Ruhs CV April 2024
Ruhs CV April 2024
Ruhs CV April 2024
2018 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Delta program
Certificate in Teaching, Research, and Learning
Advisors: Devin Wixon and Nick Balster
2013-2017 University of Wisconsin-Madison, PhD in Wildlife Ecology
Impacts of periodic energy constraints on chickadee (Poecile spp.) body mass, composition,
and immune function
Advisor: William Karasov
2011-2013 University of Georgia, MSc in Ecology
Interplay between energy reserves, parasitism, stress, and immunity in migrating songbirds
Advisors: Sonia Altizer and Andrew Davis
2007-2011 Michigan State University, B.S. in Zoology (Lyman Briggs College)
Elucidating the predictive role of leukocyte profiles for detection of Eastern Equine
Encephalomyelitis Encephalitis Virus in a wild passerine bird.
Advisor: Jennifer Owen
1/2023 – Present Postdoctoral Research Scientist – Bioinformatics of Emerging Pathogens
Grainger Bioinformatics Center, The Field Museum of Natural History
Co-appointment: University of Chicago
PI: Dr. Cara Brook; co-PI Dr. Felix Grewe
10/2022 - Present Honorary Associate Fellow – Aquatic Sciences Center/Wisconsin Sea Grant
8/2021 – 1/2023 Postdoctoral scholar – Dr. Cara Brook, University of Chicago
3/2019 - 2/2021 Postdoctoral scholar – Drs. Marty Martin, Cynthia Downs, & Rays Jiang, University of
South Florida
11/2018-3/2019 Postdoctoral contractor – Dr. Erik Hofmeister, USGS, Climate change and wildlife health
research unit
8/2018-12/2018 Faculty assistant – Physiological Animal Ecology (FWE 401), Forest and Wildlife Ecology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1/2018-11/2018 Short-term researcher – Drs. François Vézina & Oliver Love, Université du Québec à
Referred journal articles (†indicates an invited submission, *undergraduate collaborator, **post-bac, or graduate
20. McMinds, R., R. Jiang, S. Adapa, E. Cornelius Ruhs, R.A. Munds, J. Leiding, C.J. Downs, and L.B. Martin. Bacterial
sepsis triggers stronger transcriptomic responses in larger primates. In press. Proc. of the Royal Society B.
19. Cornelius Ruhs, E., Wan Ni Chia, Randy Foo, Alison J. Peel, Yimei Li, H. Benjamin Larman, Aaron T. Irving,
Linfa Wang, and Cara E. Brook. Applications of Phip-Seq technology to broad serological profiling of bat
reservoirs for emerging zoonoses. Frontiers in Public Health. doi: fpubh.2023.1212018.
Emily Cornelius Ruhs Curriculum vitae – April 2023 2
18. Anton, B**., E. Cornelius Ruhs, and G. Dehnert. 2023. Elucidating the effects of acute and chronic exposure to
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) innate immunity. Aquatic
Toxicology: 106571.
17. Hofmeister, E.K., E. Cornelius Ruhs, L. Fortini, M. Hopkins, L. Jones, K. Lafferty, J. Sleeman, O. LeDee. 2022.
Potential directions to manage wildlife health in climate change: Outcome of a workshop. EcoHealth. doi:
16. Martin, L.B., E. Cornelius Ruhs, S. Oakey, and C.J. Downs. 2022. Leukocyte allometries in birds are
not affected by captivity. Journal of Experimental Zoology – Part A. doi: 10.1002/jez.2591.
15. Davidson, S., and E. Cornelius Ruhs. 2021. Understanding and protecting Arctic migrations in a changing
world. Animal Migration: 8(1), 56-64.
14. Cornelius Ruhs, E., O.P. Love, L. Drainville, and F. Vézina. 2021. No common pesticides detected in snow
buntings utilizing a farmland landscape in Eastern Québec. Avian Conservation and Ecology: 16(2), 26.
13. Cornelius Ruhs, E., D.J. Becker, S.J. Oakey**, O. Ogunsina*, M. Brock Fenton, N.B. Simmons, L.B. Martin, and C.J.
Downs. 2021. Body size shapes immune cell proportions in birds and non-volant mammals, but not bats.
Journal of Experimental Biology: 224, jeb241109.
12. Cornelius Ruhs, E., L.B. Martin, and C.J. Downs. 2020. The impacts of body mass on immune cell
concentrations in birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 10.1098.
11. Jimenez, A.G, E. Cornelius Ruhs, K. Tobin*, K. Anderson*, and F. Vézina. 2020. Consequences of being
phenotypically mismatched with the environment: no evidence of oxidative stress in cold and warm
acclimated birds facing a cold spell. Journal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb218826.
10. Vézina, F., Cornelius Ruhs E, E. O’Connor*, and A.G. Jimenez. 2020. Consequences of being phenotypically
mismatched with the environment: rapid muscle ultrastructural changes in cold shocked black-capped
chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). American Journal of Physiology 318: R274-283.
9. Cornelius Ruhs E, F. Vézina, M. Walker**, and W. Karasov. 2019. Who pays the bill? The effects of increased
parental workload on parental and nestling condition. Journal of Ornithology 161: 275-288.
8. Cornelius Ruhs, E, D.M. Borden**, E. Pitman, and T. Dallas. 2019. Feather traits as indicators of condition and
quality of migrating songbirds. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131(3): 693-701.
7. Cornelius Ruhs E, F. Vézina, and W. Karasov. 2018. Physiological and immune responses of free-living,
temperate birds provided a gradient of food supplementation. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, special
issue on Ecoimmunology, doi: 10.1086/701389
6. †Cornelius, E., F. Vézina, L. Regimbald**, F. Hallot, M. Petit, O. Love, and W. Karasov. 2017. Chickadees faced
with unpredictable food increase fat reserves but certain components of their immune system decline.
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 90(2): 190-200.
5. Dallas, T. and E.A. Cornelius. 2015. Co-extinction in a host-parasite network: identifying key hosts for
network stability. Nature Scientific Reports 5, 13185; doi: 10.1038/srep13185.
4. Cornelius, E.A., A.K. Davis, and S.M. Altizer. 2014. How important are hemoparasites to migratory songbirds?
Evaluating physiological measures and infection status in three Neotropical migrants during stopover.
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 87(5): 719-728.
3. Owen, J.C., E.A. Cornelius, D. Arsnoe, and M.C. Garvin. 2013. Leukocyte response to Eastern Equine
Encephalomyelitis Encephalitis Virus in a wild passerine bird. Avian diseases 57(4): 744-749.
2. Davis, A.K. and E. Cornelius. 2013. Do infections lead to higher feather mite loads in birds? A test with
mycoplasmal conjunctivitis in house finches. The Auk 130(4): 708-714.
Emily Cornelius Ruhs Curriculum vitae – April 2023 3
1. Davis, A.K., E.A. Cornelius, and D. Cox†. 2013. Tachinid parasitism in adult horned passalus beetles
(Odontotaenius disjunctus) at the Wormsloe Historic Site, Savannah, GA. Journal of Entomological Science
48(3): 255-257.
Referred case studies
1. Cornelius Ruhs, E. and C.J. Downs. 2021. Case Study: A delicate balance: resource allocation, immunity and
disease in birds. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science.
Published introductions
1. A.K. Davis and E. Cornelius Ruhs. 2019. A themed collection of research articles focused on stress physiology
of bird migration. Animal Migration. (not peer-reviewed)
Papers in late stages
1. Cornelius Ruhs, E., K.McFerrin, D.N. Jones, N.A.F. Ravelomanantsoa, R.K. Plowright, C.E. Brook. Volant
vertebrates have rapid GIT transit times relative to nonvolant vertebrates. In prep.
2. Cornelius Ruhs, E., … and C.E. Brook. Quantification of the seasonal reproductive cycle in three species of
Malagasy fruit bats with implications for viral and population dynamic. In prep.
3. Fake, K. ….. E. Cornelius Ruhs. Impacts of urbanization on the physiology of American Robins (Turdus
migratorus) in Chicagoland. In prep.
4. Milusich, E. E., E. Cornelius Ruhs, J. Gilbert, J. Hua, and G.K. Dehnert. Accumulation of PFAS in maple sap
across the Ceded Territories. In prep.
2024 University of Chicago, Ecological and Epidemiological Modeling in Madagascar
Emily Cornelius Ruhs Curriculum vitae – April 2023 5
8/2013-12/2017 Research assistant - Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Emily Cornelius Ruhs Curriculum vitae – April 2023 7
Fall 2015/16/17 Teaching assistant & Lecturer - Physiological Animal Ecology (FWE 401), Forest and
Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1/2013-5/2013 Laboratory assistant, Ecology (ECOL 3500), Odum School of Ecology, University of
8/2011-12/2012 Research assistant, Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia
9/2009-6/2011 Laboratory technician, Avian Health and Disease Ecology laboratory, Michigan State
Professional development
2023 Genomic approaches for wildlife conservation and management. TWS – Louisville.
Processing RNA-Seq data workshop. University of Chicago.
2021 Clinic on Dynamical Approaches to Infectious Disease Data Workshop (virtual)
American Ornithological Society (AOS-SCO) annual meeting (virtual)
Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics workshop, Friday Harbor (virtual)
International Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health conference (virtual)
2020 Impacts of Climate Change on wildlife health workshop, USGS.
RNA-seq data analysis computational workshop, University of South Florida.
RNA-seq Illumina sequencing laboratory workshop, University of South Florida.
2019 g2p2pop RCN workshop: modeling from genomes to phenomes to populations.
2015 Core techniques in protein and genetic engineering training, BTCI-Promega.
2013 Wildlife Disease Modeling Workshop, Wildlife Disease Association/NimBios.
2017 Relentless curiosity- fall kickoff event. University of Wisconsin-Madison Teaching Academy
2017 Designing writing activities to solve teaching and learning challenges. University of Wisconsin-
Madison writing center and DELTA program.
2016 Writing effective multiple-choice exam questions. CIRTL.