Matching Nail Angle and Native Neck-Shaft Angle
Matching Nail Angle and Native Neck-Shaft Angle
Matching Nail Angle and Native Neck-Shaft Angle
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J Orthop Trauma Volume 32, Number 4, April 2018 Does the Angle of the Nail Matter?
or until fixation failure. Exclusion criteria were the inability to postoperative NSA (ICC, 0.55) with a mean difference of 1.5
measure the NSA due to gross hip rotation and/or flexion on degrees. All analyses were performed using the JMP statis-
the radiographs, an altered native NSA due to previous injury tical software package (Version 8; SAS Institute Inc, Cary,
or surgery, and less than 6 months of follow-up with no cutout. NC). A P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically
Seventy-one of the 154 fractures were excluded from the anal- significant.
ysis: 23 were without a measurable native NSA, 22 died within
6 months, and another 26 had less than 6 months of follow-up
and did not experience a cutout. A total of 83 patients were left RESULTS
for analysis, including 46 (55%) OTA/AO 31-A2.2 and 37 The average postoperative NSA was less than the native
(44%) 31-A2.3 fractures. Average radiographic follow-up NSA (127 6 5 degrees and 129 6 6 degrees, respectively,
was 3.5 years (range, 6 months to 8.5 years). The average 95% CI, 21.3 to 24.1 degree; P = 0.0002). The average nail
age at the time of surgery was 81 6 11 years. Sixty-six percent angle differed from the native NSA by 24 6 5 degrees (95%
were women. Average follow-up was 45 6 29 months (range, CI, 25 to 23 degrees; P = 0.0001), with 67 (80%) patients
6–112 months). Long and short nails were used in 74 (89%) being fixed with a nail angle less than their native NSA. The
and 9 (11%) of the fractures, respectively. Short nails were average native NSA of fractures fixed with a nail angle of 130
only used in OTA/AO 31-A2.2 fractures, per surgeon prefer- degrees (n = 11) and 125 degrees (n = 70) was similar (131 6
ence. Nail angles used in this study, as identified by the man- 5 degrees and 129 6 5 degrees, respectively, 95% CI, 22 to
ufacturer, included 120 degrees (n = 2), 125 degrees (n = 70), 5; P = 0.4), and both were greater than the NSA of fractures
and 130 degrees (n = 11). fixed with a nail angle of 120 degrees (n = 2) (120 6 0.3
The TAD was measured as previously described by degrees; P = 0.02). The 130 degree, 125 degree, and 120
Baumgartner et al4 by measuring the distance from the tip of degree CMN achieved a similar average postoperative NSA
the lag screw to the apex of the femoral head on both AP and of 129 6 5 degrees, 126 6 4 degrees, and 122 6 3 degrees,
lateral films, correcting for magnification by dividing the respectively (P = 0.1).
diameter of the lag screw by its actual diameter. The NSA Patients fixed with a nail angle less than their native
was measured on the immediate postoperative AP radiograph NSA were less likely to have good reductions (17% vs. 60%,
with the leg held in 15 degrees of internal rotation, as the 95% CI, 263% to 218%; P = 0.0005) secondary to more
angle between a line through the center of the femoral head varus reductions (41% vs. 10%, 95% CI, 9%–46%; P = 0.01)
and the center of the femoral neck and the anatomic axis of and more fractures with $4 mm of displacement (63% vs.
the femur.12 The native NSA was measured on an AP radio- 35%, 95% CI, 3%–49%; P = 0.03). Varus reductions were in
graph of the uninjured hip. Rotation on postoperative radio- an average of 10 6 4 degree varus. Using a nail angle less
graphs was controlled by multiplying the known angle of the than the native NSA was not associated with an increased
nail by the quotient of the measured NSA over the measured TAD (16 6 4 mm vs. 16 6 4 mm, 95% 23 to 1.7 mm;
nail angle to determine the corrected postoperative NSA. The P = 0.6) or lag screw cutout (5% vs. 10%, 95% CI, 222%
difference between the corrected postoperative NSA and the to 8%; P = 0.6).
measured native NSA was calculated. Reductions were con- Fracture reduction was considered good in 23 (28%),
sidered good, acceptable, or poor based on a modified crite- acceptable in 45 (54%), and poor in 15 (18%). Acceptable
rion that was originally established by Baumgaertner et al.4 and poor reductions were secondary to varus reductions in 28
Good reductions had less than 4 mm of fragment displace- (34%) and/or $4 mm fracture displacement in 36 (43%). The
ment, less than 20 degree angulation on the lateral x-ray, and OTA/AO 31-A2.3 fractures were not more likely to have
a neutral or slightly valgus NSA (less than 5 degrees of varus a varus reduction (27% vs. 39%, 95% CI, 231% to 8%;
or 20 degrees of valgus).8 Acceptable reductions met the P = 0.3), a poor reduction (16% vs. 19%, 95% CI, 219%
criteria for alignment or displacement, but not both. Poor to 13%; P = 0.7), or a cutout (0% vs. 10%, 95% CI, 220% to
reductions met neither of the criteria. NSAs were measured 0.6%; P = 0.06).
independently by 2 orthopaedic surgeons (J.A.P., I.B.). There were 5 (6%) lag screws that cutout at an average
Continuous variables are presented as mean 6 SD. of 2 6 1 months (range, 1–3 months) postoperatively. Spe-
Nonparametric statistical tests were used because of nonnor- cific details of the 5 cutouts are provided in Table 1. All
mally distributed data as determined by the Shapiro–Wilk W occurred in OTA/AO 31-A2.2 fractures. After cutout, 1
test. The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to evaluate patient was revised to hemiarthroplasty and 4 were revised
differences of paired continuous variables. The Wilcoxon to total hip arthroplasty. There were 2 additional cutouts that
rank sum test was used to compare unpaired continuous occurred late, one at 8 months secondary to nonunion and
variables between treatment groups. The x2 test and the fisher another at 33 months secondary to a traumatic fall, both of
exact test were used to evaluate differences between cate- which were excluded from the cutout analysis.
gorical variables. The two sample t test for proportions was Lag screw cutout was associated with an increased
used to estimate the 95% confidence interval (CI) for the TAD (23 6 7 mm vs. 16 6 4 mm, 95% CI, 2–10 mm; P =
difference between proportions. The interrater reliability of 0.001) and the use of a short nail (80% vs. 6%, 95% CI, 29%–
the NSA measurement was quantified by calculating the in- 97%; P = 0.0003). The cutout was not associated with the use
traclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The interrater reliability of a nail angle less than the native NSA (60% vs. 76%, 95%
of the native NSA was determined to be good (ICC, 0.63) CI, 256% to 18%; P = 0.5), varus reductions (60% vs. 32%,
with a mean difference of 1.4 degrees and fair for the 95% CI, 213% to 62%; P = 0.3), poor reductions (20% vs.
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Parry et al J Orthop Trauma Volume 32, Number 4, April 2018
17%, 95% CI, 224% to 44%; P = 1.0), age (79 6 13 vs. 81 Hypothetically, a mismatched nail angle may affect the
6 12, 95%, 213 to 9; P = 0.7), female sex (100% vs. 71%, ability to obtain a satisfactory TAD because of lag screw
95% CI, 213% to 42%; P = 0.3), or body mass index (24 6 4 positioning. However, Walton et al9 showed that implant
vs. 26 6 7, 95% CI, 28 to 5; P = 0.7). angle mismatch with the native NSA did not affect the ability
to obtain a satisfactory TAD, with an implant angle of 130
degrees obtaining a similar TAD when used with a native
DISCUSSION NSA ,125 and .125 degrees. Our study supports these
Lag screw cutout is the most frequent mode of failure findings, as the TAD obtained was not affected by the use
after CMN fixation of unstable pertrochanteric femur frac- of a nail angle less than the native NSA.
tures (OTA/AO 31-A2).1–3 A varus reduction has been linked The high rate of cutout among short nails was an
to an increased risk of cutout after pertrochanteric fracture unexpected finding for which we do not have a good
fixation; therefore, a slight valgus reduction has been advo- explanation. Short nails were only used in OTA/AO 31-
cated by some authors.2,3,13,14 We hypothesized that using A2.2 fractures at the discretion of the treating surgeons.
a nail angle that was less than the native NSA would increase Multiple studies have shown equivalent outcomes between
the risk of varus malreduction and lag screw cutout in these short and long nails for these fractures.17,18 A recent prospec-
fractures. Our study observed that patients treated with a nail tive randomized study of 212 patients comparing extramedul-
angle that was less than the native NSA were less likely to lary SHS and short CMNs for OTA/AO 31-A2 fractures
have good reductions secondary to a higher incidence of found a cutout rate of 2% (2/92) and 0.5% (1/112),
varus reduction and fracture displacement. Although this respectively.19
was statistically significant, poor and varus reductions were Strengths of this study include that it is a series of
not associated with lag screw cutout. However, our findings similar pertrochanteric fractures treated with 1 implant by
are limited by the low number of cutout events (n = 5). a heterogeneous group of treating surgeons (resident surgeons
Adruskow et al6 reviewed 235 patients with intertrochan- with trauma and nontrauma supervising staff), with an
teric fractures treated with gamma nail or SHS fixation and found average follow-up of 45 months. Weakness included its
no cases of cutout in those fractures reduced in 5 degrees–10 retrospective nature, large number of exclusions, and small
degrees of valgus, although this did not reach statistical signifi- numbers.
cance (P = 0.09). A varus malunion may affect functional out- A majority (80%) of patients in this study were treated
comes by causing limb shortening, abnormal abductor muscle with a nail angle less than the native NSA; thus, the
tension, and altered hip mechanics.15,16 A valgus reduction has association between nail angle mismatch and malreduction
the added benefit of bringing the nail closer to the mechanical may be secondary to sampling bias because of the small
axis of the limb, thereby decreasing the bending force placed on number of patients treated with a nail angle equal to or greater
the nail and may reduce shear forces across the fracture by ori- than the native NSA. With only 5 cutouts observed, this study
enting it in a more horizontal position.6,7,15,16 is also underpowered to determine the risk between cutouts
In this study, reduction quality was measured based on and the use of a nail angle less than the native NSA and/or
a modified criterion established by Baumgartner et al.4 In reduction quality.
their study of 109 unstable intertrochanteric fractures fixed The reliance on the radiographic measurement of the
with SHS, there were 32% good, 44% acceptable, and 23% NSA is another limitation of this study. In the setting of
poor reductions, and reduction quality was not associated comminuted intertrochanteric fractures, especially with a free
with cutouts. The overall cutout rate of unstable fractures lesser trochanteric fragment, ensuring correct rotation of the
was 12%. In comparison, our study had similar findings, with femur is difficult. The measurement of the NSA on radio-
28% good, 54% acceptable, and 18% poor reductions. The graphs has low interobserver and intraobserver reliability and
overall cutout rate was 6%. We also did not find an associa- is affected by rotation and flexion of the hip.20,21 Assessment
tion between the reduction quality and cutout. of proper rotation in a retrospective series is difficult. We did
176 | Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
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