CUR 26 Slovenia
CUR 26 Slovenia
CUR 26 Slovenia
Keywords: geothermal resources, direct uses, effects of thermal waters were performed (Lapanje &
reinjection, ground-source heat pumps, development, Rman, 2009). The real systematic explorations began
Slovenia. much later in 1974 after the first oil crisis. The present
status of direct heat use and development in the last
ABSTRACT three years is presented in the paper. However,
In geothermal energy use in Slovenia in its northeastern geothermal energy use in Slovenia (with surface of
part, belonging to the Pannonian Basin geothermal 20.273 km2) has been statistically followed by
region, practically no progress was achieved in Geological Survey of Slovenia on regular basis since
geothermal development during the last three years, 1994 with update reports presented at World
since not a single new geothermal borehole was drilled Geothermal Congresses (Rajver et al., 2015 and
there. Two boreholes (for a doublet system) for the references therein), while at European Geothermal
planned district heating of Murska Sobota town are still Congresses since 2013.
inactive since 2015. Most production wells there tap
Very probably it’s not expected that at the present state
thermal water from the Miocene sand aquifers, that is
of knowledge any electricity production from
from Mura Fm. with temperatures of 54 to 62 °C and
geothermal in Slovenia could be realistic by 2025. Due
from Špilje Fm. with up to 76 °C. The installed capacity
to lack of natural steam reservoirs, geothermal energy
and annual energy use of all 31 users in the country
in Slovenia cannot be converted in Dry Steam or Flash
amounted to 62.43 MWt and 578.6 TJ. More efficient
Steam power plants into electric power. Only binary
use of thermal water is evident at some sites due to
technology is promising, but it is also disputable,
implementation of concession fees in 2015 for thermal
temporal as well as geologically. The government
water utilization, which led to lower annual energy use
supports in principle the direct use of geothermal
in 2018 compared to 2016-2017, owing to a bit lower
energy through different projects where few leading
pumped volumes and more correct data. Greater
agencies are involved in geothermal development,
progress is evident in shallow geothermics, where the
principally in shallow geothermics. So, private
number of smaller ground-source heat pump (GSHP)
companies and energy consulting agencies are involved
units of typically 12 kW reached around 11,182 with
in demonstration projects for greater ground-source
135.6 MWt capacity and 683.3 TJ/yr energy use (Dec.
(geothermal) heat pump (GSHP) development. The
2018). The number of bigger GSHP systems with heat
goal of appropriate ministries is also to raise the general
pumps of rated power over 20 kW is in constant
public awareness to deal more carefully with energy
increase during the last 14 years, resulting in 49.5 MWt
consumption. Leading companies and institutes
and 132.7 TJ/yr, with some 588 HP units sold so far,
involved in geothermal development are: Geological
mostly in public or private buildings. The total numbers
Survey of Slovenia, Petrol-Geo d.o.o. (as subsid. of
in 2018 for both deep and shallow geothermics were
Petrol d.d.) and several small business enterprises.
247.47 MWt and 1,516.79 TJ/yr (421.33 GWh/yr).
Drilling activity for direct heat use was much lower Emphasis of direct use of geothermal energy is on
than in previous period, with only 0.15 km in total of 3 exploitation of low temperature resources for space and
reinjection boreholes at Izlake, with no production district heating, for greenhouses and thermal spas.
boreholes nor temperature gradient ones. It’s expected During the last 18 years the direct use showed only
that energetic renovation of older buildings and slight and changing increase and recently just a stagnant
installation of the GSHP units will continue in the state with exception of the GSHP units. The reasons
future as one of the obligations to reach the renewable depend on the locality. Overexploitation of geothermal
energy targets. resources in some localities of the north-eastern part of
the country (Kralj and Kralj, 2000; Rman, 2014; Rman
1. INTRODUCTION et al., 2012 and references therein) is one of the
Geothermal resources in Slovenia were described problems, plus some occasional technical difficulties,
already before the 20th century. Development in the 18th and weak incentives for efficient use of the resources.
and 19th century led to emergence of health resorts at An increase of experience is evident at many direct heat
eight different locations and, at the same time, the first users, notably with introduction of heat exchangers and
investigations into the origin, chemistry and healing heat pumps for the improvement in using the available
Rajver et al.
heat in a better way, and not to discard it at a too high (c) EGS (HDR systems) at least 4 km deep in low
temperature. GSHP sector is the only category showing permeable metamorphic or magmatic rocks: the
a strong steady growth. Pohorje granodiorite massif and the Pre-Neogene
basement of the Mura-Zala basin.
POTENTIAL According to the current geological knowledge these
reservoirs are very limited in space. New geological
A description of geology, geothermal resources and
investigations and geothermal wells should be targeted
potential is given in the previous country updates
on finding a geothermal aquifer with a wellhead fluid
(Rajver et al., 2015, 2016 and references therein).
temperature high above 90 °C and a yield above 25 kg/s
Geological and tectonic setting of Slovenia is quite
which allows the binary cycle utilization. This may also
complicated as it is subdivided into several tectonic
be achieved by using EGS technology. However,
units with different hydrogeological properties and
deeper wells would be needed to reach at least the 150
geothermal conditions (Figure 1). In the northeast, the
°C isotherm.
Mura-Zala basin (the southwestern part of the
Pannonian basin) and the Eastern Alps (incl. magmatic 2.2 Resources and potential for direct use
rock complex) are parts of the European plate.
Predominately carbonate Southern Alps, the External The northeastern part has been intensively investigated
and the Internal Dinarides and the Adriatic foreland in recent years within the European projects
represent parts of the Adriatic microplate. More TRANSTHERMAL (Lapanje et al., 2007), T-JAM
information on geological aspects is described in papers (Lapanje et al., 2010; Nádor et al., 2012),
by Ravnik et al. (1995), Placer (2008), Pleničar et al. TRANSENERGY (Rman et al. 2015), GeoMol
(2009) and references therein. The 24 thermal (natural (Diepolder et al., 2015) and project in progress
and captured) springs have constant temperature close DARLINGe (Website 1). Efforts are put also in
to or above 20°C, with 36°C as a maximum, however, promotion of more sustainable exploitation by applying
there are several drilled localities where no surface new reinjection wells in the future based on materials
thermal manifestations previously existed, and the prepared during the project activities. Better insights
thermal water was discovered during the oil and gas are gained in characteristics of the geothermal field,
drillings (Lapanje and Rman, 2009). Details about the hydrogeological conditions of eastern Slovenia and
geothermal field of Slovenia and geotectonic potentials for direct heat utilization (Rman, 2014; Rman
background are described by Ravnik (1991), Ravnik et et al., 2015; Tóth et al., 2016). The area has an elevated
al. (1995), Rajver et al. (2012), Diepolder et al. (2015). surface heat-flow density (HFD), above 100 mW/m2,
Geothermal resources in the Pannonian and Krško with expected temperatures above 80°C at 2 km depth
basins have been studied in more detail (Rajver et al., east of the Maribor - Ptuj towns line (Rman et al.,
2002; Rajver and Ravnik, 2003; Rman et al., 2015). 2012). All production wells there exploit thermal water
from Neogene aquifers with exception of those in
2.1 Potential for geothermal power production Maribor (number 12, in Figure 1). About 20 inactive
Natural steam reservoirs at relatively shallow depths and some 11 new potential wells exhibit the wellhead
haven’t been detected yet. In the SE part of the Pomurje temperatures of 20 to 72°C and have a total maximum
area (NE Slovenia) high temperature resources are yield of 281 kg/s, resulting in the ideal thermal power
unproven but hypothetically expected in deeper fault of 23.9 MWt. The geothermally most utilized
zones in the Pre-Neogene basement (for details see northeastern area that belongs to the Mura-Zala basin is
Rajver et al., 2016). It is the area south of the Ljutomer- filled by Neogene marine and fresh water sediments.
Balaton fault where the Pre-Neogene basement consists Clays and marls predominate, with intercalations of
of clastic and carbonate rocks, expected to be more porous sands and sandstones, where mineral, thermal
fractured in places for eventual exploitation of medium and thermo-mineral waters are found. The most
or high enthalpy geothermal resources. Geothermal and extensive Upper Pannonian-Pontian geothermal sandy
hydrogeological characteristics of this NE part indicate aquifers, which are widely utilized by Hungary and
potential geothermal resources, technically exploitable Slovenia, are composed of 50 to 300 m thick sand-
for electricity production, but only with restrictions prone units that are found in depth interval of about 0.7
(Rajver et al., 2012). The perspective geothermal to 1.4 km in the interior parts of the Pannonian basin,
reservoirs are (for localities’ details see Rajver et al., with temperatures from 50 to 70 °C (Nádor et al., 2012).
Hydraulically connected sandy lenses of the Upper
(a) hydrothermal reservoirs in depths less than 3 km and Pannonian-Pontian Mura Fm. represent the best
at temperature high above 80 °C: aquifers of the yielding low temperature geothermal aquifer in the
Lendava, Špilje and Haloze formations, NE of Murska sedimentary basin in Slovenia. It is utilized at Banovci
Sobota and near Lendava. (number 8 in Fig. 1), Dobrovnik (10), Lendava (5 and
6), Mala Nedelja (7), Moravske Toplice (1, and 3),
(b) hydrothermal reservoirs in depths of 3 to 6 km and Tešanovci (2), Murska Sobota (4), Ptuj (11) and
at temperature above 150 °C: carbonate rocks of the Renkovci (29). The best production wells have flow
Pre-Neogene basement in the Radgona-Vas tectonic rates of up to 30 kg/s, however, the average flow rate
half-graben and in the Boč-Ormož antiform. barely exceeds 10 kg/s per well. Isolated turbiditic
sandstone aquifers of the Middle and Upper Pannonian
Rajver et al.
Lendava Fm. are exploited at Banovci, Lendava, Mala 2.3.2 Water – water systems (GSHPw)
Nedelja, Moravske Toplice and Murska Sobota in The northeastern part of Slovenia (Pannonian basin)
depths of 0.8 to 1.6 km (Rman et al., 2012). The share appertains to a major groundwater basin with relatively
of this water with temperature as high as 68 °C in the high recharge (100–300 mm/year) in Quaternary and
mixture produced from multiple-formations screened shallow Tertiary layers. The rest of the Slovene
wells is less than 5% mostly. The rather limited territory is of complex hydrogeological structure with
Badenian to Lower Pannonian Špilje formation very high recharge (>300 mm/year). About 7% of the
sandstone aquifer discharges thermomineral water rich territory is covered by extensive and highly productive
in CO2 in Radenci (9) and with organic substances at gravel and sand alluvial aquifers which are very
temperatures up to 76 °C in Moravske Toplice. Since favourable for open GSHP systems. The major cities
76 °C is the highest wellhead temperature at 2 wells are situated on these alluvial plains. The temperature of
there, it is a signature that no thermal water comes from groundwater is characteristically between 10 and 15 °C.
horizons deeper than ca 1700 m (Fig. 3). Groundwater table is 2 m to 25 m deep and the water
quality is rarely aggressive. Individual open vertical
In the SE part of the country the thermal water is mostly
systems can be successfully used also in the areas of
found in the Krško sedimentary basin along its southern
inter-granular aquifers of medium hydraulic
edge in the Mesozoic carbonate rocks beneath the
conductivity and above the fissured aquifers of medium
Tertiary cover. A small Čatež geothermal field in the
hydraulic conductivity (dolomitic aquifers). Limestone
eastern part of the basin is characterized by elevated
aquifers cover 35% of the territory where the
geothermal gradient (>60 mK/m). The maximum depth
groundwater accessibility is rather low and conditions
of the wells is 0.7 km, and they produce thermal water
not favourable for open vertical systems. Closed
from Triassic dolomite with annual yields ranging from
vertical systems are more applicable. Similar
ca 1 to 13 kg/s (numbers 23, 24, 25 in Fig. 1), while at
conditions are for the other 35% of territory with only
Šmarješke Toplice (19) up to 15 kg/s per well.
minor and discontinuous aquifers (flysch layers, marl,
sandstone, siltstone, claystone) where closed vertical
2.3 Potential for ground-source heat pumps and horizontal systems are mostly applicable.
2.3.1 Ground - water systems (GCHPh and GCHPv) Temperature distribution at a depth of 250 m below the
Clastic rocks cover over half of the Slovene territory, surface (Fig. 8) shows the best conditions for GSHP
carbonate rocks about 40%, while pyroclastic, systems, especially deeper BHEs (somewhere >20 °C)
metamorphic and crystalline rocks less than 8%. For in the NE part, and elsewhere only average
horizontal heat exchangers suitable rocks are sand and temperatures between 10 and 16 °C.
sandy clay, flysch rocks such as sandy marls or loose
2.3.3 Thermal energy storage
sandstone and sandy claystone. For vertical heat
exchangers (or BHEs) the most suitable are dolomite, Very few attempts were made to explore the possibility
dolomitic limestone and limestone, and most of of aquifer thermal energy storage systems (ATES) in
magmatic and metamorphic rocks. Fig. 2 shows Slovenia up to date, and we are not aware they were
geological and hydrogeological potential for the GSHP exploited at all. Groundwater flow velocities are
applications that include the ground-coupled heat pump characteristically rather high in most alluvial aquifers,
(GCHP) types of installation (horizontal and vertical). reaching the magnitude of 10 m/day which could not be
Shallow karstic underground is neither very favourable so favourable for conventional ATES. Nevertheless,
for vertical systems presenting the uncertainty in specific conditions should be explored locally.
drilling, with prediction in higher drilling costs. According to the hydrogeological setting in Slovenia
and pretentiousness of ATES technology, borehole
thermal energy storage (BTES) could be applied in
higher extent than ATES.
Rajver et al.
Figure 1: Generalized geological map of Slovenia with localities of direct heat use in 2018 (geology after Poljak,
in Rajver et al., 2016).
Figure 2: Potential for the GSHP applications in Slovenia (improved after Prestor et al., 2012).
Rajver et al.
Figure 3: Production geothermal wells and natural thermal springs, in use in 2018 in Slovenia (status: Dec. 2018);
Expected temperatures at 2000 m depth beneath the surface.
Figure 4: Main utilization types for direct heat use of geothermal energy (thermal water) in Slovenia (status: Dec.
2018); numbers are the same as in Fig. 1.
Rajver et al.
When speaking about geothermal district heating (DH) Figure 6: Geothermal direct use applications in a period
1994-2018 (total energy used in 2018: 1516.79 TJ).
sensu stricto, only one plant is considered in Slovenia
at present (Table D1), in Lendava (number 6 in Figures 3.2 Agriculture (greenhouses) and industry
1 and 4), where several public buildings (school,
kindergarten, etc.) and blocks of flats (total 50,000 m2) In eastern Slovenia the heating of greenhouses using
are heated under the Petrol Geo d.o.o. (subs. of Petrol geothermal water began in 1962 at Čatež (number 23 in
d.d.) authority. Namely, in Murska Sobota the Fig. 1). It was performed there by the Flowers Čatež
residential areas and a theater under Komunala Co. on 4.5 ha for cultivation of flowers. At Tešanovci
authority are not heated geothermally anymore (due to near Moravske Toplice (number 2) the Grede
unfavorable concessions fees introduced), nor at Agricultural Co. uses the already thermally spent water
Benedikt in a small scale for few public buildings, both flowing from Moravske Toplice (Terme 3000) with
since 1st Jan. 2016. The future of geothermal DH there 40°C to heat 1 ha of greenhouse for tomato production.
remains uncertain. However, following the At Dobrovnik (number 10), the greenhouses of 4 ha by
explanations for Tables C and D1, there are 16 users Ocean Orchids Co. cultivate orchids, both for domestic
with geothermal DH plant network. These are 15 spas and foreign markets. At Renkovci (number 29),
and/or thermal resorts with bathing/swimming pools greenhouses of 4 ha were built 6 years ago for tomato
and balneology facilities, where besides space heating and exotic fruit cultivation. The total geothermal energy
(and at five users also cooling), also greenhouses (at used in 2018 in greenhouses (15.5 ha) was 111.529 TJ
two users), and snow melting (at three users) are (30.98 GWh). Without two greenhouses (5.5 ha) as part
accounted for. The total geothermal energy used for of DH plants (Tešanovci and Čatež, numbers 2 and 23),
Rajver et al.
geothermal energy used at Dobrovnik and Renkovci reconstruction of swimming pools and a resort/health
greenhouses (total 10 ha) was 90.026 TJ (25.008 GWh) center. Apart from geothermal heat for bathing and
(Table C). Total value is slightly higher compared with swimming, already reported for the 15 users within the
26.194 GWh in 2015, due to improved temperature DH plant networks, this category is also operational at
difference used at Tešanovci and Dobrovnik (numbers 10 other users: Hotel Diana in M. Sobota (number 4 in
2 and 10, resp.), and owing to corrections for Čatež Figures 1 and 4), Radenci (9), Zreče (13), Rogaška
already made. At Čatež, the Terme Čatež d.d. has all Slatina (15), Snovik (16), Laško (20), Bled (26),
production boreholes closely spaced which exploit the Portorož (28), Hotel Cerkno (27) and Izlake (31). Of
same fractured Triassic dolomitic aquifer. The total values, the used geothermal heat there amounted
geothermal use for industrial process heat does not exist to 18.377 TJ (5.105 GWh) in 2018.
anymore since January 2009.
Snow melting of the sidewalks using geothermal heat
3.3 Individual space heating of buildings with from the already utilized thermal water was applied
domestic hot water heating within the doublet system in Lendava (number 6 in Fig.
1), with about 0.074 TJ in 2018. Snow melting was
Space heating is implemented at 20 localities (Fig. 4), more applied under two football grounds at Hotel Vivat
predominantly thermal spas and resorts, mostly through at Moravske Toplice (number 3) with 0.412 TJ, and
heat exchangers (e.g. Moravske Toplice, Banovci, under three football grounds at Čatež (number 23) with
Terme Lendava, Ptuj, Maribor, etc.) or geothermal heat 14.155 TJ. Altogether the used geothermal heat is
pumps (e.g. Cerkno, Hotel Diana in Murska Sobota, 14.641 TJ (4.067 GWh), included within DH plants,
Izlake, Vrhnika, Dobova Paradiso, etc.). The GHP units compared to 0.667TJ in 2015.
usually of bigger capacity are installed in case of too
low thermal water temperature for this type of use. The Air conditioning (AC or cooling) of the hotels’ spaces
total geothermal energy used for space heating in 2018 using geothermal heat is not well documented and is so
was 161.336 TJ (44.816 GWh). Without 15 users, far operational only at six localities: Moravske Toplice
already accounted for as “DH plants” (and excluding Terme 3000 (number 1 in Fig. 1) and Hotel Vivat (3),
Tešanovci greenhouse), geothermal energy used at in hotels at Bled (26), Dolenjske Toplice (22),
other five localities (Hotel Diana in M. Sobota, Izlake, Topolšica (18) and Rimske Terme (21), contributing
Dobova AFP, Hotel Cerkno and Vrhnika, numbers 4, about 32.866 TJ in 2018 (9.129 GWh), compared to
31, 25, 27 & 30, resp. in Fig. 1) for space heating and 5.53 GWh in 2015. Only Bled is the site not included
DHW amounted to 17.775 TJ (4.938 GWh) (Table C). already within the DH plant networks, and geothermal
Total value is lower compared with 59.1 GWh in 2015. heat for AC was there 4.617 TJ (1.283 GWh) in 2018.
Since 2015 space heating with geothermal heat was
introduced only at Topolšica (18 in Fig. 1). The DHW 3.5 Geothermal heat pumps
heating is included in these values at one locality
(Cerkno, number 27), while for the other 15 users the At 12 health or spa resorts, already belonging to the DH
DHW heating is already included as part of DH plants’ plant networks, plus at Hotel Diana (Murska Sobota),
at hotels at Radenci, Snovik, Laško, Bled and Izlake
network. However, for 10 users it was possible to
(numbers 4, 9, 16, 20, 26, 31) and at Siliko Vrhnika
calculate separately geothermal energy used for DHW
(number 30), the GHPs, typically of bigger capacity
heating, some 42.768 TJ in 2018 (11.88 GWh), while at
(13.2 MWt altogether), are used in an open loop system
other six users it is included in the space heating values
and couldn’t be evaluated separately. for raising the thermal water temperature for further use
in swimming pools and space heating or just to maintain
3.4 Bathing and swimming pools with balneology, the water temperature in swimming pools, and for
air conditioning and snow melting DHW heating. Their contribution in used geothermal
energy is already accounted for within other
Geothermal heat used for bathing and swimming (incl. applications.
balneology) was in front of all other types in 2018.
There are 15 thermal spas and health resorts, and Geothermal energy use for space heating and cooling in
additional 10 recreation centres (8 of them as part of the small decentralized units in Slovenia is becoming more
hotels’ accommodation) where swimming pools with a popular and widespread. The market boom in larger
surface area of about 51,600 m2 and volume of 67,160 scale began during the last 10 to 15 years after some
m3 are heated by geothermal water directly or more slow period in the early 1990's with low interest in
commonly indirectly through heat exchangers or GHPs. GSHPs due to high initial costs, high price of electricity
Wellhead water temperatures in thermal spas range and low prices of oil and gas. The ubiquitous heat
from 23 to 62°C, of course, inflow temperatures in content within the uppermost part of the Earth’s crust is
lower range are utilized. The total geothermal energy available practically everywhere in Slovenia except
used for bathing and swimming amounted to 197.328 perhaps in the higher mountainous levels (Fig. 2).
TJ in 2018 (54.813 GWh). At some users improvements Depending on local conditions the GSHP units consist
were achieved by better temperature range utilization, of closed loop GCHP (horizontal and vertical heat
first of all at Moravske Toplice (Terme 3000), and at collectors) ones, or open loop groundwater heat pumps
Banovci using heat exchangers, while at Dobrna using (GWHP). Technical, environmental and economic
GHPs. Utilization at Rimske Terme (number 21 in Fig. incentives can be considered advantageous for more
1) has been established again following a general rapid introduction of the GSHP systems. This is also
Rajver et al.
Rajver et al.
5.1 Thermal water direct use on promotion and fostering of utilization of shallow
geothermal sources, more precisely:
A doublet scheme is operational in Lendava downtown.
In north-eastern Slovenia the localities are the most (a) GRETA (Near-surface Geothermal Resources in the
vulnerable to overexploitation of thermal water as most Territory of the Alpine Space) involved 12 partners
users capture water from the same aquifer. The problem from six Alpine countries and had these objectives: (i)
has yet to be tackled with needed care. In this sense it identify near-surface geothermal energy potential in the
is unfortunate that the Murska Sobota municipality has Alpine Space, (ii) foster exchange of knowledge and
not completed the extension project for the DH system best-practices on a transnational basis, (iii) integrate
there with inclusion of previously drilled two boreholes near-surface geothermal energy into environmental
in the northern parts of town (Rman et al., 2012). policy instruments. This is also for Slovenia an
Thermal capacity of the new doublet could reach 4 important contribution in stronger implementation of
MWt and geothermal energy use 8.8 GWh/year. It could the GSHP technology within the RES energy plans
have been the second doublet system operating in the (Prestor et al., 2018).
country provided it becomes active at all in future.
(b) GeoPLASMA-CE (Interreg CE project) involves 11
The Interreg project DARLINGe, running between partners from six Central European countries and deals
2016 and 2019, significantly contributed to a better with different aspects of shallow geothermal use for
resource assessment of eastern and northeastern heating and cooling in both, urban as well as non-urban
Slovenia. A harmonized geological 3D model was regions in Central Europe. New management strategies
extended to Croatia, a benchmarking assessment was for a reasonable and sustainable use of shallow
performed at new sites and a numerical model focused geothermal application will be explored in 6 different
on reinjection possibilities is being built. Main results pilot areas located in Germany, Czech Republic,
will be available in summer of 2019. The effects of Poland, Slovakia, Austria and Slovenia. The project
current thermal water abstraction on the hydraulic state aims at generating web-based information systems for
of the Mura Fm. aquifer were simulated by a regional visualization of shallow geothermal potentials and risks
mathematical model of groundwater flow enabling of use. It also intends to initialize an expert platform for
calculation of different development scenarios, connecting experts and stakeholders in the field of
predictions and control of impacts (Nádor et al., 2012, shallow geothermal use in CE.
Rman et al., 2015; Tóth et al., 2016). Trends in
geothermal are focused on enhancing the cascade direct Application of larger and more advanced systems is
use, lowering the outlet thermal water temperature, evident by good practices of GSHPs in the last decade.
promoting higher efficiency of installed capacity for Since 2013 we made a systematic overview and inquiry
direct use, effective problem solutions, regarding for objects with installed GSHP units of bigger rated
thermal water scaling and degassing, as well as power. These plants are rarely included in any records
performing new research for potential geothermal sites because the owners (investors) do not obtain funds from
and implementation of doublets. As the number of users financial incentives such as smaller individual plants.
increases, interference between them has already been Industrial objects with such installations are therefore
noticed. Besides, increased demand for thermal water not in the records, but they represent a significant share
from the same aquifers causes negative quantitative in energy use and installed rated power. Of these bigger
trends, and potential disputes between nearby users. systems some 465 water-water type systems are found,
Almost all thermal water users now have an operating plus 91 vertical closed-loop and 32 horizontal closed-
production monitoring established and from now on loop systems. Few bigger open-loop systems have 4
resource assessment and state evaluation will be much production and 4 reinjection wells or more. Similarly,
more reliable to plan the measures which are really the biggest closed-loop system near Maribor has 24
needed to reach both, environmental and energy goals. BHEs (150 m depth each), another system in Koper has
Reinjection should become nationally supported to 58 BHEs (with depths of 18 to 32 m).
preserve the existent capacities of thermal water, and
Our effort to distinguish the numbers of the GSHP units
many activities are now being taken also from the user’s
with rated power of >20 kW from the total number is
side to raise funds from its establishment.
quite tedious, since it is difficult to find appropriate
The planned extension to about 7 geothermal DH objects with such installations, but as a first attempt
systems (sensu stricto) in Slovenia by 2016 (Dumas et Figure 8 shows the first ca 180 systems with GSHP
al., 2013) proved to be unrealistic, as the extensions at units of bigger power, with addition of so far known
Murska Sobota and Benedikt and new plants at hydrothermal HP units. Data for this figure are
Turnišče and Ormož just did not happen. No major collected on a voluntary basis.
investments are planned in these communities.
As regard to GSHPs contribution the Heat Pumps
5.2 Ground source heat pumps Barometer (EurObserver, 2018, Table 3 therein) shows,
to our opinion, just slightly lower numbers of GSHP
There were several projects in the past in Slovenia, units in operation in 2016 and 2017 for Slovenia than
however, two were running in the last 3-year period. ours, but also too low numbers of sold GSHP units than
GRETA is officially finished in March 2019 and are ours, especially in 2017 (Table 2 therein). Figures 9
GeoPLASMA-CE in autumn 2019. They are focused to 11 show the trend of all GSHP units (in number,
Rajver et al.
capacity and energy use) since our first data acquisition characterization of the most important cross border
in 1994. Great technological improvements are evident geothermal reservoirs was effectuated on the high
with air-water HP units. The HP producers state they expert level. This is the basis for self-confidence and
sell at least 5-times more air-water HP units than encouragement to develop these resources till 2020 and
geothermal HPs, and some of them claim this ratio is beyond, following both energy and environmental
12:1 in favor of air-water HPs. goals. We can conclude that without these activities any
further development of cross border thermal reservoirs
6. CONCLUSIONS would be highly unpredictable or unsecure. In this
programming period 2014 – 2020 we can expect
Owing to lower annual flowrates from several wells at
successful development towards common
different users, which is an evidence of delivered transboundary management. Further development in
maximum allowed pumping quantities, and some the next programming period should provide best
technical difficulties, direct heat use from thermal water
practices of doublet technologies in the Pannonian
does not show any clear increase on yearly basis. The
basin sediments, monitoring and reporting and
GSHP market is more predictable, as its growth rises
benchmarking of sustainability of the resources’
for about 78.65 TJ (21.85 GWh) every year in the last
managements. Supporting the research and
5-year period. Actual (Dec. 2018) contribution in direct development activities focused on reinjection
heat use from deep geothermal energy reached 578.57 technology/well completion in Neogene intergranular
TJ (160.71 GWh) and thermal energy used by all GSHP
aquifers of the Pannonian basin is highly expected.
units so far reached 938.23 TJ (260.62 GWh) yearly, all
together 1,516.79 TJ (421.33 GWh or 36.228 ktoe).
Consequently, target values from draft of renovated
NREAP-SI (NREAP, 2010) are still quite distant and a REFERENCES
lot of effort will be needed in this programming period
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Publ.No. 17811, Luxembourg, 92 p., 89 plates,
Rajver, D., and Ravnik, D.: Geothermal characteristics Acknowledgements
of the Krško basin, Slovenia, based on geophysical The authors are grateful to all direct heat users who
research. Phys. Chem. Earth, 28, (2003), 443-455. provided data on their direct heat use of geothermal
doi:10.1016/S1474-7065(03)00064-0 energy, as well as to all heat pump producers who
Rajver, D., Lapanje, A. and Rman, A.: Possibilities for delivered some data on GSHP units sold in the country,
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Slovenia in the next decade (in Slovene), specific data on the GSHP units of bigger rated power
Geologija, 55/1, Ljubljana, (2012), 117-140. installed. The authors appreciate help of Petra Meglič
doi:10.5474/geologija.2012.009 for preparing the Figure 1.
Rajver et al.
Figure 8: Distribution of the first 190 installations with collected detailed data on GSHP systems with rated power
of at least 20 kW, by type of installation, and 6 known hydrothermal HP unit systems (data collected on a
voluntary basis). The isotherms show temperature at 250 m depth.
Figure 9: Trend of numbers of operational GSHP units (both small and big rated power) since 1994.
Rajver et al.
Figure 10: Trend of total thermal capacity of operational GSHP units (both small and big rated power) since
Figure 11: Trend of shallow geothermal energy used by operational GSHP units (both small and big rated power)
since 1994.
Rajver et al.
Tables A-G
In operation
3941 15003
end of 2018
Under construction
/ /
end of 2018
Total projected
4226 3 13935 4
by 2020
Total expected
4627 3 15412 4
by 2025
Under development
In case information on geothermal licenses is available in your country, please specify here
the number of licenses in force in 2018 (indicate exploration/exploitation if applicable):
Under investigation
All values: a 100 % share from the Nuclear PP is taken into account (both 50 % Slovenian plus 50% Croatian ownership)
Production values: Net generation (transferred to the network)
Capacity in 2018: Indikativna elektroenergetska bilanca 2018, and Poročilo o stanju na področju energetike v Slovenije
2017. Total net generation published on pages ENTSO-E. - An internal study by the EIMV manufacturer; values in the
table represent values for scenario 3 from the Development Plan. This plan was approved by the Ministry but has not
yet been published on the website, as it is in the process of designing (for data 2020 and 2025)
No plants
Table C: Present and planned deep geothermal district heating (DH) plants and other uses for heating and
cooling, total numbers
In operation
46.89 124.38 8.72 25.01 2.52 4.94 4.30 6.39
end of 2018
Under constru-
ction end 2018
Total projected
by 2020
Total expected
by 2025
Rajver et al.
Table D1: Existing geothermal district heating (DH) plants, individual sites
Dobrna Terme Dobrna N N 0.483 0.57 1.9682 85?
Moravske Toplice Terme 3000 N Y 11.055 15.0 28.1572 99
Terme Šmarješke
Šmarješke Toplice 1987 N N 2.583 3.183 3.8271 98
Rajver et al.
Financial Incentives no no no
– Operation/Production
Information activities yes, articles and media public reports (explanation) yes, through public media
– geological information
DIS Direct investment support FIT Feed-in tariff -A Add to FIT or FIP on case
the amount is determined
LIL Low-interest loans FIP Feed-in premium by auctioning
RC Risk coverage REQ Renewable Energy Quota O Other (please explain)