KD Sacco Human Resource Policy
KD Sacco Human Resource Policy
KD Sacco Human Resource Policy
Appendices 23-37
1.0 Introduction
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
The Board shall recruit, retain and terminate management and staff following these
human resource policies and procedure, the SACCO bye laws and the relevant laws of
I. For certain job positions, local knowledge of culture, landscape and language
shall be considered.
II. SACCO shall give equal opportunity to candidates without discrimination on the
grounds of race, sex or religion.
III. Prior to recruitment to any post the Board must prepare a detailed job description
stating duties, responsibilities which must be performed, essential qualifications,
salaries and wages for the post.
IV. Vacant posts shall be advertised publicly and/or internally and recruitment may
also take place through internal promotion.
V. Applicants shall then be short listed and interviewed against specific criteria
panel. The panel is free to co-opt relevant people with the required expertise.
The most suitable and qualified/ experienced person shall be offered the post on
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
a) Sign a contract acknowledging and accepting the terms and conditions as set out
by the SACCO.
b) Sign acknowledgement and accepting the conditions set out in the code of
conduct and complete the personal history form honestly (a personal history form,
records all information including previous employment, education family
members etc.). It is an act of misconduct to withhold or to declare false
information regarding previous convictions dismissal or reasons of dismissals on
the personal history form.
b) Contracts: Staff can be appointed on contract terms whose duration will depend
on the necessity of post or task. Terms of contract will be signed on standard
contract form designed by the Board.
3.2.1. Job Description: The newly appointed staff terms and conditions
shall include his or her job description.
3.2.2. The minimum staffing of the SACCO shall include the manager,
the cashier and the loans/credit officer whose job description are
shown in (Appendix 1)
4.3. All newly recruited employees shall be given a training period of not less
than thirty (30) days.
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
4.4. During probation period, the supervisor should observe the employee to
determine his/her aptitude for his work, level of competency and
professionalism, his/her attitude towards co-workers, together with his/her
record of punctuality. At the same time, the employee will have the
opportunity to decide whether or not he/she likes the new job.
4.5. If this evaluation shows that the new employee is well placed and
adjusting, then the Board will confirm in writing his/her appointment.
4.6. If the employee has not successfully completed his/her probation then the
period can be extended for one month. On the other hand in the opinion of
the Board, if it does not seem likely that the employee will adjust to the
needs of the SACCO, his/her services are terminated.
5.2. The SACCO shall promote employees on the basis of competence and
potentiality. The promotion shall depend upon the recommendations to the
Board from the manager as well as existence of an open position to be
5.3. Persons promoted must, however, meet approved qualifications standards for
the position to which they are promoted and shall have rendered fully
satisfactory service in the position from which currently serving in.
5.4. The Board may, in its discretion, assign an employee to fill a higher grade
vacancy on a trial, or trainee basis, provided he/she is fully qualified to
perform all of the duties of the position.
5.5. Any employee trying out for promotion will be permitted to return to his/her
former position if he/she fails to qualify.
iii) A probationary period not exceeding three (3) months may apply.
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
7.2. Staff appraisal shall be done annually. Members of the staff shall fill in an
appraisal form (Appendix 3) the content of which shall be discussed
openly with the immediate supervisor. The Board will appraise the
7.3. The management shall discuss with the members of the staff about their
appraisal clearly pointing out the concerned person’s weaknesses and
7.5. The manager/Board must record it on file that the member of staff has
been advised on his or her performance. Such comments on members of
staff shall be made objectively.
a) Management must be given prior notice and permission sought for absence from
b) Managements must be informed on absence from duty through illness or other
unexpected/ unavoidable occurrences(s)
c) Absence from the work from more than 2 days to illness must be evidenced with
the medical certificate on resumption of duties.
f) The loans/ credit officer shall plan their time to achieve their goals whilst
recognizing the need of clients who are only available in the evenings or on
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
As a general rule the SACCO does not pay for overtime work since an employee
required to work outside the normal hours can, by arrangement have the time adjusted
at a later, convenient time. If however, it becomes necessary to pay for overtime work
such payment can only be made in respect of overtime work which has been
authorised and scheduled by your supervisor.
The working hours for staff in the projects can be different from those stipulated
above and the employee shall be required to work a total of eight hours per day.
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
9.2. Salary increment: The board shall, in each financial year. Decide on a budget
provision for a salary increment to be given to the employees. Salary increments
including merit increases shall be paid at the beginning of the financial year.
9.3. Statutory deductions; The SACCO shall be responsible for deductions from the
staff salaries which shall include:
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
9.4. Salary Structure: The SACCO Board shall determine the respective salary
structures depending on their ability to pay.
9.5. Staff Advances: Payment of salary advances will be at the discretion of the
i) The member staff must request for advances in writing. The
advances shall not amount to more than the employee’s gross
monthly salary and shall be recovered in a period of three
months. Depending on the needs of staff and the manager is
satisfied beyond reasonable doubt, a staff shall get maximum
advance of 3 months gross pay recoverable in 6 months.
Failure to recover shall be the responsibility of the manager.
ii) The Board shall approve the salary advances to the manager.
Failure to recover shall be a responsibility of the Board.
iv) The manager shall approve the staff advances taking into the
consideration the capacity of individual within contractual
9.6. A) Staff loans: The Board shall determine eligibility for members of staff to
benefit from staff loans.
B) On leaving the services of the SACCO, the borrowing staff must pay all
the money loaned to him/her and acknowledgement made, a copy of which shall
be put on his/her personal file and the file shall be closed and kept safely. In case
of failure to refund, legal action should be taken.
i) Each year the manager shall recommend to the Board a provision for performance
incentives to staff for motivation purpose.
ii) Performance incentives shall be in form of;
a) Employee of the year award: to be given a staff that makes “outstanding”
achievement in any field of the SACCO operations in the year. The outstanding
achievements may be in the following areas:
Improving customer services
Prompt response to the customers’ complaints
Enhancing SACCO operational/administrative efficiency
b) Group incentives shall be given to the group of employees for achieving out
standing results in the SACCO operations such as
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
c) Long service award: In calculating long service award, the staff’s salary at the
time of qualifying for the award will be taken as the basis for the award. The
SACCO shall pay long service award to its staff as follows:
In the event of death, an employee or his/her spouse, the SACCO shall provide a
coffin, transportation of body to the place of burial and a cash contribution
(equivalent to one month salary) to help the burial expenses.
Depending on what the SACCO can afford to pay, the following allowances shall
be payable to the manager and staff after authorization and approval by the Board.
b) Out of pocket expense (the rate per day to be determined by the Board
and approved by at the AGM). Any expenditure over and above these
allowance entitlements shall be accounted for by submitting verifiable
supporting documents together with a written explanation justifying why
the SACCO should meet the extra cost.
c) Acting allowances: an employee who acts in a senior position for a
minimum period of four (4) weeks will be paid the minimum salary for the
grade in which he acts or an additional 10% of his salary whichever is
i) The SACCO shall maintain an open policy of staff development but largely based
on the following.
a. performance of each employee
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
e) Acceptance of bribe
f) Working under the influence of alcohol
iii) The SACCO reserves the right to terminate the services of an employee in
accordance with staff regulations in force. Employees may terminate their
services in the same manner.
iv) On termination the employee shall be entitled to terminal benefits in accordance
with the regulations equivalent to accrued salary, if any, for the number of days
worked up to the effective date of termination.
Any employee who resigns from SACCO shall give a notice of one calendar
month. In the absence of notice, the staff member resigning shall be required to
pay a one month’s salary to the SACCO.
Those who resign before they complete one year with the SACCO will not be
granted any benefits.
Acceptance of resignation shall inter-lia, be subject to proper handing over to
office and settlement of outstanding indebtedness, provided that no resignation
shall be accepted in case of an employee under investigation.
i) Any employee of the SACCO may be dismissed for growth misconduct under
major offences or poor performance or on criminal conviction in the court of law.
It shall take immediate effect and no prior notice will be required.
ii) An employee who is dismissed shall be required to settle in full all outstanding
financial obligations to the institution.
iii) Summary dismissal may be due to:
a) Theft
b) Misappropriation of funds
c) Insubordination
d) Breach of declaration of secrecy
e) Any other vice that might be construed as growth misconduct.
i) Where there is a short fall in funds and the SACCO is unable to sustain all staff
on the payroll, the SACCO shall terminate the services of some of the staff.
ii) The Board shall determine the criteria by which staff shall be terminated and its
decision shall be final.
iii) Staff declared redundant shall be given severance pay of three months gross
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
i) Upon death of SACCO employee, the benefits shall be paid to the dependants
(named in the personal data from the deceased).
ii) The death gratuity shall be terminated by the Board based on recommendations
from the manager.
i) Every employee shall retire immediately he/she attain the age of 65 years.
ii) Any employee may voluntarily retire at any time and receive accrued salary for
number of days worked provided he/she does not do so to avoid being disciplined
for misconduct.
iii) He/she shall give notice as provided for in these regulations and must be approved
by management.
iv) Management may deem it necessary to retire an employee before he attain the age
of 65 for reason of ill health.
v) Upon retirement, the employee shall receive retirement benefits.
i) The SACCO may employ staff on contract terms with mutual agreements to
renew the contract.
ii) End/expiry of contract shall automatically terminate the staff employment.
iii) The staff shall be entitled to all the benefits specified in the contract.
i) Employees are required to perform their duties with diligence and honesty, to
obey implicitly the lawful directions of their superiors and to treat the public and
their colleagues with civility and courtesy.
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
ii) Any employee in position of authority is expected to use such authority as a trust,
influence and example and to maintain a high standard of duty and conduct.
iii) An employee of the SACCO is expected to conduct himself both in public and
private so as not to bring the SACCO into disrepute. It may constitute sufficient
grounds for disciplinary action if any employee conduct in office or after office
hour is deemed to be an embarrassment to the SACCO.
iv) All employees are expected to be neat in terms of appearance. Proper dress will
be considered to be clean and decently fitting office attire that reflects the
professional nature of the employee’s position.
v) All employees who know of, or suspect, some kind of malpractice, misconduct,
fraud, error or any concealed practice against policies and procedures of the
SACCO should immediately give such information to the chairman of the Board.
vi) If any employee in the course of his job is called upon to deal with any matter in
which her/his spouse have or may have personal interest, such interest shall
immediately be disclosed to the immediate supervisor.
vii) No employee shall, without permission from the chairman of the Board
contribute articles to any news paper, journals or magazine or contribute to the
press any matter the subject of which has relevance in his work, in his capacity as
an employee of the SACCO.
viii) The chairman of the Board and the manager shall be official spokesperson of
the SACCO. As such no other employees are authorized to communicate to the
press or media any matter on behalf of the SACCO.
ix) No employee shall stand surety or give any security for obligation of any other
person or any transaction with the SACCO by any such person.
x) An employee in his official capacity shall not knowingly give an opinion in the
affairs or policy of the SACCO to any person desiring to use such opinion in
evidence incur of law or else where without first obtaining permission from the
chairman or manager.
xi) Members of staff shall avoid engagement in business, trade or other profession
that conflicts with the SACCO’s business.
xii) Voluntary public work may be undertaken provided it does not interfere with
SACCO duties.
xiii) Members of the staff must not demand any monetary and other benefits,
gifts and presents in the course of their duties as these are likely to compromise
their judgment during execution of their duties. When this is done and known by
management, such a member of staff is liable to disciplinary action.
xiv) The staff of the SACCO neither engages in any form of political activity nor
allows its premises to be used for any political campaigning or electioneering.
xv) Offences liable to disciplinary action include:
a) Staff knowingly refusing or failing to obey a lawful and proper request by his/her
b) Staff consistently reporting late for work
c) Absenteeism without leave
d) Use of abusive/loose or offensive language
e) Abuse or misuse of ones office
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
1st Offence 2nd Offence 3rd Offence
1. Failure to honour valid debts or Counsel, Warning Termination
legal obligations caution
2. Deliberate delay or refusal to carry Warning Warning Termination
out work assignments
3. careless work or negligence, Warning Warning Termination
spoilage, waste or delay in work
4. Refusing to honour or make Warning Warning Termination
arrangements to meet obligations
5. Disrespectful, insolent or offensive Warning Terminatio
behaviour n
6. Failing to carry out policies Warning Terminatio
established by the Board n
7. Disclosing personal business of Termination
associates and clients to
unauthorized persons.
8. Repeated absence without Warning Terminatio
permission falsifying reason, n
failure to notify
9. Making false or malicious Termination
statements, or unauthorised
disclosures against employees,
supervisors, Board Members,
clients, etc., with intent to harm
or destroy reputation or standing
10. Wilful destruction of or damage Refund, Refund,
to equipment warning Dismissal
11. Drinking alcohol while on duty or Warning Warning Termination
reporting to work impaired by
12. Fighting, threatening to do Termination
bodily harm, resisting
authority, violent act, indecent
language, immoral conduct,
intimidation of fellow
13. Theft, embezzlements (Penalty Refund,
determined by value of property Termination
other than money and
14. Deliberate falsification for Termination
personal gain (not just an
15. Faking sickness and getting sick Termination
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
ii) Work time: Regular attendance to work is important. If you know that
you are going to be late or absent, call or send a message to your
supervisor and/or department head as early in the morning as possible
explaining the reason for your lateness or absence. If you find it necessary
to leave during working hours, consult your superior.
iii) Smoking: There shall be no smoking in the office, or while working with
clients in the field. Good judgement should be employed at all times when
v) Telephones: The office telephones are for business use. Personal call
should be restricted.
Complete honesty
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
viii) Drinking: The SACCO has no desire to regulate the personal life of any
employee, but the use of intoxicants cannot be permitted to interfere with
the duties of any employee. Employees may not drink any intoxicating
beverage while on SACCO work/assignments
ix) The SACCO’s funds: Employees must follow prescribed practices for
handling and protecting KDSACCO funds.
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
21.3. Confidentiality
i) The SACCO requires that all the employees maintain the confidentiality of
trade/services secrets and all other official information pertaining to the SACCO
that may come to their knowledge during the course of their work.
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
i) Verbal warning: the immediate supervisor/board of director shall give the staff
member an informal warning explaining the nature of the offence; the importance
of repeating it and penalties that can be applied if it is repeated.
ii) On second offence or new offence is felt be the supervisor be more serious, the
manager or Board may give formal warning to the staff member explaining the
nature and seriousness of the offence. The staff will be required to sign in
acknowledgement of the receipt and a copy of the warning letter will be filed on
the staff’s personnel file.
iii) Final written warning: A final warning is given if the staff member ha failed to
improve or if another offence is committed. The staff member being disciplined
must also countersign the final warning letter. Depending on the seriousness of
the matter, this warning may be accompanied by suspension after discussion,
pending a final management/Board discussion.
iv) Dismissal: If the same offence (s) occurs after issuance of the final warning or if
fresh ones occur, the Board will dismiss the staff member.
i) The SACCO shall deal promptly with all grievances raised by the employees.
ii) Whenever a supervisor aggrieves a staff, the aggrieved staff shall first raise the
complaint with the supervisor in question with a view of resolving the issue
iii) If the issue is not handled fairly by the supervisor, aggrieved shall raise the matter
in writing to the manager. He/she shall state the nature of the complaint, issues
discussed with the supervisor and the decisions made.
iv) If the staff still feels aggrieved, he/she shall write the committee.
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
Appendix 1B
To ensure that the loan portfolio under his/her control is maintained at the highest
possible quality and attains a growth rate that is consistent with the SACCO expectations.
5Main Tasks:
i) Receiving and making preliminary appraisals of all loan applications from
intending borrowers and making necessary reports to the manager.
ii) Acting as secretary to the loans committee and management team on loan matters
including discussions on the preliminary loan appraisal reports and preparing loan
performance reports.
iii) Training borrowers on loan utilization and repayment procedures.
iv) Making necessary follow up on the borrowers and enforcing timely and fully
repayments with a target of achieving a recovery rate of at least 95%.
v) Liaising with relevant authorities to ensure recovery of all overdue loans.
vi) Attend to clients’ queries and bear overall responsibility for receiving and
processing loan applications from his/her area of responsibility, giving client
timely feed back as appropriate;
vii) To be responsible for the timely processing of all disbursements for approved loan
falling in his area of responsibility, including receiving, checking and filling all
documentation that is part of the conditions for disbursement as stipulated in the
loan agreement.
viii) To carryout regular client monitoring visit with the view to ensuring loans
are used to the purpose for which they are granted and that the clients are
continuously reminded to their repayment obligations, and to provide technical
support to clients as and when needed.
ix) Prepare submit loan portfolio reports to the manager within the prescribed time
frame in order to facilitate time management action;
x) Prepare and submit, on timely basis, any other reports as may be required by
management and donors to the SACCO.
xi) Initiate and, with the approval of the manager, have responsibility for recovery
proceedings against any loan defaulters that may exist in his/her portfolio;
xii) To be responsible for the day maintenance of all clients files under his control;
xiii) Attend to any other matter that shall from to time be delegated by the
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
Appendix 1C
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
5 Main Tasks
a) To be responsible for posting the SACCO books of accounts including the general
ledger and the clients ledger
b) To ensure that all vouchers are properly completed and authorized before they are
posted to the SACCO books of accounts.
c) To compile the waste sheet and/or day sheet on a daily basis.
d) To balance the general ledger and the clients ledgers and produce the end of day
balance report on a daily basis.
e) To attend to any other matters as may from time to time be delegated by the
To be responsible for receiving cash deposits and for paying out cash against properly
authorized disbursement vouchers, and cash payment vouchers and for safety of all the
cash in the till under his/her control.
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
5 Main Tasks:
a) To be responsible for receiving all cash deposits made by SACCO members, and
for seeing to the correctness of the cash so deposited and the deposit slip against
which the deposit is made.
b) To be responsible for paying out cash to clients against their disbursement,
document, seeing to the correctness and proper authorization of such
c) To be responsible for paying out cash in respect of the SACCO own purchases
and other disbursements and for ensuring that such payments are properly
d) To be responsible for the safety of all cash in his/her till and counter, and for
ensuring that his/her cubicle is securely locked whenever he/she is moving out of
it for any reason.
e) To answer queries whenever approached, and to render any advice to them as
appropriate with a professional smile.
f) To balance his/her cash at the end of the day, and complete and submit the end of
the day cash balancing report to the accountant within the prescribed time limit.
g) To attend to any other matters as may from time to time be delegated by the
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
To be responsible for maintaining the SACCO books of accounts, for posting to the
general ledger and to customer ledgers, and for all financial reporting in the
5 Main tasks:
a) To bear the primary responsibility for the processing of all accounting
transactions in the SACCO ;
b) To check all posting to the SACCO books of account and to maintain the
books up to date all the time;
c) To post all control ledger
d) Responsible for all cash whether on premise or in transit
e) To check cashier’s till sheet and end of day balancing report before accepting
their cash into the strong room;
f) To be responsible for reserve cash, as a co-custodian, including all
withdrawals from, deposits into reserve;
g) To maintain the SACCO’s bank accounts and on regular basis reconcile the
accounts at least monthly and promptly sort out any discrepancies arising;
h) To be responsible for writing and balancing the SACCO’s waste sheet on
daily basis.
i) To ensure that the SACCO’s day sheets are properly compiled and ledgers
posted before the end of the day.
j) To check all postings general ledger and customer ledgers;
k) To check all cash payment vouchers before any disbursement are made;
l) To carry out all trial balances of all customer ledgers and general ledger, and
balance them on a weekly basis;
m) On monthly basis prepare financial reports including budget performance
reports including budget performance, profit and loss account, and the balance
n) To attend any other matters as may from time to time be delegated by the
manager finance
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
Declaration of secrecy
Carefully evaluate employee work Performance in relation to the following:
1. Current job functions, Roles and responsibilities
2. SACCO Restructuring objectives
3. Implementation of Recommendations of Supervisory Committee, Auditors and Registrar
4. Mandate of the SACCO
5. Annual work plans/strategic decisions
6. Board policies and Resolutions
7. AGM Resolutions
8. SACCO Byelaws
Note: SACCO performance evaluations are scheduled quarterly by every end of March, June, September and December.
Name of Employee
Job Title
Employee payroll No
Exceptional 5
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
Consistently performs all duties in an exceptional manner and is recognised as being far superior to others.
Exceeds expectations and goes regularly beyond what is required of the job.
Work is of the highest quality and quantity. Highly responsive.
Requires no supervision.
Works in a manner considerably above the normal expectations for the position - unusually high quality and quantity of work. Frequently exceeds what is expected
of the position. Very responsive. Requires minimal supervision.
Performs all duties in a competent and dependable manner and consistently meets target all expectations for the position. Has a normal response time for work and
requires normal time and attention from the supervisor.
Meets some expectations for the job, but requires improvement in quality and/or quantity of work to cover deficiencies in certain areas. Requires extra attention
from Supervisor.
Unsatisfactory – (49% and below) Results are generally unacceptable and require immediate improvement. No merit increase should be grated to an employee with
this rating
Assign points for each rating within the scale and indicate in the corresponding box points jointly agreed targets shall constitute 90% while any other assignments performed
outside set targets will account for 10% to make total of 100%
Tick the Appropriate Box. Note that: 1: is Unsatisfactory 2: Below Expectation, 3: Meets Expectation, 4: Above Expectation and 5:
<50% 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-100%
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
Supporting Evidence
Area of evaluation 1 2 3 4 5
(Comments explaining reason for the
1. Have gained full knowledge of
goals and targets of the Position
Job knowledge:
The practical/ Technical skills,
knowledge used on the job
2. Quality: The accuracy,
thoroughness and acceptability of
work performed
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
SACCO Human Resource Policies and Procedures
Summary: Overall rating……………% (Sum the 10 scores and divide by 10 to get the overall rating)
Head of Human Resource and support service comments:
Chief Executive Officer’s comments (for staff below hire)
Reviewed by:
Human Resource Committee: Minute No: ______________________
Signature: ______________________
Signature _______________________
The set goals /objectives should meet the SMART criteria i.e. SPECIFIC,
Objectives should be agreed upon jointly by the employee and his/her supervisor and
should be used as the basis for measuring and assessing employee performance.
Provide your own comments on the appraisal discussion just concluded
Do you agree with the goals/objectives set for the next review period?