CPM322E Exercise 2

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Delta University

Faculty of Engineering
Department : Civil Engineering
Course : Construction Planning and Scheduling
Course Code : CPM 322E

Exercise 2

1. The free float is defined as:

a. The amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting the following activity.
b.The amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting total project duration.
2. Total float equals:
a. Late finish minus early finish c. Late start minus early start
b.Late finish minus (early start + duration) d. All of the above
3. State True (T) or False (F):
a. The critical activities can be determined easily when using the bar chart.
b.The network must be continuous from start to end.
c. There’s no dummy activities in the arrow networks,
d.A forward pass is used to determine late start and late finish times.
e. The time for completing a project is equal to the sum of the individual activity times.
4. For the Following project data, answer the following questions:

Activity Duration (days) Predecessor

A 2 --
B 6 A
C 3 A
D 1 B
E 6 B
F 3 C, D
G 2 E, F
a. Draw an AOA network and perform forward and backward pass calculations?
b. Draw an AON network and perform forward and backward pass calculations?
c. Tabulate activities ES, EF, LS, LF, TF, and FF.
d. What is the effect of delaying activity D by 3 days?
5. For the following AOA network, determine the following:
a. Calculate ES, LF, & TF for all activities. Identify critical ones.

Planning & scheduling Dr. Emad Elbeltagi

b.Draw an early Bar Chart for the project.
c. What is the effect of delaying activity “H” by two days on the total project duration?

3 D (8) 9
A (4) H (4)

1 B (6) E (10) 11 I (8) K (5) 17

5 15

C (2) F (16)
J (10)
7 G (6) 13

6. Perform PDM calculations for the project below and determine activity times. Durations
are shown on the activities

(4) (1) (1)

(1) (7) (2)

(1) (2) (1)

(2) (4)

7. For the following list of activities, determine activities ES, EF, LS, LF, FF, and TF and
mark the critical path.

Activity Duration (days) Predecessor

A 4 --
B 10 A
C 2 A
D 6 C
E 15 B, D
F 4 B, D
G 3 F
H 2 B, D
I 1 E, G, H
J 3 I
K 2 E
L 1 J
M 2 K, L

Planning & scheduling Dr. Emad Elbeltagi

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