Segmentarea Imaginilor
Segmentarea Imaginilor
Segmentarea Imaginilor
Image Segmentation
14.1 Introduction
Image segmentation is the identification and isolation of an image into regions that, one hopes,
correspond to structural units. It is an especially important operation in biomedical image pro-
cessing since it is used to isolate physiological and biological structures of interest. The problems
associated with segmentation have been well studied and a large number of approaches have
been developed, many specific to particular image features. The general approaches to segmenta-
tion can be grouped into four classes: pixel-based, regional or continuity-based, edge-based, and
morphological methods. Pixel-based methods are the easiest to understand and to implement,
but are also the least powerful and, since they operate on one element at a time, are particu-
larly susceptible to noise. Continuity-based and edge-based methods approach the segmentation
problem from opposing sides: edge-based methods search for differences while continuity-based
methods search for similarities. Morphological methods use information on shape to constrain
or define the segmented image. Recently, information concerning the mechanics and dynamics
of the imaged tissue has been adapted in advanced approaches to segmentation. In biomedical
imaging, segmentation is often very challenging, and multiple approaches are used.
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
A technique that can aid in all image analysis approaches, but is particularly useful in pixel-
based methods, is intensity remapping. In this global procedure, pixel values are rescaled so as
to extend over different maximum and minimum values. Usually, the rescaling is linear; so,
each point is adjusted proportionally with a possible offset. MATLAB supports rescaling with
the routine imadjust described below, which also provides a few common nonlinear rescal-
ing options. Of course, any rescaling operation is possible using MATLAB code if the intensity
images are in double format or the image arithmetic routines described in Chapter 12 are used.
Number of pixels
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Intensity level
Figure 14.1 X-ray image of the spine, upper left, and its associated intensity histogram, lower plot.
The upper right image is obtained by thresholding the original image at a value corresponding to the
vertical line on the histogram plot. (Image courtesy of MATLAB.)
14.2 Pixel-Based Methods
Number of pixels
0 0.5 1
0 0.5 1
Figure 14.2 Image of bloods cells with (upper) and without (lower) intermediate boundaries
removed. The associated histograms (right side) show improved separability when the boundaries
are eliminated. The code that generated these images is given in Example 14.1.
Although intensity histograms contain no information on position, they can still be use-
ful for segmentation, particularly for estimating threshold(s) from the histogram (Sonka et al.
1993). If the intensity histogram is, or is assumed to be, bimodal (or multimodal), a common
strategy is to search for low points or minima in the histogram. This is the strategy used in
Figure 14.1 where the threshold is set at 0.32, the intensity value where the histogram shows a
minimum. Such points represent the fewest number of pixels, but often, the histogram minima
are difficult to determine visually.
An approach to improve the determination of histogram minima is based on the observation
that many boundary points carry values intermediate to those on either side of the boundary.
These intermediate values lie between the actual boundary values and may mask the optimal
threshold value. However, these intermediate points also have the highest gradient, and it should
be possible to identify them using a gradient-sensitive filter such as the Sobel or Canny filter.
After these boundary points are identified, they can be eliminated from the image and a new
histogram can be computed that has a more definitive distribution. This strategy is used in
Example 14.1, and Figure 14.2 shows the images and associated histograms before and after the
removal of boundary points identified using the Canny filtering. A slight reduction in the num-
ber of intermediate points can be seen in the middle of the histogram (around 0.45). As shown
in Figure 14.3, this leads to somewhat better segmentation of the blood cells when the threshold
is based on the histogram as explained in Example 14.1.
Another histogram-based strategy that can be used if the distribution is bimodal is to assume
that each mode is the result of a unimodal, Gaussian distribution. An estimate is then made of
the underlying distributions, and the point at which the two estimated distributions intersect
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
Figure 14.3 Thresholded blood cell images. Thresholds based solely on the histogram (as explained
below) were applied to the blood cell images in Figure 14.2 with (left) and without (right) boundary
pixels removed (i.e., set to zero). Somewhat fewer inappropriate pixels are seen in the right image.
should provide the optimal threshold. The principal problem with this approach is that the dis-
tributions are unlikely to be Gaussian.
A threshold strategy that does not use the histogram directly is based on the concept of
minimizing the variance between presumed foreground and background elements. Although
the method assumes two different gray levels, it works well even when the distribution is not
bimodal (Sonka et al. 1993). The approach termed Outso’s method uses an iterative process
to find a threshold that minimizes the variance between the intensity values on either side of
the threshold level. This approach is implemented using the MATLAB routine graythresh
described below and used in Example 14.1.
A pixel-based technique that provides a segment boundary directly is contour mapping.
Contours are lines of equal intensity and, in a continuous grayscale image, they are necessar-
ily continuous: they cannot end within the image, although they can branch or loop back on
themselves. In digital images, these same properties exist, but the value of any given contour
line generally requires interpolation between adjacent pixels. To use contour mapping to identify
image structures requires accurate setting of the contour levels, and this carries the same burdens
as thresholding. Nonetheless, contour maps do provide boundaries directly and, if “subpixel”
interpolation is used in establishing the contour position, they may be more spatially accurate.
Contour maps are easy to implement in MATLAB, as shown in the next section. Figure 14.4 shows
Figure 14.4 Contour maps drawn from the blood cell image of Figures 14.2 and 14.3. The right
image was prefiltered with a Gaussian lowpass filter (alpha = 3) before the contour lines were drawn.
The contour values were set manually to provide good outlines.
14.2 Pixel-Based Methods
Figure 14.5 Image with two regions that have different average gray levels. The two regions are
clearly distinguishable, but it is not possible to accurately segment the two regions using threshold-
ing alone because of noise.
contour maps for the blood cell images shown in Figure 14.2. The right image was prefiltered with
a Gaussian lowpass filter that reduces noise slightly and improves the resultant contour image.
Pixel-based approaches can lead to serious errors, even when the average intensities of the
various segments are clearly different, due to noise-induced intensity variation within the struc-
ture. Such variation could be acquired during image acquisition, but could also be inherent in
the structure itself. Figure 14.5 shows two regions with quite different average intensities. Even
with optimal threshold selection, many inappropriate pixels are found in both segments due
to intensity variations within the segments. The techniques for improving separation in such
images are explored in Section 14.3.
where counts is the histogram value at a given x, I is the image, and N is an optional argument
specifying the number of histogram bins (the default is 255). As mentioned above, imhist is
usually invoked without the output arguments to produce a plot directly. Several pixel-based
techniques are presented in Example 14.1.
An automated thresholding operation is performed by the MATLAB routine graythresh.
This program determines a threshold based on the intensity histogram using Outso’s method.
As mentioned above, this method iteratively adjusts the threshold to minimize the variance on
either side. The routine is called as
thresh = graythresh(I); % Determine threshold using Outso’s method
The output threshold can be used directly in im2bw to construct a thresholded image (in
fact, the routine can be embedded in the call to im2bw).
Example 14.1
An example of segmentation using pixel-based methods. Load the image of blood cells and dis-
play this image along with the intensity histogram. Remove the edge pixels from the image and
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
display the histogram of this modified image. Determine thresholds using the minimal variance
iterative technique (Outso’s method) and apply this approach to threshold both the original and
modified images. Display the resultant thresholded images.
To remove the edge boundaries, first identify these boundaries using an edge detection scheme.
While any of the edge detection filters described previously can be used, here, we use the Canny
filter as it is the most robust to noise. This filter is described in Section 14.6 and is implemented as
an option of MATLAB’s edge routine, which produces a binary image of the boundaries. This
binary image is converted into a boundary mask by inverting the image using the NOT operator.
After inversion, the edge pixels will be zero while all other pixels will be one. Multiplying the
original image by the boundary mask produces an image in which the boundary points are
removed (i.e., set to zero or black). Then graythresh is used to find the minimum variance
thresholds that are used in im2bw to obtain thresholded images. All the images involved in this
process, including the original image, are then displayed.
The results have been shown previously in Figures 14.2 and 14.3 and the improvement in the his-
togram and threshold separation has been mentioned. The edge image and its complement used
as a mask are shown in Figure 14.6. While the change in the histogram is fairly small (Figure
14.2), it does lead to a reduction in artifacts in the thresholded image as shown in Figure 14.3.
This small improvement can be quite significant in some applications. The methods for remov-
ing the small artifacts remaining will be described in Section 14.5.
14.3 Continuity-Based Methods
Figure 14.6 The BW image of edges produced by the MATLAB edge routine using the Canny filter
(left). The inverted image, right, is used to mask (i.e., remove) boundaries in the cell image as seen
in Figure 14.2. Eliminating these intermediate boundary values slightly improves threshold-based
segmentation (Figure 14.3).
One simple continuity-based technique is lowpass filtering. Since a lowpass filter is a sliding
neighborhood operation that takes a weighted average over a region, it enhances consistent fea-
tures. Figure 14.7 shows histograms of the image in Figure 14.5 before and after filtering with a
10 × 10 Gaussian lowpass filter (alpha = 1.5).
After lowpass filtering, the two regions are evident in the histogram (Figure 14.7) and the
boundary found by minimum variance results in perfectly isolated segments as shown in Figure
14.8. The thresholding uses the same minimum variance technique in both Figures 14.5 and 14.8
and the improvement brought about by simple lowpass filtering is remarkable.
Image features related to texture can be particularly useful in segmentation. Figure 14.9 shows
three regions that have approximately the same average intensity values, but are readily distin-
guished visually because of differences in texture. Several neighborhood-based operations can
be used to distinguish textures: the small-segment Fourier transform, local variance (or stan-
dard deviation), the Laplacian operator, the range operator (the difference between maximum
and minimum pixel values in the neighborhood), the Hurst operator (maximum difference
as a function of pixel separation), and the Haralick operator (a measure of distance moment).
Many of these approaches are directly supported in MATLAB or can be implemented using the
nlfilter routine described in Chapter 12. Example 14.2 attempts to separate the three regions
shown in Figure 14.9 by applying one of these operators to convert the texture pattern into a dif-
ference in intensity that can then be separated using thresholding.
Example 14.2
Separate out the three segments in Figure 14.9 that differ only in texture. Use one of the texture
operators described above and demonstrate the improvement in separability through histogram
plots. Determine the appropriate threshold levels for the three segments from the histogram plot.
Use the nonlinear range operator to convert the textural patterns into differences in intensity.
The range operator is a sliding neighborhood procedure that sets the center pixel to the differ-
ence between the maximum and minimum pixel value with the neighborhood. Implement this
operation using MATLAB’s nlfilter routine with a 7 × 7 neighborhood. This neighborhood
size was empirically found to produce good results. The three regions are then thresholded using
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
Original histogram
Number of pixels
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Filtered histogram
Number of pixels
Figure 14.7 Histogram of the image shown in Figure 14.5 before (upper) and after (lower) lowpass
filtering. Before filtering, the two regions overlap to such an extent that they cannot be identified
in the histogram. After lowpass filtering, the two regions are evident and the boundary found by
minimum variance is 0.45. The application of this boundary to the filtered image results in perfect
separation as shown in Figure 14.8.
Figure 14.8 The same image as in Figure 14.5 after lowpass filtering. The two features can now
be separated perfectly by thresholding as demonstrated in the right-hand image.
14.3 Continuity-Based Methods
Figure 14.9 Image containing three regions having approximately the same intensity, but different
textures. While these areas can be distinguished visually, separation based on intensity or edges
will surely fail.
an empirically determined threshold of 0.22 and 0.55. The upper texture is segmented by invert-
ing the BW image formed by the lower threshold and the right side texture is segmented by the
upper threshold. The remaining texture can be found using a logical combination (the AND
operation) applied to the two isolated images after inverting.
The image produced by the range filter is shown in Figure 14.10 and a clear distinction in inten-
sity level can now be seen between the three regions. This is also demonstrated in the histogram
plots of Figure 14.11. The histogram of the original figure (upper plot) shows a single Gaussian-
like distribution with no evidence of the three patterns.* After filtering, the three patterns
emerge as three distinct distributions. Using this distribution, two thresholds were chosen at
a minima between the distributions (at 0.21 and 0.55: the solid vertical lines in Figure 14.11)
and the three segments isolated based on these thresholds. The upper and right side patterns
are isolated using im2bw and the third pattern is found for a logical combination of the two.
* In fact, the distribution is Gaussian since the image patterns were generated by filtering an array filled with
Gaussianly distributed numbers generated by randn.
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
Figure 14.10 Texture pattern shown in Figure 14.9 after application of the nonlinear range opera-
tion. This operator converts the textural properties in the original figure into a difference in intensi-
ties. The three regions are now clearly visible as intensity differences and can be isolated using
Number of pixels
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Number of pixels
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 14.11 Histogram of the original texture pattern before (a) and after nonlinear filtering using
the range operator (b). After filtering, the three intensity regions are clearly seen. The thresholds
used to isolate the three segments are indicated.
14.3 Continuity-Based Methods
Figure 14.12 Isolated regions of the texture pattern in Figure 14.9 produced by Example 14.2.
Although there are some artifacts, the segmentation is quite good considering the original image.
The methods for improving the segmented images are demonstrated in Section 14.5 and in the
The three fairly well-separated regions are shown in Figure 14.12. A few artifacts remain in the
isolated images and some of the morphological methods described in Section 14.5 could be used
to eliminate or reduce these erroneous pixels. The separation can also be improved by applying
lowpass filtering to the range image as demonstrated in one of the problems.
Occasionally, segments have similar intensities and textural properties, except that the texture
differs in orientation. Such patterns can be distinguished using a variety of nonlinear operators
that have orientation-specific properties. The local Fourier transform can also be used to dis-
tinguish orientation. Figure 14.13 shows a pattern with texture regions that are different only in
terms of their orientation. To segment the three texture-specific features in this image, Example
14.3 uses a direction-specific operator followed by a lowpass filter that improves separation.
Example 14.3
Isolate segments from a texture pattern that includes two patterns with the same textural statis-
tical properties except for orientation. Also plot histograms of the original image and the image
after application of the nonlinear filter.
Figure 14.13 Textural pattern used in Example 14.3. The upper and left diagonal features have
similar statistical properties and would not be separable with a standard range operator. However,
they do have different orientations. As in the previous example, all three features have the same
average intensity.
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
Modified image
Number of pixels
Number of pixels
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 14.14 Images produced by the application of a directional range operator applied to the
image in Figure 14.13 before (upper) and after (lower) lowpass filtering. The histograms demon-
strate the improved separability of the filter image showing deeper minima in the filtered histogram.
Because of the similarity in the statistical properties of the vertical and horizontal patterns, the
standard range operator used in Example 14.2 will not provide good separation. Instead, we
apply a filter that has directional sensitivity. A Sobel or Prewitt filter can be used, followed by the
range or similar operator, or the operations can be done in a single step by using a directional
range operator. The choice made in this example is to use a horizontal range operator imple-
mented with nlfilter. This is followed by a strong lowpass filter (20 × 20 Gaussian, alpha = 4)
to improve separation by smoothing over intensity variations. Two segments are then isolated
using standard thresholding. As in Example 14.2, the third segment is constructed by applying
logical operations to the other two segments.
14.4 Multithresholding
Figure 14.15 Isolated segments produced by thresholding the lowpass filtered image in Figure
14.14. The rightmost segment was found by applying logical operations to the other two images.
The image and histogram produced by the horizontal range operator with, and without, low-
pass filtering are shown in Figure 14.14. The range operation produces a very dark image and
it is multiplied by a scaling factor for better viewing; however, the BW masks were obtained by
applying im2bw to the unscaled images. Note the improvement in separation produced by the
lowpass filtering as indicated by the better defined peaks in the histogram. The thresholded
images are shown in Figure 14.15. As in Example 14.3, the separation is not perfect, but it is
quite good considering the challenges posed by the original image. Again, the separation could
be further improved by morphological operations.
14.4 Multithresholding
The results of several different segmentation approaches can be combined either by adding the
images together or, more commonly, by first thresholding the images into separate binary images
and then combining them using logical operations. The AND, OR, or NOT ( ~ ) operator is used
depending on the characteristics of each segmentation procedure. If each procedure identifies all
the segments and also includes nondesired areas, the AND operator is used to reduce artifacts. An
example of the use of the AND and NOT operations is given in Examples 14.2 and 14.3 where one
segment is found using the inverse of a logical AND of the other two segments. Alternatively, if
each procedure identifies some portion of the segment, then the OR operator is used to combine
the various portions. This approach is illustrated in Example 14.4 where the first two, then three,
thresholded images are combined to improve segment identification. The structure of interest is
a cell that is shown on a gray background. Threshold levels above and below the gray background
are combined (after one is inverted) to provide improved isolation. Including a third binary image
obtained by thresholding a textured image further improves the identification.
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
Example 14.4
Isolate the cell structures from the image of a cell shown in Figure 14.16.
Since the cell is projected against a gray background, it is possible to isolate some portions of
the cell by thresholding above and below the background level. After inversion of the lower
thresholded image (the one that is below the background level), the images are combined using
a logical OR. Since the cell also shows some textural features, a textured image is constructed by
taking the regional standard deviation. This textured image is then filtered with a lowpass filter
(20 × 20 Gaussian, alpha = 2) and is shown in Figure 14.16, right hand image. After threshold-
ing, this texture-based image is also combined with the other two images.
The original and texture/filtered images are shown in Figure 14.16. Note that the texture
image has been scaled up by a factor of 10 to bring it within a nominal image range. The intensity
Figure 14.16 Image of cells (a) on a gray background. The textural image (b) was created based on
local variance (standard deviation) followed by lowpass filtering and shows somewhat more defini-
tion. (Cancer cell from rat prostate, courtesy of Alan W. Partin, Johns Hopkins University School of
14.5 Morphological Operations
Figure 14.17 Isolated portions of the cells shown in Figure 14.16 (left image). The upper images
were created by thresholding the intensity at the levels indicated. The lower left image is a combina-
tion (logical OR) of three images: the upper two BW images and a thresholded texture-based image.
thresholded images are shown in Figure 14.17 (upper images; the upper right image has been
inverted) and the thresholds are shown. These images are ORed in the lower left image. The lower
right image shows the OR of both thresholded images with a thresholded texture image. This
method of combining images can be extended to any number of different segmentation approaches.
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
Figure 14.18 Example of the opening operation to remove small artifacts. Note that the final image
has fewer background artifacts, but now one of the cells has a gap in the wall.
objects without changing the shape and size of larger objects. Basically, the initial erosion tends
to reduce all objects, but some of the smaller objects will disappear altogether. The subsequent
dilation will restore those objects that were not completely eliminated by erosion. If the order
is reversed and dilation is performed first followed by erosion, the combined process is called
closing. Closing connects objects that are close to each other, tends to fill up small holes, and
smooths an object’s outline by filling small gaps. As with the more fundamental operations of
dilation and erosion, the size of objects removed by opening or filled by closing depends on the
size and shape of the neighborhood that is selected.
An example of the opening operation is shown in Figure 14.18, including the erosion step. This
is applied to the blood cell image after thresholding, the same image originally shown in Figure
14.3 (left side). Since we wish to eliminate black artifacts in the background, we first invert the
image and erode as shown in Figure 14.18, upper right. As can be seen in the final, opened image,
there is a reduction in the number of artifacts seen in the background, but now, there is also a gap
created in one of the cell walls. The opening operation would be more effective on the image in
which intermediate values were masked out (Figure 14.3, right side).
Figure 14.19 shows an example of closing applied to the same blood cell image. Again, the
operation is performed on the inverted image. This operation tends to fill the gaps in the center
of the cells, but it also fills in gaps between the cells. A much more effective approach to filling
holes is to use the imfill routine described in Section 14.5.1.
Other MATLAB morphological routines provide local maxima and minima, and allow for
manipulating the image’s maxima and minima, which implement various fill-in effects.
14.5 Morphological Operations
Figure 14.19 Example of closing to fill gaps. In the closed image, some of the cells are now filled,
but some of the gaps between cells are also filled.
routines imdilate and imerode provide for a variety of neighborhood shapes and are much
faster than nlfilter. As mentioned above, opening consists of erosion followed by dilation;
closing is the reverse. MATLAB also provides routines for implementing these two operations
in one statement.
To specify the neighborhood used by all these routines, MATLAB uses a structuring element.*
A structuring element is defined by a binary array, where the 1s represent the neighborhood and
the 0s are irrelevant. This allows for easy specification of neighborhoods that are nonrectangu-
lar: indeed, that can have any arbitrary shape. In addition, MATLAB makes a number of popu-
lar shapes directly available.
The routine to specify the structuring element is strel and is called as
where shape is the type of shape desired, NH usually specifies the size of the neighborhood,
and arg is an argument that applies to shape. If shape is 'arbitrary', or simply omitted,
then NH is an array that specifies the neighborhood in terms of the neighborhoods as described
above. The prepackaged shapes include
* Not to be confused with a similar term, structural unit is used in the beginning of this chapter. This refers to an object
of interest in the image.
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
For many of these shapes, the routine strel produces a “decomposed” structure that runs
significantly faster.
Given a structure designed by strel, the statements for dilation, erosion, opening, and clos-
ing are
I1 = imdilate(I, structure);
I1 = imerode(I, structure);
I1 = imopen(I, structuure);
I1 = imclose(I, structure);
where I1 is the output image, I is the input image, and structure is the neighborhood speci-
fication given by strel as described above. In all cases, structure can be replaced by an
array specifying the neighborhood as ones, bypassing the strel routine. In addition, 'imdi-
late' and 'imerode' have optional arguments that provide packing and unpacking of the
binary input or output images.
Example 14.5
Apply opening and closing to the thresholded blood cell images of Figure 14.3 in an effort to
remove small background artifacts and to fill holes. Use a circular structure with a diameter of
four pixels.
With the use of MATLAB routines, these morphological operations are straightforward. Since
opening and closing are performed on BW images, we begin by using thresholding of the origi-
nal image using the minimum variance method. This is followed by erosion and dilation to per-
form the opening operation. After the opened and intermediate image (i.e., the eroded image)
are displayed, the closing operation is applied to the thresholded image by first dilating, then
eroding the image, and the resulting images are displayed. Of course, both operations could have
been performed with a single MATLAB command, but then the intermediate images would not
have been available for display.
14.5 Morphological Operations
This example produced the images shown in Figures 14.18 and 14.19. The next example shows
how these morphological operations can be used to improve the segmentation produced by
other methods. This example applies opening to the cell images in Figure 14.17 and to one of the
textured images in Figure 14.14. The problems also address improving the segmentation of the
textured images shown in Figure 14.12.
Example 14.6
Apply an opening operation to remove the dark patches seen in the thresholded cell image of
Figure 14.17. Also remove both the black and white specks from the texture-segmented image of
Figure 14.12 (right side).
The opening operation is used in both figures since it tends to eliminate small objects. The open-
ing operation acts on activated (i.e., white) pixels; so, it is necessary to invert the image using the
NOT operation before opening to remove the black artifacts. After the opening operation, the
image is inverted again (reinverted) to produce an image similar to the original.
In the textured image of Figure 14.14, both the light and dark specks are to be removed. The
latter can be done by performing the opening operation on the inverted image as above, then,
after reinverting, performing a second opening operation to eliminate the white specks.
Applying the opening operation to the inverted cell image using a 5 × 5 square structural ele-
ment results in the elimination of all the dark patches within the cells as seen in Figure 14.20
(right). The size (and shape) of the structural element controls the size of the artifact removed
and no attempt is made to optimize its shape. The size is set here as the minimum that would
still remove all the dark patches.
As shown in Figure 14.21 (center), the opening operation applied to the texture-segmented
image eliminates the dark specks from the white background,* but not the light specks in the
isolated feature. A second opening applied to the center image removes most of these white
specks (right-hand image). To use that as a segmentation mask to isolate the right-hand feature,
the image would be inverted; so, the right-hand feature is white while the rest of the image is
black. The original image would then be multiplied by this BW image.
* A dark speck in the corner remains left over from the border artifact. A larger structure element would be required
to remove this artifact.
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
Figure 14.20 The opening operation performed on the thresholded cell image (a) eliminates the
dark artifacts from the interior of the cells. (b) A 5 × 5 rectangular structure is used.
MATLAB morphology routines also allow for manipulation of maxima and minima in an
image. This is useful for identifying objects and for filling. Of the many other morphological
operations supported by MATLAB, only the imfill operation is described here. This opera-
tion begins at a designated pixel and changes the connected background pixels (0 s) to fore-
ground pixels (1 s), stopping only when a boundary is reached. For grayscale images, imfill
brings the intensity levels of the dark areas that are surrounded by lighter areas up to the same
intensity level as the surrounding pixels. (In effect, imfill removes regional minima that are
not connected to the image border.) The initial pixel can be supplied to the routine or can be
obtained interactively. Connectivity can be defined as either four connected or eight connected.
In four connectivity, only the four pixels bordering the four edges of the pixel are considered,
while in eight connectivity, all pixels that touch the pixel are considered, including those that
touch only at the corners.
The basic imfill statement is
I_out = imfill(I,[r c],con);
where I is the input image, I _ out is the output image, [r c] is a two-element vector specify-
ing the beginning point, and con is an optional argument that is set to 8 for eight connectivity
Figure 14.21 Applying opening to an inverted original image then inverting produces the center
image which is free of dark speck in the white section of this image; however white artifacts remain
in the dark section. Reapplying opening to the center image remove all but on white speck as shown
in the right hand image.
14.5 Morphological Operations
(four connectivity is the default). (See the help file to use imfill interactively.) A special option
of imfill is available specifically for filling holes. If the image is binary, a hole is a set of back-
ground pixels that cannot be reached by filling in the background from the edge of the image. If
the image is an intensity image, a hole is an area of dark pixels surrounded by lighter pixels. To
invoke this option, the argument following the input image should be 'holes'. Example 14.7
shows the operation performed on the blood cell image by imfill using the 'holes' option.
This operation is followed by thresholding and opening to produce a good segmentation of the
blood cell images.
Example 14.7
Load the image of blood cells (blood.tif) and apply imfill to darken the center of the
cells. Then apply thresholding to produce a mask of the cells followed by opening to remove any
The image produced by imfill is shown in Figure 14.22. This routine is applied to the grayscale
image, and portions of the image that are enclosed by the circular cell walls become black. This
image is then thresholded at 0.5 (Figure 14.23, left image). Opening is then used to remove the
small white artifacts (Figure 14.23, right image), resulting in a well-segmented image of the cells.
The image in Figure 14.23 can be used as a mask to isolate only the cells. This is done simply
by multiplying (point by point) the mask image in Figure 14.23 by the original blood cell image.
The result is shown in Figure 14.24. This image has been scaled by 2 to enhance the cell interiors.
Figure 14.22 Hole-filling operation produced by imfill. Note that the edge cells and the over-
lapped cell in the center are not filled since they are not actually holes.
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
Figure 14.23 Filled image in Figure 14.22 after thresholding (a) and opening (b) to remove the
Figure 14.24 Image of the blood cells after the background is removed by masking (i.e., multiply-
ing) the original image using the black-and-white image in Figure 14.23 (right). The image has been
scaled (multiplied) by 2.0 to improve the visual appearance of the cell interiors.
14.6 Edge-Based Segmentation
gradient of the image. The gradient is calculated using the derivative of a Gaussian filter, similar
to that used in the Log filter. The method uses two thresholds to detect strong and weak edges
and includes the weak edges in the output only if they are connected to strong edges. Therefore,
this method is less likely than the others to be fooled by noise and is more likely to detect true
weak edges. All these filters produce a binary output that can be a problem if a subsequent opera-
tion requires a graded edge image. These filter operations are explored in Example 14.8 and in
the problems.
Edge relaxation is one approach used to build chains from edge candidate pixels. This
approach takes into account the local neighborhood: weak edges positioned between strong
edges are probably part of the edge, while strong edges in isolation are likely to be spurious. The
Canny filter incorporates a type of edge relaxation. Various formal schemes have been devised
under this category. A useful method, described in Sonka et al. (1993), establishes edges between
pixels (the so-called crack edges) based on the pixels located at the end points of the edge.
Another more advanced method for extending edges into chains is termed graph searching.
In this approach, the endpoints (that can both be the same point in a closed boundary) are speci-
fied and the edge is determined based on minimizing some cost function. The possible pathways
between the endpoints are selected from candidate pixels, those that exceed some threshold. The
actual path is selected using an optimization technique to minimize the cost function. The cost
function can include features such as the strength of an edge pixel and total length, curvature, and
proximity of the edge to other candidate borders. This approach allows for a great deal of flexibility.
The methods briefly described above use local information to build up the boundaries of the
structural elements. The details of these methods can be found in Sonka et al. (1993). MATLAB
supports a few of such local operations as described in Section 14.6.2.
Model-based edge detection methods can be used to exploit prior knowledge of the structural
unit. These are some of the most powerful segmentation tools and are the subject of much of the
current research. If the shape and size of the image are known, then a simple matching approach
based on correlation can be used (matched filtering). When the general shape is known, but not
the size, a model-based method described in the next section can be used. Another approach
is to use the underlying physical properties of the structure of interest to set constraints on the
shape of the boundaries. For example, possible deformations of the heart are limited by the
mechanical properties of the cardiac tissue. Using a model of a structure’s mechanical proper-
ties to guide the edge detection task is another area of research interest.
* This representation of a line will not be able to represent vertical lines since m → ∞ for a vertical line. However, lines
can also be represented in two dimensions using cylindrical coordinates, r and θ: r = a sin θ/sin(θ – φ).
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
corresponds to that particular line’s m,b parameters will have accumulated a large number of
“hits,” at least relative to all the other accumulator elements. The accumulator array is searched
for maxima, or a number of suprathreshold locations, and these locations identify a line, or lines,
in the image.
This concept can be generalized to any shape that can be described analytically, although the
parameter space (i.e., the accumulator) may have to include several dimensions. For example, to
search for circles, a circle can be defined in terms of three parameters, a, b, and r:
( y − a) 2 + (x − b)2 = r 2 (14.1)
where a and b define the center point of the circle and r is the radius. Hence, the accumulator
space must be 3-D to represent a, b, and r.
where BW is the binary output image, I is the input image, and 'method' specifies the type of
filter. The method can be the name (no caps) of any of the filters mentioned above. The threshold
argument is optional and if it is not specified (or empty), Outso’s method is used to automati-
cally determine the threshold. The Canny method calls for two thresholds, both of which can be
determined automatically or can be entered as a vector. There are a few other options and they
will be described when used. The behavior of these filters is compared on a single image in the
next example.
Example 14.8
Load the blood cell image and detect the cell boundaries using the three derivative-based filters,
sobel, prewitt, and roberts. Also compare the two zero-crossing filters log and canny.
Select the threshold empirically to be the highest possible and still provide solid boundaries.
The original image and the results of the derivative-based filters are shown in Figure 14.25.
All these filters used the option 'nothinning' to make the lines thicker to improve the
display. The filter thresholds were adjusted to give approximately the same level of boundary
14.6 Edge-Based Segmentation
Figure 14.25 Blood cell edges determined from three derivative-based filters. Filter thresholds
are indicated.
integrity. The performance of the three filters is comparable, although the Prewitt filter has
slightly fewer or smaller artifacts.
The output of the two zero-crossing filters is shown in Figure 14.26. Again, filter thresholds
were adjusted to give reasonably intact boundaries with minimal artifacts. These filters show
two edges around each cell as they detect both the light-to-dark and dark-to-light transitions.
This could be an advantage in other applications, but is not as useful if the goal is to segment the
Figure 14.26 Blood cell edges determined by two filters based on zero crossing. The more
advanced Canny filter that used two threshold criteria shows more complete boundaries.
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
blood cells. The more advanced Canny filter shows better edge identification and fewer artifacts
than the Laplacian of Gaussian (Log) filter. Other operations on binary images are explored in
the problems.
The Hough transform is supported by MATLAB image-processing routines, but only for
straight lines. It is supported as the Radon transform that computes projections of the image
along a straight line, but this projection can be done at any angle.* This transform produces a
projection matrix that is the same as the accumulator array for a straight line Hough transform
when expressed in cylindrical coordinates.
The Radon transform is implemented by the statement
where BW is a binary input image and theta is the projection angle in degrees, usually a vector
of angles. If not specified, theta defaults to (1:179). The output R is the projection array where
each column is the projection at a specific angle. The second output, xp, is a vector that gives
the radial value of each row of R. Hence, maxima in R correspond to the positions (encoded as
an angle and distance) in the image. An example of the use of radon to perform the Hough
transformation is given in Example 14.9.
Example 14.9
Find the strongest line in the image of the Saturn in saturn1.tif. Plot that line superimposed
on the image.
First convert the image into an edge array using MATLAB’s edge routine with the Canny filter.
Apply the Hough transform (implemented for straight lines using radon) to the edge image to
build an accumulator array. Find the maximum point in that array (using max), which will give
theta, the angle perpendicular to the line, and the distance along that perpendicular line of the
intersection. Convert that line into rectangular coordinates, then plot the line superimposed on
the image. Finding the maximum point in the transform array and converting it into rectangu-
lar coordinates are the most difficult aspects of the problem.
14.7 Summary
Figure 14.27 Normal (a) and thresholded (b) image of the Saturn with the dominant line found by
the Hough transform. (The original image is a public domain image courtesy of NASA, Voyager 2
image, 08-24-1981.)
This example produces the images shown in Figure 14.27. The broad white line superimposed on
the edge image is the line found as the most dominant using the Hough transform. The location
of the maximum coordinate is in the accumulator array (i.e., the parameter space) is indicated
by a black * in the accumulator array (Figure 14.28). The location of the maximum point must be
converted into a degree-and-offset position and then must be converted into rectangular coor-
dinates to plot the line. Other points nearly as strong (i.e., bright) can be seen in the parameter
array representing other lines in the image. Of course, it is possible to identify these lines as well
by searching for maxima other than the global maximum. This is done in Problem 14.12.
14.7 Summary
Segmentation, the isolation of regions of interest, is often a critical first step in biomedical image
analysis. In segmentation problems, the goal is to develop a “mask,” a BW image that is 1.0 over
the region of interest and 0.0 elsewhere. When this mask is multiplied by the original image,
all features except for the region of interest are set to black (0.0). Sometimes, the task is so dif-
ficult that human intervention is required, but new techniques permit increasingly automated
segmentation operations. A large number of basic and advanced segmentation operations exist.
These approaches broadly fall into four categories: pixel-based, regional or continuity-based,
edge-based, and morphological methods.
Pixel-based methods primarily involve separation by grayscale intensity and are the fastest
and easiest to implement, but are also the least powerful. They operate on one element at a time
and do not consider the larger aspects of the image; therefore, they are particularly susceptible to
noise. Finding the best threshold to isolate a region is often aided by a plot of the number of pix-
els at a given intensity versus intensity, the intensity histogram. MATLAB routines that support
threshold operations include an operation that automatically adjusts the threshold to minimize
the total variance in intensity level on either side of the threshold boundary (Outso’s method).
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
Regional methods identify similarities in the region of interest such as textural properties while
edge-based methods search for differences that indicate boundaries. Filters, including nonlinear
filters, are a mainstay of regional methods as they act on a group of pixels. Averaging or lowpass
operations are the commonly used linear filters while nonlinear operations include the range,
Laplacian, Hurst (maximum difference as a function of pixel separation), and Haralick operators.
Edge-based operations search for differences in image features to identify boundaries. These
approaches also rely on filtering, but use derivative or derivative-like filters that enhance bound-
aries. More advanced methods involving multiple thresholds can be used to fill in gaps in the
boundary. MATLAB’s Canny filter is an example of such an advanced filter. Another advanced
method uses an analytical description of the boundary shape and keeps track of all the shapes
that meet the analytical criteria. MATLAB supports this procedure for straight line boundaries
in the form of the Hough transform, developed for the analysis of CT imaging.
Morphological methods use information on shape to constrain or define the segmented image.
Advanced morphological methods may include information on the biomechanics and biodynam-
ics of the tissue of interest. Morphological operations supported by MATLAB include dilation,
erosion, opening, and closing. These operations are applied to BW images. In dilation, the rich
get richer so that areas surrounded by active pixels become active (i.e., set to 1.0). In erosion, the
poor get poorer and active pixels are set to 0.0 if they have few active neighbors. Control of the size
and shape of the region considered is a major design issue in the implementation of these opera-
tions. The two operations can be applied sequentially and, since they are nonlinear operations, the
results are highly dependent on the sequence. In opening, erosion is followed by dilation; during
the former, some points disappear altogether and thus are not restored by dilation. Opening is
useful for removing small, isolated artifacts often caused by noise. In closing, dilation is followed
by erosion: gaps that are filled by dilation remain that way after the subsequent erosion. Closing
connects objects that are close to each other, fills small holes, and smooths boundaries.
Many challenging segmentation problems require the application of multiple approaches.
In such cases, partial masks are created and combined using the logical AND/OR operations.
Segmentation has received considerable attention by biomedical imagers and continues to prog-
ress with the development of new algorithms and more powerful, faster, hardware.
Figure 14.28 Accumulator array found from the Hough transform of the image of the Saturn in
Example 14.9. The maximum point in this array provides the location of the strongest line and is
indicated by an “*.”
14.7 Summary
14.1 Load the bone marrow image in bonemarr.tif. Convert the image into a BW
mask using graythresh to determine the threshold. Then construct a second
mask with fewer artifacts by finding a threshold manually. You will find that the
artifacts in the image found using graythresh can only be improved slightly
before the smaller white segments are eliminated. Plot the original image and the
two threshold images side by side.
14.2 Load the blood cell image in blood1.tif. Filter the image with two lowpass filters,
both Gaussian 20 × 20, one having a low cutoff (an alpha of 0.5) and the other hav-
ing a high cutoff (alpha ≥ 4). Threshold the two filtered images using the minimum
variance routine graythresh. Display the original and filtered images along with
their histograms. Also display the two thresholded images. Note the improvement
in artifact elimination with the strong filter. Regarding the histograms, also note
the reduction in low-intensity pixels after strong lowpass filtering.
14.3 Repeat Problem 14.2 for the original image shown in Figure 14.5 and found in file
Fig14_5.tif. As in Figure 12.8, there is a substantial improvement in the separa-
tion of peaks in the histogram with the stronger filter and a radical improvement in
segmentation. The downside is that the border is less precisely defined in the heavily
filtered image.
14.4 The Laplacian filter that calculates the second derivative can also be used to find
edges. In this case, edges will be located where the second derivative is near zero.
Load the image of the spine (spine.tif) and filter using the Laplacian filter
obtained from the fspecial routine (use the default constant). Then, threshold
this image. You will need to take a fairly low threshold (<0.02) since you are inter-
ested in the values near zero. Note the extensive tracing of subtle boundaries that
this filter produces.
14.5 Load the image texture3.tif that contains three regions having the same aver-
age intensities but different textural patterns. Before applying the nonlinear range
operator used in Example 14.2, preprocess with a Laplacian filter (alpha = 0.5).
Apply the range operator as in Example 14.2 using nlfilter. Plot the original and
“range” images along with their histograms. Threshold the range image to isolate
the segments and compare with the figures in this book. [Hint: You may have to
adjust the thresholds slightly, but you do not have to rerun the time-consuming
range operator to adjust these thresholds. You can do that from the MATLAB com-
mand line.] You should observe a modest improvement over Example 14.2: one of
the segments can now be perfectly separated.
14.6 Load the texture orientation image texture4.tif. Separate the segments by first
preprocessing the image with a Sobel filter. Then apply a nonlinear filter using a stan-
dard deviation operation determined over a 2 × 9 pixel grid. Finally, postprocess the
output image from the nonlinear filter using a strong Gaussian lowpass filter. (Note:
You will have to multiply the output of the nonlinear filter by around 3.5 to get it into
an appropriate range.) Plot the output image of the nonlinear filter and that of the
lowpass filtered image and the two corresponding histograms. Separate the lowpass
filtered image into three segments as in Examples 14.2 and 14.3. Use the histogram of
the lowpass filtered image to determine the best boundaries for separating the three
segments. Display the three segments as white objects (i.e., as segment masks).
14.7 Load the thresholded images of Figure 14.12 found as BW1, BW2, and BW3 in file
Ex14_2_data.mat. Invert the image in BW1 and apply opening to the inverted
Biosignal and Medical Image Processing
image to eliminate as many points as possible in the upper field without affecting
the lower field. Then use closing on the inverted image to try to blacken as many
points as possible in the lower field without affecting the upper field. You should be
able to whiten the upper field completely with opening and blacken the lower field
completely with closing. You should pick the best structural element to accomplish
the task. Plot the output of the two operations inverted so that the segmented sec-
tion is white. [Hint: The spots you are trying to eliminate are small and round. You
may need different structural elements for the upper and lower fields.]
14.8 As in Problem 14.7, load the thresholded images found as BW1, BW2, and BW3 in
file Ex14_2_data.mat. Apply opening to an inverted BW3 to eliminate as many
points as possible in the lower field without affecting the lower field. Then eliminate
the artifacts in the upper field of the opened image in two different ways. Apply clos-
ing to the opened image and opening to an inverted opened image. You many need
different structural elements for these different operations, but both approaches
should completely eliminate the upper and lower artifacts from the image. Show the
original image, the initial opened image, and the two artifact-free images. Invert the
images as needed so that the lower diagonal field is white.
14.9 As in Problem 14.7, load the images from Figure 14.12 found in file Ex14_2_data.
mat. Clear the artifacts in both portions of BW2 in two ways: using opening applied
twice (as in Problem 14.8) and closing applied twice. Invert the images as required
to eliminate the artifacts and display with the right segment as white. For each
approach, display the original and final images along with the intermediate image.
14.10 Load the image of the bacteria found in bacteria.tif. The objective of this prob-
lem is to segment the bacterial cell using a multistep process. First, apply the Canny
edge filter with a primary threshold of 0.2. Then add this edge image to the grayscale
image of the bacteria. Next, apply imfill to this combined image that will make
the interior of all but one cell white. Finally, threshold this image at a very high level
(0.99) to get the bacteria mask. One cell is not captured by this method because its
border is not continuous. To capture this cell, erode the thresholded image using a
fairly small structure. All the cells should now be captured by this method.
14.11 Load the image of the brain in brain1.tif. Convert that into double and use mat-
2gray to ensure proper intensity scaling. The objective is to segment the ventricles,
the darker areas in the center of the brain. This is a multistep process somewhat simi-
lar to that used in Problem 14.10. Ultimately, the segmentation will rely on imfill
and a careful separation based on a small intensity range; however, an important first
step is to eliminate the bright areas around the outer edges of the brain.
To accomplish this, identify those bright regions using edge and a Canny filter
with a fairly high threshold so that you detect only the outer edges of the brain. Then
increase the size of those edges using dilation and subtract these highlighted images
from the main image. (You could also invert the BW edge image and multiply the
brain image by this mask.) For dilation, you should use a structural element that is
just large enough to remove all the outer features from the subtracted (or masked)
If you then apply imfill to this modified image, it will outline the ventricles
using a constant intensity level that you can isolate using two BW images generated
with carefully selected thresholds. When combined appropriately, the ventricles
will be highlighted in white. There will also be additional speckles in this image that
can be removed using erosion. The same structural element used in dilation above
14.7 Summary
seems to work well. The result will be the segmented ventricles. Plot the final thres-
holded image (before erosion), the final segmented image, and the original image
together. Also plot the dilated edge image, the original image after removing the
outer features, and the filled image.
14.12 Modify Example 14.9 to plot the fourth strongest line in the Saturn image. Plot the
original line, then plot the fourth strongest line on the same plot using a dashed line
and/or a different color. Also plot the fourth largest point in the accumulator array
using a different marker type and/or color. [Hint: Use a loop to set the accumulator
entry corresponding to the first three maximum values to zero, then find the maxi-
mum value of the modified accumulator array. Also use the “hot” colormap to plot
the accumulator array.]