Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles: Standard Test Method For
Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles: Standard Test Method For
Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles: Standard Test Method For
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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D 4632 – 91 (1996)
the amount of fabric assistance depends on the construction of 7.2 Laboratory Sample—Take for the laboratory sample a
the fabric. It is useful as a quality control or acceptance test. swatch extending the width of the fabric and approximately 1
5.2 The procedure in Test Method D 4632 for the determi- m (39.37 in.) along the selvage from each roll in the lot sample.
nation of grab strength of geotextiles may be used for accep- The swatch may be taken from the end portion of a roll
tance testing of commercial shipments, but caution is advised provided there is no evidence that it is distorted or different
since information about between-laboratory precision is in- from other portions of the roll. In cases of dispute, take a
complete. Comparative tests as directed in 5.2.1 are advisable. swatch that will exclude fabric from the outer wrap of the roll
5.2.1 In case of a dispute arising from differences in or the inner wrap around the core.
reported test results when using the procedures in Test Method 7.3 Test Specimens—Cut the number of specimens from
D 4632 for acceptance testing of commercial shipments, the each swatch in the laboratory sample determined as directed in
purchaser and the manufacturer should conduct comparative Section 8. Take no specimens nearer the selvage of fabric edge
tests to determine if there is a statistical bias between their than 1⁄20 of the fabric width or 150 mm (6 in.), whichever is the
laboratories. Competent statistical assistance is recommended smaller. Cut rectangular specimens 101.6 by 203.2 mm (4 by 8
for the investigation of bias. As a minimum, the two parties in.). Cut the specimens to be used for grab tests in the machine
should take a group of test specimens that are as homogeneous direction with the longer dimension parallel to the machine
as possible and which are from a lot of material of the type in direction and the specimens to be used for grab tests in the
question. The test specimens should then be randomly assigned cross-machine direction with the longer dimension parallel to
in equal numbers to each laboratory for testing. The average the cross-machine direction. Locate each group of specimens
results from the two laboratories should be compared using the along a diagonal line on the swatch so that each specimen will
appropriate Student’s t-test and an acceptable probability level contain different warp ends and filling picks. Draw a line 37
chosen by the two parties before testing is begun. If a bias is mm (1.5 in.) from the edge of the specimen running its full
found, either its cause must be found and corrected or the length. For woven and reinforced nonwoven fabrics, this line
purchaser and the manufacturer must agree to interpret future must be accurately parallel to the lengthwise yarns in the
test results in the light of the known bias. specimen.
5.3 Most geotextile fabrics can be tested by this test method.
Some modification of clamping techniques may be necessary 8. Number of Specimens
for a given fabric, depending upon its structure. Special 8.1 Unless otherwise agreed upon as when provided in an
adaptation may be necessary with strong fabrics, or fabrics applicable material specification, take a number of test speci-
made from glass fibers, to prevent them from slipping in the mens per swatch in the laboratory sample such that the user
clamps or being damaged as a result of being gripped in the may expect at the 95 % probability level that the test result is
clamps, such as cushioning the clamp or boarding the specimen no more than 5 % above the true average for each swatch in the
within the clamp. laboratory sample for each the machine and cross-machine
5.4 This test method is applicable for testing fabrics either direction, respectively.
dry or wet. It may be used with constant-rate-of-traverse (CRT) 8.1.1 Reliable Estimate of v—When there is a reliable
or constant-rate-of-extension (CRE) type tension machines. estimate of v based upon extensive past records for similar
However, there may be no overall correlation between the materials tested in the user’s laboratory as directed in the
results obtained with the CRT machine and the CRE machine. method, calculate the required number of specimens using Eq
Consequently, these two tension testers cannot be used inter- 1, as follows:
changeably. In case of controversy, the CRE machine shall n 5 ~tv/A! 2 (1)
6. Apparatus n = number of test specimens (rounded upward to a whole
6.1 Tensile Testing Machine, of the constant-rate-of- number),
extension (CRE) or constant-rate-of-traverse (CRT) type with v = reliable estimate of the coefficient of variation of
autographic recorder conforming to the requirements of Speci- individual observations on similar materials in the
fication D 76. user’s laboratory under conditions of single-operator
6.2 Clamps, having all gripping surfaces parallel, flat, and precision, %,
capable of preventing slipping of the specimen during a test. t = the value of Student’s t for one-sided limits (see Table
Each clamp shall have one jaw face measuring 25.4 by 50.8 1), a 95 % probability level, and the degrees of
mm (1 by 2 in.), with the longer dimension parallel to the freedom associated with the estimate of v, and
direction of application of the load. The other jaw face of each A = 5.0 % of the average, the value of the allowable
clamp shall be at least as large as its mate. Each jaw face shall variation.
be in line, both with respect to its mate in the same clamp and 8.1.2 No Reliable Estimate of v—When there is no reliable
to the corresponding jaw of the other clamp. estimate of v for the user’s laboratory, Eq 1 should not be used
directly. Instead, specify the fixed number of 10 specimens for
7. Sampling and Selection the machine direction tests and 10 specimens for the cross-
7.1 Division into Lots and Lot Samples— Divide the mate- machine direction tests. The number of specimens is calculated
rial into lots and take a lot sample as directed in Practice using v = 9.5 % of the average for both machine direction and
D 4354. Rolls of fabric are the primary sampling unit. cross-machine direction. These values for v are somewhat
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D 4632 – 91 (1996)
larger than usually found in practice. When a reliable estimate fabric. In the absence of other criteria for rejecting a so-called jaw break,
of v for the user’s laboratory becomes available, Eq 1 will any break occurring within 5 mm (1⁄4in.) of the jaws which results in a
usually require fewer than the fixed number of specimens. value below 80 % of the average of all the other breaks shall be discarded.
No other break shall be discarded unless it is known to be faulty.
9. Conditioning NOTE 3—It is difficult to determine the precise reason for breakage of
test specimens near the edge of the jaws. If breaks are caused by damage
9.1 Bring the specimens to moisture equilibrium in the to the specimen by the jaws, then the results should be discarded. If,
atmosphere for testing geotextiles. Equilibrium is considered to however, they are merely due to randomly distributed weak places in
have been reached when the increase in mass of the specimen specimens, the results should be considered perfectly legitimate. In some
in successive weighings made at intervals of not less than 2 h cases, breaks may be caused by a concentration of stress in the area
adjacent to the jaws. If this occurs, the specimen is prevented from
does not exceed 0.1 % of the mass of the specimen. In general
contracting in width as the load is applied. In such cases, a break near the
practice, the industry approaches equilibrium from the “as edge of the jaws is inevitable and shall be accepted as a characteristic of
received” side. the geotextile when tested by this test method.
NOTE 1—It is recognized that in practice geotextile materials are 10.5 Start the tensile testing machine and the area measur-
frequently not weighed to determine when moisture equilibrium has been ing device, if used, and continue running the test to rupture.
reached. While such a procedure cannot be accepted in cases of dispute, Stop the machine and reset to the initial gage position. Record
it may be sufficient in routine testing to expose the material to the standard
atmosphere for testing for a reasonable period of time before the
and report the test results for each direction separately.
specimens are tested. A time of at least 24 h has been found acceptable in 10.6 If fabric manifests slippage in the jaws, the jaw faces,
most cases. However, certain fibers may exhibit slow moisture equiliza- but not the jaw dimensions, may be modified. If a modification
tion rates from the “as received” wet side. When this is known, a is used, the method of modification should be stated in the
preconditioning cycle, as described in Practice D 1776, may be agreed report.
upon between contractural parties. 10.7 If a measure of the elongation of the specimen is
9.2 Specimens to be tested in the wet condition shall be required, the initial length and therefore the measured elonga-
immersed in water maintained at a temperature of 21 6 2°C tion depend upon the pretension applied in placing the speci-
(706 4°F). The time of immersion must be sufficient to wet-out men in the clamps of the machine. In this case, secure the
the specimens thoroughly, as indicated by no significant specimen in one clamp of the machine and apply a pretension
change in strength or elongation following a longer period of to the specimen of approximately 1⁄2 % of the breaking load, or
immersion, and at least 2 min. To obtain thorough wetting, it other initial load specified for the particular material in
may be necessary or advisable to add not more than 0.05 % of question, before gripping the specimen in the other clamp.
a nonionic neutral wetting agent to the water. 10.8 Unless otherwise specified, measure the elongation of
the fabric at any stated load by means of a suitable autographic
10. Procedure recording device, at the same time the breaking strength is
10.1 Test the conditioned specimens in the standard atmo- determined. Measure the elongation from the point where the
sphere for testing in accordance with Section 9. curve leaves the zero loading axis established after preload is
10.2 Set the distance between the clamps at the start of the applied, to a point of corresponding force in millimetres
test at 75 6 1 mm (3 6 0.05 in.). Select the load range of the (inches).
testing machine such that the maximum load occurs between
11. Calculation
10 and 90 % of full-scale load. Set the machine to operate at a
speed of 300 6 10 mm/min (12 6 0.5 in./min). 11.1 Breaking Load—Calculate the breaking load by aver-
10.3 Secure the specimen in the clamps of the testing aging the value of breaking load for all accepted specimen
machine, taking care that the long dimension is as nearly as results. The breaking load shall be determined separately for
possible parallel to the direction of application of the load. Be the machine direction specimens and cross-machine direction
sure that the tension in the specimen is uniform across the specimens.
clamped width. Insert the specimen in the clamps so that 11.2 Apparent Elongation—Calculate the apparent elonga-
approximately the same length of fabric extends beyond the tion at the breaking load or at other specified loads by
jaw at each end. Locate the jaws centrally in the widthwise averaging the values of apparent elongation for all accepted
direction by having the line which was drawn 37 mm (1.5 in.) specimen results. The apparent elongation shall be determined
from the edge of the specimen run adjacent to the side of the separately for the machine direction specimens and cross-
upper and lower front jaws which are nearest this edge. This machine direction specimens and expressed as the percentage
ensures that the same lengthwise yarns are gripped in both increase in length, based upon the initial nominal gage length
clamps. of the specimen. Report this as the apparent elongation.
10.4 If a specimen slips in the jaws, breaks at the edge of or NOTE 4—The observed elongation calculated as a percentage of the
in the jaws, or if for any reason attributed to a faulty operation initial nominal gage length of the specimen should be referred to as
the result falls markedly below the average for the set of “apparent elongation.” Because the actual length of fabric stretched is
specimens, discard the result and take another specimen. usually somewhat greater than this initial length due to pull-out of fabric
Continue this procedure until the required number of accept- from between the jaws, elongation calculated on initial length may be
somewhat in error, depending upon the amount of this pull-out.
able breaks have been obtained.
NOTE 2—The decision to discard a break shall be based on observation
12. Report
of the specimen during the test and upon the inherent variability of the 12.1 Report the following:
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D 4632 – 91 (1996)
12.1.1 State that the tests were performed as directed in Test 12.1.8 Type of padding used in jaws, modification of
Method D 4632. Describe the material(s) or product(s) specimen gripped in the jaws, or modification of jaw faces, if
sampled and the method of sampling used. used.
12.1.2 The average grab breaking load for specimens cut in 12.1.9 Any modifications of sample specimens as manufac-
each direction, for all specimens giving acceptable breaks. tured, or test method as described.
12.1.3 The average grab percent apparent elongation of
specimens cut in each direction, for all specimens giving 13. Precision and Bias
acceptable breaks, if required. Identify this as “apparent
breaking elongation,” or “apparent elongation at x lb load,” as 13.1 Precision—The precision of the procedure in Test
required by the test specifications. Method D 4632 is being established.
12.1.4 Number of specimens tested in each direction. 13.2 Bias—The procedure in Test Method D 4632 for mea-
12.1.5 Condition of specimens (wet or dry). suring the breaking load and elongation by the grab test method
12.1.6 Type of testing machine used. has no bias because the value of the breaking load and
12.1.7 Maximum load obtainable in the range used for elongation can be defined only in terms of a test method.
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