Lab: Administering Skype For Business Online and Teams

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Lab: Administering Skype for Business

Online and Teams

Exercise 1: Configuring Skype for Business Online
and Teams organization settings

Task 1: Download and install the Skype for Business Online module for
Windows PowerShell

1. On LON-CL1, open Microsoft Edge, and then connect


2. On the Skype for Business Online, Windows PowerShell Module page,

click Download, click Save, and then click Run.

3. Select the I agree to the license terms and conditions check box, and then
click Install.

4. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.

5. After the installation completes, click Restart.

6. After your computer restarts, sign in as Adatum\Holly by using the

password Pa55w.rd. Click Close on Setup Successfulwindow, when
installation is done. If prompted to restart again, do it.

Task 2: Connect to Skype for Business by using Windows PowerShell

1. On LON-CL1, on the desktop, right-click Microsoft Azure Active Directory

Module for Windows PowerShell, and then click Run as administrator.

2. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes.

3. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command,

and then press Enter:

$msolcred = Get-Credential

4. In the Windows PowerShell credential request dialog box, enter the user

name [email protected], where yyxxxxx is your
unique Adatum number, and Holly's password, and then click OK.
5. Type the following command, and then press Enter:

$SfBSession = New-CSOnlineSession -Credential $msolcred

Note: If you receive an error, repeat the previous task by downloading and installing
the Skype for Business Online module for Windows PowerShell module. You do not
need to restart. Then, start this task from step 1.

6. Type Y, and then press Enter.

7. Type the following command, and then press Enter:

Import-PSSession $SfBSession

Task 3: Configure settings for Skype for Business Online and Teams

1. On LON-CL1, in the Windows PowerShell command-line interface window, type the

following command to enable the privacy mode, and then press Enter:

Set-CSPrivacyConfiguration -EnablePrivacyMode $True

Note the warning that you receive about enabling client version checking.

2. To disable push notifications for Apple devices, type the following command, and
then press Enter:

Set-CSPushNotificationConfiguration -EnableApplePushNotification $False

3. To verify the privacy notification settings, type the following command, and then
press Enter:

You should see the following output:

 Identity: Global

 EnablePrivacyMode: True

 AutoInitiateContacts: True

 PublishLocationDataDefault: True

 DisplayPublishedPhotoDefault: True

4. To verify the push notification settings, type the following command, and then press


5. To allow users to communicate with public Skype users, type the following command,
and then press Enter:
Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration -AllowPublicUsers $True

6. To allow users to communicate with federated partners, type the following command,
and then press Enter:

Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration -AllowFederatedUsers $True

Task 4: Configure the meeting invitation settings for Teams and Skype

1. On LON-CL1, in the Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business Admin Center,

expand Meetings, and then click Meeting settings.
2. In the Help URL text box, type
3. In the Footer text text box, type Sample legal disclaimer for Teams. Click Preview
invite. In the Email invite preview window, ensure that disclaimer text is shown and
that Help link is connected to Click Save.
4. Switch to the tab where Skype admin center is open. Click online meetings and then
on the meeting invitation tab set the values for Skype as you set for Teams in steps
2 and 3 (URL should be and Sample legal disclaimer for
Skype). Click save.
5. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command, and
then press Enter:


5. Verify that the Help URL and CustomFooterText display the correct


6. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command,

and then press Enter:

Remove-PSSession $SfBSession

Task 5: Install Teams and validate the meeting invitation settings for Skype and

1. On LON-CL1, open Microsoft Edge and navigate

2. Click Download (32-bit) in Windows section on Desktop Apps page. Click Save, and
then click Run.
3. In the Login to Microsoft Teams window, click Sign in with another account and
then sign in as [email protected], where yyxxxxx is your
unique Adatum number, with password that you set for Holly's account. Click Sign in.
4. Close Bring your team together window, if it appears.
5. Click Create team in Teams window.
6. In the Create your team window, type Adatum General for Team name.
Expand Privacy list, and select Org-wide - Everyone in your organization will be
automatically added. Click Next. After team is created, minimize Teams window.
7. On LON-CL1, click Start, scroll down, and then click Skype for Business 2016.
8. On the First things first page, click Ask me later, and click Accept.
9. In the Welcome - Skype for Business window, click Skip for now.
10. In the Microsoft Office Activation Wizard dialog box, click Close.
11. In the Skype for Business window, in the Sign-in address text box,
type [email protected], where yyxxxxx is your unique
Adatum number, and then click Sign In.
12. In the password text box, type Holly's password, and then click Sign in. Click Yes.
13. Click Start, scroll down, and then click Outlook 2016. If Holly's account is not
configured in Outlook, perform steps 14-16. If it is configured, you can skip to step
14. In the Welcome to Outlook 2016 window, click Next.
15. On the Add an Email Account page, click Yes, and click Next.
16. On the Auto Account Setup page, type Holly in Your Name box,
type [email protected] in E-mail Address box, and type
Holly's password in Password boxes. Click Next and then click Finish. Close Outlook.
17. In the taskbar, find Teams icon, right click it and select Quit. After Teams quit, run it
again by double clicking icon on the desktop. When Teams run, accept to connect
Teams to Office apps.
18. Start Outlook 2016 again. Click File menu, click Options and click Add-Ins.
Click Go... at the bottom of the window.
19. In the COM Add-ins window, ensure that Skype Meeting Add-in for Microsoft
Office 2016 and Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office 2016 are
both selected. If they are not, select both and click OK.
20. In Outlook window, click Calendar icon. Ensure that on the toolbar, you see both
Skype and Teams icons. This confirms that Outlook is now integrated with both
21. On the ribbon, click New Items, and then click Skype Meeting.
22. In the To text box, type Ada. Click Check Names icon on the toolbar and then select
Ada Russell.
23. Create a meeting request for a time tomorrow using the subject Test Skype Meeting.
24. Send the meeting request.
25. Open the calendar, and then double-click the meeting that you just created. Verify
that the meeting contains the custom footer text and that the help link
26. On the ribbon, click New Items, and then click Teams Meeting.
27. In the To text box, type Ada. Click Check Names icon on the toolbar and then select
Ada Russell.
28. Create a meeting request for a time tomorrow using the subject Test Teams
29. Send the meeting request.
30. Open the calendar, and then double-click the meeting that you just created. Ensure
that there is a link for Teams meeting.

Result: After completing this exercise, you should have configured Skype for Business
Online and Teams service settings.

Exercise 2: Configuring Skype for Business Online

and Teams user settings

Task 1: Configure Skype for Business Online and Teams user settings

1. On LON-CL1, in Microsoft Edge, navigate to the Microsoft 365 admin center.

2. On the navigation menu, expand Users, and then click Active users.

Select Ada Russel, and then click Edit in the Product licenses section.

3. Ensure that Skype for Business Online (Plan 2), and Microsoft Teams are

enabled. Click Save, and then click Close twice.

4. On the navigation menu, select Admin centers, and then click Teams &


5. In the Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business Admin Center, on the navigation
menu, click Users.

6. Verify that Ada Russel is listed as a Teams user. Click on Ada Russel and

explore available settings. In the Assigned policies section, click Edit.

7. In the Teams Meeting policy list, select Adatum Teams policy. Click Save.

Don't close the Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business Admin Center.

8. Click Legacy portal.

9. In Skype admin center, select Ada Russell, and then click Edit.

10. On the general tab, under Audio and video, clear the **Record conversations

and meetings **check box.

11. On the navigation menu, click external communications, clear the External

Skype users check box, and then click save.

12. Click the back icon, select Francisco Chaves, and then click Edit.

13. On the general tab, under Audio and video, select Audio only from the
drop-down list box. Click save.

Task 2: Configure settings for a team

1. On LON-CL1, in Microsoft Edge, switch to tab where Microsoft Teams & Skype
for Business Admin Center is open.

2. In the left navigation menu, click Teams.

3. Click on Adatum General.

4. In the Adatum General pane, ensure that you see all users listed as members.

5. Click Channels and then click Add Channel.

6. In the Add channel pane, type Adatum Project A in the Channel name box

and click Save.

7. Click Edit in the top right corner.

8. Expand Conversation in Edit team pane, and disable the option Team

members can delete sent messages. Click Save.

9. Switch to Teams app on LON-CL1. Ensure that you see Adatum Project A as a
new channel, beside General.

10. Leave Teams application open.

Task 3: Verify Skype for Business and Teams communications

Note: If you are prompted to reconfigure a firewall rule, do so. Authenticate with
the User Account Control prompt as Adatum\Administrator by using the
password Pa55w.rd.

1. On LON-CL2, ensure that you are signed in as Adatum\Ada.

2. Open Microsoft Edge and navigate to
3. Click Download (32-bit) in Windows section on Desktop Apps page. Click Save, and
then click Run.
4. In the Login to Microsoft Teams window, click Sign in with another account and
then sign in as [email protected], where yyxxxxx is your
unique Adatum number, with password for Ada's account. Click Sign in.
5. Close Bring your team together window, if it appears.
6. In the Teams window, click Chat in the left navigation pane. In the user list, click Holly
Spencer and then in the right pane, write a message to Holly.
7. Switch to LON-CL1. In Teams app, click on Chat and ensure that you get message
from Ada.
8. In the Chat window in Teams on LON-CL1, click the sharing icon (that is third icon in
the top right corner). Review available options for sharing - you should
see Desktop and Window options. You can also see option to share an app if you
have any application open.
9. Switch to LON-CL2. Click the same sharing icon in Teams app. Ensure that you see
only Window option. This is because you applied custom Teams policy to Ada Russell
10. In the Teams app window, click Teams in the left navigation pane. Click Adatum
Project A in the middle pane.
11. In the Adatum General > Adatum Project A window, click + icon. In the Add a
tab window, click on OneNote. In the OneNote window, click Adatum General
Notebook and click Save.
12. Ensure that OneNote book is added to Adatum Project A channel.
13. On LON-CL2, open Microsoft Edge, and then connect to
14. Sign in as [email protected], where yyxxxxx is your unique
Adatum number, by using Ada's password.
15. On the Office 365 home page, click the Calendar tile.
16. Select the local time zone and then click Save.
17. In Calendar, click the meeting scheduled for tomorrow, click Accept, and then
click Send the response now.
18. Click the meeting once more, and then click Holly Spencer.
19. In the pane on the right, click the link for Holly's instant message address (the speech
bubble symbol).
20. In the Holly Spencer - Microsoft Edge dialog box, in the text box, type Hello and
press Enter.
21. On LON-CL1, click the Ada Russell pop up window on the taskbar.
22. Type a message, and then press Enter.
23. On LON-CL2, verify that the IM from Holly is received.
24. In Calendar, click the scheduled meeting, and then click Join.
25. In the How would you like to join your meeting dialog box, click Install and join
with Skype Meetings App (web).
26. Click Save and when prompted, click Run.
27. After the app is installed, in Microsoft Edge, click Join the meeting.
28. At the Welcome page, click Sign in if you have an Office 365 account.
29. Sign in as [email protected] by using Ada's password.
30. In the Choose meeting audio dialog box, click Phone: I will dial in and then
click Connect.
31. On LON-CL1, open the scheduled meeting and click Join Skype Meeting.
32. In the Join Meeting Audio dialog box, click OK.
33. Verify that Holly is connected to the meeting, and then in the meeting window, click
the Present icon, and then click Present Desktop.
34. In the Present Desktop window, click Present. In the Windows Security Alert window,
click Allow access.
35. In the Skype for Business window, click OK.
36. On LON-CL2, verify that Holly's desktop is visible in the meeting window.
37. On LON-CL1, click Stop Presenting in the toolbar.
38. On LON-CL2, close Microsoft Edge and sign out.
39. On LON-CL1, disconnect from the meeting, and sign out.

Exercise 3: Troubleshooting Skype for Business


Task 1: Run the Troubleshooting Skype for Business Online sign-in for
administrators tool

1. On LON-CL1, sign in as Adatum\Holly by using the password Pa55w.rd.

2. Open Microsoft Edge, and then connect to
3. If needed, sign in as [email protected], where yyxxxxx is
your unique Adatum number, by using Holly's password.
4. On the Office 365 home page, click the Admin tile.
5. In the Microsoft Microsoft 365 admin center, on the navigation menu, click Admin
centers, and then click Teams & Skype.
6. In the admin portal, click Legacy portal.
7. In the Skype for Business admin center, in the navigation pane, click tools.
8. In the details pane, click Troubleshooting Skype for Business Online sign-in for
9. Scroll down the webpage, and under the Number of users affected heading,
click One user, or a few here and there.
10. Under the Access to Office 365 on the web heading, click Yes.
11. Under the Valid Lync user heading, review the suggestion to verify the user's license
options, and then click Yes.

Task 2: Run the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer

1. On LON-CL1, in Microsoft Edge, in the Skype for Business admin center, in

the tools node, click Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer.

2. On the Remote Connectivity Analyzer webpage, under the Select the test

you want to run heading, click the SfB / Lynctab.

3. Click Skype for Business Autodiscover Web Service, and then click Next.

4. On the Skype for Business Autodiscover Web Service page, in the Sign-in
address text box, type [email protected],
where yyxxxxx is your unique Adatum number.

5. In the text box beneath the Verification heading, enter the displayed code,

click Verify, and then click Perform Test.

6. The connectivity test fails. Expand out each node in the report. What is the
cause of the failure? The SSL certificate failed one or more certificate validation

Task 3: Access the Office 365 Lync Domain Name System Connectivity Test

1. Open a new tab in Microsoft Edge and navigate


2. On the Remote Connectivity Analyzer webpage, under the Office 365 Lync

Domain Name Server Connectivity Testheading, click Office 365.

3. In the Sign-in address text box,

type [email protected], where yyxxxxx is your
unique Adatum number, and then click Perform Test.

4. Expand each node in the report. What records were checked?

 SRV records

 CNAME records

5. Close all open windows.

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