Guidelines On Farm Value Chain Development Through Promotion of Producers Enterprise Under NRETP
Guidelines On Farm Value Chain Development Through Promotion of Producers Enterprise Under NRETP
Guidelines On Farm Value Chain Development Through Promotion of Producers Enterprise Under NRETP
Table of content
5. Non-negotiables
While designing the proposal the SRLMs has to consider the non-negotiables of DAY-NRLM and
should ensure that these principles are respected and are not violated. These non-negotiables
have been clearly defined to make the project community owned community governed and
sustainable. These principles would guide the project and make the project relevant for the small
and marginal women farmers.
a. The interventions would be focused on small and marginal women farmers. The Producers’
Enterprises proposed to implement the interventions would be women Producers’
b. The interventions proposed would be implemented through PEs and at scale.
c. The producer Enterprise would be professionally managed having its own professional
managers with requisite qualifications and relevant experience of running a business
d. The interventions would be focused on post farm-gate to market for agriculture produce,
dairying and NTFP.
e. The proposed interventions should be for replicating successful large scale models rather than
taking up pilots.
f. The Producers’ Enterprises would be community owned and must adhere to the principles of
g. Any assets provided under the interventions would be community owned i.e. by a
producers’ enterprise.
h. Any financial support such as working capital support, viability gap funding etc, to
organizations other than PEs would not be permitted.
i. The dedicated team at the SRLM level should be in place for NRETP. The team should
consist of manpower with relevant techno-managerial experience in operations, financial
management, commodity handling etc.
j. No subsidy or grant to be provided to any individual.
k. Core business of the Producers’ Enterprise must be based on agriculture, Dairying or NTFP.
l. Viability of the enterprise is ensured.
6. Approach
The Value Chain projects would be implemented by the Producers’ Enterprise promoted for that
specific purpose. The SRLM is the promoting organization of the PE. Already approved DAY-
NRLM Guideline for the promotion of Producer Enterprises would be followed as a framework
for implementation.
9. Convergence
DAY-NRLM has issued joint advisories with Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal
Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries and TRIFED. For implementation of the value chain interventions
the SRLMs may explore convergence opportunities with other schemes and departments in
their respective States.
The pre-EC meeting can be held multiple times during the appraisal stage of the
10.4.3. Empowered Committee: Once the projects have been examined in the Pre-EC
meeting, the proposal would be put forth for approval by the Empowered
committee. The composition of the Empowered Committee would be as under:
i. Secretary, Department of Rural Development – Chairman
ii. AS & FA, Ministry of Rural Development – Member
iii. Additional Secretary (RD) - member
iv. Representative from Niti Aayog – Member
v. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forest / Joint Secretary
(Agriculture Marketing) - Member
vi. Joint Secretary (Cattle & Dairy Division) - Member
vii. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs - Member
viii. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Development of North East Region (In case of
Projects from Assam) – Member
ix. Joint Secretary, MoFPI. - Member
x. Special Invitee/Expert (Two) - Member
xi. Joint Secretary (Rural Livelihoods) Member-Convener
10.5. Role of the State Rural Livelihoods Mission
The State Rural Livelihoods Missions (SRLM) as Project Implementing agency (PIA) will
place a dedicated team at the State level as provisioned under NRETP for proposal
development and subsequent facilitation of the project roll-out.
Under NRETP, State Rural Livelihoods Mission has to engage dedicated staff as per the
advisory issued under NRETP. Further, to provide technical support in value chain
proposal development one Technical Support Agency need to be engaged from the very
beginning for which budgetary provision has been made under NRETP.
10.6. Project Period: Projects are to be implemented within three years’ time. Funding under
NRETP would be as per the approved timeline of NRETP.
10.7. Eligible Items of Expenditure: Component-wise expenditure likely to be incurred for the
project must be mentioned in the project document. The major cost components
envisaged under the value chain development projects proposed are:
a. Support to SRLM
b. Technical Support Agency
c. Support to Producers’ Enterprise (PE)
Any kind of subsidy to individual members or asset creation for individual members is not
permissible under this project.
13.2. Cost towards Strengthening Producer Enterprise (set-up cost) – The following costs would
be covered for a period not exceeding 3-4 years:
15.4 Utilization of Interest earned on central release: The interest amount accrued on
Government releases, if any, shall be adjusted against the Government share of the
Project cost at the time of release of the third and final instalment.