record the time the chronometer indicates in the space provided below.
This is the time required for the induction-motor rotation speed to go from
2500 r/min clockwise to 2500 r/min counterclockwise when the
VSI operating frequency is greatly varied.
G 20. On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob to the 0 position then set
the main power switch and the 24-V ac power switch to the O position. Set
the rocker switch on the Enclosure / Power Supply to the O position.
Remove all leads, cables, and probes.
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
In this exercise, you operated a PWM VSI induction-motor drive powered by a dc link
with a dump resistor. You observed that the line power factor is very close to 1 and
does not vary significantly when the induction-motor speed is varied and found that
it is better than that obtained in induction-motor drives powered with a thyristor
bridge. You also found that a dump resistor offers a braking capability which is
similar to that obtained in induction-motor drives powered by a thyristor four-quadrant
converter. You observed, however, that a dump resistor does not allow the energy
coming from the induction motor to be sent back to the ac power network. You found
that the speed regulation and dynamic performance are inferior to those obtained in
induction-motor drives with a speed-feedback loop and a torque limiter.
1. Briefly describe the operation of a constant V/f ratio induction-motor drive built
with a PWM VSI powered by a dc link with a dump resistor.
2. How does the line power factor vary when the motor rotation speed is varied in
a VSI induction-motor drive powered by a diode rectifier?
VSI Induction-Motor Drive Powered by a
DC Link with a Dump Resistor
4. Briefly explain how a two-step neutral-zone controller can be used in a
VSI induction-motor drive to implement a dump resistor.
Appendix A
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Various symbols are used in many of the circuit diagrams given in the DISCUSSION
and PROCEDURE sections of this manual. Each symbol is a functional
representation of a device used in power electronics. For example, different symbols
represent a variable-voltage single-phase ac power supply, a three-phase thyristor
bridge, and a synchronous motor/generator. The use of these symbols greatly
simplifies the circuit diagrams, by reducing the number of interconnections shown,
and makes it easier to understand operation.
For each symbol used in this and other manuals of the Lab-Volt Power Electronics
series, this appendix gives the name of the device which the symbol represents and
a diagram showing the equipment, and in some cases the connections, required to
obtain the device. Notice that the terminals of each symbol are identified using
encircled numbers. Identical encircled numbers identify the corresponding terminals
in the equipment and connections diagram.
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Circuit Diagram Symbols
Appendix B
Impedance Table for the Load Modules
The following table gives impedance values which can be obtained using either the
Resistive Load, Model 8311, the Inductive Load, Model 8321, or the Capacitive
Load, Model 8331. Figure B-1 shows the load elements and connections. Other
parallel combinations can be used to obtain the same impedance values listed.
Impedance Table for the Load Modules
The following table gives inductance values which can be obtained using the
Inductive Load module, Model 8321. Figure B-1 shows the load elements and
connections. Other parallel combinations can be used to obtain the same inductance
values listed.
Appendix C
Equipment Utilization Chart
The following Lab-Volt equipment is required to perform the exercises in this manual.
Quantities in shaded areas indicate that two student groups can collaborate to
perform the exercises. If so, the second model (and single 8131) is required only for
stand-alone installation.
Additional Equipment
Various authors, SCR Manual Including Triacs and other Thyristors, 6th edition,
New York: General Electric Company, 1979.
Wildi, Theodore. Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems, 2nd edition,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991
ISBN: 0-13-251547-4
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