CIPD Level 5 HR RMT Assessment Brief v1.0

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Reward management (RMT) assessment brief

CIPD learning outcomes and assessment criteria

The following table sets out the CIPD learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria:

Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria

1. Understand the business context 1.1 Assess the context of the reward environment
of reward and the use of reward and key perspectives that inform reward
intelligence. decisions.

1.2 Explain the most appropriate ways in which

reward intelligence can be gathered and

2. Understand key reward 2.1 Evaluate the principle of total rewards and its
principles and the importance to reward strategy.
implementation of policies and
practices. 2.2 Explain the significance of equity, fairness,
consistency and transparency as they affect
reward policies and practices.

2.3 Explain how policy initiatives and practices are


3. Understand the role of line 3.1 Explain the various ways in which line
managers in making reward managers contribute to reward decision
decisions. making.

3.2 Assess the contribution of extrinsic and

intrinsic rewards to improving employee
contribution and sustained organisation
Assessment activity

Total Reward at Baker’s Department Store – written briefing paper

This written briefing paper will allow you to demonstrate all the assessment criteria for RMT.
Your word count is 2600 words (+/- 10%). You must submit your work on the document RMT
assessment template. Your briefing paper should include a list of cited references along with
a bibliography of sources consulted but not specifically mentioned. All the grey highlighted
words in your template are excluded from your word count as are your references and

Baker’s Department Store needs a comprehensive review of its reward policies and practices,
and the Board of Directors want to know how the company should move forward with a more
strategic approach to managing pay and reward.

You are required to produce a briefing paper for the Board. You must review current reward
management practices at Baker’s Department Store, and suggest a new approach for the
organisation, based on principles of total reward. Remember, you must give sound reasons
to justify your ideas and suggestions and include a summary of your recommendations for the
Board to consider.

Your briefing paper needs to respond to the following:

Strategic analysis

Using an appropriate analysis tool assess the internal and external factors that may impact
Baker’s Department Store’s approach to reward now and in the future. (1.1)

Reward intelligence

Explain and evaluate different forms of reward intelligence which Baker’s could source, and
how intelligence can be used. In doing this you should:
 Identify different types of reward intelligence.
 Evaluate different ways reward intelligence is gathered and presented.
 Explain the use of reward intelligence in making decisions about reward. (1.2)

Total reward
Explain, in your view, the top priorities for Baker’s Department Store in terms of its approach
to rewarding its employees and how these could be delivered using a total reward approach.
Be sure to explain what is meant by total reward and the (referenced) benefits Baker’s
Department Store can expect to see if they implement it, include an overview of the
considerations they should give when implementing a total reward approach. (2.1) (2.3)

Equity and fairness of reward policies and practices

A discussion of the importance of equity, fairness, consistency and transparency in terms of
rewarding employees, and what could be put in place to ensure that good practice is followed.

Line managers and their contribution to reward

Identify the ways managers contribute to reward decisions and the implications of this. Show
how HR can support managers to reduce any identified risks in this area. Be sure to
reference best practice approaches, ensuring your findings are informed by up to date
research. (3.1)

Organisational performance and the link to reward

Assess the contribution of both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to improving employee
contribution and sustained organisation performance. Refer to academic research and
literature here and illustrate your findings with examples of good practice. (3.2)


Include a summary of your recommendations for the Board to consider. (3.2)

Before submitting have you:

 Responded to the brief in full?

 Used the correct template as stated?
 Clearly referenced anyone else’s work from websites, books, etc.? You can refer to
IAG within your induction module for guidance on referencing. (this is not included in
your word count)
 Produced a piece of work with correct spelling and grammar and in the context of the
 Checked your word count and stated this at the top of your briefing paper.

Please note:

 You can base this on your own organisation rather than Baker’s Department Store if you
 Remember references to back up your findings are expected.
 There are a lot of elements to include in this assessment, so be sure to check you have
provided evidence for all the assessment criteria before you finalise your work.

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