Diagnostics Testing of High Voltage Motor

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Diagnostics testing of high voltage motor

• Increased uptime. Identifying defective motors before they reach a point of failure
ensures your system(s) remain up and running. This clears the path for more
economically planned maintenance tasks to correct discovered issues.
• Cost savings. Motor testing gives you a clear picture of the real-time condition of the
motors within your assets, limiting potential collateral damage due to failures and
reducing maintenance costs. What type of maintenance a motor requires or whether it
needs to be replaced is a critical and potentially expensive decision.
• Energy conservation. Motor current analysis (MCA) testing can help identify
conditions within a motor that lead to increased power consumption. This could
negatively impact the motor's overall power quality, accelerate asset wear, and present
itself as costly increases in energy consumption and peak use.
• Improved safety. Motor testing reduces the urgency and frequency of breakdowns,
allowing maintenance teams to shift the majority of their work to scheduled downtimes.
This gives personnel a de-energized working condition in which to make repairs. Motor
testing can also detect faulty electrical connections in a circuit that may not be picked
up with regular infrared testing, reducing the risk of a fire.
• Motor failures can derail your operations, creating countless hours of downtime and resulting in thousands of
dollars in expenses.

• Not all winding faults start as ground faults. Identifying motor faults before the motor fails can save you
countless hours in downtime and maintenance fees.

• Whether you’re a factory operator or a service company owner, you should invest in high-
quality electric motor diagnostic equipment. Motor failure can happen at any time during any
process. While you can expect a certain degree of motor failure to occur in any setting over
time, many instances of motor failure can be prevented with the proper tools for motor

• Motor failure happens from time to time in any facility, you can always expect the
consequences — project downtime, production delays, wasted energy and money washing
down the drain as a result. Fortunately, using the proper diagnostic equipment to test your
motors on a regular schedule will detect potential issues with them and prevent costly
downtime from ever occurring.
Offline diagnostics testing of stator winding insulation
Many end users, manufacturers and service organizations now routinely employ some form of on-line
monitoring technology, e.g., partial discharge (PD), as a significant component of a predictive or
condition-based maintenance pro-gram. The widespread and increasing use of such methods has led
to some in the industry questioning the value of performing off-line diagnostic testing to assess stator
winding insulation condition if they have on-line monitoring. Traditionally, many utilities would take the
opportunity during major outages to do one or more of these off-line tests, however, due to economic
pressures, the interval between such outages has significantly increased. In the past, the fre-quency
of outages in which the rotor was re-moved was about five to six years; however, currently intervals
of 10 – 12 years have become common. Further, many plant managers are reluctant to permit
electrical testing because of concerns that such testing may damage the winding even though the
applied voltage used in the vast majority of tests is limited to the nominal line-to-ground operating
voltage. Below, we shall discuss the role that off-line tests have to play, the commonly used tests and
their appropriate application. Only those tests that are covered by IEEE or IEC standards are
discussed and ac and dc hipots are precluded because these are go/no-go tests with relatively little
diagnostic value.

Insulation Resistance & Polarization Index

An insulation resistance measurement is one of the most basic and commonly employed tests used
in the industry. The test involves applying prescribed dc voltage across the ground wall insulation
and, on the basis largely of the leakage current, the resistance value after one minute of voltage
application is derived. The polarization index is obtained by taking a further insulation resistance
measurement at 10 minutes and dividing this value by that measured after 60 seconds. These tests
are governed by IEEE 43 that specifies, among many factors, the appropriate applied voltage
(dependent on the rated voltage of the machine) as well as acceptance criteria for insulation
resistance and polarization index. Until recently, there was no equivalent IEC standard for this type of
testing, however, this situation will change in 2016 or 2017 with the impending publication of IEC
60034-27-4. Typically, these tests are used either to determine that the stator winding is fit to
undergo further diagnostic testing involving high voltages or to verify a ground fault in the event of an
alarm or trip. While the diagnostic content of an insulation resistance test has been considered limited
due to sensitivity to surface leakage currents, the latest version of IEEE 43 does include guidance on
more sophisticated methods of interpretation that may provide insight into the bulk condition of the
insulation. If the machine is shut down for maintenance, this test is strongly recommended.

Capacitance & Dissipation Factor

Capacitance and dissipation factor measurements have been routinely used by manufacturers for
decades as a means to assess the quality and uniformity of individual stator bars and coils.
Dissipation factor testing belongs to the broad range of measurements of dielectric loss and is also
commonly referred to as the tan delta or power factor test. Power factor is the cotangent of the loss
angle (delta) whereas dissipation factor represents the tangent. At low values of loss angle, the
tangent and cotangent are virtually the same. The higher the dielectric loss in an insulating material,
the higher will be the dissipation factor. Defects in an insulation system, such as voids and
delamination, result in partial discharge which is a loss mechanism. Thus, dissipation factor
measurements may be used to deter-mine the void content of an insulation system. Unlike a partial
discharge test, dissipation factor also incorporates information about the bulk insulation sys-tem.
Thus, there may not be an exact correlation between the results obtained from PD and dissipation
factor tests. Often the dissipation factor is obtained at two different voltages, e.g., at 25% and 100%
of the nominal line-to-ground operating voltage, to derive the dissipation factor tip-up. At the lower
voltage the insulation system is assumed to not be subject to partial discharge . Thus, the tip-up is
used as a means to differentiate between effects due to the bulk and defects such as voids. This
testing is governed by IEEE 286 and the recently published IEC 60034-27-3. Both documents provide
guidance on performance of the test; however, the IEC standard also includes acceptance criteria, for
individual stator bars and coils, which to some are controversial. Due to the complications caused by
the stress grading components in machines rated 6.6 kV and above, no such criteria are available for
measurements performed on complete stator windings. Thus, with the widespread availability of
either on-line or offline partial discharge testing, this test is becoming less popular as a maintenance

Partial Discharge

Off-line partial discharge measurements are employed to provide information on the void content of
the insulation system. Unlike a dissipation factor measurement which spatially aver-ages the test
result, a partial discharge test is sensitive to those voids with the largest dimensions (which are those
of most concern). Where an on-line or off-line partial discharge test indicates anomalously high partial
discharge magnitudes, corona (or TVA) probe testing may be deployed to aid in identifying the
location of this activity. Partial discharge testing is also useful to uncover other defects such as
surface contamination and inadequate clearances between phases. The identification of such issues
which occur in the end winding regions of machines are significantly aided by employing additional
techniques such as corona (ultra-violet) cameras, corona probes and ultrasonic probes. Extensive
guidance on offline partial discharge test methods is given in IEEE 1434 and IEC 60034-27.
Comparing on-line partial discharge testing to its’ off-line counterpart, there are many advantages to
performing the test with the machine operating. Among these are:

• The voltage distribution is correct

• The stator winding is at elevated temperature
• The coil/bar forces are present

In short, there are a number of defect mechanisms, e.g., loose windings, that cannot be detected
using an off-line PD test. Further, often the results from off-line measurements have to be treated
with some caution because they may be pessimistic relative to the operating condition. For example,
off-line PD testing of hydro-gen-cooled machines is almost invariably done in air at atmospheric
pressure which produces much higher PD. However, if one takes the view that these results would be
worst case, then the data thus obtained still have value. A significant advantage that off-line PD
testing provides is that the test operator has control of the applied voltage. Consequently, despite the
always pre-sent background electrical interference (which is a significant problem for on-line testing),
the partial discharge activity (if present) can normally be observed as the applied voltage is varied.
Further, the discharge inception and extinction voltages can be measured, which provide further
insight on whether the partial discharge activity is likely to be an issue during operation.


While experience, to date, indicates that on-line condition monitoring methods such as partial
discharge are effective in providing information on stator winding insulation condition, off-line testing
still has a significant role to play. In addition to verifying the results of on-line testing, off-line
diagnostic tests, especially when more than one technique is used, provide additional information on
which to base maintenance decisions.
What is Partial Discharge?

Partial Discharge (PD) is a small electrical discharge or spark within MV or HV insulation which gradually erodes the
insulation. In time this erosion can lead to a “bridge” forming in the insulation, leading to a flashover. Partial
discharge can affect most high voltage asset types including:

• Cables and splices

• transformers
• bushings
• switchgear
• motors and generators.

At Megavar we have seen firsthand the damage that partial discharge (PD) can cause to HV assets. Partial
Discharge Testing of electrical assets is a vitally important part of condition monitoring programs. Because partial
discharge often occurs before the insulation fails, we can monitor it over time and assist our clients to make
informed decisions about repairing or replacing equipment. Predictive diagnostics help our clients prioritise capital
investments before unexpected outages occur.

What is Offline Testing?

Offline PD testing is performed with the equipment taken out of service and energised with a test voltage source
(Hipot). The PD detection equipment is coupled to the Device Under Test (DUT) and has the advantage of being
able to analyse the DUT at different stress levels. It enables the engineer to remove external noise sources, as the
DUT is isolated from the network during the test, meaning that PD activity can be localised.

Our engineers are trained in the use of the Omicron MCC210 and MPD 600 to perform efficient regular inspections
of all asset classes, including:

• instrument transformers
• bushings
• Transformers
• Cables
• Air insulated switchgear
• Vacuum switchgear
• Gas-insulated switchgear
• rotating machines.


Recurrent Surge Oscillography (RSO) It is a testing technique used to detect shorted-turns by inserting a high-
frequency, low-voltage waveform at both ends of the field winding, and visually evaluating the differences in the
returning signals. The RSO can be used with the rotor inside or outside the stator and due to its low test voltage is
safe for the inter-turn insulation and testing personnel. Megavar utilises the RTS 02 test set and an oscilloscope to
enable testing according to the AEEGE and AEE100 test method.

Shorted turns in the rotor can have a range of impacts for rotating machines including-

• increased vibrations
• Vibrations sensitive to field current (VAR) changes
• reduced excitation capability


RSO is typically used in the following test regimes:

• Routine condition measurement

• Investigation of increased vibration or reduced excitation
Online partial discharge
At Megavar we have seen firsthand the damage that partial discharge (PD) can cause to HV assets. We know that
the best front line defence against PD, is regular online surveys to identify and localise causes of PD, so that
maintenance can be performed before insulation fails with catastrophic results. Our engineers are trained in the use
of the Doble PDS100 and the HVPD PDSurveyor™ to perform efficient regular inspections of all asset classes.

Partial Discharge (PD), as its name would suggest, is an electrical discharge that occurs across a portion of the
insulation between two conducting electrodes, without completely bridging the gap. After initiation, the PD can
propagate and develop into electrical trees until the insulation is so weakened that it fails completely with
breakdown to earth or between the phases of a 3-phase system.

Failure of High Voltage insulation is the No. 1 cause of HV system failures with IEEE statistics indicating that
electrical insulation deterioration causes up to 90% of electrical failures of certain high voltage equipment. On-line
PD testing of MV and HV plant gives advance warning of pending insulation failure thus allowing the plant owner to
take remedial action during planned outages.

Unlike off-line testing, on-line PD testing and monitoring gives an accurate picture of the plants health and
performance under service conditions.

The Benefits of On-Line Partial Discharge Field Measurements

• It is truly a predictive test, indicating insulation degradation in advance of the failure.

• It is a nonintrusive test, requiring no interruption of service and is performed under normal operating voltage
and load.
• It is a nondestructive test; it does not test to failure or adversely affect the equipment under test.
• It need not use any overvoltage, thereby not exposing the tested equipment to higher voltage stresses than
those encountered under normal operating conditions.
• Trending can be accomplished by storing results to allow comparison with future tests.
• In many instances the site of the partial discharge occurrence can be located within the test object, so the
localised problem can be repaired.
• The cost to perform a PD survey is relatively inexpensive compared with off-line testing, allowing annual
surveys to be performed economically at most facilities.

Megavar performs surveying of all asset classes using the HVPD and Doble Instruments to identify sources of high
PD and determine their cause and risk levels.
Tan delta
The aging of insulation leads to high losses, which can be determined with a power / dissipation factor (Tan Delta)

A wide frequency range from 15 to 400 HZ allows very reliable conclusions to be drawn about the insulation's
condition. This allows you to identify wet and aged bushings, transformers, generators and other parts of high-
voltage systems according to IEEE 62 (C57.152), IEC 60076-1 and -3, as well as the CIGRE "Guide for
Transformer Maintenance". As recommended in the CIGRE Guide, testing is performed at variable frequencies to
better diagnose signs of ageing in insulation.

Thanks to the measuring processes and selectable measurement bandwidths, exact measurements are even
possible in areas with high levels of interference.


Tan Delta is an effective part of any condition monitoring regime for high voltage insulation. The information which
can be captured during this test includes-

• Capacitance
• Dissipation factor tan δ (tan delta)
• Power factor cos φ
• Watt losses

The insulation is the most sensitive part of rotating machines. The lifetime of a stator winding depends on
how effectively the electrical insulation can prevent any occurrence of winding faults.

Weak spots can already occur in the insulation during manufacture or impregnation with cast resin,
through the stresses of daily operation (for example in the form of soiling) or general aging.

With capacitance and dissipation factor measurements, also known as tan-delta measurements, changes
in the insulation can be diagnosed. Aging processes, changes in the structure of the insulation or
moisture ingress can, for example, increase the dissipation factor. The increase in the dissipation factor
during the "tip-up test" reflects the condition of the insulation.

EL CID (Electromagnetic Core Imperfection Detector)

The EL CID Evolution from IRIS Power can be used to test hydro generators, turbo generators and large motors for
stator core inter-lamination imperfections that cause heating and damage during machine operation.
“Electomagnetic core imperfection detection (EL CID) testing is accepted world-wide for reliable and safe detection
of stator core inter-laminar faults (CIGRE, 2004)”

Electromagnetic Imperfection Testing

The stator core in rotating electrical machines is made of thin stacked laminated steel segments, which
are insulated from each other by a layer of varnish to minimize losses. If lamination shorts occur, a loop
current causes local hots spots, which, in the worst case, can lead to a partial meltdown and expensive
damage in the machine.

Verify the integrity of stator core insulation

The electromagnetic imperfection test (also known as stray flux measurement) is performed to detect
stator core interlamination imperfections that can eventually cause overheating and damage to the stator
core of motors and generators when in operation.

Stator core measurements should be performed on a regular basis to evaluate the insulation integrity
between the stator core layers of a machine during factory acceptance testing and commissioning, as well
as after the machine has been put into service. The test results are compared with previous test results to
verify stator condition.

Reliable fault detection

Since faults cause imperfections in the magnetic circuit of the stator core, they can be easily detected by
an increase of the stray flux in amplitude and/or a change in the phase. Additionally, failures can be
detected by comparing the measurement results of different stator core areas with each other.

The test is performed offline during bigger maintenance shutdowns. The rotor is pulled out for the test to
get access to the stator. With our complete stator core measurement solution, the stator core is energized
with a small percentage of nominal flux and the stray flux on the surface is measured along the slots.

❖ Stator cores are made of thin laminations of magnetic steel separated by insulation to prevent
axial currents. If lamination shorts occur, the high temperatures that result can burn stator coil
insulation and even lead to melting of stator cores.
❖ Electromagnetic Core Imperfection Detection (EL CID) testing is accepted world-wide for
reliable and safe detection of stator core inter-laminar insulation faults.

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