Digital Signal Processing: Solved HW For Day 8

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Digital Signal Processing

Solved HW for Day 8

Question 1: Zero Phase filtering

Let R be the time reversal operator for sequences.

R{x[n]} = x[−n]

Let H be a linear time invariant system. What can you say about the following system?

y [n] = R{H{R{H{x[n]}}}}

Solution of question 1
◮ Let X (e jω ) be the DTFT of the sequence x(n) and H(e jω ) be the frequency response of
the LTI operator H.
◮ By the time reversal property of DTFT, the DTFT of x(−n) is X (e −jω ). Since x(n) is
real, the DTFT of x(−n) is X ∗ (e jω )

H{x(n)} = H(e jω )X (e jω )
R{H{x(n)}} = H ∗ (e jω )X ∗ (e jω )
H{R{H{x(n)}}} = H(e jω )H ∗ (e jω )X ∗ (e jω )
R{H{R{H{x(n)}}} = H ∗ (e jω )H(e jω )X (e jω )
= |H(e jω )|2 X (e jω )
The above system is a linear, time invariant system with zero phase delay.
Question 2: Modulation theorem

Given an ideal low pass filter Hlp (ω) with cut-off frequency ωc and a sinusoid generator at
frequency π2 , design an ideal high-pass filter Hhp (ω) with cut-off frequency π − ωc . You are
required to write Hhp with respect to Hlp and a sinusoid.

Solution of question 2

◮ By using the modulation theorem we can see that a high-pass filter with cut-off frequency
at π − ωc can be written as
hhp (n) = cos(πn)hlp (n)
◮ Since we are only given a sinusoid generator of frequency 2,

hhp (n) = (2(cos( n))2 − 1)hlp (n)

Question 3: Convolution Theorem

1 0 ≤ n ≤ M,
wR [n] =
0 elsewhere.

 n 0 ≤ n ≤ M/2,
wT [n] = M − n M/2 < n ≤ M, .
0 elsewhere.

Express the Fourier transform WT of wT [n] with respect to the fourier transform WR of wR [n].

Solution of question 3

◮ Let ŵT (n) = wR (n) ⋆ wR (n)

 n 0 ≤ n ≤ M,
ŵT [n] = 2M − n M < n ≤ 2M,
0 elsewhere.

◮ Thus wT (n) = 12 ŵT (2n)

◮ By convolution property, ŴT = WR WR

◮ Using scaling property,
WT = ŴT (ω/2)
WT = WR (ω/2)WR (ω/2)
Question 4: Infinite impulse response

Let H(ω) denote the system response of an ideal low-pass filter. How should the input
sequence x[n] be, so that the output sequence is finite length and non zero?

Solution of question 4

◮ The impulse response of an ideal low pass filter is,

ωb ω 
h(n) = sinc n
2π 2π
which is of infinite length.
◮ Since any output sequence of the ideal low-pass filter can be written as the sum of scaled
and shifted versions of this signal, any output sequence is of infinite length, as long as it
is non-zero.

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