Kit 162. 6Vdc Xenon Flasher
Kit 162. 6Vdc Xenon Flasher
Kit 162. 6Vdc Xenon Flasher
- an oscillator centered around T1 transformer Brightness. Increasing the value of C4 say from 2.2uF to
- an RC network C3, R3 and R4 which controls the 4.4uF will increase the brightness of the flash.
- the flash circuit itself WHAT TO DO IF IT DOES NOT WORK
Poor soldering is the most likely reason that the circuit
Oscillator. This is a self-oscillating circuit centered does not work. Check all solder joints carefully under a
around T1. Applying power turns on Q1 via current flow good light. Next check that all components are in their
through R2. This causes current to flow in the primary correct position on the PCB. Check that the diodes and
winding of T1. The resulting magnetic field causes a electrolytic capacitor are the right way round. Check also
voltage to be induced into the secondary winding, The transistor Q1. The metal tab should be nearest the
polarity of this voltage (at pin 3) is such that it turns off transformer.
Q1. Current stops flowing in the primary, the magnetic
field collapses and the induced secondary voltage
reverses polarity. This voltage now causes Q1 to turn off
and the whole process repeats. PARTS LIST – K162
Resistors (1W carbon, 5%)
The turns ratio between the primary winding (pins 1 & 4) 24K red yellow orange .........R5.......................................1
of T1 and the secondary winding (pins 2 & 5) is high 33K orange orange orange...R2.......................................1
(25turns to 1500turns resp.) So the voltage induced at pin 10M brown black blue...........R3,4....................................2
2 is high. This alternating voltage is half-wave rectified by Capacitors
diode D3 which then charges capacitor C4. This produces 270pF 1000V............................C2.......................................1
a DC voltage across C4 of about 375V. This voltage is 0.1uF 400V polyester.............C3.......................................1
negative (due to orientation of D3). 2.2uF 630V 225........................C4.......................................1
1000uF 16V electrolytic .........C1.......................................1
RC Network. Capacitor C3 is charged at a rate determined Semiconductors
by resistors R3 and R4. This charging rate determines the 1N4004.....................................D1,2,3.................................3
flashrate. (more later). H1061 transistor, PNP ...........Q1.......................................1
CR02AM-8A SCR..................Q2.......................................1
Flash Circuit. The voltage across C3 is also applied Miscellaneous
across the neon tube N1 via pins 1 and 2 of the trigger Transformer............................T1.......................................1
transformer T2 and the SCR CR02AM-8A Q2. This voltage Trigger coil..............................T2.......................................1
increases as C3 charges. When it reaches about 70V (the Neon tube ...............................N1.......................................1
firing voltage of the neon) N1 fires and Q2 conducts. This Xenon flashtube ................................................................1
puts a voltage pulse into the trigger transformer T2 which PCB, K162 ...........................................................................1
is stepped up to hundreds of volts. When the high
voltage pulse from the trigger transformer appears on the WARNING: Before handling this kit please discharge
surface of the flash tube the electric field inside the tube capacitor C4. This could be charged to over 300V and will
give you a nasty shock if you touch it. Discharge the C3
by shorting it with a 1K resistor.
Note that the Trigger coil T2, and the Xenon Flash U-tube
used in this kit are the same as are used in Kit 163, our
12VDC Xenon Flasher.