Course Syllabus MASE 319 - Fundamentals of Naval Architecture Design I
Course Syllabus MASE 319 - Fundamentals of Naval Architecture Design I
Course Syllabus MASE 319 - Fundamentals of Naval Architecture Design I
Class Schedule • Lecture: Monday, Wednesday 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM at Powell Marine Engineering
Comp 148
• Laboratory: Friday, 8:00 AM - 10:50 AM at Powell Marine Engineering Comp 178
Textbook • Required:
Gillmer, Thomas C. and Johnson, Bruce (1982), “Introduction to Naval Architecture,”
Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, ISBN: 978-0870213182, 324 pp.
• Alternative Reference Books:
Zubaly, Robert B. (1996), “Applied Naval Architecture,” Cornell Maritime Press, Inc.,
ISBN: 978-0870334757, 360 pp.
Lester, Alan Robert (1985), “Merchant Ship Stability,” Butterworths, ISBN: 978-0408014489,
314 pp.
Tupper, Eric C. (2013), “Introduction to Naval Architecture,” Fifth Edition, Butterworth-
Heinemann, ISBN: 978-0080982373, 496 pp.
Letcher, John, Edth. Paulling, J. Randolph (2010)“Principles of Naval Architecture Se-
ries: The Geometry of Ships,” SNAME, ISBN: 978-0939773671, 58 pp.
Moore, Colin S., Edth. Paulling, J. Randolph (2010)“Principles of Naval Architecture
Series: Intact Stability,” SNAME, ISBN: 978-0939773749, 82 pp.
Kerwin, Justin E. and Hadler, Jacques B. (2010)“Principles of Naval Architecture Series:
Propulsion,” SNAME, ISBN: 978-0939773831, 208 pp.
Larsson, Lars and Raven, Hoyte C. (2010)“Principles of Naval Architecture: Ship Resis-
tance & Flow,” SNAME, ISBN: 978-0939773763, 223 pp.
MASE 319 - Fundamentals of Naval Architecture Design I 2
Course Course-related material, along with class communications, are held on eCampus through
Communications Howdy portal. Students are expected to check and use the course webpage on regular basis.
Learning The course is intended to familiarize students with hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and some
Outcomes structural considerations of ships, offshore platforms and submarines. Upon completion
of this course, students should be able to discuss ship geometry, Buoyancy and Stability,
Damage Stability, Ship Resistance, Ship Strength and Structure and Ship Powering. Stu-
dents will practice hull line drawing, read design standards of classification societies, will
use Sesam software, and will conduct laboratory experiments on ship hydrostatics and hy-
drodynamics. Students will experience prototype-scale experiments through multiple field
trips. This course supports ABET criteria a-e, g-k, and criteria 4, 7 and 9.
Attendance and Information concerning absences is contained in the University Student Rules Section 7
Make-up Polices
The University views class attendance as an individual student responsibility. All students
are expected to attend class and to complete all assignments. Late arrivals count as ab-
sences.Please consult the University Student Rules for reasons for excused absences, detailed
procedures and deadlines as well as student grievance procedures (Part III, Section 45). If
the absence is excused, the student will be provided an opportunity to make up any quiz,
exam or other work that contributes to the final grade. The evaluation method will be de-
cided by the instructor. The evaluation date is agreed upon by the student and instructor.
Academic An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.
Integrity For additional information visit:
Americans with The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal non-discrimination statute that
Disabilities Act provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other
(ADA) things, this law requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environ-
ment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you
have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Counseling Office, Seibel
Student Center, or call (409)740-4587. For additional information visit:
MASE 319 - Fundamentals of Naval Architecture Design I 3
Tentative Monday Wednesday Friday
Sep 1st 1 3rd 2 5th 3
Course Introduction Ship Geometry and Ship Line Drawings
Hydrostatics (PMEC 143)
8th 4 10th 5 12th 6
Ship Geometry and Ship Geometry and Introduction to Sesam
Hydrostatics Hydrostatics (PMEC 143)
15th 7 17th 8 19th 9
Irregular Shapes and Buoyancy and Stability Project Preparation
Numerical Methods (PMEC 143)
22nd 10 24th 11 26th 12
Buoyancy and Stability Longitudinal Stability Pontoon Test (PMEC
29th 13 Oct 1st 14 3rd 15
Trim Stability at Large Angles Stability and Inclining
Test (PMEC 178)
6th 16 8th 17 10th 18
Damage Stability Damage Stability Trim and Large Angle
Stability Tests (PMEC
13th 19 15th 20 17th 21
Launching, Dry Docking Stability of Submersibles Midterm Exam
and Grounding & Midterm Review
20th 22 22nd 23 24th 24
Ship Strength and Ship Strength and Project Revisions
Structure Structure (PMEC 143)
27th 25 29th 26 31st 27
Dimensional Analysis Ship Resistance Field Trip
and Model Testing
Nov 3rd 28 5th 29 7th 30
Ship Resistance Ship Resistance Ship Resistance
Calculations from Model
Test (PMEC 178)
10th 31 12th 32 14th 33
Ship Powering Ship Powering Field Trip