NA3 - Service Manual

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service manual



1. APPLICATION..............................................................................................5
2. SET OF THE METER...................................................................................6
3. BASIC REQUIREMENTS, OPERATIONAL SAFETY...................................6
4. INSTALLATION.............................................................................................7
5. SERVICING................................................................................................10
6. RS-485 INTERFACE..................................................................................26
7. TECHNICAL DATA......................................................................................43
8. BEFORE A FAILURE HAS BEEN DECLARED..........................................47
9. EXAMPLES OF NA3 METER PROGRAMMING........................................48
10. ORDERING PROCEDURE........................................................................51

NA3 series meters with a multicoloured bargraph have an universal input destined
to measure temperature, resistance, voltage from shunts, standard signals, d.c.
voltage and d.c. current.
NA3 meters can optionally have a continuous analogue output, relays, OC type
(Open Collector) and digital RS-485 outputs.
They can find application in various industrial fields, e.g. food industry, intermediate
pumping stations, sewage treatment plants, chemical industry, weather stations,
The NA3 meter is made in the version:
 with a 4-digit LED readout field (digit height: 7 mm) and a multicolour
The type choice is made in the execution code.
They are programmed by means of the keyboard and through RS-485. Meters only
with the bargraph can be programmed through RS-485.

NA3 meters realise following functions:

– measurement of the input quantity and displaying it on the display and/or the
– evaluation of the input signal into indication on the base of the individual linear
– programming of the colour and bargraph resolutions,
– signalling of alarm value setting exceeding,
– recording of the measured signal in programmed time segments,
– storage of maximal and minimal values,
– programming of the indication resolution,
– programming of the measurement averaging time,
– locking of the parameter introduction by means of a password,
– conversion of the measured quantity into a voltage or current output signal,
– service of the RS-485 interface in MODBUS protocol, both in ASCII and RTU

Fig.1. View of the NA3 meter.

We deliver in the set:
- NA3 meter..................................................... 1 pc.
- user’s guide................................................... 1 pc.
- plug with screw terminals.............................. 1 pc
- holders to fix the indicator in the panel.......... 2 pcs
When unpacking the meter, please check whether the type and execution code
on the data plate correspond to the order.


Symbols located in this service manual mean:
Warning of potential, hazardous situations. Especially important. One must
acquaint with this before connecting the NA3 meter. The non-observance
of notices marked by these symbols can occasion severe injuries of the
personnel and the damage of the instrument.

Designates a general useful note. If you observe it, handling of the
meter is made easier. One must take note of this when the instrument is
working inconsistently to the expectations.
Possible consequences if disregarded !
In the security scope the NA3 meter meets the requirements of the EEC
Low-Voltage directive (EN 61010 -1 issued by CENELEC).

Remarks concerning the operator safety:

 All operations concerning installation, and commissioning as well as
maintenance must be carried out by qualified, skilled personnel and national
regulations for the prevention of accidents must be observed.
 Before switching the meter on, one must check the correctness of connection
to the network.
 Before taking the meter housing out, one must turn the supply off.
 The removal of the instrument housing during the guarantee contract period
may cause its cancellation.

4.1. Fitting
Prepare a ( 22.2+0.5 x 92+0.5) mm hole in the panel. The thickness of the material from
which the panel is made should be in the range 1...15 mm.
The meter has screw terminal strips which enable the connection of 2.5 mm2 cross-
section external conductors.
Meter dimensions are shown on the fig. 2.

96 110
max 115

Fig. 2. Meter overall dimension and fixing way.

4.2. External connection diagrams

The description of terminal strips are shown on the fig. 3a.

a/ Description of the terminal strip

Resistance Resistance Thermocouple
thermometer in thermometer in or
two-wire system three-wire system 0... 60 mV voltage

voltage input 5 mA and 20 mA 2 A and 5 A

current input current input

b/ Connection way of input signals

RS-485 + 1 relay + 1 OC type output 2 relays
(open collector)

Current or voltage c/ Connection way of digital and

analogue output analogue output signals,
2 OC type outputs depending on the execution code

A B GND PC Computer
NA3 meter

5 3 GND 2
2 RxD 3 DB9
1 TxD 5
supply B
1 A
PC Computer
with RS-485 card
NA3 meter

B 6
5 1

d/ Connection way of the RS-485 interface

Fig.3 External connections of the NA3 meter

Taking into consideration electromagnetic interference it is recommended to use

shielded conductors for the connection of input and output signals.
The power supply must be connected by means of a two-wire conductor with a
suitable cross-section ensuring its protection by means of a fuse element.
Requirements concerning the power supply cable are regulated by EN 61010-1
p. 6.10. standard.

After connecting external signals and switching the meter on, its name
and also the current version of the program, e.g. are displayed.
After ca 3 seconds, the meter is transiting automatically into the working mode
in which it carries out the measurement and the display of the measured value
on the display and the bargraph. Depending on alarm and bargraph parameter
settings, alarm thresholds are also displayed on the bargraph. The meter blanks
automatically insignificant zeros.

45-element bargraph (in three-colour execution)

25-element bargraph (in seven-colour execution)

Lower alarm threshold Upper alarm threshold

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Escape key
Increasing value key key

Fig. 4 Description of the NA3 frontal plate.

Key functions:
- acceptation key
- entry into the programming mode (hold down during ca 3 seconds),
- entry into the chosen parameter level,
- entry into the changing mode of the parameter value,
- acceptation of the changed parameter value.

- Key to increase the value
- display of the minimal value (first pressure), maximal (second pressure),
return to measurement (third pressure),
- mowing on the preview menu or programming matrix,
- change of the chosen parameter value - increasing of the value.

- Escape key
- entry into the menu of parameter preview (hold down ca 3 seconds),
- exit from the preview menu or programming matrix,
- escape from the parameter change.

The pressure and hold down the key during 3 seconds causes the entry
into the programming mode. The programming mode is protected by the
safety code.
The pressure and hold down the key during 3 seconds causes the entry
into the preview menu. One must move on the preview menu by means of the
key. In this menu, only all programmed parameters, except servicing
parameters, are accessible to readout. The exit from the preview menu is operated
by means of the key.
In the preview menu, it is also possible to review recorded resl values. The
pressure of the key on the resl parameter causes the entry into the
preview menu of recorded values. The number of the recorded result is displayed
alternately with the value e.g. The moving on recorded values
takes place by means of the key. The hold down of this key longer than ca
2 seconds will cause the acceleration of the review. The pressure of the key
in any time will cause the display of the number of recorded results. The exit from
the review of recorded values is operated by means of the key.
The algorithm of the meter servicing is presented on the fig. 5.

Fig 5. Servicing algorithm of the NA3 meter.
Incorrectly introduced safety code

Exceeding of the upper measuring range or lack

of sensor

Exceeding of the lower measuring range or short-

circuited sensor

Error of the conductor resistance compensation.

No connected conductor or damaged conductor.

The appearance of the following symbols and inscriptions on the display means:
It is possible to change meter parameters:
- from the meter keyboard ...................................................................... - p. 5.1
- through RS-485..................................................................................... - p.6.

5.1. Change of the NA3 meter parameters from the keyboard

The pressure of the key during ca three seconds causes the display
of the seC inscription alternately with the set value 0 by the manufacturer. The
introduction of the correct code causes the entry into the programming mode. The
fig.6 represents the transition matrix into the programming mode. One can move on
groups of main parameters eg: Chn, bAr1, Al1, Al2, etc, by means of the key.
The pressure of the key on the given level, causes the entry into parameters
of this level. The moving on the given level is operated by means of the key.
In order to change the value, one must use the key. In order to escape
from the parameter change, one must press the key.
By means of the key, one can exit from the selected level and programming
matrix to the measurement.
During the meter operation in the programming mode the measurement result is
displayed on the bargraph, except the selection of the display testing function.

Item Main menu Parameters of the selected level

Input Math. Kind of Decim. Measur. Input Param. Param. Param. Param.
type functions compens. points time individ. of ind. of ind. of ind. of ind.
charact. charact. charact. charact. charact.

2 Bargraph Bargraph Lower Upper

type colour bargraph bargraph

3 Lower Upper Alarm Alarm Alarm Lower Upper

threshold threshold type delay support colour colour

4 Lower Upper Alarm Alarm Alarm Lower Upper

threshold threshold type delay support colour colour

5 Lower Upper Alarm Alarm Alarm Lower Upper

threshold threshold type delay support colour colour

6 Output Param. Param. Param. Param. Baud Kind of Device

indiv. of indiv. of indiv. of indiv. of indiv. rate transm. adress
charac. charac. charac. charac. charac.

7 Inscrip. Erasing Erasing

Password Test of Time
of state of min. of max.
change display + change
param. value value

8 Recording Start of Record Record

recording date. interval

Fig. 6. Transition matrix into the programming mode

Fig. 7.

Programmable parameters of NA3 meter Table 1
on the Parameter description Range of changes

typ Kind of input Reesistance thermometers:

pt1 - Pt100
pt5 - Pt500
pt10 - Pt1000
te-j - thermocouple, type J
te-h - thermocouple, type K
te-n - thermocouple, type N
te-e - thermocouple, type E
te-r - thermocouple, type R
te-s - thermocouple, type S
te-t - thermocouple, type T

re2l - resistance to 400 

re2H - resistance to 4 k
nap - voltage from shunt:
Input parameter

0... 60 mV

Standart signals:
3U - voltage up to 3 V
0U - voltage up to 10 V
nnal - current up to 5 mA
nnaH - current up to 20 mA
High signals:
200U - voltage up to 200 V
600U - voltage up to 600 V
2a - current up to 2 A
5a - current up to 5 A

func Mathematical functions

made in the channel
0ff - mathematical functions
switched off;

s)r - raising to a power (result)2

s)rt - extraction of roots result

Kind of compensation of sensor auto - automatic compensation
Con working conditions changes: (in case of resistance thermometers and
- In case of a resistance thermometer resistance measurement it requires a
and resistance measurement it 3-wire line.)
concerns the compensation of the
0.0...60.0C - value of the reference
resistance changes of the conductor
temperature for thermocouples.
linking the sensor with the meter,
- In case of a thermocouple it concerns 0.0...40.0 - resistance of two conduc-
the compensation of reference tors for resistance thermometers and
junction temperature changes. resistance measurement.
The automatic compensation does The writing of a value beyond the interval
not operate in case of a resistance of manual compensation will cause the
measurement up to 4 k, Pt1000 automatic compensation switching
and Pt100

d_p Setting of the decimal point. The

setting operates both when the
Setting possibility:
individual characteristic is switched 000.0
off and on. The introduction of the 00.00
decimal point making impossible 0.000
the display of four characters on the
display will cause the display of the
Auto - automatic choice of the

decimal point
lower or upper exceeding.

Cnt Averaging time of the

0,0...999,9 s
The writing of 0 causes the switching of
Input parameter

the measurement off and the stoppage

of the meter operation. In this state, the
meter displays the hour. The bargraph
is blank.

1nd1 The switching off or on of the indi-

vidual linear user’s characteristic.
0n - characteristic switched on,
0ff - characteristic switched off.
- („individual characteristic of the
When the characteristic is switched off,
the meter operates with the maximal
range depending on the kind of input.

Parameters of the display Setting possibility: -1999...9999

1_H1 individual characteristic.
d_y1 On the base of given by the user
coordinates of two points the meter
1_H2 determines (from the system of
equations) a and b coefficients of
d_y2 the individual characteristic.

I_H1 i I_H2 - measured value
d_Y1 i d_Y2 - expec-
ted value on
the display.
Fig.9 shows the way of the individual

typb Bargraph type 0neC - „ one colour „ bargraph,
:ntr - „ interval „ bargraph,
sect - „ sector” bargraph,
p:nt - „ point bargraph,
tren -”trend” bargraph.
Fig. 10 explains bargraph types. .

colr Bargraph colour 0ff - bargraph switched off,

r - red,

g - green,
rg - red + green
other colours are accessible only in
Bargraph Parameters

meters with a 7-colour bargraph.

b - blue,
rb - red + blue,
gb - green + blue,
rgb - red + green + blue.

brl Parameter to set the „magnifier”

on the bargraph. Lower threshold.
- 1999... 9999

The value of the input signal at

which the bargraph is to be blank.

brH Parameter to set the „magnifier”

on the bargraph. Upper threshold.
- 1999... 9999

The value of the input signal at

which the bargraph is to be lighted.

prl Lower alarm threshold - 1999... 9999

Parameters of alarm1, alarm2 and alarm 3

prH Upper alarm threshold - 1999... 9999

typa Alarm type

Fig. 8 shows alarm types
nor - normal,
0n - switched on,
0ff - switched off,
H_0n - manually switched on. Till
the time of the alarm type change,
the alarm output is being permanently
switched on.

H_0f - manually switched off. Till
the time of the alarm type change,
the alarm output is being permanently
switched off.

dly Delay of the alarm operation. The

parameter is defined in seconds, i.e.
0.0... 999.9

one must give the time in seconds Introduction of 0.0 causes the ope-
after which the alarm will operate after ration at the moment of the alarm
its occurrence. occurrence.
al1 al2 al3

The alarm operation follows after

the measurement averaging.
The alarm switching off follows
without delay..

H0ld Support of alarm signalling.

In the situation when the holding
0ff - The maintenance of the alarm
output is switched off.
function is switched on, after the
alarm state stoppage, the alarm is 0n - The maintenance of the alarm
still switched on (alarm diode, relay output is switched on.
or OC contacts).
Parameters of alarm1, alarm2 and alarm 3

The alarm state is active till the

moment of erasing it by means
of the combination of and
keys. Hold down within ca 3

Curl Colour of the lower threshold

alarm marker.
0ff - alarm marker switched off.
r - red,
CurH Colour of the upper threshold
alarm marker.
g - green,
rg - red + green,
Other colours are accessible only in
meters with a 7-colour bargraph.

b - blue,
rb - red + blue,
gb - green + blue,
rgb - red + green + blue,
Fig. 10 explains the idea of CurL and
CurH... parameters

:nd0 Switching off or on of the individual
linear user’s characteristic - („indivi-
0n - characteristic switched on,
dual characteristic of the analog 0ff - characteristic switched off .
output”). When the characteristic is switched
off, the meter operates at the maximal
range depending on input and range

d-H1 Parameters of the individual cha- Setting possibility: - 1999... 9999

racteristic of the analog output.
0-y1 On the base of given coordinates of
two points by the user, the meter
d-H2 determines (from the equation
system) coefficients a and b of the
0-H2 individual characteristic.

d_H1 and d_H2 - displayed value
Output parameters

O_Y1 and O_Y2 - expected value

on the analog output.
Fig. 9 represents the graphical
illustration explaining the idea of the
individual characteristic.

baud Baud rate of the RS-485 interface. 2400 - 2400 b/s

4800 - 4800 b/s
9600 - 9600 b/s
tryb Kind of transmission through the
RS-485 interface.
0ff - interface switched off
a8n1 - ASCII 8N1
a7e1 - ASCII 7E1
a7o1 - ASCII 7O1
r8n2 - RTU 8N2
r8e1 - RTU 8E1
r8o1 - RTU 8O1
r8n1 - RTU 8N1

adr Device address 0...247

set Manufacturer’s parameters.
Manufacturer’s parameters are
The pressure of the key
causes the writing of manufacturer’s
presented in the table 2. parameters.

seC Introduction of a new password. - 1999... 9999


tst Test of displays.

The test consists on a successive
The pressure of the key causes
Servicing parameters

the test switching on. The pressure of

display of numbers 1111, 2222 etc. the key ends the test.
Successive bargraph colours are
lighted on the bargraph.

Hour Setting of the current time.

Time format : hh:mm:ss
00:00:00 ... 23:59:59

Clrl Erasing of the minimal value. The pressure of the key causes
the erasing of the minimal value.

ClrH Erasing of the maximal value. The pressure of the key causes
the erasing of the maximal value.

reC Switching the recording on or 0n - recording switched on

off. At the moment of switching the
recording on, the meter erases the 0ff - recording switched off
previous stored values.

go-r Hour of recording start

Time format: hh:mm:ss
00:00:00 ... 23:59:59

Recording parameters

Date of recording start 70.01.01 ... 38.12.31

Date format:
It is an information parameter. It
not serves to define the date from
which the recording is to begin, but
only to inform when the recording

1nte Time interval of recording -

Defines the segment of time and at
00:00:00 ... 99:59:59

which sequence the result will be to

Minimal interval 1 s.
Format: hh:mm:ss

Fig. 8. Alarm types: a, b - normal, c - switched off, d - switched on


Value I_H1 on the meter input => d_Y1 on the display.

Value I_H2 on the meter input => d_Y2 on the display
other points of the characteristic are evaluated


Value d_H1 on the display => 0_Y1 on the analogue output.

Value I_H2 on the display => d_Y2 on the analogue output
other points of the characteristic are evaluated

Fig. 9. Individual characteristic of the display a) and analogue output b).

Type of Examplary settings of the bargraph and the alarm, ex. 1
bargraph Curl=G (green)
Curl= r (red) CurH= rG (red + green )

Value under the
value prl
:ntr Value between
Value over
Value without
changes in time

tren Value incre-


Value decre-

Fig. 10. Bargraph modes.

– In case of the meter working with a resistance thermometer in a two-wire system,
the choice of the automatic compensation of conductor resistance changes will
cause a meter defective work.
– The automatic compensation is switched off when choosing Pt1000, Pt500
sensors and at measuring the resistance up to 4 k Connect the signal only in
the two-wire system.
– In case of switching the display individual characteristic on, the result on the
display is lineally converted in accordance with the introduced I_H1, I_H2, d_Y1
and d_Y2 parameters.
– In case of switching the analogue output individual characteristic on, the measu-
rement result is lineally converted in accordance with the introduced d_H1, d_H2,
O_Y1 and O_Y2 parameters.

– The meter checks currently the value of the introduced parameter. In case when
the introduced value exceeds the upper or lower change range given in the
table 1, the meter will not make the parameter record.
– In case of the Input type change, a simultaneous change of the decimal point
follows, optimally for the given input.
– After the supply decay, the current time is reset.
– The switching of the record off follows in following cases: switching the record off
from the programming matrix, change of the input kind, change of Go_r , change
of IntE, setting Cnt=0, memory filling up and when the meter is switched to the
network on again.
– In case of the Intr or Sect bargraph type, the setting of Curl and Curh markers
(from one alarm) is possible. The others are automatically erased.
– Max. and min. values are erased in case of following changes: input type,
individual characteristic (on, off), entry of standard parameters.

Standard parameters of the NA3 meter Table 2

Parameter description Standard value Parameter description Standard value
typ Pt100 H0ld OFF
funC OFF Curl r
Con 0 = manual CurH rG
d_p 0000.0 :nd0 OFF
Cnt 1.0 d_H1
:nd1 OFF 0_y1 0
:_H1 d_H2
d_y1 0 0_y2
:_H2 baud 9600
d_y2 tryb RTU 8N2
typb Sect Adr 1
colr G seC 0
brl - 200 Hour 00:00:00
brH 850 reC OFF
prl - 200 go_r 00:00:00
prH 850.0 date 70.01.01
typa OFF :nte 00:15:00
dly 0

NA3 programmable digital meters have a serial link of RS-485 standard to commu-
nicate in computer systems and with other devices fulfilling the master function. The
MODBUS asynchronous character communication protocol has been implemented
on the serial link. The transmission protocol describes information exchange pro-
cedures between devices through the serial link.

6.1. Procedure of the serial interface connection

The RS-485 standard enables the direct connection to 32 devices on a single serial
link up to a 1200 m distance. For the connection of a higher number of devices it is
necessary to apply additional intermediate-to-separating systems.
The exit of the interface line is presented in the service manual on the fig. 3.d. In
order to obtain a correct transmission it is necessary to connect lines A and B in
parallel to their equivalent lines in other devices.
The connection must be made with a shielded conductor. The shield must be con-
nected to the protective terminal in one point.
The GND line serves to the additional protection of the interface line at long distance
One must connect GND signals between devices and one point to the protective
terminal (that is not necessary for the interface correct operation).
To obtain the connection with the computer of IBM PC class, an RS-232 into
RS-485 converter of PD51 type is necessary or an RS-485 interface card. The
way of NA3 meter connection through the PD51 converter is shown on the fig. 3d.
The designation of transmission lines for the card in the PC computer depends on
the card producer.

6.2. Description of the MODBUS protocol implementation

The implemented protocol is in accordance with the PI-MBUS-300 Rev G Modicon
company specification.
The set of parameters of the meter serial link in the MODBUS protocol:
– meter address 1... 247
– baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600 bit/s
– working mode ASCII, RTU
– information unit ASCII: 8N1, 7E1, 7O1
RTU: 8N2, 8N1, 8E1, 8O1
– maximal response time 300 ms

The configuration of serial link parameters is described in the further part of this ser-
vice manual. It consists on the settlement of the baud rate (Baud parameter), device
address (Adr parameter), and the type of the information unit (Tryb parameter)
Note: Each meter connected to the communication network must:
 have a unique address, different from addresses of other devices connected to
the network
 the identical baud rate and the type of the information unit.

6.3 Description of the MODBUS protocol function

Following functions of the MODBUS protocol have been implemented in NA3
Bit-8 Error of the conductor resistance compensation
Function description Table 3
Code Meaning
03 (03 h) Read-out of n-registers
06 (06 h) Recording of a single register
16 (10 h) Recording of n-registers
17 (11 h) Identification of the slave device

In NA3 meters the answer response frame to the function 17 is as follows:
Device Number Device Device Field depending on Check-
address of bytes identifier state the type of device sum


Read-out of n-registers (code 03 h)

The function is inaccessible in the publication mode.
Example: read-out of 2 registers starting from the register which the address is 1
DBDh (7613) in RTU mode.
Register Register Number of Number of Check-
Function address address registers registers sum
Hi Lo Hi Lo CRC
01 03 1D BD 00 02 52 43

Device Number Value from the register Value from the register sum
address of bytes 1DBD (7613) 1DBE (7614) CRC
01 03 08 3F 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 42 8B

Recording of values into the register (code 06h)

The function is accessible in the publication mode.
Example: recording of the register which address is 1DBDh (7613) in RTU mode.
Register Register Check-
Device Value from the register
Function address address sum
address 1DBD (7613)
01 06 1D BD 3F 80 00 00 85 AD

Register Register Check-
Device Value from the register
Function address address sum
address 1DBD (7613)
01 06 1D BD 3F 80 00 00 85 AD

Recording into n-registers (code 10h)

The function is accessible in the publication mode
Example: recording of 2 registers starting from the register which address
is 1DBDh (7613) in RTU mode.

Register Number of Check-

Device Number Value for the register Value for the register
address registers sum
address of bytes 1DBD (7613) 1DBE (7614)
Hi Lo Hi Lo CRC
01 10 1D BD 00 02 08 3F 80 00 00 40 00 00 00 03 09

Register Register Number of Number of Check-
Function address address registers registers sum
Hi Lo Hi Lo (CRC)
01 10 1D BD 00 02 D7 80

Report identifying devices (code 11h) in RTU mode.
Example: the read-out.of data identifying the device for NA3 meter with a univer-
sal input

Device Checksum
address (CRC)
01 11 C0 2C

Device Number Device Device Field depending on Check-
address of bytes identifier state the type of device sum

01 11 08 80 FF 00XXXXX

Device address - depending on the set point

Function - no of function 0 x 11
Number of bytes - 0x08
Device identifier - 0x80 - NA3 with universal input (NA3-XXXU)

Device state - 0xFF
Field depending on the
device type - XXXXXX
Device name - transmitted as ASCI character and defines the
meter type:
U - 0x55, 55 X X X X X
T - 0x54, 54 X X X X X
S - 0x53, 53 X X X X X
H - 0x48, 48 X X X X X
Analogue output - field depending on the type of the analogue output
- 0x00 - lack of analogue output, X 00 X X X X
- 0x01 - voltage analogue output, X 01 X X X X
- 0x02 - current analogue output, X 02 X X X X

No. of the software
version - software version implemented in the meter
- X X_ _ _ _4 - byte variable of float type
Checksum - 2 bytes in case of work in RTU mode
- 1 byte in case of work in ASCII mode

Work in RTU mode, e.g.: Mode = RTU 8N2 (value 0x02 in case of readout/record
through the interface).
NA3 meter with an universal input (NA3-XXXU)
Execution with a voltage analogue output: 00,
No. of the software version: 1.00,
Device address set on: Adr = 0 x 01,

For such a meter the frame has the following form:

Device Number Device Device Field depending on the
Function sum
address of bytes identifier state device type
01 11 08 80 FF 00 00 3F 80 00 00 3F 1B

6.4. Register map of NA3 meters

Register map of NA3 meters Table 4.

Address Type of value Description

7000-7200 Float (32 bits) The value is placed in two successive 16-bytes
registers. Registers enclose the same data as
32-bytes registers from the 7500 area.
Registers are only for readout.
7200-7400 Float (32 bits) The value is placed in two successive 16-bit
registers. Registers enclose the same data as
32-bit registers from the 7600 area.
Registers can be readout and written.
7500-7600 Float (32 bits) The value is placed in a 32-bytes register.
Registers are only for readout.
7600-7700 Float (32 bits) The value is placed in a 32-bit register.
Registers can be read out and written.

6.5. Registers for recording and readout
NA3 meter
as 32-bit registers from the
successive 16-bit registers
enclosing the same data

The value is placed in 32-bit

The value is placed in two

Readout (r)
Writing (w)
Symbol Range Description
7600 area


7200 7600 Identifier r - Device identifier


80 NA3 with universal input „U”

7202 7601 w/r 0...1 No occurs
7204 7602 Output type w/r 0...20 Input type
0 Pt100 RTD
1 Pt500 RTD
2 Pt1000 RTD
3 J thermocouple
4 K thermocouple
5 N thermocouple
6 E thermocouple
7 R thermocouple
8 S thermocouple
9 T thermocouple
10 R. meas. up to 400 
11 R. meas. up to 4 k
12 Volt. meas. 0... 60 mV
13 Volt. meas. 0... 3 V
14 Volt. meas. 0...10 V
15 Current meas. 0... 5 mA
16 Current meas. 0... 20 mA
17 Volt. meas. 0... 200 V
18 Volt. meas. 0... 600 V
19 Current meas. 0...2 A
20 Current meas. 0...5 A

7206 7603 LoIn w/r -1999... 9999 No occurs
7208 7604 HiIn w/r -1999... 9999 No occurs
7210 7605 Function w/r 0... 2 Arithmetical function
0 Switched off
1 Squaring
2 Extraction of roots

Compens. Compensation of the conductor

7212 7606 w/r -199.9... 999.9
7214 7607 D_P w/r 0... 4 Decimal point
0 0000
1 000.0
2 00.00
3 0.000
4 Auto
7216 7608 Cnt w/r 0... 999.9 Measurement time
7218 7609 Indi w/r 0... 1 Individual characteristic
0 Switched characteristic off
1 Switched characteristic on

X1 In Parameters of the individual charac-

7220 7610 w/r -1999... 9999

Y1 LED Parameters of the individual charac-

7222 7611 w/r -1999... 9999
X2 In Parameters of the individual charac-
7224 7612 w/r -1999... 9999
Y2 LED Parameters of the individual charac-
7226 7613 w/r -1999... 9999
Bargraph No occurs
7228 7614 w/r 0... 1
7230 7615 type w/r 0... 4 Bargraph type

0 One-colour (OnEC)
1 Change of colour after
exceeding the alarm threshold
(the colour change the whole
bargraph) (Intr)

2 Change of colour after
exceeding the alarm threshold
(Three-segment change of
colour) (SEct)
3 One-coloured bargraph, alarm
markers in another colour
4 Increasing/decreasing trend
7232 7616 Colour w/r 0... 7 Bargraph colour
0 Bargraph off (OFF)
1 Red (r)
2 Green (G)
3 Red + Green (rG)
Other values are only accessible in meters
with RGB diodes
4 Blue (b)
5 Red + Blue (rb)
6 Green + blue (Gb)
7 Red + Green + Blue (rGb)
Brl „Magnifier „on the bargraph. Lower
7234 7617 w/r -1999... 9999
Brh „Magnifier „on the bargraph. Upper
7236 7618 w/r -1999... 9999
7238 7619 number w/r 0... 2 Choice of alarm number

Range of changes is depended on the

meter execution code (number of
7240 7620 Ch_Alarm w/r 0... 1 No occurs
7242 7621 Prl w/r -1999... 9999 Alarm lower threshold <Alarm No>
7244 7622 Prh w/r -1999... 9999 Alarm upper threshold <Alarm No>
7246 7623 Type a w/r 0... 4 Alarm type <Alarm No>
0 Normal
1 Switched on
2 Switched off
3 Manually switched on
4 Manually switched off

7248 7624 Alarm delay w/r 0... 999.9 Alarm delay <Alarm No>
7250 7625 support w/r 0... 1 Alarm signalling support <Alarm No>

0 Support switched off
1 Support switched on

CURL Bargraph colour for the lower alarm

7252 7626 w/r 0... 7
0 Bargraph switched off (OFF)
1 Red (r)
2 Green (G)
3 Red + Green (rG)
Other values accessible only in meters
with RGB diodes
4 Blue (b)
5 Red + Blue (rb)
6 Green + blue (Gb)
7 Red + Green + Blue (rGb)

CURH Bargraph colour after exceeding the

7254 7627 w/r 0... 7
upper alarm threshold <Alarm No>
0 Bargraph switched off (OFF)
1 Red (r)
2 Green (G)
3 Red + Green (rG)
Other values accessible only in meters
with RGB diodes
4 Blue (b)
5 Red + Blue (rb)
6 Green + blue (Gb)
7 Red + Green + Blue (rGb)
7256 7628 Chna w/r 0... 1 No occurs
Output cha-
7258 7629 racteristic w/r 0... 1 Characteristic of the analogue output

0 Characteristic switched off
1 Characteristic switched on

7260 7630 X1 LED w/r - 1999... 9999 Parameters of the analogue output

7262 7631 Y1 Out w/r - 1999... 9999 Parameters of the analogue output
7264 7632 X2 LED w/r - 1999... 9999 Parameters of the analogue output

7266 7633 Y2 Out w/r - 1999... 9999 Parameters of the analogue output
7268 7634 Baud rate w/r 0... 2 Baud rate of the RS-485 interface
0 2400 bit/s
1 4800 bit/s
2 9600 bit/s
7270 7635 mode w/r 1... 7 Working mode of the MODBUS protocol

4 RTU 8N2
5 RTU 8E2
6 RTU 8O2
7 RTU 8N1
7272 7636 Address w/r 0... 247 Choice of the device address
7274 7637 Test w/r 0... 1 Test of the display
0 Lack of operation
1 Test
7276 7638 Hour w/r 0... 23.5959 Current time
This parameter occurs with four
places after the decimal point in format
gg,mmss, where:
gg - means hours,
mm - means minutes,
ss - means seconds
In case when introducing and incorrect
time, the indicator will correct it auto-
7278 7639 Recording w/r 0... 1 Registration of measured value
0 Registration switched off
1 Registration switched on

7280 7640 Interval w/r 0... 99.5959 Time interval of the recording
7282 7642 time w/r 0... 23.5959 Time of the recording start

This parameter occurs with four

places after the decimal point in format
gg,mmss, where:
gg - means hours,
mm - means minutes,
ss - means seconds
In case when introducing and incorrect
time, the indicator will correct it auto-
7284 7642 Year w/r 1970... 2038 Year of the recording start
7286 7643 Month w/r 1... 12 Month of the recording start
7288 7644 Day w/r 1... 31 Day of the recording start
Year, Month, Day are information
parameters. They do not serve to define
the date from which the recording is to
be start, but only to inform since when
the recording has started.
Erasing of
7290 7645 minimum w/r 0... 1 Erasing of the minimal value
Channel 1

0 Lack of operation
1 Erasing
Erasing of
7292 7646 maximum w/r 0... 1 Erasing of the maximal value
Channel 1
0 Lack of operation
1 Erasing
Erasing of
7294 7647 minimum w/r 0... 1 No occurs
Channel 2
Erasing of
7296 7648 minimum w/r 0... 1 No occurs
Channel 2

Year of the
7320 7660 memorised w/r 1970... 2038 Year of memorised value in memory
Month of the
7322 7661 memorised w/r 1... 12 Month of memorised value in memory
Day of the
7324 7662 memorised w/r 1... 31 Day of memorised value in memory

Time of the
7326 7663 memorised w/r 0... 23.5959 Time of memorised value in memory
This parameter occurs with four
places after the decimal point in format
gg,mmss, where:
gg - means hours,
mm - means minutes,
ss - means seconds
In case when introducing and incorrect
time, the meter will correct it automa-
Index of the
7328 7664 memorised w/r 1... 750 Number of memorised value in memory
7230 7665 Status w/r 0... 8 Operation status on the buffer
0 Lack of operation
1 Searching acc. date and time
(registers nr 7660...7663 and
2 Searching acc. time (registers
nr 7663 and 7326)
3 Searching acc. index (registers
nr 7664 and 7328)
4 Load next values into the buffer
5 Load previous values into the
buffer (registers7672...7691
and 7344...7382)
6 Go to the first memorised value
in memory.

7 Go to the last memorised value
in memory.
8 Erase the memory
Number of
7332 7666 the memori- r 0... 750 Number of memorised value in memory,
sed value placed in the first buffer register

0 Memory is empty
1... 750 Number of the memorised
Number of
7334 7667 recorded r 0... 750 Number of recorded buffer registers
0 Buffer is empty
1... 750 Number of recorded registers
7336 7668 Year r 1970... 2038 Year for the value in the first register
7338 7669 Month r 1... 12 Month for the value in the first register
7340 7670 Day r 1... 31 Day for the value in the first register
7342 7671 Time r 0... 23.5959 Time for the value in the first register
This parameter occurs with four places
after the decimal point in format gg,mmss,
gg - means hours,
mm - means minutes,
ss - means seconds
7672... Buffer Memorised values, read out from the
7344...7382 r –
7691 memory
20 registers , including 20 memorised

1) In case of registers not occurring in the given meter series, their value

6.6. Registers only for readout
NA3 meter
successive 16-bite registers.
The value is placed into two

These registers include the

same data as 32-bite registers

The value is placed into

Readout (r)
Writing (w)
from the area 7500.

Name Unit Quantity name

32-bite registers

7000 7500 Identifier r - Constant identifying the device

7002 7501 Status 1 r - Register describing the current state of

the meter

Status 2 Register describing the current state of

7004 7502 r -
the meter
It is the register defining the control
7006 7503 Steering r % procedure of the analogue output
out (controllability)

Min 1 Minimal value of the currently measured

7008 7504 r -
value of channel 1

Max 1 Maximal value of the currently measured

7010 7505 r -
value of channel 1
7012 7506 Value 1 r - Currently measured value of channel 1
7014 7507 Hour r Current time
7016 7508 Min 2 r - No occurs
7018 7509 Max 2 r - No occurs
7020 7510 Value 2 r - No occurs

1) In case of registers no occurring in the given meter series, their values is 1E+20

Note !
– At the moment of exceeding the upper or lower range, „displayed value”, „mini-
mum”, „maximum” parameters are set on the value 1E+20.
– For the parameter Cnt=0 (Measurement switching off and display of the
current time), „minimum”, „maximum” and „displayed value” parameters are set
on the value 1E+20.

Description of the Status 1 register

Signalling of the upper range exceeding

Signalling of the lower range exceeding

resistance compensation

Kind of analogue output

Individual characteristic
Error of the conductor
Position of
the decimal


bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 - Lack of error
1 - Signalling of compensation error
Bit-7...5 Position of the decimal point
000 - lack
001 - 000.0
010 - 00.00
011 - 0.000
100 - Auto
Bit-4 Signalling of the upper range exceeding
0 - normal work
1 - range exceeding
Bit-3 Signalling of the lower range exceeding
0 - normal work
1 - range exceeding
Bit-2 Individual characteristic

0 - individual characteristic switched off
1 - individual characteristic switched on
Bit-1...0 Kind of output (voltage, current)
00 - lack of analogue output
01 - current
10 - voltage
Bit-15. No used

Description of the status 2 register

Record of measurement
results in memory

Alarm 3 state

Alarm 2 state

Alarm 1 state

Baud rate
mode and


bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit-14...13 Record of measurement results in memory

0 - Record switched off
1 - Record switched on
Bit-12...8 . No used
Bit-7. State of alarme 3
0 - off
1 - on
Bit-6 State of alarm 2
0 - off

1 - on
Bit-5 State of alarm 1
0 - off
1 - on
Bit-4...2 Working mode and information unit
000 - interface switched off
001 - 8N1 - ASCII
010 - 7E1 - ASCII
011 - 7O1 - ASCII
100 - 8N2 - RTU
101 - 8E1 - RTU
110 - 8O1 - RTU
111 - 8N1 - RTU
Bit-1...0 Baud rate
00 - 2400 bit/s
01 - 4800 bit/s
10 - 9600 bit/s



Pt100 (-200... +850)C X

Pt500 (-200... +850)C X
Pt1000 (-200... +850)C X
J ( Fe-CuNi) (-30... +1100)C X
K (NiCr-NiAl) (-50... +1370)C X
N (NiCrSi-NiSi) (-100... +1300)C X
E (NiCr-CuNi) (-20... +850)C X
R (PtRh13-Pt) (0... +1760)C X
S (PtRh10-Pt) (0... +1760)C X
T (Cu-CuNi) (-50... +400)C X
Resistance measurement 0...400  X
Resistance measurement 0...4000  X
Voltage measurement 0...60 mV X
Voltage measurement 0...3 V X
Voltage measurement 0...10 V X
Current measurement 0...5 mA X
Current measurement 0...20 mA X
Voltage measurement 0...200 V X
Voltage measurement 0...600 V X
Current measurement 0...2 A X
Current measurement 0...5 A X

Input resistance:
- for voltage inputs > 4 M
- for inputs (5 mA and 20 mA) <4
- for inputs (2 A and 5 A) 10 m 10%
Intensity of current flowing through the resistance thermometer: < 170 A
Resistance of conductors linking the resistance thermometer with the meter:
< 20 /1 wire
Thermocouple characteristics acc. EN 60584-1.
Resistance thermometer characteristics acc. IEC 751 + A1+A2.

– Analogue output galvanically isolated, with a resolution = 0,025% of the
- current programmable: 0/4..20mA load resistance  500 
- or voltage programmable: 0..10V load resistance  500 
- output response time 100 ms
- output error 0.2 % of the range
- additional error due to ambient
temperature changes:  (0.1% of the range /10K)

– Relay output
Relays (1 or 2); voltageless make contacts - maximal load:
voltage 250 V a.c., 150 V d.c.,
current 5 A 30 V d.c., 250 V a.c.,
resistance load 1250 VA, 150 W.
Programmable alarm thresholds;
Three types of alarms;
Hysteresis defined by means of the lower and upper alarm threshold;
Signalling of alarm operation on the bargraph or by means of alarm diodes.

– Output of open collector (OC) type

voltageless, OC type with npn transistor (max. load 25 mA)
range of added voltage: 5...24 V d.c.

– Digital output:
interface: RS-485,
transmission protocol: MODBUS,
ASCII: 8N1, 7E1, 7O1,
RTU: 8N2, 8E1, 8O1, 8N1,
baud rate: 2400, 4800, 9600 baud
maximal response time to the
request frame: 300 ms.

Memory parameters:
- meter memory (record) 750 samples
- min. record interval 1 sec;
Basic error: 0.2% 1 digit

Additional errors in nominal working conditions when measuring the
- compensation of reference junction
temperature changes  0.2 % of range
- compensation of wire resistance
changes  0.2 % of range
Additional error from ambient
temperature changes  (0.1 % of range/10K)
Averaging time min 500 ms, temperature measurement
min 200 ms, other ranges
Rated operation conditions:
- supply voltage depending on the
execution code 95...230...253 V a.c./d.c.
20...24...40 V a.c./d.c.
- supply a.c. voltage frequency 40...50/60...440 Hz
- ambient temperature - 10...23...55C
- storage temperature - 25...+85C
- relative humidity < 95% (no condensation)
- time of preliminary indicator heating 10 min
Sustained overload:
- thermocouples, resistance
thermometers 1%
- measurement of voltage, current
and resistance 10 %
Momentary overload (3 s):
- sensor inputs and voltage 60 mV 30 V
- voltage input >= 3 V 10  Un (< 1000 V)
- current input 10  In
Readout field (depending on execution): 4 seven-segment LED display,
NA3-F digit height: 7 mm
indication range: -1999...9999
bargraph length: 82 mm
- 45 segments in three-colour execution
- 25 segments in seven-colour


Bargraph resolution programmable
Bargraph accuracy  0.5 segment
Servicing: three keys:
Ensured protection degree (EN 60529):
- through the casing IP 40
- from terminal side IP 20
Dimensions: 96 x 24 x 125 mm (with terminals)
Weight: < 0.3 kg
Power consumption < 8 VA
Resistance against supply decay acc. EN 61000-6-2:2002
Electromagnetic compatibility:
- immunity EN 61000-6-2:2002
- emission EN 61000-6-4:2002
- additional error from
electromagnetic risks < 0.5%
Safety requirements according EN 61010-1:
- installation category III
- pollution degree 2
- phase-to-earth max. working voltage:
input 600 V
supply 300 V
relays 300 V
analogue output 50 V
RS-485 50 V

In case of incorrect symptoms please to acquaint with the table below.

1. Lack of indications on the display. The Check the connection of the feeder cable.
bargraph indicates nothing.
2. The time is displayed on the display, The number of measurements Cnt = 0 has been
e.g. H_12 alternately with 34:43. introduced. The meter is working in the SLEEP
mode. It displays the current hour.
Check the correctness of the input signal connec-
3. Marks or tion. See the service manual. Check also the setting
are displayed on the display. of parameters D_P and Ind.
4. A signal inconsistent with our expec- One must check if the load resistance of the ana-
tations occurs on the meter analogue logue output is in accordance with technical data.
output. Check if the individual characteristic is not switched
on. In case of necessity make changes of individual
characteristic parameters or introduce manufacturer
parameters Set.
5. Lack of possibility to enter into the The programming mode is protected by a password.
programming mode. The inscription When the user forgets which password has been
Err is displayed. introduced, he should contact by phone the manu-
facturer or the nearest authorised workshop.

6. Lack of certainty if all segments of the Enter into the programming matrix and switch the
display or bargraph are efficient. display and bargraph tSt test on.
Character fields are lighted successively from 0000
to 9999. In the same time the bargraph is lighted
with successive colours. If some of segments are not
lighted or diodes have different colours, one must
submit these defects to the nearest workshop.

7. During the operation in the pro- Enter into the programming matrix and accept the
gramming mode, parameter values SEt parameter. The meter will introduce values in
inconsistent with the range of changes accordance with the table 2.
given in the table 1, appear on the

8. A result inconsistent with our expecta- Check if the individual characteristic is not switched
tions appears on the display. on. In case of necessity enter into the programming
matrix and accept the SEt parameter. The meter will
introduce parameters in accordance with the table 2.
9. The bargraph does not work in accor- Check bargraph parameters. In case of a further
dance with our expectations. incorrect operation, enter into the programming
matrix and accept the parameter SEt.
Switch the display and bargraph tSt test on.
10. Despite the exceeding of the alarm Check the delay of alarm operation introduced into
threshold the alarm relay does not the meter. In case of need, correct dLY parameters.
switch on.
11. The meter, instead of displaying the The meter is working in the preview mode or in the
measurement result, displays the programming mode. Press the escape key .
parameter symbol and its value.
12. Despite of the introduced delay in the The lasting alarm state was shorter than the
alarm operation, e.g. 30 seconds, the programmed, that means that during the lasting time,
alarm after this time did not operate. the alarm withdrawal state occurred. In such a case,
the meter begins to count down the time from the
13. The meter does not establish the Check if interface conductors (A, B, GND) were
communication with the computer correctly connected. Then, check in the program-
through the RS-485 interface. ming matrix the setting of the interface (bAud, trYb,
Adr). These parameters must be the same as in the
used software.


Example 1. Programming of the individual characteristic.
If we want to programme so that to the value 4.00 mA will correspond the value
0 on the display, whereas, the value 20.00 mA will correspond to the value 100,
one must:
 enter into the programming mode and choose the D_ P parameter
responsible for the decimal point. Set the decimal point on 00000
 choose the Ind parameter and switch the individual characteristic On
 choose the I_H1 parameter and introduce the value 4.00
 transit on the d_Y1 parameter and introduce the value 0

 transit on the I_H2 parameter and introduce the value 20.00
 transit on the d_Y2 parameter and introduce the value 100

Example 2 Programming of an inverse individual characteristic.

If we want to programme so that to the value 4.00 mA will correspond the value 120.5
on the display, and to the value 20.00 mA, the value 10.8, one must:
 enter into the programming mode and choose the D_P parameter responsible
for the decimal point. Set the decimal point on 0000.0
 choose the wybraæ Ind parameter and switch the individual characteristic On
 choose the I_H1 parameter and introduce the value 4.00
 transit on the d_Y1 parameter and introduce the value 120.5
 transit on the I_H2 parameter and introduce the value 20.00
 transit on the d_Y2 parameter and introduce the value 10.8

Example 3 Programming of the alarm with hysteresis

If we want to programme the alarm 1 operation so that at the value 850C, this
alarm will be switched on, whereas it will be switched off at the value 100C, and
the alarm 2 operation so that at the value 1000C, this alarm will be switched off
and switched on at the value -199C, one must:
 enter into the programming mode , choose the PrL parameter of the alarm 1
and introduce the value 100
 transit on the PrH parameter of the alarm 1 and introduce the value 850
 transit on the tYPA parameter of the alarm 1 and choose select the function
assigned as nor
 transit on the tYPA parameter of the alarm 2 and select the function nor
 choose the PrL parameter of the alarm 2 and introduce the value 1000
 transit on the PrH parameter of the alarm 2 and introduce the value -199

Example 4 Programming of an alarm operating in a set interval with delay.

If we want that the alarm 1 will be switched on in the interval from 100 V to 300 V
and operate only after 10 seconds, one must:
 enter into the programming mode , choose the PrL parameter of the alarm 1
and introduce the value 100
 transit on the PrH parameter of the alarm 1 and introduce the value 300
 transit on the tYPA parameter of the alarm 1 and select the function On
 transit on the dLY parameter of the alarm 1 and introduce the value 10.0
in case of the alarm state duration for a time longer than 10 seconds, the meter will
switch the alarm relay on

Example 5 Programming of an analogue output
If we want to programme so that to the displayed value 0.00 mA for the channel
2 will correspond the value 4.00 on the analogue output, whereas to the value
20.00 mA , the value 20.00 mA, one must:
 enter into the programming mode, choose the IndO parameter and switch the
individual characteristic On
 choose the d_H1 parameter and introduce the value 0.00
 transit on the O_Y1 parameter and introduce the value 4.00
 transit on the d_H2 parameter and introduce the value 20.00
 transit on the O_Y2 parameter and introduce the value 20.00

Example 6 Programming of the recording every 20 seconds since 12:30:

 enter into the programming mode, choose the Go_r parameter and introduce
the value 12:30
 transit on the IntE parameter and introduce the value 00:00:20
 choose the rEC parameter and switch the recording On
After the exit from the programming matrix the memory will be erased and the meter
will begin to record results since 12:30, every 20 seconds.
After the memory filling up, the recording will be switched off.

Execution codes of NA3 meter (seeTable 5).
Table 5.
NA3 - X X X X X X X X XX X
Meter version:
with a bargraph and F
digital display
Bargraph colour:
3-colour (R, G, R+G) T
7-colour (R, G, B,
R+G, R+B, G+B, R+G+B)
Display colour:
red R
green G
Input signal:
universal input U
Analog output:
lack 0
0/4...20 mA 1
0...10 V 2
Additional output:
lack 0
RS-485 digital output + 1 relay 1
RS-485 digital output + 1 output of OC type 2
2 relays 3
2 outputs of OC type 4
Supply voltage:
95...253 V a.c./d.c. 1
20...40 V a.c./d.c. 2
on order* X
Kind of terminals:
screwed plug-in sockets 0
standard 00
custom-made* XX
Acceptance tests:
without extra requirements 8
with an extra quality inspection certificate 7
*after agreeing with the manufacturer
acc. to customer’s request X

Ordering example:
The code: NA3 - F T R U 0 1 1 0 00 8 means:
NA3 - meter of NA3 type
F - with bargraph and digital display
T - 3-colour display
R - red display colour
U - universal input
0 - lack of analog output
1 - additional outpout : RS-485 + 1 relay
1 - supply voltage: 95...253 V a.c./d.c
0 - screwed plug-in socket
00 - standard version
0 - without extra requirements

Input signals Table 6

Universal Resistance thermometer:
input Pt100 (- 200... +850)C
Pt500 (- 200... +850)C
Pt1000 (- 200... +850)C
J ( Fe-CuNi) (- 30... +1100)C
K (NiCr-NiAl) (- 50... +1370)C
N (NiCrSi-NiSi) (- 100... +1300)C
E (NiCr-CuNi) (- 20... +850)C
R (PtRh13-Pt) (0... +1760)C
S (PtRh10-Pt) (0... +1760)C
T (Cu-CuNi) (- 50... +400)C
Resistance 0... 400 
Resistance 0... 4000 
Voltage from shunt 0... 60 mV
Voltage 0... 3 V
Voltage 0... 10 V
Voltage 0... 200 V
Voltage 0... 600 V
current 0... 5 mA
current 0... 20 mA
current 0... 2 A
current 0... 5 A

ul. Sulechowska 1, 65-022 Zielona Góra, POLAND
tel.: +48 68 45 75 100, fax +48 68 45 75 508

Export department:
tel.: (+48 68) 45 75 139, 45 75 233, 45 75 321, 45 75 386

fax.: (+48 68) 32 54 091

e-mail: [email protected]


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