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Details Page. No
1 The Factories Act 1948 and Rules 1950
Approval of Plans (permission to construct / extend or Form -1 19-20
take into use any premises)
Registration / Grant / Renewal of License Form -2 21-25

Fee structure/ Head of Account 26-28

Notice of change of Manager Form – 3A 29

Examination of Pressure Vessels Form – 8 B 30

Fee Structure / Head of Account 31

2 The Contract labour Act 1970 and Rules 1975.

Registration of Establishment Form -I 32
Grant of license Form -IV 33-34

Certificate by Principal employer Form -V 35

Renewal of License Form- VII 36

Fee Structure / Head of Account 37

3 National and Festival Holidays Act 1958 and

Rules 1959
Notice of proposed Holidays Form – I 38

Notice to employees form – II 39

Notice of change of Holidays Form – IV 40-41

Notice to employees to work on Holidays Form – V A 42

4 Building and other construction workers Act 1996
and Rules 2006. Form – I 43
Registration of Establishment

Fee Structure / Head of Account 44

5 Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of

Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1979 Form - I 45
(Central Act 30 of 1979) and Tamil Nadu Rules,
Application for registration of establishment employing
migrant workmen

Application for License for recruitment Form - IV 46-47

Fee structure/ Head of Account 48

6 The Right to Information Act 2005 Details of 49-61
7 List of Officers of the Directorate of Industrial 62 – 66
Safety and Health who have provided Closed User
Group Connections.
8 Inspection Procedures 67


The Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health is functioning under Ministry

of Labour and Employment, Government of Tamil Nadu and enforces the following
central and state Acts along with Tamil Nadu state Rules for the benefit of
working population mainly in the organized manufacturing sector.

A. Central Acts

1. The Factories Act 1948

2. The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970
3. The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986.
4. The Equal Remuneration Act 1976.
5. The Inter–State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act 1979.
6. The Labour Laws (Exemption from furnishing Returns and maintaining
Registers by certain Establishment) Act 1988.
7. The Maternity Benefit Act 1961.
8. The Minimum Wages Act 1948.
9. The Payment of Wages Act 1936.
10. The Payment of Gratuity Act 1972.
11. The Building and other Construction workers (Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of service) Act 1996.
12. Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989.

B. State Acts

1. The Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (Conferment of Permanent

Status) Act 1981
2. The Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (National & Festival
Holidays) Act 1958
3. Tamil Nadu Labour welfare Fund Act 1972.
4. The Tamil Nadu Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act 1981.
5. The Tamil Nadu Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards

1. By the enforcement of these important Labour Legislations, the Health,

Safety, Welfare, good working conditions, etc. of the workers employed in the
registered Factories are protected. For the effective implementation of the
provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 and other Labour Acts, inspections are
periodically conducted in Registered Factories and the following inspection forms
are prescribed for this purpose.

(i) First Inspection Report for the use of Factory Inspections.

(ii) Factory Inspection Report for second and subsequent inspections by

Factory Inspectors.

2. Premises in which 10 or more workers are employed and power is used
in the manufacturing process and Factories which are engaging 20 or more
workers without using power in manufacturing process are registered under
Factories Act, 1948 and Rules, 1950.

3. The Plan approval authorities are as follows :-

Plans related to Approved by
1. Factories employing 250 and less workers Joint Director of
except those engaged in dangerous Industrial Safety and
operations Health

2. Factories employing above 250 workers Additional Director of

upto 1000 workers except those engaged Industrial Safety and
in dangerous operations Health

3. Factories employing more than 1000 Director of Industrial

workers and all factories engaged in Safety and Health
dangerous operations

4. The following formats are used for approval of plans, Registration of

Factory and Testing of Pressure vessels under Factories Act, 1948 and Rules

(i) Approval of plan and permission to construct / extend/ or take

into use any building as a factory under the Factories Act, 1948 :

Occupier of the factory should apply for at least 15 days prior to the
occupation of any premises for the approval of plan. Apart from the initial approval,
further approval under factories at is also mandatory for the existing factories
whenever new building is constructed or new machines are installed in the factory.
For getting approval of plans for the construction or extension of a factory, the
applicant should apply to the director/ Additional Director/ Joint director in Form No
1, duly filled along with the plan of the factory( building plan, machinery layout,
building elevation, cross section etc.), other required documents and Court Fee
Stamp for Rs.5/-.

In practise, the application for plan approval is received at office of Joint

Director (JDISH) and approved by them or sent to the Additional Director or Director
depending upon the parameters prescribed in the above table. After scrutiny and
rectifications of defects (if required), the plan is approved by the concerned
authority. Depending upon the nature of manufacturing operation, the factory may
also be inspected in some cases before approval.

Form No.1 : (Prescribed under Rule3).
Application for permission to construct, extend or take into use any
premises as a factory.

(ii)(a) Registration and Grant of License under Factories Act, 1948:

For the registration of premises under the Factories Act, the
following documents should be submitted to the Joint Director of
Industrial Safety and Health of the concerned area, atleast 15 days
before the occupation of the premises.
1. Form No.2 in triplicate
2. Court fee stamp to the value of Rs.2/ -
3. Treasury receipt or a DD for the due license fee.
4. Articles of association/ partnership deed
5. List of machinery with horse power
6. List of workers

The fees are to be remitted in any branch of a Nationalised Bank by

a crossed Demand Draft in favour of the Joint Director of Industrial
Safety and Health of the respective region.

Please note that the Government have permitted the grant/renewal of

Licence for a period of maximum of 5 years at a time and therefore, you may get
the license renewed for a period of 1/2/3/4/5 years at your option. The fees are
payable according to the number of years for which license is required.

On receipt of the application, the details furnished by the occupier will be

verified by the officials of the directorate followed by the inspection of the
premises. Based upon the inspection, proposal will be sent by the official to the
concerned regional Additional Director of Industrial Safety and Health for
registration number allotment. The District-wise registration number will be
allotted to the factory by the Additional Director of Industrial Safety and Health of
the concerned region. Then Joint Director of Industrial Safety and Health issues
the license under the Factories Act.

Form No.2 : (Specified in Section 6 and 7)

Application for registration, grant or renewal of licence for the year
and notice of occupation(to be submitted in triplicate).

(ii)(b) Renewal of License under the Factories Act, 1948:

For the renewal of license for the subsequent year, the following documents
should be received by the Joint Director of Industrial Safety and Health of
your area before 31st October of current year :-

1. Form No. 2 in triplicate.

2. Court Fee Stamp to the value of Rs. 2/-.
3. Treasury receipt or a DD for the due licence fee and if there is any
change in the occupier, Rs. 50 for transfer of licence.
4. Copies of new partnership deed, old partnership dissolution deed in
case of change of partners.
5. Death Certificate in the case of demise of the Proprietor.
6. Licence in original.

The fees are to be remitted in any branch of a Nationalised Bank by a

crossed Demand Draft in favour of the Joint Director of Industrial Safety and
Health of the respective region.

Please note that the Government have permitted the grant/renewal of

Licence for a period of maximum of 5 years at a time and therefore, you may get
the licence renewed for a period of 1/2/3/4/5 years at your option. The fees are
payable according to the number of years for which licence is required.

On receipt of the application, the details furnished by the occupier will be

verified by the Joint Director of Industrial Safety and Health and the license will be
renewed and issued accordingly.

Form No.2 : (Specified in Section 6 and 7)

Application for registration, grant or renewal of licence for the year
and notice of occupation(to be submitted in triplicate).

(iii) Form No.8B : ( prescribed under rule 56 B(1).

Application for testing or examination of Pressure Vessel.

Other format prescribed under Factories Act 1948

(iv) Form No.3A : (Prescribed under Rule12-A).

Notice of change of Manager.

5. Under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 the
following formats are prescribed for registration and grant/renewal of licence to
be obtained by the principal employer and the contractor respectively.

(i) Form No. I : (See Rule 17(1)

Application for registration of establishment
employing Contract Labour

(ii) Form No. IV : (See Rule 21(1)

Application for Licence by the Contractor

(iii) Form No. V : (See Rule 21(2)

Form of Certificate by Principal Employer

6.Under the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of

Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1979 (Central Act 30 of 1979) and
Tamil Nadu Rules, 1983, the following formats are prescribed for registration and
grant/renewal of licence to be obtained by the principal employer and the
contractor respectively.
(i) Form No. I : (Sec rule 3(1))
Application for registration of establishment
employing migrant workmen

(ii) Form No. V : (Sec rule 7 (1))

Application for Licence for recruitment

7. Under the Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (National and

Festival Holidays) Act, the following formats are prescribed for declaration of
Holidays and intimation of working on any of the Holidays.

(i) Form No. I : (See Rule 3 (1)

Notice of proposed Holidays
(ii) Form No. II : (See Rule 3(2)
Notice to employees
(iii) Form No. IV : (See Rule 4 (2)
Notice of change of Holidays
(iv) Form No. V A : ( See Rule 6(9)
Notice to employees to work on

8. Registration under the Building and Other Construction workers Act,

1996 :

The Employer of the establishment has to apply to the concerned
Joint Director of Industrial Safety and Health in Form No. I for registration under
the BOCW Act along with the DD for the required fees. The Joint Director of
Industrial Safety and Health will scrutinize the application and issue the
registration certificate subject to the conditions if required.
Under the Building and other construction workers (Regulation of
employment and Conditions of Service) 1996 the following format is prescribed
for Registration of Establishment for employing Building or other construction

Form No . I : ( See rule 23 (1)

Registration of Establishment.

Details of Forms mentioned above and Fee structure for the same
are given under Annexure - I.

Welfare Measures for workers under Factories Act 1948 and TamilNadu
Factories Rules 1950:-

I. FIRST AID APPLIANCES : (Section 45(1) Rule 63)

There shall be provided First Aid Boxes with prescribed contents and they
shall be kept in the charge of First Aid Trained persons in the Factory.

II. AMBULANCE ROOM: (Section 45(2) Rule 64)

In Factories, wherein more than 500 workers are ordinarily employed an
Ambulance Room containing the prescribed equipments and in the charge of such
medical and Nursing Staff as prescribed should be provided.

III. CANTEEN: (Section 46 Rule 65)

Canteen shall be provided and maintained in Factories where in more than
250 workers are ordinarily employed.


Rest Room and Lunch Room shall be provided in Factories where in more
than 150 workers are ordinarily employed.

V. CRECHE: (Section 48 Rule 73)

Creche shall be provided and maintained under the charge of trained
women in factories ordinarily employing more than 30 women workers.


To take care of the welfare of the workers, Welfare Officers shall be
employed in factories ordinarily employing more than 500 workers.


In respect of any Factory carrying on “Hazardous process” Occupational
Health Centre with medical Officers should be provided with the services and
facilities as prescribed.


Photo Identity Card should be issued to each worker (both regular and
temporary) by the manager of every factory in Form No 25 C.

Welfare Schemes For Workers In Match And Fire Work Factories:


A Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme has been formulated for the
benefit of workers of Match and Fire Works Industries in Tamil Nadu.
The Scheme is designed to give relief against death, loss of limbs, loss of
eye sight, etc. of the Insured persons due to accidents. Accident Insurance is
given to the insured persons on 24 hours basis and will not be confined to
accidents arising out of or in the course of actual occupation alone.
The Scheme covers the workers in Match and Fire Works industries in Tamil
Nadu in the age group of 10 to 65 years.


Sl. Name of the Beneficiary Persons to Documents to be submitted. Orders issuing Duration Official to be
No. Labour Welfare of th Act. be officer. contacted in
Act enforced. approached case of
for the grievances
benefit of the
1 Factories Act, Employees Director.ISH 1. Registration of Factories.
1948 and Tamil and Addl.DISH
Nadu Factories Employers Jt.DISH Factories in which 10 or more Addl.DISH. 30 days. Director.ISH
Rules, 1950. . Dy.DISH workers are employed with Addl.DISH
Asst.DISH power being used in the for allotment Jt.DISH
manufacturing process and of Registration
factories which are engaging 20 number to the
or more workers without using New Factory.
power in manufacturing process
are registered under the
Factories Act, 1948 and Rules,
1950 as per Section 6 of the
Persons who propose to start
the factory should submit the Jt.DISH.
Form No.2 duly filled in triplicate issue of
along with D.D. or Challan for licence
the prescribed amount with a
Court Fee Stamp of Rs./- to the
Jt.DISH concerned for getting

2. Renewal of licence :

The Licence is to be renewed every Jt.DISH

For getting renewal of licence the
occupier should apply in Form No. 2,
along with D.D. or Challan for the
amount prescribed by the
Government to the concerned
Jt.DISH. The licence may be
renewed for one year or 5 years at a

3. Approval of Plans.
Director.ISH 3 months.
For getting approval of plans for the Addl.DISH.
construction or extension of a Jt.DISH
Factory, the applicant should apply
in Form No. I, prescribed under
Section 6 read with rule 3 duly filled
in (in triplicate) with Court Fee
Stamp for Rs.5/- to the
Director.ISH, concerned Jt.DISH/ .

4. Pressure Vessels

All the Pressure Vessels operating

above atmospheric pressure
excluding steam boilers coming
under the purview of Indian Boiler Jt.DISH. 30 days.
Act should be examined or tested Dy.DISH.
externally once in every six Asst.DISH.
months, internally once in every
year or hydrostatically once in every
two years or subjected to ultrasonic
test once in every four years.

For examination and testing of

Pressure Vessels the occupier should
apply in Form No. 8-B along with
fee Prescribed under Rule 56–B one
month in advance from the date on
which the vessel falls due for such
examination or test to the Jt.DISH
concerned .

Complaints, if any, may be made

to Dy.DISH /Jt.DISH / Addl.DISH
/Director.ISH in case of violation of
the Act and Rules.

2. Minimum Workers. Addl.DISH If the Minimum Wages prescribed Deputy No limit. Director.ISH
Wages Act, Jt.DISH by the Government (Schedule of Commissioner Addl.DISH
1948. Employment) is not paid to the of Labour of Jt.DISH
worker, claim petition can be filed the concerned COL
in Form VI as prescribed in Section jurisdiction.
20(2) of the Act to the concerned
D.C.L. within 6 months. If any
violation of the Act is noticed a
worker may file complaint with the
concerned Dy.DISH./Jt.DISH for

3 Contract Labour Contract Addl.DISH To engage Contract Labour Jt.DISH Action to Director.ISH
(Regulation and workers. Jt.DISH. through contractor, the principal concerned be taken Addl.DISH
Abolition) Act, Dy.DISH employer should apply for the within 15 Jt.DISH
1970. Asst.DISH registration certificate in Form I days.
prescribed under Rule 17(1) to the
Jt.DISH. concerned.

Contractor should apply for Dy.DISH

licence in Form VI under Rule concerned
21(1) of the Act to the concerned
IF along with Security Deposit at
the rate of Rs. 100/- per worker as
prescribed under section 24 (1) of
the Act.

4 Inter-State Mig rant Addl.DISH The establishments employing Jt.DISH Action to Director.ISH
Migrant Workers Jt.DISH. migrant workmen have to register concerned be taken Addl.DISH
Workmen Dy.DISH as per rule 3 in Form No. I along within 15 Jt.DISH
(Regulation of Asst.DISH with necessary fees as prescribed days.
Employment under Rule 12 to the Jt.DISH.
and Conditions concerned.
of Service) Act
1979 (Central
Act 30 of 1979)
and Tamil Nadu
Rules, 1983

5 Tamil Nadu Workers. Addl.DISH As per Section 3 of this Act, every Jt.DISH Action to Director.ISH
Industrial Jt.DISH. worker is entitled for 4 National be taken Addl.DISH
Establishment Dy.DISH Holidays and 5 Festival Holidays in a within 15 Jt.DISH.
(National and Asst.DISH year. days.
Holidays) Act, If the benefit is denied, the
1958. employee can make a complaint to
the concerned Dy.DISH /Jt.DISH.
As per Section 5 of this Act, if the
worker is required to work on a
Holiday, he is entitled for twice the
wages or wages for such day and to
avail the substituted holiday with

6 Payment of Workers. Addl.DISH As per Section 5 of this Act, the Deputy No limit. Director.ISH
Wages Act, Jt.DISH. wage of every person employed in a Commissio Addl.DISH
1936. Dy.DISH factory in which less than 1000 ner of Jt.DISH.
Asst.DISH persons are employed should be Labour. COL.
paid before the expiry of 7th day of
the subsequent month and 10th day
of subsequent month in the case of
factory employing more than 1000

7 Maternity Women Addl.DISH A women worker entitled for Addl.DISH One Director.ISH
Benefit Act, workers. Jt.DISH. Maternity Benefit, should file a Jt.DISH. month. Addl.DISH
1960. Dy.DISH notice in Form D to the employer for Jt.DISH.
Asst.DISH maternity benefit under the Act.
Any women worker deprived of
Maternity Benefit may make an
appeal in Form F to the Appellate
authority. A complaint in Form G
shall be made to the Inspector
alleging non-payment of maternity
benefit and/or wages for Maternity

8 Tamil Nadu Workers. Secretary, As per this Act, every employee SecretaryT No limit. Director.ISH
Labour Welfare Tamil Nadu should contribute Rs.10/- per year amil Nadu Addl.DISH
Fund Act, 1972. Labour and every employer should Labour Jt.DISH.
Welfare contribute in respect of each such Welfare
Board, employee Rs.20/- per year and Board,
Chennai-6. Government in respect of each such Chennai-6.
employee Rs.10/- per year to the
Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund.
The Fund can be utilised towards the
Welfare of the workers as specified
in the Act.

9 Tamil Nadu Workers. Addl.DISH As per the Act, every workman who Jt.DISH. No limit. Director.ISH
Industrial Jt.DISH. is in continuous service for a period Addl.DISH
Establishment Dy.DISH of 480 days in a period of 24 Jt.DISH.
(Conferment of Asst.DISH calendar month in an Industrial
Permanent Establishment is entitled for
Status to permanent status. Any entitled
Workmen) Act, workman who has not been given
1981. permanent status can make a
representation to the Jt.DISH.

10 Equal Women Addl.DISH This Act provides payment of equal Jt.DISH. No limit. Director.ISH
Remuneration workers. Jt.DISH. remuneration to men and women Dy.DISH Addl.DISH
Act, 1976. Dy.DISH workers and for the prevention of Jt.DISH.
Asst.DISH discrimination on the ground of sex
against women in the matter of
employment notified under the Act.

11 Child Labour Prohibition Addl.DISH Jt.DISH. No limit. Director.ISH
(Regulation and of Child Jt.DISH. Addl.DISH
Abolition) Act, Labour in Dy.DISH Jt.DISH.
1986. Hazardous Asst.DISH

12 Payment of Workers. Addl.DISH Any employee under suspension is ACL, O/o. No limit. C.O.L.
Subsistence Jt.DISH. entitled to receive payment from the DCL
Allowance Act, Dy.DISH employer as subsistence allowance an concerne
1981. Asst.DISH amount equal to 50% of the wages d
which the employee was drawing
immediately before suspension for the
first 90 days from the date of
suspension and 75% for the next 90
days and full wages on the expiry of
180 days from the date of suspension.

Appeals if any the ACL, O/o. DCL

concerned can be approached with
Form C under Section 5 (1) of the Act.

13 The Payment of Workers. ACL, O/o. A worker is entitled for gratuity if he A.C.L. No limit. C.O.L.
Gratuity Act, DCL has rendered a continuous service for (Gratuity
1972. not less than 5 years. An employee ).
who is eligible for gratuity can apply
either by himself or by person
authorised in writing to the ACL
(Gratuity) concerned in Form-I
prescribed under Rule 7 of Tamil Nadu
Payment of Gratuity Rules within 30
days from the date from which
gratuity becomes payable.

14 The Labour Employer Addl.DISH This Act exempts the employer in Jt.DISH No limit. Director.ISH
Laws of small Jt.DISH. relation to establishments employing Addl.DISH
(Exemption establish- Dy.DISH less than 20 workers from furnishing Jt.DISH.
from furnishing ments. Asst.DISH returns and maintaining registers
returns and under certain Labour Laws. This Act
maintaining empowers submission of Annual Core
registers by Return in Form-A.
Act 1988.

15 The Building Employees Addl.DISH The establishments have to register Jt.DISH 30 days Director.ISH
and other Jt.DISH. as per rule 23 in Form No. I along Addl.DISH
Construction Dy.DISH with necessary fees as prescribed Jt.DISH.
workers Asst.DISH under Rule 27.
(Regulation of
and conditions
of service) Act
Note : The Deputy Director of Industrial Safety and Health, Joint Director of Industrial Safety
and Health, Additional Director of Industrial Safety and Health concerned and Director of
Industrial Safety and Health may be contacted with respect to implementation / getting
remedy under any of the provisions of the above said Act and Rules.

Director.ISH Director of Industrial Safety and Health

Addl.DISH Additional Director of Industrial Safety and Health

Jt.DISH Joint Director of Industrial Safety and Health

Dy.DISH Deputy Director of Industrial Safety and Health

Asst.DISH. Assistant Director of Industrial Safety and Health

ACL Assistant Commissioner of Labour

DCL Deputy Commissioner of Labour

CL Commissioner of Labour

For further information The Director of Industrial Safety and Health, IAO Buildings, Royapettah,
Chennai 600 014.

e-Mail address [email protected]

Sl. Name of the Bene - Persons to Duration Official to
N Act. ficiary of be be
o. the Act. approache contacted
Documents to be submitted.
d for the in case of
information grievances
of the Act.

1 Right to Public Public Request as prescribed under Section 6 (1) Reply to Public
Information information accompanied by fee as prescribed under Section 6 petitioner Informatio
Act 2005 officers / (1), Section 7 (1) & (5) as detailed below with in n Officer/
Appellate 30 days Appellate
authorities (a) A request for obtaining information under Authority
Sub-section (1) of Section 6 of the Right to concerned.
Information Act shall be made in writing or through
electronic means either in person or by post to the Appeal to
Public Information Officer mentioned above and must be made to
be accompanied by an application fee of Rs.10/- by the
cash or by affixing Court fee Stamp or by Demand Appellate
draft or Banker’s Cheque payable to the head of the Authority
account as may be specified by the Public Authority. concerned
with in 30
The applicant may also remit the fee under the days from
following head of account through Treasury / Pay and the expiry/
Accounts Office / State Bank of India / Reserve Bank Receipt of
of India and produce the chalan to the Public information
Information Officer as an evidence for having from the
remitted the fee. Public
n Officers

“0075.00. Miscellaneous General Services –
800. Other receipts – BK. Collection of Fees
under Tamil Nadu Right to Information (Fees)
Rules, 2005”
(D.P.Code 0075 00 800 BK 0006.

(b) For providing information under Sub-

Section (1) of Section 7 of the Right to Information
Act, the fee as below should be paid as per the mode
at (a) above.
1) Rupees two for each page (in A4 or A3 size
paper) created or copied;
2) Actual charge or cost price of a copy in
larger size paper;
3) Actual cost or price for samples or models;
4) For inspection of records, no fee for the
first hour; and a fee of Rs. 5/- for every
one hour (or fraction thereof) thereafter.

Persons below the poverty line are exempted

from the payment of fee mentioned above for
seeking information under the Right to Information
Act, 2005. The list of persons below poverty line
approved by the Gram Panchayat and Local Bodies
will be the basis for claiming this concession. An
extract of the list, duly certified, will be sufficient to
avail this concession.

** Details of Public Information Officers and Appellate Authorities are listed in the Annexure- II


A) Factories Act 1948 and Tamilnadu Factories Rules 1950

(Prescribed under Rule 3)

Self attested
Passport size
photograph of the
Applicant /

Application for permission to construct, extend of taken into use any building as a

1 Particulars of the Applicant’s / Occupier’s:

a) Name
b) Father’s Name
c) Designation
d) Age
e) Permanent residential address E-Mail ID
f) Phone number
g) Mobile number

2 Particulars of the owner of the building/premises:

a) Name
b) Father’s Name
c) Designation
d) Permanent residential address E-Mail ID
e) Phone number
f) Mobile number

3 Particulars of the factory:

a) Full Name and Postal address of the factory

b) E-Mail ID
c) Mobile number
d) Web site address, if any

4 Situation of the Factory survey numbers/Door
numbers of the Factory with relevant documentary
proof for the occupancy / ownership of the

a) State
b) District
c) Town or village
d) Nearest Police Station
e) Nearest Railway Station or Steamer Ghat

5 Purpose for which plans are submitted:

state whether initial approval/ Additional

installation / additional construction / changes in
installation, etc.

6 If the plans have been approved earlier give the

number and the date of approval of previous plans
relevant to the present plans except in the case of
initial approval:

7 Details of present proposals with reference to item

8 Total Installed capacity in Horse Power (including
the present plans) (a+c-b):-

a) Approved Horse Power in the earlier plans

b) Deletion, if any
c) Addition

9 Maximum number of workers proposed to be

employed in the factory:

10 Brief description of the manufacturning process

with flow chart:

11 Details of chemicals with storage quantity, if any:

Serial Number Name of the Chemical Type of storage Maximum quantity

(1) (2) (3) stored in tones

Note : Court fee stamp to the value of Rs.5/- to be affixed in the first copy only.

Date :

Application for registration and grant or renewal of licence for the year …………..
and notice of occupation specified in sections 6 and 7 ( to be submitted in

1 Full name of the factory with factory

licence number if, already registered
before-- the name of person or persons to
whom the present licence is to be granted
and issued
2 (a) Full postal address and situation of the
factory (Door No. Survey No. etc.).
(b) Full address to which communications
relating to the factory should be sent
( c) Police Station in whose jurisdiction
the factory lies
3 Particulars of the owner/s of the premises
or building (including the precincts
thereof) referred to in Section 93 :-
Age :
Residential address:
Father’s Name:
4 Particulars of the Occupier of the factory
who has ultimate control over the affairs
of the factory and in whose name the
licence is to be issued (please see Section
2(n) -
Age :
Residential address:
Father’s Name:

Note :- (1) Where the Occupier of the factory is a firm or other association
of individuals or a company the above particulars should be
furnished in respect of all the partners or members of the firm
or association or the directors or shareholders of the company.

(2) In the case of a factory owned or controlled by the Central

Government or any State Government or any Local Authority,
the person or persons appointed to manage the affairs of the
factory by the Central Government, the State Government or
the Local Authority as the case may be, shall be deemed to be
the occupier.

5 Particulars of the Manager of the factory for
the purpose of the Act.
Age :
Residential address:
Father’s Name:
6 Nature of manufacturing process / processes
(a) Carried on in the factory during the
preceding calendar year (in the case of
factories already in existence
(b) To be carried on in the factory during the
calendar year for which this application for
licence is made
7 Particulars of principal products
manufactured during the preceding calendar
Sl. Product Name Value in Rs.

8 (a)Particulars of power actually installed

Sl. Nature of Power Quantity in H.P Remarks (Whether
No stand - by ,etc.

(b) Particulars of power proposed to be

additionally installed, if any during the
calendar year for which this application for
licence is made.
Sl. Nature of Power Quantity in H.P Remarks (Whether
No stand – by, etc.

(c) Maximum quantity (in H.P.) that can be

used at any one time during the calendar
year for which this application for licence is

9 (a) Whether the factory is having any

pressure vessels; if so, the number of
pressure vessels may be indicated

(b) Whether the factory management had

remitted fees for the testing of pressure
vessels by the notified persons of Factory

10 (a) Maximum number of workers proposed
to be employed on any one day during the
calendar year for which this application for
licence is made (please see the slab limits in
the Schedule to Rule 4)

(b) Maximum number of workers actually

employed on any one day during the
preceding calendar year.

C) Number of workers to be ordinarily

employed in the factory

11 Number of calendar years for which grant or

renewal of licence is required (indicate the
exact calendar year / years)

12 In the case of a factory constructed or

extended after the date of the
commencement of the rules --

a) Reference number and date of approval of

the plans for site, whether for old or new
buildings and for construction or extension of
factory by the State Government / Chief

b) Reference number and date of approval of

the arrangements if any, made for the
disposal of trade waste and effluents and the
name of the authority granting such

13 Amount of fee
……………………………………….only)Paid in the
Bank/ Treasury/ Sub –Treasury
Vide challan No./ D.D. No………………
Dated…………………… enclosed

14 Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund : Whether

contribution to the Labour Welfare Fund for
the previous year has been remitted and, if
so, furnish the details of amount remitted,
date of remittance and mode of remittance
(by cheque / cash / challan).

Signature of the Manager. Signature of the Occupier

Name in capital letters. Name in capital letters.

Date : Date :
Note : (1) This form should be completed in ink in block letters or type.
(2) If power is not used at the time of filling of this form, but is introduced
later the fact should be communicated to the Chief Inspector
(3) If any of the persons named against item 4 as minor, the fact should be

G.O.Ms. No. 53, Labour and Employment (M2) Department, dated 12th April 2012.
Total Horse Power Maximum No. of persons to be employed on any day during the year.
installed inclusive of 9 20 50 100 250 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 Above
Mobile Equipment. 10000
Nil Horse power 400 800 1200 1600 3600 5400 12000 18000 33000 48000 60000
Upto 10 Horse power 800 1200 1600 2400 5400 9000 24000 36000 54000 72000 90000
Above 10 Horse
power upto 50 Horse 1200 1600 2400 3600 9000 14400 36000 54000 72000 90000 108000
Above 50 Horse
power upto 129 1600 2400 3600 6000 14400 24000 54000 72000 90000 108000 120000
Horse power
Above 129 Horse
power upto 250 2400 3600 6000 9600 24000 36000 72000 90000 108000 120000 132000
Horse power
Above 250 Horse
power upto 500 3600 6000 8000 12800 36000 48000 90000 108000 120000 132000 144000
Horse power
Above 500 Horse
power upto 1000 6000 6400 12800 24000 48000 60000 108000 120000 132000 144000 156000
Horse power
Above 1000 Horse
power upto 2000 6400 12800 24000 32000 60000 72000 120000 132000 144000 156000 168000
Horse power
Above 2000 Horse
power upto 5000 12800 24000 32000 40000 72000 84000 132000 144000 156000 168000 180000
Horse power
Above 5000 Horse
power upto 7500 24000 32000 40000 48000 84000 96000 144000 156000 168000 180000 192000
Horse power

Above 7500 Horse
power upto 10000 32000 40000 48000 56000 96000 108000 156000 168000 180000 192000 204000
Horse power
Above 10000 Horse
40000 48000 56000 64000 108000 120000 168000 180000 192000 204000 216000

Head of Account:

“2230 Labour and employment

104 fees realized under Factories Act
AA Licence Fees”

D.P. Code 0230 00 104 AA 0008


(As amended in G.O. Ms. No. 979, Labour Department, dated 4th May 1984).

If the application for renewal of licence is not received within the time limit
specified in sub-rule (2) of rule 7 (i.e. on or before 31st October of every year) the
licence will be renewed only on payment of an additional fee of –

1 Ten per centum of the fee If the application for renewal is

payable received not less than one month
before the date of expiry of licence
(i.e. during November).

2 Twenty per centum of the fee If the application for renewal is

payable with in a month before the expiry
of the licence. (i.e. during

3 Thirty per centum of the fee If the application for renewal is

payable received after the expiry of the

Form 3-A
(Prescribed under Rule 12-A)
(Notice of change of Manager)
1. Full name of the factory with current licence
2. Full Postal address.
3. Name of the outgoing Manager.

4. Full name, age and father’s name of the new

Manager with his residential address and
telephone number, if installed.
5. Date of appointment of the new Manager

Date : Signature of the new Manager,

Place :
Signature of the Occupier.


FORM NO – 8 – B
[See rule 56 – B (1)]

1 Name, address and Registration

number of the Factory.
2 Particulars of the Pressure Vessel or
a Description of the vessel or Plant,
regarding its constructions
indentification and use.
b Date of construction of the Vessel or
c Date on which the Vessel or Plant
was first taken into use.
d Details regarding the name and
address of the Manufacturer.
e Wall thickness of the Vessel or Plant.
f Maximum allowable working pressure
as prescribed by the Manufacturer
g Design pressure of the Vessel or
3 (a) Please specify the purpose of
the present application
External Examination/ Internal
Examination/ Hydrostatic Test/
Ultrasonic Thickness gauging
(b) Please specify the period to which
the above mentioned
examination and test is related.
4 Particulars of the treasury Challan
No. and date and the amount

Place :

Date :

Signature of the Occupier/

Manager of the Factory

The fee payable for the examination and testing of pressure
plant or vessel are as follows:

(i) Rs. 400/- (Rupees four hundred only) per plant irrespective of its
size or capacity for external examination:

(ii) Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) per plant up to 4Kgf/Sqcm
(g) for Hydrostatic test:

(iii) Rs. 2000/- (Rupees two thousand only) per plant above 4Kgf/Sqcm
(g) for Hydrostatic test:

(iv) Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) irrespective of the size or
capacity for internal examination ; and

(v) Rs. 4000/- (Rupees four thousand only) per plant or vessel
irrespective of the size of capacity for non – destructive thickness
gauging test.

Head of Account:

“0230 Labour and Employment

104 Fees realized under Factories Act
AD Pressure Plant Testing Fees”

D.P. CODE 0230 00 104 AD 0004

The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and Rules:

Form – I
[See Rule 17 (1)]

Application for Registration of Establishments Employing

Contract Labour

1. Name and location of the Establishment

2. Postal address of the Establishment
3. Full name and address of the Principal Employer (furnish father’s name in
the case of individuals)
4. Full name address of the Manager or person responsible for the supervision
and control of the establishment.
5. Nature of work carried on in the establishment
6. Total number of workmen directly employed
7. Particulars of contractors and contract labour
(a) Name and addresses of Contractors
(b) Nature of work in which contract labour is
employed on any day through teach contractor
(c) Maximum number of contract labour to be
employed on any day through each contractor
(d) Estimated date of commencement of each
contract work under each contractor]
8. Particulars of Treasury Receipt enclosed ------------------------
( Name of the Treasury, Amount & date ).
I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of
knowledge and belief.
Principal Employer
Seal and stamp
Office of the Registering Officer

Date of receipt of application

Form – IV [See
Rule 21 (1) ]
Application for licence

1. Name and address of the contractor ( including his father’s name in case
of individuals)
2. Date of birth and age ( in case of individuals)
3. Particulars of establishment where contract labour is to be employed
(a) Name and address of the Establishment:
(b) Type of business, trade, industry, manufacture or occupation, which
is carried on in the establishment:
(c) Number and date of Certificate of Registration of the Establishment
under the Act:
(d) Name and address of Principal Employer
4. Particulars of contract labour
(a) Nature of work in which contract labour is employed or is to be
employed in the employment
(b) Duration of the proposed contract work ( give particulars of proposed
date of commencing and ending)
(c) Name and address of the agent or manager of contractor at the work
(d) Maximum No. contract labour proposed to be employed in the
establishment on any date:
5. Whether the contractor was convicted of any offence within in the
preceding five years. If, so give details.
6. Whether there was any order against the contractor revoking or suspending
licence or forfeiting security deposits in respect of an earlier contract. If.
so the date of such order.
7. Whether the contractor has worked in any other establishment within the
past five years. If, so give details of the Principal Employer,
Establishments and nature of work.
8. Whether a certificate by the Principal Employer in Form V is enclosed
9. Amount of licence fee paid. No of Treasury challan and date]
10. Particulars of security deposit, if any requested to be adjusted, including
Treasury Receipt number and date.
(The amount of security or balance, if any , after adjustment of amount to be
refunded under rule, 31, deposited with Treasury Receipt number and date]

Declaration : - I hereby declare that the details given above are correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.

Place : Signature of the applicant


Note: The application should be accompanied by a Treasury Receipt for the

appropriate amount and a certificate in Form V from the Principal Employer.
(To be filled in the office of the Lincensing Officer)
Date of receipt of the application with challan for fees/ Security Deposit.

Signature of the Licensing Officer,

Form – V

[See Rule 21 (2) ]

Form of Certificate by Principal Employer

Certified that I have engaged the applicant ( name of the Contractor)

as a contractor in my establishment . I undertake to be bound by all the
provisions of the Contract of Labour ( Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and the
Tamil Nadu Contract Labour ( Regulation and Abolition) Rules, 1975, insofar as
the provisions are applicable to me in respect of the employment of contract
labour by the applicant in my establishment.

Place: Signature of The Principal Employer

Date : Name and address of Establishment.

Form VII [See
Rule 29(2)]
Application for Renewal of License
1. Name and address of the contractor.
2. Number and date of the license.
3. Date of expiry of the previous license.
4. Whether the license of the contractor was suspended or revoked.
5. Name of the Bank, No. and date of the demand draft enclosed.
Date of receipt of the application with demand draft No. and date.

Place: Signature of the Applicant


(To be filled in office of the Licensing Officer)

Date of receipt of the application

with treasury Receipt No. and date.

Signature of the Licensing Officer



(I) The fees to be paid for the certificate of registration under section 7 shall be
as specified below

Sl. Description In Rs.

a) Does not exceed 20 200.00
b) Exceeds 20 but does not exceed 50 workers 400.00
c) Exceeds 50 but does not exceed 100 workers 1000.00
d) Exceeds 100 but does not exceed 200 workers 2000.00
e) Exceeds 200 but does not exceed 400 workers 4000.00
f) Exceeds 400 workers 6000.00

(II) The fees to be paid for the grant / renewal of licence under section 12 shall
be as specified below

Sl. Description In Rs.

g) Does not exceed 20 100.00
h) Exceeds 20 but does not exceed 50 workers 150.00
i) Exceeds 50 but does not exceed 100 workers 200.00
j) Exceeds 100 but does not exceed 200 workers 300.00
k) Exceeds 200 but does not exceed 400 workers 400.00
l) Exceeds 400 workers 500.00


“0230 Labour and Employment

104 fees realized under Factories Act
AO –Fees under Contract Labour.

(D. P Code – 0230-00-104-AO-0006)

C) The National and Festival Holidays Act 1958 and Tamilnadu Rules

Form No. I.
[See sub – rule (1) of rule 3 of National and festival Holidays Act]
( Name and address of the employer)
(Designation and address of the Inspector having jurisdiction over the area
in which the Industrial establishment is situated)
I propose that the following festivals may be specified under section 3 of
the Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments ( National and Festival Holidays) Act,
1958 ( Tamil nadu Act XXXIII of 1958), in respect of my industrial establishment,
namely, (a) at (b)
Serial number Description of festivals
1. The total number of employees in the above industrial establishment is
2. A notice in Form No. II has been exhibited in the above industrial
establishments on the A copy of the notice aforesaid is enclosed.
3. The names of the trade unions which claim to represent my employees are
To my knowledge there is no trade union representing the employees.
Date : Yours faithfully,
Signature of the employer.
Note :
a) Here enter the name of industrial establishment
b) Here enter the full address of the industrial establishment
c) Delete portion not applicable to the industrial establishment . This
form shall be completed in ink in block letters or typed.

Form – II
[See sub – rule (2) of rule – 3]

I have proposed to the (a) that the following *

festivals mentioned in column (2) of the statement below may festival’s mention
in column (3) of the statement below may be specified.
be specified in lieu of the festival /s already specified and mentioned in column
(2) thereof.
under section 3 of the Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (National and Festival
Holidays) Act, 1958 ( Tamil nadu Act XXXIII of 1958), in respect of this industrial
Serial number Description of the * Description of the festivals
festivals proposed for specification in
lieu of that those mentioned in
column (2)
(1) (2) (3)

2. Any employees of this industrial establishment or trade union representing the

employees of this industrial establishment may send to the abovementioned
Inspector objections of suggestions, if any, to the proposal mentioned above.

3. The objections or suggestions should reach the abovementioned Inspector

within a period of fifteen days from the date on which this notice is displayed in
the premises of the industrial establishment.
Date on which the notice is exhibited.

Signature of the employer

Note : a) Here enter the designation and address of the Inspector having
jurisdiction over the area in which the industrial establishment is situate.
* Delete whichever is not applicable.
This form shall be completed in ink in block letters or typed.

[See Sub – rule (2) of rule 4)

( Designation and address of the Inspector having jurisdiction over the area in
which the industrial establishments is situated]


Reference : - Your proceeding No. dated.

I, the employer of the industrial establishment, namely

We, the employees in the industrial representing a substantial number of

employees in the industrial establishment. , * at.

namely ** at

propose that the festival / festivals mentioned in column (3) of the

statement below may be specified under section 3 of the Tamil Nadu industrial
Establishments ( National and Festival Holiday ) Act, 1958 ( Tamilnadu Act
XXXIII of 958 ), in respect of the above industrial establishment at
**in lieu of the festivals mentioned in column (2) which
was / were specified in the proceedings cited.
Serial Description Description of festival
number festival / festivals festivals proposed for
specified specification in lieu of
that those mentioned in
column (2)
(1) (2) (3)






2. The total number of employees in the above industrial establishment is

3. A notice in Form no. II has been exhibited in the above industrial

establishment on the A copy of notice aforesaid is

A copy of the application has been sent to the employer of the

abovementioned industrial establishment by pre – paid registered post on the
same date on which this is sent to you.

4. *** The names of the trade unions which claim to represent the employees are

There is no trade union representing the employees.

Date : yours faithfully,

Signature of the employer

Signature of employees
Signature of the Secretary of the
trade union representing a substantial
number of employees.

Note :
1. This form shall be filled in ink in block letters or typed.
2. Against reference, the number and date of the proceedings in which the
festivals were specified shall be given.
3. * Here enter the full name of industrial establishment.
4. ** Here enter the full address of the industrial establishment
5. *** Delete the portion, which is not applicable to the industrial
6. Delete whichever is not applicable.

Form – V – A
[See rule 6 – A)

Notice to the employee under sub – clause (1) of clause (a) of (d) of
subsection (2) of section 5.
Under sub – clause (i) of clause (a) of sub – section (2) of section 5 of the
Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishment ( National and Festival Holidays) Act, 1958 (
Tamil Nadu XXXIII of 1958) the following employee is hereby required to work on
------------------- which is a holiday allowed under section 3 of the Act. He is
further required to give his option in writing whether he prefers to be paid for
such holidays on which he works.
(i) twice the wages : or
(ii) Wages for such day and to avail himself of a substituted holiday with
wages on any other day.
Dated at the day of 200

1. Sri. (Here enter the name of the employee)
Copy to the Inspector

Signature of the employer

Note : This notice shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place at or near the main
entrance in the premises of the industrial establishment.

for Director of Industrial Safety and Health,


D) The Building and other Constructions workers (Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and Tamilnadu Rules
2006 :

(See rule 23(1))


1 Name and location of the establishment where
building or other construction work is to be
carried on.

2 Postal address of the Establishment

3 Full name and permanent address of the

Establishment, if any.

4 Full name and address of the Manager

or person responsible for the supervision
and control of the Establishment
5 Nature of building or other construction work
carried/ is to be carried on in the Establishment
6 Maximum number of building workers to be
employed on any day
7 Estimated date of commencement of building
or other construction work
8 Estimated date of completion of the
building or other construction work.
9 Particulars of demand draft, enclosed (name of
the Bank, amount, demand draft No. and

(i) I hereby declare that the particulars given above are

true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

(ii) I undertake to abide by the provisions of the Buildings

and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 and the Rules made

Signature of the Principal Employer

Seal and Stamp
Office of the Registering Officer appointed under the Building and Other
Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service)
Act,1996 and the Rules made thereunder.

Date of receipt of application :


The fees to be paid for the grant of certificate of registration under rule 24 is as
specified below:-
a up to 100 workers 500.00

b exceeds 100 but does not exceed 500 1500.00


c exceeds 500 workers 3000.00

E) Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act (Tamil Nadu) Rules, 1983
rule 3(1))
Application for registration of establishment employing migrant workmen

1 Name and location of the establishment

2 Postal address of the establishment
3 Full name and address of the principal employer
(furnish father’s/husband’s name in the case of
4 Names and addresses of the directors/particular
(sic.) partners (in case of companies and firms)
5 Full name and address of the Manager or person
responsible for the supervision and control of the
6 Nature of the work carried on in the establishment
7 Particulars of contractors and migrant workmen
a) Names and addresses of contractors
b) Nature of work for which migrant workmen
are to be recruited or are employed
c) Maximum number of migrant workmen to be
employed on any day through each
d) Establishment date and commencement of
work under each contractor
e) Estimated date of termination of
employment of migrant workmen under
each contractor
8 Particulars of Treasury Challen-(Name of the
Treasury, Amount, Number and Date)

I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Principal Employer
Seal and Stamp
Office of the Registering Officer

Date of receipt of application:

rule 7 (1))

Application for Licence for recruitment

1 Name and address of the contractor (including

his / her Father’s / Husband’s name in case of

2 Date of birth and age (in case of individuals)

3 Particulars regarding the location of the


4 a) Name and address of the establishment

b) Type of business, trade, industry,
manufacture or occupation, which is
carried on in the establishment
c) Number and date of certificate of
registration of the establishment under
the Act
d) Name and address of the principle

5 Particulars of migrant workmen

a) Nature of operation of work for which

migrant workmen are employed in the
b) Duration of the proposed contract work
(give particulars of proposed date of
commencing and ending)
c) Name and address of the agent or
manager of the contractor at the work-
d) Maximum number of migrant workmen
proposed to be employed in the
establishment on any date
e) Names and addresses of the
directors/partners (in case of companies
and firms)
f) Names and addresses of the persons in
charge of and responsible to the
company/firm, for the conduct of the
business of the company/firm, as the
case may be

6 Whether the contractor was convicted of any
offence within the preceding five years. If
so, give details

7 Whether there was any order against the

contractor revoking or suspending licence of
forfeiting security deposits in respect of an
earlier contract. If so, the date of such order

8 Whether the contractor has worked in any

other establishment within the past five
years. If so, give details of the principal
employer, establishment and nature of work

9 Whether a certificate by the principal

employer in Form VI is enclosed

10 Amount of licence fee paid-Treasury Challan

number and date

11 Amount of security deposit, if any

I hereby declare that the details given above are correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.


Note: The application should be accompanied by a Treasury Challan. showing the

payment of the prescribed licence fee and security deposit, if any and a
certififcate in Form VI from the Principal Employer.

(To be filled in the office of the Licensing Officer)

Date of receipt of the application with Treasury Challan for fees.

Signature of the Licensing Officer

The Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act


1) The fees for the grant of a certificate of registration of an establishment under

sub-section (1) of section 4 shall be as specified below, namely:-
If the number of migrant workmen proposed to be employed in the
establishment on any day-


a) is 5 but does not exceed 50 2500.00

b) exceed 50 but does not exceed 100 5000.00

c) exceed 100 but does not exceed 200 10000.00

d) exceed 200 20000.00

2) The fees to be paid for the grant or renewal of licence under section 8 shall be
as specified below, namely:-
If the number of workmen employed by the contractor on any day-


a) is 5 but does not exceed 50 2500.00

b) exceed 50 but does not exceed 100 5000.00

c) exceed 100 but does not exceed 200 10000.00

d) exceed 200 20000.00

Head of Account:

“2230 Labour and Employment

104 fees realized under Factories Act AP.
Fees realized under the Interstate Migrant
Workers (Regulation of employment
and conditions of Service in Tamilnadu) Rules
D.P. Code 0230 00 104 AP 0000



1. In the office of the Director of Industrial Safety and Health, the Joint
Director of Industrial Safety and Health (Testing and Safety) has been designated
as the “Public Information Officer” (PIO) for all matters concerning this office.
The Appellate Authority is the Director of Industrial Safety and Health, Chennai-
14. This office telephone No. is 044 - 28112144/28112145.

2. In addition, the following officers have been designated as the Public

Information Officer, Assistant Public Information Officer and Appellate Authority
for the respective local jurisdiction indicated against them.
Sl. Local Area Designation of the Designation of Jurisdiction
No. (Region) Public Information the Appellate
Officer. Authority
1 Additional Joint Director of Additional Director Chennai,
Director of Industrial Safety and of Industrial Safety Thiruvallur,
Industrial Health, (Registration), and Health, Kancheepuram,
Safety and Office of the Additional Chennai
Health, Director of Industrial Ph. No – 044-
Chennai Safety and Health, 22502310
Ph. No–044-22502310
2 Additional Joint Director of Additional Director Madurai,
Director of Industrial Safety and of Industrial Safety Ramanathapuram,
Industrial Health, (Registration), and Health, Sivagangai,
Safety and Office of the Additional Madurai Virudhunagar,
Health, Director of Industrial Ph. No – 0452 Tirunelveli,
Madurai Safety and Health, 2533176 Thoothukudi,
Madurai. Kanniyakumari
Ph. No – 0452-2533176
3 Additional Joint Director of Additional Director Coimbatore, The
Director of Industrial Safety and of Industrial Safety Nilgris, Tiruppur.
Industrial Health, (Registration), and Health,
Safety and Office of the Additional Coimbatore
Health, Director of Industrial Ph. No – 0422
Coimbatore Safety and Health, 2234764
Ph. No – 0422 2234764
4 Additional Deputy Director of Additional Director Cuddalore,
Director of Industrial Safety and of Industrial Safety Villupuram, Trichy,
Industrial Health, (Registration), and Health,Trichy. Karur, Perambalur,
Safety and Office of the Additional Ph. No – 0431 Thanjavur,
Health, Director of Industrial 2421221 Nagapattinam,
Trichy. Safety and Health, Thiruvarur,
Trichy. Ph. No – 0431 Pudukottai,
2421221 Dindigul, Theni,

5 Additional Superintendent, Additional Director Salem, Namakkal,
Director of Additional Director of of Industrial Safety Dharmapur,
Industrial Industrial Safety and and Health, Salem. Krishnagiri,
Safety and Health, Salem. Ph. No – 0427 Vellore,
Health, Ph. No – 0427 2334844 2334844 Thiruvannamalai`

6 Additional Deputy Director of Additional Director Virudhunagar

Director of Industrial Safety and of Industrial Safety
Industrial Health, Mobile Team, and Health, Mobile
Safety and Virudhunagar Team,
Health, Ph. No. – Virudhunagar
Mobile Ph. No. –

Sl. Local Area () Designation of Designation of Designation of Jurisdiction
No. the Public the Assistant the Appellate
Information Public Authority.
Officer. Information
1 Chennai- I Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director As per the
of Industrial Director of of Industrial local limits
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and assigned to
Health-I, and Health -I, Health- I, them under
Chennai. Chennai. Chennai. Section8(1)
Ph. No – 044- Ph. No – 044 - Ph. No - 044 of the
22502311 22502311 22502311 Factories
Deputy Director --- Act, 1948.
of Industrial
Safety and
Ph. No – 044-
2 Chennai –II Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health –III, and Health -II, Health- II,
Chennai. Chennai. Chennai.
Ph. No – 044 - Ph. No - 044 - Ph. No - 044 -
22502311 22502311 22502312
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health and Health
Ambattur. Ambattur.
Ph. No - 044 – Ph. No - 044 -
22502311 22502311
3 Chennai- III Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health-IV, and Health-III, Health- III,
Chennai. Chennai. Chennai.
Ph. No –044 Ph. No - 044 Ph. No - 044
22502312 22502312 22502313
4 Chennai-IV Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health- V, and Health-IV, Health- IV,
Chennai. Chennai. Chennai.
Ph. No – 044- Ph. No – 044- Ph. No - 044-
22502313 22502313 22502315

Director of
Industrial Safety
and Health-V,
Ph. No - 044-
5 Thiruvottiyur Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health and Health Health,
Thiruvottiyur. Thiruvottiyur. Thiruvottiyur.
Ph. No - Ph. No - Ph. No -
25730966 25730966 25730966

6 Thiruvallur Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-

of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health and Health Health
Thiruvallur. Thiruvallur. Thiruvallur.
Ph. No – 044 Ph. No – 044 Ph. No -
27664060 27664060 27666655

7 Kancheepuram Deputy Director --- Joint Director -do-

of Industrial of Industrial
Safety and Safety and
Health-I Health
Kancheepuram Kancheepuram
at at Chennai.
Sriperumpudur Ph. No - 044-
Ph. No - 22502316
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health - II, and Health,
Kancheepuram Kancheepuram at
at Chennai. Chennai.
Ph. No – 044- Ph. No - 044-
22502316 22502316
8 Vellore-I. Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health-I, and Health -I, Health-I,
Vellore. Vellore. Vellore.
Ph. No – 0416 - Ph. No – 0416 - Ph. No – 0416
2254953 2254953 -2254953

9 Vellore-II Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health- II, and Health-II, Health-II,
Vellore. Vellore. Vellore.
Ph. No – 0416 Ph. No – 0416 Ph. No – 0416
2240775 2240775 2240775
Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Ph. No – 04175
10 Cuddalore Deputy Director --- Joint Director -do-
of Industrial of Industrial
Safety and Safety and
Health, Health,
Cuddalore. Cuddalore.
Ph. No – 04142 Ph. No –
231864 04142 222826
Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Ph.No 04146
11 Trichy Deputy Director --- Joint Director -do-
of Industrial of Industrial
Safety and Safety and
Health- I, Health,Trichy.
Trichy. Ph. No – 0431
Ph. No – 0431 2420235
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health-II, and Health,
Trichy. Trichy.
Ph. No – 0431 Ph. No – 0431
2420235 2420235
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, Karur. and
Ph. No – 04324 Health,Karur.
245499 Ph. No – 04324

Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Ph. No – 04329
12 Thanjavur . Deputy Director --- Joint Director -do-
of Industrial of Industrial
Safety and Safety and
Health, Health,
Thanjavur. Thanjavur.
Ph. No – 04362 Ph. No –04362
- 234469 - 234469
Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Ph. No – 04366
Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Ph. No – 04322
13 Salem . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, Salem. and Health- Health,Salem.
Ph. No – 0427 I,Salem. Ph. No – 0427
2448268 Ph. No – 0427 - 2318268
Director of
Industrial Safety
and Health-II,
Ph. No – 0427
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, Mettur. and Health,
Ph. No – 04298 Mettur.
222338 Ph. No – 04298

14 Madurai . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, I Circle, and Health -I, Health,
Madurai. Madurai. Madurai.
Ph. No – 0452 Ph. No – 0452 Ph. No – 0452
2530729 2530729 2530729
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, II and Health -II,
Circle, Madurai. Madurai.
Ph. No – 0452 Ph. No – 0452
2530729 2530729
Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Health, III
Circle, Madurai.
Ph. No – 0452
Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Ph. No – 04575
15 Dindigul . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, and Health, Health,
Dindigul. Dindigul. Dindigul.
Ph. No – 0451 Ph. No – 0451 Ph.No – 0451
2432433 2432433 2430157
Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Health, Theni
Ph. No – 04546
16 Sivakasi . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health,I Circle, and Health-I, Health,
Sivakasi. Sivakasi. Sivakasi.
Ph. No – 04562 Ph. No – 04562 Ph. No –
220954 220954 04562 220954

Director of
Industrial Safety
and Health-II,
Ph. No – 04562
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, II and Health-III,
Circle, Sivakasi. Sivakasi.
Ph. No – 04562 Ph. No – 04562
220954 220954
Director of
Industrial Safety
and Health-IV,
Ph. No – 04562
17 Virudhunagar . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, and Health, Health,
I Circle, I Circle, Virudhunagar.
Virudhunagar. Virudhunagar. Ph. No –
Ph. No – 04562 Ph. No – 04562 04562 269115
269115 269115

Deputy Director Assistant

of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, and Health,
II Circle, II Circle,
Virudhunagar. Virudhunagar.
Ph. No – 04562 Ph. No – 04562
269115 269115

18 Tirunelveli . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-

of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, I Circle, and Health-I, Health,
Tirunelveli. Tirunelveli. Tirunelveli.
Ph. No 0462 - Ph. No – 0462 - Ph. No – 0462
2551103 2551103 - 2551103

Director of
Industrial Safety
and Health-II,
Ph. No – 0462 –
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, II and Health-III,
Circle, Tirunelveli.
Tirunelveli. Ph. No – 0462 -
Ph. No 0462 – 2551103
19 Thoothukudi . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, and Health, Health,
Thoothukudi. Thoothukudi. Thoothukudi.
0461 2320884 0461 2320884 Ph. No – 0461
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, and Health-I,
Kovilpatti. Kovilpatti.
Ph. No – 04632 04632 229585
Director of
Industrial Safety
and Health-II,
04632 229585

20 Coimbatore - I. Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-

of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, I Circle, and Health-I, Health- I,
Coimbatore. Coimbatore. Coimbatore.
Ph. No - 0422 Ph. No - 0422 Ph. No - 0422
2231587 2231587 2231587
Director of
Industrial Safety
and Health-II,
Ph. No - 0422

Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Ph. No – 0423
21 Coimbatore -II. Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -o-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, II and Health-III, Health- II,
Circle, Coimbatore. Coimbatore.
Coimbatore. Ph. No – 0422 Ph. No – 0422
2441235 2441235
Ph. No – 0422 Assistant
2441235 Director of
Industrial Safety
and Health-IV,
Ph. No – 0422
Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Ph. No – 04259
22 Tiruppur-I . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, I Circle, and Health-I, Health-I,
Tiruppur. Tiruppur. Tiruppur.
Ph. No – 0421 Ph. No – 0421 Ph. No – 0421
2240701 2240701 2470483
Director of
Industrial Safety
and Health-II,
Ph. No – 0421

23 Tiruppur-II . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, II and Health-III, Health-II,
Circle, Tiruppur. Tiruppur.
Tiruppur. Ph. No – 0421 Ph. No – 0421
Ph. No – 0421 2240701 2470483
2240701 Assistant
Director of
Industrial Safety
and Health-IV,
Ph. No – 0421
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, III and Health-V,
Circle, Tiruppur Tiruppur.
Ph. No – 0421 Ph. No – 0421
2470483 2470483
24 Erode . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, Circle, and Health, Health, Erode.
Erode. Erode. Ph. No – 0424
Ph. No – 0424 Ph. No – 0424 2219521
2219521 2219521
25 Hosur . Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Health, Hosur. and Health, Health,Hosur.
Ph. No – 04344 Hosur. Ph. No –
276514 Ph. No – 04344 04344-
276514 274347
Deputy Director ---
of Industrial
Safety and
Ph. No – 04344

26 Training Deputy --- Joint Director -do-
Centre, Director of of Industrial
Sivakasi Industrial Safety and
Safety and Health,
Health, Office Training
of the Joint Centre,
Director of Sivakasi
Safety and
27 (BOCW), Office 1. Joint Director --- Senior -do-
of the Director of Industrial Additional
of Industrial Safety and Director of
Safety and Health, Industrial
Health, (BOCW), Safety and
Chennai.14. Chennai. Health,
2. Joint Director -- (BOCW),
of Industrial Office of the
Safety and Director of
Health, Industrial
(BOCW), Safety and
Madurai Health,
28 Office of the Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
Joint Director of of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Industrial Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Safety and Health, and Health,
Health, (BOCW), Health,(BOCW), (BOCW),
(BOCW), Chennai Chennai Chennai.32
Chennai.32 Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, and
(BOCW), Health,(BOCW),
Kanchipuram Kanchipuram
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, and
(BOCW), Salem Health,(BOCW),
29 Office of the Deputy Director Assistant Joint Director -do-
Joint Director of of Industrial Director of of Industrial
Industrial Safety and Industrial Safety Safety and
Safety and Health, and Health,
Health, (BOCW), Health,(BOCW), (BOCW),
(BOCW), Dindigul Dindigul Madurai

Madurai Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, and
(BOCW), Health,(BOCW),
Madurai Madurai
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, and
(BOCW), Health,(BOCW),
Tirunelveli Tirunelveli
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, and
(BOCW), Health,(BOCW),
Coimbatore Coimbatore
Deputy Director Assistant
of Industrial Director of
Safety and Industrial Safety
Health, and
(BOCW), Trichy Health,(BOCW),

F) List of Officers of the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health who
have provided Closed User Group Connections.
Cell No. Allotted to Whom (Designation)
O/O The Director Industrial Safety & Health

1 9445869600 DIRECTOR, Industrial Safety & Health

2 9445869201 Sr. Addl. Director Industrial Safety & Health
3 9445869202 Sr. Addl. Director (BOCW.Act) Industrial Safety & Health

4 9445869270 Joint Director (Testing & Safety) Industrial Safety & Health

5 9445869271 Joint Director (Health & Safety) Industrial Safety & Health

6 9445869299 Assistant Director (Testing & Safety) Industrial Safety &

Addl. Director Industrial Safety & Health Chennai Region

7 9445869203 Addl.Director, Industrial Safety & Health Chennai

8 9445869280 Joint Director (Registration)

9 9445869204 Joint Director - I Industrial Safety & Health Chennai

10 9445869205 Dy. Director - I Industrial Safety & Health Chennai

11 9445869206 Dy. Director -II Industrial Safety & Health Chennai

12 9445869207 Joint Director - II Industrial Safety & Health Chennai

13 9445869208 Dy. Director - III Industrial Safety & Health Chennai

14 9445869209 Dy. Director Industrial Safety & Health Ambattur @

15 9445869210 Joint Director – III, Industrial Safety & Health, Chennai

16 9445869211 Dy. Director - IV Industrial Safety & Health, Chennai

17 9445869212 Joint Director - IV Industrial Safety & Health, Chennai

18 9445869213 Dy. Director - V Industrial Safety & Health,Chennai

19 9445869214 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Kancheepuram @

20 9445869215 Dy. Director - I, Industrial Safety & Health, Kancheepuram
@ Sriperumputhur.

21 9445869216 Dy. Director - II, Industrial Safety & Health,
Kancheepuram @ Chennai
22 9445869217 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thiruvottiur,
23 9445869218 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thiruvottiur,
24 9445869219 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thiruvallur.

25 9445869220 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thiruvallur.

26 9445869285 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, (BOCW Act)

27 9445869286 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, (BOCW Act)
28 9445869287 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, (BOCW Act)
Kanchepuram @ Chennai

Addl. Director Industrial Safety & Health Coimbatore Region

29 9445869236 Addl. Director Industrial Safety & Health, Coimbatore

30 9445869282 Joint Director (Registration)

31 9445869237 Joint Director - I Industrial Safety & Health, Coimbatore

32 9445869238 Dy. Director - I Industrial Safety & Health, Coimbatore

33 9445869239 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Ooty

34 9445869240 Joint Director - II Industrial Safety & Health, Coimbatore

35 9445869241 Dy. Director - II Industrial Safety & Health, Coimbatore

36 9445869242 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Pollachi

37 9445869243 Joint Director - I Industrial Safety & Health, Tirupur

38 9445869244 Dy. Director - I Industrial Safety & Health, Tirupur

39 9445869245 Joint Director - II Industrial Safety & Health, Tirupur

40 9445869246 Dy. Director - II Industrial Safety & Health, Tirupur

41 9445869247 Dy. Director - III Industrial Safety & Health, Tirupur

42 9445869296 Asst. Director - II, O/O Dy. Director, ISH, Coimbatore.

43 9445869297 Asst. Director - I, O/O Dy. Director - I, ISH, Tirupur.

44 9445869298 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, (BOCW Act)

Addl. Director Industrial Safety & Health Madurai Region

45 9445869266 Addl.Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Madurai.

46 9445869300 Joint Director (Registration)

47 9445869267 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Madurai.

48 9445869268 Dy. Director -I, Industrial Safety & Health, Madurai.

49 9445869269 Dy. Director -II, Industrial Safety & Health, Madurai.
50 9445869272 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Virudhunagar.

51 9445869273 Dy. Director -I, Industrial Safety & Health, Virudhunagar.

52 9445869274 Dy. Director -II, Industrial Safety & Health, Virudhunagar.

53 9445869275 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Sivakasi.

54 9445869276 Dy. Director -I, Industrial Safety & Health, Sivakasi.

55 9445869277 Dy. Director -II, Industrial Safety & Health, Sivakasi.

56 9445869278 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Tirunelveli.

57 9445869279 Dy. Director -I, Industrial Safety & Health, Tirunelveli.

58 9445869281 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thoothukudi.

59 9445869283 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Kovilpatti.

60 9445869289 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, (BOCW Act)


61 9445869290 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, (BOCW Act)

62 9445869295 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, (BOCW Act)

Addl. Director Industrial Safety & Health Thiruchirappalli Region

63 9445869248 Addl.Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thiruchirappalli.
64 9445869249
Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thiruchirappalli

65 9445869250 Dy. Director-I, Industrial Safety & Health,


66 9445869251 Dy. Director-II, Industrial Safety & Health,
67 9445869252 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Karur.

68 9445869253 Dy. Director, O/o.Additional Director Industrial Safety &

Health, Trichy
69 9445869254 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thanjavur.
70 9445869255
Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thanjavure.
71 9445869256 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Pudukkottai..
72 9445869257 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thiruvarur.
73 9445869258 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Cuddalore.
74 9445869259 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Cuddalore.
75 9445869260 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Villupuram.
76 9445869261
Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Erode.

77 9445869262
Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Erode.
78 9445869263
Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Dindigul.

79 9445869264 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Dindigul.

80 9445869265 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Theni.

81 9445869291 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, (BOCW Act)

82 9445869294 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, (BOCW Act)

Addl. Director Industrial Safety & Health Salem Region

83 9445869221 Addl.Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Salem
84 9445869223 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Salem
85 9445869224 Dy.Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Salem
86 9445869225 Dy.Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Mettur
87 9445869226 Joint Director- I Industrial Safety & Health, Vellore
88 9445869227 Dy. Director- I Industrial Safety & Health, Vellore
89 9445869228 Joint Director- II Industrial Safety & Health, Vellore
90 9445869230 Dy. Director- II Industrial Safety & Health, Vellore

91 9445869231 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Thiruvannamalai
92 9445869232 Joint Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Hosur.
93 9445869233 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Hosur.
94 9445869235 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Dharmapuri

95 9445869288 Dy. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, (BOCW Act)


Additional Director (Mobile Team) Virudhunagar

96 9445869284 Addl. Director, Industrial Safety & Health, Mobile Team,


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