Chap2 PDF
Chap2 PDF
Chap2 PDF
Summary Trials
1. Summary trials can be held only by a District Magistrates
Magistrate or a Magistrate of the first class empowered in competent to
that behalf, or a Bench of Magistrates empowered try and the
under either section 260 or section 261 of the Code.
to be
Only offences specified in these sections may be tried by adopted.
this procedure. The amendments made by Act 26 of 1955
in Section 260 of the Code to enlarge its scope may be
noted. In view of the amended definition of ‘warrant
case' it would not now be true to say that all summons
cases can be tried summarily. According to clause (a)
of Section 260(1) offences not punishable with death;
imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a te rm
e xce e ding s ix m ont hs can be so trie d. In summary
trials the procedure to be followed at the hearing is
that of summons-case in the trial of summons cases
and of warrant-case in the trial of warrant cases (Section
262) subject to the modifications made by sections 263
and 264 of the Code as to the record required.
2. No sentence of imprisonment exceeding three Sentence
months may be passed on a conviction under the and
summary procedure prescribed in Chapter XXII of judgement.
the Code [sub-se ction (2) of section 262]. Where
the sentence passed is not appealable (section 413) the
particulars required under section 263 of the Code
may be recorded. In appealable cases, however, the
Court shall record the substance of the evidence and
also the particulars mentioned in section 263 and shall
before passing sentence also record judgment in the
ca se (se ct ion 2 64 ). N o ot he r re cord is re quir e d.
Particulars required under section 263 include full
information as to the nature of the offence alleged
and proved, the plea of the accused and his examination, if
any; the finding and in case of conviction; a brief
statement of the reasons therefore and the sentence or
other final order.
3. In all summary trials in which the order of
the Magistrate is final; no evidence need be recorded; Evidence.
Vol. III. 2 Ch. 2.