18CM0006 - Raik Construction
18CM0006 - Raik Construction
18CM0006 - Raik Construction
Instruction: This form shall be duly accomplished and submitted by the MAIN/GENERAL
CONTRACTOR in applying for an approval of a Construction Safety and Health program intended
for a Specific construction project.
Only an application form with complete requirements shall attachments will be processed.
Application found with incomplete requirements will be given 15 calendar days to comply. Failure to comply
within the prescribed, the application will be deemed disapproved.
No. 40660 .
20 Male Female .
DOLE Registration of Main Contractor (Pls. attach photo copy of Registration forms received and Approved by the
concerned DOLE Regional Office)
Date Registered/approved DOLE-RO
a. Per DO 18-02 (requires yearly renewal) ___________________ ___________
b. Per Rule 1020, OSHS (one time registration) February 15, 2016 Olongapo City .
Sub-contractors’ Profile/License
Date of
Scope of Works and No. of PCAB Validity
Name of Sub-contractors (If , any) DOLE
Project Cost Workers License Date
B. Project Profile/Description
Name of the Project: (Please attach copy of Invitation to Bid/other documents indicating name and details of the project)
Email : _____________
Project Classification:
Estimated No. of Workers to Date of Estimated
be deployed in the project: Start/Execution of the project:
GB1 – Building Construction
20 February 12, 2018 .
Scope of Work:
Brief Description of Activities/Work Flow (You may attach additional sheet, if necessary)
- Structure Excavation (Column Footing, Footing Tie Beam and Pedestal)
- Fill and Backfill
- Gravel Bedding (Column Footing and Footing Tie Beam)
Concrete Works
- Reinforced Concrete (Column Footing, Footing Tie Beam and Pedestal)
- Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40
- Forms and Falseworks
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
Other General Requirements
Concrete Works
Roof Framing and Roofing Works
(pls. attach photo copy of Certificate of Completion on the Validity of ID: January 18, 2020 ..
Basic OSH Course for Construction Site Safety Officers Issued ( (Pls. attach photo copy of Certificate of First-Aid
by DOLE-BWC accredited Safety Training Organizations or
Training and Valid First Aider ID from PNRC
recognized institution)
Other OH personnel (if more than 50 workers will be deployed in the project)
Name Date of BOSH Training
OH Nurse
OH Physician
Profile of the person who prepared the CSH Program for the abovementioned Project:
Name and Signature Educational Background:
Submitted By:
Position : OWNER/MANAGER .
Date : .
1 - Construction of - Excavation collapse - Personnel injury L - Toolbox Meeting
Earthworks - Compliance of PPE
2 - Construction of - Repeated - Discomfort L - Shorten the Exposure / even
steel works movements / manual - Personnel injury distribution of workplace
3 - Concrete Pouring - Workers are engage - Face/eye injury H - Toolbox Meeting
on working with with bouncing - Compliance of PPE
Concrete Mixer crush - Personnel In-Charge of the
- Personnel injury work are certified and fully
aware of the job safety
4 - Pulling of Steel - Workers are engage - Falling Object H - Toolbox Meeting
- Construction of on working with Crane - Personnel injury - Compliance of PPE
Roof and Framing - Elevated works - Inhalation of - Safety Harness
Works - Chemical hazards chemicals (Smoke - Personnel In-Charge of the
of Welding) work are certified and fully
aware of the job safety
5 - Construction of - Chemical Hazards - Inhalation of H - Toolbox Meeting
Painting and - Electrical Hazards chemicals (Paint - Compliance of PPE (Face
Electrical Works - Elevated works materials) Mask)
- Electric Shock - Lock-out Tag-out System
- Personnel In-Charge of the
work are certified and fully
aware of the job safety
- Provision of PPE (High
voltage gloves)