Design of A Single Band Microstrip Patch Antenna For 5G Applications

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2.

7) (2018) 532-535

International Journal of Engineering & Technology


Research Paper

Design of a Single Band Microstrip Patch Antenna

for 5G Applications
R. Siri Chandana*, P. Sai Deepthi, D. Sriram Teja, N. Veera JayaKrishna, M. Sujatha

Department of Electronics and Communications, KLEF, Vijayawada, India.

*Email: [email protected]


This article is about a single band microstrip patch antenna used for the 5G applications. And this antenna is suitable for the millimeter
wave frequency. The patch antenna design consists of 2 E shaped slots and 1 H shaped slot. These slots are loaded on the radiating patch
with the 50 ohms microstrip feed line. For the simulation purpose, Rogers’s RT5880 dielectric substrate with relative permittivity of 2.2
and loss tangent of 0.0009 is used. The design and simulation of the antenna is done using HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator)
software. The results are simulated for the parameters Return loss, VSWR, 3D Radiation pattern. The proposed antenna has a return loss
of -42.4383 at 59 GHz millimeter wave frequency.

Keywords: HFSS Software; Millimeter wave; Radiating patch; Return loss; Single band microstrip patch antenna.

matching and spurious radiations caused due to the feeding tech-

1. Introduction nique incorporated [8]. In this design, the microstrip feed line
feeding technique is used. In the proposed antenna, the E and H
With the advent of new wireless technologies, there is a growing slots are loaded on the patch. The 50 ohms microstrip line feeding
need for faster communication which led to the proposal of 5G is used and the results are simulated in the HFSS software.
technology. 5G (Fifth Generation) has many advantages over the
current generations. The main advantage is that the 5G will pro-
vide the better speeds and coverage than the 4G. And it also pro-
2. Antenna design analysis
vides several thousands of simultaneous connections of wireless
sensors [1], [2]. There are some major technological break- A single band micro strip patch antenna of shape as depicted in
throughs that will assist in the development of 5G wireless net- fig.(1) is designed with the dimensions of 8mm x 8mm at 60 GHz
works which includes Millimeter wave spectrum, massive MIMO, for millimeter wave 5G applications. The main radiating element
IOT, Big data and mobile cloud computing etc [3]. Among these in this antenna is the patch. The slots are loaded on the patch with
technologies, millimeter wave frequencies have many advantages different dimensions. The patch is delivered by the 50 ohm mi-
such as larger bandwidth to provide higher transmission rate, im- crostrip line feed and the antenna is simulated on a Rogers
munity to interference and simple hardware structure [4]. 5G wire- RT5880 dielectric substrate having relative permittivity of 2.2,
less systems operate in the millimeter wave bands of 28, 38 and 60 loss tangent of 0.0009, and height of 1.6 mm [5], [9]. HFSS soft-
GHz. The U.S FCC (Federal communications commission) allo- ware is used for simulation purpose.
cated the spectrum of 57-64 GHz unlicensed band as 60 GHz ISM The copper sheet with dimensions of 8mm x 8mm is used as the
band which is available throughout the world [5]. WiGig (IEEE ground plane. The H and E slot cuts which are used to increase the
802.11ad standard) which is the extended version of Wi-Fi pro- impedance bandwidth, are made on the patch. The length of the
vides access to the 60 GHz band. The 60 GHz band has ad- patch is 2.9 mm and widthis3.5 mm. The length and width of the
vantages of narrow bandwidth, absorption of oxygen for better H slot is 2.2 mm and 2.5 mm. The E slots have a length and width
immunity towards interference, large spectral availability and of 1.91 mm and 1.05 mm. The microstrip feed lines have a length
highly secure [6]. and width of 0.4 mm and 3.25 mm [9]. The single band antenna
In the evolution of modern wireless communications, patch anten- has been designed at the work 59 GHz millimeter wave frequency.
na is a vital component. Small in size, low profile, easy manufac-
ture and integration, low cost are the advantages of microstrip 3. Design results and comparison
patch antenna over other antennas [7]. The proper design of mi-
crostrip antenna with correctly placed slots gives very good results The simulation process of proposed antenna is carried out by
in bandwidth, resonant frequency, gain, impedance, return loss etc. HFSS software. Fig.(2) shows the proposed antenna structure
Feeding techniques are used to provide source to the antennas. designed in the HFSS software. The result of the parameters return
They are Microstrip feed line technique, coaxial feed technique, loss / reflection coefficient for single band antenna is represented
aperture coupling feeding and proximity coupling technique. The in fig. (3). The proposed single band antenna has the -10 dB
selection of the feeding techniques varies depending upon its ease bandwidth of the microwave frequency and cover the 60 GHz
of fabrication, its cost, hardware implementation, impedance millimeter wave frequency band. These design results have a cen-
Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 533

ter frequency of 59 GHz with the bandwidth of 6.25 GHz ranging

from 56 GHz to 62.25 GHz which almost covered entire 60 GHz
ISM band.

Fig. 3: Reflection coefficient S11 versus frequency of designed antenna

The VSWR plot is shown in fig.(4) at 60 GHz band which is

Fig. 1: Structure of proposed microstrip patch antenna 1.0152 approx equal to 1 representing the good impedance match-
ing for proposed antenna [11].
Table 1. Designed antenna dimensions

Parameters Dimensions(mm)
Wg 8
Lg 8
Wp 3.5
Lp 2.9
Wf 0.4
Lf 3.25
Ifx 0.2
Ify 0.2
Hx 2.2
Hy 2.5
Ex 1.91
Ey 1.05
D 0.3

Fig. 4: VSWR curve of the designed antenna

Fig.(5) shows the 3D radiation pattern of proposed antenna and

fig.(6) shows the gain of proposed antenna which is 2.0675 dB
with the radiation efficiency of -1.0147 dB at 60 GHz millimeter
wave frequency band [5].

Fig. 2: Structure designed in the HFSS software

534 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

higher cutoff frequencies respectively. The designed microstrip

patch antennas have gain up to 2.06 dB for the millimeter wave
5G wireless application.
Due to the high directivity of the designed antenna, this can be
used in defense and military applications. As the antenna is de-
signed at millimeter wave frequency for 5G applications, it can
also be changed for radar applications. The need of greater fre-
quency spectrum for 5G applications is due to the increase in the
data usage. And one of the greatest and most important uses of
millimeter wave frequency band is providing larger frequency
spectrum which is used in transmitting large amounts of data. Due
to the high frequency of millimeter waves, they would require
smaller antennas which can be achieved by grouping more anten-
nas into devices enabling the directional transmission, i.e. the
signal can actually be guided in a particular direction thus making
it suitable for 5G mobile applications [10][12-21].


We would also like to show our gratitude to Dr.M.Sujatha, Profes-

sor, our project guide, for her assistance with the methodology,
Fig. 5: 3D radiation pattern of designed antenna
design of the microstrip patch antenna and her valuable comments
greatly improved the manuscript.
We thank our faculty members for sharing their pearls of wisdom
with us during the course of this research, and we thank all the
reviewers for their so-called insights, we are also immensely
grateful for their comments on an earlier version of the manuscript,
although any errors are our own and should not tarnish the reputa-
tion of the esteemed persons.

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