University of Basrah For Gas and Oil College of Oil and Gas Engineering Department of Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineering

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University of Basrah for Gas and Oil

College of Oil and Gas Engineering

Department of Chemical and Petroleum Refining

Subject: Reactor Design II 2nd Semester evaluation

Class: 4th year 17/ 7 /2020
Examiner: Ban Jaber Ibrahem

Q1)- Pure gaseous A at about 3 atm and 30°C (120 mmol/liter) is fed into a 1-
liter mixed flow reactor at various flow rates. There it decomposes, and the exit
concentration of A is measured for each flow rate. From the following data find a rate
equation to represent the kinetics of the decomposition of A. Assume that reactant A
alone affects the rate.
v, liter/min 0.06 0.48 1.5 8.1 A 3R
CA , mmol/liter 30 60 80 105

Q2) Consider the parallel decomposition of A of different orders

rR= 1
A rS= 2CA
rT= CA 2

Determine the maximum concentration of desired product obtainable in

(a) plug flow.
(b) mixed flow.
(Answer two only)
1- R is the desired product and CAo = 2.
2- S is the desired product and CAo = 4.
3- T is the desired product and CAo = 5.

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